Adelheid - Prognostication

Description: Ichiro and Adelheid discuss the upcoming operation against NESTS - and the priorities and risks therein.

The Sky Noah's ready room is one-third briefing room, a table with a holographic projector and numerous black leather seats occupying a portion of it. One third observation post, the walls dominated by monitor after monitor, while most of the rest of the room is occupied by various computer stations and sensor readouts. The final third belongs to fortification, four sets of doors sliding open or closed whenever anyone leaves the sensitive room that serves as Sky Noah's higher brain functions. Multiple internal defenses are (usually) invisibly worked into the walls, here. Into the ceilings and floors... ninja design is dastardly that way.
It's here that Adelheid sits, and has sat for much of the day, currently at the large round table examining dossiers and recordings, both visual and energy-related, of NESTS various command staff and operative pool, as well as their cartel dossiers.

The quadruple set of doors hiss open and closed unobtrusively as Ichiro Oe saunters into the ready room dressed in one of the Einherjar Initiative's black armor-plated combat bodysuits. "I always forget just how cold the North Pole is this time of year," Oe remarks casually as he walks up to Adelheid as he pours over files and maps. The frost and snow that still covers Oe's armor plated suit from his sojourn above deck is quickly melting and leaving wet footprints in his wake, much to the chagrin of the tech on duty as he quickly grabs a towel and begins mopping up after the teenager.
"Can't feel it in this though," Oe remarks as he taps the armored breast of the hi-tech battle suit with a gloved hand. "Incredible. I always feel like Batman in this thing, ya know?" he grins, his nose and cheeks rosy red with the sting of the arctic wind. Accepting a towel from the ready room tech with a nod of thanks, Oe briskly dries himself off as he leans in for a closer look at Adelheid's work. Draping the towel over a shoulder after drying off his spiky black hair, Ichiro peers at the reconnaissance data curiously as he tries to make sense of it all. "Any luck yet?"

"We know where they're liable to be, just now who's likely to be there. We're going to have to hit and fade, hard. Poking a hornet's nest. All our intel points towards war brewing between NESTS and Shadaloo, we may be able to knock both of them off balance. Divide their focus - inspire some mistakes." The young commander smiles darkly, and leans back in his chair, draping one arm across the contoured rest. "Too bad the military stuff doesn't quite cut it in our line of work. But it's better than nothing, that's for sure." Anything that helps them come back in one piece.
Adelheid's own breastplate rests in the chair beside him, and the Prince of War turns to gesture at the monitor, "A lot of energy focusing, channeling, and storing involved in NESTS technology, and thus... its weapons, both biological and mechanical. Control the currents of that energy, and you control the course of the battle. Their lower operatives are quite skilled without benefit of atomic bomb status, however - we'll have little choice but to match skill on skill, where they appear. This would be a good time to start seeing that breakthrough you keep telling me about." Adel remarks dryly to his comrade in arms.

"Its not the breakthrough that's hard, its falling in that worries me," Oe mutters under his breath as he mostly ignores Adelheid's jab. If Oe's experience from being under the mind and body control of the BLECE project showed him anything, it is the vast untapped potential that the teenager possesses. How big a slice of that pie he's willing to cut for himself can be a scary decision. Just how much can he chew?
Tapping at the console screen and navigating through some of the raw intel, Ichiro nods slowly as his commander speaks. "Hmm..." Ichiro doesn't really have the knack for strategy that the Prince of War possesses; Oe has always been more of a tactics guy. Let the coach come up with how they're going to set up the goal, it is the captain of the team's job to score it.
"Something tells me that we'll be lucky if we only have to go up against their skilled operatives. There's no telling what sort of crazy scientific experiments these wackjobs are working on," Ichiro frowns as his thoughts flash back to SIN and their BLECE project yet again, a barely noticeable flinch jumping across Oe's face.
Banishing the hazy memories with a heavy sigh, Oe turns his attention back to the maps laying on the round table and starts flipping through them absently. The mission has Oe nervous, but he's not about to voice his concerns. "Well, as long as I end up going against something I can hurt with my spear we shouldn't have too much trouble. Get in, get out, smash and grab. Couldn't be simpler right?" Oe asks as he shoots Adelheid a grin.

"Might be simpler if we were targetting the camp of some backwater warlord or smuggler." Adel points out, a bit too seriously for the quip. Granted, it's a serious situation. "Near as the intel I have suggests, we're hitting a propulsion research facility, nothing particularly black - other than its purpose and sponsor. Thing is, they're drawing attacks to forward bases, so we have a chance to surprise some important people, and snag some real technology. Zero residual bodycount preferable, clear out and sequester or KO everyone in the facility, then we take everything. Files, prototypes, whatever we find."
It's sure to be simple indeed, and a sure bet that NESTS won't mind /at all/. Though from the sound of things, the Prince of War is rather expecting them to be upset. "Remember - this operation's success is about teamwork, the operative next to you. Get in, facilitate the mission, get everyone back out alive. Everything we've got is going to be focused on that objective. Our ideal scenario is a rapid dominance deployment, crush the NESTS team or teams in one sudden, overwhelming wave."

Ichiro nods and clears his throat seriously. "Yeah, of course. Everyone in, everyone out. They aren't going to know what him 'em," Ichiro gives his friend and leader a reassuring smile. We've got the training, the resources, and the advantage of surprise on our side. We're ready for this," Oe adds as he scratches a gloved hand through his damp hair. "When do we shove off?" Oe asks with a smirk.

"We picked up an amateur militant in Thailand, scouting Cammy." Adelheid explains simply, "I'm having him put through some basic tests so I'm sure he has a chance out there. He put up a good show the other day, but... well, we'll see how he operates under pressure. A Mr. Glen. Keep an eye on him, one way or another we need to know how he shakes down. As for the strike itself... well, we'll head out as soon as everyone is aboard, and versed in what we're up against. The files are on your account as well, Ichiro." Adel smirks lightly, crimson eyes darting to his spear-wielding comrade. "But yes. We're ready. More than, I suspect."

Log created on 17:09:20 11/01/2010 by Adelheid, and last modified on 23:43:32 11/08/2010.