Kurenai - Meeting Allies...?

Description: Before all of the fuss in Southtown starts, two 'low-ranking' members of the invasion force meet, to discuss tactics.. and to see how each other will fare in the upcoming battle.

Thailand. There is still a surprising amount of Shadaloo activity, given the focus that the organization has had in Thailand in recent months, but, perhaps, not overly surprising when one considers the logistics involved in a mass upheaval of all ongoing operations and the various bases and locales which could not be so simply removed within the region.

So it is that Kurenai has been... called in. Thailand is quite some way away, but, sometimes, it was more expedient to bring in operatives to the main base rather than having them contacted in the field. This is one such situation. It is late evening in thailand, but the base continues to bustle with activity. Marz herself stands awaiting the arrival of the helicopter which was bringing in her ally. She had heard of Kurenai... it was time she actually met this girl, given the likelihood that they would be operating in the same locale soon enough, she needed to know what she was like, if she was going to assist in the organization of forces and the distribution of information.

Thailand has been under Shadaloo's heel and thumb for... much of its modern history, whether people knew it or not. Well, they certainly knew a year ago, or so. It was hard to miss--the tanks, the raids. Kurenai, still studying, still learning, still training, had absorbed the information. She knew something about vague ties with Shadaloo... given her position, the role she was going to play, she'd have to.

Never in her deepest thoughts did she think she would be coming to Thailand, to Shadaloo's base directly. Or even indirectly. And yet, here she is, in the black heli with the red-black-purple 'flag' of Shadaloo. The young woman, still wearing her Seijyun uniform and with her weapon across her back, hops out of the chopper, ducking low (unnecessarily) to avoid any problems with the rotors as she jogs out from underneath.

Marz... not someone she knows much about, really. In fact, practically nothing. Information about the Dolls... hell, Kurenai hasn't even learned that they /are/ called Dolls... that's how scarce it is. And yet, she... hopes that they'll be friends as well as allies. Comrades.

Maybe it's a last vestige of weakling humanity in her.

Marz would not make the most comforting face, really. The dolls were not renowned for their great social skills, and, even amongst the dolls, Marz was known for being... uncomfortable in social situations. Which is why her features are quite neutral when she takes in the girl who has answered the call. She gives a slight nod. Naturally, the information that Marz had about Kurenai was markedly more complete than the knowledge that Kurenai had about Marz. One of the benefits of being a Doll, really. And the girl here matched up perfectly to the profile.

"Greetings." She states, straightening, she gives Kurenai a sharp, carefully measured salute. "I am called Marz, and I will be taking care of your briefing. I am glad to see that the flight was punctual. I hope that it was comfortable?"

Each word is said in the exact same tone. It wasn't that Marz was bored, or even trying to be rude, it is just that... this was the information that needed to be conveyed, and the kind of thing that she knew you were meant to say to put people at their ease. The fact that it comes off as just a little forced, was something she was entirely unaware of. For the moment, however, she makes no indication that they will be moving deeper into the facility.

It's okay there; Kurenai has a more mobile face, and she goes through the trouble of greeting Marz with a smile. They are, after all, allies, at the very least. The robotic delivery... Kurenai tilts her head, curiously, gazing at the young woman. There is something deep going on there, she tells herself, but this isn't the time to pry into it...

Kurenai nods. "It was fine, thank you. Ah, a little..." She pauses, gesturing at the air, for a moment. "Indiscreet, but I don't think anyone noticed it taking off. It's very quiet." And... there's something else, isn't there? Oh yeah!

Kurenai bows, in the Japanese style, and smiles. "Takayanagi Kurenai. Ah, you can just call me Kurenai, please," she says, by way of introducing herself." Wind-whipped, Kurenai still seems quite at ease, though someone who is good at reading emotion in body language would notice the tension in her stance.sp
It's okay there; Kurenai has a more mobile face, and she goes through the trouble of greeting Marz with a smile. They are, after all, allies, at the very least. The robotic delivery... Kurenai tilts her head, curiously, gazing at the young woman. There is something deep going on there, she tells herself, but this isn't the time to pry into it...

Kurenai nods. "It was fine, thank you. Ah, a little..." She pauses, gesturing at the air, for a moment. "Indiscreet, but I don't think anyone noticed it taking off. It's very quiet." And... there's something else, isn't there? Oh yeah!

Kurenai bows, in the Japanese style, and smiles. "Takayanagi Kurenai. Ah, you can just call me Kurenai, please," she says, by way of introducing herself." Wind-whipped, Kurenai still seems quite at ease, though someone who is good at reading emotion in body language would notice the tension in her stance.

Marz takes careful note of the tension, and the smile, and nods slowly. "I see." She states. "Well. Sometimes, speed is preferable to discretion. I believe that the operation was a success, so your cover should not be compromised. If you would follow me."

She turns, and walks at a comfortable pace, leading Kurenai deeper into the facility.

"I would like to apologize for the speed with which it was necessary to call you in." She states, calmly, "The speed with which events have prompted our immediate action has been quite startling. Towards that end, it was necessary that I get to know our active operatives within Southtown, and particularly within the schools."

Her tone remains strangely calm and neutral, the girls own body language is carefully measured, each step taken with absolute precision. "First. However. Kurenai. In your estimation, is there anything currently afoot amongst the schools which it would be important for us to know about if we were to begin active operations in the area?"

There's no imperious tone--and Kurenai is conditioned to follow orders... reasonable ones. So she merely nods, starting to walk, behind and slightly to the right of the doll. As she does, she considers the questions and requests. Her maryjaned feet click on the metallic flooring as she walks.

"The schools are... relatively stable." She smiles, though Marz probably doesn't see it, a quirk of the lips.

"But that doesn't mean as much as it should. Taiyo is problematic for the strength of their student body. As one of the largest schools, they also have the greatest concentration of trained, fighting students and teachers. Justice... has some powerful beings there, but they tend to remain quiet. They will oppose us, but their numbers are small."

A few more steps before she speaks again. "Seijyun is, of course, under Yurika's contorl, and Pacific is of little consequence. Gedo High has the largest potential for rabblerousing; their students are perhaps not as powerful or skilled as Taiyo's, on the whole, but they have a tenacity that is hard to dismiss."

Talking strategy and tactics and information like this, her voice goes a little clinical itself.

Marz quietly approves of the tone that is taken, listening intently. She'd been too busy with her own problems, and the more public and vocal fighters, to really analyze all the available information on all the school pupils who could get in the way. There were, after all, quite a lot of them. The analysis seemed roughly in line with what she had guessed would be the case, however. The differences, though, were a good though. It implied that Kurenai had her own head on her shoulders.

Marz considers this carefully, however, before deciding to press a little more. "I see." She replies, "It is likely, though not for definite yet, that we may require you to act on our behalf. I hope that there will be no problem with this? Such situations can be ..." And she seems to pause, trying to find the right word. "Delicate."

It's pretty strange to hear her say such things in that same, bland tone. And still she leads Kurenai deeper into the facility, a few guards the only other living people around. It is, after all, quite late. Very few people are still continuing to work.

Of course Kurenai has her own head on her shoulders. It would be a weird thing if she didn't. Kurenai just smiles, faintly. "I have no... other attachments to the schools. They don't yet know me, like I know them. I am free to move about with near impunity and I can disguise myself to keep them from knowing who I am... for a while."

In other words, yes, she is quite ready for this. Kurenai quirks an eyebrow, though. "You didn't fly me out here just for this. This informational exchange could have been done much safer via email or even secure radio transmission. Why was I brought out here?" she asks, curiously, now, letting that emotion show as she gazes at Marz, that young woman looking so impassive.

Marz doesn't answer immediately. Instead, she stops at a door, and presses the keypad a few times, punching in the code, the door opens with a *hiss* and reveals... a stark room, bare, but for a fairly obvious two-way mirror. Behind which, scientists and equipment probably did the things that scientists with equipment do behind two way mirrors. Marz walks into the room, and then turns to face Kurenai more directly.

"In order to properly ascertain the level of threat which you are most suited to dealing with, it is first necessary to determine where, exactly, you sit in terms of power." She states, calmly. "Although we have some estimates, we have not yet actually gathered data first hand. Ordinarily, we would not risk bringing you in directly, but would rather set up a situation in which we could monitor you without the possibility of blowing your cover. However. As I said earlier, time is limited."

She still seems... remarkably calm, and she doesn't seem to be making much of an effort to get in a fighting stance at all. Instead, she simply nods. "If you would, please, attack me. And do not hold back, it would provide inaccurate data if you were not to strike with your full abilities. I will, of course, respond in kind. But I will endeavor not to leave any visible injuries that would be detrimental to your cover."

Ah. It is revealed. Kurenai's lips curve upwards, slightly. "I thought it might be something like this." As for whether she's holding back or not... well, if she's skilled enough... people won't know. Will she let them know what she can do, in full? It's an interesting question, one she's thinking about as she walks into the room, glancing about.

"Looks large enough for a decent fight, at least..." She walks past Marz, then pauses, maybe ten yards away, spinning around on one heel. Just like that, huh? The girl draws her weapon, the yardstick--of course, the scientists can tell that it's far more than just a yardstick, the wood specially treated, and holding a slender steel bar within, adding to the weight..

"I won't make any boastful comments about what to expect, Marz. Only..." She smiles.

"I hope you don't end up surprised," she says. There's something in the air that changes--that subtle scent, the thickening of the atmosphere, -something-... the fight is on. And yet Kurenai only takes her stance, the weapon held in both hands, parallel to the ground, tip bobbing lightly as she takes a left-forward stance, squatting slightly.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Marz has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Marz

COMBATSYS: Kurenai calculates her next move.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Marz

Marz nods slightly, "Of course." She replies, calmly. "I will give you the same promise. I do warn you, though; do not judge the strength of Shadaloo by myself. I am not one of our stronger fighters. However. This is not to say you should take me lightly; my strength is given to me by Lord Vega himself." Still, she maintains that calm, unconcerned exterior. Still, she makes no active move to settle into any kind of stance. Her hands just loose by her sides as she watches Kurenai and her weapon, calmly takes in the actions, and the stance. She does, however, take a single step backwards.

Marz's eyes never leave Kurenai, she is ready. Now, she was just waiting for Kurenai to make the first move.

COMBATSYS: Marz focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Marz

Kurenai almost murmurs. "Well, what /is/ strength, anyways?" That's some tidbits of information about the Doll--an interesting concept, power granted directly by someone else? She's never heard of it... but there's precious little time for analysis. She can see that Marz intends to make Kurenai move first. The thing is...

She's expecting that. She's been watching and waiting, letting things draw out just that infintesimal bit. And now it's time to act. As Marz takes that step back, her eyes lower to see... and then raise back up, to meet Marz's eyes.

Then she begins moving, stepping forward... walking? No, shuffling forward, her feet kept clear of each other. Suddenly, she feints a forward move, chambering it--then releasing it, the halted motion fired forward in a swift forward kick from her right leg.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai successfully hits Marz with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0             Marz

Suddenly, Marz finds herself stumbling back. She had bought into the feint entirely, and the girl finds herself falling backwards with an annoyed little 'grunt'. The blow had struck home directly into her jaw. A rather surprising turn of events, perhaps. She certainly hadn't seen it coming herself! But, Marz's reaction isn't anger. Instead, it is to draw herself back up, and wipe the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand for a moment... hrm. This was a strange one. She hadn't expected Kurenai to hit so hard, or to be able to fool her so easily. But. Apparently she had underestimated the girl entirely.

Well, it was her duty to make sure that doesn't happen again, then. Accurate data was needed.

Stepping forwards, Marz is wordless as she lashes out with her fist. It is a simple blow, but one that she had practiced thousands of times. Aiming to plant itself right in Kurenai's solar plexus, the blow is obviously carefully measured. A baseline, tried and tested.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai blocks Marz's Calculated Strike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Kurenai          0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0             Marz

A fast move, and polished, practiced, in its simplicity. Kurenai can admire it, and admire it she does. But that doesn't mean she's going to let Marz have free reign with it. The incoming punch is intercepted, Kurenai twisting her body, absorbing the hit on her shoulder. Even as she absorbs the hit, she surges forward, seeking to not only absorb the impact but to use some of her own motion to throw Marz off-balance. It's a bit of a risk, of course; Marz could be ready for that...

But maybe she won't be ready for the way Kurenai switches her stance, from left-forward to right--planting her left foot and swinging around on it. She's seeking to plant her shoulder into Marz's solar plexus, to unbalance her--and keep her flailing as Kurenai shifts her grip on the weapon she holds, bringing the hilt around to attempt to hammer the Doll in the chest with the 'pommel'.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai successfully hits Marz with Armed Combo.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Kurenai          0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0             Marz

Marz attempt to work her way back, after the blow is turned aside, but, the doll moves just a touch too slow, and the blow to her solar plexus sends Marz stumbling back, before she grunts, slammed in the chest, she skids back several steps. Her heart was pounding, though she was trying to keep it under control. There was little doubt in her mind, now; she was outclassed. Which was good. Lord knows Shadaloo didn't need many more combatants at her current level.

Rather than give up, however, she simply brushes a lock of purple hair back behind her ear, and adjusts her hat. A little nod is given to Kurenai. She could, after all, continue to fight. And it would be necessary to see just how much this girl could manage over a prolonged period of time.


COMBATSYS: Marz gains composure.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Kurenai          0/-------/------=|====---\-------\0             Marz

A raised eyebrow, as Kurenai hesitates. It isn't soft-heartedness... it's wariness. Her eyes narrow, as she gazes at Marz's face. Again, hmm? Kurenai thinks for a fraction of a second. What could be going on here? Her lips set in a challenging smirk.

"Very well. But you haven't shown me enough, yet, either, Marz-chan," she says, her voice lilting, teasing... challenging, in its own way. And then she -does- decide to show her something different. Kurenai wheels back to her left-forward stance, but as she does, the weapon changes position--slung across her back, held in her left hand. Her stance is looser now, her movements a little wider, as she takes three weaving steps back... and then leaps forward, in a low, flat arc. As she flies, she reaches up with her right hand--and twists, slashing diagonally with her weapon. The surprise is...

As she slaahes, the weapon flares, glowing with pink-white chi energy to add some pizzazz to the impact. If it impacts.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai successfully hits Marz with Power Strike.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Kurenai          0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1             Marz

Marz notes the change in style, and her brow raises for a moment. Interesting. Unfortunately, the leap is too quick for her to avoid, and the blow powerful enough that it, quite literally, sends her crashing to her knees. The statement is, however, completely ignored. She could care less what Kurenai thinks about the aspects of her style she has demonstrated thus far. She cared far more about determining the capabilities of the girl before her. And the flare of energy determined at least one thing; this girl had powerful talent, and she knew how to use it in no small measure, as well.

Marz does not stay down for long, however. Quickly getting back to her feet, She clenches her fist, and focuses. It was time to demonstrate a little of her own capabilities as well. Darting back already, Marz flings her palm forwards, and, quite suddenly, a burst of bright purple energy ricochets off the floor, intending to buy her some time as she puts more comfortable distance between herself and the girl, and coming in at her from below, aiming to connect, with a surprising amount of force, with her chin.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai fails to reflect Psiball from Marz with Devil's Return.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Kurenai          0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1             Marz

She's just landing fromher leap when Marz displays some of the speed and technique Kurenai suspected was buried inside her. The bright purple ball illuminates her world for a moment; it's too fast but she tries anyways. The weapon doesn't even make a quarter rotation before the ball is impacting against her chin--throwing the pink-haired ninja up and back, gasping out in sharp pain as she struggles with the energy flaring across her subconscious...

...clearing it just in time to recover, flipping over, landing on her feet, drawing her weapon back into position. She works her jaw, feeling a pop. "Nnh," she mutters.

"That was a good shot, Marz-chan... show me more like that!" She seems... genuinely happy to have found someone she can keep up with, isn't that odd?

Marz does seem slightly surprised by the reaction of the girl... but, so far, nothing had gone in line with her expectations, so she doesn't allow it to get to her. Instead, she takes the opportunity to press the attack. The girl closes the distance between herself and her opponent quite quickly, but, what she does when she gets within range... is likely quite surprising.

Rather than leap directly into the fray, although she advances swiftly, she stops short in front of Kurenai, and her footwork becomes notably more complicated. Although she keeps moving, and in fact, continues to build that momentum she had built up running over, she twists and turns along the outer limit of her reach, kicking, and darting back, six times in rapid succession, and each time, it is in a particularly strange way, coming in high, then low, then to the side, then high again, the combination is difficult to predict, but each motion timed impeccably, with ducking and weaving intended to make it quite difficult to keep a bead on her.

COMBATSYS: Marz successfully hits Kurenai with Fantastic Footwork.
- Power hit! -

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kurenai          0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1             Marz

Make it hard for her? That it does. The complicated footwork is confusing--Kurenai tries to deal with it in the most efficacious manner--getting the hell out of Dodge. Unfortunately, she falls victim to a case of paying -too- much attention; she dodges... in the wrong direction. And then she's set up for a punishing series of kicks, the girl bounced around until the final strike, sending her reeling back.

Her lips are bruised, her cheeks too, a split formed in her lower lip, rich red blood welling up. The price of war. Time to get serious, Takayanagi, the girl admonishes herself, shaking her head to clear the sudden cobwebs. That was very painful.

As she draws herself back up, she falls back into the stance she was using originally, considering her options... and then lunging forward, dropping low, almost like a boxer... and then thrusting her weapon forward, and slightly up, a lower-strike aimed for Marz's sternum. A painful place to be hit, to be sure...

COMBATSYS: Marz parries Kurenai's Medium Strike!

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kurenai          0/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1             Marz

Marz is very good with spatial awareness.

It is, in fact, one of the things that actually allowed her to pull off moves such as that fantastic footwork she displayed, with absolute precision. She wasn't always very good at having her body keep up with her mind in this regard, in fact, often, she found herself starting to get ahead of herself. She was not, after all, perfect.

Other times, she pulls it off.

Such as now, for instance. The girl has her back to Kurenai, but, as she comes in with that powerful lunge, Marz steps backwards, and the weapon sails past her side. Another step backwards, and she begins to turn. A third, perfectly positioned step, and she is very close indeed to Kurenai.

There might be the ghost of a smile on her lips. Or, perhaps, that was just an overactive imagination... this /is/ Marz.

And, suddenly, she lashes out. Aiming to use Kurenai's own momentum against her, one leg is struck out, one hand moves to try and force the back of Kurenai's head down, and the other intends to deliver a firm blow to her back. The overall intent of this, being to have Kurenai wind up ploughing face-first into the ground, with a rather nasty bruise forming midway up her back.

COMBATSYS: Marz successfully hits Kurenai with Momentum Punisher EX.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kurenai          1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1             Marz

Suddenly the momentum has indeed shifted. And she is indeed punished. She goes sprawling, rolling across the ground--her body screaming in pain, fire flaring across her nerves, electric touch that is unwelcome. She /was/ doing well. Emphasis on the /was/. Now... she's in dire trouble.

It isn't as dire as it could be... she doesn't expect that, even given a bad showing here, that she'll be killed. But it's still... embarrassing... Kurenai's cheeks flaming red-hot for a moment. She's got to get her wits about her, she thinks, can't let this go down so easily for Marz...

The girl breathes out, once, slowly, then concentrates, clearing her mind. Focusing. Reaching inside herself.

"C'mon, girl... you're better than this," she mutters, to herself.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai calculates her next move.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kurenai          1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1             Marz

Marz, for her part, is breathing much harder than she was before. The girl has been suitably taxed. The beginning of the fight had clearly demonstrated, better than anything else, that Kurenai was not a force to be taken lightly. However, she had turned the fight around surprisingly well. Whether that was due to luck, or skill on her part, well, that was a matter that could only be determined through analysis of the data being collected.

They can totally analyze luck now, you know.

Again, she straightens herself up. This time, however, her eyes focus far more intently upon Kurenai. Studying, and, yes, there is just a hint of challenge in there too. The fight had proven exhilarating. Perhaps, at last, her own training was starting to pay off for her!

"You have performed very well." She states, calmly, as Kurenai is so hard on herself. "As I said... what power I do have, is granted to me by Lord Vega. I believe that there is a lot I could learn from further sparring sessions with you. Not, of course, that this one is over yet; when you are ready."

COMBATSYS: Marz focuses on her next action.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Kurenai          1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1             Marz

Not over yet. That's true. Very true. Kurenai once again slips into thought... then nods to herself. Time to 'go for broke', as it were... Though it doesn't seem like it, really, the way she lowers her weapon from ready stance. Of course, it's just a ruse; the pink-haired girl is nowhere near giving up, as becomes obvious just a moment later, as she whips the weapon up, around and then hurls it underhand.

It flies straight and true, the point aimed unwaveringly for Marz's stomach--the weapon suddenly, or perhaps suddenly-obviously attached to her wrist via a thin, stretchy black cord...

An elastic one, to be sure, that will allow her to retrieve the weapon. Voluntarily diarming herself? She must be crazy...

COMBATSYS: Marz interrupts Needle Threader from Kurenai with Orbital Crush.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Kurenai          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0             Marz

Marz narrows her eyes, focused quite intently on her opponent, she can't help but notice the elastic thread. Just as she can't help but notice the trajectory of the projectile. It all comes together into one glorious moment, and, rather than attempt to leap out of the way. Bizarrely, Marz leaps /into/ the path of the oncoming weapon.

The reason, however, soon becomes clear. Her leg outstretched, it blazes with that same purple energy that she had hurled at Kurenai earlier in the fight. The weapon crashes into the spinning doll, but, it doesn't manage to slow her momentum enough! Shockingly fast, Marz's foot leaves a burning trail of psycho power behind it, as she spins forwards like some terrifying purple spinning top, and plants her foot firmly in the side of her rival.

The blow delivered, her hand moves to her side... the weapon had, after all, managed to leave a rather nasty mark. But... though she was out of breath, and definitely starting to feel the burn... maybe, just maybe, that would be the end of it.

... she could hope, at least.

Not -quite- the end. The impact drives Kurenai's breath from her in a gasp; she's spinning away from Marz, and yet somehow she lands on her feet, instinct drawing her weapon to her. The girl... her green eyes are flat. There's no one home. And yet she moves, spurred by the final impulses sent by her brain before shutdown. Proof that sometimes, training and reflex can overcome even a loss of consciousness.

Such as it is, anyways; Kurenai charges for Marz's position, almost blindly, seeking to drive her shoulder right into the girl's chest, lowered down almost as though she were a power running back seeking to smash the defensive line...

COMBATSYS: Kurenai can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Marz             0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Kurenai successfully hits Marz with Devil Dancing.

[                                <
Marz             1/----===/=======|

SLAM. Kurenai plows into Marz--and then she's slashing with her weapon--dragged her feet just a touch to give her the distance to effectively attack. Slashing quickly, stinging Marz again and again with that chi-imbued blade, occasionally throwing a bigger slash, taking Marz across the stomach, diagonally from shoulder to hip. She kicks, too--strong thrust kicks, keeping Marz at the proper distance for further attacks.

Finally though, it winds down--and Kurenai swings Marz into the air with an uppercut slash... spinning about, sweeping the blade into a rising uppercut...

And finally, finishing with an overhand smash to send Marz to the flooring. By that time, of course, Kurenai's lost conciousness completely--she'll simply fall, limp, to the ground.

The assault is, to say the least, devastating.

In the face of such overwhelming force, there is little Marz can do but try- in vain, as it transpires- to fend it off with her bare hands. But, this is a futile effort, her attempts to guard smashed aside with the power and the unrelenting nature of the assault that she is faced with. Marz might be very good at knowing where things are... this does not help in the least with the fact that, really, her body isn't ... strong enough to turn aside blows with the amount of power packed into them as Kurenai is wielding. Never mind the fact that the damage she was suffering ran exactly counter to her strengths.

By the time the assault winds down, Kurenai has already been laying into an unconscious Doll for at least a good half a dozen strikes. When she hits the ground, she literally bounces, and, she does not get up again. Any doubts that there may have been about the performance of either fighter on behalf of the other is surely washed away by this result. As, each would wake up in the medical center a few hours later, bruised and battered... a clear picture of where to put Kurenai coming into view in the machinations of Shadaloo.

COMBATSYS: Marz takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Marz can no longer fight.

Log created on 19:20:21 03/06/2009 by Kurenai, and last modified on 23:19:55 03/06/2009.