Description: So what happens when you're a lowlife that wants a little more life in your lows, having gone low enough to dedicate a piece of one's life to Ryuhaku Todoh's way of obliterating all that stands in your path? Something like this.
The Karuta district of Southtown. It's usually quiet and nice as far as Southtown goes. A traditional place, of traditional values, of traditional background. Traditional traditional traditional traditional traditional traditional etc. Though, things tend to be less quiet and nice when the least neighborly of them is around. Which, sadly, is more often than isn't these days, no matter what other pressing reason or poor excuse or whim of fate or what have you should dictate that he'd be bobbing for apples in Holland or something.
Maybe that is why he is still able to actually claim he runs a martial arts school, one of the rare things that can actually come close to tethering him. But if he does he doesn't seem to be right now, as he's in the middle of hammering down a sign over in a neighbor's yard down the street that faces the nearby park without much enthusiasm. It is strangely reserved.
It's also a bright afternoon. Maybe a bit too bright for an afternoon. It is, because it's not an afternoon, it's early in the morning. Afternoons could never aspire to be as bright as this morning. There isn't a single cloud in the sky in which to give a dreary atmosphere over certainly foreboding events like for whatever reason this man is hammering a sign into a neighbor's perfectly fine yard for.
Right now, Roland is sick of this town. His halfassed, barely trying and lazy style just isn't cutting it. Sure, he could buckle down and find some enlightening motivation to better himself, but he'd rather have someone else tell him that. Or just show him some secret maneuver that will defeat all of his enemies. Indeed, that's just what he found in the rather overly colorful poster. TODOH-RYUU KOBOJUTSU! The ultimate and most powerful of all martial styles, that can shatter his enemies into liquid! When it was touted as being superior to Saikyo-Ryu, he knew that it was some serious business. Yet finding the damn place seems to be one of the first tests, as he begins to stride up the street while squinting suspiciously at the poster in hand. Yes, he tore it off the wall and stole it. Initially, he doesn't take much notice of someone shoving a sign into the ground... Before he instead peers, trying to get a better look at the old man. His hat is tilted slightly away upon his head, brushing at his overly thick and armored trenchcoat. "Eh?" He's suspicious!
The man in question, well... fairly tall for a Japanese man, with long black hair (gah, he must be one of those endless prettyboys with the scarless faces and those giant shiny eyes that make those creepy upward arrow motions that everyone keeps running into) and some traditional sorts of clothing that people don't seem to wear a lot of around Southtown, those giant trousers and those gi tops and...
"'Cleanest yard of the district,' he brags. When one of those punks with the paint cans show up and see this large blank sign they'll be powerless to resist defacing it." A rare wry, quiet smirk forms on the old man's face, yes, there is absolutely no way for this to fail miserably in the latest of a string of absurdly petty ventures as he continues to daintily hammer the sign down at an unenergetic pace. "Then we'll see who has the cleanest yard."
The one next to this yard, the dojo which matches the description of the poster, has a really shabby yard of unevenly cut grass that is even scarce to begin with. It is muddy and altogether not a great picture of good lawnkeeping.
Only being able to see the back of Todoh, Roland doesn't recognize him. Having never heard him either, that's no better clue. His initial thought is that he's absolutely insane, but is tucked into the back of his mind in a casual way. Somewhere he can see the thread of logic. Why, if he defaced the sign himself, there's proof of his evil tidings. But to entice a third party and then deride them without being able to pin anything on...! Shrugging his shoulders, he just walks further down the sidewalk, settling in front of the dojo. A few glances to the picture and back -- it's hard to see, Todoh's face and giant fist takes up almost all of it -- before he beams happily and starts towards it. Slithering up to the door, to begin banging upon it heavily. "HEY! COME OUT HERE AND TRAIN ME!" he bellows out, like some unsatisfied customer within a restaurant.
Bang bang bang goeth the fist! This fist should surely draw out any manner of cranky martial arts master who would be up and willing to rush out and come bestow knowledge and technique and sheer power at command, for there are so many desperate old men out there trying to shell out their hackeneyed, inferior, useless martial arts to any kid that looks like they have lots of spare time to spare for pursuit of wasting time across generations!
Roland's calls appear to go unanswered. But that kooky old man who has been hammering that sign down on the neighbor's lawn, well, he halts what is already slow progress, eyeing the sign, then Roland, then the sign. He releases his grip on the sign, which slowly goes limp from lack of support. He harrumphs. How dare he conflict himself over something he already knows is much more important! Besides, with an overturned sign on the lawn this lawn is officially littered upon and not clean. He starts to tiptoe towards the dojo, hopefully by Roland's notice, for there is but only one way for a master such as he to answer such a call in a way that is totally believable and will not pin him to the littering of his honest (if boastful, LIKE SOMEONE ELSE WE KNOW) neighbor's lawn, yes.
Indeed, Roland waits expectantly, stance slightly spread and one fist upon a hip. His hat is removed and his hair given a firm scratching, placing it back on his head and then scruffing beneath his nose with a finger. Tilting an ear towards the door, a few heartbeats are waited. "..." Then he starts whacking on the door again, adding in a louder "HELLO?" He actually hasn't even tried just opening it yet. Opening doors are for the weak. It's a sign of defeat. He will kick through it if he has to!! A second glance is given at the poster, suddenly wondering if it's the right location. As for the encroaching Todoh, he has absolutely no clue, it would seem...
And so, the Todoh sneaks about the perimeter of his dojo/home/crap heap/SCHOOL FOR THE PEOPLE NOT EDUCATED MARTIAL ARTS STUIPID (Todohcube?) as he sneaks in through one of the back entrances in an appropriately sneaky if ill-defined way.
Roland won't be waiting much longer. The door to the dojo suddenly slides open with such speed, such force... such /vigor/ that a loud 'CLACK!' can be heard for the entire block and before it... the man from next door hammering away at the sign? Or the guy on the poster?! He puts on the best shiny totally sincere game face grin he can muster.
"Well it's about time, young man!! Clearly you've been waiting for this for years, have you not?! Maybe even before you were born, why don't you come inside, eh? Yeh hah hah!" He steps back to allow Roland aside if he bothers coming inside, if he chooses to.
Indeed, Roland nearly jumps as the sliding door slams open, and takes a mild step back. Yet his face reads wariness, and his posture is some terrible, awful excuse for battle readiness that even Todoh will probably notice a hundred different things wrong with. Many small, but many more form crippling! "Eh?!" That's him! The man on the poster! He's inadvertantly scrunched it into a fist, and manages to carefully straighten it out upon a raised knee. Suddenly he snaps his head to observe the fallen sign. ...Could it be?! But he does let out a small huff, and step through. "So you're Todoh, eh? You can show a man how to shatter his enemies like a farmer scythes wheat?" He does indeed follow behind without a moment's hesitation!
It looks kind of... no, pretty shabby in here as well. It is kind of dusty and shows the signs of wear and tear of numerous hours of practice (or scheming gone wrong), and that's quite the accomplishment given this whole thing had to be rebuilt several months ago after a Saturday Night Fight left it exploded. (Word to the wise, Zach is the worst houseguest possible.)
Perhaps Ryuhaku Todoh is a merciful, all-forgiving, loving deity of martial arts for if he observed any such traits in this first impression that will surely set the tone of Roland's destiny as a fighter from here on forth!
"Why... yes I am! And you can't do any better than that, no siree!" No matter if you were any one of the people involved in Ryuhaku's seventeen big international organized fighting match losses, as the old man does not even bother to consider this truth... openly. "You betcha! You want a real fighting style for a real generation from... from, ah," he clears his throat, "other, certainly real generations prior... BUT NONE AS REAL AS THIS ONE!" A fist pump, which produces a fan that he starts to fan himself with. "But... but I can see the enthusiasm in you, yes, yes, hmm, as always, as advertised, the first lesson is free! The only thing you have to lose is... oh... hm... tooooo many to list, yes, time and money of which is the least of your concerns!"
His posture straightens out just a little more given the fact the master in question here is shorter than this here foreigner that's somehow bit onto the hook, arms crossing himself. Well, partially. One still has to fan himself, for that is what fans are for. Some may think if he stared at a fan long enough they might fan him and then possibly ask for an autograph, after all.
Being worn and dusty might count as a flaw to some, but Roland doesn't care in the slightest. "That's what I read..." Roland offers to Todoh, glancing back at the thoroughly wrinkled poster in his hand. He's old, but is he the kind of old that can cripple a man with foreign styles that make even Ryu weep? Impossible to tell!! The manifesting fan is giving a blink, trying to figure out how he brought it out. Being a sleight of hand conman himself, he can admire such casual talent! "Fine then! Show me what you've got!" Roland slams the poster upon the ground in front of Todoh, and then pulls at the collar of his shirt. "If I'm gonna be trained by you, you gotta prove your worth! With your fists!!" One cannot say he isn't a confident possible protege. He's not going to roll over and play fetch without a proper show. Now, in a movie, this might be where the old man makes some badass stance, stating grim and dour proclaimations of impending doom. But most scripts don't have the pupil suddenly charging headlong, attempting to tackle the Master in an awkward manner. It looks like the fight is already on?! "HRRRAUGH!!"
COMBATSYS: Roland has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Roland 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Todoh has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Todoh 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Roland
COMBATSYS: Todoh interrupts Strong Throw from Roland with Jab Punch.
-**- LUNATIC HIT!! -**-
-**- LUNATIC HIT!! -**-
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Todoh 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Roland
The master(?) whose qualification for having that label properly capitalized, if it even is proper at all, stands there as Roland lays down his challenge and terms. Unmoving. Unfazed. Well, okay, some moving, if a little bit of narrowing of eyes count. This may or may not count as his badass stance. Maybe the old man has some sort of script he has rehearsed down to perfection for these sorts of greetings.
Roland rushes in for the tackle. He pushes him all the way against the back wall, one of the mats shuffling under Roland's feet under the power his untrained tackle can muster. It is a tackle to be very proud of. He could take that to Australian Football and make a fine living off of doing that to dudes, win himself a Grand Final singlehandedly.
As the old man's back hits the back, his fan-holding hand lowers and draws back. The display that follows could be cinema-worthy as he thrusts the now closed fan cleanly into his assailant with such power that a second 'SNAP!' could be heard the block around, maybe shoving Roland all the way back across the dojo ground. Ryuhaku reasserts the posture he did prior.
"First lesson of the... the first lesson." His composure deteriorates rapidly, shaking the fan-bearing fist above his head as he leans forward with bloodshot eyes. "I'M THE ONE WHO ASKS MIGHT TO BE SHOWN! TO BE ASKED WITH MIGHT! NOT YOU!"
He goes back to where he was before, almost relaxed, almost... truly masterly, fanning himself once more as though very little has changed despite being shoved handily towards the very back of the dojo space. "Go on."
Well, Roland managed to make contact. He can be proud of that much. Yet that wirey form is surprisingly strong, moreso then he anticipated. Before that fan strikes into him. He could see the blinding speed; he could see the casual application of force. Then why the hell does it feel like two ribs just snapped?! Staggering backwards, he collapses in an awkward heap, cursing as he scrambles away to regain himself. "...!!" This man is dangerous. Who would have used a fan to hit someone?! But obviously it worked with deathly ease. "THEN SHOW IT!!" Roland adds in a voice that hints he has no real clue what is being said, but that loud shouting is obviously appropriate. "YOUR MIGHT IF IT'S MIGHTY ENOUGH WILL QUELL MY MIGHT!" And then Roland snaps forward once more. Swinging out one booted foot, and trying to belt Todoh between the legs. What follows is a brutal takedown, if brutal means a lot of force applied wildly in the general direction of his neck looking somewhat like a wrestling-imitation clothesline!
COMBATSYS: Todoh endures Roland's Coyote Ugly.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Todoh 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Roland
"I believe I asked you!!" And there goes the oft bipolar dialogue of one Ryuhaku Todoh as he breaks his casual fanning posture to something far more respectable of someone that respects another fighter's respectful talent in a respectful battle of respect, as Roland respectfully boots a foot of where a man holds most respect for.
The local loco, as some would dare refer him, respects this only as much as the remainder force makes him stand up on his tiptoes for the briefest of moments, biting down his lip. Before he can wheeze some sort of respectfully disrespectful taunt, Roland goes on an effective offense in respect to minimizing the amount of time Todoh has to bring his own brand of vocal respect. The man's neck does not get any respect, because to all respects Todoh's back is to a wall as Roland pounds and pounds and pounds on him, each blow maybe worthy of respect.
One he can't get out because, all due respect, he's getting pounded in the neck. But when the arms go up, it isn't one of surrender, no, this is the technique he feels the whole world respects (does it?), hues of yellow and orange respectfully as the arms descend to hasten its relationship in respect to gravity while ol' Roland is all so up and close and personal and in its sweet spot, because personal distance sometimes has to be respected even when a single paragraph fails to give such power the respect it deserves, even when there's a lack of a respecting kiai to match.
COMBATSYS: Roland blocks Todoh's Kasane Ate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Todoh 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Roland
All Roland really knows is he just managed to kick someone in the groin, and they don't seem to be going down. Now this is a rather surprising turn of events. It requires a man of incredible resolve and will to ignore such, and still hurl a brutal Kasane Ate. Lunging back, disentangling from the old man, he brings his forearms up almost too late. The energy crashes upon him, body going tense and a sharp snarl before it breaks away into component ecstacy, the crunch aspect being endured. "...ow!!" he offers. Well, it's obvious that he's not playing with a hack. Yes, if Todoh just used impressive fanning and confusing words, he'd know by now. There's a METHOD TO THAT MADNESS. There's really only one thing to do. Play hardball. He yanks off his hat, twirling it on a finger before pulling a hidden cord. A gleaming blade erupts from the rim, and he then hurls it rather violently towards Todoh, aiming to strike him in the chest!! And stave off the onslaught undoubtedly about to be levied at him! No more words. It's time... for fists. And hats.
COMBATSYS: Todoh blocks Roland's Blackjack.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Todoh 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Roland
With the brief respite, one focus on 'brief,' the elder man runs a finger across his throat once sharply as if to confirm that he is still not being choked to death by a flurry of fists and other such un-nice things one can do to the throat, mentally glossing over what the gesture means in most other circumstances as Roland renews the assault anew. His hand's nearby, it's just a trifle matter to catch the blade between his fingers at which point the blade is only barely stopped short of managing to impale him. It pokes deeply enough to draw blood. But he wears a red vest garment thingy on top of the gi top so if Roland wants visual confirmation that this deity(?) among men can bleed, he'd need to draw that blade back first.
"Hm!" The elder of the two Todohs pronounces as he casually throws the mostly-but-not-quite halted blade aside in a rather casual manner despite the little stingy-pokey feeling in his chest, that little gesture costing just a bit of precious time in which to actually strike back in a proper manner expected of him!
This is also because Todoh has noticed that one of his floor mats got displaced. This displeases him. Finally pushing himself off from the wall, he thrusts his arms down on the ground in a rather sudden tumble, throwing his lower body forward as he hooks one foot up and back in the approach as it looks to slug Roland at abdomen level with a bit of a forward slide to just kick him back a bit more while he thinks of some other clever lesson he could throw in if Roland gives him the space to lecture or at least demean him!
COMBATSYS: Roland fails to interrupt Sweeping Kick from Todoh with Cha-Ching.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Todoh 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Roland
The hat is caught?! That's never happened before. Roland's wariness continues unabated, and he's genuinely impressed. There's no doubt the old man is a hell of a lot better then him. All the wasted motions of combat are not present, and instead wasted on other things. INTENTIONALLY. It's a very important distinction; like pushing all the chips from 19 to 21 on a roulette table. His hand slithers up and seems to yank hair, before his hat returns to his hand from an invisible wire attached. He manages to place it on his head as Todoh slithers on the ground. Here, there's something that might be interesting to Ryouhara. He suddenly erupts into green chi, and begins to leap up. A long blade, infused with energy, slithers out from his forearm. And he begins to lash... just prior to having his feet taken out. He hits the ground hard with a grunt of surprise and pain, half thinking he just got his limb dislocated before rolling rolling rolling away. On the plus side, he fixed the matt with the gesture. An opportunity now for the all important lecturing!
There is a little bit of a tingly feeling in the sock-clad foot of the Todoh, at which point any disparaging comment that he was going to make following Roland's tender fall comes to a cease, pushing himself up off the ground by the same hands he balances on for the maneuver.
He stands tall before the evasive Roland, hands on his hips. Did he do something wrong? Or... "I see you have had... some practice, yes. That green stuff!" A lot of younger people (a lot of people are younger compared to him, mind, Roland's not /that/ young) seem to be really into that stuff these days, but his heart has been broken by what 'chi' has become! It seems to be this cold, unfeeling, utterly bizarre stuff that he keeps running across these days instead of the real deal! He drops himself to a far more appropriate battle ready stance at long last, legs spread apart, both arms forward and actually ready.
"You... do that one again!" He barks. "That green glow! Show that to me." Eyes fall upon whatever little environmental sign, whatever tiny little detail of one of a few he ever bothers to pay attention to, for the efficient use of chi manipulation is dire serious business indeed - the cornerstone of the future of all martial arts! "And if you whine that you can't I'm gonna make you stay here until you do!!"
COMBATSYS: Todoh focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Todoh 0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0 Roland
"Green stuff?" Roland offers, blinking slightly. "Just infusing myself with a bit of extra oomph. Nothing special!!" It's pretty special actually, but far be it from him to know an actual talent when he sees it. When the old man demands to witness it again, Roland blinks in mild surprise. Before rolling his shoulders, and then spreading his stance. "Alright... but don't regret it. This is my ultimate reformed chi-infused technique!!" He then snaps out his arms, and both blades now boil with the green energy. For a few moments, another person steps in, shoving the other Roland aside. A competent, graceful fighter who surges forward with uncharacteristic speed, breaching the short distance in an eyeblink as silhouettes trail behind. He whirls in place, two lashes done towards Todoh's chest before slamming both blades down in tandem, trying to tear an 'X' across his chest!!
COMBATSYS: Todoh interrupts Three Card Monte from Roland with Aogi Kasane Ate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Todoh 1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1 Roland
He knows the proper name for it too! Good, he doesn't have to baby him around about other such 'hip' and 'awesome' names for it until he's strong enough to understand the true name for it is mightier and greater than any silly nickname people can call it! Guess what! He's going to do so anyway!
Ryuhaku actually has a good feeling about someone who is by all means representative of the typical fighting populace and how they draw their strength to the point that he shouldn't feel the distinction to be anything special, but after beating the odds so many times in running into those people who use the supposed 'other' kind who break his heart so by spitting upon one of the cornerstones of so many martial arts, someone upstart like Roland is beautifully refreshing no matter how common chi use is in the vast sea that is the fighting world!
...If Roland even is a chi user. This is to be put to the test.
Roland's approach shows no fault. It is fast. Decisive. No hesitation, with both brimming with that green energy. If they were of the same level of overall ability, Roland would have come out on top this very day. He surely would have. He surely /should/ have.
The blows come in. With impeccable timing, the older man's arms throw themselves up through the little chi wake the whirl may leave, leaving his chest vulnerable long enough for Roland to land those two lashes clean, ripping through fabric and maybe earning himself a little exaggerated spurt of blood for his efforts. All fighters seem to be full of far more blood than the average human being, after all.
"HEEYAH!!" At which point the hands cup themselves, descending as though the old man were trying to scratch at the air as he summons down three diagonal, narrow-angled yellowish-orangeish chi shingles that descend down in the path of roughly collar level or a bit lower that halts the finishing touch of a skillfully executed assault. Ryuhaku does not consider the other components that make it up.
"Yeh... yeh hah hah! That's it!" He leans over a bit as he stomachs the little bit of shock that comes with being cut somewhat deep, wheezing a little giggle that no grown man should ever let themselves do on principle of being a man. "That /is/ chi! Not unlike all those other crazy little kids running around with... with whatever it is! That stupid fad! But you!"
He doesn't lean back up to a full stand, putting one hand on his hip and pointing with the other one, as though lecturing. "You... yes. You! You might not be one of those bums yet!"
The terrible Three Card Monte... defeated?! Roland has even struck fighting greats such as Vice and Gato with this maneuver! But in a casual lance of energy he's bolted in the collar, his final flourish smacked down like some diet monger might slap a twinkie out of a fat man's hand. Decisive, shocking, and humiliating. Down he goes, landing with a thud upon his knees with a rather broad looking grimace, the dour burn of energy ignored for a moment. "It's chi! Chi! I want to be taught how to use it better!!" he demands, before once more swirling. This is it. This is all he has left. A final gout of that emerald energy ripples across him, and with a last flash of competent speed, he tries to drive both ends within Todoh's stomach, and then brutally kick him off. Like a shadow that has had a flashlight cast over it, all hints of his competency vanish. He would try to scramble backwards, exposing his back like some fool in the motion. And almost stumbling over his own boots, just to erase any last doubts.
COMBATSYS: Roland successfully hits Todoh with Jackpot!.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Todoh 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Roland
The irony is funny. On national television, Ryuhaku Todoh flounders, struggles, and is otherwise humiliated by a combination of luck, his own arrogance, and the very determination of his opponents to simply win. Or maybe ask where Yuri is. Heart can make up a lot of difference! As can... spunk. And volume. For the vast majority of this battle, he's had the upper hand, all but throwing a poor guy around like a ragdoll. If someone told a bunch of other fighting fans that Ryuhaku Todoh totally manhandled a dude, they wouldn't believe it.
What happens is much more in line with a typical Todoh tussle.
"Yeah?! Do you?! C'moooon!" Encouragement goes back to taunting again as Roland rushes in once more for that big dramatic exchange between a winded Roland and a guy who seems barely worked up at all.
"Wasteful!" Todoh yells as the green gout of energy flashes as his fingers twitch with anticipation as to how to masterfully overcome it next. He doesn't, because now he has both of Roland's blades in his gut. A short wheeze later, he sneers off another evaluation:
"Is that your only trick? It takes more than one m--OOFAH!" See that 'OOFAH' bit? That's the part where Roland, accurately described, brutally kicks him off with such strength that the old man slides on his butt on the mat (which also slides back out of alignment, infuriating him anew) which puts enough distance between the two that the aforementioned luck comes into play - there is now a fair distance between the stumbling Roland and the on-his-butt Todoh.
Even though he wears a red vest-like garment over the gi top, it's now noticeably easier to see some bleeding from there as the elder man shakily rises up, much too slow for him to really press any sort of easy assault. "As I was saying... I, ah... what was I saying?" He coughs twice, stance unsteady which is funny because his legs sure haven't taken much of a hit in recent memory. If Roland wants to keep pushing, now's as good a time as any.
COMBATSYS: Todoh takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Todoh 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Roland
Pant. Pant. Pant. Roland's exhausted. He blew his entire gas tank on the frenzied assault, that at best only brought him onto Todoh's level. Inwardly, he calculates what manner of damage he might of inflicted, and deems it insufficient. No... no, if he rushes forward he'll just get the crap beaten out of him, and at best figure out what he already knows. "Alright, alright..." is grumbled, holding up his arms in a placating manner. "So you proved you've got some skill... I guess I can respect it..." He carefully exhales, taking a few steps away as if unsure if surrender will allow him to escape further beatings! "I need to learn fighting basics and proper chi use!! Can you teach me?!" It sounds like he's phrasing it that it would be Todoh who is ever so lucky to get Roland as a student!
COMBATSYS: Roland takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Todoh 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Roland
"Proved?!" Even when injured or weakened, sometimes Ryuhaku's inner Invincible Young Guy He Acts Like And His Hair Is Totally In Cahoots With His Ego Because Damn Man No Man This Old Should Escape Gray Hair I Mean Seriously just /has/ to shine through. Even at a time where he should probably be seeking proper medical attention and not stand around and lecture random dudes that come in and out of the dojo.
"Take me for some scrub on a, on a bathtub, will you!" He stumbles a couple steps towards Roland. "And yet beg me for teaching! Well, it's your lucky day, punk! Because this free lesson isn't over yet!" Todoh certainly /calls/ it free. He won't charge for this one, sure. His feet drag closer as his loud shouting draws into wheezing and other sorts of annoying Old People noises.
"And the first proper basics of chi use... the very first basics, the secret cornerstone of which I share so gladly because I am that giving and virtuous!" He is so not. "Is... endurance! Not panting," Todoh pants, "wheezing after... after all those little flashes," he wheezes, "yes. Yes. You will need much work there," he strains through his voice.
"We could start on that... that endurance training right now!! We only got the whole day. The whooooole... whoooole day." He puts on a grin through the collective pains of getting stabbed deeply enough in the gut as he closes in further. "Unless someone else comes in but... but they can join too! Yes."
Does Roland submit to having the first of the longest days of his life?!
COMBATSYS: Todoh takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Todoh 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Roland
At first Roland thought that Todoh meant he was going to finish smacking him around the dojo, and brought up his fists as if simply having them present might enable some mighty defense. But he holds his ground, seeming resigned to whatever might take place from the old man, but making no move to instigate it of his own accord. Yet when that fundamental principal is explained, Roland seems to initially balk. "Hey, my chi can give me a burst of energy, too!!" Yet then he pauses, reflecting on that. His chi makes his body work harder, but once he's out of chi he's also completely out of luck. He's just a crappy battery. A BATTERY!! The pain of the realization sinks like so many daggers. He hates batteries. "Tch! If anyone else dared to come in, I'd throw them right out the door!" is finally settled, pointing a finger once more. "You're on! Just don't get tired before I do!" Ah, he knows well the art of 'talking way more then you can ever possibly accomplish'.
COMBATSYS: Roland takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Todoh 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Roland
'Talking way more then you can ever possibly accomplish,' who /else/ does that sound like, hm? Ryuhaku digs a hand into his gi top to get out another fan. What happened to the other one he was carting around earlier? He doesn't care as he simply chooses to briskly fan himself of the sweat and fatigue.
"Yeh hah hah! Oh. You're still enthusiastic! Good. Goooooood." If Todoh were a battery he must be the kind that recharges... itself. How many of those things can he fling before he has to call it quits? A lot. A lot more than a lot of people! More than the rest of the world combined, he would boast.
He comes to a stop before Roland. Even though he is shorter than the fun-lovin' hustler, Todoh is the sort of guy that could look down on anybody even if he were six feet under. Hell he could probably look down on the /sun/ at his... best? Worst? He squints as he stands a bit taller than he was a few moments ago in spite of injuries.
He kind of reminds him of Daniel in a way, Todoh thinks to himself. Maybe he should introduce the two together! "Now... stop standing around!! I'll whip you into shape yet!"
This shape is not a pretty one. Pretty shapes are for those people who hang around for a month to throw chi-ified Matt Damons and then disappear into the aether forever afterwards.
COMBATSYS: Todoh takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Todoh 1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0 Roland
It's doubtlessly fact that Todoh is amongst the best in the world at throwing out endless bolts of energy. Who cares if they aren't the most compact and destructive in the world? Quantity DOES matter as much as quality!! He tries to get his own breath back, mildly bowing his knees and resting a forearm on either thigh. He hates being drained like this. Normally it's after a fight is fully concluded, or he's become sufficiently grumpy to let himself get knocked over. This is an unhappy new situation. When Todoh continues to advance, he stands up straight, doing a rather good job of hiding any weakness. Yes, bluffing and lying are his strong points. Although he looks more confused then anything else, rolling his hat about on top of his head. The blades are still protruding, so it's a dangerous gesture. "...What am I supposed to do?! You haven't said!"
It's true, Todoh hasn't said. There is an awkward pause at this moment between fanning old man making a dramatic declaration without ever actually saying anything and a guy steeped enough in reality to know that the man hasn't said anything and so there is really just quite a bit of wasted time between them.
Some people do not respect proper fades to black! Maybe the fader in question is on lunch break. Or, perhaps, the most likely option, Todoh is crazy enough to leave Step 2 to the wind before diving for the profit of Step 3. Instead, Todoh clears his throat and looks the other way with a sharp, piercing, unhappy gaze at what amounts to exactly staring at thin air or a nearby wall.
He grunts and then takes another step forward, looking to grab Roland by the collar and drag him out the dojo himself. Fine, today the training montage will have no cuts with all the boring parts in between left in!
"Aaaaaaaah, we'll wing it!" Todoh declares with certainty that this is the best option for taking Roland's training a serious step forward towards the fine utilization of chi and the stamina to use it a lot like whoa, etc, etc.
Indeed, Roland just looks back evenly, and seems to look genuinely doubtful whether such was said and he just completely missed it. At this point in time, he's under the impression Todoh is competent. Only time will tell if that holds up. He's easily lead along by the other man, stumbling a moment and planting a hand upon his hat with a loud grumble. "Fine!!" He's not quite sure what's going to happen, but it's likely going to be unpleasant, he'll be lazy, and end up potentially giving up. Such will fall in well with the rest of his life!!
COMBATSYS: Roland has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Todoh 1/------=/=======|
COMBATSYS: Todoh has ended the fight here.
Log created on 19:19:12 12/03/2008 by Todoh, and last modified on 19:16:58 12/04/2008.