Adon - The Siamese Cat

Description: Cammy is on the prowl for Angel, conducting military operations on behalf of Shadaloo. Her flight is delayed, however, by the newest member of the Shadaloo 'family.' Adon, still vengeful over his loss against Juri, decides to take out his frustrations on Cammy's engineer. Cammy must move in the enforce discipline amongst the ranks, and make her flight on time.

Cammy is standing outside the base, for a change, booted and suited in her Doll uniform, with fresh blue body paint on her legs. Oh yes, she's ready for for beatdowns, as she has a lead on where Angel is hiding - in Hong Kong apparently! So she's waiting for the Shadaloo transportation flight to be warmed up down below and emerge from the elevator in all it's jump jetted glory.

However, something is apparently slightly wrong, transport delayed, proving that even terrorist organisations and shadow armies suffer from the same sort of problems as a garden transpacific airline. Leaving Cammy vaguely annoyed as she hangs around in the clearing, waiting for her ride.

Adon hated Sagat.

Adon hated Shadaloo. He hated Vega. He hated that tramp stamp of a Korean Juri. His inner hate was overwhelming and loathsome, raw anguish against everything the organization stood for. He wanted to kill all of them. He wanted to murder every single one of the dolls. And he wanted Sagat to weep at his feet, cringing as Adon holds the broken body of Juri in his hands.

But he was helpless.

Adon spent most of the day pacing around his cage; a small personal room given to him by the GENEROUSITY of the GLORIOUS VEGA. A pittance compared to the manor that Shadaloo stole from him, and burned to the ground. The Emperor presence became well known to the lay people of Shadaloo, the soldiers and the mooks. Adon was a loose cannon, a bully, and was all too willing to take a random man, and break his jaw for no other reason than just to lash out. Unfortunately for them, Adon decided that now was a good time to go on a walk. This jungle cat needed to prowl for prey.

But fortunately for the soldiers, he chose to walk out to the flight line.

Shouting could be heard over by the transport maintence. The technicians voices were mundane. Meaningless. But it could be heard what they were saying. "This is an unauthorized area! Get back, or I will tell-" And then, the piercing voice cuts through the air, revealing to everyone who was holding up the transport. "OR WHAT?! Do you DARE INSULT the EMPEROR of MUAY THAI? Are you looking for a FIGHT? I! ADON! The EMPEROR of MUAY THAI! Depend HONOR! DEFEND YOURSELF!" The sound of a man crashing into expensive equipment is heard.

It looks like Cammy is going to have to enforce Shadaloo discipline.

Adon should clearly try talking more and kicking less, because really, Cammy hates that Korean trash Juri as well. The mostly emotionless Doll rarely shows how much she loathes Juri or how much Balrog makes her skin crawl, is all, but it's been known to happen, usually in the heat of the moment. Life in Shadaloo is pretty much life in the hate-tank for so many of it's operatives, but here they all are, slaves, in one way or another, to Lord Vega's will.

Right now she's merely irritated, in the 'where the hell is my ride' sense. She strolls over to where the techies are supposedly at work, only to hear the sound of a loudmouth being loud. She just barges on in, hands on hips. "What's going on. Where is my flight." she asks, face marred by a deep frown. Blue eyes quickly take in the scene. "Adon. What are you doing here? Thats /my/ flight engineer you just kicked across the room. The one preparing my flight to Hong Kong, on Lord Vega's business, which you are now holding up.". There's a hint of rare emotion in the Killer Bee's voice, irritation on full display. Adon, she in truth barely knows - OK, they have history, but Cammy was recently brainwashed by the Master, and then a week later brainwashed again just in case. She has, however, read his file. "Get out of the way.".

Adon is holding up a another technician by his throat against the wall. His fist is drawn back, and the poor man's face is beginning to take the consistency and color of hamburger. The flight engineer that Adon kicked across the room is crawling away, trying to hide. But Adon glares at Cammy, his own rage boiling up. He remembers THERE history.

But then he releases his victim.

Grinning ferally, he focuses on the doll, looking up and down her firm, well crafted body. Vega did do some things right. Leering, he opens his arms, acting as if none of this was HIS responsibility. "I am so SORRY Cammy. It was just a simple misunderstanding. He said some TERRIBLY rude things. Though from the sounds of things, well, it must a problem with leadership. Not -Lord- Vega, of course, but clearly one of his lieutenants." Adon gives Cammy the eye. "I'll be happy to step aside, of course, once you learn to use the magic word. Come on, don't you have ANY manners to show for the True Emperor of Muay Thai?"

Adon sneers, awaiting for Cammy to lavish him with manners.

Oh this is all so tiresome. The Doll stands there, rigid, though she does lift up her hands, in some sort of vague defensive guard, just in case 'claret is imminent'. "You are a tiresome fool, Adon." she declares. "And you must show Lord Vega greater respect. Lord Vega is already most displeased with Juri, and I hope he has done something horrible to her.". Her flat tone just makes it all the worse - an apparent little bundle of cute, emotionlessly wishing cruel things to fellow humans.

"I suggest you get out of the way, as I am an annoyed already at being unable to fulfil my masters wishes, and Lord Vega is going to be particularly unforgiving of your insubordination and disruption given Juri already used up what little patience he has.".

COMBATSYS: Cammy has started a fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Adon has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Adon

Adon was doing what cowardly bullies tend to do. Thuggish ones would throw the first punch in this situation. But Adon? Adon was going to let Cammy throw that first punch if any were thrown. How he be PLEASED if he could once again break Cammy with his own bare hands. On the other hand, Cammy's threats ARE meaningful. And Cammy brings up Juri.... oh, Cammy could see that sick, malicious grin twist over his face.

"Daaaaw. Did Vega's favorite doll get broken by a small, Korean lady? Vega must be ASHAMED of you. Maybe he isn't punishing Juri. Maybe he is interviewing... his NEW REPLACEMENT. Can you imagine, Cammy, being tossed aside because you are.... weak? Insufficient. KYA HA HA!" Adon tilts his head, cackling with laughter. "Maybe, and just maybe, Lord Vega is only displeased with YOU!"

Insults slide off of Cammy's smooth exterior like water off a ducks back. Her faith in her master is absolute, so she merely shakes her head, braids twirling with the motion. "Master Vega is very pleased with me. He told me himself. He even gave me his hat to wear for a little while." she tells Adon, unable to keep the pride from her voice. Vega still plays with his dolls after all.

Cammy is quite happy for him to wait it seems, hanging back, arms raised for action now though in a loose stance. A faint smile crosses her lips. "Why are you still over there, Adon? Are you afraid? I am even smaller than you are, 'Emperor'. I suppose you must be very afraid, now you are back in the fold, with Sagat around so close by all the time.". She's hanging back, but the Killer Bee has her methods, and at times they are slow and deliberate. Blue eyes narrow.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Adon

Adon chuckles to himself, raising a rakish eyebrow at Cammy as she rebuffs the insult. "Well, I heard that Juri got his COAT! Can you imagine, a complete stranger enjoying your master coat, while you only get a me-"

Adon's expression grows hot.

The insult against his cowardice may have been enough to incite the Emperor. Adon hates it when people realize how fearful and wimpy he can be, especially when facing enemies stronger than him. Maybe Cammy learned about how Adon abandoned his own men to run when Vega arrived at his manor. But then, Cammy brings up Sagat.

Adon doesn't react well.

"SILENCE YOU WHORE!" Adon screams as he suddenly charges the Doll, fists drawn back. He was recklessly charging Cammy now, burning with anger. "I am not AFRAID of VEGA! I am not AFRAID of SAGAT! And above all, I am not afraid of YOU! JAGGAA!" The emperor lashes both limbs, swinging around both across to smash into the head of the doll as the engineers recoil in fear. Not for Cammy, no. For Adon.

Vega will not be pleased to hear this.

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Adon's Medium Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Adon

Cammy smiles a cold smile as Adon comes charging in, shouting, screaming, kicking. "Nobody ever called me /that/ before. You are very afraid, Adon." she taunts, either a mindreader or very good at reading people and making use of their little flaws and foibles. Actually, in Cammy's case, she could be said to be both of the above. "And I do not believe you about the coat!". That wasn't quite so emotionless - she's going to have to ask the Master, now. Sadness tugs at the Doll momentarily, before faith in Lord Vega rekindles itself within her - not to mention an ember of psycho power, flaring up and ready for battle.

Red gauntleted hands snap up as Adons' fists come flying in, knocking them aside, and while his arms are knocked back, she hops up, spinning in place momentarily - before a fist jabs out at him, arm straight, aimed right at his gut.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Adon with Axle Spin Knuckle.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Cammy            0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0             Adon

Adon's charge is blocked, and suddenly, the Emperor finds himself on the receiving end of a counter-attack. Cammy was the peak of the doll style of martial arts. Shadaloo Elite Special Forces Training was the official name, but for Adon, it was all part of the same doll techniques. The emperor tries to block against the exotic attack, but as he moves to deflect, all he enjoys from the attack is a powerful, driving punch.

"NNNARGH! SHUT UP SHUT UP!" Came the scream from the emperor, spitting with every word into Cammy. Adon steps again into his opponent, drawing up both of his elbows, trying to keep into close quarters with the Doll. Arms drawn up, he chops down hard, trying to unleash a crushing blow right into the woman's shoulders. A direct hit from the Emperor could dislocate them, or even break bone.

But then again, Adon was out of his league.

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Adon's Fierce Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Cammy            0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0             Adon

A direct hit would indeed hurt - unfortunately Adon doesn't even manage a glancing hit, let alone a direct one. The Doll fighting style emphasises speed, and Cammy is indeed good at that part of it as she curves her body like a whip away from his strike, the fist merely skittering harmlessly down her back as she steps right up into his face, her head slipping under one of his armpits as she slides around behind him like liquid flowing around an obstruction.

She does at least obey his request, at least for now, as she says nothing, focusing on the combat - and in this case, sliding around Adon as he rushes forward to wrap her arms about his middle, and then she tenses up and heaves, trying to hurl him over her head in a perfect German suplex.

COMBATSYS: Adon blocks Cammy's Strong Throw.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0             Adon

Adon seethes anger as Cammy slips from his grips. The girl could out move him, and that was trouble. He shouldn't have let her watch him. He should have ambushed her! Adon growls furiously. "You little TRAMP! HOLD STILL! GAH!" The Emperor finds the girl at his back, he begins to writhe. As Cammy tenses up, Adon wrenches out. At the last moment, the Emperor tears out of the grips, his body burning in the grapple.

The Emperor does not waste time as he tears free. He jumps in the air, turning to face Cammy as he lifts his leg high in the air. The flash of chi telegraphs what is coming as Adon's foot burns. Arcing it high, he attempts to drop a heel right upon the head of Adon. The Emperor was trying to move faster now, using quicker attacks to close in on the girl. "JAGGA KEEK!" Came the cry as the heel came done, but a thought passes through the Emperor's head.
Why do dolls know German Suplexes.

Is Vega secretly a wrestling fan?

COMBATSYS: Adon successfully hits Cammy with Jaguar Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Cammy            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0             Adon

Cammy hisses at him, "I am no tramp!", irritated by these constant insults! In fact, she prides herself on being as controlled as possible. Then Adon is up in the air, coming down upon her with truly fearsome speed. She raises up her fists in an attempt to ward off the strike, but to no avail, as Adon's flaming heel slams down into her upper body, sending her flying backwards, bruised and battered. "Noooooooo....!" she cries out, high pitched, suddenly sounding for all the world like some unfortunate schoolgirl who just got a good kicking.

But most schoolgirls, Sakura aside, would stay put after being kicked like that. The Doll is made of sterner stuff, only on the ground for half a second before flipping back to her feet. "Guh." she hisses. She has kicks a bit like that. She tries one out!

Taking a half step forward, she kicks out, but rather than coming from high up and aiming low, Cammy starts low and aims high. "CANNON SPIKE!" she shouts out as the back of her heel closes in on Adons' chin, ready to backflip away if she lands a hit.

COMBATSYS: Adon endures Cammy's Cannon Spike.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Cammy            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Adon

Adon's heel smashes Cammy with both fire and force, knocking her backwards. As the Emperor lands, he is off balanced. But confident again. His anger subsided, he returns back to his arrogant sneering. "Oh, did DADDY'S SPECIAL GIRL fall down? Maybe Juri doesn't have to be promoted to your position. If you can't take a hit like that, maybe someone who can will be moved up, and Juri will move into HER position. Juri IS one letter away from... Juli."

The emperor smugly smiles as the cannon spike hits him squarely in the jaw. Adon's body was tensed, braced for the attack

Adon doesn't even fall down. His head tilts, absorbing the blow as he begins to whip his hands around to counter. Aggressively trying to grab Cammy as she backflips away, he would bring her right back down to his eye level, bringing her into a clinch. Stilling sneering, despite that bruise on his chin. And with eyes burning, he would wink at the doll....

Before slamming his knee right into her chest.

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Adon's Medium Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Cammy            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0             Adon

Cammy turns side on in his grip and leaps off to one side, causing his leg to slide past her harmlessly, kicking at empty space. She certainly is fragile when she's hit... /if/ she's hit. She grrs a little at him. "I am the best doll." she tells him doggedly. "The first doll. Master Vega is always complimenting me. You are just full of envy and hate, the false Emperor, his life a lie.".

She then abruptly backflips away from Adon, just one jump, and then... flips forward into a handstand, legs snapping down to try and wrap around his throat and send him to the floor.

COMBATSYS: Adon fails to interrupt Frankensteiner from Cammy with Rising Jaguar.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Cammy            0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1             Adon

And Adon was not a false emperor.

As these words reach Adon, he screams. He is already erupting up as Cammy draws aggro. He was blind with fury, body tense like rage. When Cammy gets her grips, Adon is like a brick of marble. And as she hurls him, he lands like one. His rising knee was just the opening the Doll needed.

And Adon crashes to the floor, still seething with rage.


"Stay focused!" Cammy says, hastily jumping back to her feet like some sort of energiser bunny. "I am not done with you yet!". She glances around for the flight engineer - gone. In fact all the technicians in here are gone. "You have scared them all off! I will miss my meeting with Angel!".

"Bah.". She crouches down low next to him into a tiny ball, and then suddenly powers straight up in the air, body corkscrewing furiously as she goes, her spinning legs momentarily a pillar of beatdown for anybody standing too near. That would, hopefully, be Adon. Whether she hits or nots, after kicking up almost as far as the roof she flips over to be boots down, and floats down for a perfect landing. Hopefully.

COMBATSYS: Adon blocks Cammy's Reverse Shaft Breaker.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Cammy            0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1             Adon

Adon doesn't care about the engineers. Hell, he didn't care about them when he interrupted them. He didn't even care about Cammy's mission. He only cared about beating them. And now, it looked like Cammy would be the one dealing the beating. Adon was still on the ground when the Doll drops.

But Adon brings his arms up.

Blocking the plant, Adon winces, the blow tearing into his already weakening limbs. His limbs trembles, recoiling in pain. But he still manages to deflect that landing, moving her off him. "NNNGH! I do not give a DAMN about them or YOU! You only deserve to FALL to my MUAY THAI MIGHT! GGRAAAGH!" Adon moves himself to a crouch, and hopes to catch Cammy with a sweeping low kick, trying to knock HER down.

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Adon's Light Kick.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Cammy            0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1             Adon

Cammy drops low, red gauntleted hands slamming down into the floor, anchoring herself firmly. Adon's sweep lashes out into one of those gauntlets with a crack, leaving a bruise on her pale skin beneath the padding, but not actually upending her. "Lord Vega might care. You are a fool! You are not helping Shadaloo by holding me up!" she shouts at him.

She bounces back up to her full height, and lunges forward with a chop of her own, aimed down at Adon's shoulder, rather like a mirror of his very first attempt to hit her. Lets hope it fares a bit better.

COMBATSYS: Adon dodges Cammy's Fierce Punch.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Cammy            0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1             Adon

Adon roars, rising up. "I do not CARE about Shadaloo! Make me CARE, Cammy! KYA HA HA!" The Emperor stands tall as Cammy makes it to her full height. The doll is lunging, but Adon is ready. Bringing his arm up, he deflects the blow as he steps aside. Dodging the attack, he sneers.


The Emperor explodes towards Cammy, attempting to run her down. If he tackles her, he will slam a knee right in her torso. And slam it into her again. And with a slam, he would hurl her right to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Adon successfully hits Cammy with Jaguar Slam.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Cammy            0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1             Adon

Cammy is run down by a charging Adon. And then, she's coughing and spluttering as she's kneed right in the sensitive part of the gut. She's just about getting her breath back when she's kneed again and then - then the trip down to the floor is almost a relief compared to the kneeing.

She abruptly rolls backwards, and gets up to her feet, this time rather more heavily than the earlier agile flipping she was doing. And glares at him. "Why are you here, then?" she asks, a little confused why Juri and Adon are roaming the base when they are just interfering with the Master's job! She doesn't press the attack this time, happy to stay a way back and circle the foe.

COMBATSYS: Cammy gains composure.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Cammy            0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1             Adon

Adon tenses up his body as he throws Cammy to the ground. She is already rolling up. But does that matter to Adon? No. He was beginning to sweat profusely, growing tired of this fight. But he had the spirit still. And an unstoppable vigor. "I am here, Cammy, because of my RAGE! Now! FACE THE ULTIMATE MIGHT OF MUAY THAI! JAAAAGGAAAA!"

Adon charges Cammy again, this time attempting to kick HER across the room into the wall. If successful, he would rush her again, this time unleashing a chain of punches, kicks, knees, elbows, and limb slams, all burning with his inner fire and outer flame. He wanted to tear into Cammy. And this time, he would not let her block his blows.

Or if she did, should would certainly regret it.

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Adon's Jaguar Varied Assault.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Cammy            0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0             Adon

Cammy cartwheels off to the side, and poor Adon's uber-kick zips right past her, to demolish the wall he was aiming to slam her into. "Oh, Adon, Adon, Adon. Too slow!" she says, allowing herself a rare genuine smile and a mental pat on the back - knowing that even her Doll-enhanced speed was only /just/ enough to get out of that one.

She stays put again. Adon may be impatient but Cammy is not, ironic really in one who just demonstrated such lightning speed. And lets Adon extricate himself from the wall. "Lord Vega will not be happy about the property damage." she informs him, back to emotionless again. Really, she must stop with this smiling and getting angry, the Master doesn't like it, she thinks.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Cammy            0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0             Adon

Adon seeths, the last of his energy burning away. She dodged. She kept being so NIMBLE. "It is not me being slow, it is you fighting like a COWARD! Like a... GIRL!" Adon screams, and drops his guard. Cammy could see him dropping his guard, the frustration consuming his mind. Charging the girl, he begins to swing his fists madly. This was unbecoming of the Emperor... but unpredictable.

Maybe he will get a wild hit.

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks Adon's Aggressive Strike.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Cammy            0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0             Adon

"Adon. I /am/ a girl." Cammy points out to him, as she lifts up one arm, blocking a wild swing at the forearm. And then other arm comes up, blocking the other one, the two of them momentarily locked together, arm against arm, straining. "And I'm an assassin of Shadaloo! You think I fight using the Queensberry rules?" she asks.

Adon really shouldn't give her ideas though, with these girl fighting accusations. The Doll suddenly lets go of his arms, spins around, and. Well. Aims low.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits Adon with Axle Spin Knuckle.
Glancing Blow

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Cammy            0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0             Adon

Adon notices Cammy go low as his rage subsides. He was clearly running on pure emotions now, his years of training providing the well of energy to full his offense. "You mean NOTHING to me Cammy! NOTHING! You fight WORSE than my WENCHES dressed as you!" Adon squeals, twisting his body away. He feels the first graze his more tender areas, making him wince in pain. "You WHORE! Do not attack The EMPEROR'S of MUAY THAI's JAGUAR of LOVE!"

The emperor suddenly moves in, attempting to grab Cammy by the wrist. If successful, he would attempt another repeat of the poor technician Cammy saw when coming in; to grab her by the neck, pin her up against the wall, and start punching her face.

Like a boss.

COMBATSYS: Adon successfully hits Cammy with Combo Grapple.
Grazing Hit

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Cammy            1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0             Adon

Cammy is wristgrabbed, and pressed against the wall - an easy task, as despite her hard kicking boots and muscular vat grown body, she's actually light as a feather. One punch smashes into her cheek before she's able to squirm her way out of the grip on her, but by the time he's wound back for the next punch she's out of there, wriggling out of his grip like an eel.

She's right next to him, as well. Excellent! She goes down into a little tiny ball, and powers straight up into the air, boots practically aimed at his face, though really, as she spins around furiously again, it doesn't really matter, stand anywhere near, and you're getting kicked by the spinning doll-top!

COMBATSYS: Adon blocks Cammy's Reverse Shaft Breaker.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0             Adon

Pinning her against the wall, the Emperor has his way, but only a taste of it. The first blow smashes hard against her face, and the Emperor coos with pleasure. But then, Adon smashes his fist through the wall of the small shack on the second hit. The Emperor snarls, glaring at the doll. "Stop wriggling you foul EEL! Accept your FATE!" Of course, then Cammy unleashes the spinning doll kick. Like a bird kick. But from a doll. The emperor looks shocked, and dangerously aware. Bringing his arms up, he draws into a ball like his opponent, and starts to turtle up against the assault. Actively blocking the kicks as they come, he allows the last blow to knock him back into the wall.

And he mounts on it.

Arms burning, he decides to hold back on another limb strike. This time, it was time for a kick. Coiling up against the wall, he springs like a snake, flying through the air as he aims his leg straight for Cammy's center. With a roar, he screams the name of the attack, telegraphing it to all.


COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges Adon's Jaguar Tooth.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0             Adon

Cammy cartwheels off to one side again, and the kick misses! "Adon! You have wrecked the place!" the Doll gasps, noting the holes in the wall, and the holes in the ceiling too which she is responsible for. But thats not really her fault, he attacked her! The bully.

The outstretched foot is grabbed, and she tries to twist it painfully, sending him, hopefully, spinning to the deck. If he ends up on the deck, she might even try to stomp on his face! "The Master will be so angry!".

COMBATSYS: Adon fails to interrupt Strong Throw from Cammy with Rising Jaguar.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /                             ]
Cammy            0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0             Adon

COMBATSYS: Adon can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/------=|

Adon lands on the ground, missing Cammy. And with her dodging... he is off balanced. But desperate. "NO! I will win! I am INVINCIBLE! JAAAAGGAA-"

Adon shoots up in the air in time for Cammy to grab his leg. With a twist and a slam, he is hurled to the ground. And the stomp is unleashed.

And promptly, Adon falls silently.

Discplined enforced.

Cammy looks down at the felled Adon, and shakes her head, braids dancing around her body - her now rather sweaty, bruised and beaten body. "Finally, you have shut up." she says softly, prodding the unfortunate Adon with the toe of a combat boot. "Does this mean I am Empress now?" she asks him with a slight smile, not that he's probably hearing too good about now, as she brushes her braids back to their proper peacetime position - neatly behind her back. "Timewaster. I am late!".

She stalks out of the badly damaged building, looking for cowering flight engineers. "I should have been in the air twenty minutes ago." she informs them icily when she finds them shivering in fear by the lift. Random Adon related violence is not an excuse for Shadaloo redshirts. "Get that supposed asset out of the way..." she commands, indicating Adon, "...and fix the stupid plane." she finishes darkly, stepping off to one side out of the way herself, to wait for progress while nursing her bruised forearms, which took quite a beating in the last ten minutes.

Log created on 13:52:20 10/28/2010 by Adon, and last modified on 18:29:04 11/02/2010.