Cammy - Killer Bees and Ex-Emperors

Description: Cammy finds Sagat in the training centre of Shadaloo's underground lair, and takes the opportunity to talk to him about Adon, along with a little small talk.

Cammy has been hunting for Sagat for some time, not for any burningly urgent reasons, more due to curiosity, mixed with the desire to make Adons' life as miserable as possible. She knows of Sagat, of course, but for some reason can't actually remember the last time she spoke to him - a fairly normal frame of mind for her, but still, another reason to hunt him down for a chat, and, well. See what he's like!

So when she actually hears that Sagat is just down the corridor from the Doll Chambers in the training centre, doing whatever it is you do in there - perhaps beating yet another unfortunate Shadaloo trooper to pulp - she heads over at a rapid trot, hoping to catch him before he vanishes.

Sagat isn't usually around the base itself these days. Between doing missions for Vega and going out for more personal matters he isn't around as much as he used to be when he was Vega's favored bodyguard so long ago. The few rare times he is around the base he is spending right in the training area. It is nice spot for him to often get time to himself and go through the motions to keep himself in shape. Where alot of lesser soldiers usually fill this area it is empty right now. Those that were around probably left to stay out of the way of the God of Muay Thai in case he goes off the handle. They would prefer not to be on the recieving end of one of his attacks.

Right now he seems to not notice Cammy at first when she enters. Instead he seems more intent in concentrating on remaining balanced on one large leg with the extended outwards and bent at the knee. He snaps the rest of the leg forward quickly as he lets out a bit of a grunt before pulling it back and snapping forward again. He then slowly lowers the leg and he doesn't even look in the direction of the doll at least at the moment. "A message from Vega?" he asks while shifting to balance on his other leg and starts the kicking motions again. "Or a more personal visit?"

Cammy watches Sagat silently from the doorway, and with some curiosity, as he goes through his balancing routine. She does something quite similar herself, but given how huge Sagat is, it's presumably a lot harder for him, with one heavy leg throwing him out of balance.

And then, she is addressed. She trots over to him, to a conversational, though still respectful, distance. "No, nothing to do with Lord Vega." she clarifies. "So I suppose this is more personal. I don't remember when we last spoke.". She shrugs thin shoulders. "Not that we normally have much to speak about, I suppose.". At least, so she assumes, not like she can remember much.

"Though I did have a few specific questions to ask of you in mind. Like, how you get to be Emperor of Muay Thai, and why you are not the emperor but Adon is.". Small talk isn't really the Dolls thing so she cuts more or less straight to the chase!

Sagat has never been much for words, but at the same time he has never been outright mean to any of the dolls in the past. It is more he avoids them because he does have a feeling of pity about what has been done to all of them. The way they are brainwashed and treated is part of the reasons why Sagat left the organization to begin with. He seems rather intrigued that Cammy has come on her own personal reasons and of all things to make small talk. It almost brings a slightly amused smirk to the large man's features.

He sets his foot back down and the large fighter turns about to look down at the much smaller Cammy with his arms folding over his chest. "To be an Emporer of Muay Thai you must show great skill in the style and then challenge the current Emporer and defeat them." he explains. The latter part isn't really something he likes to talk about, but it honestly bothers him less these days than it used to. "Adon was my student. A brash one that challenged me in a moment where I was letting my anger control me." His single eye does narrow a bit as he continues his story as he remembers back on the events, but nothing more seems to show if he is growing angered or not. "He defeated me and took the title. I then attacked him right after the match and put him into a coma. He has held the title since."

Cammy takes all this in, and looks, very slightly, confused. "Well. I do not like Adon very much." she admits. "He is a loudmouth, and disruptive, and not a very good asset to Shadaloo given he was preventing me from fulfilling my duties. And he's not even a very good fighter. And he brags a lot about being Emperor of Muay Thai, so I was curious why he has this title, and you do not. Why don't you take it back? He is not very deserving, it seems to me.". There is no 'try and take it back', as Cammy assumes it's a matter of will rather than ability on Sagat's part.

"If nothing else maybe it would keep Adon quiet." she shrugs. But she is an agreement with one thing, at least. "Anger in a fight is rarely good. It is a distraction, and should be fought against. Fortunately, I am very good at that.". Then she tries to think of some small talk, a small frown on her face as she thinks. She's still thinking, no doubt, by the time Sagat responds.

He tilts his head a bit to the side and his brow raises. She certainly is inquisitive today and he can't help but be amused by the way she speaks of Sagat's former student. There is a bit of a deep chortle that comes from the large man and he gives a nod. "You sum him up very well. As you can see I made a mistake all those many years ago in agreeing to train him. He can be a good fighter, but it isn't his boisterous nature that makes him weak." he explains.

He attempts to think of the best way to explain things then speaks again. "Understand this. He talks like he does because of one thing. He is afraid. He is afraid of when and if I will take that title back. He is afraid of Vega and he is even afraid of you I am sure. He lacks what he pretends to have in abundance, that is confidence." he explains and he actually grins a bit as he leans forward. "I let him keep that title because it is fun to see him grip to it like a child grips its blanket for security." He ends up straightening back up and that grin fades as quickly as it formed. "For now we have to deal with him. Vega wanted for some reason. I am sure his plans will be revealed soon enough."

Cammy thinks that over for a while. That is... kinda subtle. But she allows herself a small smile as Sagat explains, and she nods decisively, as now it is explained she can see Sagat's point. "I did sense that he was very afraid. And I did guess who he was afraid of. So I did mention your name to him in fact, and he was not very happy - it threw off his concentration very effectively, and perhaps caused his defeat. "

"A shame that Adon acts like a bullying fool to mask his fear. It would be better for him if he simply acted afraid.". And she nods again when Sagat talks about Vega. "Yes... Lord Vega wants many associates lately. Juri, Adon...". She frowns, and shakes her head, slightly worried at all this competition, and all this competition she loathes, at that. Maybe she's superfluous. "You are not leaving, are you?" she wonders, thinking maybe that is why Vega recruited Adon. "You have not been here very often lately.".

He does not look surprised at hearing how Adon faltered just by hearing Sagat's name. The fact he faltered against Juri when seeing Sagat caused him a rather humiliating defeat as well. Of course the mention Juri does cause him to frown. That woman he feels pity for too, but unlike the dolls she is enjoying what she has become he thinks. While maybe one day the dolls possibly could be saved he thinks there is no way to save Juri if Vega is defeated. In fact that could lead to something far worse than the current situation. At least she is on a leash right now.

Then she has to ask the question if he is leaving. It causes him to close his eye a moment and take a deep breath. He did leave. He even tried to just stay away from it all, but in the end he couldn't escape. "No, I am not leaving. I am just very busy these days." he finally says after his eye opens again. "There are some ants Vega wants crushed and I have other tasks to perform." He doesn't drop names just so he won't pique the curiousity of Cammy. They are personal matters that he rather not have Shadaloo find out about if he can.

Cammy hmms, and nods. "Me too." she admits - the Doll has certainly been out and about herself, on Vega's business and otherwise, and has barely been in the base at all for a couple of weeks now. She tilts her head, and eyes Sagat silently for a moment, collating things in her mind. Sagat seems a lot ... nicer, than she imagined he would be. At last, someone in the base, who isn't a Doll who she thinks she can actually work with without any loathing related problems.

She smiles a thin smile at Sagat for a moment, and then salutes him smartly, as he is Number Two after all. "As you are very busy, I will not interfere with your training any further, then. I do balancing routines as well. I would not like to be disturbed either, if I was in the middle of one. I am sure you do not need my help with crushing ants, but if need be and if Lord Vega does not have any other plans for my time, I am at your disposal.".

She is anyway really, she assumes, but she thinks it polite to offer, and Sagat if nothing else deserves politeness. And she takes a half step backwards, ready to be dismissed.

Oh there has been plenty of loathing that has come from Sagat in the past. It just took him several years to finally realize a few things and have his views changed. Of course to most it is considered that he is growing old and weak. He is more biding his time and playing his part as he plans his next move. He does give another small smirk momentarily when he is saluted and he gives a nod in reply. "I am just finishing up then I am on the move again." he admits and he starts to turn away to return his attention to the task at hand which is finishing up his motions for the day.

"If Adon does give you or any of the others trouble let me know." He says without looking over his shoulder as he takes back up his fighting stance. "I am sure you can handle him well enough, but I certainly don't mind putting that brat in his place." Afterall it might actually make Sagat feel better to beat on the braggart to relieve some stress.

"Thank you, Sagat.". Cammy almost beams. "Though I will tell Lord Vega first, of course.". The Doll's loyalty is absolute, even when Vega just met her complaints about Adon with a shrug, but it's nice to have someone else to talk to, /after/ Lord Vega.

And she turns, to trot off back to her chambers, en route to getting ready to go back outside and find out more things for Shadaloo. Now that Lord Vega has been briefed she has to get more information for next time, after all.

Log created on 08:41:08 11/07/2010 by Cammy, and last modified on 09:49:37 11/07/2010.