Neo League 876 - #884: Hayato vs Maki

Description: For too long, the Neo League has lacked the presence of a properly Burning Spirit. But that has all changed with the entrance of Hayato Nekketsu, the Burning Phys Ed Teacher! He and Katelynn Molina face off in front of the Temple of the Silver Pavillion in Kyoto, surrounded by history. And amazingly, a fight manages to occur without any of that history being damaged. (Winner: Hayato)

Katelynn arrives from elsewhere.

It's another Neo League battle, but this one is set in a more traditional temple type of setting. This should provide the spectators with a very unique battle experience today, given that it's not in the urban areas or arenas that they're generally hosted in. And going along with that tradition is Shotokan master Katelynn Molina, who is dressed in her traditional karate outfit today. She stands off to one side, warming up for the battle.

Ah, Kyoto. A wonderful place, full of history and culture. While he's here, Hayato Nekketsu decides to take some notes for a potential school trip at some point in the future. It pays to be prepared, right? And sometimes it's fun to do things other than what the guide books or a prearranged tour might want to do. And even this Neo League fight is at a historic landmark. What luck! Of course, that also means that it's going to be really important not to break anything. It seems the area roped off for the fight is set a safe distance away from the actual temple, though. At worst it seems like some paving stones might have to be replaced.
Tucking his guidebook into a pocket of his track coat, Hayato shifts his grip on the bokken he's using as a temporary replacement for his shinai, swishing it through the air a few times as he walks up to the area for the fight. The teacher gives Katelynn a friendly nod and a grin before vaulting over the ropes and striding toward his starting position. "Getting yourself pumped up, eh? Good, good! Let's have some fun with this!"

COMBATSYS: Katelynn has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Katelynn         0/-------/-------|
1 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Katelynn0

COMBATSYS: Hayato has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Katelynn         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Katelynn0Hayato0

"Depends on what you call fun," Katelynn replies in a somewhat stern voice. She can't believe that this guy is being serious here in a traditional place, where Katelynn believes that discipline and respect should come before other things. The girl's bare feet come off the ground a few times as she finishes warming up with a few jumping jacks, and then she gets into her fighting stance.

"Nonetheless," She adds, bowing quickly, "I look forward to taking you on in combat. May the best fighter win." She smiles a little.

Hayato shakes his head in mock sadness. "Kids these days, so untrusting! Don't worry, it's not causing pain or anything like that that's fun. It's just exercising one's skills. I mean, by that outfit you should certainly understand about that." The teacher then flashes a brilliant smile, holding out his wooden blade with one arm, pointing the end of it at Katelynn. "So let's show each other what we've got!"
The Burning Phys Ed Teacher lets his arm drop back toward his side as he begins charging across the fighting area toward Katelynn. "Hup!" As he gets within range he brings the bokken swinging around in a wide arc, aiming to catch Katelynn in the ribcage. Now, under normal circumstances Hayato takes a dim view of people striking teenage girls, but it's different when they're skilled martial artists and looking for a fight.

COMBATSYS: Hayato successfully hits Katelynn with Medium Strike.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Katelynn         0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Katelynn0Hayato0

Katelynn is a very skilled martial artist indeed. And she doesn't have any qualms about being stricken by another fighter. After all, it's what fighting is about. Unfortunately, fighting is also about knowing how to defend yourself properly, something Katelynn tries her best to do, but doesn't always quite get it due to her opponent faking her out or zigging when they're supposed to zag or... well, you get the general idea.

Despite the attempt to knock the incoming strike away, Katelynn is hit and stumbles backwards, causing a brief gasp from her as the wind is knocked out of her. However, she shakes that off and turns to face Hayato again. "Not bad, but let's see how you handle this!" With that, Katelynn attempts to return the favor to Hayato by throwing a punch directly at his chest!

COMBATSYS: Hayato endures Katelynn's Quick Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Katelynn         0/-------/---====|=------\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Katelynn0Hayato0

One thing Hayato does note in Katelynn's favor is that she's not wearing a skirt. It can be kind of awkward to fight girls while they're wearing skirts. The results of certain techniques can end up looking rather more uncouth than intended. At least he doesn't need to worry about that here. And because of that a plan comes to mind as he sees her lunging at him. He quickly sizes her up, makes a quick guess about what kind of blow she's going for... and then leans right into the punch.
Katelynn's fist slams right into Hayato's chest, but he's a big guy and the force isn't enough to knock him back. And that means he remains in a good position to reach both arms around Katelynn and grip her tightly. This provides the leverage needed for him to suddenly bend over backwards, yanking her off her feet to slam her skull into the ground behind him and then release her.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn endures Hayato's German Suplex.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Katelynn         1/-----==/=======|==-----\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 17 of 30. Super: 10 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Katelynn1Hayato0

Katelynn sees the incoming suplex and knows there's no way to get out of it. The man is moving too fast for her. So she braces herself for the impact and prepares for what to do next as soon as she hits the ground. The momentum is perfect, and the speed is right, even though the pain hurts quite a bit.

Katelynn rolls backwards as soon as she hits the ground, and then brings her fist back to charge it with her chi. With a shout, she thrusts her fist forward, sending forth a sphere of chi at Hayato.

COMBATSYS: Hayato blocks Katelynn's Energy Fist.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Katelynn         1/------=/=======|==-----\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 9 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Katelynn1Hayato0

Hayato is, of course, quick to spin around once he's straightened back up from releasing Katelynn. A retaliation is almost certainly coming, and he's not disappointed. He places his left hand on the blade of the bokken, bracing it with both arms and holding it up in the path of the chi sphere flying toward him. His judge of the attack's trajectory is good and it hits the blade dead on, leaving the weapon to take the brunt of the blast. Some of it spills over, but Hayato's tough enough to soldier through it.
The teacher releases his grip on the wooden blade, swinging it back to the side with a bit of smoke still curling off of it. He then crosses his right arm across his body and lunges toward Katelynn, leading with his elbow as he strikes out at her, attempting to ram her with the limb and then follow through by slashing across her torso with the bokken.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn counters Power Strike from Hayato with Palm Blaster.
- Power hit! -

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Katelynn         1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 14 of 30. Super: 10 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 3 of 16.Katelynn1Hayato0

Katelynn sees through the incoming tactic and is swift on her feet as well. She drops downwards quickly just as Hayato comes at her, almost like she's about to do a split, except her back leg remains bent. At the same time, her palm shoots outward, energized with her chi, and aims directly at Hayato's stomach.

It's a direct hit! Hayato is hit and should go backwards quite a bit. All the while, Katelynn is standing up and smirking. "Gotcha!"

Hayato's method of attack does leave an opening, if one is able to get underneath his arm and act quickly, which is just what Katelynn does. The teacher's charge comes to a halt as he runs right into a blast of chi and then is propelled backwards. He slams down his left hand, intending to catch himself, but his hand slips and he crashes rather ungracefully to the ground. He sits up with a grunt, still all smiles. "Ha, nice one!"
The teacher then shoves himself to his feet and lunges back in toward Katelynn once more. But this time he doesn't lead with his upper body. Instead he just runs forward a bit and then leaps at her, twisting to lead with his feet. He strikes out with his right leg, with the intention of then spinning about in mid-air after kicking her to follow up with a second kick using his left leg, before springing off to land back on his feet.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn blocks Hayato's Second Kick.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Katelynn         1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 12 of 30. Super: 11 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 23 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Katelynn1Hayato0

That kick doesn't look good, but when coupled with a second one, it's even worse. Nonetheless, Katelynn isn't about to let Hayato have his way with her. The Karate fighter gets into her best defensive stance to absorb the blow, and it works. She finds her arms getting a bit hurt with that one, but at least it's better than being knocked out.

Still, this girl is running out of steam, and it shows. But a true karate fighter never gives up. Instead, Katelynn steps back a little and begins to catch her breath.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn gains composure.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Katelynn         1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 9 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 23 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Katelynn1Hayato0

When Hayato feels his feet connect with a firm guard he's quick to assume a defensive posture upon landing. But the expected retaliation is not as swift in coming as he'd predicted. And so he's able to relax, slightly, and doesn't move to press the fight on Katelynn while she catches her breath. He watches her for a moment, then just nods to himself and idly flips his bokken around in his hand, with the speed increasing quickly.
"Your form is pretty good, and you've shown an ability to find and take advantage of openings. That's the basis of what you need to be a formidable fighter, so you're well on your way, there. Looks like you just need to work on your power." Hey, Hayato's a teacher. Giving advice is what he does. Of course, that advice often isn't asked for, and also isn't always wanted. Of course, just because he's providing advice doesn't mean he's deemed Katelynn harmless... he's watching her quite closely the whole time.

COMBATSYS: Hayato focuses on his next action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Katelynn         1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 9 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 23 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Katelynn1Hayato0

Finished with her rest stop, Katelynn looks at Hayato again. "Power is something that can be applied in a variety of forms. I realize I do need to work at that some, but I am working at it, I assure you." For now, Katelynn decides to continue the fight. "Like this for example!" And with that, she brings her bare foot up and aims it directly at Hayato's face.

COMBATSYS: Hayato counters Light Kick from Katelynn with Counter Thrust.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Katelynn         1/-======/=======|======-\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 9 of 30. Super: 14 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 6 of 16.Katelynn1Hayato0

"Indeed, many forms. Like using your opponent's power against them. Although you've already shown you understand that one." But Hayato does, too. As Katelynn lashes out at him he makes use of his height advantage, leaning toward her and to the side so that her kick slips up under his arm. And then a moment later his fist begins descending, crashing down into the top of Katelynn's skull and continuing to drive downward for a short distance thereafter.

Katelynn finds herself on the ground, with more than an awful headache. It feels like her skull might be cracked, and she can already feel the blood streaming out of both nostrils. She's also having trouble feeling one of her arms, and her legs don't feel that well either. Still, she struggles to get back onto her feet with what stamina she has remaining, but it's not that easy.

Even then, when she gets back onto one foot, it's obvious she's having enough trouble standing on that foot as it is. But then something changes. Her body illuminates with chi, and then she suddenly rushes at Hayato. If she connects, she'll unleash her own unique kata carefully created so that each attack is utilized to the max.

COMBATSYS: Hayato interrupts Ultimate Kata from Katelynn with Devastation Kick.

[                                < >  ///////////////////           ]
Katelynn         1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0           Hayato
2 health gauges: Katelynn (Left Meter) -- Status: red, 0 of 30. Super: 11 of 16. Hayato (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 19 of 30. Super: 7 of 16.Katelynn1Hayato0

Hayato can see that Katelynn has something planned. And while he likes to build up his body, and he likes to fight, that doesn't mean that he wants to take a beating that he doesn't have to. To help someone in trouble? No hesitation. But for the sake of showmanship? Well... maybe if he's had a few beers. Dulls the pain, anyway! But right now he's stone cold sober, and he's not particularly interested in seeing just what Katelynn intends to dish out. Especially with her entire body glowing with energy.
She actually manages to get closer than he expected, and he can already feel the sting of a chi charged blow as his leg snaps out. But once his foot, blazing with his own chi, slams into her then physics take care of the rest. His leg continues to extend, pushing her away from him as the full force behind his leg is transferred into her torso.

Katelynn is hit extra hard, and she's really looking like she's just run out of steam for real this time. She's not getting back up, nor is she going for another round. Instead, she's heading for the ground. But not before she gives out a last-ditch effort with another energy blast like before, except with both fists being used somehow...

After she throws it, though, she's gonna be meeting with the ground!

COMBATSYS: Katelynn can no longer fight.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hayato           0/-------/=======|
1 health gauges: Hayato (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 19 of 30. Super: 7 of 16.Hayato0

COMBATSYS: Katelynn successfully hits Hayato with Full Energy Fist.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hayato           1/-------/=======|
1 health gauges: Hayato (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 15 of 30. Super: 8 of 16.Hayato1

With an even bigger blast of energy heading for him this time, Hayato decides that it might be prudent to get out of the way. That's the plan, anyway. It doesn't go quite so well in practice, as Hayato attempts to step out of the way only to have an explosion of chi erupt right on his shoulder, spinning him around, sending him off balance and causing him to drop to one knee with a grunt. He certainly felt that one, but without a risk of another attack forthcoming he's not quite as quick to get back to his feet.
When he does, though, he glances over at Katelynn. And now he notes the blood running from her nose. But he never actually hit her in the face, did he? "Uh... can we get some medical attention over here?" And shortly after that point, the footage for anybody watching cuts away to something else, for liability purposes.

COMBATSYS: Hayato has ended the fight here.

Log created on 21:56:34 08/14/2009 by Hayato, and last modified on 17:40:14 09/08/2009.