Neo League 801 - #806: Seishirou vs Zangief

Description: The shadow terrorist internationale Seishirou faces off against the Red Star of Russia himself, Zangief. Though the men are of similar ferocity in ideal, not even some of the deadliest jutsu the boy has developed can pierce the iron hide of the man who has moved mountains... (Winner: Zangief)

Ah, Russia. Land of ice and bears! Two things that it's most favored son adores above all else.

Well, maybe not -quite- all else. After all, beating the enemies of Russia into a fine paste does rate up there too on the favorite activities of the Red Cyclone, Zangief. And that is why he has turned up today at... a planeyard. Challenged to a fight against notorious terrorist Seishirou Ryouhara, he wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to extract some vengeance on his home turf!

Heck, isn't there even a plane /called/ a Cyclone? Probably. Even more evidence of how fortune was stacked with him today!

Zangief isn't the most subtle person on the planet, and when he turned up, needless to say the workers at the planeyard have come out in full force to watch the national hero in action. The Red Cyclone's arms are raised, as he roars to his adoring public.


The spotlights flicker.

It's dusk, deep in the winter cold that only Russia can handle. With snow and ice prevalent in the chill country, there is never such a thing as 'complete black.' And with it, every pulse of electronic interference that blasts the recording equipment with jamming static, the airfield of Kosmos Aeronautics is drenched in a dichotomy of black sky and white ground.

Somewhere between the pulses of energy flickering, a foot lands on the airfield only a handful of feet shy of the Russian Living Lariat, the silent arrival of the last shinobi of the Ryouhara clan.

The sleeves of his haori, drifting as if in a great wind, settle with only the faintest rustles of silk as he lands. Between the distractions and the bright white of his clan robes blending in with the snowy ground, it's easy to miss his arrival.

His presence is another thing entirely.

Dark eyes sharper than the blades he carries fix on the living legend.

"..Loud, but with a strong nationalism.."

His interest is piqued.

"..yeah. Let's show me everything."

His hand touches the hilt from the array hanging at his hip.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Seishirou        0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Zangief has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zangief          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0        Seishirou

Zangief rounds on the ninja as he makes himself known. The massive Russian stretches himself up to his full, imposing height. Seven feet of muscle and hair, and barely-contained anger as his left hand curls into a meaty fist. His right jabbing, accusingly, at the young figure before him. Hard to believe that such a young person could be the terrorist he had been informed was a threat to Russian national security. But... he was prepared to believe it. Of course, the idea that he might be biting off more than he can handle? That's simply inconceivable to Zangief! No matter what this mans reputation was, he was no match for the power of Mother Russia!

"YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE ALL I'VE GOT?!" He bellows, stomping one step closer and crouching down low, "I'm going to break you in half! You think you can come to my homeland and challenge ME?! You think you can stand there and act all cool when you are facing down the RED CYCLONE?! You haven't got a chance! I'm going to make you eat those words! It's all over for you! NOTHING can stand in the way of the Red Cyclone when I'm fighting for MOTHER RUSSIA!"

COMBATSYS: Zangief gathers his will.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zangief          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0        Seishirou

Seven feet of Russian muscle bears down on Ryouhara Seishirou, whom counts it a blessing to rise significantly higher than five. The muscles of that man are like cannon, and the thunder snap of chill air being pummelled by fists possibly larger than Seishirou's head is not lost on the shinobi.

Despite the bitter air, it is warm about the ninja.

Seishirou frowns faintly.

"I've heard that before."

A light glows from somewhere inside his haori, just at obi level.

"Not bad. A fearsomely declared ideal. But for your sake, I hope it is as viciously executed as mine. Katon: Kagensana--Juu." He gestures once, his silken sleeve draping open with the effort.

Before that sleeve belches about thirty feet worth of fire, a loose network of black lines of seals and force holding the thing into the shape of a huge man-eating snake ancient. It rockets out of the shinobi's sleeve with scales made of smoke, a long beard of light and fangs made of heat. An idealized creation, realized into being instantly, curling with alacrity towards Zangief, with white-hot searing fangs that will cut as surely as any knife.

You can see the slit pupils of that creature, which would almsot seem to think, were it not so clear it wasn't truly real.

COMBATSYS: Zangief blocks Seishirou's Katon - Kagensana.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Zangief          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0        Seishirou

Zangief narrows his eyes, bringing those massive arms of his up against the onrushing blast of shaped fire, he stands firm against it, though it licks over his body and leaves him singed, he comes out of it ... well, angry, actually. Annoying tricks! Why did they always use annoying tricks, why couldn't they just fight him like a real man... up close where he could grab them and rip them apart!

... well, except for the obvious reason that then they would be, you know, up close where he could rip them apart.

When the fire-snake has finally stopped washing over him, Zangief extends both arms out to the side. He suddenly lunges, spinning repeatedly around, with his arms stretched wide and hands balled up tightly. This was no time to be worrying about what other tricks the ninja might have up his sleeve, after all! Time to throw himself carelessly at his enemy and hope his strength came out on top!

"Allow me to show you how strong my ideals are, Comrade!" The Russian roars as he advances, "NOTHING CAN OVERPOWER THE RED CYCLONE!"

COMBATSYS: Seishirou dodges Zangief's Double Lariat.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Zangief          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0        Seishirou

That's just the thing about this strange technique of his. The snake doesn't so much as wash over Zangief as rill past his arms, dragging searing scales past flesh ineffectually before falling to the earth. Jaw almost broken on the tidal musculature of the Russian Alpha, it only crawls across the ground a moment, hissing audibly before the fire drains from its sealed frame.

It may had just been illusory..

But it felt solid.

"Troubling. If my Kagensana gyouretsu cannot defeat you.."


He is spinning.

Though it looks a little odd, Seishirou doesn't discount it. Zangief's broken bears in half with that kind of thing. That move exploits gyroscopic momentum to increase speed and create a vaccuum effect. Ryouhara knows this, because the field of aerodynamics has shifted considerably when he tilts to the side and, body flickering with the sheer speed of the motion, he evades the proximity of it, skidding some ways away from Zangief.

He looks up quickly, committing the gyroscopic speed to memory, and the weight-speed disparity, calculating the necessary moves he'll need to make to get around Zangief's guard and hopefully avoid getting crushed by him.

Fingertips just barely visible underneath the white drape of his sleeves, he unbuckles the leather sheathe in his array, taking hold of one ornamented hilt. Calculation, and weaponry.

He'll need both.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou calculates his next move.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Zangief          0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0        Seishirou

Zangief is... more than a little disturbed by the strange way the creature acted. Perhaps... this was yet more magic. The world was full of it, it seemed. But he'd seen some horrible things lately... fire raining from the sky and monsters summoned by /evil/ witches to eat gangsters. At least that beast had fallen short. It had been... annoying, yes. But Zangief had taken far, far worse.

When he finds that the ninja is able to flick away from the awesome power of his spinning technique, however, that draws an impressed breath from the large Russian. "Hrm. It seems you are quite skilled, Comrade!" He booms, coming to a stop. But he wasn't willing to give it up just yet. He is, after all, fighting for his -homeland-.

Suddenly, and without warning, Zangief has thrown himself forwards. This time, the intent is to just grab hold of Seishirou, if he can get him in his grip, he'll crush the smaller man to his chest, and try something to disrupt that concentration. After all, magic needs you to be able to focus on it. That makes sense...

And it's difficult to focus on anything at all when you are being bitten!

Which is exactly what will happen if Zangief has any say in it, powerful russian jaws will rip and tear at Seishirou's neck and shoulder, chomping away without any regard for the hygienic concerns of this horribly brutal move.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou fails to counter Kamitsuki from Zangief with Calculated Tactics EX.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Zangief          0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0        Seishirou

When people manage to successfully bite him, Seishirou takes notice.

He was in the midst of executing a plan to harm Zangief noticeably when the muscleman surges in on him like a storm of scarred flesh and -- pearly white teeth. He's taken at the neck, bitten savagely and with wild abandon. There are quite a few trials Seishirou has been through, quite a few pains he has endured, and endured silently, with barely a whisper.

Being bitten by a seven foot tall Russian had not prior been one of them.

"--Aaagh!" the ninja snarls, before roughly breaking away, his strategies changing rapidly in the face of the fact that _he bites_.

He kicks away at full speed, before grabbing the oozing wound in his neck, applying pressure--and heat--to seal it, even as it drains into his haori. He looks up, something between shokc and annoyance crossing his dark features. He can only weakly manage a wry, almost equally savage grin.

"...Taste of blood, is it then?"

Zangief doesn't let up. The trouble is, the ninja is a lot faster than his own lumbering frame, so he needed to keep moving if he was going to keep himself within arms reach of the slippery fighter. He wanted to try and keep the pressure up; after all, if he gave Seishirou time to think... he was going to wind up facing more of those annoying snakes. Or something even worse!

"Bah! Don't tell me you are already weakening!" He bellows, stomping across the intervening space with heavy, plodding steps. He aims to grab Seishirou by the throat in one hand. If he can manage that, he'll heft him up over his head, and simply hurl him back down into the ground. Not much for subtly, it seems. But, then, when you are gifted with such overwhelming strength... subtly might be something that's more trouble than it is worth to attempt.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou interrupts Medium Throw from Zangief with Kaitaijutsu.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zangief          1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

"Don't be foolish."

Reaching into his sleeve, Seishirou is seized almost pitifully easily by Zangief's methodical inexorable method of destruction--it was no doubt his mode of operation. Ryouhara could run circles around someone of his size easily. This was true. But Seishirou does know one thing, taught to him by years of hard experience.

Just being faster than someone doesn't mean a thing if you can't hurt them.

The shinobi flips in Zangief's grip, an arm reaching out to hold onto the Russian's wrist as he's slammed down with all of his might. The truth is, Ryouhara has all he can do to flip his momentum up by flinging a leg outward at the last moment of impact, twisting away from the pavement before his body cracks it underneath the piston strength of Zangief. But when he rolls away, a necklace of 108 beads is drawn from his sleeve.

A mark--similar to the Ryouhara family seal will be left on Zangief where Seishirou touched. Except that there is a saltire cross drawn through it--it is a rejection seal. Ninkou 'Kaitaijuzu' will be used here, a form of dismantling technique. Invoking the ninkou's own method, Ryouhara will target Zangief's spirit itself in all of its weakest points, systematically.

It works invisibly--there is no visual to speak of from the necklace. No flashy energy burst. No dragon. Just bead lighting up in sequence, and the barely perceptible heartbeat of force being transmitted directly to the blood.

Each bead represents a detected weak point in Zangief's strength. Each bead is a knife to that point.

Getting to his feet, the shinobi continues.

"I'll only weaken when I am dead," he breathes.

Over the next few moments, Kaitaijuzu will knife the huge Russky 108 times..

Zangief is... confused. He threw the man, and then, after that necklace of beads was drawn... he felt a sudden wash of pain, but he didn't know... where from. Magic! This sort of thing was really starting to wear on the Red Cyclone. He narrows his eyes, beads of sweat forming on his brow despite the harsh chill of the winter air. Gritting his teeth, the Russian turns to his adoring public. He was starting to slow; though he would never admit it, just trying to get his hands on the ninja was starting to take its toll. Clenching his fist, he slams it into his palm, and then roars up to the sky.

"IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT TO SEEEEEEEE?!" He shouts, heart pounding, as his adoring public answer: YES! YES! YES!

"IF that's what I'm going to have to do, then that's what I'm going to do!" He bellows, "Do you understand?! I'll kill you! I'll rip your heart out! I'll tear your head off! If I have to kill you to get you to stop..."

And he spins, pointing at the ninja, the intensity in the air is... amazing. So electric that it is practically buzzing off him, the chill of the russian evening beaten back itself by the heat of determination and anger flowing off of him. He'd only just begun to fight! He couldn't think about slowing down now!


COMBATSYS: Zangief gathers his will.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zangief          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

"...What the.."

Is the earth moving?

Seishirou can feel it, in his feet, the electric force of the air popping and enervating his every sense, his sharp eyes cut from ice and wary in the force the massive bear brawler was levelling on even earth itself. This was getting dangerous quickly.

The public cheers for the man, whom is heralded as close to a God in this country.

"An ideal worthy of matching mine.." Seishirou laughs lightly, holding his face in the hand that is looped about with the beads even as the earth trembles at his feet. At that, it cracks, as well, force boiling from underneath the ground and causing to shoot jets of hot steam high in the air; air that boils with electric heat, snapping and sparking as energy fills the void. It almost seems unreal for Zangief to generate that much force..

He's not. Not entirely. Ryouhara is helping him along, matching his 'force of intensity' with a heat that is uniquely his own. Force against pressure. For someone so diminutive, Seishirou's energy is enough to create a field of indifference about him.

"My heart...for this world as it is today? I'd cut it out myself."

He loops the beads around his neck as they perform their work. "Let's--"

Heat twists in the air, an explosion of motion forcing eyes to refocus as the ninja accelerates instantly, briefly everywhere at once--


He is next to Zangief, holding in the air for one brief instant, his arm stretching across the expanse and crossing the wrestler's neck.

If Zangief doesn't move, there will be an explosion of heat and flame as the weight of Zangief is absolutely nullified in a 'dead zone' of momentum transfer. It fills the electric force in the air, that volcanic entry tearing through flesh even as Seishirou's leg lifts the huge man into the air by the neck--and finally rotating him into the ground a full 67(.323) feet away from their original starting point, a glowing path of heat following the straight path.

Even if he does succeed, Seishirou will twist in the air furiously, trying to bleed off momentum.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou successfully hits Zangief with Shunshin Ghost.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Zangief          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0        Seishirou

Zangief is, indeed, taken entirely by surprise by the attack. Suddenly, he doesn't... know what's happening any more. One moment he's preparing to face down the ninja again... the next the ninja is everywhere, and then suddenly heat and flames have lifted Zangief off his feet, and he finds himself impacting the ground a fair distance away. That such a large man could be moved so far at all is a testament to the skill in the blow. But it doesn't... seem to be slowing Zangief down at all. Quite the opposite, in fact. As he rises up, now, he's going to take advantage of the surrounding landscape.

Zangief rises like a giant hairy monster of myth and legend. Usually one to disdain anything other than his bear (get it? Bear, not bare. Haha) hands, instead, now, he realizes that he needs to be able to actually hit the ninja to cause him any kind of pain. So. Lets try and increase the area being effected by Russian Rage, shall we?

Zangief does this by grabbing a very large, very heavy lump of sheet metal. "GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!" He bellows, /swinging/ it around with him. He aims to use it like a kind of ... fly swatter. Only for swatting ninja. A ninja-swatter, if you will. Perhaps he'll get lucky!

COMBATSYS: Seishirou dodges Zangief's Random Weapon.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Zangief          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=====--\-------\0        Seishirou

That made some headway, but Zangief was still high handed and heavy, despite Sesihirou leveraging him into concrete at near freeway speeds. The Russian was just simply made of meat. While Zangief was addressing the issue of how to hit him, Seishirou was addressing the problem of how to /hurt/ Zangief, which was an entirely different proposition altogether.

He wouldn't be able to keep up this level of fighting for long, which is why he needs to act quickly.

Kicking a second leg in the air to right himself, Seishirou slowly bleeds off momentum that would have eventually carried him through a half-built plane, his body twisting elegantly as he forces himself down to the ground, the problem is, when Zangief roars like that, there's not a lot of time to react, and with him being in the air... well, his reaction options are relatively limited.

Catching the end of the sheet metal, Seishirou's form is dwarfed underneath it as he's simply smashed into the concrete, his cry of pain drowned out by the thunderous crash of steel meeting pavement.

--Or is it?

Ryouhara lands on the wing of the plane itself, some ways away from the point of impact. His shoes skidding all across the half-finished fitted fiberglass skin of the plane, before the hikashira of Kagero stands slowly, breathing hard and chancing only one glance over his shoulder. That sheet metal that Zangief holds in his hands glows with the Ryouhara family seal, burning slowly through from the opposite side. An assassination seal, meant to sear through ribcages. Though it is a different application today, it is larger, turning the entire plate into a massive bomb.

An instant later, the sheet explodes.

COMBATSYS: Zangief Toughs Out Seishirou's Ryuuouin!

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zangief          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

Zangief is getting angry at this point. And an angry Zangief is something that very few people would wish on even their worst enemies. When the metal suddenly /explodes/... it doesn't do anything to improve his mood.

What happens next is quite astonishing, really. Zangief wasn't really understanding what had happened, but, then, he doesn't need to. The explosion rocks him... but it does it in a way that is unlikely to bring comfort to the enemy ninja. Because when the dust and smoke from the explosion starts to clear... Zangief leaps out of it, driven on by rage and a desire to /BREAK/ Seishirou. The huge man aims to grab him in his hands, and just /keep going/.

The experience would be... somewhat akin to getting caught in the cyclone from which he took his name. Sweaty, powerful hands grab and twist, turning the ninja upside down, and then they are airborn, twisting through the sky... before coming down with bone-crunching, spine-shattering force. Directly through the plane that Seishirou had been using for cover. Ploughing through metal and fiberglass as though it were butter.

And Seishirou's head is the knife, in this analogy. Except his head is likely to be markedly more damaged than the average knife by the time the attack has finished.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou fails to counter Screw Piledriver from Zangief with Kawarimi Suicide.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Zangief          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\1        Seishirou


He could see it, even through the smoke, from the force that boils within the blast of fire. Even Ryuuouin did nothing to slow Zangief's rampage. "Che.." Ryouhara is noticeably perturbed. From this point forward, only his strongest jutsu are going to make any difference at all.

But Ryouhara's peak of effectiveness is slowly draining off, as the variables in the match shift away from his calculations, the data he's collected slowly becoming moot. He can't rely on his speed without sacrificing ground--if he can just--


Before he can use his technique, he is picked up and introduced to the particularly sickly sweet odor of Russian thigh sweat. And damned if Ryouhara doesn't try to struggle--slip out of his haori, anything. But it's pointless. Ryouhara is driven through the plane and into the ground headfirst, his skull flooding with stars. To truth--it's amazing that the shinobi even could survive something like that.

"ugh..." the damage..

He falls to the ground, his form steaming faintly from sheer entry heat and damage to his aura and ninkou. Trailing blood from his head, he can only manage to stand a moment later.

"....Not bad."

Zangief does not stop, however. Not for an instant. Although he needs to take a moment to clamber up to his feet, he has no sooner done so than he is coming at Seishirou again. Seven feet of bear-scarred fury throws itself at the ninja even as he is recovering from the attack. "Not bad...?" He repeats, "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING YET!"

And it's true! Because if Zangief has his way, he will now be demonstrating exactly what 'anything' is!

If he can get a single hand on the ninja, the world will become a very disorienting place, as first Seishirou will be slammed bodily into the ground again, before his legs are grabbed, and he is swung into the side of the plane. Another quick hand swap and they will, again, be spinning through the air, before ploughing into the ground once... and then another -leap- into the air, and the spinning duo come down from an even greater height! The critical difference?

This time, the force channeled through Seishirou's body would be enough to crack and shatter the asphalt itself, splitting the ground apart. THAT... is the best that Mother Russia has to offer!

COMBATSYS: Seishirou counters Ultimate Atomic Buster from Zangief with Kawarimi.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Zangief          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1        Seishirou

There are some things Ryouhara doesn't to be a part of.

There are also some things Ryouhara simply doesn't have a choice about.

The young ninja is snatched off his feet once again, slammed into the plane like a rag doll, his body being used as a very blunt worker's hammer to savage the plane, knocking the entire gutted mass over with sheer force as the Russian beast simply goes Krazy Ivan on Seishirou's business, leaping up into the air and slamming him down with field-wrecking authority, the field crumpling and splitting like so much paper, thunder snapping the air in half like dry wood.

This time, Seishirou slumps to the ground, and he doesn't get up.

Body flickering, he just ceases to exist, like an illusion.

"...Yeah, I haven't..."

Not like an illusion.

The ambient force leached into the air still drags on the ends of Ryouhara's bloodied haori, the shinobi standing just outside the impact range, at the lip of a piece of asphalt that was turned vertical at the edge of the impact crater. His sleeves shift as he raises a hand to his head.

An amazing move that probably would have torn Ryouhara to pieces.

"I've always said... Russia knows how to produce. Passionate idealism and comensurate strength are the beginning of my new world. If you had only complexity and discretion..." Ryouhara taps his temple twice with two fingers, indicating his own strategic ability--the foresight to replace himself with a duplicate quickly before Zangief pressed his advantage, "...I'd invite you to be a part of it."

Zangief growls low in the back of his throat when it becomes apparent that his attack had been for nothing. Sweat drips from his brow. But, if it is anything, it is the casual disdain of Seishirou that angers him more than anything; imagined as it may be, in his mind, the crazed terrorist was mocking him. Making fun of everything that he stood for! The Red Cyclone doesn't worry about politics or pretty words. Such things only complicated matters. No, better to always be open and true! Why concern yourself with pathetic misdirection when you have the strength to speak plainly?!

Zangief hauls himself up out of the crater he had made, stretching up to his full height. He cracks his knuckles, and, suddenly, lunges. Aiming to scoop the ninja up, meaty hands will grip his stomach, and /squeeze/ with all the force that he can muster. Whether or not he actually manages to get the man in his grip, his words will still be spoken in a low, throaty growl.

"You are a threat to -Russia-." He spits, "I will -crush- you! I care -nothing- for what you say!"

COMBATSYS: Seishirou counters Stomach Claw from Zangief with Kawarimi Crisis.
- Power hit! -

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Zangief          1/------=/=======|-------\-------\0        Seishirou

Sadly, it's a matter of miscommunication. Ryouhara doesn't know how to mock people. At least, not the people he truly considers people and not empty heads. He speaks his words as plainly as words such as they can be spoken. It is a shame, truly a shame, that Zangief doesn't comprehend them.

Ryouhara is snatched up by the huge meteor of flesh--hauled off the ground by the waist, held firm, immobile in Zangief's grip as the man literally shouts in his face, spraying spittle all over the shinobi with frothing rage in the face of a threat to his Motherland.

He was being crushed, the breath being squeezed slowly out of him, but the shinobi bears the crushing pressure well, his hand gently lain across Zangief's arm, his eyes invisible underneath the hang of his head and the raven fall of his hair. Only a faint grimace is visible. Only his voice, struggling to speak, can be heard.

" should."

Abruptly, the shinobi's heart explodes in his chest.

His body detonates with force comensurate to cataclysm.

It's the same principle as the substitution technique itself, the created matrix running a heart to Kagensana and Kawarimi both. But this great explosion is the result of his creating an unstable chi matrix, holding far more energy than it can handle. At his will, that matrix collapses, and that copy of Ryouhara detonates.

Just another lie.

Ryouhara stands somewhere behind that copy, having moved from that location as well some time ago, controlling his copy from afar by mnemonic, with a puppeteer's precision. He breathes lightly, continuing the words he appeared to speak only moments prior. You should.. "..Because I am right. I am the will of history."

Finally, mercifully slow, he slides the blade of Senchakiri free from the oiled leather sheath behind him at his hip. It makes no sound, save the faint jingle of the ornamented chain hanging from the end. The gleam of the blade is almost sedate compared to the shine of that ornament, the symbol of the Steel Leaf. One of the few things Ryouhara allows to really--truly shine.

"This is the end," Ryouhara predicts.

The terrorist regards Zangief coldly.

"Come, hero. Show me what Siberia is made of."

It is almost comical. Zangief squeezes, and he feels something -give- inside his opponent. A feral gleam colors his eyes- half delighted that he had done it! Half surprised that it had been so easy to crush the life out of the pitiful fool... and then his eyes go wide, and his world explodes in fire and pain.

Zangief's head is ringing when he forces himself back up to his feet. Shaking his head in pain and confusion, the large man barely even hears the words of his enemy. Aware that -something- is said, but entirely off balance, and swaying with it. He, however, is not a man to be intimidated by pain. And he is not a man who believes himself down until his body informs him, in polite terms, that he is no longer capable of movement.

There are no words, there is only a bestial howl of intensely focused rage and fury. His blood was up! His spirit was fired! There was nothing more to do now than give it his all, and -smash- his enemy!

Hurling himself on powerful legs, the pride of Russia aims to simply envelop his opponent. Grab, twist, and lift overhead. Zangief intends to bring Seishirou around into painful contact with the floor, before folding him in half, and crushing him to his chest. Leap! High, high into the air, spinning all the while.

It would almost be poetic... if not for the fact that this time, Zangief is crushing and squeezing the entire way, before he comes down, hard. Intending to break the earlier jagged lumps of asphalt with Seishirou's face.

COMBATSYS: Zangief successfully hits Seishirou with Final Atomic Buster.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Zangief          0/-------/-------|=====--\-------\0        Seishirou

His body is broken utterly.

He couldn't use his ninjutsu that many times in succession, no matter how unstable the copy is. And unfortunately, his gambit to break free of Zangief's hold mid-air... it's more difficult than he'd imagined, even based on the prior data. His body is crushed, ribs snapping and skull tenderized over ruptured concrete. A white flash ruptures in his mind, the disruption of several calculative jutsu he maintains as his body simply fails him.

It's literally all he can do to try and trap Zangief in molten (!!!) asphalt, superheated from contact with his skull. Hopefully, it's distraction enough for him to flip free, numb, his body hitting the ground hard, his cheek slamming across pavement.

Yeah... poetic.

Only vaguely aware of the sounds of the crowd cheering, Ryouhara struggles to keep his vision straight. "... Looks like you have the advantage here," he murmurs vague and distracted, scrambling to his feet. As he does, the ground glows in distinct lines and patterns.

They are standing inside a massive seal.

He makes a handseal, necessary to maintain concentration.

"..We'll see eachother again."

The entire area is sheathed in a ground-rocking explosion. But when the smoke and fire clear, Seishirou is gone.

And so is a part of the shattered plane, cored out neatly by the blast radius.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Zangief          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Zangief blocks Seishirou's Ryuuouin.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Zangief          0/-------/------=|

With the roar of the crowd, Zangief is brought back to reality. He staggers up to his feet, vaguely aware that there was burning asphalt over his arms. With a grunt, he rips it free. Taking off a layer of skin and hair. Turning around, he is clearly ready to rush forwards again, despite the exhaustion that was, by this point, starting to make itself known in the burning of his awesome muscles. When Seishirou says that they will meet again, Zangief steps forwards. "NO!" He bellows, "We finish this NOW!"

... and then he barely has time to tense before the whole area explodes violently around him. The Red Cyclone is shrouded in dust and debris for a few, long moments. But he emerges from it. Beaten and battered, but not out.

The crowd, of course, goes wild. Zangief has won! He has fought hard and maintained the pride of Mother Russia!

... but for the big man himself, the victory was hollow. His enemy had fled, and although he had won the day... he knew that it really wasn't the last he had seen of him. They would meet again.

Still, he does have a reputation to maintain...

And so he lifts his hands to the sky, turns to his adoring public, and roars!


COMBATSYS: Zangief has ended the fight here.

Log created on 08:27:18 11/28/2008 by Seishirou, and last modified on 13:06:14 12/03/2008.