Kyo - A Matter of Perspective

Description: With K' having finally returned to Southtown and the impending King of Fighters tournament, it's inevitable that the Beast of Prey will find himself having important new encounters with familiar old faces... But what happens when he runs into a bored Kyo Kusanagi? The answer: HUGS.

It's been a long goddamn time since K' was back in Southtown. Not because of Geese's ban, naturally-- that sort of dissolved once Geese had his own tower fall on his head-- but because K' had had no real reason or desire to stick around once Howard's empire made like a house of cards.

That, and it actually does take even K' a long time to get over the injury and physical setback that is 'having a tower fall in on you.'

He'd cut his ties with almost everyone he knew in the city, before the end-- he'd thought, after all, he would be a persecuted man, and he hadn't wanted Howard to take out his enmity on those he knew. Now Geese is gone, however, K' is starting to think about reopening a select few. He's loath to admit it, but for whatever reason he finds it hard to stay away from Southtown too long anyway.

It -has- still been a very long time, and it's a little bit awkward-- thus it is that K' can be found pacing around here in the village, uneasily glancing northward every so often and chafing his right hand. He's since found a normal glove to cover it, but thin leather can't relieve him of the everpresent slight pain the way the red NESTS glove used to.

It really has been a while, hasn't it? For the most part, Kyo Kusanagi has been content, for the past... Well, nearly a year, to just sit back and let the world pass by. He hasn't been neglecting his 'training', of course, inasmuch as such a superhumanly gifted specimen of athletic perfection needs to train, but otherwise he's been pretty quiet on the professional fighting scene. Sure, there was that weird encounter with Chizuru Kagura a few months back, but he put that out of his mind pretty quickly afterwards, once there were no old ladies nattering at him about destiny, or crazed Yagamis yelling at him and throwing kiosks.

But then, of course, that invitation showed up. And now, Kyo can tell, things are beginning to move again. The only question is: What things?

Ambling down the street at a pace that suggests a complete disregard for the fact that anyone walking behind him might have someplace to be, Kyo's eyes are fixed on the sidewalk in front of him, his thumbs hooked into the pockets of his jeans, as he thinks deep thoughts. The sort of deep thoughts that the Kusanagi heir would really rather not be thinking, which is why when a familiar ~something~ tickles the edges of his awareness, he latches onto the distraction like a goddamn snapping turtle.

Which is why someone comes right up behind K' when he's looking meaningfully to the north, chafing his right hand.

"You know, if you switch them up every so often, you won't hurt your wrist," says a distressingly familiar, taunting voice.

Guess who?!

Kyo really does have a talent for ruining the day of pretty much every single other bloodline individual, ever. It doesn't help he can home in on them, either. It's like he has some kind of sixth sense when it comes to finding Iori or K' in order to send them into paroxyms of rage.

Only being a 'copy' means that K', unfortunately, doesn't have the same acuity of sense as Kyo does. It's not until Kyo draws close that he starts to feel that annoying prickle in his blood, the flare of heat that is one Kusanagi fire reacting to another. Accordingly, K''s shoulders tighten visibly long before Kyo ever makes his charming greeting, though K' doesn't immediately turn around.

The substance of the 'greeting,' when it comes, causes yellow eyes to roll pointedly.

"I guess YOU would know," is his retort as he turns around, hands dropping to his sides. The taunting tone of Kyo's voice worms straight through K''s thin temper, bringing him to bristle. Still, he doesn't immediately attack, which is a marked improvement from years ago-- "So, is stupid advice how you been spending all your time?" --Okay, so not -everything- about K' improved.

For all K' knows, this might actually be a secret Kusanagi-ryuu technique, the art of showing up exacty where other people don't want you, at precisely the worst time, refined over the centuries by generations of Kusanagis. It's not like his father is any better than him, after all: In fact, Saishu is even more obnoxious in a lot of ways, because he's crazier, craftier, and gives even /less/ of a damn than his son.

"The 'I'm rubber, you're glue' defense, eh?" Kyo wonders, as K' posts his remark RETURN TO SENDER. "Well, hey, even I get bored sometimes," he adds; although typically, when Kyo gets bored it means he's likely to go find someone he feels like taunting, and then, well... Doing this, basically. "You can also sit on your hand for a minute or two until it goes numb, and then..."

Mercifully, Kyo doesn't finish what he was saying.

When K' asks him if he's been spending his time giving people stupid advice, Kyo tilts his head slightly to one side, folding his arms across his chest as he regards his 'copy'. "Yeah, I was thinking of setting up a website: ''. The way I figure it, it can't be any worse than Yahoo! Answers, right?"

"How about you, huh?" Kyo wonders; he's already noticed K''s lack of the big red glove, but his eyes track down towards that hand obviously. He WANTS K' to see him look there. "Been off on a training mission in Tibet? Learning to control your crippling anger issues with the ancient wisdom of Lorenzo Lamas?"

Wait, that's not quite right...

Well, if it really is a secret Kusanagi-ryuu technique, K' himself might one day manifest it and become an -active- douchebag rather than just a reactive one. Just like Kyo! Not that he'd ever hold a candle to the original-- but then, this is probably one bloodline power K' will be content NOT to be the best at.

K' looks simultaneously alarmed and disgusted as Kyo starts to discourse at length about his boredom-killing activities. Mercifully, Kyo stops before K' can get mad enough to throw a punch.

He says nothing as Kyo rambles on. Kyo's 'copy' never really did talk much, perhaps because the way his hands are coiling into fists says more than enough FOR him. His demeanor gets a little defensive once Kyo shoots that obvious look at the lack of glove, though, his eyes narrowing. "Why?" he answers bitterly, forcing his hand to relax with some effort and thinking back on the last time he saw Kyo. Kyo said some funny things then-- "Do you give a shit?"

Kyo can answer or not. After a moment, K' will just add, "Since I'm stuck with this Kusanagi shit, I had to figure out how to deal with it. I didn't, however, sign up for your dumbass jokes." ...At the least he isn't throwing a punch yet, last time he ran into Kyo he threw one just for Kyo's heinous crime of 'existing.'

There's another pause. And then K' actually asks a question, albeit sharply, "You gonna do that King of Fighters tournament?" He doesn't bother to ask the preliminary of whether Kyo got an invite; that's just obvious.

Kyo says a lot of things, though. If his fighting genius is inherited, his genius for talking - the seemingly endless barrage of remarks and commentary, insults and taunts - seems to be completely his own. Sometimes, this ability has proven able to drive his opponents to distraction, and if pressed he would probably admit that getting Psycho Crushered through the front doors of the YFCC was totally worth it after he caused Vega to have a conniption just by running his mouth.

Seriously, it was beautiful.

It doesn't escape Kyo's notice, though, that K' isn't the same as he used to be. The K' of old, before the Siege of Southtown, would've flipped out on Kyo after the second word out of his mouth, blaming him for everything wrong in his life and fighting with reckless fury. Could NESTS' favourite science fair project have... Grown as a person?!

Kyo lets out a faint chuckle.

"Why?" he wonders in response to the question about his theoretical KOF participation, returning K''s words verbatim, although it's with a wiseass tone and a smirk on his face. "Do you give a shit?"

Hard as it is to believe, even someone as stubborn and boneheaded as K' -can- grow as a person. Howard's training, then subsequent declaration of war and banishment of K' from Southtown, the ensuing Siege... those all did a lot for him in the realm of 'tempering his anger issues.' It didn't help that there were a couple people he actually started to give a shit about, either. You can't really flip out as much if you think somebody you grudgingly like is going to catch the heat for it.

It's fair to say K' blames Kyo 'slightly less' for everything wrong in his life; if only because Geese sort of gave K' another person to redirect some aggro on. This hasn't, however, erased that urge to equal-- or surpass.

Of course, it hasn't erased the fact Kyo is a goddamned asshole, either. K' actually asks a question, halfway normally, and gets a Typical Kyo Response. Completely ignoring the fact he kind of started this whole 'not actually answering the question' crap, K''s temper flares at Kyo's total nonanswer. "Maybe I wanted to know so I could stay away if you were," he says.

And then he wheels around and tries to simply clock Kyo with a sharp, snapped kick. Okay, so maybe it's simply that Kyo will only get /four/ words out now before he gets attacked.

COMBATSYS: K' has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
K'               0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kyo has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kyo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0               K'

COMBATSYS: Kyo blocks K''s Minutes Spike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kyo              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0               K'

It might be a shame that neither of these two is the sort to really open up - especially not to one another - because Kyo could certainly be able to sympathise with the way actually giving a damn about other people can totally crimp your style. His vexing better nature has always been Kyo's true curse, far worse than all those crazy people who want to kill him just because of the family he was born into... It always gets him into trouble, making him act when he'd rather sit around on his ass and let some other chump play the hero.

Destiny is the worst thing, goddamn.

Fortunately for everyone involved, though, Kyo manages to find the right button to press to set K' off, and he gets an angry, somewhat petty remark from the darker-skinned young man, and then K' tries to kick him in the face.

"Whoop," Kyo says, jerking back slightly and virtually mirroring K''s motion to block that incoming kick... With his own leg, a clash of feets that leaves a stinging tingle of pain running down Kyo's leg, his arms still folded as he regards the other flamewielder. "Come on, K', we both know you don't mean that. King of Fighters? You're a guy with something to prove, after all. Where better to prove it than the biggest tournament in the world?"

He should know, he won it before.

Moving again, Kyo drops his leg and lunges forward, aiming to get inside of K''s guard so he can snag the other guy by the collar, and then whip him towards the sidewalk in an over the shoulder throw... Before Kyo himself follows, using his old buddy gravity for a boost as he aims to drive his shoulder into the fallen K', adding... Well, injury to injury, mostly.

COMBATSYS: K' endures Kyo's Issetsu Seoi Nage.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Kyo              0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0               K'

Unfortunately, while relations between Kyo and K' aren't QUITE as acerbic as they used to be, they're still nowhere near buddying up and spilling their feelings to each other. Feelings like 'actually caring is inconvenient and annoying.' While K' has attempted to go back to simpler times by cutting many of his old ties, it's hard to say whether he'll truly be able to push away that part of him now it's been woken up.

But whatever progress K' might have made towards being a more normal human being, he's still far from perfect-- and Kyo is still as aggravating an asshole as ever. It only takes a little longer for him to get K' to snap. The younger boy's eyes flash a little when Kyo blocks the kick, but he evinces no reaction beyond that.

He snorts a little as Kyo expresses some incredulity with regard to K''s ability to stay away from the tournament. "What I got to prove, I don't need to prove to the world," he responds shortly, retracting his kick to settle back on both feet. "And I hate big flashy showmanship tournaments." What point is there in strutting around playing to a crowd? K' knows exactly who he wants to prove himself against, and he doesn't need the world to affirm that for him.

So why did he ask if Kyo was gonna go? Maybe some part of him -did- want to see if Kyo would be in it-- if only so he could watch, and study, and figure out why Kyo still seems to be so superior. Not that he would EVER admit this aloud.

He tenses as he sees Kyo attacking; his stance locks even as Kyo gets him by the collar and -flings-, the boy twisting in midair to soak the impact of hitting the sidewalk. He takes the shoulder drop with his own shoulder, grating out a, "What, you wanna convince me to go?" before trying to take advantage of Kyo's proximity to drive a point-blank hit to the Kusanagi scion's chest. It doesn't matter he's got less than two inches of wind-up space; K' doesn't need any more than that.

COMBATSYS: K' successfully hits Kyo with One Inch.
- Power hit! -

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kyo              0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0               K'

Something seems off about the whole movement as Kyo is flipping K' into a world of hurt, but by the time it registers the Kusanagi heir is too committed to the action to back out; this creates potentially problematic situation as K''s response to being on the bottom of a pile of flamewielder is a sudden application of his impressive ability to build up a lot of force despite a lack of space. There's not much time or room for even Kyo to maneuver, and so the older of the two young men tries to just bear through it... But the force of the blow is too much, the strike to his chest enough to drive the World Warrior champion off and away from K', hitting the sidewalk in a roll before getting his feet under him, slowly rising to a standing position.

"Hey, that was pretty good," Kyo says, and he doesn't even use it as a setup to insult K''s parentage or looks. Instead, he fishes something out of his pocket - his fingerless black and yellow Kusanagi gloves, which he then slips on. But didn't K' ask him a question before punching him in the chest? "Hm... Well, why not, right? I mean, you're better than, like..." He takes a moment, to do some mental math, obviously comically exaggerating for his own amusement. "...Half the losers out there, it'd be nice to have /somebody/ in the tournament who doesn't just roll over and give up in the first round."

About, oh, half a second after he says this, Kyo is rushing at K', closing the distance between the two of them in a disconcertingly brief amount of time: Once close enough to strike, Kyo lashes out with his right fist, a hooking punch aimed at K''s jaw, flickering flame trailing behind his punch and erupting in a small explosion at the point of impact, if any.

Of course, if he hits, he doesn't stop there, instead taking another step in to strike with his /left/ fist in turn, a near mirror of he first attack, and then using his momentum he whirls around to smash his heel into the back of K''s head in a twisting, hooking kick.

"You know what I mean??"

COMBATSYS: K' blocks Kyo's Aragami.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Kyo              0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0               K'

K' doesn't even have enough time to feel satisfied about feeling his strike connect before Kyo is responding to it in... a decidedly weird way. The white-haired boy stares a little as he waits for Kyo to follow up with an insult-- once he realizes one isn't coming, he looks momentarily puzzled, before his expression locks back down into its customary irritation.

Especially as Kyo starts to press the KOF issue with his usual lack of tact. K''s expression grows less and less amused as Kyo takes his sweet time in concluding that K' might, -maybe- be better than possibly... oh, half of the fighters out there. But no more than half! The boy starts to point out acerbically that if this is really the case, that's even less motivation for him to be wasting time in some tournament to play to the masses...

...and then Kyo follows right up with an attack. K' reacts quickly, lifting an arm to block off the strike and prevent the flames from reaching him. "Gonna need a better reason than that," he says. "Why do YOU do it? You like the attention? You just bored?"

His free right hand whips around. A flicker of obvious pain appears in his eyes, the pain of someone suffering a sudden burn in their blood, before his hand catches aflame and the resultant crescent of fire whipcracks at Kyo. He'd have done it earlier than this... but perhaps he was uneasy of his flames suddenly failing him in front of Kusanagi, of all people.

COMBATSYS: Kyo blocks K''s Eins Trigger.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Kyo              0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0               K'

Usually, the speed of Kyo's favourite technique is enough to overwhelm the defenses of all but the strongest fighters: Could K' really have grown so much since the last time he and Kyo clashed? Or maybe it's just a function of timing and happenstance? There's always a lot of variables in a fight, after all. Simple 'strength' doesn't decide everything. Even Kyo knows this.

As is attack is blocked, Kyo pulls back a little bit, but he's already off-balance thanks to putting his full weight behind the initial strike. He could be in another dangerous situation, here. "I guess that's one way of looking at it," Kyo says. "Gotta do something, right? Might as well be 'winning'." The Kusanagi heir's arrogance is practically a living thing, and fighting is really the only thing he's particularly good at. "The roar of the crowd, the excitement of a new challenge, the thrill of victory... Come on, you're telling me you don't feel it, at all?"

K''s fiery projectile is met with Kyo's upraised arms, the mysterious material of the Kusanagi gloves proving to be pretty flame-resistant as he disperses the brunt of the blast, rushing through it to close with his 'copy' again. His aim is to introduce K''s sternum to his elbow, and provided they make friends he then twists, snapping his other hand out to catch the darker-skinned flamewielder by the throat, lifting him off the ground, and... Well, you can guess what will come next.

With an imperative "BURN," Kyo will unleash a fiery explosion on K''s person as he releases his grip, sending the poor guy flying.

COMBATSYS: K' interrupts Koto Moon Positive from Kyo with Crow Bite EX.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kyo              1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1               K'

Geese's training -did- do a lot for K' in teaching him when to rage and when to be circumspect. Before Howard got his hands on him, K' was an impulsive and unrefined thing, rushing headlong into everything without thought or care. Lately, K' knows a little better. The cooling of his hairtrigger temper has actually made him more effective in combat; berserker rages are not all they are cracked up to be.

The change would be obvious just from looking at K', at the way he stands lightly and waits, emulating the snakelike 'wait and strike' Howard style. It's funny, given how virulently he hates Geese Howard, how he nonetheless seems to have effortlessly absorbed so many of his combat precepts... but then again, K' is already bitterly familiar with 'having to make someone else's stuff his own.'

"I don't care for that kinda shit," K' responds automatically, but his eyes do betray him just a little. He might not go for the approbation of the crowd or the excitement of pitting himself against new challenges, but he -does- love the thrill of winning. "There's only a few challenges I care about beating," he adds, and his eyes linger on the Kusanagi scion.

Kyo attacks, and K' doesn't jump to meet him the way he once would have. He waits, tensely, for Kyo to almost be upon him before he acts. Kyo slams his elbow into K''s chest in a blow that'll definitely leave a mark... but as soon as he feels the Kusanagi scion's balance tilt, he capitalizes on it. His right hand lights again, and K' twists abruptly to send it clawing up across Kyo's chest in a searing diagonal. The technique is an obvious mixture of Kyo and Iori's own corresponding moves.


Kyo finds himself crashing into the sidewalk roughly, and looking more than mildly surprised that it's happening. 'Well, son of a bitch,' Kyo's expression seems to say, before he rolls to get his legs back under him again, looking at K' in what might be a new light. Actually, his gaze might be... Considering? Yes, he definitely seems to be thinking about /something/, although what it is would be difficult to discern without some manner of telepathy, and luckily for everyone nobody's managed to read Kyo's thoughts yet.

Maybe he's thinking Arby's.

Getting fully to his feet, Kyo dusts off the knees and then the seat of his jeans, before he finally returns his full attention to the NESTS prototype. "You're gonna make me blush, looking at me like that," Kyo notes, and then he goes for /yet another/ straight up lunge at K', although this one is just him trying to snag the other guy so he can yank him forward, intent on pulling K' off-balance so he can then kick him in the ankle and trip him to the ground.

What a jerk.

"Why don't you join my team, then?" Kyo wonders, as he does this.

COMBATSYS: Kyo successfully hits K' with Medium Throw.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kyo              1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1               K'

K' seems as surprised as anyone that he's doing better against Kyo than he used to, now that he's not doing silly things like raving and frothing for the whole fight; however, he hides this surprise well under his usual thin veil of sneering contempt. But much as K' has changed and improved, verbal warfare is still the best way to throw him off balance. Unfortunately for K', Kyo is an expert at this, and attacks K' with two heavy-hitting salvos at once.

The first, is, of course, 'You're gonna make me blush,' which causes K' to look completely disgusted at the insinuation.

The second is, 'Why don't you join my team,' which causes K' to stop dead and just stare for at least fifteen seconds.

By the time he remembers things like 'trying to get out of the way,' Kyo is already on him and kicking him flat on his back. K' proceeds to just lie there for a second, apparently stunned, before he decides to give Kyo his answer.


This answer is accompanied by K' lunging clean off the floor and into a full-bore, fire-wreathed charge straight at Kyo, fist first. Ah, there's the K' Kyo likely knows and remembers.

COMBATSYS: Kyo fails to counter Heat Drive from K' with Nue Tsumi EX.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kyo              1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0               K'

Well, for something Kyo made up on the spot that worked pretty well: Chalk it up to his natural genius as a fighter.

Still, K''s distraction can only last so long, and the other fighter's own talent for combat is nothing to be scoffed at - although Kyo can and will scoff at it, because that's how he rolls - and when the NESTS prototype picks himself back up and asks Kyo if he's 'fucking crazy', the Kusanagi heir stops and seems to visibly consider this. The problem with his cute little act is that it's not super conducive to dealing with the followup, as K' rockets towards him at tremendous speed, wielding his stolen Ever-Burning Flames in a raging attack.


Kyo steps in towards the attack, his right hand snaking out to reach past the flames and grab at K''s leading fist, but he misjudges the other fighter's speed. K''s attack ploughs into him, flames searing and the Beast of Prey's speed and mass hitting him like a veritable freight train, sending Kyo into an uncontrolled backwards tumble, which at various points is either a sideways roll or a backwards somersault, or some combination of both.

He ends up a good twenty feet away, wow.

Sitting up, Kyo manages to mostly look annoyed that he was cut off. "Wow, you really /have/ been eating your Wheaties. Anyway..."

"--Crazy's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?"

It only makes K' madder that Kyo doesn't appear to be taking him seriously, and his temper doesn't abate even when Kyo gets soundly punished for his flippant act. He skids to a stop as Kyo tumbles away-- and manages to look even -madder- when Kyo makes another sassy comment about breakfast cereal. His progress was bought at way more painful a price than that!!

Inevitably, though, his temper begins to ebb a little... and he finds himself actually thinking about Kyo's crazy offer. That kind of close proximity... he could, much as it galls him to admit, learn a lot. Maybe finally figure out how to quell the searing pain up and down his arm when he tries to use the fire. He hesitates, and doesn't immediately answer Kyo's possibly-rhetorical question, his yellow eyes narrowed and suspicious.

"It's asking a lot to make me go playfight in front of a bunch of stupid cameras," he points out. "Especially with YOU." He wants to beat Kyo, not help him win... this much is probably transparent from the way he glares at Kyo like an obstacle to be surmounted. "How am I gonna get what I want if I'm on some 'team' -with- you?" Won't he always be relegated to being that 'second Kusanagi fire' if he follows Kyo onto his team?

As if in defiance of that very implication, K' seizes the flames in his blood and coaxes them to life. But he can't do it well without that glove, and it's obvious. They don't appear with the same fluency they used to, the tongues of fire stuttering to an uneasy life on his arm. It hurts, and it infuriates him to contemplate why it does. It reminds him he's second best, and incomplete, and incorrectly made.

Well. Why not watch the original, if it'll help him stop being 'just the copy?'

COMBATSYS: K' gathers his will.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kyo              1/---====/=======|=======\-------\1               K'

For the moment, Kyo seems perfectly content to keep sitting there on the sidewalk, his legs splayed in front of him with his knees slightly bent, balancing his feet on their heels, his hands behind him, palms on the concrete to support him. He looks pretty casual, sitting there. "'Playfighting'? Man, there are gonna be some serious psychos there, this is the King of Fighters. Knife-azaki, assuming they can tear him away from watching his soaps and making baby preserves. Whatever band of lunatics guys like Vega can dredge up."

"Not to mention those NESTS guys," Kyo adds, with elaborate casualness.

Still not rising as he watches K' summon forth the stolen flame, Kyo tilts his head slightly to one side. "'sides, you might be the MVP when we win. Make me look like a big ol' chump by winning the whole thing for our team. Or maybe you'll learn the secret to proving that you're not just a bad photocopy, right? Of course, if you'd rather not even find out, you can just sit around and watch me wow the world on live television.

"That's just as good, right?"

COMBATSYS: Kyo gains composure.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kyo              1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1               K'

K''s lip curls visibly as Kyo references Yamazaki. Oh, K' knows and hates Yamazaki, there's certainly some history there. And Vega, well, no love lost there either--

K' visibly pauses, wheels turning with painful obviousness in his head, when Kyo delicately mentions that, oh yeah, maybe NESTS might be there as well. But ha ha, what would K' care about NESTS, anyway? Not like he'd go out there just to try and take them down, right? Certainly he couldn't have any great grudge against them!

At his side, K''s fire-braceleted hand winds into a fist.

Frankly, after Kyo mentions NESTS, the rest is just noise-- except for, of course, the part about finding out how to prove himself. -That-, plus the taunt about standing back and letting Kyo take all the glory, stings even if K'-- poor uncultured creature that he is-- hasn't got the first clue what an MVP is.

"...I'll think about it," K' eventually snaps, with an air of magnanimity in even deigning to devote any brainpower to the matter. The flames around his wrist subside-- for now, anyway.

COMBATSYS: K' takes no action.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kyo              1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1               K'

As K' quite clearly thinks about Kyo's words, the Kusanagi heir permits himself a good long moment of feeling really awesome. Not that he ever denies himself such a moment when he thinks it's warranted, and he usually thinks it's totally warranted.

When K' admits that he'll consider Kyo's offer, the perpetual highschooler finally hefts himself up to his feet, dusting off his duff again with his gloved hands. The tone K' uses when he deigns to do anything other than immediately dismiss the team idea doesn't bother Kyo much - most hostile reactions just roll off of Kyo's back like so much water. Seriously, spend a few years followed around by /at least/ one psychopath who wants to kill you and then make a pretty necklace out of your innards and somebody snapping at you becomes well beneath your concern.

"You do that," Kyo says, stretching his arms over his head. "Once you realise what an amazing idea it is, I'm not hard to find. And fun as this has been, I've worked up an appetite."

At this point, Kyo turns to go, with an absent wave of one hand over his shoulder an an offhanded. "See ya."

COMBATSYS: Kyo takes no action.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Kyo              1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1               K'

COMBATSYS: Kyo has left the fight here.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
K'               1/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: K' has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:17:52 10/29/2010 by Kyo, and last modified on 01:05:28 10/30/2010.