Nahid - A Pleasant Chat

Description: Nahid and Angel meet up in NESTS' training room. There is a 'discussion'. The fight isn't what matters this time! ...maybe.

The NESTS Cartel's Appalachian facility is not Angel's favorite. Reception is miserable, the guards are worryingly sober and disciplined, and she's not quite high enough in the organization's rankings to qualify for any private quarters just yet (this is not the case in sweet South America, where Angel's room is considered by many NESTS members to be one of the choiciest). The Labs are actually her -least- favorite area, what with the spartan Battle Data Room and its various probes, cameras, and cold floors. She definitely hates this place.

It'd explain why she looks less-than-pumped about being here today, camped out in the middle of the BDRs main recording platform, arms crossed beneath her chest, eyes on a nearby technician. He's hurriedly working at calibrating the recording equipment for an upcoming sparring session.

"Are you guys sure those cameras are just for science? I -know- they've got a good zoom on them. You don't... sell 'em to the soldiers to pocket some money on the side? Why's this floor gotta be so cold, anyway? You know Ivan Drago -LOST- to Rocky, righT?"

She's not shutting up anytime soon, though furtive glances towards the clock are proof enough that she's waiting for something. If you ask the technician, it probably can't come soon enough.

Nahid, on the other hand, prefers the Appalachians for one very specific reason: they're American. She doesn't speak Spanish or Portuguese or whatever else they speak in South America (she is vague about that, too). Okay, the weather isn't what she's used to, since she was raised in California, it's still annoyingly scientific and sterile, but at least she can talk to people.

"Because," Nahid says as she strolls in, thumbs through belt loops on her jean-shorts, "scientists hate you and think it's funny when you're uncomfortable. You should've seen some of the hats they had me wear when I got here." 'Hats' meaning 'complicated devices attempting to quantify Nahid's psionic power'.

She stops about ten yards away, swaying forwards and back once or twice. So that's Angel. She's heard of the other woman (who hasn't) but hasn't exactly said much to her. "Nice pants," she says, with a straight face. Aside from the slight quirk near the corner, anyway, but that's normal for Nahid.

Angel's getting bored of the technician. He's pointedly NOT talking to her, which is yet another reason she kind of hates the Appalachian base - it's like the men here are all eunuchs. Eunuchs!! "We aren't even in Greece! Come -on-!" It's a pleasant interruption that Nahid presents, then, and Angel actually interrupts herself, mid-grump, so that she might turn to appropriately face the newcomer.

Immediately, a broad grin. It's more friendly than teasy. "You like them?? You should try and get a pair! You'd look..." She pauses for a moment, thinks for a moment. "...Maybe you shouldn't get a pair. I don't think I'm ready for that kind of competition! We'd get so many hard-headed guards fired." There's a peculiar emphasis on some of those words. You think about it, you'll get it. Past that Angel's turning on a heel, walking towards the far side of that data recording platform, scratching at a side while she's at it, rolling either slender shoulder.

"So Ig said I'm supposed to see how your training's comin' along! He said you had psycho power?? Get all Anthony Perkins on people? That's cool - I like it rough." Angel turns once she's hit the edge of the platform - she hunches forward, extends a leg, puts her fists up, and blows a kiss Nahid's direction.

"I'll even let you go first~! Don't go easy on me, though. Hard and fast."

Nahid doesn't need to think about it; it comes naturally. She grins back, showing very white teeth. "I don't think they're into it," Nahid says. "Trust me, I'd've noticed by now." Plus, /technically speaking/, Nahid is still underage until December. Technically. It has never stopped her before, though, and is unlikely to do so in the future. (It doesn't even stop her from drinking, judging by the fake ID in her pocket.)

Nahid scuffs her feet along the floor, checking footing as much as anything else. Same as last time she was here, and it's probably going to be the same next time too; they seem to have a fetish for never changing anything in here if they can possibly help it. But she has to check. "Eh," is her only response to the comment on her psycho power. She has it, all right, but it's not the kind that lets her shoot awesome energy balls (despite trying).

She is, however, pretty sure that Norman Bates never once shot a Soul Spark, either.

Nahid rolls her neck left, then right, getting the kinks out of it. "That's okay. I don't know any other way to be." That with another grin. "Just remember, though - you asked for it." Nahid doesn't even really bother to get into any sort of fighting stance, though she does stop looping her thumbs through her pants, because she's going to need them free in a moment. She just sort of slowly walks in a slow arc, forward and around Angel.

The attack comes fast and sudden. One moment Nahid was just walking around with that damn grin, and the next minute she's taking a fast step forward and letting momentum slide her across the floor, one fist hooking in a wide, surprisingly strong punch.

COMBATSYS: Angel has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Angel            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Nahid has joined the fight here on the right meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Angel            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Nahid

COMBATSYS: Nahid successfully hits Angel with Falling Water Reach.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Angel            0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0            Nahid

In Angel's South American quarters, a manilla envelope rests beneath an opened DVD case for WWF's "Raw is WAR" 2001 season. It is actually a fully-fleshed-out dossier regarding Nahid's combat parameters and tendencies, as well as known weaknesses and personality quirks. It is marked CONFIDENTIAL, and sealed with a thumbprint-activated lock which has not yet been activated. Angel's considering this while Nahid approaches - her lips part in half-formulated forgetfulness before the younger woman's FIST is colliding with her FACE.

Angel falls backwards, hands to her face, weight centered on her ass, which is centered against that aforementioned cold fucking NESTS training-room floor. She's clearly shocked - surprised grey eyes poke through parted fingers - but has little trouble falling back to a tight, defensive crouch. "Holy SHIT, girl! You hit like a Mack truck!! You gotta work on your approach, though. Lookin' all pouty just makes you look like a fashion model - who're you tryin' to impress!"

She's moving before she finishes speaking, and a rather suspicious ease characterises the way she launches herself into the air. That short gap between Mexican and Smarmy Teen is cleared with an utterly acrobatic aerial spin - halfway through the spin, Angel's bending her leg at the knee. At the end of that spin, said knee -should be- hitting Nahid on the nose, while the opposite leg's dragged across the floor almost -before- Angel lands, in an attempt to trip her foe.

COMBATSYS: Angel successfully hits Nahid with Senseless Fists.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Angel            0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0            Nahid

"You know," Nahid replies, "I thought about being a fashion model, except it looks like hell. Who'd want to do all that crap? If I was going to model I'd at least do it with swimsuits or something where not looking like a stick is an advantage."

Nahid is used to people jumping around. /She/ does it sometimes, when she's not locking herself in place. This time, Nahid sees the high attack and reacts to it; her hands come up, and Angel's knee smacks into Nahid's cupped hands, though with enough force to drive them against her face.

She does not see the follow-up low blow, and Nahid goes down like a ton of bricks. Nahid does not manage to turn it into a controlled roll immediately, and slides perhaps two feet before she successfully regains control; she practically pops up in place, slightly sore where her hip and elbow hit the ground with uncomfortable force.

"Yeah, and you're apparently a goddamn acrobat," Nahid says; it's not /quite/ grousing. "Whose approach is the bad one here?" Her approach is a lot more sedate this time - almost careful, if Nahid was ever really careful; the palm strike is aimed around the level of Angel's stomach (assuming she's actually standing like a normal person) and has a lot of force behind it. Apparently Nahid wants some room to maneuver.

COMBATSYS: Angel just-defends Nahid's Strong Punch!

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Angel            0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0            Nahid

Angel doesn't exactly pause - she's too well-trained for that - but on her way to the ground Nahid might catch a look of ill-practiced concentration on her "tutor"'s face. She -does- move to a standing position, but it's that high-fisted, erect-slouch she'd assumed earlier. "Mmmnnn~... you know, you look pretty good on your back. Have you thought about any other careers, maybe? You definitely don't have the body for a fashion model. It's why the attitude doesn't work!!" Angel's grinning despite the slowly-developing bruise on her cheek; she purses her lips when Nahid's getting to her feet.

"Want more...? You've got pluck! I -love- pluc--- ai!!" Nahid's fist is FAST. She's got to be smart enough to realize that Angel shouldn't be able to do what she -does- when hands practically blink into existence before her midsection. It dulls the impact to - well, a tap, really, as Angel's suspiciously strong for having such wiry limbs. "Nnh~! Push me harder than that! If you're gonna be blunt, you gotta be -blunt-, girl.."

Angel's gone. Just like that. Nahid might feel something (hands?) on her left shoulder, then a suspiciously warm, heavy presence against her back, breath on her ear, fingers in her hair, which is precisely how NESTS has taught Angel to accept piggyback rides. "You're supposed t'be awesome, right? Why're you fightin' like you aren't in NESTS or something? You're Jeffrey Dahmer! Ted Bundy!!! Show me why you're ice-cold!!" The fingers in Nahid's hair clench -tight-, and Angel attempts to simply drop to the ground in such a way that she is landing on her ass and likely snapping Nahid's neck in the process.

Yes, it leaves her exposed. Angel loves being exposed.

COMBATSYS: Angel successfully hits Nahid with Lost Homeland.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Angel            0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Nahid

If it was a /guy/ telling Nahid she looked good on her back, she would have any number of responses ranging from witty to teasing. She has absolutely no idea how to deal with Angel doing it, though; mostly she sputters a bit, something made worse when her attack doesn't even land hard enough to make a difference.

"You want some more!?" Nahid snaps instead, twisting her head about to follow the fast-moving Angel - and that's when she feels weight on her back. She's strong; the weight alone isn't going to drop her, but it's a little irritating, especially when she feels fingers in her hair, words in her ear...

Nahid shakes in an attempt to get Angel to fall, flailing wildly with one arm behind her back. It doesn't work, or maybe it works too well; Angel goes down and Nahid goes with her. Her neck doesn't break, but that may be Nahid's psycho power; she stiffens as she lands, the muscles locking in place and the bones becoming nearly indestructable. Her head actually goes /thunk/ on contact with the ground, and if it was any softer, it would have gotten a dent.

The ground, not Nahid's head.

Nahid launches herself back up, face reddening. Her back cracks loudly as it undoes its unnatural rigidity with a twist of her upper body. "Looks like you can handle more than just about anyone I've dealt with. You want to see everything? I'll show you!"

Nahid picks one specific place just a couple feet from Angel, in something actually recognizeable as a combat stance - stable, as if she expects Angel to throw her. She is briefly stymied by the fact that she's not actually all that good with her legs, and Angel on the ground is an awfully low target - so instead Nahid just bends slightly to literally try to pick up the other girl, whip her around a couple times, and throw her all the way across the room.

She aims in the general direction of the tech, so hopefully he's pretty quick about clearing out.

COMBATSYS: Angel endures Nahid's Whipping Wind Descent.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Angel            0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0            Nahid

Angel fucking loves DDTs, but hasn't gotten very good about getting -up- afterwards. She remains where she is for a moment - and by the time Nahid's CRACKing her back, it's practically an alarm clock to the potentially-vapid older girl. Grey eyes widen, surprised. "You're still alive?? H- ohh. So -that's- what NESTS is doin' for you. Some kinda super sturdy deal? Take a lot of a beating, sticks at it?? Girl, are you -sure- you aren't supposed t'be on your back more often? 'Cause I k-- mm-p-!" Fingers lock on her legs, Angel's fucking MARIO TWIRLED, and eventually released to sail through the air, tech-wards.

The tech is playing Farmville, and not really going anywhere.

Angel's hip replaces his monitor, she skids ass-first along his desk, and winds up falling (along with his keyboard) into his lap. "F-fuck...! Alright, alright!!" Angel's to her feet in a flash, and hops from foot to foot in an attempt to shake out the increasingly sore spot on that computer-killing hip. "Angel's gonna figure out what the hell your deal is!! We gotta see if you've got what it takes to be a proud member of NESTS!!! Kickin' asses, gettin' numbers!! Hell yes!" Angel leans inwards, almost a speed-skating position, really...

There is a flash of black...

And then Nahid's going to have to deal with Angel suddenly no more than a -foot- from her, running full-tilt into a diving body crossbar tackle. "LET'S WRASSLE~~~!"

COMBATSYS: Angel successfully hits Nahid with Red Sky of Japonesia.
~~ Alluring Hit! ~~

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Angel            1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1            Nahid

"NESTS didn't do this for me, I /came/ this way." Nahid shows that toothy grin again. "What, jealous? Afraid you're not going to be able to keep up? 'Cause you're pretty tough too, but, I mean, you're not me."

Nahid watches Angel extricate herself from tech and computer with more amusement than anything else. "Your ass is really taking a beating. I bet you wish you had pants like mine right about now." Not that the denim's all that much tougher, but hey.

It's very clear that despite all she's seen, Nahid /still/ doesn't expect Angel to be quite as fast as she is. Her eyes are widening by the time Angel charges her, and she starts to back up, but that isn't going to stop Angel when she's full of determination.

The two of them go down. Nahid gets the worst of it; she ends up on the bottom, feeling rather squashed by the experience. "Normally I'm the one doing the smothering," she grumbles, trying to twist her legs and get them at least partially under Angel - and then launch her into the air with a single mighty kick!

COMBATSYS: Angel dodges Nahid's Peak's Ascent.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Angel            1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1            Nahid

"Eh?? EH?? My ass could take more than your whole BODY!" Angel sounds pretty smug, herself, the way she's lying across Nahid like that. "You know, though," she muses, idly looping a hand beneath one of the other fighter's arms (and completely oblivious to the feet packing themselves beneath her tummy), "You're supposed t'be showin' me the hidden guns! If this's just YOU, why'm I here to 'evaluate your progress' or whatever? It's like you don't wanna get promoted or somethi- - -!!!!" Launch. Angel releases her grip on Nahid just in time to -not- be ripped in half by Nahid's curious ability to not bend when needed.

Instead, she's sent ceilingwards. Distantly, the abused tech can be heard letting out a low whistle. It's lucky, damned-near instinctive contortion that has Angel twisting her back at the last possible second and avoiding the CAMERA EQUIPMENT that Nahid had perhaps unintentionally angled her towards. She doesn't hang from it or anything -fancy-; instead, Angel's just dropping, aided by good old gravity. Her expression has darkened considerably.

"You're an ice-cold killer! Stop fuckin' around and earn your wings, right?? You know the bosses don't play around, right?? You know they're gonna get pissy if you don't show 'em they made a good investment, right???" Angel's -right- on top of Nahid at this point. She's dropping at a meteoric rate, arms and legs straight as a spear angled towards Nahid's gut. This isn't where she's planning on landing. At the -last- second, provided Nahid doesn't goof her up, Angel's going to hit a -harsh- split directly over Nahid's midsection (and land on the poor girl's stomach rump-first), lean forward, grab her by that white shirt, and *SMACK* her full across the face.

"Stop FUCKIN' AROUND! I'm missin' WINGS for this!"

COMBATSYS: Nahid fails to interrupt Combo Grapple from Angel with Summit Drive.
~~ Alluring Hit! ~~

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Angel            1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1            Nahid

"You've got it all wrong, you know. They didn't invest anything in me!" False, technically... but only technically. They tried to. Their chi development program just didn't do anything at all to Nahid, which is why she's been keeping an eye on enemy psions since. "Everything I do is one hundred percent Nahid!"

Anything else Nahid was going to say is driven out of her along with a lungful of air as Angel literally splits on her gut. She wheezes for air, having not braced herself appropriately, and finds her upper body being hefted by the shirt. Fine, she thinks, and pulls herself the rest of the way forward as if she was doing a fast crunch, headfirst.

The blow is hard and sudden enough to drive Nahid flat on her back again and smash her head against the floor. It is not enough to rip the bunched-up shirt out of Angel's hand. The shirt rips down the back as Nahid is propelled through it; she is still technically clothed by the fact that Angel still has it draped on her chest, but that won't last long.

"Christ, that /is/ cold." Nahid sounds slightly dazed. It clears a moment later: "And I don't think those were the hidden guns you were supposed to find, but congratulations! You found them!"

RRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPP. Somewhere in the compound, Krizalid wakens from his third nap of the day. Spurred on by adjacent events, he looks to the sixty-gallon Ziploc bag at his side. Specificially, what's -in- it.

Those are bedroom eyes.

Angel's just dropping Nahid's shirt, because, holy crap. The goal is not to get people naked. She even goes so far as to step -off- of the beleaguered NESTS project, pat down her poor, tired thighs, and indicate the younger woman with a flippant hand-wave. Distantly, the lab tech abruptly wide-eyes, and scoots closer to the desk.

"Ugh. -NUTS-. I'm missin' my -shows-." Angel spreads her arms, moves to the side of the Battle Data Platform, and loops thumbs through her waistband (or whatever). "So why's NESTS got you on board if they're not doin' anything with you? There's -somethin'- special there, I felt it." Angel sure did feel it.

"Y'threw me across the whole -room-. You sure they haven't made you all Bionic Girl??"

COMBATSYS: Angel takes no action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Angel            1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1            Nahid

Nahid turns her back after Angel lets her get up. There is a zipping sound, and then cloth tossed to one side.

Nahid turns back, having simply zipped up her short jacket and thrown the shirt to the side. The jacket is not meant to be worn this way, as it's even shorter than her shirt is and tight enough that the zipper is not up all the way. But she looks a lot less grumpy when she's not likely to accidentally flash a tech - if she does that she wants to do it on purpose.

"Told you. I'm tough," Nahid says, jabbing a thumb at her stomach. "Hell, you don't see me all bruised up, do you?" She /does/ look like she's in better condition than she actually is, given she's hit her head twice and has a tendency to not quite be able to focus her eyes - not to mention all the other smashes. The only one that's actually showing as more than a red mark is the slap across her face, which is bruising... but not that much.

"I keep an eye on things. Other psions. I can find them, I'm supposed to fight them all. But if you really wanna see what I can do..." Nahid pulls into her power, more deeply than she normally does. It is less pleasant than she remembers it being; she feels like it's hard to breathe as she pulls power, suffusing her body with it. Visibly there is little difference, but there is a change in her stance and her attitude. "I'll show you, all right!"

COMBATSYS: Nahid enters a meditative state.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Angel            1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1            Nahid

Surprise and alarm! "Huh, maybe I shoulda talked about that stuff before I beat you raw, huh?? Woulda saved time, I guess~" Angel turns after hearing Nahid's *zip*, and rocks back on her heels, leans forward at the waist. She's watching the other girl, wide-eyed, intense. "Ssssssoooooooooooo??" Again - Angel is -aware- that something is happening. She feels that vague discomfort one does when great things are occuring nearby. She's fidgeting. She gets a little twitch in her cheek, a bit of percolation to that left eyebrow.

Intense concentration flickers - it becomes a distinct frown. "...ah, nuts, 'm I gettin' the shakes already?? What's goin' -on-?" She is, of course, mumbling to herself. Nahid's shouting brings her attention back to the match, and in seconds Angel's on her feet, braced as best she knows how.

"Yeah?? You're gonna show me?? Good! Angel needs a good, nasty beating! Let 'er -HAVE- it!!"

COMBATSYS: Angel takes no action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Angel            1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1            Nahid

Weirdo, Nahid thinks to herself. It's not that bad, though; she'd rather deal with Angel than half the people she's met lately. Actually, she'd probably be pretty hilarious to hang out with when she's not challenging Nahid's purpose in being in NESTS.

She doesn't say any of that, though, because dealing with this is harder than she'd like to admit. Pull the power out, force it into her hand. Dig deep, and just keep focusing. Nahid's eyes half-close for a moment as she finishes, the fingers on her left hand twitching almost invisibly from the buildup of power inside her own body.

And then Nahid charges. "Fine, I /will/!" she screams, slamming her hand forward in a single mighty palm strike. What makes this one different is that, as her arm straightens, Nahid releases the psionic power. It isn't very bright, though there is a faint flicker of gold light shot through with streaks of silver; what mostly happens is that the air seems to ripple around it before the force is discharged in one direction: directly forward, with enough force to crack walls or launch, if not cars, at least a motorcycle.

Nahid breathes heavily afterwards. There's a reason she doesn't end up doing that much. But when she does...

COMBATSYS: Nahid successfully hits Angel with The Mountain Stands Alone.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Angel            1/---====/=======|-------\-------\0            Nahid

Angel's not psychosensitive or whatever the happening term might be. She's pretty good at fighting, and can go fast like zoom when it is called for. Even so, even -she- is able to get some feedback from the forces Nahid is assembling. The twitch of her cheek is more pronounced, and though she's definitely braced for bear, she's got a restless leg like nobody's business.

"Auh, jeez, I -am- gettin' the shakes! Angel's gonna need to cut ba-" Screaming from Nahid knocks Angel back to the now, and damn if the Mexican's not surprised at the backbone her charge is showing. "Are you really? I'm not givin' you any performance anxiety?? It happens that first time, you know -- don't swea-MPHHHHHHHHHHNnnnnnnnnn-"

Angel is -blasted- from that platform. She careens past the lab tech (who has almost fixed his computer) and SLAMS back-first into the wall behind him; it's enough of an impact that she remains in place for a moment, tilted askew but otherwise plastered to the wall. Gravity eventually takes over, and the agent slips to sitting on a lab table conveniently beneath her. She's winded - her hair's all over the place, and she's definitely rubbing at her side now - but able to dig around in her jacket for a moment.

Before anybody can get any ideas, Angel's pulling a phone out, flipping it open, and punching at a few keys. She looks -thoughtful-.

Nahid feels a lot better when she's not trying to stockpile power in a way that her body isn't really meant to, and then eject it all at once. THat's not what her psionic power /does/. She's not Rose or Vega, to swing it around her so freely or shoot off balls or coat herself in it. Normally it goes in, not out.

Not better enough to immediately start rampaging all over Angel's face, though - or maybe, because Angel gave her a break when she needed to re-dress, she's going to give her one with the phone.

"So?" she asks, instead. It could be 'so how did I do' or 'so what are you doing' or 'so do you want to keep going', though it's probably one of the first; Nahid ducks down to pick up her wrecked shirt and toss it over one shoulder. Once she's recovered enough to not sound like she's short on air: "If you're gonna start calling people, I'm gonna go change."

"Text messageo, chica." Angel manages to be absolutely zero ethnic in her statement, but she is unusually chipper for somebody who'd just been slammed into a wall. She finishes with the phone, sets it down beside her, and sets both hands in her lap, prim and proper atop the otherwise completely busted desk, wall, and everything. Nahid's given a sharp, analytical stare.

"Iii was sending an email to my bosses. They wanted to know what you'd been doing with all of the time they put into you, so I'm gonna tell them. Might be ~promotion~ potential there! Talk about sweet, right?" A nod - Angel's not waiting for Nahid to answer. "Anyway, keep your ears open in the next week or two or three, I dunno. Maybe you'll get word about movin' up in the organization. Makin' friends in high places, all that. Also, if you get enough clothes ripped so that the guy in charge of employee accident redemption knows your name by heart?"

Angel hops off of the desk, grabs her phone, and starts heading towards the gym's exit herself.

"He lets you get your clothes replaced for -free-, without -any paperwork-. But he calls you a lot. He calls you so much. It's up to you!!"

COMBATSYS: Angel has left the fight here.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nahid            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Nahid has ended the fight here.

Log created on 22:07:35 10/13/2010 by Nahid, and last modified on 11:42:36 10/14/2010.