Yurika - The great Two vs One Sale

Description: After introducing Kurenai to one of ARIA's other members, Sada Asai (god help us all), Yurika decides to pit herself against the two as an unorthodox method of breaking the ice. .. Yes. Breaking the ice, that's exactly what it is, only not. It doesn't go too well.

There's nothing really special about today, it's just another afternoon at Seijyun High.. Although things are a little different in one particular area, that being the meeting room of the ARIA (Agents Rectifying Immoral Actions) Student Council. Yurika has once again arranged a meeting, sending rather formal notes to both Sada and Kurenai to meet her there.

Since some time has passed Yurika had eventually been able to have a room created specifically for the small group, where Kurenai would be getting initiated into- Though no formal dress is required here! The room is quite large (lengthwise) and along the first floor right next to the principles office. It's about the size of two classrooms, with a big mohogany desk, plenty of chairs and tables, and a couple of cabinets as well as some other little necessities such as a stove (for tea), and a whiteboard to write on, it's very nice!

So more importantly, the messages were sent, the clock struck three, and Yurika Kirishima is waiting patiently, as usual, for her atendees to arrive. Of course she's in a good mood, despite the.. Difficulties she and Akira have been having lately. In the end, the only real option is to just continue pushing forward, and get things organized. Sitting at the table, she dreamily stares out of the window, teacup in one hand and saucer in the other.

ARIA. Kurenai hadn't been informed of this. She eyes the name a bit dubiously... then again, such a name should draw the watchful eye away from the kinds of activities that Kurenai and company are -really- involved in. Unlike the committee that called themselves /CREEP/. That was just -too- obvious. Seeing as she hasn't had time to really get out and shop--or much inclination--when Kurenai shows up she's just wearing the typical Seijyun uniform, plus her own accoutrements, the fingerless gloves and her weapon slung across her back as usual.

There's a good bounce in her step as she walks in the door, closing it behind her; the chipper young girl's puffball hairstyle bounces with her steps, bobbing lightly as she comes to a stop and bows to Yurika. "Yurika-dono, good afternoon," she says, her bright voice made somewhat somber by a serious, respectful tone to her voice. She makes no mention of Yurika's pie-in-the-sky dreamy look... because that really isn't her place. Instead, she looks around a bit, then chooses a seat for herself, the feet of the chair scraping lightly as she pulls it out then seats herself, careful to tuck her skirt underneath her.

Yes, she'll really have to come up with that fighting outfit soon... but she's already got plans in motion for that so that's all to the good. She has things in mind, oh yes...

Sada arrives, looking more neatly coiffed than usual. Maybe she just went to the salon? Either way, it's probably nice compared to her slightly 'rough' attitude a good deal of the time. At least her issue is a skirt length LOWER than regulations.

Her arrival comes behind Kurenai's, carrying with her her characteristic 'instrument case'. Such a dedicated musician she is! "Good afternoon," she echoes, bowing towards Yurika as her eyes flick towards the bouncing young girl. Between the rather deep voice and her thin eyes, she DOES have a slightly menacing air about her.

She straightens then, and with a smaller, shorter bow, steps towards her own seat, drawing it out and settling it in as the instrument case goes to sit at her side. Her hands fold, then, on the tabletop.

Once the two arrive, Yurika gets to her feet and returns the bows given to her, greeting the duo with her usual pleasent smile, "Good evening, Sada, Kurenai. I apologize for calling you two forward on such short notice but I thought it would be a good idea to make introductions as quickly as possible. Kurenai, as you already know I'm the Council President here.. I've arranged a cover for us so that there should be little trouble hiding our true objective."

Yurika gives a small nod of her head, "As of now you will be part of the council as treasurer of the comittee. Here with us is Sada Asai, secretary position. You'd both be recognized more widely as Discipline Officers." Yurika gestures to Sada, "Please meet Kurenai, she's been a treasured ally of the Kirishima clan in the past. I cannot get into much detail but she's a weapon user such as yourself and quite talented in both mathematics and combat."

Sada's arrival gets a rather... measuring look from Kurenai. Not that the girl is going to be cool towards this apparent 'teammate'--but she is someone she hasn't met yet. And someone she wasn't informed about. Likely this is just her family's way of testing her--seeing how she reacts to unexpected situations. In its own way, this is a form of training. As she's already seated, she doesn't bow to Sada; she does however, incline her head respectfully... then give a brief wave.

Sada seems more outwardly dangerous than Kurenai does, for sure, but that's a good thing, isn't it? Something to help contrast, a possible distraction... all these possilbities run through Kurenai's mind, and more, while she's looking at her. Yurika starts to speak which draws Kurenai's attention back; she listens quietly, then nods again. "It's nice to meet you, Asai-san. I'm Takayanagi Kurenai. Glad to be working with you." She glosses over any mention of 'true objective'--presumably Yurika's secured the room, but there's no need to respond to that part.

Sada nods her head at the news of her new secretarial position. Then her eyes go towards Kurenai as she is measured, giving the girl a smile in return. "So you've got a history of assisting Yurika's family... That's very laudable. We're lucky to have the assistance of someone so used to hard work."

She bows her head, fractionally. "I don't think we have any classes! May I ask," a tilt of the head that makes a ringlet fall slightly, "What weapons you specialize in? Oh, but look at me; you must think me so rude, to skip to such questions!" Her eyes go back to Yurika, then. "We should hear the rest of our mission, first!"

Yurika raises a gloved hand to her mouth, and gives a light chuckle to Sada's interest. Well so far so good; she has a good idea of the kinds of things Sada does or does not approve of, only time will tell that Sada will continue to end up finding Kurenai's presence acceptable. The student gives a small shake of her head, "There's no need to worry, there is no objective that I have for you two at.. This particular moment. And I have no news to give about our current position, we're simply still in stand-by... Which I will be working on soon enough. You two take as much time as you need because in a moment I will need your assitance in a task that requires you two working togeather right away."

Yurika then gestures to herself, "I've been finding it difficult to push myself in combat lately.. As you know I tend to keep a low profile on my fighting ability. So I would like to engage in combat with the both of you."

The slight from Sada is not missed. Kurenai's smile hardens just a fraction, though it's all but imperceptible. "Yes, the Takayanagi family and the Kirishima family have been closely linked for a long time now..." For a moment, she thinks about returning fire--but that would hardly be conducive to aiding Yurika's goals. So she swallows that retort and instead responds to Sada's question.

"I was trained in the art of kenjutsu, but I don't carry a sword. Too conspicuously dangerous, even with all the fighters that are concentrated here." Reaching up with her right hand, she smoothly draws the yardstick, whipping it through the air with a sharp swoosh of sound. "So I carry this, instead," she says; she does seem proud of the weapon, as unusual as it is.

Yurika's further speech interrupts Kurenai's line of thought. For a moment she considers refusing, but... it's just a training match, right? To test her skills, and Sada's skills, and to help Yurika keep her combat skills honed, right? Kurenai considers again, then nods--and ventures a smile at Sada. "Guess we'll see how well we work together, right now..."

"I see... Of course, whenever you like, Yurika," Sada tells the gothloli of record with a small dip of her head. The news of impending action, though. That's welcome!

Her head then turns back towards Kurenai as her lips prick up in a small smile. "Ahh... Kenjutsu. And you use that with it?" Her eyebrows lift slightly, as the smile grows all the more deliberately polite. "Is it an ancient one, perhaps? I would not want you to worry about taking care of it; my weapon, you see, can be a little rough on such objects."

As for how well they work together - Sada shoots a glance at Yurika now, as if to clarify. She means the two of /them/ against /Kurenai/... RIGHT?

The reaction to the weapon is to be expected, Yurika thinks. Despite having seen it in action it was still a rather unbelievable style to fathom. She'd really like a chance to see it up close though.. The glance given to her by Sada obviously is noted and, keeping her small smile, clarifies, "I'm afraid you two will have to spar against one another at another time. It'd be a lot more useful for me to see how potentially well you two can work togeather."

"Though this will also be a test of my own skill. Since my brother has not been around to assist me in my training, the closest I'd be able to obtain a similar match-up would be against the both of you.. It should be interesting I think." and with that said she moves to the cleared side of the room, plenty of room for moving about but there isn't much in the way of obstacles. Perhaps she could fix that at another time.

Sada's comment is met with a sweet smile. "If you think you can break the weapon, you're welcome to try, but I think I can guarantee it will be somewhat harder than you think. However, that is not pertinent to the situation at hand..." She walks past Sada, and over to the other side of the room, facing roughly opposite Yurika.

"Yurika-dono wants to test our skills and as well, tst her own. It would be rude to refuse her, wouldn't it, Asai-san?" So polite is she... already she's finding this is going to be a much tougher assignment than she expected. But then, people are people... Kurenai turns towards Yurika and says, rather seriously, "You know I won't hold anything back, Yurika-dono." It's a solemn statement--made not in warning, but as a sort of plea--that Yurika herself not hold back.

"I could use the training before my Saturday Night Fight anyways..." With that, she assumes her stance, feet apart, both hands on the grip of the blade, held pointing at Yurika in a shoulder-high position.

"I see," Sada says, a little - sadly. Is she wounded? Does Yurika, she thinks, not... not care, any more? She straightens upwards, even at the comment, and looks at Kurenai with another of those little poison smiles. "I would not expect you to," she says, pulling up her instrument case and setting it on the table. "I suppose someone had told me that I might expect a difficult time today, so..."

The case is opened, and the glittering, freshly polished kusarigama is drawn out, the silvery blade of the kama held up as she steps forwards, with a warm smile. "I didn't bring the training one. Be careful, will you? I'd hate to hurt you accidentally, Miss Kurenai."

Not care about.. What? Sada's pride? Well, that's probably not the highest thing on her list of 'things to care about' but that's a secret best kept to herself and probably not the problem anyway. She suspects this will be interesting no matter what happens though; she just hopes that the constant pairing of Sada with someone will eventually just desensitize the students .. Whatever issue she has.

Yurika, however, doesn't have her violin today. No in her position she's going to need different instruments and she just so happens to keep them in her desk. And so she withdraws two rather lenghty, black tuning forks, then proceeds to take the center of the room once more. ".. Hmn. Did you know that is exactly what I am training for currently?" she then asks to Kurenai with a gentle smile. "So the chances of my success is in your hands.. The both of you. Let's get started." she twirls the handles between her fingers and takes a firm grip, crossing the two forks in front of her in an extremely simple stance.

COMBATSYS: Yurika has started a fight here on the right meter side.

                                  >  //////////////////////////////]
                                 |-------\-------\0           Yurika
1 health gauges: Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Yurika0

Kurenai tilts her head at Sada's words. She chooses to take it as a warning--Sada implying that she will, in fact, attempt to harm Kurenai. The pinkhaired girl will... take the high road. For now. "I will be sure to do that," she replies, softly. Her attention is on Yurika-dono, mostly. 90% on Yurika, 10% on Sada. Being wary. That's all--she's also thinking about something else, something Yurika just said. "Yurika-dono... you're entering the Fight? But... you said you kept a low profile..." She sounds only mildly questioning--there are -so- many fighters out there that one more on the circuit probably won't be noticed, and in any case, a little notoriety isn't a bad thing to have.

"Well, then, I guess we'd better all do our best, Yurika-dono, Asai-san." That said, she quiets, to focus on the fight at hand, her senses coming alive. The twinned tuning forks... an interesting development. Possibly more effective than the musician's violin; if nothing, Kurenai could see them being wielded much like jitte...

COMBATSYS: Kurenai has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika
2 health gauges: Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Kurenai0Yurika0

Sada steps a little closer, glancing at Yurika's weapons with upraised eyebrows. "You hold them very well," she praises her superior officer. "Is this a technique you have developed yourself?" She whirls the kusarigama's weighted end at her side, just for a moment.

Inwardly, she seethes again. Her own attention flicks towards Kurenai and her damn /stick/. Ugh, she thinks. It's bad enough that she uses sword techniques. At least the stick will break easily; it's only wood, after all, right? Damn damn damn, Sada thinks further, she'll use Evil Energy to reinforce it or something!

At least Yurika is familiar. She opens up with a relatively direct motion, her chain jingling as she twists the weight up tight and then flings it down, towards Yurika's legs.

COMBATSYS: Sada has joined the fight here on the left meter side.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sada             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Sada's Odani Foundation Art.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sada             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

Yurika shakes her head slowly, "I apologize I suppose I was not exactly clear in my intention.. My training.. Is so that I do not hold back. In a scenario such as this, I believe I should be able to place myself in such a mindset. This is for myself, not for others entertainment."

Her cheeks pinken just a touch to Sada, "Thank you, Miss Asai. I've used it in the past, as you may know a lot of my techniques use sound. The fork allows me to be more precise." And Sada attacks.

Yurika is quick on her feet of course, the weapon strikes low, and she jumps high, leaping over the weapon in a graceful backflip- Mid-flip she taps her forks togeather, a pleasent chime escaping the instruments, but the air in front of it distorts; the distorting energy soaring toward Sada and intending to not only slam into her but jar her nerves a bit while it's at it!

Of course. Ruthlessness is often a necessary trait; one cannot afford to leave adversaries in a position to continue to work against you. Kurenai nods--and then Sada attacks low, moving off the blocks quickly. Yurika proves to be quicker, though, leaping over the attack, flipping around.

Kurenai doesn't move for a moment, tracking her mistress's path--not wanting to get in the way of Yurika's return attack, instead the young girl simply changes the angle at which she holds the blade, dropping the hands down to her waist, and pointing the blade up...

And then her legs drop into a crouch, she waits another moment, and springs upwards, thrusting her 'blade' for Yurika's torso. Right around the bellybutton, actually, uttering a sharp 'kiai' as she seeks to meet her mistress in midair, the thrust not intended to d any real damage, so to speak... but to test Yurika's defenses. It's been a while since she last saw her fight, and files need updating...

COMBATSYS: Sada parries Yurika's Tragic Serenade!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Sada             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Yurika
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

Yurika is indeed sound focused. She might even be a Sound-nin, if she were not already a gosurori.

Sada's attention flicks away from Kurenai as Yurika makes her move. The incoming strike is dodged, which honestly Sada rather expected, and then comes the chime. The chime is the least of it, the gathered interference sound waves resonating divinely down - and Sada raises up the kama's blade!

The vibration runs down Sada's arm in a curiously soothing way. "Hah -" she says aloud, before twisting her wrist back and spiralling the weighted end at an angle besides her!

She doesn't throw it again this time, though, instead merely advancing and slinging the arcing 'disk' of 'pain' towards Yurika's lower body!

COMBATSYS: Sada successfully hits Yurika with Spinning The Kusari EX.
Grazing Hit

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Sada             0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0           Yurika
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 1 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Kurenai's Medium Strike.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Sada             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Yurika
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/-------|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 30 of 30. Super: 0 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

Yurika notices Kurenai take the skies after her.. Hmn, watching for two attacks is a lot different than facing one attack of a very strong opponent! This should be a good learning experience if anything at all but she quickly realized how much pressure is on her already with two fresh foes on her. Her usual tacticts won't work...

The yardstick thrust forward is met with a swipe of Yurika's own weapon, quick enough to throw it off-course while she makes her landing. The arcing attack isn't quite as simple for her to avoid, she gritting her teeth as she steps back just a little too late.. But not late enough for her torso to get completely cleaved that goodness. A bit of blue material tears away with the strike..

"As troublesome as ever, Miss Asai.." Yurika compliments, and she opts to move on; shifting to the side to clash with Kurenai this time! The musician closes in, and thrusts her forks forward, intending to hook them into the shoulders of the other girls blouse. Should she succeed, then she'd fall back with a maryjane clad foot to Kurenai's gut and launch her backward!

COMBATSYS: Kurenai blocks Yurika's Quick Throw.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Sada             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Yurika
[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/------=|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 28 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

The impact tells her immediately that Yurika managed a successful defense against the thrust of her weapon. That lets her, in turn, prepare for any potential retaliation from Yurika, as she lands, turning around just in time to see Yurika lunging. Already the musician is just too close to allow Kurenai enough room to manuever effectively, and so she doesn't resist when she is flipped overhead and flung into the air.

Instead, she keeps her wits about her, and gathers herself; flipping over, she lands on her feet, knees bending to help absorb the shock of the landing. Still, there's still some pain, purely from the impact. As she raises her blade again, she charges forward--thrusting the yardstick once more.

Aimed at Yurika's stomach again, upon contact, Yurika would find Kurenai spinning around to her back, attempting to capitalize on positioning and to force Yurika to fall courtesy of a standing sweep kick to the ankles.

She certainly is! Sada smiles as she takes a half step back afterwards, letting the weight tug her along. That's the advantage of that kind of momentum; if you time it right, it moves you too!

Kurenai is spinning behind Yurika, which gives Sada the opportunity she needs. With a slight smirk, she whips the chain around and then forwards again, taking a step abck as she does and lifting it JUST a fraction of an inch higher than it needs to be. In theory this should wrap around Yurika's shoulder and pull her down, but in actual practical terms...

A large weight, given a token wrapping in beatenup thin leather, is flying towards Kurenai's face!

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Kurenai's Piercing Sparrow.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Sada             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Yurika
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/------=|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

Yurika does have a bit of an unusual style of fighting.. Despite being a touch fragile and having an assortment of ranged attacks, the girl does indeed seem to want to be as close to her opponents as she can- A difficult task when she has two foes; the best she can do is just react whenever one girl is closer. But it's good for her instincts, good pressure... And it's enough pressure for Sada to actually get away with her dirty trick, she feels the weight getting close and moves not only away from Kurenai but the other attack as well! That is the stick meets her own weapon once more, brushed in one direction as she moves toward the other.

This puts her in a position where she can actually flip closer to Sada and 'capitalize' on the somewhat sloppy attack by clashing her forks togeather and pointing the tips at the womans side- A surprisingly large burst of distorted energy follows, and if Sada isn't quick she's going to not only end up feeling the pain of rupture, but a brief headache to boot!

COMBATSYS: Kurenai dodges Sada's Thrown Object.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Sada             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Yurika
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/------=|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 29 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 2 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

Whiff! Kurenai slips around Yurika but fails to connect--instinct keeps her moving, throwing Sada's aim off as she continues to spin. Don't think she didn't just see what happened there, Sada. Kurenai's gaze flashes to Sada for a moment, and the normally cheerful visage slips just a bit. Yes, this is not going to be a smooth path for her. The girl refuses to retaliate, however--she can't let herself respond to such a blatantly subtle attempt on her...

Instead she focuses on Yurika. The girl's stance changes--and not in any subtle fashion, but her blade going to her back, as if she were putting it back up... but with her right hand on the hilt still. Yurika's attacking Sada with that chi again, and while she briefly feels bad about attacking from behind, essentially...

She does it anyways. Kurenai dances forward in a stutter-step, finally planting her right foot and using it as a fulcrum to spin around, finally then planting her left foot, providing a stable base for her to slash that weapon around, the yardstick as it were... which suddenly flares with pink-white chi as it lashes around towards Yurika's back!

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Sada with Tragic Sonata.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Sada             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0           Yurika
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/------=|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 23 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

Music - the ultimate weapon! The sudden vibrating tone is not, in this case, slightly pleasant, but is in fact rather painful. Painful enough that Sada lets out a startled cry and goes flying, arcing gracefully over the table...

... and doesn't smash through it, even pulling her kusarigama after her for the sake of cleanliness. "Hn!" she gasps out, before tossing her hair back as Kurenai takes her shot. She doesn't leap in to the fray immediately again; after all she has to walk back around the table.

Yes, Kurenai, she thinks: Face that wrath on your own. We'll see how well you manage it... When the time is right to strike!!

COMBATSYS: Sada gains composure.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Sada             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Yurika
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/------=|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Kurenai's Fierce Strike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Sada             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Yurika
[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/------=|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 27 of 30. Super: 1 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

With Sada out of the picture for a moment (and hopefully learning not to show openings like that anymore to Yuriak!), the musician ends up having her eyes locked on Kurenai. Again, it's the simple fact that the yardstick girl is closer and therefore will be dealt with accordingly. Perhas not the best strategy but what better time to learn than the present?

Kurenai's strike doesn't lack any skill or grace, it's just very very readable for the demi-ninja.. Part of her tells her to barrel through but.. Perhaps not yet, no instead she shimmering attack is avoided in a curious manner, the girl backflipping right over the attack and thus putting her in a position to retaliate. It isn't anything complex, it's actually a very simple attack, but by no means gentle. Grip firm on her tuning forks she sweeps her arms and aims to slam her weapon right against the girls throat, quick and precise.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai blocks Yurika's Quick Strike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Sada             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Yurika
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/-----==|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 4 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

The strike was telegraphed; trading speed for power tends to do that. So Kurenai's already readying herself for a retaliation; she spins with her missed move and comes back around and up just in time to catch the twinned strike against her weapon. The yardstick proves to be stronger than it may seem, even if Kurenai does essentially take a blunted jab to the throat, making her cough as she fades with the blow. That's a good sign--going for the throat.

Kurenai changes her own stance; her blade already raised, she simply brings it horizontal. She flicks a feint jab for Yurika's throat, mirroring the attack used by her mistress, but she doesn't complete it--instead she steps -into- Yurika's position, her blade interposed to provide some incidental defense, and she attempts to twist, to bring a knee into one of Yurika's thighs, a strike meant for just above the knee--painful and sometimes slowing.

Sada comes back around the table, unexcitingly. That is less interesting than the fact that she is starting to spin the kusarigama again, breaking in fact into a run as Kurenai makes her move! It's risky perhaps, but what Sada leads with is a feint at the legs with the spinning chain (which is somewhat difficult to manage given the relative mass and inertia of the heavy thing) which may, perhaps, interfere with Kurenai's efforts...

Which is to help her cover up for the effort to slide the kama, which has been shifted to an overhand grip, up and hook into Yurika's armpit, likely in order to throw her to the ground and/or into Kurenai's yardsticky embrace!

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Sada's Asai Harvester.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Sada             0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0           Yurika
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/-----==|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 5 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 23 of 30. Super: 5 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

COMBATSYS: Kurenai successfully hits Yurika with Light Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Sada             0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0           Yurika
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/-----==|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 5 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 6 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 26 of 30. Super: 2 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

Hmn it was a rather simple feint, did Yurika really end up falling for it? It doesn't show it in her eyes but perhaps she overthought things instead and Kurenai isn't as predictable as Yurika first thought. The way the weapon holds up is impressive, and at least she has two hands free to deal with two attacks! The violin would have made things rather.. Complicated.

Rather than hook under her arm, one of the lchain links is actually captured between the fork, and strain is put up while the other blocks high, the knee landing as planned. How much is slows Yurika down remains to be seen but she's cringing and ends up stumbling back a bit as she releases Sada's weapon. Her other leg's just fine, however, she ends up twisting at the hip and shoots a back-kick at Kurenai's gut, now seeming to want to put some distance between herself and one of them!

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Kurenai with Light Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Sada             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Yurika
[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/---====|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 25 of 30. Super: 5 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 22 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

"OOoff!" Yurika's maryjaned foot tags Kurenai squarely in the aforementioned gut; she gasps, stumbling back, the tip of her weapon bouncing along the linoleum floor as she staggers. The pink-haired math-ninja recovers swiftly, though, the blade once again flowing from pointed to back-mounted pose... and the girl comes in again, at her mistress.

Once again the blade glows with pink-white chi, as Kurenai cuts in with a horizontal slash, the weapon leaving a bright afterimage trail that is already beginning to fade as she completes the horizontal attack.

It's far from a 'last ditch' effort, but perhaps Kurenai seems to sense the impending close to the fight--not a fight to the death, after all, and so there's hardly any need to see the whole thing out to its conclusion.. though one might not be able to say the same if it's Kurenai vs. Sada... if? Or... when?

Sada is perhaps at something of a disadvantage against Yurika. This is simply and purely because unlike most people, Sada does not want to actually hurt Yurika - who is, of course, her best friend in the world.

As she's shrugged loose, leaving Yurika focusing on Kurenai for a moment, Sada steps back several paces, almost far enough to put her back to the wall, spinning the weight on that chain again as it gathers up speed and velocity.

She breathes in, then back out as her arm flicks around hard enough that she can nearly hear the muscles and the bone creak faintly: The weight blurs forwards, at Yurika's upper body, now! This time it's not even really a strike at Kurenai; the chain is twisted at the last moment, hopefully to bind up her upper body.

COMBATSYS: Yurika dodges Sada's Odani Foundation Art.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Sada             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Yurika
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/---====|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 5 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 4 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

COMBATSYS: Yurika blocks Kurenai's Devil's Return.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Sada             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1           Yurika
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/--=====|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 24 of 30. Super: 5 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 8 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Sada0Yurika1Kurenai0

Yurika, on the other hand, doesn't have that advantage. There are very few people she considers 'friends' (which is another story for another time) and Sada barely exceeds 'companion'. Needless to say, striking Sada hard isn't quite an issue. The weight is twirled and Kurenai prepares to attack... There's glimmer in Yurika's eyes, an unusual amount of focus at that moment that seems to make everything appear to be a little slower, becoming more sensitive to the sounds around her. Is that a smirk on the girls lips? As the weight comes zooming forward once more, and Kurenai with the first slash, Yurika weaves in an astonishingly elegant manner, turning herself on one foot to evade the weight while moving in such a way that the blade slash slams into the tuning fork, captured briefly as she takes a step back; this leaves herself inbetween both fighters.

The fork is withdrawn, the forks are tapped above her head and she then proceeds to spin like a whirlwind on one foot, crouching low as the resonating sound once more causes the air abour her to distort and blurr.. She spins faster still, the sound seeming to drag her oponents forward but is actually pushing outward, and should either of the girls get dragged into the unusual technique, their senses and their body will certainly suffer some punishment as the chi would pummel them from the inside!

COMBATSYS: Yurika successfully hits Sada with Fatal Rondo.
Glancing Blow

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Sada             0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Yurika
[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/--=====|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 21 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

This, at least, isn't unfamiliar to Sada.

Perhaps trusting Yurika, she lets go of the Kusarigama as she leaps aside, perhaps hoping to get IT caught up instead of her! This, unfortunately, doesn't work, even though the leap to the side does mean that when she's caught up in it and brought to the point of covering her face, the energy in it is at least somewhat muted.

The blurring sound, of course, manages to strike her ears enough to cause another involuntary shout of mild discomfort, finally sending her staggering to her knees after she's slid out of its area of effect again.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai stops Fatal Rondo from Yurika with Devil's Return.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Sada             0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Yurika
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/--=====|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 19 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

On the other side, Kurenai whips her weapon around from the blocked slash--and keeps going. It's going to be a very tiring few moments for the girl, but she can -sense- that buildup of chi... and she's already preparing herself. Just when it's surging up, reaching for her in the most dangerous manner, her weapon comes around again, glowing through the slash.

The slash impacts Yurika's chi--and there's an explosion of that 'life energy', sound and pure chi flaring, making a brief flare that lights the room. When that flare clears, Kurenai is... well, across the room, almost, at the wall, crouched next to it, blade held in a modified reverse grip, panting heavily.

It isn't a skill that always comes into play, or is always relevant... but just now, she's very glad she learned how to do that.

Ah yes, Sada has been on the recieving end of that technique a number of times, hasn't she? But it seems every time, the husky-voiced fighter manages to fend it off a little more. Looks like Yurika will have to work on that.. Another time. Kurenai's technique is very astonishing! But due to Yurika's spinning she could only capture a glimpse of it; her rotation slows down and then she's standing once again, twirling to a stop like a figure skater. Her breathing heavy, the girl drops to a slouch for a brief moment and then raises a hand, "I.. Believe that will suffice for now.." she says with a small smile.

"From what I've seen this would end in a stalemate.. I believe the solution here is to try this in another week or so. During that time I would like you two to double your training regime, as well as find another opponent and try to improve yourselves." As for herself? She doesn't say. "Do not misunderstand you both did well, but you can do better."

She pockets her tuning forks, wiping off her brow and proceeds to make her exit, the two probable left confused for a moment.. But when she opens the door, ".. Oh and one last homework assignment. By next week I would like you two to have five personal facts about your other prepared for me. Good day."

COMBATSYS: Yurika takes no action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Sada             0/-------/=======|-------\-------\0           Yurika
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/--=====|
3 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Yurika (Right Meter) -- Status: yellow, 19 of 30. Super: 0 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 19 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Sada0Yurika0Kurenai0

COMBATSYS: Yurika has left the fight here.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sada             0/-------/=======|
[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Kurenai          0/-------/--=====|
2 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 7 of 16. Kurenai (Left Meter) -- Status: green, 19 of 30. Super: 5 of 16.Sada0Kurenai0

When Yurika signals the end of the fight, Kurenai relaxes, rising to her feet and in fact sheathing her weapon. Still breathing hard, but beginning to calm her breathing, she surveys the room to make sure it doesn't look too damaged. And it doesn't. Her reaction to the homework is about as predictable as one could expect--her face falls, but only for a moment.

Step up her training, find another opponent to fight... and gather information on Sada. Right. Two of those are easy, one of them will be hard. Add to that the rest of her homework... she's already calculating what time she'll have to do what, that evident in her eyes.

"Hai, Yurika-dono," replies the little Takayanagi, bowing to her mistress. And then to Sada, a bow which is somewhat less deep, though perfectly respectful. "Asai-san. I look forward to doing this again with you." Even if she did try to bean Kurenai in the face with a leather-wrapped weight. Kurenai's eyes shift towards the clock and she bows again, to Yurika.

"By your leave, Yurika-dono," she says, as she leaves the room, leaving the door only slightly ajar behind her.

COMBATSYS: Kurenai has left the fight here.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Sada             0/-------/=======|
1 health gauges: Sada (Left Meter) -- Status: yellow, 20 of 30. Super: 7 of 16.Sada0

COMBATSYS: Sada has ended the fight here.

Log created on 18:23:10 01/17/2009 by Yurika, and last modified on 19:48:52 02/16/2009.