Malin - All's Fair in Schooltime War.

Description: Having finally made good on her promise to engage Yurika in battle, Malin finds herself confronted by someone who is, perhaps, just as good as she is! The shock and horror of this discovery cannot be overstated, and results in a good deal of turmoil for the rogue. When confronted with the good-natured insolence of Malin, though, can Yurika really hope to stay steely-hearted in resolve to bludgeon her down? Can Malin defend herself against the musical prodigy, and what happened to the poor deliveryman? All these questions, and more, are revealed inside. Stay tuned.

Hurray another school year at Seijyun! With the new academic year Yurika has graduated from the school and been immedietly hired to an academic position; so her blue attire is now replaced with a rather blandish black and grey dress, but she does get to have an office of her own, how special!

It's a rediculously big office actually, up on the second floor of the academic building on the east side of campus and she's expecting a package today! Her intercom rings, 'Miss Kirishima, your package has arrived and needs to signed..'

"Go ahead and send them up," she replies, typing away on her computer. A new fiction perhaps? Not on the job! Honest... Really.

Malin has waited, biding her time like a fox. Or a ninja. A very forgetful ninja, maybe. But she's been biding her time nonetheless. Because, you see, Malin never forgets a challenge, and she had thrown down a challenge, of sorts, to Yurika, a long time ago.

And sure, life had gotten pretty crazy after that. Beating up thugs, fighting for your life against crazed mercenaries, tracking across jungles and saving presidents, all the things that a good Hong did in her day to day life. But in the back of her mind, she has never forgotten; she challenged Yurika, and she'd make good on that challenge before long.

Long, is today, where a confused delivery man is now waking up, naked, except his briefs, several miles away from the school.

Malin has tucked her cap down low, and as she enters the office, she puts the package down on Yurika's desk. A clipboard nonchalantly offered, as she chews a toothpick in a rather uncouth-delivery-person kind of way.

"If you could just sign here, ma'am." She drawls. Oh yeah. Malin. Master of disguise, is playing it smoooth.

The Kirishima heir raises an eyebrow at Malin. Has she suddenly been spotted? Is the jig already up?? "You do realize where you are, do you not?" Yurika asks, of course referring to this.. Uncouthness. Totally not cool here. And the real delivery man is going to be reaaaally upset, because not many men get to set foot on these grounds!

She accepts the clipboard, writing her signature in cursive in pen. And as she hands the board back... She fully intends on using the distraction to snatch the toothpick out of his mouth and toss it into the trash binny beside her desk.

Malin lets the toothpick be plucked out of 'his' mouth, but, just as Yurika tosses it into the trash, the girl lifts her head up, and the pair of eyes that gleam out from underneath the cap sparkle with delight. There's just a heartbeat in which Yurika might get to react.

But that's all the time there is! Because the clipboard, and the paper that she had so meticulously signed, is suddenly whipping around, and Malin aims to smash the unfortunate tool of her adopted trade right over Yurika's head!

"I know where I am!" She declares, hit or miss, the jig is now up, and she has no intent of keeping up the charade, kicking a chair up against the door, to prevent anyone else from interfering in her sudden desire for random violence. "The question is... do YOU know where you are? This isn't your office any more, Yurika!"

She smirks, and it is the delinquent smirk of every girl who has ever skipped a day of class to go shopping.

"This is -war-."

COMBATSYS: Yurika has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Yurika           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Malin has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Malin            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika

COMBATSYS: Malin successfully hits Yurika with Small Random Weapon.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika

In many cases, a heartbeat is all that Yurika needs to do what she needs to do. There is a small issue when others can move within that same heartbeat though; it's clear she wasn't expecting the sudden attack though, a slight shift to the side is not enough to get out of the way and her head ends up turning downward to the blow upon her head- her curls bouncing with the impact.

".. Ouch."

She should have known. She really should have. "You're late.... Miss Malin!" She should be upset.. And yet there's just something charismatic enough about THE Malin to keep Yurika from trying to skewer the other girl for again breaking 'rules' to get at her.

She'll play the delinquent's game, but should she lose it'll prove very interesting for Yurika. "Naturally you're going to be punished. In -my- office, no less." Did we mention her violin was on her desk? Well.. It is, and she slaps her hands onto the desk, vaulting off and over her foe, landing with her 'tools' in hand. She plays the violen and sweeps the bow forward as she steps back further still, launching a ring of gorgeous musical notes forth! And should that energy slam into her, she'd better not knock over the computer. Because seriously.

COMBATSYS: Malin dodges Yurika's Tragic Serenade.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika

If there is one thing that holds true about Malin, it is that she is very good at not being where attacks are. This is proven beyond most doubt when, despite the rather limited space in the office, she manages to leap into the air, twisting to evade the musical note... of energy-doom. /The/ Malin can only respond to the accusation with a merry burst of laughter. It wasn't the first time that someone had claimed they'd punish her, and it certainly wouldn't be the last, but, she had to admire Yurika's confidence in the face of sudden combat!

"We'll see about that!" She shoots back, "What're you going to do, anyway? Put me in detention?"

The girl doesn't waste any time, though. Her hand whipping forward, as she continues to move around the far side of the desk, and a yoyo comes shooting out towards Yurika... it'd almost be comical, if it wasn't for the setting of spinning blades which buzz out from its sides!

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Malin's Onigumo.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Malin            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Yurika

Buzz-saw yo-yos.. That's certainly a new one, thankfully Yurika isn't the type to just take a blow on purpose even if it looks harmless. Again it's just a subtle shift and turn to the side allowing the weapon to stop in front of her and her dark eyes widen to the blades, ".. I see."

She leaps upward and would then land gracefully atop her desk, seeming a little concerned now about the well-being of the place at the end of this. It may be a good idea to moev this outside but.. Throwing Malin out a window? Wouldn't that be a bit harsh? As she ponders this she drops to a crouch and snaps her foot out to kick her opponent in the chest and at least nudge her in that direction.

COMBATSYS: Malin blocks Yurika's Light Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Malin            0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Yurika

The buzz saw yoyo provides another interesting trick, as she grips the string. Yurika's foot collides with the string, and scrapes along it with a mechanical grinding noise. Yes, the 'string', is in fact steel. And it helped quite a lot, actually, as it absorbs much of the force of the impact, and Malin only skids back a very small amount, keeping her grip on her toy.

"You are quicker than I was expecting!" She says, honestly shocked. There weren't that many people who could keep up with her, after all, but Yurika was giving it a good go! "... Especially with all that hair weighing you down."

Oh! Burn!

She doesn't just throw out insults, though. The insult delivered, that yoyo is jerked back and around, the wire aiming to tangle itself around Yurika's legs, with the yoyo hoping to find a home in her thigh. If the toy tangles as thoroughly as all that, Malin will add insult to injury by neatly standing up... and simply shoving the other girl over, hard. Not much dignity in such a maneuver. But nobody has every accused Malin of fighting /fair/.

COMBATSYS: Malin successfully hits Yurika with Armed Combo.
?!? Weird Hit! ?!?

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Malin            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Yurika

That wasn't just a burn.. That was a SICK BURN. And yet Yurika doesn't do much more than raise an eyebrow again in response, with a small shake of her head, "Enough of th- Oop!" a yelp of surprise as the yo-yo tangles about the musician, the toy adding insult to injury by smacking her in the face and then she bounces off the desk hits the floor with a heavy *thump*.

She's no magician but she can escape from such things naturally as the tangling isn't too complex and she like a snake slithers free, briefly showing off her pantaloons in the process- But the moment she feels that draft she pushes down her dress with a heavy blush.

She's then on her feet, weilding her sharp-tipped bow like a sword and she lunges forward with two diagonal slashes at the trickster, finalized with a forward thrust, "Un! Deux! Trois! It's looking like you're going to need more than just detention, Malin. I hope you're ready for the consequences!"

COMBATSYS: Malin dodges Yurika's Tragic Minuet.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Malin            0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Yurika

Malin slides back away from the first slash, and then darts to the side of the second. Barely escaping as the blade cuts within inches of her face. Causing a moment of startled shock. She'd been so certain that her little trick would slow Yurika down, apparently, it just wasn't to be! The forward lunge is met with a simple step to the side, some innate sense telling Malin to GET OUT THE WAY! And... she does. The bow comes very close to ruining the tricksters day, but, alas, not close enough.

And at some point in the dizzying dance, Malin's hands have found a pair of small tubes, with very sharp points all of their own.

"Uhm, yeah, about that Yuri~." She chirps, twirling the new weapons as she gets nice and close, "Are you sure you want to be the one... in /charge/, here?"

To complete her terrible pun, the girl thrusts both those tubes forwards, aiming to bury them in Yurika's sides. Should they connect, naturally, the result will be a very, very powerful electric shock. In charge, indeed.

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Malin's Electric Prod EX.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Malin            0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika's eyebrow twitches immedietly, "Yurika," she corrects before Malin even gets a chance to continue her sentence. And then with the question she has a feeling she knows what the punch line is, but it isn't a punch which is the defensive positioning she was going for. She only has one arm available so she knocks one arm to the side the other meeting it's mark but of course unable to deliver the full damage. With a yelp she's slipping back again, but then sweeps back further still, taking a moment to focus and reposition her chi for the next attack. ".. I don't have a counter-attack for that. One point to you."

COMBATSYS: Yurika calculates her next move.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Malin            0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Yurika

Malin's response is, to say the least, not very sportsmanlike.

Jumping back to take up position by the door, the girl snorts, and throws the cap from her head with a sweeping gesture of her hand, revealing the trademark bandana underneath. "You don't have a counter for that?" She repeats, mockingly. "Come /on/ Yurika! Who do you think you are dealing with here? You can't say stuff like that and expect to get out of here in one piece! I'm /Malin/. If you don't step your game up, you are going to lose!"

"/In your own office/."

She doesn't seem all that intent on letting up, however. Her hands reaching behind her back. "What would people say then? You aren't losing your..."

Hands whip forwards, and six blades, perfectly balanced, cut through the air between herself and the far more elegant girl in a neat cross pattern, hoping to force the distance between herself and Yurika to stay as it was. And, just to add insult to even further injury, she throws out another pun along with the blades.


COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Malin's Large Thrown Object.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Malin            0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Yurika

"You misunderstand," Yurika murmurs, eyeing the blades and then proceeds to rush forward in mid-launch, "I don't refer to your technique, I speak of your puns; it isn't exactly a class in our school.." swaying this way and that, it's very simple for her to weave through the weapons that end up thunking into the walls and door.

She starts to veer more toward the left and then in the blink of an eye there's the sound of music in the air and with red energy dancing about her weapon Yurika swings at Malin's gut with a wide sweep.. "Luckily I can easily," There's an interesting amount of force in it, wanting to launch her foe upward, to smash the girl against the ceiling then leap and smack the wood of her bow a second time to send her back to the ground, "Get into the 'swing' of things."

COMBATSYS: Malin dodges Yurika's Tragic Waltz.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Yurika

Malin would be lying if she said the speed with which Yurika moved wasn't at least a little bit scary. But, she's never one to let a little something like blinding speed scare her. Okay. So. Puns were just making Yurika angrier, she notes in the back of her mind, and not in the good 'less focused' way, in the bad 'must crush puny outsider' kind of way.

This thought trails through her head as she completes an acrobatic backflip over the punning schoolgirl, and lands, neatly, on her desk. If she was honest, this wasn't exactly the way she thought this would go. She'd been expecting Yurika to put up much less of a fight, but, wow, she was /fast/.

"Geez. Everyone's a critic. But, I'm sorry Yuri, I won't be giving you an encore." She snickers. Apparently considering her options for a split second... she decides on a rather novel approach. Namely, rather than use one of the myriad weapons she has on her person... she hooks her foot underneath Yurika's monitor, and punts it up into the air.

She then wraps her arms around the monitor, and bodily lunges through the air, aiming, quite simply, to smash the improvised weapon down around Yurika's head.

... You have to give her points for effort at least, right?

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Malin's Random Weapon.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Yurika

It's true, Yurika was intent on destroying Malin at this point; interesting how one can give off such an air with a small smile on her features, but that's just how the elegant fighter works. The problem though, is just Malin is so gosh darn quick! "Yurika," she corrects again, and she cringes seeing her computer used as a weapon. But she doesn't have the free hands to catch it, so to her dismay swishes to the side and SMASH! Broken moniter. "... Malin, you would not believe how much trouble you are in right now.."

With a leap forward, Yurika attempts to smash the flat of her weapon at the side of Malin's neck, assuming it lands this is followed with yet another thrusting kick but toward her opponents belly. She is slowing down a touch, perhaps so she can see where she's actually pinpointing a bit better.

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Malin with Power Strike.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Malin            0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0           Yurika

"Oh come off it, Yurika!" Malin starts, laughing as she picks herself up from the ruined monitor. "You can't even begin to touch--"

Then she's ploughed into the floor. By her neck. Whatever snappy comeback she was about to retort with, is immediately ruined by the powerful smashing fury of Yurika's righteous wrath. Before she can begin to pick herself up, she's kicked powerfully in the stomach, and rolls across the floor.

"... Ow, okay, maybe, you can. But. I'm not finished yet!"

Apparently getting a little reckless herself, Malin presses the offensive, literally bursting from her spot on the comfortable, painful floor, with a long blade in her hands. Where the heck that had come from would be a mystery for the ages, but where it is going is a far easier question to answer- Malin lunging her whole body forwards, and intending to drag it across Yurika's front with a loud - "EN GUARDE!"

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Malin's Suzume Bachi.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Yurika

"'Yet' being the key word?" Yurika quips, a little surprised herself by her own strength.. Or perhaps Malin is a lot more delicate than she lets on. Unfortunatly her bite is still as bad as her bark so Yurika can't write her off as crushed just yet.

Ok but seriously, where did that blade just come from? It's the shock alone that ends up making her just stand there and meet the blade with her pseudo blade, the two weapons clashing with one another for one dramatic moment.

".. I'm not even going to ask," she decides. Because Malin can't be a ninja, and even then that isn't an authentic ninja trick! When the blades unclash she's ack on the attack and this time comes forth with even more swings, she slashes quickly at the girls front in a 'z' motion, finalized with yet another wide upward sweep to smack her weapon under Malin's chin!

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Malin with Combo Attack.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Sometimes, the world really hates Malin.

You can't really blame the world. She's loud, obnoxious, and talks a far larger game than she can actually deliver. But it is difficult not to feel just a little bit sad for her at this moment in time. The blade cuts through her stolen uniform, and draws a nasty line across her body. She tries to roll with it, attempting to use her grace and agility to go along with the upwards motion... but it fails, badly, and the girl winds up losing her footing, and her head bounces off the desk, leaving a nasty dent in the desk, and a nastier one in the back of her head.


Never let it be said that Malin is one to stay down for long, though. Determined as she is to stay in the fight, she's soon on her feet again, and this time, she runs right in at Yurika, not holding back, and, some might say, being just a little bit reckless on the offense.

"Don't underestimate me!" She spits, angrily. "I'm /Malin/! Who the heck do you THINK you are dealing with here? I'm done fooling around!"

She really is, apparently. Coming up short and suddenly darting to the left, Malin translates that momentum into her arm, and whips the vicious buzzing yoyo back into play. From where it comes nobody knows, but it is coming in at a fantastic rate, and this time actually aims to bounce off Yurika's nose... and rebound down her chest before the blades spring out in a whirling, buzzing storm of steel fury. Definitely more unpleasant than the last use, that's for sure.

Malin: She knows yoyo tricks that make gangsters weep.

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Malin's Short Onigumo EX.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Malin            0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika won't be giving Malin much sympathy, if any at all. While she may be lovable in her own quriky little way, Yurika has a weakness for different kind of cute so it won't be effecting her! With Malin re-introducing herself, Yurika can't help but smile a little more, "The problem isn't who I think I'm dealing with, Miss Malin.." she replies.

The yo-yo this time comes in contact with her bow, she whips her arm to and fro, side to side, deflecting each attack with narrow eyes, "It's the other way around, of course.. But you're lucky, at least I'm not a real enemy." She notices she had ended up pushed back a little, but she decides to continue forward regardless, stepping to the side and then rushing forward again, her bow briefly touching the strings of her violin, tip of her weapon glowing with musical energy. She swipes at Malin's legs, trying to use her energy to dull the nerves of her foe briefly. She swipes back a second time to use that 'advantage' to sweep Malin off of her feet, "You can still run away if you wish."

COMBATSYS: Malin dodges Yurika's Tragic Hesitation.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Malin            0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Malin is starting to get desperate. It wasn't every day that she felt quite so outclassed as Yurika has managed to make her feel. She was just... quick. Matching every move she made and dishing it back out just as quick- even quicker, sometimes! Sweat is beading on the lovable rogue's brow, and it is only by the smallest of margins that she manages to avoid the lashing swipes of the music instrument-turned-deadly-weapon.

Malin just isn't ready to throw in the towel just yet, though. No, quite the opposite. "I know who you are, Yurika." She says, her voice suddenly disturbingly serious, a complete reversal of the generally over-the-top tone she'd taken throughout the fight up until this moment. "You talk a big game, like me."

Reaching behind her again, this time, what Malin brings out truly beggars belief. A long sword, which she has to grip with two hands, suddenly shines in the light of the office. "The difference is. I'm busy out there fighting the scum, and you are holed up in here doing paperwork on a fancy computer!"

Suddenly, Malin is lunging forwards, the sword leading the way, there's no elegance or finesse here, she just aims to swing the weapon around in a wide, clumsy arc, and hope to whatever forces had kept her alive this long, that she managed to connect with something that hurt!

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Malin's Power Strike.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Malin            0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

To Malin's claim, Yurika looks a little surprised and both brows raise this time. She honestly can't tell if Malin is bluffing or not, or perhaps she doesn't know as much as she believes she does. Either way though she replies, "I will not confirm or deny your accusation but really, Malin, what is it that makes you so much better than me? Sure you do fight, but do you truly want me to believe you do it because you want to? Because there isn't anything in it for you? I may not know everything, but I'm not a fool either. My work is no less difficult than your own, it's as simple as that."

The weapon swings and Yurika drops to a crouch, it's too clumsy for her not to react appropriatly to. Suddenly there is a burst of musical energy that twirls about her body, "Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, delinquent girl." Another rush forward, Yurika attempts to press her back against Malin's front and raise her weapon-toting hand to the back of Malin's head. Should she get the hold she'd lurch forward, fling the girl over her shoulder and slam her onto the desk, sending all the pens, papers, and intercom flying off of it.

COMBATSYS: Malin blocks Yurika's Medium Throw.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Malin lets herself be lifted, but when she hits the desk, she rolls with the force of the blow, blunting the damage significantly as she rolls herself across it, and over the other side. She's breathing a little harder now, admittedly, but she was still stubbornly refusing to call it a day. She'd never really gotten the hang of quitting whilst she was ahead. Or quitting at all, for that matter.

"Heh." She says, straightening herself up, she flashes a grin in Yurika's direction. "You might have a point." She admits, working just a touch of the tension out of her shoulder. "Thing is, you aren't quite right on everything. I'm doing it because it's what I love doing. Because I've got a lot of people backing me to do it. And because I'm good at it. You think I make any money doing it? Heck, Yuri, I made more picking the pocket of your driver than I made in a year doing the rounds."

She laughs, shaking her head slowly, and even going so far as to close her eyes with that delinquent, maddening smirk on her lips. "You really ought to hire better staff you know. You can't trust anyone, these days."

COMBATSYS: Malin gains composure.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika's breathing has picked up, but there's a rhythm to it, as with most of what she does. Her lips twist a bit, ".. That's.. I'm afraid I do not understand what you're telling me, you're either some sort of genius, or a fool. I do what I do out of love, but a lady cannot live on love alone." she murmurs, once more hopping onto the desk, and she proceeds to play on her violin, "I was hoping at the end of this I'd have crushed your will and enticed you into joining my side, but I see already that isn't going to happen."

"Well then, at least half of my plan will go through, don't you think? I will show you hell." she asks with a smile of her own, though somehow it's apparent she's even more annoyed than before.

COMBATSYS: Yurika calculates her next move.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Malin can be a real bitch sometimes. And that is suddenly made painfully, abundantly clear.

"Weeeeell, I thought about asking you to join my team too." She says, stretching her arms above her head, and hooking her fingers together behind her bandana, her eyes roll up to the ceiling, and that irritating smirk of hers just seems to grow even wider.

"Trouble is, they didn't want you. See, my guys, they only really want the best around, and you've been sitting on the bench so long, they aren't convinced you even remember how to play any more."

She laughs, taking a few, careful, steps backwards, in the vague direction of the door. "I mean, I guess you've got some skill, but, you can stop playing around now, Yurika. There's no shame in it. Just back off, and everyone can go home. Don't make me embarrass you even more than I already have done. There's just no need, is there?"

Of course, she's not stupid. Her eyes are on Yurika as she makes her way towards the door, just waiting for the opportunity she needed to snap into action.

COMBATSYS: Malin focuses on her next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

It's true Malin can be a bitch. However Yurika is from Seijyun; she's been involved with enough delinquents to practically master such a skill herself; and talented enough speaker to shut many things down. She talks well, but Malin already knows that. While there is still fury in her eyes, she doesn't move from her spot, and her gentle smile doesn't leave her lips, ".. Is that really what they think, Malin? The only problem is, I'm not happy being a follower.. Don't forget that I do wish to lead Southtown to it's former glory, not follow it."

"I may not be as skilled as you, but I am much smarter than you. The problem with your taunt is that you think I believe I have something to prove. I do not. You're clearly baiting me into attacking because I know you're too proud to really run away, Malin.. So quit fooling around and attack me." she replies smugly, "You're an open book to me, how else do you think I'm keeping up with you?"

COMBATSYS: Yurika takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

There's a flicker of genuine amusement over Malin's features. Did... did Yurika just say she was an open book? Seriously?

And then she starts laughing. A genuine, happy laugh, that starts in her gut and works up, until she's almost doubling over with it. Malin shakes her head, and walks over to the door. Picking up the chair she'd kicked there before, she walks back in front of the desk, and slams it down onto the floor. Then, she hops into it, and folds one leg over the over, looking up at the undisputed ruler of Seijin high with that cocky grin plastered over her features.

"You /are/ good!" She declares, a knife dances across her fingers for a moment, before she disappears it back about her person. "Alright, alright, that's enough posturing I think, though, don't you? I /knew/ there was a reason I wanted to support your little tournament thing. So." She leans forwards a little, resting her chin on her hands. "Lets talk. You wanted me on side, but, I'm gonna guess there was a reason, I'm not exactly what you call a team player, am I?"

COMBATSYS: Malin takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Yurika probably didn't mean it as Malin thought she did, so there's a brief moment of confusion in her features when Malin starts laughing. Laughing, like.. Hysterically so. Luckily she doesn't share Kurow's bloodlust, she's able to calm herself down, but it'll be a moment longer before she can actually get off of the desk- So it's impressive to her that Malin can pull up a chair and then seat herself. She pouts a little, "Oh.. Well in case you were curious, your punishment was to serve a day in Seijyun classes in our uniform. I suppose I'll have to fight you for it another time.." she says, brushing lightly at her mussed hair.

"I'm aware you aren't known for being a team player; which is why I found your 'inspiration' for fighting rather discouraging. After all, what can I offer a girl that has everything?" Starting to relax more, "I'm interested in you because even with that cute smile of yours you can be as ruthless as they come.. And that's the kind of person I need to hit a few particular 'problems' in the streets of Southtown. I'll be blunt with you Malin, I have an image to maintain; I can't be seen doing cutthroat work, even if it's necessary for Southtown.. I think you may understand where I'm getting at."

COMBATSYS: Yurika takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Malin shrugs slightly, "I get it." She replies, "To tell you the truth, though, there's a lot of people in Southtown who I need to... deal with, myself. Some creep tracked me all the way down to Australia to get back at me for doing it. Which means I have to be doing something right." She grins impishly, and scoots around, just, well, resting her legs up on the arm of the chair. She doesn't really seem to be taking any of it... all that seriously.

"Interesting punishment, but, you wouldn't be the first to try and make me go to school. I never got the hang of it myself." She gives another little shrug, "And I'm not going to lie, there's not much you could offer me, but... you've got an honest face. You seem like a decent sort of person, too. You've done a lot of good." She straightens up a bit, "Money is nice, but, it's not important on its own. If you could use it better putting it towards a rebuilding effort or a new gym or something, do that. You tell me what you want taken care of, and, well, if it's for a good cause, you might not have to offer anything anyway. My contacts are good, but they don't know everything, you can tell me where I can do the most good and... that's about it, really."

It's not often that Malin is so candid, but, maybe, just maybe, she knew that if Yurika had kept up the fight... she would probably have lost. Either that, or the flattery was getting to her. Probably both, really.

COMBATSYS: Malin takes no action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Malin            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Yurika

Malin's behavior again isn't anything she isn't used too, a lot of students here are reform students; just not nearly as dangerous as the young woman before her, "To be honest it was less for educational purpose and more me wanting to see you in an adorable outfit." She's weird, yes. She knows this.

Yurika takes in a small breath and then slips up to sit on the edge of her desk, violin set on the desk once more. She raises a gloved finger to her lips, pondering Malin's words and nods her head on occassion, "I see.. Well then at the very least, if you need a place to stay for a while I can offer you that much on this campus. I'm in no particular rush since with the way things now they won't be gaining power quickly. I'm going to need some time, Malin, to find where you'd be most effective, I don't like making impulse decisions as you already know. So if it wouldn't be any trouble, could you return in about four days"

A pause and then a frown, "And perhaps without hijacking me employees?"

COMBATSYS: Yurika has left the fight here.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Malin            0/-------/----===|

Oh, how Malin loves poorly worded requests.

Sure, she /could/ return in about four days, and she /could/ do it without hijacking any employees. She wouldn't, though.

... Heck, if Yurika wanted to see her in a cute outfit, the /least/ that Malin could do is oblige. The secretary had been wearing a pretty neat suit, after all. Maybe she'd go for that, next time...

Of course, Malin isn't exactly the most focused agent at the best of times. She does what she wants, when she can be bothered to do it. But, Yurika really had caught Malin's imagination. It might be fun, working for someone with actual power for once. Not that she wasn't actually supported by a shadowy cabal of mysterious backers, of course. It's... it's just that... uh. Shut up, that's why.

"Sure thing, Yurika." She says, slipping from the chair and hopping to her feet. "I'll see what I can do. Four days should work alright, unless any big business comes up, but, I'll have my people call your people if that's the case."

That said, she starts back towards the door, leaving Yurika to clean up the broken computer... and scattered stationary... and dented furniture that she was leaving in her wake. "Ciao!~"

COMBATSYS: Malin has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:21:42 11/04/2009 by Malin, and last modified on 07:50:15 11/05/2009.