Zangief - The Sound Of Justice.

Description: Zangief has decided to lay to rest any doubt about his own abilities, and the power of wrestling in the larger world stage. With such a noble quest burning in his heart, it is time to begin collecting teammates! Stop number one, the Masters Stadium, where the legendary Griffon Mask is just wrapping up one fight. What happens when a griffon meets a bear? Well, they throw each other around a lot, and wind up with a great respect for each other of course!

The bout is over--Tizoc versus a boxer, a technical sort, though strong in his own right. It was a close match, and well-fought on both sides--and, rare enough these days for Tizoc, fought with the honor befitting true warriors. In the end, however, The Griffon Mask's wrestling was superior; the crowd is acknowledging the fact with an uproarious cheering, as Tizoc himself stands in the middle of the ring, his right hand raised to acknowledge the fans.

He turns, nodding significantly to his opponent, who musters a weak smile--the loss stings, on top of his contused and bruised muscles--and then the defeated man's corner pulls him out of it, herding him down the ramp leading to his locker room.

The ring announcer has -just- gotten into the ring, grabbing the descending microphone, and is about to address Tizoc, when--

From above, the sound of a helicopter. Flying low over the outdoor Master's stadium. The crowd aren't sure what to make of it, thinking that it must just be part of the show. The announcer looks just as baffled, though. Certainly, nobody had told him about it.

A spotlight fixes on the underbelly of the craft, revealing a Russian flag, and, standing on the threshold of the open door, Zangief, wrapped tight in a bright red cloak. Looking down at the stadium with a look of sheer intensity in his eyes.

With a sudden grunt, the huge man leaps from the helicopter, and the floor shakes (but, by some miracle of engineering, does not break). The cloak flies up around him, and one finger stretches out to point at Tizoc, the other, brings a microphone to his lips.

"The Griffon Mask!" The Red Cyclone booms, as the Soviet national anthem blares up from above, "I have traveled from glorious Mother Russia. Your name has reached me even there! So! I have come to this place, to ask, NO! To DEMAND! That you help me prove the might of wrestling to the rest of the world!"

He doesn't seem to worry about the fact the other fighter has just finished fighting, or the fact that he's come out of nowhere. But Zangief has never been one to concern himself with such little details.

"Do you have what it takes... to fight alongside THE RED CYCLONE?!"

The crowd gasps, pointing! The announcer's voice dies unborn in his throat, his first question unasked, as, directly opposite him, drops Zangief. The impact is astounding, and it makes the ring announcer fall on his ass; there's a loud series of bumps and pops as the microphone rubberbands down into the flooring and then springs upwards and then down again, flung about wildly.

All is silent in the moments before the huge Russian speaks, and his voice commands that silence, as he issues his demands to the Griffon Mask. Before anything else can happen, the crowd murmurs. Did they just hear what they thought?!? Could it be true??

The crowd -explodes- into cheering, and Tizoc himself seems to ride that surge of sound, the power of the crowd; he snaps his right hand out, and the dandling microphone smacks right into it, as if it was planned. The Griffon Mask pulls the microphone to just under his beak.

"Red Cyclone. Long have I wanted to meet you..." When he starts speaking, the crowd falls silent again, in anticipation of the man's words. "And I have already considered your request!" If he weren't masked, Zangief might almost see a twinkle in the man's eye, as he then points his own thick-fingered hand at the Cyclone. "I will accept! .. if you can prove to me that the soul of /JUSTICE/ burns within your breast!!"

For a few moments, Zangief is silent. Letting the crowd cheer and the announcer scramble out of the way. He doesn't want to risk trampling the poor man in the middle of two angry wrestlers.

When things have calmed down a bit, the Red Cyclone closes his eyes and chuckles heartily, shaking his head slowly. Then, suddenly, he's flinging his cloak up into the air, letting the huge red garment float off and flutter dramatically to the ground, revealing his hugely muscled, unmistakable, scarred form.

"VERY WELL!" He roars in return, excitement raising in his voice, "I would expect nothing less from The Griffon Mask! Come! I'll let you choose when to begin. You've just finished one man, prepare yourself to face a CYCLONE!"

COMBATSYS: Tizoc has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tizoc            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Zangief has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Tizoc            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Zangief

Tizoc's mouth, heavily shaded by the beak and nearly invisible, curls into a fierce smile. He nods--then releases the microphone, tugging down sharply to send it sailing up to its stop-height; he works his head back and forth, working out the kinks in his muscles, truly feeling re-energized by the crowd, and...

And he looks at the bellringer. The man gets a long look, and returns it, then nods to the Griffon Mask; Tizoc takes a few steps back, throws his arms up--and then bellringer dings the bell, twice.

Not expecting Zangief to be particularly fast (and not being so himself, for the most part), Tizoc elects to open with a simple thrusting jab for Zangief's chest.

This first necessitates closing in, which he does with a careful, steady walk forward; takes maybe eight seconds for him to saunter in, and then open up by twisting his upper body, jabbing forward with a stiff-fingered left hand.

COMBATSYS: Zangief endures Tizoc's Quick Punch.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Tizoc            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Zangief

Zangief loves these fights. The push and pull of the wrestling ring, seeing what it is others are actually capable of. He hadn't been lying. Tizoc's reputation precedes him, and Zangief has never fought him! It's a travesty, really. Now, it is time for that to change!

Zangief steps forwards into the jab, and it glances across his heavily muscled chest. Zangief prefers to open with something a bit more wrestly, though! Both hands come up to try and grab Tizoc by the shoulders. If he succeeds, he'll haul the man above his head, and then hurl him down into the mat with a hefty crush. There's little subtly or finesse in the attack, just aiming to test his raw strength and power by matching it up against his own. There's few who can claim to be Zangief's equal, but Tizoc certainly *looks* like he might be a contender!

COMBATSYS: Zangief successfully hits Tizoc with Medium Throw.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Tizoc            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Zangief

Tizoc is lifted up by the Russian--an experience which is somewhat unusual, because there aren't many of Tizoc's size--but also something which doesn't shock him, even as he's slammed to the mat. Tizoc rolls after the slam, pushing off his shoulder to get back to his feet, a fierce grin on his lips still as he lunges forward, seeking his -own- grip on Zangief's shoulders--a truly titanic man and yet the Mask shows no fear.

With that grip in place, Tizoc would shout "JUSTICE..." and leap, taking the large man with him, the Mask twirling his opponent around like a corkscrew, only to reach apex, tip over, and spinning piledrive Zangief into the mat as he (and the crowd) finishes, "HURRICANE!!!" It's Tizoc's own variation on Zangief's classic manuever, the Screw Piledriver.

COMBATSYS: Zangief blocks Tizoc's Justice Hurricane.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Tizoc            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0          Zangief

Perhaps it is because Zangief has such experience with the art of spinning, but even as he is lifted, the large man is moving to counteract the force of the blow. He hits the mat, hard, but he rolls through with it, coming up with the boundless energy and ferocity that he was so well known for.

"Impressive!" He bellows, cheerfully, "But let me show you how it is done!"

It is strange to see someone manhandle Tizoc, being so large as he is. But that's exactly what Zangief intends to do. One hand goes for his leg, the other for his shoulder. If he gets a grip, he'll find himself being swept up close to Zangief's breast, his head being pressed between Zangief's thighs as he jumps up into the air with a loud:


Spinning through the air in that classic style, The Red Cyclone aims to drive Tizoc's head hard into the ring, and send him flying back up into the air. A demonstration of the most famous spinning throw in the world!

COMBATSYS: Tizoc endures Zangief's Screw Piledriver.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Tizoc            0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0          Zangief

Tizoc is more than happy to have it demonstrated to him! No, that's not entirely true. But he feels that he cannot simply cushion the blow, as some might. No. This...

This is a test of courage.

A test of endurance.

A test of MANLINESS.

Tizoc doesn't resist, when Zangief grabs him--when he gets turned around and his head crushed, and he gets slammed into the mat again. No, he doesn't resist.

What he does is control his bounce--so that instead of being hurled away from Zangief to land on the floor, that bounce is redirected--and suddenly, Tizoc is whirling through the air, his goal to clamp Zangief's head in his thighs--and then backflip, whirling the big Russian around, and down into the mat.

COMBATSYS: Zangief endures Tizoc's Active Tupon.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Tizoc            0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0          Zangief

Zangief is surprised by the speed with which Tizoc recovers himself. It's fantastic! This is exactly the kind of man he wanted by his side in a fight. Someone not afraid of taking a blow and coming back just as strong! Haha!


The blow to the mat knocks some of the air out of Zangief, but it doesn't keep him down for long. He comes back up kicking. Well. In a manner of speaking.

Just as Tizoc came back at him, Zangief's meeting with the floor doesn't last longer than it takes for his legs to throw him back up into the air. Raw strength is Zangief's trump card, and he throws himself into it with everything he has.

One meaty, balled up fist leads the way of his recovery from the mat, aiming to smash right into that classic, iconic mask. The Red Cyclone is roaring with the thrill of the fight, now he's taken a couple of good hits, his heart is pumping and his blood is boiling!


COMBATSYS: Zangief successfully hits Tizoc with Fierce Punch.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Tizoc            1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0          Zangief

The mask is hit--well and truly. But as a book once wrote of a man's sword, the mask will not break until the man wearing it does. And Tizoc, while battered, is not broken yet. The punch twists his head around, but he is just as quick to turn back, not wishing, in the least, to show weakness before a man who deemed him worthy of being a teammate.

How could he accept and then do so? The answer is simple--he can't. Zangief's roaring cry is met with one of his own, as Tizoc unleashes his own hand attack--no, wait. He's feinting a backhand chop, but that isn't what he's doing--the chop -misses-, turning Tizoc around--but that's just what he wants, as he then lashes out with a backwards mule kick, the sole of his left boot aimed for the patch on Zangief's chest. It's a remarkably agile move for such a big man.

COMBATSYS: Zangief blocks Tizoc's Heavy Kick.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Tizoc            1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0          Zangief

Zangief steps back at first, the large man lets the first blow miss, but, then, that isn't the true source of attack! The elegance of the move is very impressive, but Zangief knows when to block. Both arms come up, and meet the kick in a cross, which shakes him, but does not hammer him to the ground as it would have done if he hadn't defended.

One heavy red boot stamps into the mat, and he surges forward once more, "Justice!" He roars, "I'll show you the Justice of MOTHER RUSSIA!"

There's more momentum in this, the huge man aiming to just sweep Tizoc up in a wave of grabbing hands and straining muscles, if he manages it, he'll have him held up above his head, to get a good view of the roaring crowd...

COMBATSYS: Tizoc endures Zangief's Final Atomic Buster.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Tizoc            1/=======/=======|=------\-------\0          Zangief

The Griffon Mask is in for quite a ride.


And he crashes into the mat, with Zangief following on after him, flipping him around to raise him above his head, chaining one hefty throw into a devastating powerbomb.


And then he's spinning all the way through the air, in a repeat of that classic screw piledriver, one which crashes into the very center of the ring, and this time, finally, does some lasting damage. The ropes at both horizontal sides snapping and whipping as Tizoc is sent flying into the air, in an arcing trajectory which is caught by hundreds of cameras.


Only... once again, Tizoc doesn't resist. He doesn't attempt to soften the impact. Again. He takes it. But he controls the arc of that trajectory--eliminating nearly all of it. And when he -lands-... he lands thunderously... on his feet. The impact itself drives him to his left knee, his hands splayed out to either side, flat on the buckled mat.

"I salute your legendary power, Red Cyclone," the man says, and despite the booming voice, the communication is a private one. "I salute it... and offer my own in return!" But will Zangief take it? Tizoc rears back, shouting with all his might. "BIG!!!!" And then he grabs for Zangief. If he gets him? Then _Zangief_ is in for a ride... as Tizoc will then lift him overhead and, with powerful thigh muscles tensed and coiled, -leap- upwards. Were there a ceiling, Tizoc would slam Zangief into it; instead, he would have to settle for spinning, from the apex down, even faster than the Justice Hurricane, falling headfirst with Zangief--although, Zangief would hit the mat first, and take the brunt of that impact.

And, of course, if they get there, then at the apex, The Griffon Mask will shout, "FAAAALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!"

COMBATSYS: Tizoc successfully hits Zangief with Big Fall Griffon.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Tizoc            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0          Zangief

Zangief doesn't even try and get out of the way. Nor does he try to control it. He wants to experience the best that Tizoc has to offer, and he is not disappointed! The man has managed to weather the Final Atomic Buster, and as Zangief is sent slamming into the ground, his head ringing and his whole body shaking with the force of it. Were this a fight to settle a title, Zangief would be enraged! If he was fighting for a purpose, he'd be trying to tear Tizoc's head off!

But he's not. He's fighting to prove his ideals, and he's astounded by the strength of the Griffon Mask. So rather than come roaring in for another attack, Zangief drops his guard completely. Instead, he laughs heartily, and then moves to clap the masked wrestler on the shoulder. If he'll let him, he'll take his hand, and raise it high overhead.

"COME ON, YOU PEOPLE!" Zangief roars, his face red and sweaty, a vein pulsing in his forehead, "Lets hear you cheer for The Griffon Mask! Cheer for the man who stopped The Red Cyclone, AFTER he took down another warrior! CHEER! CHEER!!!"

COMBATSYS: Zangief takes no action.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Tizoc            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0          Zangief

And the crowd reponds! They explode, cheering for Tizoc--*and* for Zangief. As for the Mask, he rises, with Zangief's help, and he raises Zangief's hand in triumph as well. But he needs to say nothing, for the truth is, it was all said in the ring--spoken in fists, in grapples...

In wrestling. No, wait, there is one thing for Tizoc to say; he holds his left hand up, until the cheering dies down a little. And then he steps away from Zangief and offers the big man a right hand.

And then his voice -does- boom throughout the room. "I am honored to accept your invitation... my brother-in-arms." Then the crowd goes wild again, whistling and cheering and stamping probably drowning out just about anything the two might have to say to each other.

Log created on 16:06:32 10/30/2010 by Zangief, and last modified on 18:32:41 10/30/2010.