Neo League 876 - #887: Kyoko vs Leona

Description: In some odd bid to get more people fighting in the Leagues aside from Adon, the Neo League approaches Kyoko with an interesting prospect: FIGHT AN IKARI, WIN A MILLION BUCKS. One of these things may be true. (Draw Match)


"Miss Minazuki?" asks a fresh-faced looking man in a business suit as he steps into the nurse's office of Justice High. Seated at a desk is the Devilish Nurse herself, who scrambles for whatever reason. The sound of glass clinking and clanking can be heard, followed by a furious shuffle of papers.

"Uhh, yes that is me!" chimes the woman, who swivels around in her cushy chair with her fist lightly perched beneath her chin. She's all smiles as she regards the suit.

"Hi, I'm with the Neo Leagues," he introduces. "I'm here because we're trying to drum up more interest in the Leagues. Lately, our only real active participate seems to be that frea--I mean--friendly upstanding man Adon, so we're trying to get more of our other participants active. And, according to our notes, you're one of them, so--"

"Sure! Why not!?" Kyoko merrily replies. "I'd be glad to. Where do you need me?"

"Can you be at Sound Beach by Wednesday? You're opponent will be Leona Heidern."

"Sure! Got it! Leona Heidern!"

"All right, see you then. I smell scotch in he--?"

"Be seeing you!"


Laid out upon a red beach blanket is Kyoko, who has taken a half-day at the school in favor of meeting her Neo League obligations on time. She looks quite comfortable, what with her big designer shades perched over her eyes and the red two piece bathing suit that she's taken to wearing in favor of getting a sweet tan. In all, she's treating this less like a designated match and more like the chance to get in some sun before winter sets in.

At her side is a bottle of rum and a bottle of Coca-Cola.

"Oh," she mulls, taking a sip from a small crystal glass. "This is the liiiiiife."

Meanwhile, NL crew members scurry about in preparation for the match-to-be. But to Kyoko Minazuki, they may as well not exist.


"Miss Minazuki?" asks a fresh-faced looking man in a business suit as he steps into the nurse's office of Justice High. Seated at a desk is the Devilish Nurse herself, who scrambles for whatever reason. The sound of glass clinking and clanking can be heard, followed by a furious shuffle of papers.

"Uhh, yes that is me!" chimes the woman, who swivels around in her cushy chair with her fist lightly perched beneath her chin. She's all smiles as she regards the suit.

"Hi, I'm with the Neo Leagues," he introduces. "I'm here because we're trying to drum up more interest in the Leagues. Lately, our only real active participate seems to be that frea--I mean--friendly upstanding man Adon, so we're trying to get more of our other participants active. And, according to our notes, you're one of them, so--"

"Sure! Why not!?" Kyoko merrily replies. "I'd be glad to. Where do you need me?"

"Can you be at Sound Beach by Wednesday? Your opponent will be Leona Heidern."

"Sure! Got it! Leona Heidern!"

"All right, see you then. I smell scotch in he--?"

"Be seeing you!"


Laid out upon a red beach blanket is Kyoko, who has taken a half-day at the school in favor of meeting her Neo League obligations on time. She looks quite comfortable, what with her big designer shades perched over her eyes and the red two piece bathing suit that she's taken to wearing in favor of getting a sweet tan. In all, she's treating this less like a designated match and more like the chance to get in some sun before winter sets in.

At her side is a bottle of rum and a bottle of Coca-Cola.

"Oh," she mulls, taking a sip from a small crystal glass. "This is the liiiiiife."

Meanwhile, NL crew members scurry about in preparation for the match-to-be. But to Kyoko Minazuki, they may as well not exist.

So much time has passed since Southtown has become a warzone that life, and the summer, have been welcome things for the citizens there. Since then, certain agents of certain mercenary organizations have gone home, leaving the urban jungle in favor of the more traditional definition of one: The heat, humidity, and the "active duty" list.

Originally, she was sent to the 'States as part of a cooperative training exercise; she was one of the Ikari Warriors sent to go help the Army learn how to handle some of the more diverse and unorthodox combat styles they would undoubtely face out there in the field. It was a good week-- no, more of boring week. Of course, then she got a call to say that she had some leave coming to her, and what else could she do?

Calling the League and putting her name in the hat seemed pretty natural.

When Leona arrives on the beach, she's dressed relatively light for the weather; a black midriffed tanktop and camo-print shorts rolled up to about the usual length she wears in the tournament scene. Her hair's down right now, though glimpses of thin, cylindrical earrings are hanging from the lobes (low-yield explosives, no need to kill someone here) and her dogtags are worn about her neck. Her tall, tightly-laced boots crunch the sand while she checks in, paces through the crews, and stands out on Sound Beach with her hands tucked in her pockets.

Watching the horizon, Kyoko's sunbathing doesn't immediately register-- well, not immediately. Looking off to her left to the sole woman on the beach with her rum and cola, the blue-haired mercenary arches an eyebrow.

"Kyoko Minazuki?"

Almost--almost--does Kyoko catch herself a cat-nap underneath the afternoon sun.

But when someone calls her name the woman's black eyes snap open behind the dark shades perched upon her face before she shoots up off the towel and lightly flails. "I wasn't sleeping, I swear!" the nurse exclaims, giving her shades a light adjustment before her attentions turn around and up onto the 'lightly dressed' Ikari mercenary. She doesn't say anything immediately; instead, Kyoko slowly lifts her glass to her lips.

Then, slowly, Kyoko takes a lengthy sip of rum and coke.

"I'm sorry," the woman says over the rim of her drink.

"I don't know who you are." She goes to take another sip of her drink.

"THAT IS YOUR OPPONENT!" shouts a coordinator from just behind the sunbathing nurse. Promptly does the woman spit her drink while, simultaneously, it drops from her startled hand, hitting the sand and tipping what remains out onto the beach. Without really thinking the woman hops to her feet and offers her hand.

"Oh I am so sorry!" the Justice High nurse apologies, "I had no clue you'd be here so soon so I was just getting comfortable, and..."

Shake or no shake, the man from before clears his throat and gestures to the two women.

"Everyone is set up, so you two can begin at your leisure," he informs them.

"But I'm in a bathing suit, I should really go change..."

"You should have thought about that before!!" snaps the coordinator. Kyoko frowns.

"Well no wonder people have been so inactive lately. You're all a bunch of jerks."

The man just throws his arms in the air as he walks off before he gestures toward the camera men. Slowly but surely a crowd begins to fill around the area as people realize that there is, in fact, a League match in the making and not just a bunch of yelling.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kyoko            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Leona has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kyoko            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Leona

As her opponent freaks out a little bit and claims how awake and aware she is of events, Leona doesn't react much aside from a slight bob of her head, neck swaning back a little to the loud reaction. Once she's up and on her feet, though, there's no lack of pleasantries-- Leona may be a soldier, but she's not entirely devoid of social graces. Taking Kyoko's hand in a grip a little firmer than a girl her age should have and giving a shake, she tries to bow her head a little to the level you'd expect with a Japanese greeting. She also clarifies for the nurse after the yelling, "Leona Heidern, ma'am."

Walking a short distance away, Leona fishes an elastic tie out of her pocket and holds it in her teeth long enough to bunch up her hair into a high ponytail and tie it back. It leaves a layer of bangs and a bit of hair hanging from either side of her face, just enough to not be a nuisance in battle. From her back pocket, she fishes out a pair of half-tucked in sturdy black leather gloves, slowly tugging them on with a shift of fabric and leather. Dropping the dogtags under the collar of her shirt, her preparations seemingly done, she looks from both Kyoko to the coordinator and back. "I don't mind if you go change, but--"

There's a crowd. The staff is urging, the cameras are rolling.

Leona sighs. "I'm sorry about this, I guess we have to start."

Then, she gets a look on her face. While politely waiting for Kyoko to ready herself, she unlaces her boots and pulls them off, as well as the socks worn underneath. No sense in carrying the weight and hardness of boots when her opponent can't do the same, right? It's supposed to be friendly televised competition, not the usual head-splitting battles she's used to.

When she does move, it's with a burst of sand under her booted feet, sprinting from motionless to full tilt all at once. Hands held as straight as blades, arms and legs pumping, it doesn't take her long at all to reach Kyoko. Pushing off, she twists around and hooks one leg up to a virtual split only to drop her heel at the woman with a rather impressive axe kick.

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Kyoko with Strike Arc.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Kyoko            0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0            Leona

At the firm and very professional shake of the hand, Kyoko actually blinks behind her big designer shades. That was certainly unexpected to a degree; then again, judging by her attire, one should sort of anticipate such a response from the likes of Leona. Either way, she's mildly surprised--but returns it anyway.

"Oh please!" the woman exclaims, waving a hand after the two break from their formal greeting. "Please just call me Kyoko! I'm not THAT old! I'm twenty-three! Honest! Ha ha ha!" Really, though, that's a lie.

And then there's A LOOK on Leona's face as Kyoko just sort of makes a few random, comically annoyed faces in the coordinator's direction. When she looks back, Leona is literally IN HER FACE before she slams her heel into the nurse. She crumples instantly, hitting the ground face-first. Fortunately, it's soft, pliable sand.

Okay, so that doesn't make it feel any better.

Pulling her face out of the ground, Kyoko's sweet shades are now busted and sharply angled on her sand-covered face. Stumbling onto her feet, the nurse snaps them from her nose and frowns, while with the other hand she idly brushes the sand from her cheeks. "Aw, I paid a lot for these, too," she laments before casually casting them over a shoulder.

"Oh well, I'll just use my winnings to buy another!"

Lashing out, Kyoko attempts to snag Leona by her wrists and hold her in place before she snaps a leg up and delivers a quick series of three kicks at her body--her head, then her upper chest, and lastly her stomach--before she releases the Ikari.

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Kyoko's Shokushin.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Kyoko            0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0            Leona

Kyoko, not ... that old. Twenty-three, right. After they withdraw and part, while Leona has her back turned, she has an intense look on her face, trying to figure something out. She should be older than twenty-three, shouldn't she? Her build, her face, her JOB. But-- it. No. No, it's not that important right now!

Now, moments later, she's driven the school nurse into the ground with a forceful kick. Her arms extend a little bit with a cocked back elbow, trying to settle into a stance that's both light on her feet and wide-- closed up enough to be well defended, but open enough to strike as she needs to.

Still, Kyoko snags an arm and launches off with three kicks. Caught by surprise, the kick to her head causes her head to snap to the side while her arm quickly crosses in front of her vertically. The second kick strikes her hand, while the third catches her at the elbow. It hurts, but she's not going to complain!

Instead, she turns the tables.

Her held wrist arm twists and draws a small circle, refusing to let Kyoko get that far away. Instead snagging at the school nurse's arm with gloved hands, Leona tries to pull her in closer with a sharp tug. Putting her back to Kyoko's side if things go to plan, the Ikari Warrior will try to do a simple but powerful Judo-style throw with the intent to once again plant the nurse on the ground in one fell movement.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Leona's Medium Throw.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Kyoko            0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0            Leona

Fortune smiles upon Kyoko Minazuki when Leona casts off her thoughts and putting together the facts versus the truth from the nurse's mouth. Unfortunately, to accomplish this feat indirectly, it means that Leona must beat the Justice High nurse with her powerful, heavy boot-clad foot. This is accomplished well enough by the Ikari.

Retaliation comes quick, but Leona's even-quicker thinking spares her the worst of it. Withdrawing as the woman defends against her kicks, she finds Leona is quick again to advance, snagging her by the wrist and slamming her toward the sandy ground. Kyoko, in turn, twists her body just so, letting the worst of the slam be absorbed on less-tender or potentially painful parts of her backside.

Rolling onto her feet, the woman dusts herself off with a grin. "So you're a soldier, right?" she wonders, even as she darts in again, attempting to seize Leona's wrist and sidestep around and behind her, to lock her arm in place before tripping her feet out from under her, to let her fall to the ground. "You don't really look like one! I mean, at first glance, that is!"

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Kyoko's Medium Throw.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kyoko            0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0            Leona

Releasing Kyoko's arm as the woman is thrown to the ground-- and she makes an admirable recovery-- Leona continues to press forward, not letting the nurse get too far away at all. Then, the black-haired nurse reverses their roles, again snagging at the Ikari girl's arm to twist and lock her arm. Giving a slight wince at the tug, she steadies herself while her legs are kicked out from under her.

Wrenching her other arm free in the process, Leona hits the ground with her arms crossing over her chest, legs spreading and giving a sharp twist of her hips. It disperses the impact in a roll, but she still hits hard enough to let out an annoyed grunt. Arms whipping out, she stops herself short in a tripod stance-- one arm down, legs spread and standing on the balls of her feet with her toes spread in the sand.

"Yeah," she says, very simply. Conversation was never her strong suit.

Her arm pulls back and her body starts to drop toward the sand. Her legs surge, carrying her forward in a hard sprint while her right hand sweeps out in an arc-- an arc that is preceeded with a blur of chi that slices like a blade. Immediately behind it, as though she were making a mockery of physics and the human body, Leona throws herself into a backflip from that nearly-impossible position, trying to lash a kick across the woman's chest that is likewise lead off with that same strange chi!

Yet, it feels like she's holding back, even with that energy-- she doesn't want to kill someone, remember.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko counters Grand Sabre from Leona with Katayoku no Kamae.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Kyoko            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0            Leona

Whistling lightly in admiration for the Ikari girl's recovery, Kyoko is obviously impressed as she tilts her head and observes the tripod stance with a studious gaze. "Well, if it wasn't obvious before," the elder woman observes, "it's most certainly evident now!" The nurse is almost jealous of her grace and agility!

But it isn't long before Leona tears forth once more--this time, her offense comes by way of her hand and arm, as well as a blur of frightening blue chi that appears rather threatening in its execution. Mildly startled, the Justice High nurse immediately shifts her weight, half-turning her body as Leona descends upon her. Instantly her arm snaps up, intercepting the offending appendage with one hand--

While, with the other, she delivers a sturdy palm strike for Leona's sternum with a cry of, "HAH!"

She has grace and agility, yes. Even she would claim otherwise, but there's a natural poise to Leona that makes her seem almost like some sort of a cat-- the reflexes, the stance, the sudden flips and recovery to upright. Still, for all of that agility and all of her skill, Leona is clearly not invincible: Kyoko grabs her leg, bringing the blue-haired girl about and recieving a strong palm to the chest for all her efforts. Letting out a wheeze, she hits the sand and rolls in a manner much less controlled this time-- hitting hard on her back and rolling onto her chest.

Leona catches her breath with that, shifting her footing and remaining in a low crouch. She doesn't give anything away with the action, no slight or subtle shifts of her weight from one leg to the other, no clear indications of where her arms are going. She doesn't even wipe the sand off her face, her impressively blue eyes locked on the nurse as though she were that cat making sure her prey doesn't have a chance to escape.

Moving again, Leona throws all of her weight into it at once, leg muscles showing strong definition on the charge. With snagging of arms being the theme of the night, one hand reaches out to grip Kyoko by the upper arm and pull her off her balance. Her other hand goes for the back of the nurse's neck, seeking to throw the woman off her guard-- and to the ground-- on a horizontal angle, pivoting on her heels and trying to use her own weight to counterbalance the toss.

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Kyoko with Ordeal Buckler.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Kyoko            0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0            Leona

Before Kyoko realizes it, Leona is coming at her again. Startled by the Ikari's sudden and predatorial movements, the woman attempts to try and slide her way out of the grasp and following snag of her neck. It doesn't quite work out in Kyoko's favor. As result, she's thrown into the sand, hitting hard and awkwardly, drawing a loud, pained gasp from the Justice High nurse.

"Oh, this old--I mean, young. YOUNG, body, it cannot take such pain!" the nurse laments lightly, grinning as she pulls herself onto her feet. Easing into an idle stance, the woman's black eyes casually observe Leona. "Well, I admit it's hard keeping up with you, young lady!"

But she'll try--and to prove it the bikini-clad nurse attempts to close in upon Leona and leap into the air at an angle, to drive her knee into the woman's chest, before she whips her leg out and around, to THEN drop her heel upon Leona's awaiting skull.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Leona with Shouten Sekkai.
- Power hit! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Kyoko            0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1            Leona

Lies about her age aside, it seems like Kyoko's gambit pays off-- and very well. Bringing up her arms, attempting to assume a defensive position, the knee thrown at her is driven into her chest harder than she had planned. It puts a little pressure on her chest, and she lets out a gasp of air that disorients her enough to suddenly have a kick nail her across the head and send her into a near twirl-- one that ends with a powerful heel being dropped right onto her head.

Hitting the sand with another grunt, Leona props herself up on her elbows, dazed. In an ideal world, she'll have enough time to catch her breath while Kyoko hovers over her, and the Ikari will have a proper chance to form a strategy that works. "Ugh..."

As she stands, a hand brushes the sand off her face, ignoring the particles that cling to her arms, legs, and clothing. Blowing out a breath, Leona seems to have gotten herself situated enough that she's comfortable attacking-- and attack she does.

It starts out with a short step forward, followed with her arm hooking around. Looking more like a boxer at this point, looking more like she's not going to use those powerful kicks this time around, she throws a sharp swing out at Kyoko's head with the intent to stun her, following up with a pair of swift body blows and ending with the heel of her hand thrust out with the intent to drive the woman back with a shot to the sternum!

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Kyoko with Combo Attack.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kyoko            0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1            Leona

"Woops," is Kyoko's reply, as Leona slams face-first into the sandy ground. She seems genuinely surprised, and even turns her eyes onto her legs. "I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes, miss Heidern!" She doesn't laugh it off; after all, that'd be a rather jerk thing to do after nailing the blue-haired woman into the ground with her heel.

So, instead, she waits for her to get back up, assuming a casual stance as she observes the other woman. And again she comes, and though Kyoko attempts to duck under the swing, she's two seconds too late. Nailed hard, her head whips to one side, black eyes wide before she's punched and ultimately heeled by Leona's palm in the sternum, sent stumbling back and very nearly wanting to hork right there.

"I-I'm okay, I'm okay," she insists to no one in particular before she cautiously stands upright. Shaking her head out, she tries to shrug off the fuzziness before she suddenly bolts right at Leona. Her intent? To uppercut her INTO THE AIR, leap up after her, grab her and drop WITH Leona into a backbreaker, THROW HER INTO THE AIR and leap after her again before grabbing her once more and dropping her into the ground with a bodyslam.


COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Leona with Naraku e no Hodou.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Kyoko            0/-------/-------|=======\======-\1            Leona

There were no kicks-- but it was for a reason. With that last strike put out of the way, Leona's knees bend and her stance seems to be more than ready, as though she had prepared herself to immediately counterattack through the next move and give the school nurse a taste of pain she may not have felt in a good long time. Unfortunately, the attack Kyoko launches seems to be more powerful than she had planned-- and instead of counterattacking, Leona is forced to guard.

She was expecting a kick.

She really was.

Suddenly, a fist is fired straight up her jaw, the strength behind it sudden and rather impressive. She's carried into the air with her arms and legs going slack, suddenly grabbed and taken down with enough wrenching pain in her spine that she'll no doubt be applying ice to her back later. It all ends with that one last bodyslam, the blue-haired Ikari only able to lace her fingers behind her neck as SOME kind of padding when she hits the sand with a large blast of it being kicked up into the air in the process.

Arms and legs spread well after impact, Leona's chest rises and falls as she breathes in whole gulps and gasps for air, head swimming from the final impact and her jaw already forming a welt. Pulling herself up into a sitting position, rolling a little to one side, the Ikari Warrior gets herself onto all fours before sitting on her heels and breathing rather hard. The beach's waves lap up against her legs, and the sting of cold saltwater against her skin helps her focus again.

Standing as she takes a few steps closer, Leona starts to circle around to Kyoko's right.

COMBATSYS: Leona gains composure.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kyoko            0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1            Leona

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," Kyoko mulls as Leona gasps for air on the ground, the Nurse's expression genuinely concerned. "Are you going to be all right, miss? If you need some time, really, feel free to..." Lips purse, black eyes hood slightly as she maintains observation. She seems okay--for now. Maybe she overdid it a bit. Again.

However, Leona gets back onto her feet, which is some slight relief to Kyoko, evident by the exhale she offers shortly after. Even while the Ikari woman circles, Kyoko just follows her with a small grin haunting her lips. "You can walk so I take that as a good sign!" That also means the fight isn't over.

So on that note the Justice High nurse moves again, attempting to snap a leg out as she closes in on Leona and drive the top of her foot into the Ikari's side.

COMBATSYS: Leona just-defends Kyoko's Light Kick!

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kyoko            0/-------/-------|=======\====---\1            Leona

She seems concerned about her. Why? "D... Don't apologize. I'm fine."

No, it doesn't matter. She needs to focus. As she's circling the school nurse, the first thing on her mind is how, where to attack. If she keeps Kyoko off her footing, it might be easier. No... she's far too balanced for that. She'll probably swap legs on and off quite freely. No, she has to think of something else.

And she does.

The kick sweeps out as swiftly as lightning, a sudden crack that should, by rights, catch her right under the arm where she's vulnerable. Instead, she turns her hand outward to catch the leg by the foot and stop the kick dead in it's tracks. No impact with her side, no damage dealt. In fact, this may be the chance she was looking for.

Releasing Kyoko's foot, Leona snaps into the air with a slight hop. Jetting downwards, her arm sweeps down in a chopping motion toward Kyoko's middle. Hit or miss, she hits the sand with a distinct impact before jumping back up into the air with her arm finishing it's forward arc, carving a large, V-shaped trail of her chi behind the strike!

COMBATSYS: Leona successfully hits Kyoko with V-Slasher.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kyoko            0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Leona

Don't apologize..?

Looking a bit crestfallen and surprised by this insistence, Kyoko just furrows her brows slightly and purses her lips before she offers a faint nod before she attacks. And when she does--

Her leg is caught. Kyoko looks surprised.

But there's hardly any time to dwell on the sudden turnaround; her foot is released, causing the nurse to stumble slightly. But before she can even catch her balance she's suddenly CHOPPED in the stomach before she's smacked again, a carving arc of v-shaped energy slashing against her bared skin and leaving a mess. Kyoko soars...

And lands with a heavy thud in sand. Fortunately her bikini is still intact.

"I feel siiick," she murmurs, slowly pushing her body back onto its feet. Bleeding from the big gash in her stomach area, she staggers before pressing a hand to her forehead. "So dizzy, too." That /hurt/. "But I have some fight left!"

And to prove it, Kyoko forces her body along, attempting to seize Leona by the arm and draw her in by wrenching it tightly. From there, she'll proceed with a variety of holds before concluding the wrenching series of grapples with a vicious leg lock.

Well, assuming Leona isn't slippery again!

COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Leona with Shi no Kaigo.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Kyoko            0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1            Leona

Landing on her feet, there's one swift swipe of Leona's hand once she touches down, as though she were some sort of swordsman casting blood off the blade. Given, there isn't any on her gloved hands, but it has the same air to it. Turning around, now it's the Ikari's turn to be surprised. Now, Kyoko's standing up and recovering. Staying where she is for the time being, she gives the Justice faculty member the time she needs to recover-- just as she was paid that same courtesy.

Of course, she could've stood farther away.

Turning a bit, bringing up a defensive stance, her arm is suddenly grappled before she's taken into a series of painful twists, turns, and locks that causes the Ikari to go wide-eyed, hissing through her teeth as it becomes a painful sequence of limbs being wrenched this way and that way, sending waves of pain through major joints and finally ending with a leg lock that makes one knee feel more like it's being bent backwards a lot harder.

Left laying in the sand, hands trying to claw her way forward, she draws her legs up underneath her body while bone and muscle argue against the concept. Tightening her jaw, her legs push the younger woman up while her arms whip around in a powerful arc, carving one more blast of chi through the air in a circular formation. "Urragh!!"

COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Leona's Moon Slasher.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Kyoko            0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0            Leona

Kyoko doesn't waste much time in releasing Leona after all but snapping her leg out of her joint; turning and scrambling onto her feet, the nurse shoots a cautious gaze toward the prone Ikari. She doesn't appear to be faring any better than herself now, she surmises, though Kyoko feels she's essentially working off of borrowed time. The wound on her midsection still aches...

Eventually the young soldier springs to her feet--and summons a large cutting sphere of chi. Snapping her arms forward, the nurse crosses her arms and shields her prone body from the brunt of the assault, though her forearms are left a nasty, slashed up mess. And the burns..!

Shoving off and pushing her body several inches away from Leona, Kyoko decides that it's now or never. Pursing her lips, she finds her resolve and, with a push of her body, attempts to weave BEHIND Leona and grab her by the stomach--

So she can fuggin' German Suplex the Ikari into the sand. With an exertion of, "HRAGH!"

COMBATSYS: Leona blocks Kyoko's German Suplex.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Kyoko            0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1            Leona

Blue eyes widen as the chi clears in front of her, the circular arc scattering and only leaving cuts on the teacher's arms rather than cutting their way through to a full, direct hit. Before she can properly react, Leona suddenly has arms hooking their way around her waist, hefted high into the air, and coming down on the ground with an impressive crash, headfirst!

Arms wrapped around her head, it provides, once again, a buffer to the impact despite the wrenching pain applied to her neck. Legs hit the ground as she's virtually folded in half with the hit, flopping off to the side. She can't let it bother her. She can't let it hurt. She can't give in to the pain in her skull and the blurs of white sparking in and out of her vision.

As she rolls up onto all fours, her hair has fallen loose of the tie that once bound it. With waves of blue flowing around her shoulders and falling over her back and swinging low. She looks hurt, but those eyes are still filled with resolve.

And then, in that point blank range, Leona sprints, bringing her left hand around with her palm turned outward. Unlike the odd blue chi used before, bright orange-yellow sparks and light form into a sphere at her palm, pulsing and sparking wildly between her fingers and trailing off after her. Trying to drive that sphere of chi into Kyoko's stomach, it won't cause a great deal of damage-- not immediately, anyway...

COMBATSYS: Kyoko interrupts Rebel Spark from Leona with Katayoku no Kamae.

[                            \\  < >  ///                           ]
Kyoko            0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0            Leona

COMBATSYS: Kyoko can no longer fight.

[                           \\\  <
Leona            0/-------/-----==|

Another cushioned blow! Color Kyoko impressed!

As Leona rolls onto her fours, Kyoko rolls aside and pushes up, her body screaming at her in the process. Covered with an assortment of bruises, burns and cuts, she looks like utter hell in that sweet red bikini. It's certainly not doing much for (most) of the gathered crowd. Already she can feel her head getting dizzy and her body begging her to STOP FIGHTING.

But she won't--even as the fully-resolved Leona sprints at her. Squaring her feet and bracing her body, Kyoko readies herself, even as the young Ikari comes with a pulsing sphere of chi aimed for her body. At the last second, when that sphere touches her skin--

Kyoko halts the arm by the wrist. Chi burns into her stomach, causing her to gasp and flinch, but...

Shoving that offending arm away, the Justice High nurse side-steps before she slams her elbow forward, driving it into the Ikari's gut as hard as she can. And then, when it's all said and done, Kyoko falls onto her back and closes her eyes.

"Can't...fight. bad."

Cushioned, if only due to sheer luck than anything else. But once she's back and on her feet, once she's in that point-blank distance with Kyoko, she feels like... she KNOWS... she's got the range, the timing, and the strength to make the attack work. Truly, she does, without question. And she almost makes it--

-- if not for the hand on her wrist.

While the chi continues to sizzle and burn, the intent of the energy becomes clear-- it seems to try to pull it's way toward Kyoko as though it wants to stick on and continue doing what it's doing... or perhaps more, knowing this soldier and her brutality. Even when she tries to hold back for the sake of a public exhibition, it comes out a little more gruesome and violent than she planned.

But then she's thrown off her balance, and an elbow is driven into her stomach a bit harder than she had initially planned. Eyes widened one more time, Leona tumbles to the ground and lands first, curled up on her side and gasping for breath.

*thwumpf* That's Kyoko landing next to her.

Rolling onto her back as well, Leona stares up at the sky while her pain and injuries start catching up with her. Even if she was back in Southtown again, even if she was in the place that a few terrible things happened to her, she's happy. Staring up at the late summer sky, yes, this is when she decides to feel content: With waves lapping up against her feet and the lingering pain of a backbreaker making it hard enough to sit up, with the sting of sand and saltwater on her scuffs and scrapes.

Yes, in some twisted and screwed-up world, feeling pain like this is pretty much a vacation for Leona Heidern. And not that she'll ever say it aloud, but she likes it.

COMBATSYS: Leona takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Leona can no longer fight.

Log created on 20:00:53 09/02/2009 by Kyoko, and last modified on 17:43:34 09/08/2009.