Brett - Charity - The Southtown Way

Description: With the schools reeling and in need of some rebuilding, what better way than to do what Southtown does best: Fight! The Sunshine Girl of Taiyo, Hinata Wakaba, and the former Greyhound Bulldog, Brett Neuer, face off in a precursor to the Southtown Charity project.

"Welcome, folks, to the Fight To Rebuild Our Educational System Charity Battle and Bakesale!" Shouts the announcer, one of the teachers from Taiyo High as he steps toward the center of a ring set up just outside the school. A good sized crowd, with a fair number of students from all of Southtown's schools as well as just regular old fight fans and PTA members mingle around outside of it, shuffling off into their seats or purchasing the various cookies, cakes, pies, and other delicious goodies lined up on a set of tables just off to the side.

"Tonight we have a good matchup for you, so let's not waste a lot of time with blathering. In this corner, we have Taiyo High's own Hinata Wakaba!" He motions toward one side and gets massive cheers from a number of the local students as Hinata jumps up into the ring and offers a great big smile and a wave. "Who has brought some of her own cakes to the sale, over on table number 3." The applause dies down a bit as he motions toward table 3, which certainly does have a number of cakes on it, although most of them look like they've been dropped or something. The cash box at that table hasn't seen much action tonight.

COMBATSYS: Hinata has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Hinata           0/-------/-------| see, if it was just a plain old bakesale, there might not be too much problem. Brett would be all for buying a few sets of cookies, knowing how things have been around this city. He was here near the tail end of things after all.

But when he heard about a charity battle, well, depiste best interests, he had to get involved. He had heard about Taiyo after all, mostly for the various sports fighters he's heard of that came from the school. Folk right up his alley, you know. And while his opponent doesn't seem to be one of them, she seems to be a good sort of person. Cute too if looking a little on the young side.

That's not what the young Mr. Neuer worries himself with though, as he rolls over toward the ring from the sales tables he was perusing before the call for the battle was made. "And in this corner, from Duluth, Minnesota, USA, Brett!" Unlike Hinata, he gets very little response....not unexpected, as he's fairly unknown and she's fighting on literal home turf.

Pulling himself up into the ring, careful not to catch anything on the ropes, the hockey fighter looks over across the ring toward his opponent, a polite note toward her. "Ah...g-good luck!" he says, sounding a little too timid for his very physical look.

COMBATSYS: Brett has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Hinata           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Brett

As Brett pulls himself into the ring, Hinata greets him with the brilliant smile that just goes to show why she's considered the 'sunshine girl' here at Taiyo. It's the sort of thing that could brighten up pretty much anybody's day. "I hope we have a good fight! Make sure you have fun, okay?" At the very least, she's a friendly opponent, isn't she?

"Alright fight fans! Let's get this rumble ready to trumble!" The teacher/announcer looks down at his cards after that with confusion and turns back toward some of the other people sitting at a table at ringside, "Who wrote this? Trumble isn't even a word. You can't go around making up words like that, you devalue the language!" Of course, he forgets about the fact that he's still holding the mic up to his mouth and the entire audience can hear it. Someone runs up and says something to him and his face goes red. "Err... oh, they can? Umm... fight begin!" he cries out before darting down from the ring, and someone sets off a bell.

That ring sets Hinata ready to go and she starts to rush forward before clasping her hands at her side and setting off a spark of chi that she thrusts forward halfway across the ring to go flying straight for Brett. As it moves, it grows bigger and bigger until right near him it suddenly blossoms out into the shape of a colorful sunflower.

COMBATSYS: Brett blocks Hinata's Kikou Shoutei.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Hinata           0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0            Brett

Brett nods, taking a deep breath as he smiles back to the energetic girla cross from him. Closing his eyes, he waits for the word to start fighting, whispering some few unintelligible things to himself as his stick taps on the ground idly. Finally, when the bell rings, he snaps his stick down, deep breath as he settles into a low, luched over stance as if he was ready for a faceoff.' He's ready now.

Well...ready as he could be before he sees the spark of energy flying across the ring toward him. Eyes widen, before he crosses an arm and his stick in front of him, the chi shot slamming into him and pushing up against the corner. "Nnn...." He really does need to get used to those things. A bit shaken up by that initial attack, Brett looks back, eyes still set in a focused state as he barrels after his opponent. Or perhaps PAST instead, cutting his dash to the side rather abruptly as his stick flicks out. The blade quickly hooks outward toward Hinata, trying to snag her by something, arm, neck, clothes, whatever, and give her a quick tug downard into the ground with a yank.

COMBATSYS: Brett successfully hits Hinata with King's End.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Hinata           0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0            Brett

From the looks of things, Hinata was taken a bit off guard by the sudden switch around by Brett, moving as quick as she can off toward the side as he rushes for her, as if expecting a frontal assault, but this just puts her in position for Brett to grab hold of her by the back of her shirt and send her down to the ground. It's a clean hit, but it's not quite enough to keep her down, and she rolls back up to her feet a short distance away.

"That was a good one, you had me tricked!" There's the smile again as she's back in her bouncy stance before she lunges down and forward, drawing back her arm, "But I'd like to see how you handle this one!" As she drops down, her arm is suddenly surrounded by flame-like chi that and her legs are kicking her up off of the mat as she rises up, her fist aiming to connect straight for Brett's chin in a spinning uppercut that leaves a great flaming spiral behind it, "SHOUYOUKEN!"

COMBATSYS: Brett Toughs Out Hinata's Shouyouken!

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Hinata           0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0            Brett

Spinning around after he manages to hook at the back of Hinaa's shirt and yank her down into the ring canvas, Brett, sinks back into his stance, prepping up for his next assault. Narrowing his eyes, he gets himself set, reading to drive in once more. And when Hinata lunges in, so does he.

He doesn't seem to be quite prepared for her rising attack, however, the shot crashing into his chin with the flaming spiral of chi she puts into the attack. THe shot hits dead on...and yet Brett just moves forward after that initial lurch back from the hit. "NOW!" he shouts, partly to himself as he flips in and tries to slam a somersaulting heel drop straight into Hinata with his skates, hopefuly before she's fully settled in again.

COMBATSYS: Hinata dodges Brett's Falling Star EX.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Hinata           0/-------/-----==|======-\-------\0            Brett

Things did not quite go as planned, but you wouldn't be able to tell that from the grin on Hinata's face as she watches Brett come flying in at her. It's certainly not looking good, but with a sudden burst of speed, she ducks and rolls back and away, leaving his attack to go through empty air as she settles at the edge of the ring, much to cheers of the audience after that double showing of prowess from the fighters.

"You're doing great! That one was really good," she shouts back at him as she starts to push forward again. Darting from side to side in a quick zig zag motion as she gets in closer and closer until finally lunging out with both hands in a quick, extended double jab aimed for his mid-section.

COMBATSYS: Brett interrupts Medium Punch from Hinata with Hurricane Check.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Hinata           0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0            Brett

Eyes widen as Brett ends up finding dead air as he lands from his flip a little awkward drop as he rolls forward a few extra feet once his skates are back under him. "Uhnnn...." He overextended himself a little too much on that one, finding himself whipping about to track the much smaller Hinata's path

However, once she shoots in on her zig zag and lunges in with her double fisted shot toward his chest, he's got one thing in mind: barrel her into the boards (figuratively speaking of course). Meeting the jab in flux, he swings forward with an elbow toward Hinata's temple, smashing out and letting her fists push him back a little with a grunt. Just enough spaces to make a full on 360 turn and push off his back foot full force to drive a shoulder check straight into the Saikyo fighter. "NNNHHAAHH!!"

And then in a flash, Hinata's seeing stars as the crack hits the side of her head and knocks her senseless for long enough that she's got no chance of avoiding things when he comes barrelling back at her and sends her flying with the body check. It's rough enough that she actually skips across the mat a few times before rolling to a halt right near the edge of the ring. That was not quite expected, and it shows on the confused expression on her face.

Pushing back to her feet, she shakes her head clear and then moments later, the smile is right back again. "Wow, that was a good one, I hope I can manage to keep up." And then once more, right back into the fray, and it looks like another straight forward charge until she blasts right off of the floor and up into the air, whipping her leg around in a quick reverse somersault that has her foot aimed straight for the back of Brett's head as she goes, hopefully, soaring above.

COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Brett with Fierce Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Hinata           0/-------/---====|=======\===----\1            Brett

Cutting his momentum with a quick hockey stop, Brett looks on, watching as Hinata skids on the mat, and finally manages to pull herself up to her feet at the edge of the ring. He doesn't say much, even with the brief look of concern lapsing back into his usual focused expression.

That expression changes once more, however, as she seems to take a play out of his own book with that front flipping kick straight for his head. Unlike his attack though, this one hits dead on, ringing the poor boy's bell and sending him forward into the ropes in a daze. Right where his helmet's coverage ends, too!! That's a dangerous spot, don't you know! Groaning, he turns back, trying to pull himself up and shake the cobwebs. "Nnn...." Not about to give quarter with things like this, he charges forward once more, and again the elbow flashes out once he's in range. However this time, the elbows keep flying, a barrage of them flinging out before he tries to clinch (hockey-style of course) with a following set of punches before finishing off with an upward strikes from the blade of his stick. A brutal assault...but also a bit direct. Too direct, though, or just enough?

COMBATSYS: Brett successfully hits Hinata with Broad Street Barrage.
- Power hit! -

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Hinata           1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0            Brett

Woo! A nice clean hit! The smile brightens on her face as she lands and spins to check out her handy work and given her opponent a chance to get some of his senses back. This fight is just for charity, after all. Of course, by the time he's ready to start coming back her way, she's back in her stance, hopping slightly back and forth with her hands up high as she gets ready to dart off to the side and escape completely unharmed!

Wait... no, that doesn't seem to happen at all, as in a flash she's finding elbows come flying in from every which way, hitting hard enough that she's bound to have a few bruises even before he starts to change things up and those punches come in hard and fast, knocking the wind out of her. Of course, then comes the hockey stick, smacking her right in the face and sending her flying. The whole crowd can hear it when she comes back down hard on the ground. Ouch...

As she pushes herself back to her feet, she doesn't look quite ready to get in there, holding herself back carefully and watching her opponent through the swelling of her new black eye.

COMBATSYS: Hinata focuses on her next action.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Hinata           1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0            Brett

Brett pants, having put in quite a bit of energy into that last barrage, enough that he's good and winded and in need of a short second to catch his breath. But the damage seems to be done, having sent Hinata flying up with that last shot. That had to be a good hit, if not the deciding blow, right?....

Unfortunately, the young Mr. Neuer is a bit disappointed, when Hinata pulls herself up again. Worse for the wear, but still up enough to continue. Which means he still has his work cut out ofr him. Teeth gritting, he skates in again. However, rather than immediately close the distance, he snaps his stick down, using the momentum he has to aim a slap shot. Normally, it'd be pointless without something to shoot, but the snap of the stick sends out a blue rising wave of chi toward Hinata, like a great white trying to stalk its prey.

COMBATSYS: Brett successfully hits Hinata with Shark Crest.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Hinata           1/----===/=======|====---\-------\0            Brett

Okay, this one doesn't look so bad. She looks almost ready for it... well, right up until the moment it's right in front of her and she completely fails to push herself out of the way in time. It smacks hard into her chest again and sends her stumbling back a bit. "O..ow..." She looks pretty close to falling over that one...

Of course, she doesn't do that at all. No, instead she pushes herself right back up and sets her eyes on Brett. "Okay... let's see if we can get this one to work..." In a flash she's powering around in a quick circle, checking herself, watching from every possible angle before darting forward and dropping into a skid across the mat, her leg drawn back until the last second when it comes flying up right toward Brett's chest with enough force to send him flying if it connects.

COMBATSYS: Brett blocks Hinata's Rival Launcher EX.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Hinata           0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0            Brett

That's the kind of speed that would be hard to track for most normal people, and even for some fighters. The only reason Brett seems to be able to track Hinata's speedy circle is his wheels, in fact, able to keep a tight spin as she tries to find the right angle to attack. And when she shoots in?

The sliding upward strike toward his chest finds only gloved arm and stick waiting to catch it, the shot good enough to push him back a good bit, but not enough to send Brett flying like hoped. "Nhhh...geez..." he mutters, surprising considering how little he bothers to say anything in a contentious fight. Rolling how his neck and settling into a stance again, he comes in with his own cirling, giving HInata enough time to get up to her feet...before the high cross check comes out, the former winger trying to slam the length of his stick forward straight toward poor Hinata's chest and collarbone.

COMBATSYS: Brett successfully hits Hinata with Power Strike.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Hinata           0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0            Brett

Okay, okay. So that didn't work out quite right. Still, this is exciting isn't it? "That was a great block! I thought I would have had you with that one for sure," even if she's not doing very well, at the very least she still seems to be enjoying herself... which seems a bit odd given just what sort of beating she's had thrust on her so far. She sets herself back up one more time and sets her sights straight on her opponent as he moves in. Her feet are set wide enough apart that it's pretty clear she's about ready to duck out of the way, but as she tries to jump back, she finds out that she was standing on her own shoe lace and starts to fall even before the strike comes in, slamming her once more in the chest and helping to knock her flat on her back with a loud thump.

"Need... to remember to tie that next time..." she groans. Hinata is looking pretty bad at this point, there's not much left in her, but she's not about to go down just like that. A quick twist sends her feet rolling under her in a deep crouch and in a flash her hand is bursting with chi as she goes flying up off the ground, once more swinging her hand up for an uppercut with the burning tail of chi behind her, "SHOUYOUKEN!" Her cry fills the air for a few moments... and then she flops back down to the mat.

COMBATSYS: Hinata can no longer fight.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Brett            0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Hinata successfully hits Brett with Shouyouken.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Brett            1/----===/=======|

That seems to be the end of it, the huge cross check catching Hinata out of her back hop and driving her back flat out. Luck is an untied shoe of an opponent, apparently, and Brett reaps the gains of it. Huffing and breathing heavily as he seems to wait to see if this is the end, the winger looks on...and watches as Hinata rises back up, trying to slam into him with that same rising uppercut. And this time, ht strikes true, clipping him on the chin and sending him flying backward to skid along the ring canvas.

Groaning, the hockey star tries to prop himself up by his stick, shaky as he gets up to his feet. He looks like he could fall over with a stiff breeze, but he sets up for another go of things. Except he seems a bit confused when he realizes that Hinata is still down and out. And the bell rings him off, announcing his victory as he still seems a bit stunned. "...It's...over?" he asks, blinking a little before he falls back, that unnaturally directed focus lost as he slumps back into the edge of the ring. "" He winces, feeling his chin cry agony from those two successive Shouyoukens. "Nn..."

The fight is over, but at least it wasn't bad enough to keep Hinata knocked out. It takes her a minute to pull herself together before she finally manages to push herself up off the mat and offer Brett a big grin. A bit unsteady at first, she walks over to the big American and offers him a slap on the back that seems hard enough to leave a sting, even if there's nothing unfriendly about the rest of her demeanor.

"That was a great fight! You really got me good there right at the end." The smile on her face is enough that it probably makes up for the overly friendly back slap. "I need to make sure I keep my shoes tied a little better to avoid getting hit like that again. My chest is sure sore after that." She laughs happily and then motions off toward the tables lined with goodies. "C'mon, let's go support the schools some more!"

Brett manages to get hismelf straightened out by the time Hinata is up as well, a somewhat shy smile as he rubs the back of his head at the smaller girl. "Nice fight," he says, a nervous chuckle and an 'oof!' at the hearty slap on his back. Even if his back didn't see much damage in particular, it's still enough to aggrivate some of the other damage he'd taken.

"Th-thanks. That uppercut you have" he says, a slight pinkening of his cheeks. "Man....high school really is different around here than back home...."

A few of the Taiyo students give Brett a sympathetic look at the slap on the back, it's clearly something most of them have seen before. Of course, Hinata doesn't quite seem to notice it herself. "Well, Southtown is one of the fighting centers of the world. With so many fighters showing up around here, you get all sorts of people selling lessons." She climbs up over the side of the ring and jumps down to the ground, quickly being swarmed by some of the students who mostly seem to be complimenting her fight and telling her she'll win next time, not that Hinata really sounds like she needed extra encouragement.

Brett ehehehs, seeing the sympathetic looks from the other students. In any case, it's obvious the rather marked change in demeanor in Brett now that he's out of the fight, an almost permanently embarrassed smyle on his face as he looks around. "Yeah, so I've heard. I mean...I heard about here too, mostly because there are students that fight with sports styles too. I mean,, soccer, all that." Comrades in unconventional arms, it seems.

As Hinata hops out of the ring, Brett follows, pausing at the side as he watches the students swarming her and encouraging her. Seems like she's quite the popular girl.

It's hard not to be popular when your very presence at a sporting event staves off rain, and when you cheer on your classmates so enthusiasticly that they can't help but do better. Of course, the fact that the sports clubs get to use her as a secret weapon when they need a little edge also helps.

"Yeah, we're really into sports at Taiyo, so some people take the love of fighting with the love of sports. I've got all sorts of good friends who do that, like Natsu. She uses her awesome volley ball skills to help her fight!" The crowd seems to know well enough to start to part as Hinata makes her way toward the tables full of cake and reaches into her backpack for some money...

Brett nods, rubbing the back of his head and wincing at it as he decides maybe it's a good time to undo a few things. Unclasping his helmet, and removing his gloves, he ties them all up and swlings them over his shoulder as he listens into HInata. "Right..." he says, keeping a close, rapt ear. Looks like people had similar ideas, if not for the exact reasons he had.

Following Hinata toward the cakes, he looks as she digs out some money. "No, no, here, let's a charity thing, right? sense in having a student here pay for things going to the school, right?" he reasons out, smiling as he digs into his pocket. " on...." He then frowns, and turns aside, pulling out his wallet and filtering through it. "I did get some yen before I came back here, right?...dollar....two on, I have some yen here, I know it! Um..."

What's this, someone is offering to buy Hinata some cake? Her face brightens at the offer, because while cake is one of her favorite things, it tastes even better when it's a gift from someone else (Friendship is delicious). She stands there for a few moments and then that super excitement on her face slowly starts to droop a bit. And then a bit more. And then it's back to her normal smiliness. "Umm... you know, I can just pay for it. It's not a real big deal."

Hinata's offer seems to be missed as Brett continues to rife through his wallet....before "AHA!!!" Finally, triumphantly, the hockey kid holds up a 2000 yen bill, placing it down on the table and sliding it toward the student in charge of the cake sales. " kind of cake did you want?" he then asks, realizing he didnt' quite ask before he went on his search for money.

Oh... well there you go. That solves that problem. Hinata just turns to look across the cake, then right back over to Brett with a bright-as-the-sun smile. "Chocolate!" she cries out rather enthusiasticly. Of course, the fact that one of the people behind the table was already moving to prepare some chocolate cake suggests her favorite is well known.

Brett laughs a little, looking between Hinata, then to the people in charge of the cakes, seeing them already getting the special batch ready for HInata. "...I guess that settles it, huh?" he asks no one in particular, sliding the bill forward and waiting for it to be handed off for the eagerly waiting Sunshine Girl.

Hinata takes the cake quite enthusiasticly and then says to the girl behind the table, "Thank you, Emi," before she turns her attention back toward Brett. Once Hinata has her cake, a few more people seem to think it's safe to move in to purchase their own. "And thank you, Brett. It's always nice to get to fight new people."

Brett rubs the back of his neck as he watches the cake handed off. "No problem. It was....well, fun I guess." He smiles, looking around at the rest of the charity event, idly wishing he had some more money to help out at this point. "Guess things are on the way to getting a little back to normal arond here, right?"

Hinata takes a big bite of cake and starts to chew, "mmm..." She's a bit distracted for a moment, but a quick few blinks mark her being drawn back to proper concious thought as she swallows. "We're getting things back as much as we can, it'll take awhile before everything is normal again. Just have to do your best and not get yourself too upset about what's happened around here."

Log created on 22:11:48 06/14/2009 by Brett, and last modified on 19:17:22 07/02/2009.