Neo League 876 - #882: Tran vs Kyoko

Description: Another exciting Neo League match! ...except this time one of the two fighters is delivered to the scene mob style...or something. Dr. Tran just can't seem to catch a break. Thrills and chills were had by all! (Winner: Kyoko)

Southtown village is a nice place. When Dr. Tran is feeling down (read: one hundred percent of the time) it's a nice place to come, to just relax, let the world pass by, maybe drink something out of a brown paper bag. Good times.

Today, however, it is all business. THE NEO LEAGUE. Evidently, someone, somewhere, remembered that the fantastic, fabulous, eternal crowd-pleaser DR. TRAN was still signed up. And get this, perhaps the best part: if he's incoherent, he can't say no! It's a infallible recipe for success. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

And that's why, several minutes before the match is scheduled to start, Dr. Tran tumbles out of the back of a speeding unmarked white van. He rolls several yards, and then slowly pushes himself to his feet, looking more confused than anything else.

"I...gwuh? Agh, my head." Tran clutches at it, wincing as he looks around and tries to determine what's actually happening. If that's not a clear indication of willingness to fight, then you're going to have to contact Ken Masters' crack team of legal consultants.

Also on the Neo League rosters is Justice High's famous nurse, Kyoko Minazuki. As infamous as she is famous among fighters, the woman was more than willing to meet up with another fighter and participate in Yet Another Neo League Fight. She claimed she was getting a little rusty and needed the exercise.

So, sitting in an outside bar in Southtown Village, Kyoko is merrily drinking away with a few of the crew members as they wait for Tran's arrival. Cheerfully singing along to random Irish drinking songs with the men, she is having a good time, and basically neglecting one, key factor: she has a fight she's scheduled to fight IN.

However, several minutes before both fighters are meant to meet up and actually fight, that van barrels through the streets and dumps its confused cargo. Everyone in the bar stops, all eyes on the deposited and very much confused Tran. Kyoko Minazuki squints lightly through the haze of liquor she's currently tipsy from.

"Oh HEY," she cries, setting her glass down and pointing a finger at Tran as she breaks the awkward silence. "You're the guy...that guy...uhh, Trey? Troy? Oh I don't know!" A laugh escapes the woman as she dusts her white doctor's labcoat off and makes her way toward the street. The other, sober crewmembers hurriedly get into position. It's Neo League time!

"I do know you're the guy I'm supposed to fight or something, so uh," Glancing around the streets, she seems mildly perplexed before she settles her gaze on Tran and smiles big. "I guess we fight. Though, that was a pretty bad fall? Do you want me to take a look at your wounds first? Don't worry," Wobbling slightly, Kyoko holds her hands up. "I'm...TOTALLY a professional."

Dr. Tran wobbles a bit as he's approached by his opponent. At least she says she's his opponent. Opponent? He's got a fight? Well, he doesn't /remember/ saying he'd fight someone, but at the same time he doesn't remember much of anything in the past couple of days.

Briefly, flashes of himself dressed like a ballerina flash into his brain. He ceases trying to remember immediately, lest even more dire memories awaken. "No, no, it's alright, I think I just need some hair of the dog, maybe, or..."

Tran trails off, only really parsing Kyoko's existence just now. Coat. Nice legs. Drunk? There's only one explanation. Dr. Tran has fallen into a parallel dimension where everybody is the opposite gender, and against all odds, has encountered /himself/. Or...herself. Or...uh...

"You know what, forget it, let's just get this over with. Come on, whenever you're ready." Tran beckons Kyoko forward with the universal 'come get some' gesture, the impact of which is somewhat lessened by the dark circles under his eyes and general malaise which seems to be affecting him.

Tilting her head slightly, the Justice High nurse looks mildly perplexed at Tran's own wobbling and his idle conversation with himself. She shrugs it off in any case, grinning to herself as her eyes draw to a close. Hands once raised draw back, arms folding neatly across her bosom as she just waits patiently for the man's response.

Eventually, her existence is acknowledged, and in response Kyoko opens her eyes once more. Maybe it is some crazy, wacky parallel dimension where Doctor Tran became a totally hot (and drunk) school nurse? The woman sighs lightly, in any case.

...and pouts when he beckons for her to come when ready. "Ohhh, that isn't any way to treat a lady," Kyoko whines lightly, waving a hand at her chest as she idly fans her neck. Who wears a turtleneck in the summer, anyway??

"But well, if you insist!"

In heels the woman tears off, attempting to get close to Tran and twists on her heel. Dropping low, the nurse attempts to swing her arm upwards while keeping her back facing him, to deliver a mean uppercut to his jaw.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kyoko            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Tran has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Tran             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Kyoko

COMBATSYS: Tran blocks Kyoko's Shusseki Kakunin.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Tran             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Kyoko

"I'm not much of a gentleman." Tran shrugs, resigned and feeling far too crappy to bother lying to himself, alternate universe or not. Evidently, he's still okay enough to defend himself, fortunately for him and all of the fight fans who'll end up watching this.

As Kyoko twirls in and tries to pop him in the jaw, Tran sways back brings his arm across his chest. Instead of his face, the only thing that ends up getting hit is the underside of the doctor's forearm. It still really hurts, though.

"Ahhh, yeow, nnnn, that stings!" Tran sucks his breath in and waggles his arm up and down, as he is evidently somewhat tender (read: a gigantic wuss) tonight. "How ladylike is that supposed to even be?"

Reaching forward with his other hand, the doctor quickly transitions to offense, reaching for the nurse's neck to yank her toward him, only to follow up by spinning about himself with a wide whirl of white coat and kick right at her stomach.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Tran's 3 2 1...Dr Tran.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Tran             0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0            Kyoko

"Wh-what!?" is the gasp of a response from Kyoko, whose fist strikes Tran's forearm rather than the jaw she was aiming for. Twisting back on her heels, she faces him with a stunned look. "How lady--that's--I am very much a lady!" is her flabbergasted response.

"I just know how to fight, that's all!"

Rather than wait for response, however, Kyoko is forced to act as Tran yanks toward her. She's grabbed and pulled, but braces her body for the kick; struck, her forearms take the brunt of his kick, sending her staggering back a few steps. It doesn't help she's still a little tipsy...or wearing heels.

"Ow ow, that hurt," she quietly whines before shaking her head out. When her eyes lift and settle on Tran, there's a small grin on her face. "Okay, I guess some of my tactics aren't very ladylike by some standards."

To prove her point, Kyoko attempts to grab Tran and pull him forward and force him to stumble. Should she be successful, the woman will hurriedly weave around and attempt to grab him by the waist and SUPLEX him head first into the ground.

COMBATSYS: Tran effortlessly dodges Kyoko's German Suplex.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Tran             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Kyoko

Holding his leg up after the kick like some kind of karate guy who karates all the time, Tran gives Kyoko a dull stare. Is this really what he acts like? Is this dimension the dreaded mirror of inner reflection? Does that mean...Dr. Tran is secretly a woman!?

Shaking his head and lowering his leg, Tran shakes his head, looking distracted and staring off into space. "No, that's stupid." It's all the more surprising when he carelessly steps out of Kyoko's way, pushing her grasping hands aside without even seeming to notice that he's doing it.

Abruptly, his eyes refocus and he remembers the Kyoko is there after all and she's been sending some mixed messages regarding how much of a lady she is. "Well, to be fair, I've seen worse. There's this one chick I know..."

Tran stops talking, his lips pressing together into a small, tight line. "Nevermind." To truly seal off the topic, Tran leaps up and brings a leg to bear again, crashing down toward Kyoko like a white comet, trying to bring her down flat on the ground. Should he succeed, Dr. Tran, international superstar, will take to the skies once more, only to fall once more. The only real difference will be how he leads with his chest, and not his foot.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko counters Dr. Tran's Summer Splash from Tran with Katayoku no Kamae.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Tran             0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Kyoko

Looking mildly offended as both her attempts to grab Tran's arms fall short AND when he stares off into space and says 'that's stupid,' Kyoko simply responds by dropping her arms and taking a half-step back. But when he says he has seen worse, Kyoko looks just a little bit more offended. What's wrong with how she fights, anyway?

"If you say so!" is her ultimate response, as Tran prepares his assault. Watching as he leaps high, the woman hops back, waiting for Tran to land before she steps in. Driving an elbow into his chest, she'll prevent his secondary assault before she steps back and coils a leg, followed immediately by a sudden side kick aimed for his chest.

"What kind of women do you /hang/ around, anyway??"

As Tran lands, he finds himself kicking not Kyoko, but the ground. He also finds an elbow planted firmly in his chest. It kind of hurts, and makes it kind of hard to breathe for a second.

Thankfully, the kick that comes afterward loosens everything back up, as well as sending Tran backward onto his butt. He looks annoyed.

"Hey, don't get all offended, I was complimenting you." Kicking back up to his feet, Tran coughs, whacks his chest, and then resumes his irate glare.

"Do you think it's ladylike to pry, too?" Without waiting for an answer, Doctor Tran takes a step forward and drives a fist in toward Kyoko's stomach, following it up by spinning around and driving the back of his hand at her temple.

COMBATSYS: Tran successfully hits Kyoko with Strong Punch.
- Power hit! -

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Tran             0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0            Kyoko

After the fact, Kyoko seems a little apologetic for kicking him in the chest and sending him backwards and onto the ground. Frowning slightly, the nurse just keeps her distance, hands loose at her sides as she observes him closely. It was a compliment?

"Oh, it was?" she asks, sounding sincerely surprised. "I thought you were being offensive."

Then BAM, he's glaring at Kyoko again. Caught by surprise by Tran's anger she takes a cautious step back, waving a hand. "It was kind of a rhetorical question," she explains, offering a tipsy laugh. "Gosh don't be so--"

Then she's punched hard in the stomach, followed by the back of his fist.


Sprawling onto the ground in a crumpled heap of white labcoat and black hair, the woman coughs hoarsely a few times before she gradually picks herself back up. "Well excuse me for trying to lighten the mood a little, mister grouchy pants," is her weak reply, head shaking a bit as she tries to get rid of her dizziness. "Oh I hope I don't have a concussion."

With a wobbling step Kyoko moves regardless of her predicament, attempting to drive a mean fist straight into Tran's chest. "SORRY if I OFFENDED you!"

COMBATSYS: Tran effortlessly blocks Kyoko's Strong Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Tran             0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0            Kyoko

Oh. She just didn't realize that he wasn't trying to be a jerk. Clearly there's been a misunderstanding or two. "Oh. Well..." Tran pauses, unsure of how exactly to handle this.

When in doubt, medicine comes to the rescue? "I'm sure you're fine, I don't think I hit you that hard." As it turns out he's probably right, as Kyoko comes to her feet and drives her fist at him like an angry rocket.

Tran frowns again, stepping to the side and catching the punch on the base of his palm with a meaty thunk. There's no way that didn't hurt, but this time the doctor makes no indication that he's feeling the pain. "Now look, don't get offended just because I got offended, that's...ugh, god."

Pushing Kyoko's fist to the side, Tran steps in just a little bit closer, raising both fists to start jabbing at Kyoko like a boxer, a small series of careful punches, none of them leaving him particularly overextended.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Tran's Dr. Tran's Buttle Punch.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Tran             0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Kyoko

She doesn't hit that hard?

'Okay, Kyoko,' she mentally reassures herself. 'He's probably just using a poor choice of words. He didn't mean that to be offensive, right?'

"Oh you're such a nice guy!" Kyoko all but forces through her teeth as she charges, attempting to punch the hell out of his chest. He meets her halfway, her punch intercepted by the palm of his hand. Surprised and a little startled, the woman offers a slight huff before she takes a step back. "I'm not offended anymore, honest!" So maybe she's lying a little bit.

She doesn't have much time to dwell on things when he moves in, however. Lifting her arms, she shields her body from the blows, taking them again on her forearms before she takes a few steps back, giving herself some breathing room. "Are you sure you don't need an exam?" she wonders--

Before she moves in again and attempts to seize Doctor Tran by an arm, twist on her heel and then proceed to throw him over her shoulder and onto the ground. "I won't charge you for it."

COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Tran with Quick Throw.
- Power hit! -

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Tran             1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0            Kyoko

Teeth clenching, huffing, general angry look; all the clinical signs of a woman scorned. When she says that she's not offended, that's clearly the last straw. Dr. Tran isn't sure what he did, but by god it pissed her off something fierce. Maybe she's just angry that he hit her? It may be literally impossible for a man of medical science to ever know.

Tran has a brief moment to reflect on this as Kyoko gets a hold on him and flips him like a pancake. He somewhat resembles one after landing, at least in the 'flatness' department.

But on the plus side, now maybe she's not as angry, because she's offering to fix him up? Tran just can't tell. Women. How are you even supposed to deal with them?

"No, no, that's fine." His breath is on the short side as he says it, but he's still capable of getting back up to his feet, at least. "I'm fine. Really." Tran certainly doesn't look it as he fixes another somewhat vacant stare on, or perhaps through, the nurse.

COMBATSYS: Tran focuses on his next action.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Tran             1/----===/=======|=======\-------\0            Kyoko

Watching Tran as he hits the ground, Kyoko is quick to release his arm and step back, slender arms rising upwards in a loosely defensive gesture. She's not quite sure what to expect of the so-called 'doctor' she's been scheduled to fight, but she sure knows he has no qualms about hitting a lady. Not that hitting her was ever a problem.

Fortunately, Kyoko seems to have forgotten about his innocently offensive remark when he breathes shallow and offers response. Frowning slightly, the woman lifts a hand, giving her glasses a slight push up the bridge of her nose before nodding. "Very well," is her calm reply, lips pulling into a thin smile. "But if you change your mind, just let me know." She sounds sincere, at least.

However vacant Tran's stare may seem, Kyoko does not let the passive moment slip past her. Taking a step forward, Kyoko takes in a quick breath before she snaps an arm out, attempting to deliver a quick strike to Tran's shoulder, followed by a twist of her heel and an elbow at his stomach before she pivots again on her heel and attempts to drive the top of her heeled foot against the side of his face.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Tran with Combo Attack.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Tran             1/-======/=======|======-\-------\0            Kyoko

"Well." Tran exhales heavily, his breath showing up against the cold. The cold? It's summer. Warm and pleasant. Clearly, something is not right here.

"It might be nice, but one of us isn't going to be in any condition to do anything by the time we're through here." The doctor's eyes close for a moment, just as Kyoko begins her attack, and there's practically no resistance. She beats the crap out of him, sending Tran reeling back. A haze begins to form around him, wisps of steam gently rising into the air.

Staggered, but not down, Tran raises a hand and clenches it into a fist. The steam slowly begins to form around it in a massive ball, easily the size of his torso. And then, with a concussive 'boom', it shrinks down to half the size in an instant. And again. And again, until it's down to the size of Tran's fist, a roiling ball of completely opaque steam.

"See?!" Rushing forward, Tran drives his fist upward toward Kyoko's chin, and should it make contact it explodes with enough force to send a woman twice her size flying straight up through the air. Steam billows outward in a rush, sending Dr. Tran's coat flapping backward, as he pulls his other hand back. The entire build-up process will be repeated as he waits for a landing, chi violently being compressed before he swings it forward. The results should prove roughly the same (highly explosive), save for a distinct emphasis on 'horizontal' instead of 'vertical'.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Tran's Here Comes Dr. Tran!.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Tran             0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1            Kyoko

Kyoko blinks at the odd breathy exhale of Tran's, that strange smoke drawing her attention. Briefly she tunes him out in favor of trying to make sense of it. What the heck is that? It certainly isn't cold, and it certainly is summer. Something is, indeed, not right.

But the woman shakes her head, black eyes flickering back onto the man properly. "Oh, that is fairly grim a statement," the nurse commands, offering a thin smile as she lightly tips her head to one side. "I was going to suggest we bum free drinks off the Neo League crew instead." A thumb jerks absently toward the nearest cameraman, who flushes. He doesn't make that much!

The fist raised, Kyoko makes heads and tails of the odd haze from before. It's his 'chi,' then? How odd a manifestation, she thinks, as the steam expands and contracts repeatedly around his fist. "I don't think I like where this is going," she muses aloud.

Then Tran charges, his fist crashing with explosive force into her forearms. So powerful a strike she's actually forced backwards, heels sliding across the street several feet, her arms promptly dropping from their raised position to loose at her sides.

"That...that really hurt," Kyoko comments to no one in particular. She doesn't even consider what would have happened to her had he landed a clean blow. The strength from one punch alone...

"Pretty scary," she ultimately replies to Tran with a smile. "You're probably a little tense, so." Cracking her knuckles, the woman's hand lifts promptly after, giving her glasses another nudge up the bridge of her nose. "Let me help you unwind."

Then she moves, dashing forward straight for Tran. Her intent is simple: to get her hands on the man and unleash a series of painful grapples and holds on the entirety of his body before she ends it all with a suplex.

COMBATSYS: Kyoko successfully hits Tran with Shi no Kaigo.
~~ Alluring Hit! ~~

[                             \  < >  //////////////////            ]
Tran             1/----===/=======|-------\-------\0            Kyoko

Panting from the exertion of his punch, exhaling a small cloud of steam with every breath, Tran's mouth peels back into a grim smile. "I wasn't kidding. It's all or nothing until one of us is dead!" Though he seems to be getting carried away, Tran's body doesn't seem to be quite as into things as he is.

He's slow to recover after his attack, and it's not difficult at all for Kyoko to get in and have her way with him. After he feels his shoulder pop out of the socket, Tran basically stops resisting at all. Not that it matters much by then.

And then Kyoko finishes things off, crushing Tran into the pavement with her suplex. He stays there on his back for a moment, legs still in the air, before they too come tumbling down. The only sound he makes is a pained, near inhuman grunt from deep in his throat.

"Knew it...hgck!" Tran pushes himself up to a crouch, letting out a thick cough from the sudden pain that comes from continuing to move. "But it's not over! Not yet!"

Tilting forward with the last of his fading strength, Tran tilts forward and punches the ground, letting out a clipped, strangled groan of agony (guess which arm that was). Steam blasts forth in every direction, laying thick over the area, blanketing everything in white. There's a rustle of movement, several more agonized sounds approaching Kyoko, and then a subtle shift in the steam as Tran does...something.

COMBATSYS: Tran can no longer fight.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kyoko            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Kyoko blocks Tran's Here Comes Dr. Tran!.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kyoko            0/-------/-----==|

Clearly surprised by Tran's smile and the odd words that escape him, Kyoko hesitates for just a moment. Is he suddenly turning this innocent Neo League match into some awful deathmatch? Did the rules change when she was getting drinks with the crew? When did they turn these into an 'all or nothing' match with lives on the line?

"W-well, I can't say I quite agree with that," the nurse replies in a quiet breath before she makes her assault. Finishing with the suplex, Kyoko rolls aside and hops back onto her feet, quick to turn and face Tran directly. If he's out for blood, she really doesn't want to GIVE any.

"Oh my gosh you need to stay down!"

He gets back up and punches the ground, sending a hazy of thick, hot steam into the air around them. Keeping her guard about her, the nurse tries desperately to pierce the haze with her eyes. Only when Tran finally appears does the woman shield herself from that mysterious 'something' before hurriedly backpedaling out of the steam as quick as she can. Whatever that something was, it left her arms feeling like jello and mush.

"Ahhh, it hurts. Not even what booze I had makes it feel any better," Kyoko whines, massaging her arms cautiously before she looks toward Tran. Is he..?

COMBATSYS: Kyoko has ended the fight here.

As it turns out, that something was basically the exact same thing he did mere moments ago, except this time, it was /hidden/. Sneaky.

Regardless, the steam quickly clears away, dissipating like it never even existed within moments, revealing the broken, battered body of Tran. His breathing is ragged, but he still manages to cough out, "I guess I got...a little carried away?"

Then he passes the hell out.

What a clever bastard. It HURT EITHER WAY. A LOT.

When all the steam haze clears from the immediate area, Kyoko is left with the sight of a beat-up Tran and her aching arms. She lightly peers as he speaks, tilting her head slightly before she watches him fall to the ground, unconscious. She blinks in a bit of surprise. What the hell just happened??

The crew declare the Justice High nurse the winner, but that's the last thing she seems concerned with. Flagging a few on-hand medics, she actually escorts them to the fallen fighter and goes about making sure he's not DYING or anything and aiding in tending to his wounds. Why?

Because she's really a nice person that cares about people.

Log created on 22:47:51 08/06/2009 by Kyoko, and last modified on 02:09:39 08/07/2009.