Rust - The New Acquaintance's Newest Opportunity

Description: After a memorial spar to an old acquaintance and a respected father figure, respectively, Howard Rust and Antoine Huang head on over to a place that serves quite possibly the worst coffee in America while a rainstorm brews on. From there, an offer is made that could help expand Antoine's horizons... and bring Howard's dreams one step closer to fruition.

Remember that coffee shop that Howard Rust here says that serves coffee that tastes like human waste out here in this obscure part of Oregon? It does. It smells horrible, probably tastes even worse. It may be better to think of it as a drinkable strong incense. Not that it makes it any more palatable, but if one needs a good waking up... there really is no better place to go.
"Okay, y'want... y'want a drink?" He says to Antoine as he guides him inside from out of the pouring rain that marked the end of their little spar. The ex-construction worker is still politely holding Antoine's bag over his other arm along the way inside. It's a kind of quiet place. A little run down, some flickering signs. There's only one TV up by the coffee bar. A few people play shop off to the side. (Billiads in a coffee shop?)
Since this is his hometown, a number of people there are of course very familiar with Howard. He offers them waves as he goes to help Antoine to a comfortable seat given the two just beat the ever-loving crap out of one another.
"Welcome to the Bean Counter." Howard addresses tiredly. "How this place is, is still in business with coffee like this... I'll... I'll never know." He cracks a smile.
"Oh, I heard that." Says an older waitress as she's already got his favorite (or, really, most tolerable) brew in a small cup ready for him.
"Thanks, Sue," he says as he sets Antoine's bag down nearby. "This is... this is Antoine," he gestures, "student of a guy I met, uh... really long time back."
He gives Antoine space to introduce himself or order some of that awful smelling coffee if he's of the mind.

To say that the repugnant smell has been hard on the lungs is an understatement. Upon entering the place, Antoine finds himself coughing up and a bit of a gag reflex nearly occurs as he stumbles his way towards the coffee shop. After he looks over the flickering lights, he blinks for a moment before he looks a bit bewildered.
With Rust holding his bag over the other arm while helping him, Antoine regards the older man with a grateful smile.
"The bean counter?" He asks. He mumbles for a moment, "The scent of the coffee here is strong, even far stronger than I imagined. I am not sure if I'll get anything to drink other than water." He furrows his eyebrow, but then he looks at the older waitress. Upon the introductions by Rust, Antoine gives a bow, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Sue."

"Oh my, you got yourself a charmer." Sue tries to return the bow.
"Uh... yeah, maybe." He has himself a sip of that coffee HOW CAN ANYONE WANT TO DRINK THIS COFFEE DOES THIS MAN NOT HAVE TASTEBUDS OR WHAT?! It reflects on his breath, oh, does it ever reflect on his breath.
"Could you, could you get him some water, Sue?" Mr. Rust clears his throat. "Thanks."
She nods, and goes off to get his water. This is probably the wise choice, all things considered. Coffee like this has to be something of an acquired taste. Maybe Americans simply have no sense of taste beyond 'salt' and 'saturated fat.'
"So, you holding up okay?" He asks Antoine as he waits for the water to come back. "'cause... yeah, your sifu taught you well, I gotta, I gotta say." He raises his cup of coffee to that.

As Antoine sees Rust take a sip of the coffee, he shows sign of wincing. This man is really a brave man. He is rather stunned for a few moments, trying to see if he is alright. Yet, it looks like he has things under wraps.
While the glass of water is beng retrieved, Antoine offers a smile, "Yeah, I am." Though, he winces a bit and runs a hand to his ribs. He looks at Antoine, "You're quite strong. I can see why sifu made an impact on your life. In the same way, he made an impact on mine." He considers, "He is likely smiling upon us right now."

That was one of those eye-opening times in his life, back in the day where he met Antoine's old master. Just a chance meeting back then, that's all, and then this many years later... here's one of his students right before him. Shame he's still not around for a rematch, it really is, the shop teacher muses under another sip of coffee as Sue stops by and hands Antoine a glass of ice water.
"I, uh, I'd sure hope so." He sighs as he lets the rancid-tasting warmth course through him. It's a real pick-me-up, all right, even with the bruises he's taken in their little memorial battle. Perks him right up. Washes out a couple worries he has over his dad in the hospital. None of it makes it taste any better, though.
"Actually... what I wanted to, uh, to talk to you about," he rustles through one of his pockets with his left hand. "Somewhere 'round... here, yeah." He puts it down on the table - an envelope. A somewhat fancy one. Broken wax seal and everything. It's already been read.
"I mentioned this when we were, when were getting out of the rain 'n all, but... y'hear about King of Fighters 2011?"

"...Hrm." Antoine considers for a moment, looking back at the older man in that regards. While he mentions over to the topic that he wished to discuss, Antoine gives him his full attention. "Hrm? What's up?"
When the water arrives, Antoine takes the glass of the ice water, "Thank you, Sue." She is rewarded a smile before his attention is stolen by the envelope placed on the table. "...Huh?" He quirks an eyebrow, then he looks at Rust.
"King of Fighters? I'm afraid that I have not heard of it. Is it another type of tournament?" Then, his eyebrows furrow as he frowns. He is now recalling the deal with Taizhou.

"Yeah... yeah it is." Mr. Rust speaks as he clears his throat. "'scuse me, sorry. King of Fighters, 's... 's about the biggest name there is in tournaments."
He rolls his right shoulder around a bit to relieve the stiffness. The rain's brought on an aching in just about all his joints, as is normal. There's another good pop for Antoine to be haunted by in his nightmares, if the combover alone doesn't do it.
"'s invitation only, and... ah, truth be told... dunno why I got one, but, but it's got my name on it, n'... 'n everything." He's still stunned by this. He reads this thing every day. Every day, more than once. "I'll tell ya, Antoine... after all that's, that's gone on, never thought I'd see the day."
He looks up from the envelope to look him head on. "I'll be honest, I always wanted to get in somethin'... somethin' big like this. Everything just, just kept getting in the way, 'cause, that's life."
He has himself a sip more of that disgusting coffee blend, which gives Antoine plenty opportunity to chime in his own thoughts on the matter.

"...Admittedly, I don't know about the tournaments about. The temple left many of us a shut-in from society." He frowns slightly. The pop from the muscles earn a visible wince. With more details revealed, however, "Hrm, is that so?" He nods for a moment, "Well, I congratulate you on making it to the tournament."
He offers a smile, "Sifu would be so proud of you." He considers for a moment, then he takes another sip of the water, "Hope nothing is stopping you this time."

Really secluded lifestyle, huh... kind of the walking cliche there. Maybe that's why his buddy he mentioned is so excited about being out and about and becoming a movie star based on his description. He'll have to ask Antoine about him in a bit.
"Yeah... thanks." He rubs the back of his head with his free hand. It's a bit later than the timeframe his promise to Antoine's old master was centered on, but, there he is - invited to one of the greatest fighting tournaments in the entire world.
"Truth be told, uh... yeah, there's been... one thing." He takes this moment to pull off the work glove on his right hand with his teeth. Underneath, it's easy to see the moment the light of day (or rather, the flickering light of this coffee shop that wants to pretend it's a bar - or maybe it's just US version censorship) hits the hand. There is ugly pale discoloration going through his right palm, the telltale sign of a very bad burn wound.
"I might've put up a good fight," he says as he clenches and relaxes this hand a few times in short order, "but... my grip's not as good as it used to be. Hurt it during that... that invasion in Southtown." He looks up to Antoine, as if to subtly ask if he knows what he's talking about.
"Used to fight in, in the Neo League, really short while before that happened.." He shakes his head. "Pretty much ended that, ended that right there."

"---Huh?" Antoine looks over towards the man when he mentions the one thing that is stopping him. While he pulls off the work glove to show the flickering light's path, leading to the pale discoloration along the right palm.
The eyes widen, "...Nngh.." Antoine looks over towards Rust, "I'm sorry." He then looks at the man. Invasion of Southtown? Antoine shakes his head. "Well, the body says to give up, but... it's best to let he mind take over at times. ... If the mind says to give up, then you deny the mind that feeling and press on." He smiles, "You have an opportunity... and given the fight that we had, you have shown that you still have what it takes to get through the tournament."

"It's... it's not an easy thing when you're my age, Antoine, I mean," he clears his throat and has himself another sip with his left hand as he lets his naked right hand sit on the table. It's cool to the touch, a bit uncomfortable, that table.
"I got a job now, I'm getting old, got, got a whole lot of responsibilities, 'n... takes a lot outta me." The man says somberly. "But that there letter... that there letter, that really is what I was lookin' for, just 'bout... just 'bout all my life."
He decides it's better to put the glove back on, setting down the coffee to do so. "I've fought some really good, and I mean... really good folks. Young. Top of their game." He winces as the glove is fit back onto his right hand, a little sting in his right hand to the point that the creak in the respective elbow goes unnoticed to himself. "Ain't easy to get back in, now. Ain't easy at all." He stretches out one of his legs, while they're at it.
"But, I don't wanna get too sidetracked, uh... actually, the King of Fighters tournament's got this, got this rule, see." He faces up again. "We need a team... uh, 'scuse me, me 'n a friend of mine."

After some consideration, Antoine lowers his head, "I suppose not." He glances over towards the older man, furrowing his eyebrow before he offers yet another smile. When he now seaks about the age and his responsibilities, Antoine muses, "...The letter."
And then, the tale brings Antoine to think over to the man, letting him reflec. But, back to the topic. "A team?" The young man looks confused, "How many people are required for the tournament?"

"I looked this up, damn," why is he having trouble remembering a simple number? He has himself another sip of coffee. It wasn't... six, who would make a team of more than six? Why would any team need more than six people, anyway, that's ludicrous. What was it?
"Four, yeah, yeah, four." He points his left finger outward as he remembers this fact. "Ah, the other guy's name... Zach. Kinda short," he levels his right hand at somewhere a bit above five feet high. "Purple hair... looks kind of, kind of scrawny, but," he shakes his head. "Y'know that colorful stuff people can fling when they... when they punch, kick, what have you? Chi." One of his knees start to ache just thinking about it. That knee knows, that knee knows so very much.
"Got this purple color to it. Dunno if it's, if it's the color, or whatever. But that stuff just, just /whacks/ you. Harder 'n I can swing." Harder than a lot of people can conceive, at that. "Heard he's been kinda... goin' in and out of places too, lately. Haven't seen him since, but..."
He sets down the coffee cup. "After we had that little spar, I was thinkin'. Now, uh, I dunno if you also need an invite, 'cause, if you do and you don't have one comin', I guess this point's moot. But," he sits up a bit.
"How'd ya like to be a part of it?"

Four is it? Antoine leans forward, taking another sip of the glass of water. He gives a thoughtful look before he offers a smile, "I see.." So four people are needed. So far, he has two, himself and Zach. What catches his attention even more is how Zach is described. Purple haired man, lanky, has purple energy. He furrows his eyebrows, "This is interesting..." He offers a smile a moment later, nodding.
"Don't have one currently, I'll admit..." And when the invitation is given, his eyes widen at first. "...Me?" He furrows his eyebrow, then he smiles, "...Yes, I'd love that.. I would be interested in seeing the styles of other people."

If the guy doesn't have one - or doesn't ever receive one - the point is ultimately moot, if that sort of thing is required. He's going to have to check with the people who sent this out at some point, that's for sure.
But when Antoine smiles and gives his approval, the older man nods and relaxes in his seat. Great - a third guy. Young, sure. Still growing, sure - but he knows how great his master was. If there's any good reason to go out and see the world - something he regrets he didn't do in his youth - this is it!
But would he be living vicariously through Antoine in doing so? The man exhales as he has himself another sip and finishes off the cup... he thinks better about having another. Almost all he's had to drink since coming back home was just coffee. Lots of it. Most of it just as completely nasty to drink as before.
"Yeah... good." His quieter voice tone stands in complete contrast to the excitement on the inside. Great, if he gets a proper invitation or is otherwise cleared, that's it! Just got to hope Zach finds one, whenever the two get back in touch.
"That's great, yeah!" He speaks up a bit more to better convey this enthusiasm. "Hmm, so, uh, how should I contact you, I mean... we're probably gonna be half the world away for the most part."

At this point, Antoine takes the glass of water and he finishes drinking it down. A smile is given towards the older man, tilting his head over. It is a bright smile that he greets Rust with. Soon, however, Antoine takes the consideration of the matter of how the young man can be reached. "I actually recently got an e-mail account..." He reaches over for a napkin and lifts a finger to request a pen.
Upon receiving the pen, he takes it and writes down the e-mail address of: He slides the paper over. "...I am not as impaired in technology as I may seem." He laughs sheepishly, "I know it would make contacting me easier for all of my friends, since I travel around a lot." Quon sure as hell would appreciate it.

"Yeah, that, that does help a lot!" Mr. Rust nods again in thanks as he takes the napkin in his pocket. He himself isn't really that great with computer technology, but, it really is amazing as to what it allows these days. And also, more than a little frightening at that. Especially how SMALL cellphones have gotten, he has some trouble holding them because they are so tiny and his fingers are, comparatively, kind of big.
Now he'd better at least pay for the coffee, shuffling around his pocket for his wallet while his hand is there. He tilts to the side as he tries to draw the damned thing out, where is it.
"Oh, yeah, didn't you say that, that you had a friend who studied in Southtown?" He looks up as he fights to get that friggin' wallet out... there! "Also, uh, y'sure you don't wanna try the coffee? I mean, as I said... not the best taste, but, if ya need to wake up..."

"...I don't think my friend was too pleased when I sent him a letter and he's unable to reply back to me." He gives a sheepish laugh, running the hand to the back of his head. "Heh heh! But it's all good. He's my homeboy."
Speaking of he said friend, Antoine nods,"Yeah! Quon is his name. He's my best bud. He and I go back." He muses, "He's likely in his classes right now." Then, he furrows his eyebrows, "I hope he has been keeping up with his training." Then, he looks at the man, looking a bit apprehensive, "I--uhh..." He leans back a bit, "...I will pass on that." He feels uneasy on that idea.

Yeah, that's always been the thing about wandering types. He dreams of that sort of thing, sometime. Just... casting it all away, walking the globe, fighting, and all that. But he's much too old for that, has too good a job. Even if the job in question likes to put a whole mess of undue stress on his behalf.
His name's Quon, huh? The man listens as he pulls out a ten dollar bill. Not only is the coffee complete garbage, it costs way, way, way too much. Welcome to America! That, or it's just a generous tip as he folds back his wallet and puts it away.
"Ahh, y'sure? Well... ah, okay. Taste of home for me... y'know?" He has a bit of a grin at that. "Ahh... all right, I'll see if I can't, if I can't get in touch with him." He stretches his arms out a bit. This place here, he missed it. But, there's a good reason why he sought his opportunities elsewhere when they were presented, some time back - this town is, in many ways, a dead end. There's almost nothing here. No glitz, no glamour. Just another stop on the road for most people, and no more.
"See what he thinks 'bout, 'bout it all," the man says as he starts to stand up off the table. "Anyway... anyway, tomorrow, I gotta catch a flight back to Southtown. It's rainin' a bunch, but, 's... 's never stopped me before." He rolls his head around once and waves again briefly to another acquaintance from around these parts.
"I got a li'l more, li'l more catching up to do before I go, so, unless you wanna come out in the rain with me and do some sightseeing, guess we oughtta say our goodbyes for now, huh." He extends his right hand to Antoine. "I mean, if you're lookin' for a place to stay tonight, uh, I could take ya to that easy."

"...Heh... It is nice being able to travel," Antoine admits. "..I had been cooped up in the temple for eight years. It's... a chance to wander and see the world. The people, the environment, the fighters and their styles." Then, he looks over towards Rust. "... Actually..." He offers a smile, "I would like to join you for a bit for some sightseeing before I leave. After all, I did no come out here to just fight and leave to the next place."
The smile becomes more beaming, "I also came to see what each place has to offer environment-wise. There is always a strange beauty in differ locations."

"Do you?" He looks a bit surprised... but, ultimately, he shrugs. It's not one of apathy, he's down with it. "Ah, all right, don't see... uh, any problem with that, if you don't mind the rain." He's willing to go over and help pick up Antoine's bag if he's still feeling a little too sore from their little spar to do so.
"Thanks, Sue!" He waves. "Money's on, it's on the table." With a brief acknowledging nod, he's willing to help Antoine out the door if he also still needs someone to walk alongside.
"Yeah, uh, word for advice... 'round these parts? Used to be some of the muggers here... it's just, it's just kinda a thing here, dunno if they changed it, but, if they saw you with an umbrella... if they saw you with one of those, they knew that, that you weren't 'round these parts."
He clears his throat. "'course, uh, guess it doesn't matter if I'm around." He's sure some of them haven't forgotten him at least! "Still wouldn't go to, to the gas station at night."
He's more than happy to give Antoine the grand tour of his hometown, even if there really isn't a whole lot exciting about it.

Log created on 18:22:11 10/19/2010 by Rust, and last modified on 22:22:59 11/16/2010.