Description: Fresh from her Saturday Night Fight alongside the incomparable Rainbow Mika and on the verge of having to face the Blonde Bomber as an opponent, who should she run into but the very same! The two strike up a conversation about training methods and fighting.
Darkness looms out in all directions, a starless sky drifting by over the campus. Faint light from the moon trickles through the spaces between buildings, and the branches of trees by the gate.
Late as the hour is, most of the girls are comfortably inside their respective dorms preparing for a good nights sleep. Wind whisks through, causing a sudden creaking in the gate. The sound of a thundering motor heard just beyond it.
"AIIIiiiiieeee! I'm late! Miss Yurika is going to have my hide! Ms. Harmageddon! I know training is important, but you're going to get me in trouble!"
"Y-yes, Ms. Harmageddon! I'll do a few laps around the campus before retiring!" Creaking the gate open, Rainbow Mika steps onto the campus. She's lacking something extremely important though. Her Seijyun uniform is non-existent. Even in the cold this night presents, she's in her wrestling gear. Turning to say something to the very LARGE woman in the golf cart, she blinks. Without noticing it, the cart has already taken off.
"Er... WELL! Training for me then!"
Normally, by this time, Kurenai's safely in bed. Or so most believe. Actually, usually she -is-, if for no other reason than it's smart to get a good amount of rest. But... well, she just got the fight card for her SNF. She'd marked that little checkbox that read 'Do you want to challenge for the Belt?' and... well, she didn't think she'd actually get to do it--with so many fighters in the city, surely, she thought, there would be people more qualified than her.
So that has her.. nervous. Moreover, she'd gotten the title card itself and... well. Well, now she's -thinking-. She honestly likes Rainbow Mika. The girl seemed pleasant, and she was a hellacious fighter. Saved Kurenai's bacon, likely--Daniel certainly seemed to take offense at the chalk in the eye (she wasn't aiming for there, seriously!) and he was gonna do... somethin' bad. She's pretty sure about that.
And now, she has to fight her. Her -and- Zach... who Kurenai remembers very well indeed. And not very fondly--oh, nothing wrong with Zach -per se-... only that he hurt her very very badly. Not a pleasant experience.
The pink-haired girl, walking the campus, has taken along a couple things as precaution; one is a handheld flashlight, because not all of the campus is lit, and the other is her trusty yardstick, slung across her back. A sigh slips from her lips, as she stands under one of the streetlamps that line the campus paths, her eyes tilted upwards at the sky. She isn't doubting herself, but... "I never thought they'd let me in... guess I can't let Yurika-dono down..."
And then she hears... can it be? Yes, it's Mika, and her trainer! That voice is pretty distinctive. Kurenai's head turns, and then the rest of her body follows, as she trots towards the sound of the disturbance. Surely, girls do train their martial arts, even in Seijyun, but... well.
Girls train, but not the same way Rainbow Mika does! Jogging along the path in the darkness, she spies a light. The light seems to unnerve her quite a bit. The jogging stops, she steps backward trying to shroud herself in the darkness.
Deciding that this won't work as well as she'd like, she hops back to the middle of the path. Both arms spring up into the air and she yelps, "I KNOW, I KNOW! I'm not in uniform!" Please don't be Yurika, please don't be Yurika! "I was heading back to change and... well..." Kaf-kaf. "Got caught up in the thoughts of training! Got a big session tomorrow! Need to be prepared! I..."
Beneath the mask, she blinks. "OH HEY! I KNOW YOU!" The dark of night makes it difficult to make out very many features, but pink hair is very distinctive. "You won't tell, will you?"
Blink. Blink. "Mika-san?" comes Kurenai's voice, her penlight flashing up to take in the pro-wrestler, then back down to the concrete and brick of the ground. "Ah... no, I'm not Yurika-dono," she says, with a little laugh. To be mistaken for her... well, it's amusing here, not so amusing in another context... but that likely won't happen now.
"But, what are you doing out here? It's really late to be training, isn't it?" Since that is clearly what she's doing out here. Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be anyone else around... The math whiz's voice issues out of the semi-darkness. "Acutally, I'm kind of glad to have run into you. I was just thinking about you, really. You... I guess you saw the fight card? You know... we're both in the same fight again." A pause.
"We're going to be opponents this time."
"NEVER TOO LATE FOR TRAINING," she booms, in an amusing mock of Ms. Harmageddon's voice. Rainbow Mika adores her trainer, don't get her wrong on that! Even still, she's an alarmingly great mimic. "Just don't tell. About the uniform, I mean. I'm supposed to wear it when I'm off campus, but I keep forgetting." That, and she's got a preference for her own outfit. The uniform is great and all, but it's REALLY hard to wrestle in.
"We are?" Blink. Blink. "OH RIGHT!" Bobbling her head up and down, causing the pigtails to bounce along with the movement, she laughs. "You. Me. That annoying guy. Some other guy I don't know." Each one is counted out on her fingers. "Guess they wanted to see what we could do to that annoying guy when we're against each other too!" Kichiga isn't forgotten, but apparently in her mind he's not as important as Zach.
In fact, Kurenai is wearing her uniform... but, she suspects, Yurika might arrange for a different sort of outfit soon. The girl's... interests... are well-known, after all. Not that Kurenai minds. She giggles at the imitation, and nods quickly. "Don't worry, I won't tell. I can keep a secret!" Unless, of course, Yurika /asks/, but then... well. Kurenai never mentioned that possibility. And she -can- keep secrets. Got some big ones under her hat.
"Yeah. You, me, that Zach guy, and..." Her eyes tilt upwards as she thinks, her tongue poking out a little. "Kichiga. I don't know who he is... wait, I think he's... he's a teacher at Justice High I think. If I'm remembering correctly." Which she is, but that's hush-hush for now.
"It should be interesting. I want to apologize in advance if I end up hurting you..." It isn't said arrogantly--those words -could- be taken as a admission of superiority. But Kurenai genuinely wants to make sure Mika won't have any hard feelings.
Two old guys. Two young girls. If she were to sit and think on it, surely she'd see a pattern here. Instead of dwelling on it, the blonde smiles. "Oh! Oh! Good good. I wouldn't want to get in trouble for the uniform thing. I know I'm supposed to wear it here, but Ms. Harmageddon is ADAMANT that I wear this when training. If I don't, I wind up wrestling sharks or sea lions. They tend to tear whatever I DO wear, so it's best to wear this." Nodding stoutly, looks down at her outfit, then back at the other girl.
"If you hurt me, I'll just train harder! Same as if I end up hurting you, you'll train harder! Pretty sure that annoying guy will just hurt the both of us like before."
She hadn't thought about it that way, to be honest. It's a good--wait. "Sharks? Sea lions? Can--can you even wrestle those? Isn't that a little overly dangerous?" Kurenai looks confused and a little worried for her... friend? It's a bit soon for that, perhaps. Acquaintance.
"That almost sounds abusive, to me," she continues, though... well, Mika doesn't -seem- to mind it. Or that outfit, which Mika would look even more ridiculous in. Can you imagine? She definitely doesn't have the body for it. The mention of the outfit, though, makes Kurenai rub her chin.
"You know... I've been wondering if I should put together a fighting costume. I can't just fight in my Seijyun uniform all the time, you know what I mean?"
"Dangerous?" Rainbow Mika shakes her head, almost giggling at the idea. "Zangief, he's the greatest wrestler in the entire world, he wrestles bears. BIG bears. HUGE bears. The biggest bears in all of Russia! It made him strong! Bears are a lot more dangerous than sharks!" The up-and-coming wrestler beams. Just thinking about her hero apparently makes her smile. *.*
"Sea lions are harder. They actually fight back with more than a tail swat and threats of teeth. I don't hurt them though! No animal abuse here!"
Bringing a hand up to scratch her head right by a pigtail, she considers. "I... hmmm. You fight with a yardstick and chalk! A uniform works as a costume for that. Could modify it a little to make it easier to move around in. Use a different material, stick shorts under the skirt..."
...Zangief. Kurenai's expression dims a little at the mention of him--her runin with Zangief wasn't quite so sunny... but she covers it quickly; Mika might not even notice. Zangief. He could've killed her, the way he was fighting--hardly called for, in her opinion.
"Well, I guess as long as you're comfortable with it. I don't think it's something I would do," she observes. But training. That is something she needs more of; she makes a mental note to spend some time tomorrow morning really working out--not just practicing.
"Well, I wasn't thinking of--I mean, I guess I could... hmm. But I don't always want to represent Seijyun High... maybe I could put together a similar outfit to wear... a little more combat-oriented. No school affiliation... maybe some knee-high leather boots or.. something liket hat." Already the gears are turning in her head.
Rainbow Mika would defend Zangief to the death! He's the BEST! A little overzealous sometimes, but that's just because he faces every fight as a fight to win! Who can fault a wrestler for that? That's the outlook they're supposed to have!
"It's not for everyone," she admits. Half the time, she'd rather not be fighting anything remotely aquatic. They're hard to grapple or wrestle with.
"No no no. Leather isn't good!" A pause as she glances at her boots. "REGULAR leather isn't good. You want something that's flexible! Like these!" Pointing to her wrestling boots she nods. "Easier to move, see?" At that, she starts to do squats, showing that she can still bend her knees well.
Zangief... well, KUrenai is sure she'd like him ore if he didn't, you know. Toss Drake at her, and then proceed to chase her down and slam her into steaing and the flooring and such in a most unprovoked manner... There were soem very valuable lessons to learn there, though. Very valuable. Kurenai nods at the admission, but blinks, surprised at Mika's vehemence.
"I saw these boots that were like..." She considers for amoment, "They were jointed, almost, at the knee and ankle and mid-arch. They looked pretty comfortable and pretty easy to move in. It's a thought." She nods to herself--a plan is forming, for a fighting outfit. It'll be good. The suggestion of shorts underneath is a most excellent one, even if Karin Kanzuki did it first... it's just practical. I mean, who wants to flash the world? Not Kurenai.
Karin could well be where Rainbow Mika pulled the idea from to begin with, since she IS her sponsor here at Seijyun. "Jointed?" Stopping the squats, she nods. "Jointed is good! Anything that allows you to move is good! You want movement if you're going to be fighting a lot more! Ms. Harmageddon says that it's oftentimes the key to winning a fight. Bulky things will get in your way and trip you up."
Peeking over her shoulder to ensure her trainer hasn't just circled around to yell at her, she adds, "She also mentioned this one time that if you find yourself wearing something bulky to use it to your advantage."
Speaking of something bulky....
"AAAAAAaaaaCK!" Arms begin flailing sporadically. "I NEED A COSTUME FOR THAT FIGHT!"
"I think I'll do that then," nods Kurenai. Ms. Harmageddon certainly has the right of it--mobility -is- essential... especially to Kurenai, whose style revolves around adaptability and mobility. She, not having a trainer to mind her, doesn't seem to worry about finding someone watching her... though she knows people are out there, doign that. Just as she watches others... like Ms. Mika here. But she doesn't let it show.
There is a bit of a giggle at Mika's sudden panic... and then something quitely beeps. "Oh, ah..." A bit of a frown, the right corner of her lips tugging downwards. "Excuse me a second," she says, drawing her cellphone out of a pocket and glancing at it. Whatever's there, her eyes widen a little, and she bites her lower lip.
"Mika-san, I'm sorry. I have to go... something's come up that I need to talk to my dad about..." She manages another smile. "So I guess I'll see you tomorrow, at the fight. I want you to promise to do your best... I'll promise to do the same!"
The beep isn't even noticed, really. The spazzy girl is too busy fretting in her own mind about the requirements of the fight, and the costume that goes with it. "Huh?"
Oh. Right. Conversing with someone should come first.
"Okay! Go take care of that then!" Rainbow Mika attempts to make the formal bow that she's been taught, but it comes off looking utterly ridiculous in her current outfit, with her pigtails dangling forward. "I always do my best!" Another furtive glance is given outside the gate.
"IiiiiiiiiiI should go train!" Hehhehheh...
Before another word can be spoken, she's running down the path again. A short distance away, she yelps. A second passes. "I'm okay!" The sound of feet along the path can be heard again as the darkness swallows her whole.
Log created on 22:09:44 01/16/2009 by Kurenai, and last modified on 22:04:50 01/20/2009.