Neo League 801 - #807: Spider vs Naerose

Description: Can the witch get out of the cold German city without freezing to the side walk? Can Spider beat the crazy woman? Can you make a good turkey sandwich without the meat being dry? Some of these questions will be answered in this NaeoLeague. (Winner:tie) Yes Naeo League.

In Germany, there's a Neo League competition going on, due to the nearby Strolheim fighting tournament. The Spider smokes a cigarette as he stands in the middle of a ring, smelling the absolute stink of the Holocaust everywhere. There's a deep frown on his grizzled face, as it begins to rain in the background. He exhales smoke, before crushing his cigarette underfoot.

NaeNae was the recently defeated had only one thing on her mind. Warmer climates. Germany was cold and a far cry from the luxury vacation she had been hoping it would be this entire time. The witch wanted just one thing. She wanted to be on a beach. Not just any beach though, a not frozen beach. she wanted t to be on a beach in a swim suit, with a towel, a sun shade and most importantly a drink. A nice drink. Orange pineapple juice with a cherry would be a nice start. Oh! and a little plastic sword and most importantly an umbrella. That was the finishing touch. This was what Naerose wanted.

Instead she is here with a crayon, having been drawn to a NL sign which she quickly defaces to read: Naeo League. Why was she here? The league thought to try and get a special bout while out here, but found few takers. Everyone was literally too busy with the tournement and out of sheer desperation they even accepted a bout by the witch. She was, on all accounts, the biggest failure to ever grace fighting. She probably couldn't win if there was no losing. Sort of like a box on a computer that says "You win" and all you have to do is click okay, Naerose would find a way to crash and destroy that computer in the attempt at clicking that dangable box.

"It's cold" she whines, after 'fixing' the sign.

COMBATSYS: Spider has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Spider           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Naerose          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Spider

"Tell me about it," the Spider hisses, pulling out his mirrored aviator shades and slipping them over his eyes. He strikes a fighting stance, looking around at the crowd. "Buncha kraut assholes," he mutters, before looking at Naerose. "Well, come on then," he says, motioning her forward with his hand.

"Hhhhuuuuhhh?!" cries the witch, looking up and realizing that she already has to totally start fighting and that's not what she was hoping for, "Actually I was really hoping for a glass of hot chocolate first, do you think.." The witch chances a glance over at Spider and decides the answer is a resounding NO.

The witch lowers her head and gives a tiny whine sound, it's sort of like'Oohhmm.'

"Umm.. okay.. ah.. here I come.." The witch starts over at Spider and reaches out to jab him rather hard with her broom. It was really more of a experiemetal poke.

"I hope he isn't serious." She comments.

COMBATSYS: Spider counters Medium Strike from Naerose with Heart of a Maccabee.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose          0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Spider

The Spider's hand flashes out, grabbing the broom before it can strike him. He jerks Naerose towards him, before his knee swipes upwards at Naerose's hand. He slams into it and hopefully yanks the broom away, his other hand out at the side. "Come on, seriously," he hisses, frowning.

"Ouch!" exclaims the witch, who decides that it hurt a lot to be hit and that it wasn't very nice to be hitting her in the first place. She had thought to make a point of this, you know saying, hey hitting is maen, except then it occurs to her (and believe me this sort of thing occuring to her is rare) that she was infact trying to hit him first. So she keeps her mouth shut. Except wait, is Spider within her striking distance of broom? Sort of. Man that sucks. The witch tries to push him instaed and breaks her vow of silence, hoever short lived.

"Hey getback!"

COMBATSYS: Spider fails to counter Quick Throw from Naerose with Star of Zion.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Spider

The Spider gets shoved backwards, getting knocked back into broom range. "I'll stop when you forfeit. Let's make this go easy," he says with a smirk, as he lowers his guard, fingers twitching as he waits for the next move. Cocky?

Naerose got lucky, she can tell that it could of gone much worse if she hand't been able to get him back before finding herself getting hit once again by the unpleasant man. The witch thinks she has an advantage though, so .. she presses that by using her stick to maintain that distance, but this time, it's light, mostly just a jab, trying to poke Spider from getting any closer to where she is now.

"Er stay back!"

COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Naerose's Weapon Jab.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0           Spider

The Spider's arm snaps up, blocking the broom and knocking it aside. "You can only hold me at bay for so long..." the Spider notes, before stepping forward and snapping out with a palm strike aimed at Naerose's nose. "Hyah!"

COMBATSYS: Spider successfully hits Naerose with Quick Punch.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Naerose          0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0           Spider

He closed that distance fast! Naserose is all about rubbing her nose and stuff from having been hit and then she's shaking her head and like, that was really oughty. Spider is really being a problem today, so the witch decides to go all hockey style on him and crosschecks, you know, the sort of thing that you do in hockey, because she plays hockey, but hopefully no one will call her for a foul. It's slow but hard, really hard, hopefully she can beat her way through his defenses, or worse yet his offenses.

"Alright, I'll try to .. I dunno knock you over, then you can't get me!"

COMBATSYS: Spider counters Fierce Strike from Naerose with Falling Angel.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Naerose          0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0           Spider

The Spider's hands catch the broom mid-check, and he skids backwards, but stays on his feet. "Wrong move," he sneers, before twisting the broom around, pulling Naerose off her feet and dumping her on the ground. He tosses the broom down to the fallen Naerose, his eyes still hidden by his mirrored shades.

She's glad she got her broom back, that is the source of all her power after all (not really). In the past when Naerose had been attacked and her broom taken away she usually wined about that endlessly, but taking up her broom again and getting to her feet again again, Naerose decides it's time to give Spider something new to deal with. Namely she aims to knock his breath out with a shoulder. Lowering it she charges at Spider and without using the broom, just holding it for comfort, she tries to knock out his wind.

COMBATSYS: Spider dodges Naerose's Random Strike.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Naerose          0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0           Spider

The Spider steps to the side, allowing Naerose to check her way past him. He drops low as his leg lashes out, aiming for the back of Naerose's knee. "It's time to take out the trash," he hisses darkly, a dark smile on his face.

COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Spider's Light Kick.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Naerose          0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0           Spider

Naerose isn'g going to go down completely without a fight, so she hunkers down and then manages to deflect the blow with her arm and it still hurts a little, but a little is better for her than a lot. Giving a quick response, that being that she took a long time thinking about it - seemingly, the witch decides, what the hey, and opens up the big cans of worms. With a flash of energy, nothing more than blindly, the witch tries to see if she can get a hard hit in, though Spider's shades might cause a problem.

COMBATSYS: Spider fails to counter Spellbinder from Naerose with Heart of a Maccabee.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Naerose          0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1           Spider

The Spider gets slammed by the broom, his sunglasses falling off as he hits the ground. With a little groan, he climbs back to his feet, striking a fighting stance. "There you go," he says with a loud whisper, his hand rubbing blood from his mouth.

The witch wasn't at all sure if she had done a good thing or a bad thing with hitting Spider. She won't sweat it though, it was a thing thing, neither good nor bad, just what she had to do, or something. The witch though is pretty sure she wants distance again and decides that he could be gearing up for putting the hurt on.

"Umm, Sagitta minor!" calls the witch while retreating and throwing iceey darts behind her. For lack of anything better to do.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Spider with Sagitta Minor.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Naerose          1/-------/=======|=======\======-\1           Spider

The Spider gets struck by the ice darts, the bladed chi cutting into his brown bomber jacket. He sneers and chases after Naerose, attempting to jump on her and get her into a headlock. Once he has her in his clutches, his fingers slam her spine, right between vertebrae. "Eat it," he growls.

COMBATSYS: Naerose endures Spider's Masechet!

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Naerose          1/--=====/=======|==-----\-------\0           Spider

Eat it? food? Well, the fact remained that Naerose didn't seem to think she had a lot of hope of getting out of the way of it, so instead of trying, she does exactly as she's told. Rarely do you need to tell Naerose twice when what you're telling her to do is eat something. Always the critic though Naerose must say, this isn't what she was expecting when being told to eat something. Usually eating means food and food means good, but this is neither food nor good, it is infact, a world of hurt. All sorts of lame!

"Okay.. that hurt." The witch contents, "I have a reponse for you though, here, I mean, er .. take this! Star Fall!" And thus the witch calls her waves of destruction.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Spider with Star Fall.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Naerose          0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1           Spider

The chi falling from the sky strikes the Spider all over his body, leaving his clothes sizzling with energy. He stumbles at Naerose, attempting to grab her arm and snap it with a quick strike, before he collapses to the ground.

COMBATSYS: Spider can no longer fight.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  <
Naerose          0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Spider successfully hits Naerose with Barak Zev.

[                            \\  <
Naerose          0/-------/-======|

THAT hurt. I mean you'd think that a zombie stumbling wouldn't be able to - BLARGLEOMGOMGOMGOMG! Did he just SNAP her arm?! I mean for kizzle my sizzle? That's some nasty stuff? I mean yeah , it hurt but that's EXTREME. Naerose is totally like so shocked that she doesn't even feel the pain right away, but luckily medics are on hand to tell her that she's in pain before they take her off to the hospital kicking and screaming (about being in pain.)

Sometime later they declare the match a tie.

COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.

Log created on 13:15:30 12/09/2008 by Naerose, and last modified on 04:31:17 12/14/2008.