Tenma - This is why Marisol can't have nice things.

Description: Since the battle to liberate Gedo High, Tenma hasn't seen hide or hair of the elusive Pás. Though she's ostensibly his 'enemy', the leader of the Guardian Kings hunts down the tricksy Brazilian, intent on getting some answers from her. That's... Not what he gets, though.

The skies are clear, the night is hot and dry, and the beach... is a ghost town.

It's been several weeks since war crossed Southtown, waged and won when Howard's building fell like a post-modern Babel. In its ashes, peace began to lay tentatively over the city, the screams and bloodsplatter dried from the streets, but not everyone is so easily convinced. Southtown is taking its time to recover, and there are thousands of people still afraid to leave their homes at night.

And Sound Beach, what would be normally congested with wild party-goers and laughing teenagers late into this Friday night, far after the sun has fallen and the tide has tiredly pulled in, is sickeningly empty. The beach has been set up for its usual mess of locals and tourists, with the summer patio brushed off and chairs set out, and the white sand heralded in lit, firey torches to ignite the dark night in a yellow glow, but only a handful of people -- the truly brave ones -- are coaxed to spend the warm night by the seaside.

A certain Brazilian girl is one of them. After the last two months she's been having, surrounded in a city sweat in misery, helplessness, and worry, a quiet night alone on an empty summer beach is paradise. Untouched by that anxiety that keeps Southtown indoors despite the heatwave, she's sitting languidly in the sand, marinating under nearby firelight that highlights the white of her bikini.

And she's not alone. Tonight, Pás has brought a friend. A seven-string classical guitar is perched on her lap, and she's gazing lazily down at the strings, watching her fingers move as she plays. The slow bossa nova melody is no more hurried than she, its exotic rhythm playing against the measure of the moving sea.

Every time something huge and world-shattering happens, at least on a relative scale, Tenma Kiryuu finds himself looking back on the things that have happened to him since he arrived in Southtown. He did it after the Jinchuu tournament, and he did it after the raid on Capital 7; and he's been doing it since the siege of Southtown ended. Most people would think it was odd for him, this sort of introspection, but the Kiryuu heir has never been exactly what other people perceived him to be.

And he's always preferred it that way.

In the time since the invading forces were finally repelled, and the reconstruction began, Tenma's been too busy to do much but mull over what's come before. Gedo is, by now, well on its way to being as repaired as it ever is - most importantly, /his/ roof is intact and cleared out - and he's got the opportunity to deal with some other things that have been bothering him.

First, he went by the Pacific High dormitories, to the room shared by Pás and Marisol and found nothing of interest - because he didn't stop to look through any underwear drawers - so he thought a bit, and realised where the girl would probably be. The beach, right.

They first met out here; and Tenma ran into her after she was nearly crippled by Wellington out here, as well. This time, he hears guitar music.

"Ugh, damn!" calls the strident, familiar voice of Tenma Kiryuu, out of the darkness. "Don't you ever tune that thing?"

So much for peace and quiet.

At that insult, the slow, half-improvised melody catches, silence inhaling into that sudden pause in music. The guitarist looks up from her fingers, her dark eyes ambery as they reflect the burning torchlight. The Brazilian girl stares for a moment, before she simply, anticlimactically lets a long breath go, her lips pulling into a sleepy smile.

Recognizing that voice, Pás glances back down again, amused as she spreads her fingers and plays Tenma Kiryuu's sudden arrival with an eerie tritone, slowing resolving it inward down a major scale, until her playful fingers are suddenly plucking out the melody line of another song. She's playing 'Nowhere Man' by the Beatles, silently, languidly, whether or not the Guardian King gets the joke.

Twitching her head to toss her long wing of hair behind her shoulder, Pás doesn't glance up again from the strings, looking on boredly as she strums peacefully at the guitar in her lap. "Pou," she mumbles back, hooding her eyes, "and hallo to you, Pescador. Why are you all the way out here? Are you takings your right hand on hot date?"

Naturally, he doesn't get it.

Since as far as Tenma can tell, she's just playing some random thing, he gives the guitar a quizzical look, shrugs, and then turns his smirking attention on the girl herself, his dark blue eyes studying Pás in the firelight. It's a very different context than he usually sees her in, since he usually sees her either a) fighting or b) doing something crazy or c) both, though all in all it's probably less weird than when he stumbled upon her studying hard for class.

That shattered a lot of his illusions, you know.

"Why, you jealous?" Tenma wonders promptly, at the Brazilian's jibe. His bokken is, of course, close at hand, held negligently by his aforementioned right and resting against his shoulder. "Actually, I was looking for you," he explains a moment later.

And then he just lets that statement hang in the air, to be a jerk.

The slow music curls through the air, bidden only by the deft movements of the Brazilian's fingers. She still does not look up from her own playing, her eyes blinking in a sated way as the warm breeze lifts off the moving tide and pulls through her hair.

"Hum, is that so," is all she says to that, to Tenma's ominous explanation -- or lack thereof. And Pás, who had mysteriously appeared on the Gedo rooftop to help the Guardian King defend his land against Kula Diamond, who had coordinated seamless attacks at his side even as the blood poured from her, who had appeared to risk it all, best friend included, to win his battle... doesn't seem to look that interested. In fact, she almost seems to have forgotten Kiryuu's presence altogether. At least, trivialized it.

And looks less than inclined to reveal anything under that lazy, mysterious smile of hers. Pás leaves the revealing to her string bikini.

For now, she only looks vaguely troubled at Tenma's proclamation, troubled at the way big cats do when a gnat refuses to leave their left ear. "Shiu..." she sighs through her playing, though her impish smile deepens. "Can't you see I ams busy--?"

The G string on her guitar catches strangely. Pás flinches slightly at it. Maybe it is out of tune. She pauses her song to test the string, turning the key, and repeating distractedly through her tuning, "Very -- very -- busy..."

Clearly, Pás must have a lot of trouble with her G strings. Ohhhhhh.

"Oh yeah, real busy," Tenma agrees with utmost sarcasm, nodding his head as a pang of irritation runs through him at the girl's dismissive behaviour. He should, of course, be used to this - this is how Pás behaves when she's trying to avoid something, he's started to figure that out - but that doesn't mean it doesn't annoy him. Quite the opposite, in fact. "What the hell is with you? I mean, first you avoid me, then you get your ass shot up outside my school, to which /I/ have to patch you back up again... Then you avoid me, then you show up and interfere when I'm trying to kick those NESTS freaks off of my roof," yes interfere. It doesn't matter that he wasn't tremendously likely to accomplish it on his own. "Then you start avoiding me again!"

It's enough to make him want to throw his hands up in frustration. Instead, Tenma lowers his bokken from his shoulder, pointing the tip at Pás' face. "I want some answers out of you."

Famous last words?

The guitar stops. The drifting music, the absent, lazy plucking of the string -- it all dies on the air. And there is only silence to follow.

Silence, and Pás' staring eyes.

They focus, at first, on the aimed tip of the bokken, then narrow as they follow the line of the weapon up to its owner, until the Brazilian meets Tenma dead in the eye. She doesn't blink as she stares at him, doesn't as much bat an eye, compelled by his order the way someone would a dare. He's won her attention.

"Ha!" Or thereabouts.

Her lips curl with amusement, and without warning or invitation, meets the invasion of her personal space by lifting one hand to press the tip of her index finger against the tip of that flared bokken, the simple, playful little motion conveying just how much of a threat he is NOT to the likes of her. "You want some answers?" Pás echoes, sounding very interested, and very humoured. "Psiu, you think you can make your silly orders at /me?!/"

She punctuates her question with a light, but firm push of her finger against the wooden blade. "Ha ha! You have not even beat me in a fight. And still you say such big words?"

Pás' eyes hood. Her smile widens, slowly, brightly, like an unsheathing weapon. And she tells him, very prettily, "Pescador, I think you should stick to the smaller fish."

Speaking of unsheathing weapons, at the push Tenma pulls his bokken back to his body, his face expressionless at Pás' words. Well, she's not wrong, is she? Tenma considers this for a moment, head tilted to one side, and then he brings his left hand up to his mouth, and in a single smooth motion, he bites into the flesh of his thumb, drawing blood. "I dunno," he says, a bit of his own blood on his lips and dribbling onto his chin. "You're looking pretty small to me, right about now."

His thumb draws down the blade of his bokken, painting a stripe of red the length of the wood. With a single sweep, he sets the bokken alight, a smoky aura of blood-red chi emanating from the wooden blade, coming to life with a faint but palpable pressure. Licking the blood off of his lip, Tenma grins widely.

"So," Tenma continues, raising his bokken briefly before sweeping it downwards in a wide arc. He can't quite hit the Brazilian from his current position, not without stretching himself into her 'zone', so he doesn't try; from behind the blade is called forth a roiling crescent of blood and chi, unleashed on Pás at nearly point blank range. "LET'S SEE WHAT I CAN CATCH!!"

COMBATSYS: Tenma has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tenma            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Pas has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Tenma            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Pas

COMBATSYS: Pas blocks Tenma's Dharmapala.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Tenma            0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0              Pas

At the last moment, she moves, turning her hand and switching grip on the neck of the guitar. She suddenly swings it around, straight into the path of that wave of blood, the instrument's belly getting painted with a greasy swathe of crimson. Her lazily perch along the sand simply rolls straight to her feet, kicking sand as she braces on the spot, turning shoulder just in time for that expected /slam/ of energy that seethes from Tenma's mysterious blood.

Her poor guitar CRUNCHES, splintering as it takes most of the hit, rendered into little more than a storm of toothpicks that rain down around the Brazilian girl, who has visibly skidded backward a good five feet, her feet trenched down into the damp sand.

She straightens, giving her head a shake to toss free bits of her guitar, her body cut in places and streaked from the ricochet of his blood. Her dark eyes open, turning immediately on Tenma.

And Pás frowns.

"--Small?!" she eventually sparks back, looking offended. With little warning, she grabs double handfuls of her own bikini'd chest and /pushes/ her palms indignantly together. "Is this look /small/ to you?! Putz!!"

Smiling a little dangerously, the Brazilian then /lunges/ forward, trying to close the distance between them. She attempts to swerve through Tenma's guard and reach for him, trying to grab him swiftly by the swordarm. "Jes give up, yea!" Pás invites generously, with her usual, fierce humour. "I think I am too much for you!!"

If she is able to grab him, the girl tries to lever straight off of Tenma's own arm and attempt to crack one foot straight at the side of his head.

COMBATSYS: Tenma blocks Pas' Spin Kick.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Tenma            0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0              Pas

That poor guitar. Tenma almost feels bad - almost - but any such thoughts are driven completely from his mind at Pás' rather direct demonstration to refute his claims as to her smallness. "Well," Tenma says with a lightness to his tone that he doesn't feel at all. "I've seen bigger." And then, Pás is right up inside his guard.

Stepping back a bit, the Kiryuu heir can't keep the Brazilian from getting a grip on his arm and using it to lever herself up, but he can twist at the last moment to bring his /other/ arm in the way, using it as a simple crossbar to stop her foot from impacting with the side of his head, instead blunting the impact against his left forearm. With her closeness, there's not too much he can do in the way of his usual attacks... So instead he simply switches up to grab /her/, his blocking arm twisting around, and then he drops his weight forward.

If all goes according to plan, then Tenma will simply spike Pás right into the sandy ground, and not overly gently besides.

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Pas with Quick Throw.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Tenma            0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0              Pas

It seems the Brazilian was neither counting on her own opened guard... as well as Tenma's sudden quickness. Pinioned straight from his arm, her snapped leg stopped fast by the Gedo student's swung forearm, the Brazilian already has an inkling of what's to come. He's got the upper hand. And she's got to move--

She tries to turn her leg, almost expecting the grab, wrenching back on the limb to free herself, but to no avail. It all happens fast. Within a split-second, time long enough for Pás to widen her dark eyes, she CRASHES back to the ground, splashing sand in two arcing waves as she's driven brutally forward.

It hurts more than it looks.

Eyes blinking open, one immediately twitches as her features crinkle with a wince of pain. Her mouth hitches, before her lips pull together in a swift, damning movement, just in time for her gaze to turn and raise, meeting Tenma eye for eye. Splayed along the sand, breathing slowly, her side scraped up in what will be an ugly, blackened bruise tomorrow, Pás almost -- almost looks a little put out.

The moment doesn't last long. Like a lock fastening into place, her expression cools under the return of her usual smiling. Her eyes slip to their teasing half-mast. "Aiiiii, Pescador," Pás begins luxuriously, "what are you trying to prove, silly? I do not have to tell you anything!"

Her hands brace back against the sand. The muscle tenses inside her shoulders. Tenma has only a moment to gauge her movements, to prepare--

As Pás suddenly LEAPS from the sand, stealing fiercely into his personal space as she tries to grasp him by both sides of his face. The gesture would almost be imtimate--

"You should..." she tells him silkily, before she attempts to SMASH her head into his... "GO HOME!"

COMBATSYS: Pas successfully hits Tenma with Zidane's Revenge.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Tenma            0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0              Pas

It really wasn't a very crisp or well-executed throw on Tenma's part, but sometimes the old 'do whatever you have to' brawling mentality works out. When Pás meets his gaze from on the ground, Tenma tilts his head to one side, and smirks a little bit before hitching one shoulder in a shrug. So, what's she going to do about it?

Though Tenma knows the power of words and names, he also knows that sometimes it just comes down to action; the girl's words simply roll off of his back as he focuses on what she's /doing/, and when Pás aims that headbutt at him, Tenma lunges /into/ it, meeting her forehead with his own a bit earlier than she'd intended. His plan, of course, was to create an opening to capitalise on.

This is unfortunately difficult when your eyes won't focus.

"Ugh... Right, I forgot, your head is just one big stone," Tenma complains, staggering for a moment and then regaining his balance, sweeping his bokken up over his head, both hands on the hilt in what starts as a high guard, and then rises higher the blade over his head...

And slashes, inevitably, downwards. It's a quick slash, and at the bottom of the movement Tenma reverses the blade and swipes it back /up/, creating a narrow V-shape in blood and chi, which he intends to center on Pás' torso. "No wonder whenever I see you at the beach, you're never in the water; you'd just sink!"

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Pas with Ungyou.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Tenma            0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1              Pas

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Tenma            0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1              Pas

Stepping back from that vicious headbutt, her inky hair pooling around her shoulders, those two braided locks of her hair lashing, Pás falls back to her familiar grinning. Settling her weight to one leg, she stamps one hand to her curvy hip while taking all the time in the world to examine the nails of her five other fingers.

"Sim, yea, yea, yea," she intones generously to Tenma's grousing. "Shiuuuu, now have you done /boring/ me tonight? I have so much I need to--"

One dark eye flicks up. Her head tilts, watching Kiryuu as he finds his center and brings up his bokken. Pás' lips twitch slightly, a sharp smirk spidering along her mouth. "Douga! You still want more? Pescador, this is nice and all, but, really, I can only beat you so many times. You /know/ what is going to happens, yea? So jes save--"

He moves at her. And, for just the briefest of instants, Pás is proud, or simply just /aggravating/ enough to look amused. Long suffering. Humoured.


She pushes forward, trying to slip forward and stop the movement of that bokken, even if it is to stop his arm entirely, but Pás makes a mistake. It's a risky movement, to close on him, to force him to rethink the reach of his weapon, but this time he's quicker, he's got the momentum, and now he's got one clean shot right through a hole in her guard.

The bokken slashes cruelly downward, and so close, Tenma is easily witness to the rare look of surprise that dawns over the Brazilian's face. It doesn't last long, not because of any effort on her part, but because a second slash later, the detonating energy has her THROWN clear across the beach.

Skidding across sand, her body careens into the emptied patio, knocking out an entire row of beachfront chairs as she gets a faceful of splintered wood. Silence swathes across the darkened, firelit beach.

Until a shaking hand pulls one half of a broken patio chair off its body, Pás reviving with a hitched breath as she forces her body back to its feet. She's covered in blood. Half of it is hers. The other half belongs to the Guardian King whom she turns on, her dark eyes momentarily searing as they find him. She almost looks shocked. She almost looks unsure. She almost looks a lot of things.

Until that smile returns, almost straining as it's forced back upon her lips. Breathing heavily, her hands flexing, Pás just replies in a windy way, "H... Hum!"

And then she just vaults back over the rail of the patio, hitting sand and racing in a direct line straight at Tenma. He's not going to get away with that. Her teeth grit as she pushes all of her strength into her speed, railroading homicidally toward him as sand sprays in the wake of her feet. At the last instant, she throws herself forward into a sharp front flip, pushing off with her hands and spiralling through the air, attempting to catch him across the face with one hooked heel--

COMBATSYS: Pas successfully hits Tenma with Dama Branco.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Tenma            1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0              Pas

At the last moment, the attack seems to reveal itself. It's too visible. Too predictable. And it does its best to cover for the way her second leg suddenly jousts out to try to catch Tenma solidly in the ribcage.

In the next handful of moments, Pás is little more than a blur of colour under the yellowy firelight. She's little more than a blur of her dark skin, her white bikini, and Tenma's crimson blood that shines greasily in the distant glow. Catching herself from her controlled fall on the toes of one foot, the Brazilian kicks sand as she spins back into the air, weaving her dance of roundhouse kicks... turning on Tenma the precise moves she made at his side, through his attacks, when they held hands to ward off Kula Diamond.

Even the intensity of that night, not so long ago, and not so easily forgotten, has bled back onto her face, despite all her attempts to keep the latent emotion at bay. So Pás does the only thing she can do. She rebounds off her arms and goes aerial, briefly twisting to the air, almost spinning as she attempts to SLAM him backwards with one last double-footed strike.

See, she wouldn't be a very good trickster if her tricks didn't /work/ most of the time. Tenma, though often more wily and cunning than his demeanor would suggest, goes for the ploy; it's obvious, sure, but he knows how hard her 'obvious' kicks can hit, so he reacts on instinct, moving to block that first attack, the kick hooking towards his face... Which leaves him wide open for the true strike, and the kicks that follow it. Each one batters Tenma's lean, tall form, and there's not much he can do but watch as Pás takes to the air and then kicks him with both feet in the chest, sending him tumbling and staggering backwards over the ground, kicking up a curtain of sand.

"Ha ha ha," laughs Tenma, turning his head to one side and spitting up a gob of blood. "Guess I should've seen that coming," he remarks, turning dark blue eyes back towards Pás, a faint smirk still on his sharp features... And then sand kicks up again as Tenma takes off towards the Brazilian girl, taking a last lunging step in towards her as he slashes across at about face-height, from the elbow. "Tch...!"

COMBATSYS: Tenma successfully hits Pas with Medium Strike.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Tenma            1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0              Pas

"I tell you," Pás exhales lowly as she lands back to her feet, "and you do not listen." She straightens, pulling her body to her full height, her dark skin gleaming with sweat and bloodsplatter. She gives her head a sharp twitch to flick a bead of Tenma's blood from her eye. The rest of the mess webs in trickling lines down her face, mapping the frown that haunts her lips.

Immediately, she begins moving, stepping slowly but defiantly after Tenma, refusing to give up the offense. "I tell you again and again," she tells him almost playfully, though the humour seems to have left the look in her eyes, which watch him now with a predatory fierceness. "I am too much f--!!"


Unprepared for the movement -- unprepared for such a quick, deft recovery from one of her most strongest attacks -- Pás takes the bokken clean across the face, her head snapping painfully to one side. She loses her footing, stumbling down into the white sand and bleeding into it, especially from that new cut that lines cleanly down one cheekbone.

Struggling to catch her breath through the hot, surprising burn of pain, Pás glances back up at Tenma. For a moment, her expression is nearly unreadable, before a slow, Cheshire smile makes her mouth go crooked. "Ha..." she pants, "what is this? You think you can hit me hard -- enough?! Shiu... such a silly..."

Without warning, Pás braces against the sand and lunges upwards, trying to surprise Tenma with a kick snapped straight at the gut. Should she hit, she tries to capitalize on the momentum, attempting to cleanly vault his shoulders with a second kick hooked straight at the back of the head.

COMBATSYS: Tenma fails to interrupt Devil's Crossroads from Pas with Dead End Breaker.
- Power fail! -

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Tenma            0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0              Pas

There's a certain sense of satisfaction for Tenma, as he smacks Pás right in the face with his bokken. He probably shouldn't feel that way, but he's not too fussed about it. "Yeah, I think I can, actually," he replies to her question, watching her levelly, cheshire grin or no. The sudden surprise kick isn't that much of a surprise, but Tenma's response is ill-timed; he lunges into it, swinging his bokken down, but before he can land the strike, the Brazilian's foot strikes home, staggering him and doubling him over, which makes it easy enough for her to leap up and kick him in the back of the head. Hitting the sand in a roll, Tenma quickly whirls about to face Pás again.

Staying in a low crouch, with his bokken held defensively, Tenma wipes blood from his upper lip, where it leaks from his nose. "Seriously? Is that the best you can do?"

Though she's definitely feeling the wear on her body, exhaustion sifting with the beat down thanks to Tenma Kiryuu's bokken, Pás tries her best to shake it all off. She tries her best to look close to unmoved, unmussed, and unconcerned, rising back from her last attack with one hand set on her curvy hip, her fingers idly playing with the strings of her bikini. Her other hand boredly swabs a finger along the blood that paints her collar bone, and she lifts it in front of her hooded eyes for a lazy inspection.

Is that the best she can do?

Pás' ambery eyes flick up. The firelight flickers over the taunting smirk that couches in her full lips. She seems to give the rhetorical question deep thought, and then replies simply, "Nao."

Rather indulgently, she pushes a heavy lock of her dark hair behind her shoulder, otherwise looking down at Tenma, watching him from his crouch. Her smirk widens. "Pou, now you really think you do come here and tell /me/ what do do? Yea? Tell /me/ what /you/ want? It is not work that way," she explains with a waggle of one pointed finger. "What happens," she continues airily, a bit of a sleepy sigh infused in her words, "is that I do... whatever I am want. And you cannot do anything about it."

And if just to demonstrate her total superiority, her total nonchalance, her total... arrogant attempt to simply aggravate Tenma into abandoning his initial decision, Pás moves. She doesn't run, doesn't fly at him... instead only walks forward, slowly and directly, and doesn't even take her own lazy hand off her hip as she merely tries to put the Guardian King down with a bored kick straight at the face.

COMBATSYS: Tenma fails to interrupt Fierce Kick from Pas with Head Breaker.

[                           \\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Tenma            0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0              Pas

COMBATSYS: Tenma can no longer fight.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  <
Pas              0/-------/-======|

Sometimes, Tenma's plans are just awful.

When Pás aims that kick at him, Tenma is already moving, up and into it, his left arm lancing forward to grab at the girl's throat. As a result, her kick doesn't meet his face, but it does slam down hard on his shoulder, sending a pang of numbness through his arm, causing him to drop his bokken. But Tenma doesn't stop moving. His plan is foiled, really, he can't do what he was going to do... But he isn't going to let a little thing like that stop him, and instead he gets what momentum he still can, twisting to the side and continuing forward, gripping Pás by the neck and using his greater weight and mass to bear them both down onto the sand.

He doesn't let go.

"No," Tenma growls out, barely able to see straight. "No, you damn well don't. You didn't come to help me out just 'cause you were bored, and we both know it. You stupid idiot, you think just because you act like this that nothing's gonna touch you, and nobody's gonna care? Well, you're wrong! Because I c..." He cuts himself off, face flushing and mouth letting out an exasperated noise. "I ca..." No, still can't do it. "Oh for fuck's sake!!" Tenma finally declares, releasing his grip on Pás. But he doesn't get off of her, no.

Instead he stoops down so that he can kiss her right on the mouth.

It happens so fast. Her thrust kick slams right into his shoulder. The blood-lit bokken drops uselessly into the sand. Her face darkens with dangerous victory.

And then he snags her by the throat.

Surprised by the move, both by its sheer boldness and total improbability, Pás only has time to widen her eyes before Tenma sends her straight down into the sand. A shocked breath knocks free from her lungs, and gritting her teeth, she immediately tries to struggle, tries to find some way or some thing to brace her legs, but she's too exhausted to shuck the Guardian King's larger mass. He seals her against the beach, white sand sticking instantly to her bloodsplattered skin.

Blinking her eyes to focus them, and immediately realizing where she is, and just /who/ is on top of her, Pás swiftly meets Tenma with a wide-eyed glare, the look searing with the distinct, fiery anger of an offended Brazilian woman. Her jaw slants stubbornly-- but his hand is still collared on her neck. But, in all honestly, that's not what keeps her still. It's his words.

While she notoriously lacks good sense or shame, Pás has enough pride to look surprised at Tenma's damning accusations. She simply stares at him incredulously, breathing hard from both the fight and her rising embarassment. She refuses to stand for any more. Struggling anew, her mouth twitches then opens her lips to shout something back -- just in time for her breath to be stolen in a kiss.

Pás even sounds surprised, murmuring windily into Tenma's mouth as he captures hers, her eyes closing at the instant of contact. For five long seconds, she does absolutely nothing more.

Then her brow tics. Her eyebrows furrow, and fiercely, her eyes snap open. She moves purposefully, her hands trying to find Tenma's collar to forcefully pry him off her. Freed for an instant, Pás -- Estella de Santo -- stares daggers up at the boy with bright eyes. And Pás, who never riles, who never angers, who never cares... fixes Tenma with a furious sneer. "Y- You!!" she snarls, or tries to, her voice choked and straining, "You are the most... ANNOYING...!!"

Violently, she pulls him back down for a second kiss.

Log created on 23:30:06 06/26/2009 by Tenma, and last modified on 01:16:21 06/28/2009.