Cammy - Animal Planet: Killer Bees and Raging Bulls

Description: Fresh from nearly dying at the hands of Rolento and Daniel Little, Mike Bison is on the warpath through Point 48106; it is sheer coincidence that brings he and Shadaloo's Killer Bee into contact for conversation... and impromptu lessons in combat.

Nobody would ever accuse Shadaloo's Zero Doll of being a normal seventeen year old girl. Her room is these days decorated with a few self-drawn crayon pictures - well-crafted and generally depicting various areas around the base - as well as wild-life posters. There are books scattered around, dog-eared due to frequent reading and rereading. And sometimes - frequently, really - she skates.

Like the silent ghost of an adolescent girl, she can oftimes be seen gliding through the corridors and exterior of whichever Shadaloo base she happens to be situated in, mainly for its cardiovascular benefits but tangetically... tangetically because it's pleasant in its way. Her skates are as red and bulky as her bracers are, as they have been heavily modified to adapt to the extreme wear her inhuman muscles are capable of exerting upon them.

Today in particular, she has been making rounds across Point 48106 for several hours now, the constant scraping noise of her graphite-compounded wheels moving across the floor echoing off of the walls and ceilings. A little stuffed toy - likely a self-made one, though where in the world she learned to /sew/ is anyone's guess - in the image of none other than Shadaloo's general Vega is tucked under her arm, and if the sight of her skating wasn't enough to draw strange looks from the rank and file soldiers about the base...

Bison is... well, he's just getting out of the medlab. Ambushed by Daniel Jack and Rolento, he didn't fare well in the fight--Rolento actually damn near killed him, and if it weren't for the timely intervention by Shadaloo Elites, he might well have died. That... doesn't sit well with the boxer. He's been restrained for a day or two, but finally he just can't take it anymore; he strains, twists, and with a screeching sound of tearing metal, he's off the table he was on. The medlab door whooshes open and the big boxer stalks out, looking murderous.

Now, granted, he almost always looks like this, but he looks -especially- murderous today. "That damn bastard... I'll eat his goddamn face off next time I see him..." is what he is growling, as he stalks through the halls. He feels unsatisfied, unsatisfied as hell, and pretty much everyone in the base is staying out of his way, because he's spoiling for trouble.

In the worst way. His stomping steps are creating localized earthquakes--well, they're shaking things, and he is as obvious as his namesake, stomping down the hall towards Cammy... he doesn't know she's about, though.

Cammy certainly notices the former champion stomping through the base - it would be impossible to /not/, and if she somehow didn't she would not be worth the exorbitant amounts of illegally earned money sunk into her creation. What she does not do, however, is /stop/. She doesn't even turn away from the distant rumblings, in fact; when she turns the corner that brings she and he into potentially seeing one another, she simply continues forward, oddly unhindered by the floor shaking all around her.

She herself did not do so well during the war for Southtown, particularly towards its end; forced into a stalemate at Gedo High, incapacitated and rescued by the enemy from the collapsing Howard Tower... she did at least manage to stop the theft of Shadaloo supplies by the traitorous son of Rugal Bernstein, but he, like Mr. Big at Howard Tower, escaped her clutches. It's all more of a matter of contemplation than anger for her, though.

Bison's is far too used to failure, though he'd never admit it. He's one of the strongest... in his own mind... and yet... and yet. He growls, as his mind works through the not-too-complex thought processes--and he slams a fist out, in frustration, a big, beefy hammer that is most certainly going to dent the wall.

It might, incidentally, also crush Cammy's head, if she's not fast enough; the swing is going to pass right through where she's going. Bison sees her in time to stop--but he doesn't. Because, dammit, he is violent, he is violence, and just because the boss's pet project is here, doesn't mean he's gonna give her any special considerations. Assuming she manages to avoid the blow, though, he's going to give her a cold, flat, ugly stare. "... sheeit... it's you. Bitch done beat my ass up too..." Apparently he doesn't like you! God knows why.

That Bison is seemingly willing to throw his powerful punches without considering that she might be in the way is enough to bring Cammy to a halt. The tenseness in his arms and shoulders, the twist in his hips and the movement of his feet... she sees the punch coming and she winds up mere inches from the glove on its way into the base's wall. Her hair flutters in the massive, fleeting breeze kicked up in its wake, but she looks quite impassive for a woman whose comrade nearly crushed her head.

She sounds it, too, when she states, "You should be a little more careful about when and where you throw your punches."

It's like she's trying to piss him off. Well, as he sees it. He is a little biased. Bison leaves his fist buried in the wall, staring at the blonde bombshell over it. She probably doesn't remember, but Bison... very clearly remembers getting his ass kicked by her. Those already-black, piggish eyes darken further, and he wrenches the fist out of the wall.

"Hnh. You can't dodge that, you ain't worth nothin'." He stares down at the diminuitive girl, glaring, his anger temporarily halted. "Sheeit... can't believe you're here again..." Oops. Again? No, no, she never left. She certainly never went and joined some group called Delta Red. No, no, no.

"What you doin', anyways? Don't you got some super special mission to go kill some prime minister or maybe go pick flowers for Bossman's throne?"

"Virile God-Emperor Lord Vega's throne room has all the flowers it can bear," Cammy says simply. Her grip on the little doll in his likeness is tightened ever so slightly as his name is spoken. The concept of her having at some point /not/ been here is not acknowledged; whether or not she remembers having been loyal to anyone or anything else is difficult to say.

"I saw the beginnings of the transfer of kinetic energy through your body's musculature, Mike Bison." She reaches out to try putting a hand to the massive bicep holding his fist firm within that wall. "Will this be coming from your salary, I wonder?"

Bison is sure that Vega -loves- having the throne room filled with flowers. "Heh... come out of my pay... hahahahaha... girl, you don't understand. This shit here," he says, pulling his fist free, pointing at the crushed wall section, "This is why he hired me... 'cause I do things like that. I'm the goddamn Raging Bull, I don't pay for no goddamn walls!!"

Pulling his hand out of the blonde's grasp, he frowns. "Saw you lost a fight to Adon. Shouldn'ta happened. Dude's soft. Used to be 'lot more dangerous... don't know why Vega keeps you around. Maybe he just like the scenery." Of course, Bison doesn't know his boss's ultimate plan... that creepy mind-transfer thing or... whatever it is.

"My nose was broken. Several ribs as well. There was also a substantial degree of bruising along my back from being thrown through several rows of chairs," Cammy evenly says with a slight cant of the head.

"But he did not come near to killing me."

She says these words in the kind of flat, matter-of-fact tone that suggests she's speaking from a place of sheer empirical fact and honesty rather than making an attempt at being insulting.

"You could not possibly know His plans, Mike Bison. I do not think that it is your place to ponder them, either."

A snort from the boxer. "Like I said, he's soft. Shoulda won." Look, Ma, an actual conversation! Sort of. "Don't know his plans, don't want to know his plans. Vega can do whatever he wants... s'long as I'm paid, I'll do whatever -he- wants... pretty good arrangement. Hell, some of the bone breaking I'd do for free, 'cept it ain't American to do free work."

He takes a step back, looking at the blonde, shaking his head again. "You gonna take a hit on Adon? I fought that squirmy bastard, too, didn't get a chance to finish him, though." Hell, Bison sounds almost -normal-... nevermind the wrecked bit of wall.

"No. I have not been ordered to concern myself with him further." That Cammy has spent quite a lot of largely private time reviewing and re-reviewing the tape is left unsaid; it's not often that she gets /evidence/ of her victories and failings, and she's taking full advantage of the opportunity. Even with her predilection towards focusing on the segments of the tape in which she took the worst of hits.

"Perhaps it should have gone differently, if you overcame him," she notes after looking silently towards that hole in the wall for a scant few moments. "But he no longer matters. Perhaps you should consider making certain that the wall is fixed before He sees... destroying that which is His needlessly is like a direct affront to Him." By now, Cammy has quite likely spoken more in these few minutes than the entire past week, and if there's some irony in the words being for a psychotically violent former boxer, she is unaware of it.

"Shame to let a good revenge go to waste. I'd jump him in a dark alley, if I was you." All that cooled-off rage is just kind of sitting in Bison's stomach, waiting--it's like when one eats really heavy food and it just sort of forms a lump in the belly, only this is a lump composed of fiery pepper and brimstone. "Goddamn, look at me. Standin' around chattin' with a little thing like you... I need to get the hell out of here."

Bison feels some embers starting to spark again, and he nods. "Maybe hit the circuit in Vegas... I feel like pounding someone's goddamn face in..." His hands tighten into fists again, but he doesn't appear in danger of initiating violence at the moment. "Go back to Southtown, maybe... find that goddamn poncy soldier an' chew his ear off..." Such are the things that go through the mind of one Mike Bison.

COMBATSYS: Cammy has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: M.Bison has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Cammy            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          M.Bison

"You are not me," Cammy notes as she skates past the Raging Bull. She finds a desk a dozen or so feet down the hall to gently set her little Vega doll on top of, much to the chagrin and confusion of the man who has been hiding beneath it since Bison came rumbling this way. All the while, she is considering her earlier words: Mike Bison, apparently, came near to killing Adon in combat. She herself, apparently, has defeated Bison on at least one occasion. Thus, if Adon overcame her...

Her arctic blue eyes narrow just slightly in concentration. The scraping of her wheels gradually slows until the spinning has stopped entirely thanks to a slight sideways motion of her feet. She lowers her chin in further contemplation, and finally...

"Mike Bison," she says, slowly turning to face him.

And then she abruptly breaks into a rapid dash towards the former champion, wheels standing up to and providing speeds that no ordinary set should. Once she has gotten near to the man, she will crouch low, then leave her feet to thrust her right heel towards the boxer's chin, seeking to lift him from his feet before she smoothly flips back into a standing position.

"Cannon Spike!"

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits M.Bison with Cannon Spike.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Cammy            0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0          M.Bison

He's actually kind of lost in thought. Daydreaming of punching people. He wasn't expecting a kick to the fucking face. His head snaps back with the impact--and he staggers. When he brings his face back around, he's glaring with renewed rage. "Bitch... what the -HELL- you doin'? YOU GONNA DIE!!!" In a second, a fraction of a second, he's enraged. Guards are fleeing, some are taking bets, some are making them. Bison? He's continuing to spin towards his assailant, intent on slamming his right fist into her head--for real this time. This is no idle swing, this is focused injurious intent, a black hammer whistling for the side of Cammy's head.

Bison's rage is a powerful thing--his greatest asset and his greatest weakness. When he can harness it he's one of the scariest fighters around... when it takes him to the edge, he becomes sloppy... which Bison is she fighting today?

COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Cammy with Hook Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Cammy            0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0          M.Bison

Already, Cammy finds herself going limp as she's rocketed down the hallway of the base. A courier doing her very best to get the hell off of the scene before it's too late is barreled into, sending papers flying in every direction. One of them is stuck to Cammy's face as she rolls along the ground like a rag doll who's keeping her already sore head from bouncing off of the polished floors.

She does not rise to her full height once she has recovered, preferring instead to rest on a knee. Her arms are draped over it, and once the paper is pulled free and tossed aside, she narrows her eyes intently on the Raging Bull, reading his expression, his posture... everything that she can about him to aid her in this impromptu training exercise.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Cammy            0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0          M.Bison

See, having just bitchslapped the girl for daring to kick him in the mouth, a normal person might just go 'That's what you get' and leave it. Bison? Not so much. He charges down the hall after Cammy, roaring, clearing a path with just that sound alone--an oblivious, iPod wearing tech is unaware until that roar happens, and then he's hurling himself into the wall as Bison charges.

"You don't get no freebies girl!! I'm gonna break your goddamn JAW!!" And he certainly seems like he intends to, as he closes in, lashing out with a series of left jabs, aimed for -her- jaw... they're heavy jabs, but they're just jabs. It's only setup, though, for a overhead 'chopping' right--basically the opposite of an uppercut. A solid hit will probably just slam Cammy's face into the metal flooring.

COMBATSYS: Cammy dodges M.Bison's Fierce Punch.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Cammy            0/-------/---====|==-----\-------\0          M.Bison

As that tech goes flying, Cammy rises to her feet... and pulls her hands up before herself in a pretty good facsimile of a boxer's guard. She ducks, bobs, weaves and even blocks to keep her jaw free from being clipped by the shower of jabs, arms shuddering under the force of the few blows they're forced to take. Even /with/ her armoured bracers in place. Even /with/ them only being jabs.

It's all she needs to tell her that she absolutely must not be there when she catches sight of his right hand rising for the kill shot. It really /is/ nothing like earlier; where she was able to spot the beginnings of the punch that damaged the base's wall with relative ease, she only just notices this one. Her reaction is every bit as efficient and measured, however: she throws herself at the wall to her right, skates along it in a short upwards arc that takes her over the fist, and continues on down the hallway for a few feet before curving sharply to return to the boxer. Her legs pump powerfully to pick up what speed she can with the short distance afforded her, and at the last moment she tries to put her hands to his shoulders, vault over him, and catch his head in her arms on the way down. With a firm wrenching motion and her falling momentum, she intends to force his face /hard/ into her shoulder and the floor both.

COMBATSYS: Cammy successfully hits M.Bison with Medium Throw.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Cammy            0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0          M.Bison

Going... down. Bison growls as she vaults over him--her arms find purchase on his head--and he's slammed into the flooring, and Cammy's bony shoulder. Rolling away, he growls, a loud, deep, menacing sound--and he waits. He waits until Cammy's getting back to her feet--and then he's lunging, attempting to grab her up by the arms--to lift her bodily, violent intent naked in his face.

Should he grip her, he'll slam his head forward, firing a series of three headbutts. Definitely not in the rules of the boxing world, not in the least--and then he'll swing her to his right, slamming her into the wall and then pushing her away down the hall.

"Bitch... gonna KILL you..."

COMBATSYS: Cammy blocks M.Bison's Head Bomber.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Cammy            0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0          M.Bison

Cammy pretty much rises into Bison's grip and has her head rocked painfulyl backwards by the first headbutt. The second and third, however, do not fall, for as blood begins to trickle from her freshly healed nose, she demonstrates her own strength by forcing her arms up in between his to force them from her body.

Once freed, she sends paperwork flying in her wake as she skates down the hallway of her own accord, building momentum that she tries to preserve by again skating along a wall in the process of turning to face Mike Bison. Quicker and quicker, she makes her deliriously linear approach on the man, arms pumping powerfully to carry her forward.

And then she leaps, tucking into a tight ball with her knees tucked in close to her chest. Her wheels are spinning as she does, thanks to the amount of speed built up on them, and should she draw near to the former champion she will begin to unfold and extend her legs as if seeking to wrap them around his head as she so often does with her opponent.

They won't ever come close to making contact, though; instead, it's a feint of sorts, and it is instead her arm that goes for his head, this time from the front. If she succeeds, she'll plant her feet on the ground and skate backwards just slightly to drop the top of his head violently to the ground.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison fails to interrupt Cross Scissor Pressure from Cammy with Turn Punch.
- Power fail! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Cammy            0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0          M.Bison

Hate. Hate hate hate. Bison roars--he'd set Cammy up for this, lunges, arm reaching out already to take her out of the air--only he miscalculated, badly. And he finds himself dumped onto his head again. He's got a tough skull, but there are limits to the amount of damage even that braincase can take. Still, he's far from out--as he bounces back up to his feet, he growls, his words becoming a touch slurred--brain damage? Concussion? Rage? All three?

"KILL YOU!!!!!!!" ... well, that came out loud and clear, didn't it? Out of sorts, enraged, not seeing anything but shades of red... at this moment, only his fighter's instinct can get him through this fight. But will his instincts be enough against the infamous Killer Bee?

"Control yourself, Mike Bison," Cammy says once she has rolled back into a standing position. "You would not kill me. Grand Potentate Lord Vega would be displeased, were you to destroy His resources." She leans a little nearer, as if checking to be sure that he's alright, and faintly, it is so; she has no desire at all to injure him irrevocably for much the same reasons stated. For all of his fiery rage - really, most likely /because/ of it - he is a /very/ valuable resource to Shadaloo, after all.

"Perhaps you should rest," she suggests humorlessly before trying to skate forward beneath his considerable reach and scramble up to his back. She wishes to get a good, solid seat against him with her legs scissored around his body, and more importantly her arms wrapped tight around his throat to rob him of oxygen and proper bloodflow.


COMBATSYS: M.Bison blocks Cammy's Choke Hold.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Cammy            0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          M.Bison

Cammy gets her grip--for all of two seconds. Bison is truly a Raging Bull; he's not so easy to stay atop, as he thrashes wildly, snorting, truly living up to that sobriquet. Finally, a sharp twist and he hurls her away from him; the choking hold comparatively little against the beating he's already taken.

His eyes wide, almost vibrating, the man simply... surges. It isn't a physical thing, exactly, and it isn't spiritual or emotional either, in its entirety. He really does almost seem to get bigger, and he's slamming his fists into each other. Psyching himself up? Imagining it's Cammy's little head between his fists? Or just finding those inner reserves that he needs, perhaps. All anyone can say is, it's the most still he's been in this fight for almost any number of seconds greater than the number 1.

He isn't growling words, it's just a low-level 'grrrr' that's issuing from his throat.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Cammy            0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1          M.Bison

Cammy's braids are fluttering wildly behind her as she is forcibly dismounted from the Raging Bull. Unlike earlier, when a massive punch sent her flying, this is rather a controlled descent that ends with her sliding sideways for a couple of feet across the ground; her skates not being aligned properly means that she comes to a stop quite quickly.

Her head cants just slightly to the side as she observes Mike Bison's visible swell, and rather than come in to take advantage of his potential vulnerability... she just watches. She is most definitely envisioning him at the mercy of her offense, but it isn't a sentiment borne of rage; sheer efficacy guides her thoughts and her observance.

COMBATSYS: Cammy calculates her next move.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Cammy            0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1          M.Bison

Cammy says, "You just charged and I just focused"

Right. He's pumped now. Bison turns towards the cold, calculating Cammy. His pace is deliberate--perhaps he's better-harnessing some of that intense rage; his eyes look a little clearer. His movements are predatory, for certain, his steps full until he's almost within range, then shifting to the typical shuffle of most fighters.

"Don't know what you thinkin'," he grunts, "don' care. I wanted to punch hell outta somebody... and you done give me the perfect excuse. Think Vega gon' care about his wall? I'm gonna bust up his prize..." And that would be you, Cammy. God knows why he wants to be in your body--but apparently he does. Bison suddenly lashes out with a flurry of jabs, striking out with three left jabs for Cammy's body, then covering with a quick right straight.

It's actually a pretty simple combination of attacks, Bison playing the role of outboxer for an exchange...

COMBATSYS: M.Bison successfully hits Cammy with Rapid Combo.
Grazing Hit

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Cammy            1/-------/=======|=======\====---\1          M.Bison

Three jabs explode against Cammy's side, but the final right-handed punch is just barely avoided; one of her flowing braids is sent spinning wildly by the fist as Cammy hops and spins backwards to avoid further punishment, and after pressing her hand briefly to her side she draws upright and continues to eye Bison calmly.

"No. You will not. You will win or lose, and then we will be treated for injuries. You will thank me for making you better, and God-Emperor Lord Vega will shower his favor upon me for seeking to make myself better," she softly says.

And then two more words follow: "Lock on."

When the last leaves her lips, she is... gone. The ceilings, the floors, the walls, desks, doors... every single surface in the area is being scraped upon by the wheels of Cammy's skates, seemingly all at once, and yet the Killer Bee herself is proving difficult to spot... save for the ghostly duplicates that are shed from her Psycho powered form as she breezily breaks the laws of physics in half.

They begin to converge on the Raging Bull, always several at a time, sometimes seeking to strike with blows that sting and annoy rather than cause real physical harm, but mostly with very real, explosive punches, kicks, elbows, knees, and even slams, always from different directions, always pointed at different points along the body.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison fails to interrupt Killer Bee Assault from Cammy with Gigaton Blow+.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2          M.Bison

She's just too fast. Even though Bison's already reaching back, preparing to deliver a horrendous, evil blow--Cammy's in his face. The combination is dizzying; Bison just doesn't know what's going on, and by the time she's done, he's sprawled out on the base floor. Murmurs are going around the gathered techs and guards--did Cammy just beat the Raging Bull? Of course he's the lowest on the totem pole for Shadaloo--the thug, the enforcer. The others are...

Bison twitches. He twitches, then he rolls over, pushing up onto his feet. He's wobbly--his face, were he not a black man, would be suffused with the blush of anger and shame. Fortunately, that isn't visible in his cheeks. "Not done yet... goddamn whore bitch... gonna break you..." Yeah, his vocabulary isn't the greatest, either--but his persistence is pretty legendary, at the least.

Still wobbly, though... just about out on his feet, it's only his anger that's propping him up.

Some how, some way... Cammy is crouching against the ceiling when she comes to a stop. Possibly because her wheels are wedged shallowly into it, but all the same... there she is. Staring down at the Raging Bull like a spider goddess in the body of a blonde teenaged girl. It bears mentioning, perhaps, that while her braids are hanging down and swaying gently to and fro, her little blue garrison cap has not budged an inch; Shadaloo super-science, or, perhaps, clips are probably involved.

"Are you well?" she asks before the first signs of life are evident in Bison's muscles. "I will find a doc--" And then he rises, causing her to cease her queries.

"You are swearing. You are angry. You must be well. Good; you are worthy of working for Him. Now. Stay down."

With that happy utterance given, she pushes herself down from the ceiling, bringing a few shards of plaster along with her. Her braids flatten against her back as her right leg straightens to catch the ground. However...

"Spiral Arrow!"

Contact is delayed. At the last moment, she twists her body and flattens out into a spinning, horizontal dart launched towards M. Bison's torso. Her arms are crossed tightly over her chest, her braids are twirling neatly with one another like strands of DNA, and that damn cap is /still/ not budging an inch.

COMBATSYS: M.Bison fails to interrupt Spiral Arrow from Cammy with Gigaton Blow+.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0          M.Bison

COMBATSYS: M.Bison can no longer fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cammy            0/-------/-----==|

He roars. She's being so--so CAMMY. Already he's reaching, again... and she's just too fast--he doesn't even have a chance. Her feet impact him in the shins and he's pitching forward, all his momentum, all his power gone as he smashes into the flooring again, face-first. This time, he isn't moving--he's out. But--good luck getting anyone to try and carry him to the medlab. No, the guards know better, now. They'd rather he wake up there than perhaps wake up while they're carrying him...

They learned last time, after Bison woke up and punche d the teeth out of a couple of guards while they were getting him away from Rolento--he's a sore loser and he takes it out on them. It's just one of his many, endearing traits--it makes him -so beloved- amongst the Shadaloo weenies. Is it any wonder he is the way he is?

Even as he falls into unconsciousness, though, he's thinking of only one thing--someday, he's going to make good. He's going to break that twig body of hers right in half, and then he'll probably have to deal with Vega, which won't be fun but god damn. IT WILL BE WORTH IT.

When she has landed and Balrog has fallen unconscious, Cammy leans over him to do some quick appraisal of his wounds. And then she actually crouches and rolls him onto his back so that she can sit on his chest/stomach and gently tap her right hand against his cheek a few times.

"Mike Bison. Mike Bison," she softly says as her face leans down near to his. She presses her fingers to his neck, and to one of his wrists to check for a pulse in about the most automatic fashion possible, and then finally she sits back to let her arms hang loosely at her sides.

"Thank you, Mike Bison."

With that, she climbs back up to her feet, crouches to get her hands beneath the boxer, and hoists him up to be held over a shoulder. Along the way to the medical wing, she will retrieve her little Vega plush doll, and perhaps when she finds him a bed to recuperate in, she will even warn the doctors to be sure he's strapped down properly.

Log created on 20:42:39 06/08/2009 by Cammy, and last modified on 20:50:08 06/11/2009.