Katelynn - Katelynn gets a bit Cross!

Description: Katelynn is visiting Howard Arena, looking for some excitement, only to end up getting a bit 'Cross' about things! (Winner: Cross)

Katelynn Molina says, "OK repose."

There are no scheduled events at the Arena at the moment, so the crowds are relatively thin--indeed, it's a bit unusual to see any would-be spectators at all. The attraction of the day seems to be a young woman dressed like a punk rocker who's sitting on the edge of the stage with her crossed legs dangling over, leaning back onto one elbow with her other hand cupping half a set of headphones to her ear. To one side is a small, makeshift sign on which is hastily scrawled 'Taking All Comers!', though the last word has been struck out and in different handwriting someone has ammended, '--people who want to fight ffs'. At the moment, no such people seem to be present; scorch marks around the floor of the stage nearby seem to suggest something went down earlier, but for the time being the minimal crowd present seems to be dispersing, rather than growing.

Cross may find herself in a bit of luck right now, since there just happens to be someone who's visiting the arena today. Katelynn Molina, a master of Shotokan Karate and a well known name on the fighting circuit. Ironically, Katelynn's not here to fight, but rather just to pay it a visit since she's really got nothing much to do today. She was hoping to see a fight, but it doesn't seem there are any today. Sighing, Katelynn is about to leave when she notices something in the center of the arena.

"Huh? Who's that?" Katelynn says, frowning as she looks at the mysterious person who does not ring a bell in the least bit. "A new fighter?" Katelynn advances towards Cross, and pauses as she sees the sign that says 'Taking All Comers.' Almost immediately, Katelynn scowls and shakes her head. "Quite the arrogant one, aren't you?" Katelynn states, folding her arms. "You know there's more to fighting than that!"

Cross bobs her head in time with the music piping through the headset, her crossed leg bouncing synchronously along. Her eyes are closed, and for a moment she doesn't seem to notice Katelynn's approach at all, absorbed as she is in whatever she's listening to. The word 'fighting' seems to be some kind of Pavlovian que, though, because he head straightens out and her eyes pop open, and within an instant the headphones are draped around her neck. "You want to fight?" she asks in an exhuberant tone, grinning broadly. "You promise not to run away?!"
The strange young woman plants both palms on the edge of the stage in front of her lap and pitches forward, throwing herself into a handstand with her head craned back to continue looking Katelynn in the eye from her higher vantage. Though she wobbles a bit in that odd position, it doesn't seem to bother her overly much. "Ah, ah! You're the best! I was gonna be in so much trouble if I couldn't find anyone who'd stay longer than one round...!" Apparently oblivious to the chastising tone she was addressed with, Cross begins to 'turn' herself by walking on her hand in a circle, orienting herself toward the middle of the stage before going fully end-over-end and bending her legs forward to plant her feet on the ground and ultimately right herself.

"I don't know who you are, but I can tell yoiu that I don't run away from fights, unless I know that I can't win," Katelynn says sternly. "And let me tell you, I don't remember the last time I backed down from a fight, let alone if I ever did." She does a few quick punches and kicks to get the body warmed up a little. "And let me tell you, once I'm done with you, there won't be a second round."

Yeah, she sounds arrogant, but apparently this mysterious girl wants a fight, and Katelynn's ready to rumble. She gets into her fighting stance and says, "I'm ready when you are!"

COMBATSYS: Katelynn has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Katelynn         0/-------/-------|

Katelynn Molina says, "Type +join"

COMBATSYS: Cross has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Katelynn         0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Cross

Cross beams a broad, genuine grin at Katelynn, obviously only hearing the words she wants to hear from the other girl's proclamations. "You're the best, seriously! I've been stuck out here all day looking for a decent match...!" That... doesn't make much sense, why would she not simply leave if no one was putting up a decent fight? Regardless, she seems to be sincerely excited by the Shotokan fighter's words, and excitement for Cross translates into only one thing: fire.
The flames start small, ghostly white things licking out from between the fingers of one clenched fist, but as she rushes toward her opponent they grow to a roaring inferno that completely consumes her right hand and begins to climb up her arm, quickly immolating the entire limb. The punk rocker stops short a good yard from hand-to-hand range with Kateylnn, skidding to a halt while letting the momentum continue through her burning arm, thrusting it forward in a rocketing punch at empty air--though, the flames wrapped around her fist don't seem to get the memo to stop, scorching straight toward the karateka!

COMBATSYS: Katelynn blocks Cross' Let the Flames Begin.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Katelynn         0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0            Cross

"I'm not the best," Katelynn replies, "But I strive to be the best. In fact, it's why I fight so much and train so much. Even if I may never reach the top, I'll give it my all!" Katelynn finishes her speech by bringing her arms up to block the incoming fire punch. They leave a few blisters on Katelynn's arm, but it's better than being burned in other spots...

"Not bad, I must say that's a pretty good attack you've got," Katelynn comments. "But let's see how well you can handle me!" With that, Katelynn rears back and then attempts to throw a swift jab at Cross's stomach.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn successfully hits Cross with Quick Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Katelynn         0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0            Cross

The concept of being ready to defend herself after an attack like that doesn't seem to have occured to Cross, as she runs herself straight into the punch, doubling forward for a moment over Katelynn's fist with an audible 'oomph!'. Though she looks to be in good shape, her core actually feels a bit soft by the standards of a trained fighter; odds are she really felt that one, as evidenced by the way she staggers backward with a huff of smoke. "Ah, ah! You really aren't running away!" she exclaims breathlessly, thumping on her chest with one hand to restart her respiratory cycle, "I can really cut loose...!"
At that declaration she leaps backward a good five feet, dropping into a three-point stance like a linebacker. Those flames erupt again, this time blasting out of her heels and roaring from her shoulders in jets that fan out wide like incandescent wings, propelling her forward from the tensed position. Cross rockets less than a foot of the ground, staying parallel to it, and... completely misses Katelynn by a good three feet. As soon as she passes by, however, she plants one hand in the ground, fiery fingers digging furrows into the stone, and uses it as a fulcrum around which to swing herself so that she slingshots back toward the girl from a different angle, trying to ram her with a searing shoulder-check from behind.

COMBATSYS: Cross successfully hits Katelynn with Ride the Lightning.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Katelynn         0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0            Cross

As soon as Cross flies by Katelynn, she's not entirely sure what to make of it, but she suspects it might be an attempt to fake her out. So Katelynn turns to face Cross... at the wrong moment. She gets decked in the back and goes down to the ground face first. She pushes herself back up onto her feet, holding her head and groaning a little before rubbing the spot on her back where she got hit.

"Dammit, you really like to play cheap, don't you?" Katelynn says with a fierce scowl. "Well, I'm ready for whatever you got next!" With that, Katelynn keeps a close eye on Cross, waiting to see what she has up her sleeve next.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn focuses on her next action.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Katelynn         0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0            Cross

Cross bounces back and forth from one foot to the other, panting out long streams of white smoke, the flames having now crawled across her shoulders to cover her entire upper body like an eerie, ghostly halo of pristine white fire. The energetic fighter nods hurriedly in response to Katelynn's accusations, proudly replying, "I've been practicing! I think I'm getting better at it!" Wait--what?
Apparently Cross has no real sense of appropriate strategy, because even when she sees her opponent calmly concentrating she doesn't let up for a moment, rushing back in with that flame-enhanced speed to get up close and personal. This time she makes no effort toward deception, blitzing her straight out with a hellacious charging right-cross, though the flames wreathing her incoming fist make the attack more than intimidating enough all by themselves.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn counters Aggressive Strike from Cross with Palm Blaster.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Katelynn         0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0            Cross

"You need to keep practicing or your skills will slide away," Katelynn replies, still watching Cross as she jumps around a little. "Come on, show me what you've got planned next," She says with a big smirk on her face.

And then, Cross decides to show her that she's capable of hitting rather hard. Fortunately, Katelynn is good in situations like this, as she twists to the side, drops down into a position where one leg is extended and the other leg is bent, with Katelynn shifting her weight to the bent leg. At the same time, her arm shoots out with a chi enhanced palm strike to the stomach.

"Let's see ya stomach that!" Katelynn says with a grin as she watches Cross get knocked away!

Cross stumbles backward from the blow, her cheeks puffing up like a chipmunk and arms folding across her stomach as she doubles over and, ultimately, loses her balance to fall right on her leather-clad posterier. The teen blinks once, glances down at herself, and slowly moves her arms out to flex her fists in what seems like curiosity. "... h-hey? I'm still awake! Awesome!" That seems to be the end of that, as she just picks herself up without fanfare, wobbling a bit on her feet but otherwise no worse for wear.
"You're pretty good at this--this is going to be fun!" Cross exclaims straightening her arm out to her side again. The flames spring to life more easily this time, roaring out to completely consume the entire limb in less than a second. Again she sprints forward, though this time as she goes she fires off the 'jump jets' from her feet and shoulders as well, going exponentially faster with each step, and finally leaping off the ground with the flames propelling her in a long leap. At the same time she swings her burning arm out to fan flames in an extremely wide arc, dispersing them across the entire area in front of her and obviously just hoping that Katelynn is *somewhere* in the conflagration.

COMBATSYS: Cross successfully hits Katelynn with Flight of Icarus.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Katelynn         0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Cross

"It all depends on your personal definition of 'fun,'" Katelynn replies sternly as she gets back into her fighting stance, watching Cross as she recovers. "I, personally, never had any intentions to fight today, but things sometimes change, for better or for worse," She adds, before getting into a defensive stance.

Unfortunately, Cross somehow penetrates her defense, and Katelynn goes down to the ground. She groans as she tries to get up, holding her right shoulder as it seems to have been bruised. Still, the Shotokan fighter doesn't go down easily, and manages to get back onto her feet with a little effort.

"OK, you've tested my patience long enough. Now take THIS!" With that, Katelynn brings her right fist back and a blue aura of chi envelops it. With a yell, she shoots her arm forward, the blast of chi coming at Cross in the form of a bluish sphere.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn successfully hits Cross with Energy Fist.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Katelynn         0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1            Cross

The energy blast launches Cross backward, sending her flying six or seven feet before she lands flat on her back, skidding another yard after the fact. Though momentarily dazed, she pops back up to an upright sitting position as soon as the blobs of neon color fade from her vision, dusting herself off. "... still here? Are you messing around with me?" she asks, rolling backward and then kipping up to her feet in an agile motion, going right back to that bouncing, freewheeling stance.
The strange fighter seems to have at least learned some degree of patience from the proceedings--either that, or she's just watching Katelynn for some sign that she's phoning it in. Whichever way around, she seems content for the moment to just observe her actions, brow furrowed and fists clenched.

COMBATSYS: Cross focuses on her next action.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Katelynn         0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1            Cross

"I'm still here, and I don't mess around, girl. Karate is not something to be taken lightly, not in the least bit," Katelynn replies, remaining in her fighting stance. "Still, I think you're on the right track. Just get a little more discipline involved, and you'll be a fine fighter." Katelynn smirks a little at her brief, but to-the-point sermon. "So what are you waiting for?"

A pause, and then Katelynn frowns a little. "So you're waiting to see what happens next? I can oblige you with that." As soon as she says that, Katelynn takes a couple running steps and then pushes off of her back foot and flies directly at Cross with her leg extended in a flying kick pose!

COMBATSYS: Cross dodges Katelynn's Missile Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Katelynn         0/-------/--=====|=======\=------\1            Cross

The eyes that stare toward Katelynn as she rockets forward behind that extended leg burn to brilliant white embers, completely hiding their pupils behind the veil of tainted flames. As the flames race across her body, Cross moves with similar speed, pulling to one side so fast that it's hard to follow the motion with the naked eye, letting her opponent shoot right through the halo of flames wafting off her body that she left behind--a sort of burning after-image.
The moment of focus seems to have completely changed her demeanor, as rather than leaping away to attack from a distance using her considerable speed, Cross remains right there in close quarters, minimizing the effort of her evasion to keep close. As Katelynn comes down she already has her hand up, projecting that roaring inferno from her extended fist in a wave of blistering heat from less than a meter away.

COMBATSYS: Cross successfully hits Katelynn with Let the Flames Begin.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Katelynn         1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1            Cross

Katelynn lands with a scowl, cursing silently as she turns to face Cross once again. She doesn't say anything, just gets back into her fighting stance, making a quick gesture like to say, "Come on!" She stares at the girl, wondering what's going to happen next. And then she sees the flames once again, and attempts to defend against them by getting into a defensive stance. Unfortunately, Cross penetrates her defense once again.

Katelynn stumbles backwards, yet somehow manages to stay on her feet. She breathes heavily, the burning sensation quite a bit to handle for her. And with her steam starting to run low, Katelynn decides it's time for a recharge. She reaches into her back pocket and pulls out a sports bottle, apparently with Gatorade or something. She takes a quick sip and then puts it back in her pocket. How it stays in there while she fights is anyone's guess. Maybe it's reinforced and fits tightly into her pocket?

COMBATSYS: Katelynn gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Katelynn         0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1            Cross

Cross, by contrast, doesn't seem the least bit tired at all anymore. The teen's stopped bouncing and is watching Katelynn with a quiet intensity, even though the strange, almost unreal flames have completely consumed her body, veiling her in a solid wall of flame. Rather than roaring about like a tornado, the young woman strides forward confidently, leaving smoldering footprints of pitch with every step she takes as she advances. Rather than chasing after the girl while she's drinking, she simply swings one arm in a backhanding gesture, causing a fairly considerable amount of the fire clinging to her to sling off the sweeping limb, straight toward Katelynn.

COMBATSYS: Cross successfully hits Katelynn with Dead on Arrival.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Katelynn         1/------=/=======|=======\===----\1            Cross

Finished with her drink, Katelynn returns to fighting again. She's got a stern eye on Cross, waiting to see what she'll pull off next. Unfortunately, that happens to be a projectile, something Katelynn is not too fond of when used by her opponents. Again, she tries going with the defensive method, but it fails once again.

Katelynn is knocked backwards and crashes into a nearby wall. She drops to a sitting position, looking like she'd be seeing stars, what with the blood and bruises on her face. But still she manages to get up, using the wall to support her.

"You like projectiles? Well, let me show you how I return the favor!" With that, Katelynn brings BOTH fists back and energizes them with her chi. And then she sends a larger sphere than before, aimed right at Cross!

COMBATSYS: Cross blocks Katelynn's Full Energy Fist.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Katelynn         0/-------/------=|=======\=====--\1            Cross

Cross watches the impressive display with a seemingly impassive expression, though it is admittedly hard to tell what her face looks like by this point, hidden as she is within a massive white pyre of self-immolation. The young fighter obviously doesn't move, however, even when the sphere of energy comes barreling toward her full-speed and crashes into the roaring aura of flames surrounding her. The burning chi and raw energy seem to push on each other for a moment, with the flames being snuffed away and the sphere shrinking rapidly, though ultimately it seems that the ball of chi wins out. The NESTS agent backpedals a step, her fire dead, replaced only by wafting white smoke curling off every inch of her body.
Then she's gone, just like that, as if the steam rising off her were a smokescreen. A moment later she appears right in front of Katelynn, nose to nose, and lashes out with one hand to try and grab her by the neck. There, in the space of that instant, the flames roar back to life stronger than before, completely consuming both her body and her opponent's. The thermal wind lifts the both of them several feet into the air, levitating on a cushion of pure heat, while the fire blasting out of every pour in her body grows to a towering inferno in which she is completely consumed--and Katelynn very well could be, as well, if she doesn't move fast!

COMBATSYS: Katelynn interrupts Demolition Lovers from Cross with Palm Blaster.

[                          \\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Katelynn         0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Cross

Weak and very desperate right now, Katelynn tries to plan a strategy in her mind. With something that big coming her way, she's got to do something, but defending and dodging are out of the question. In frustration, Katelynn attempts another Palm Blaster, and while she does manage to strike Cross, she too gets hit and stumbles backwards, landing on her rear.

"Unnngh," Katelynn says, feeling like she wants to pass out, but somehow, there's still a tiny bit of steam left within her, and with a very great amount of difficulty (she falls down once trying to get up,) she gets back onto her feet. Her fighting stance is very weak, though, and it's obvious she's not going to last much longer.

Cross staggers backward after the explosive attack, barely managing to catch her balance before pitching forward, hunched over at the waist. The fiery fighter is panting hard now, massive, billowing clouds of thick greasy smoke pouring out of her mouth, with smaller wisps curling from her nostrils and even her ears. From the shell-shocked look on her face, it's plain to see that she felt that too, though perhaps she's a bit less worse for wear on the whole.
Despite her obvious exhaustion, the undisciplined teen manages to yank herself upright and bring the fire back to her eyes, if only just so, obviously running on fumes as she forces great gouts of the white fire out the backs of her shoulders to rocket herself toward her foe, trying to capitalize on her moment of weakness and finish her off before she recovers her composure.

COMBATSYS: Cross successfully hits Katelynn with Ride the Lightning.

[                                < >  /////////                     ]
Katelynn         0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0            Cross

Katelynn's weak stance means she has trouble moving around, especially when trying to avoid such attacks that are coming at her. She gets knocked into a spin by it, meaning that once the spinning stops, she's going down. Of course, even in a defeated state, Katelynn always tries to get one last hit in before she goes down for the count.

Staggering towards Cross, Katelynn brings her fist back and attempts to strike her before she goes down for the count.

COMBATSYS: Katelynn can no longer fight.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Cross            0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Cross blocks Katelynn's Quick Punch.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Cross            0/-------/--=====|

Cross seems to be in better shape than she lets on--or at least more accustomed to being in such a sad state--because she manages to get her arm up to intercept the blow without too much difficulty, even though the strike is still enough to bruise due to her relative lack of muscle to absorb the impact. The punk rocker continues to slide a few feet from the fading jets of flame propelling her, then finally come to rest completely at a halt, huffing and puffing, smoldering with her recently-extinguished flames. For a long moment she just remains like that, panting out smoke like a chimney.

Log created on 16:14:09 07/05/2009 by Katelynn, and last modified on 17:47:17 07/05/2009.