Naerose - Another run in with the law..sorta

Description: Maki encounters Naerose again, only this time it isn't on the beach and this time they don't not get along. With no antics to be said, a thoughtful witch poses a question to Maki and then part peacefully.

Chinatown, Naerose needed to clear her head and therefore why not come to an old stomp of hers. This places was full of good memories, friends, and generally times long gone. Here Naerose could sit on a mailbox, be left generally alone and just stare. She remembered the fun days of the WNB, the times at whatever resturant Li X was working at, stealing signs from the Hibiki dojo, well elsewhere but bringing it here. All sorts of great memories of days gone.

Now that it was evening the general feel of this place hadn't changed one bit, but the lanterns were on, the crowds quieter and the windows lit up. In the spring night it lent almost to an ethereal feel to it. Calm, almost peaceful, the red witch liked it here

Chinatown, a place where there's all sorts of neat people to see, places to visit, and great food to enjoy. It's like visiting a new country without even needing a passport. That's one of the many great things about Southtown. It's a place that attracts many people, young and old, for all it has to offer. It's truly one big tourist attraction just by itself.

Naerose, unfortunately, may find that she's not going to be alone for long. Granted, there are still some people walking by here and there, albeit not in crowds like during the day, but there's someone she might recognize from recently. A someone named Maki Genryusai. And it seems that Miss Genryusai has chosen tonight to take a walk in Chinatown. Whether she's here for some food or to visit a spot that's open all night, Maki is walking down the street. But she doesn't seem to be looking around for anyone in particular. Instead, she seems to be looking upward slightly as if lost in thought and minding her own business.

You might cause it an incredible coincidence that these two run into one another. It was no fate or destiny, or even freak occurrence, enough days had passed since their last encounter and if you consider that Naerose herself spends so much time in these parts, it shouldn't surprise anyone to learn that they could meet by chance. Further compounded by the amount of time Naerose spent outside, having a poor attempt at regular residence, it was even more likely to run into her. Lastly one must consider the outlndish way in which they all dress. Naerose in her red witches outfit, Maki dressed as, well more normal, but Naerose was less likely to accost Maki, instead as she notices her (somehow since she's wearing shades at night.. again), Naerose does actually wave her down, "Hey." She says, and .. forgot maki's name.

Still apparently lost in thought, Maki initially doesn't realize that she's being beckoned to. Apparently, she's thinking deeply about something, like maybe a tasty cup of tapioca pudding! But that thought is dismissed when she hears someone calling out to her. She looks in the direction of the sound, and then does a double-take as she sees the woman in the bizarre costume. Almost immediately, Maki recognizes her from that time she was walking on the beach.

"Oh great, it's her."

"Uh, hi," Maki says with a slight awkward tone in her voice. She's not entirely sure what to make of this witch flagging her down and talking to her casually, especially after what happened recently. Then again, who would expect a witch in red clothes and sunglasses to be in this area?

"Hey," Naerose says, with a big smile, a friendly smile, better than the last time they met to be sure, "So sorry about last time I saw you, I was doing some investigative journalism, but I'm stoppping cause well, nevermind, I don't want to really talk about it." And she looks it, the expression on Naerose's face one of a minute frown before she smiles ago, apparently nothing can keep her down for long, "So yeah, I just wanted to apologize, I wasn't up to no good, honest." Then the smile grows, in her attempt to be convincing or something.

Despite how crazy Naerose looks, Chinatown was a colorful place and someone like Naerose might blend in here at least better than a real commercial district.

Maki leans against a nearby street lamp post, looking rather neutral at this moment. "Look, these things happen, just don't worry about it, OK?" She folds her arms, still uncertain about whether this is another kind of skit or something, or if Naerose is being serious for once. Then again, it's kind of hard to tell with Naerose.

It wasn't an unusual complaint to hear as far as Naerose was concerned, but then that was indeed something she seemed keen on keeping up. She really didn't like people being able to read her poker face all that well. But it seems like there might be something on her mind just now too, because after the initial sorry and hellos are done, Naerose looks away and it is hard to tell if she can even see through those shades, but no matter, the conversation actually continues.. I'll be it a little later,

"So, you seem, I don't know, like you fight crime or something."

"Well, if you want to put it that way, yes," Maki replies, showing no emotion still. "I helped take out the Mad Gears in Metro City. And I didn't just do it because I was a citizen who wanted to help out." She scowls a little. "My sister was kidnapped by them!" Maki then shows her tonfa and she swings it around in the air as if to emphasise her next comment. "If any of them had harmed Rena, I would've personally broken every bone in their body with this!" She then starts breathing heavily through her teeth.

Now not to disagree with Maki, but Naerose did have some background in the gang and knew literally nothing about this. So she gives her two cents, "I dunno, if you ask me, not that you did, but if you did I would say that the gang seemed to have no problem getting together again, minus say, your sister." Naerose shrugs a little and says, "But not taht I blame you ,it is really hard to get groups like that to break up and stay gone, someone usually takes their place you know? Like bacteria." A thought seems to be in Naerose's mind. If you really want to destroy a group that fills a void, you need to fill the void. She keeps that part to herself.

Ignoring the comment about her sister, Maki looks to Naerose and says, "It's just like in the movies, those punks never cease to keep doing what they do. You can't keep them down, they'll just get back up and beg for more. That's why Haggar, Guy, myself, and the others are constantly patrolling Metro City, on the lookout for Mad Gear activity." She sighs to herself. "Sometimes, though, I wonder if they're making their way around the world also..."

"Yeah yeah patrolling, you know you give them an enemy and they fight it and you fight them and no side wins." Naerose decides to put out her idea, "What I think you need is something that competes with them on their level, not just fights them but actually orgnizes the sme kind of people the gang would of , starve them of membership and put them in a .. ah, better direction." The witch djusts her shades, "But that is just me."

Almost immediately, Maki stands up and looks at Naerose, narrowing one of her eyes. "And just _what_ is that supposed to mean?" She folds her arms and shakes her head. "That isn't gonna work. You try that and you're gonna have all hell breaking loose before you can say, 'Bad idea!'" Maki's not angry just yet, but she is a little unhappy with that last comment.

"You probably know better than me, " Naerose relents, with a shrug. She didn't seem to care a whole lot if Maki sees it her way or not. Folding her legs she gives another shrug and returns to staring at the sky. "I don't care for the eternal fights against crime, but you know I don't have any family or anything to protect. Just sounds so tedious you know? Patroling the same streets to stop crime, it happens anyway and in the end all you do is get bruised and maybe just keep it a little more under control for a while. I totally don't evny you."

"Tedious, maybe," Maki says with a sigh, "But it's what you have to do sometimes." She smirks a little at the next comment. "And just who would envy me being a crime fighter? It's not like what you see in the comics or on the movie screen." She twirls her tonfa a little. "Although, my little friend here might think differently."

"Thats too bad, cause I've totally read those comics and watched those movies, " Naerose adds in response and then strokes her jaw. Feeling especially free, Naerose hops off her mailbox and starts toward her scooter. "You know I totally wish you luck with the crime fighting," She says, as a way of departure. This meeting having gone a lot better than the last one, before asking,

"Hey does tricking on my bike count as a crime?"

"As long as you don't hurt anyone, but mind you I'm not an official of the law," Maki replies, still folding her arms, but giving a quick nod as Naerose heads off. What a night this has been for Miss Genryusai. "Perhaps we'll meet up again?" She says with a smirk.

Log created on 21:33:40 04/18/2009 by Naerose, and last modified on 00:41:55 04/19/2009.