Yuri - Kyokugen in the City!

Description: During a promotion for Kyokugen Karate, Yuri encounters a prospective student!

Southtown is one of the biggest cities in the world, almost like a second Manhattan. There's always plenty to see and do, no matter who you are or what you like to do. And the Downtown district is one of the best places to find out information on what's going on in Southtown. Because, just like any other big city, the Downtown district is usually where all the people can be found gathering! (OK, not all of them, but you get the idea, right?)

Today, in one part of the Downtown area, a large fighting-type area has been set up, and it's not because of a fighting tournament, either! Instead, the Kyokugen Dojo is attempting to recruit new students, and what better way to attract new students than by having a mini-dojo set up complete with actual information about the style, the students, the teachers, etc. so people can get a feel for what it's like. And who else to be the spokesperson for the whole thing than the one and only Yuri Sakazaki? She's spunky, she's cheerful, and she's one of the best of the best (in her mind at least.) "Helloooooooooooooo everybooooooooody!" Yuri says over her microphone, a big grin on her face. "I'm Yuri Sakazaki, and I'm here to tell you all about Kyokugen Karate! It's one of the coolest styles ever made, and if you like martial arts, you're gonna looooooooooove Kyokugen! Come one, come all, come check out Kyokugen Karate for yourselves! If you want to learn for real, the dojo is not too far from here!" She giggles and bounces on her heels excitedly, hoping to attract some potential new students.

It's back to business much too soon after a quick visit back home for one Howard Rust. Even with the fateful encounter of a student of a great man he met years and years ago and his father recovering in the hospital from an infection, he's still a working man overseas in Japan.
It takes no time for things to become hectic at work again, over being late submitting grades for the latest test and a number of little other things that someone else on staff should be doing... and nope, no further pay for stuff other people are getting the exact same money for. Being an adult just isn't fair, sometimes.
That and there's King of Fighters 2011 coming so soon! He needs to train. He's clearly good enough to get the invite to begin with, sure, but that encounter with Fei Long... that's telling. Almost all his fighting technique comes entirely from personal experience and ingenuity (to the extent anything he does can be considered 'ingenuity'). A few pointers and stuff here and there from some friends, sure. But maybe, just maybe, he needs something a little more.
Some actual instruction. The old saying echoes in the back of his mind as he ambles along Downtown for same after-school errands... is it possible to teach an old dog new tricks? Forty years is not exactly young. That's the age a lot of people retire from the circuit, even.
The man with the bad combover continues along the way down the streets of Downtown, the rusted length of pipe Ol' Rusty sticking through a toolbelt pocket by his left hip as a bizarre parody of a samurai sword of some sort.
Yuri's squealing over the microphone is enough to turn heads - hell, he almost walks right by it until speaker feedback hits his ears like a critically failed interruption. (This analogy makes no sense in his head!)
"Gwah!" The older man winces, his left elbow making a popping noise as he pauses to cover his ears. It's not like he's in the market for any further hearing loss! When he opens an eye, he spies a few brochures looking ready to fall off the table.
Huh, Kyokugen. Who doesn't know the name? He bends down to pick up one that promptly falls off the table, giving it a quick look-over. If Yuri is quick, she might be able to call him right out of the crowd.

Yuri is continuing to bounce on her heels and grin, looking around at the various people who are gathering to look at the whole exhibit that's set up. At first, she just lets everyone mill around and look around... then she spots Rust, who knocks over the brochures. "Hey! Are you gonna pick those up?" She asks, pausing as Rust does pick up one of the brochures. "Oh, I get it, you're so interested in our style that you were overexcited in checking it out, is that it?" She grins once again.

"Huh? What?" He asks in a slightly higher tone of voice as he tries to hear himself over the feedback of the speakers. He gets the presence of mind to actually step away from them and a ways closer to the young Yuri. Holding up the brochure and pointing vaguely at it with his right hand, he looks out from the other side of the brochure.
"This? Uh... yeah?" His ears are still ringing.

"Yes, sir, you're interested in Kyokugen, aren't you?" Yuri asks, with that big grin getting bigger by the moment. She sidles closer and says, "Come on now, don't be shy! There's nothing to be afraid of! Kyokugen is the coolest in the world!"

If this man gets a nickel every time he's approached by a young girl with a smile for some nefarious purpose, he's clearly holding a day job for his personal fun and enjoyment. (...Or not.)
"Yeah? Yeah, I, uh, I'm looking at this brochure here," or what little he can glean from a few seconds, he clears his throat, "'scuse me, yeah. So, uh, what... what do you want me to do?"

"Well, are you interested in trying Kyokugen Karate? Because I'm Yuri, the most awesome practitioner of the art!" She assumes a fighting stance and bounces up and down, as is part of her stance trademark. "We always love getting new students, and we're setting out to prove that we're number one!" She scowls suddenly. "But there are those who think that it's fake, and I say that it's all lies!"

The Sakazaki name is not an unfamiliar one in the world of fighting! Hardly. The students are few. The true pros among them, fewer. But those that are... they're some of the best and most famous. By all accounts, it should be a high honor to be a successful member of their school.
"Well, ah," the Pacific teacher starts scratching the back of his head, "I... I guess I got a whole afternoon," actually he doesn't but this could be his chance, his tiredness fighting side-by-side with opportunism.
"Could I, could I ask for a demonstration?" It means probably exactly what it means, if his right hand atop the pipe sticking out of his toolbelt means anything.

"A demonstration? Hmmm..." Yuri pauses, thinking to herself, and then looks at Rust's hand which is on the pipe, and she scowls. "Wait, you're fighting with a weapon? That's dirty! You don't need to use weapons when you're fighting with Kyokugen style! That's just not right!" She shakes her head and folds her arms. "Seriously, if you want a demonstration, then you best be ready to defend yourself for real, because I don't like dirty fighters, and I hold nothing back!"

Pipes don't talk. They can't talk. But if it could, it would be going 'this one is totally not worth our time, let's move on.'
Its wielder, on the other hand, lifts both his hands up at the scowling. "Well, uh, it's been my partner for a, for a good long while." It's a good thing Hakuya showed him a couple of hand-to-hand tips a while back during those dark, dark days where the two of them were under the hold of Rolento. It's a good thing that's all behind everyone now.
...Is it?
The older man nods his head and, largely, admits defeat. "Okay... straight hand-to-hand... all right. I'm good." Whether or not he measures up as anything much without the pipe has yet to be seen, but, nonetheless... he stretches his arms back and rolls his neck about a few times to get out some stiffness.
There is a lot of stiffness. The noises his joints make may be more than a little disconcerting to the unprepared. "Y-Yeah, I'm good." He grunts as his left shoulder especially gives him grief. "Okay. Show me."

"All right, you know what, if you wanna fight with your pipe, be my guest, but don't expect me to let you off easily!" Yuri says as she sticks out her tongue in a mocking manner. She then gets into her fighting stance, hopping up and down a few times before getting back into her stance, this time ready to fight for real. "In fact, if you wanna take the first swing, you can do that! But I'm not holding anything back!"

COMBATSYS: Yuri has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Yuri             0/-------/-------|

"Huh? Uhh, really, it's, it's okay," he seems nonplussed by this sudden mood swing between 'eww I hate dirty fighters' and 'oh it's okay' aside from the consistency of 'I won't hold back.' There is a significant distance between their respective ages and level of fighting experience... she also doesn't look the sort who could take a hit too well.
Taking a deep breath, he hunkers down a little. It's not an especially confident stance for someone used to fighting with a weapon in hand, but, maybe for the sake of demonstration it's not a bad idea.
With the offer to come take the first swing, he decides to demonstrate what he knows. He's not particularly fast-moving, which may be to Yuri's credit if she is alert as she is peppy. He clenches his right hand into about as tight of a fist as he can manage with that injury before swinging an elbow at around head level. His left hand doesn't seem to feature much into it, but it remains open. Maybe there's a reason for that?

COMBATSYS: Rust has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Rust             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Yuri

COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Rust's Random Strike.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Rust             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Yuri

The incoming elbow comes right at Yuri's head, and her arm comes up to deflect it away. She grunts a little as she does so, almost letting the strain from the impact show in her face, but she recovers quickly. "Good one, but not good enough!" Yuri says with a sly grin and a wink. "Let me show you how it's done!" Yuri them attempts to deliver a swift jab to the stomach while letting out a quick yell of power.

COMBATSYS: Rust endures Yuri's Jab Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Rust             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0             Yuri

It's not a bad punch, as far as punches go. Good form, speed, nothing wrong with it - the problem is that it just doesn't have enough stopping power to prevent the bigger, presumably physically stronger man from just simply leaning into it with nary but the vague sensation of pain in his breadbasket. It's not a strong first impression.
His left hand moves to snatch the attacking wrist and in a quick whip, simply hurl her off to the side unless she's fast or particularly clever on the defensive - which he'd kind of hope for if she's giving a demonstration of Kyokugen might!

COMBATSYS: Yuri interrupts Medium Throw from Rust with Saiha.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Rust             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0             Yuri

As Rust comes at Yuri and attempts to grab her, Yuri steps back a little and brings her arms up, sending forth a sphere of chi around her hands, intent on knocking Rust away. Unfortunately, Rust does grab her and whip her, but at the same time she's able to bring the energy towards Rust as well. As a result, she gets caught, but also catches Rust at the same time.

"Tuhah!" The chi blast catches him in the face about the same time he catches Yuri and there's a whole lot of catching to go around - the burst is surprising enough that his upper body arcs back a little too far for him to keep his balance, tumbling at about the same time as Yuri.
"Urgh... yeah, yeah, that was good," he shakes his head while trying to get the spots out of his vision. He is a bit slow to stand, as his knees choose to remind him by showing resistance to being bent - but the momentum of this demonstration is still roughly even. People gather around to watch the demo of Kyokugen might... and some random guy with a combover that's fooling absolutely no one.
Winning over the aching in his legs from today's work, he takes to the air... for a given value of taking to the air. His leaps are awful. He can't match the height most fighters are able to attain, but he makes the attempt all the same as he sticks his left leg out towards Yuri on his descent.
"Yah!" He exclaims with a hint of fatigue behind it. That foot kept falling asleep on him earlier today. It's still a bit numb now.

COMBATSYS: Rust successfully hits Yuri with Light Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Rust             0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0             Yuri

Yuri somehow senses the kick coming at her and attempts to move out of the way... but fails. She gets kicked and stumbles backwards with a grunt, and then rubs at the spot she got kicked in. "Owww, that smarts!" She says, but then she grins. "OK, I'm done warming up. It's time to show you what the true power of Kyokugen Karate is capable of!" With that, Yuri brings one of her fists back and then thrusts it forward, sending a large energy projectile towards Rust.

COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Rust with Ko'ou Ken.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Rust             0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0             Yuri

There it is! One of the more identifiable trademark techniques of Kyokugen - even if the concept of hurling blasts of energy is hardly novel in the wide, wide world of fighting. It's not one of Mr. Rust's talents...
...and neither is finding a way around something coming in so fast that's not high enough to crouch over and not low enough for him to be able to jump over with any guarantee. The latter issue gets an apt demonstration as he, once more, brings his pathetic jump height to bear backwards.
All he succeeds in doing is clipping his legs against it, a very painful sensation unto itself as he flops in mid-air and hits the floor of the miniature dojo hard enough to shake it.
It hits hard enough it takes him a sweet amount of time to pull up to his feet, but his consciousness and focus are all still there. He nods to himself as he palms his right hand into a slightly tighter fist with his left and tries to size up what's going to come next, shaking out his left leg to work away just a bit of the sting.

COMBATSYS: Rust focuses on his next action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Rust             0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0             Yuri

Yuri meanwhile keeps an eye on Rust and smirks, still bouncing on her heels as she watches him. "That's it, just take your time. I'm in no rush right now." She hops back and forth a few times, still grinning. "The longer this goes on the more fun it'll be!"

COMBATSYS: Yuri focuses on her next action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Rust             0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0             Yuri

Technically /he/ ought to be in a rush, he has errands to run today! But the fight's captivating his better judgment as it is, pacing around and towards Yuri as she cheerily goads him on. She's cheery, peppy, and looking ready to bounce off the walls. He is slower and more methodical in comparison.
When he thinks the time is as good as any to close in, he rears back his upper body and proceeds to bow his head down forward with enough strength and speed that he moves forward a short ways in a very textbook headbutt.
Headbutts alone are bad. But Yuri may or may not actually want to make any sort of physical contact with that combover. That combover is atrocious and maybe even poisonous to the touch.

COMBATSYS: Yuri blocks Rust's Hardhat Rush.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Rust             0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0             Yuri

It may or may not be poisonout, but Yuri is not about to find out either way. Once again, her block comes up and she steadies herself for the impact. Once it hits, Yuri stumbles back a little, but not back that much. In fact, she takes advantage of her abrupt stop to come back at Rust with her signature jumping uppercut attack, albeit with her own touch to make it her personal trademark attack!

COMBATSYS: Rust interrupts Yuri Chou Upper from Yuri with Brick Stacker.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Rust             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1             Yuri

The one great thing about using your head to attack is that it typically leaves your hands free. Yuri is much too fast to put up a safe defense after the headbutt, as evidenced when she's all but right in his face before he can right himself all the way up!
Instead, he gets his left hand on the top of her head just as her fist extends to nail him in the jaw, and promptly thrusts her downward into the miniature dojo floor like one would laying a brick down on a wall - leaving her trademark rising uppercut merely a good shot to the jaw.
It is a good shot to the jaw. He has to stop and rub at it a bit after the fact. It's still a little sore from the time he took that shot to the jaw from Fei Long.

Yuri goes flying across the ground, landing in a semi-crumpled position. But then she pushes herself back onto her feet, albeit with some difficulty. She stares at Rust and shakes her head. "You're tougher than I thought, but even the best of the best will find my father to be one of the toughest teachers ever!" She approaches quickly, and then attempts to deliver an over-the-shoulder throw!

COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Rust with Quick Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Rust             1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1             Yuri

Her dad, huh. Worth checking him out then, he bets - well, he'll bet when he's not in the middle of being tossed on his ass over Yuri's shoulder!
He puts up some resistance to this when she gets him in her clutches. He is a larger man than she is, after all. While the concept of tossing about people larger than oneself is also nothing new, it shows plenty of capability when Yuri makes it happen even /with/ his resistance.
His lack of speed aside, he shows a fairly remarkable ability to take being tossed. He doesn't get a clean landing... but he does try and shift his weight a bit to take some edge off of it as he pulls himself back up with a little bit of effort. His jaw still stings... well, his everything tends to sting or feel sore at a given time. This is moreso than usual.
"I'm, uh, no slacker at teaching myself." Southtown's toughest shop teacher? It's possible, though he wonders if he's giving himself a little too much credit even if he seems to be doing okay at a notable disadvantage. He's nowhere near as fast going back up to Yuri as Yuri can to him, but if she remains in arm's length he goes to try and grab one of her arms with both hands, repeating almost step-for-step what she does. Hers was quick and simple.
His, considering his physical strength, may not be so quick and light.

COMBATSYS: Yuri dodges Rust's Strong Throw.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Rust             1/-----==/=======|=======\-------\1             Yuri

Power isn't always useful if your opponent can avoid it when they see it coming. Yuri dodges out of the way of the incoming throw attempt and shakes her head. "That won't work!" Yuri says, before attempting to deliver a swift kick in retaliation.

COMBATSYS: Rust blocks Yuri's Light Kick.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Rust             1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1             Yuri

The crowd may get a small laugh in how Rust just grabs so enthusiastically at open air. A lot of fighters have a really bad habit of doing that even when someone is no longer there, and he... is not one of the exceptions. Yuri's scolding drives the point home.
That kick that follows, though, is taking a detour to the dead end that is his left forearm that is promptly affixed in the way of the attack. It hardly leaves much of a mark, or much of anything.
"Th-that won't work either," Rust retorts a touch lamely. Maybe he should step it up. Maybe he really should gun to impress as he steps in further and thrusts his right leg at the ground... not once.
Many times, repeatedly, around ankle-level. It's much like a jackhammer - no, scratch that, it's almost a pitch-perfect take on the Zanretsuken... except he's doing it with his feet. The strikes against the floor boards echo loudly through the corner of the street.
About seven repetitions in, he steps forward again and repeats this with the other foot and - needless to say - it would suck to be any part of Yuri below those knees if he gets the whole mess in there clean.

COMBATSYS: Rust successfully hits Yuri with Jackhammer Kick EX.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Rust             1/---====/=======|=======\====---\1             Yuri

Yuri's hit harder than even she anticipated she could be hit hard by that man. She lies on the ground, looking bloodied and almost like she's unconscious. For a moment, Rust may think he won. But then Yuri pushes herself back up... and grabs a nearby bottle of water. "I'm not done yet!" She says as she gulps the water.

COMBATSYS: Yuri gains composure.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Rust             1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1             Yuri

This is him in about as prime form as he can manage. Even at forty, even with a comparatively recent resurge into fighting shape in comparison to so many who are keeping fit through their entire days, it goes to show what this man might have been so long ago if he lived much like many fighters would - just fighting, just training, just journeying, little else.
His legs are all but screaming at him to stop as he comes out of the combination and surveys how Yuri's holding up when he comes across her lying on the ground. What makes him think he's the winner? What's more on the forefront of his mind is the thought that he might've /hurt/ her - the rush of adrenaline aside, he starts to worry when she's bleeding from all that. "Ah... aw, shit! I'm sorry, I..."
But nope, she's not done yet, she claims. He's not sure what to make of that - this is a demonstration, he's not here to ship her to the hospital or anything like that. It's a surprising display, the way kids just... pop up and down and up and down again, sometimes.
"L-Listen, you sure?" He holds up his right hand, waggling a finger by habit as he kneels down a bit, the other hand on one of his knees that feel a bit raw. "You aren't, uh... hurt? That's blood. You're bleeding."
It's an attempt at showing genuine concern! He has to be a responsible adult if only because nasty accidents might cost him his job. Especially if he seriously injures a youngster. "That was good, that... that was good. I mean... that was good. I can go, uh, visit the dojo later this week, all right?"
The question is as to whether or not Yuri feels her demonstration is complete.

COMBATSYS: Rust takes no action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Rust             1/---====/=======|=======\==-----\1             Yuri

"I'm sorry," Yuri says as she throws the bottle away, "But I'm not done just yet! It's time to show you what I'm truly made of!" With that, Yuri brings both fists back behind her and begins to focus all of her energy into them. And then, she sends forth an intense blast of energy!

COMBATSYS: Yuri successfully hits Rust with Denjin Haoh Sho Ko Ken.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Rust             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0             Yuri

Worry continues to spread across the older man's face when she cheerfully casts injury aside. He knows how much he can make those kicks hurt, especially against someone of a smaller frame like herself... but there she is, bouncing and cheerily challenging him and maybe he should just...
Oh crap, that big ass ball of chi. He crosses both arms in front of himself and tenses so tightly as to be rigid like a statue, like some sort of testament against the rigors of time, weather, and - in this specific instance - the Denjin Haoh Sho Ko Ken.
It's telling when it manages to push him so far back that it not only takes him out of easy immediate reach of Yuri. He loses his balance a ways before the edge of the display and falls over like a toppled statue of a much disdained political figurehead. The rigidness going through his body from the tension doesn't let up... it's an effort and a half just trying to pull himself back on his feet.
He coughs a few times. Is that blood coming out of his nose? He shakes his head a few times to pull his full consciousness back together, feeling on the verge of blacking out. This is a display, right, but what if this might be how they decide which students to take in or not?!
He's stood through worse. That hurt, sure. That hurt. But that was no match for what he's powered himself through in the past, he's sure, as he collects his focus for what could be his very last stand.

COMBATSYS: Rust focuses on his next action.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Rust             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0             Yuri

"So, had enough yet? Or do you still wanna go some more?" Yuri asks, dusting her hands off, albeit with a sign of weakness on her face. She leans over and tries to keep from passing out.

COMBATSYS: Yuri focuses on her next action.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Rust             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0             Yuri

His body is firing on all cylinders in letting the adrenaline flow. His body is all 'fight fight fight' at the same time it is 'ow, ow, ow, we are joints and we are protesting.' It's instinct that sees his right hand atop Ol' Rusty, only thinking to take it off a couple seconds later when he remembers he's doing without for sake of demonstration here.
His right hand clenches into a fist, his left still open as he tries to drop into some sort of a ready stance himself, ready for Yuri to come running at him again even as he fights to stay in the fight. It's hard to turn that sort of thing off when you're in that zone. The tension, the excitement... there's a crowd there too.
Then, Yuri makes that offer - is that the whole of it? He seems a little suspicious of the claim. Dubious, even - but she's still looking hurt, in some ways worse off than even himself. It takes him a few seconds to consider what she's saying.
His guard lowers. He doesn't stand all the way straight, but he exhales loudly enough as he tries to flush it all out of his system. His left elbow thanks him. His right knee still wants words with him.
"...Yeah, that's good." He says as he then lifts up his left hand in an open palm. "It's good. That's, that's enough, uh, can I have some, some water?"

COMBATSYS: Rust takes no action.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Rust             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0             Yuri

"Well, all right, if you insist." Yuri says, tossing Rust a bottle. "I guess you've had enough? Because if so, you were a great fighter!" Yuri bows weakly, still smiling albeit. "Thanks for the exercise, now here's hoping you check out our dojo, OK?"

COMBATSYS: Yuri takes no action.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Rust             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|==-----\-------\0             Yuri

COMBATSYS: Yuri has left the fight here.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Rust             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

That bottle doesn't want to be caught so cleanly! It bounces off his left hand, gets a bit of juggling upward with his right, gets another fumbling from the left, and eventually settles itself through a vacant pocket of the toolbelt.
The toolbelt does not want to give this bottle up. It takes some doing for him to pull it out of there with his left hand, something he occupies himself with while Yuri compliments him and bows.
Remembering this is the polite thing to do as he gets the cap off, he makes sure to bow to her in turn. Some of the water spills in this effort, but, nonetheless a base level of politeness is met as per the usual standards.
"Yeah, I, I will. Thanks." He replies after taking a swig of water, peering at it when there's a lot less water there than there ought to be. She didn't just share him a bottle she's already had a drink out of, did she? (He should work on paying attention to his own spills.
He's a bit sluggish stepping off of the miniature dojo floor, the injury sustained enough to take some of the spring out of his step that a cool bottle of water can only mitigate so much of... now, uh, what was it that he needs to do today?
Maybe it can wait until tomorrow, he's too sore, he decides in the heat of the moment. (Fun fact: it can't wait until tomorrow, some bills are due today.)

COMBATSYS: Rust takes no action.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Rust             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

COMBATSYS: Rust has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:25:27 10/19/2010 by Yuri, and last modified on 15:03:35 10/24/2010.