Daniel - The Subway's Full of Tubes

Description: After experiencing Naerose, Daniel heads back through the Metro City Metro System. With no leads on Mad Gear, the detective runs across a true Mad Gear member... and does not notice. Now with 50% more brawling, extended edition! <Winner: Neither>

In the Metro Subway tonight, Reverand Bred "Pickins" Iron has set up his pulpit, a big wooden crate with an open Bible on it. He is dressed in black with a white collar (he beat up a priest for this damned outfit), standing in front of his pulpit and ranting at passersby. There's a hat in front of the pulpit, filled with some seed money to make it look like other people are giving. "An' great FIRE from th' HEAVENS shall envelop thee whom cannot fit through the head of a camel! For mah name is th' LORD and I am GREAT for I made THE FISHES IN THE SEA, and THE BABY'S LAUGHTER! PRAISE JESUS, PRAISE YOU LORD!"

And that was the last time he would follow a dame dressed as a witch down into the Casino backrooms.

Daniel Jack muttered bitterly to himself, free of the concrete jungle that Cherry led him off to. Witches. More like bitches. Worse yet, he got no new leads. Maybe it was just that: A rumor. Mad Gear wasn't drifting towards Southtown. Why would they? They were perfectly happy wrecking havoc here.

The detective shuffled through the turnstile, trench coat concealing his outrageously orange suit. He wanted to get back to ho- motel room. He hated the streets of Metro City. While Hagger cleaned up the streets many time, the 2005 incident was a little too much for the man. Unlike Southtown, the place just didn't feel safe to Daniel Jack. Turning over to the cries of God and Hellfire, his heart softened. A street preacher. A warm light in these dark times. The private eye shuffled over to the good Reverand, cooly staring at the man behind rose-shaded glasses, listening to the words of spiritual wealth that he provided.

Bred Iron pauses, squinting at the audience. "I see many of yew are sad. Yew're ashamed. Or yew may be mentally ill. But don't give up now - repent! FOR THE GLO-RY OF THE LAH-HAWD SHALL SAVE ALL THE LITTLE CHILDRENS, ALL THE LITTLE SUFFERIN' CHILDREN! Praise Jesus! Give to Christ, the money goes to th' soup kitchen! If yew give generously, we may have enough to introduce clam chowder! DO IT FOR THE LITTLE CHILDRENS, ALL AL-AWNE!"

Daniel Jack's face did not break. The man was being an evangelist. Or a liar. Daniel wasn't quite sure. Giving money on the street did seem a lot like pan handling. But there was one thing that bothered Daniel. The soup kitchen. The detective dug his hands in his pocket, and tilted his head back, calling to the man.

"Hey, Charlie, which denomination are you digging. You got my nose, dig it?"

Bred Iron turns slowly to Daniel, blinking at him. "I am...Uh...I am from th' Mother Magdalene's Most Minded Church of Midtown!" He steps out from behind his pulpit. "Brothers and sisters, this man is possessed...BY SATAN!" Bred pulls out a cross, holding it up at Daniel. "Back, yew demon! TH' POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YEW! TH' POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YEW!"

Daniel Jack sighs. He sighs VERY loudly. His body tenses up, turning much like a rigid block of black ice. He stares at the man with a nature most frigid. "Mother Magdalene's Church of Midtown. Headed by the honorable Reverend Lockhart, a personal friend of mine, scuzzy, I think you are a liar and a fraud."

Daniel didn't know a Reverend Lockhart.

The detective began advancing rapidly towards the stranger, his cold glare hardening with every step. "And let me tell you something, scuzzy, I don't DIG frauds, got it? Especially when they start bluffing good innocent citizens of their banknotes, sing it straight, SMART ASS?!" A sharp cracking noise is heard as Daniel Jack stops several feet short of the good pastor, eyes locked on him. "Now, Charlie, I'll let you walk free of it right now. Leave your prize, and I'll make sure it gets to the right donation package, can you dig it?"

Bred Iron narrows his eyes at Daniel, his hands tensing up around his cross. "Take /mah/ money? Yew gotta be jokin'! That's a whole day's take!" A blade snips out of the cross. "I work /hard/ for mah money, darkie! Now yew getcher ass outta this subway right now and I won't gut yewr lousy ghetto ass!" he spits, holding the blade cross in his hand.

COMBATSYS: Bred has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Bred             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Daniel has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Bred             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Daniel

"Well mighty me, you got yourself a regular SHANK there." Daniel Jack seethed in a deadpan, glaring at the crossblade as the crowds of the Subway break into a small panic, withdrawing back and around at the fight that was brewing. The man sniffed, taking in every word with visible indifference... of irritation. "Great goodness, my main man, I it is better I run back to master to get my milk and honey so the white cracker doesn't give me a regular slit-job."

Daniel twists his neck to the left with a crack, and then to the right with the same. Fixing the collar of his trench coat, he suddenly rips it off, tossing it aside to reveal his bright, orange zoot suit, flashing the sharp colors of fine fashion throughout the subway. Moving himself into the ready stance that only the greatest of warriors taught him: The Todoh Stance. Positioning both hands forward with his legs staggered, he glared at the thug before him with cold eyes. "So come on, scuzzy, give me the shank. I -dare- you."

Reverend Bred smirks at the zoot suit, snickering. "Geez, yew shop at Men's Queerhouse fer that shit?" He advances on Daniel, swinging his blade in the air between them, aiming to get Daniel back and on guard. "Yew watch how we do it in Louisiana, boy!" He flings his knife at Daniel, the cross-blade flipping end over end towards the private dick.

COMBATSYS: Daniel has left the fight here.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Bred             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Daniel blocks Bred's Arkansas Toothpick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Bred             0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel Jack doesn't make a sound when he brings his hand forward. Watching the cross/knife/bear/pig, he does what seems like a great idea: shove the knife away. Unfortunately, as he reaches out to push the knife aside, he instead receives a glancing blow, ripping open a fresh stream of blood on his hands.

Recoiling his palms gingerly, the detective hisses, cringing back. "Christ all MIGHTY, that's cheap, sunnabitch." Daniel hunches over, sopping up the wound with a hastily pulled hanky. And then, he rummages some more. Looks like it was time to become cheap. VERY cheap."Honky, bringing a knife to a fist fight, that's not cool." He begins, snapping back into a defensive stance with a minor alteration. In his good hand, he had out a small, snubnose pistol. "A real gentleman brings a revolver, bassie." The detective states matter-of-factly, evening out his free hand as he squeezes the trigger. From the muzzle, a sharp bang rings through the subway as a single, rubber-point bullet fires off at Bred, attempting to return the favor of cheap-shots right back.

COMBATSYS: Bred blocks Daniel's Wobbly Wobbly.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Bred             0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0           Daniel

Bred gets nailed in the arm by the rubber round, leaving a fast forming bruise on his forearm. "Yew shoulda used a real bullet!" Bred taunts, before he hops up into the air. His leg lashes out with a powerful middle kick at Daniel's chest, before he lands on the ground again. "Mah kung fu is better than yewr kung fu!" he sneers.

COMBATSYS: Daniel fails to counter Bayou Bounce from Bred with Mad Jack Crack.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Bred             0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel was expecting this. The purpose of the gun was to slow the target down. His free hand was gingerly dancing around, clenching and unclenching carefully. The bullet hit solidly on point, which was the point. The rubber bullets were designed NOT to kill someone, but help subdue them non-lethally. Real bullets had a bad habit of killing normal people, you know.

As Bred charges forward with a kick, Daniel snaps his arm forward, catching the leg with the bloody hand. He cringes, and tries to hurl Bred down and around. Instead, the kick keeps piling forward, and the detective is smashed backwards into the ground, sending his gun spinning across the Subway floor. "DAMMIT!" Daniel Jack shouted, propping himself into a sitting position.

Bred lands on his feet, and raises his guard. "Yeah, that's right! Yew can't keep up with shit this good!" He braces one hand on Daniel's shoulder, the other hand delivering a trio of punches to the face. "I'm gonna pound yew 'til yew don't know who yew are, nigger!"

COMBATSYS: Daniel endures Bred's The Big Easy.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Bred             0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel Jack was getting a bit disheartened. This was exactly like the Metro City he remembered. Horrible violence, dangerous thugs, and worse yet, the abuse. The detective's own martial art training had even failed him. How could the way of Todoh ever fail? Only he, Daniel Jack, could fail. Already the brute was jacking up a bit, charging him with a flurry of violent punches and epitaths.

The man hardened. No. This was not how it was meant to be. He would have to rely on his most powerful strike. The ultimate move that Ryuhaku Todoh and Daniel Jack found their unique bond in. Pushing himself upright, the PI felt his shoulder being grabbed. But there was no turning away. The man stared hard forward, taking the punches like a man like Todoh. Instead of flinching, he just began winding his arm back as if for a pimpslap. But then, he flattened his hand as for a hand chop. No. Not just any hand chop.

That hand chop.

Repeating the same form that that brought about Kasane Ate, Daniel focused hard at the man's collarbone. With a hoot, the disciple of Todoh-ryuu Kobojutsu unleashed the cry of the traditional arts. "TOOOOOOOODOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Was the roar, as he unleashed a single knife strike at Bred's neck. Yes, if this strike makes contact, it could very well liquify Bred's entire skeleton, or split him in twain. Most likely, however, was that the impact would simply cause all of his organs to burst, converting the thug into a gory explosion across the entire Subway station.

Or it might hurt his collarbone.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Bred with World's Greatest Hand Chop.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Bred             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Daniel

Bred gets hit right in the collarbone, with a vicious snap as it breaks. "Hurgh!" Bred cries as he falls to the ground before Daniel. Pushing himself off the ground with his good hand, he pokes the spot, a jagged lance of bone sticking out. But Bred, thoroughly under the influence of PCP and possibly methamphetamine, isn't done yet. "Yew may have a damned badass hand chop...But HRUGUGHGHGHGHH!" he cries as he charges forward, attempting to tackle Daniel and knock the two of them onto the rail lines.

COMBATSYS: Daniel counters Quick Throw from Bred with Mad Jack Crack.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Bred             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1           Daniel

What was objectively considered the world's greatest hand chop did exactly what a truly perfect hand chop needed to do: chop. With the finesse and skill that only weeks of training under the universally acclaimed Ryuhaku Todoh could provide, Daniel Jack manages to stop the street assaulter from punching his face. The detective nodded firmly. It seemed like only yesterday that Kasumi taught him how to stop someone from grabbing you. If only Bred would attempt to tackle him in a bull charge. Then, the Todoh clan could be truly proud of his natural abilities in being street smart.

And then, laced with the finest of drugs, the thug did exactly that. After complimenting the innate talents of his hand chop, of course. Daniel managed to return back to form, balancing his body out carefully. Like the stone, he was steady. Like a wave, Bred came.

Daniel snatched the man by his torso, and swung his weight around him. In a reversal, the detective and the gangster were flying over the edge of the subway and to the railings. The difference was, of course, that Daniel was on top and Bred was underneath. But that wasn't the end of this, oh no. As Daniel and Bred were falling, the private eye kept control of the man's position by latching his arm around the hooligan's neck. Putting him into a chokehold, Daniel just squeezed when they made impact to the ground, hoping to strangle the man into submission.

Non-lethally, of course.

Bred gets slammed to the rails after the slight fall, struggling beneath Daniel as he gets choked out. Spittle flows down from either side of his mouth as he makes a long gurgle, his muscles straining as his neck tenses and his compound fracture oozes. "Rrgh..." Bred, in a pure drug frenzy of the most savage fashion, forces himself up, and hits Daniel with a sharp elbow to the bottom rib to break the lock. He swings around and levels a trio of blurred punches, attempting to turn Daniel's face into day old cookie dough.

COMBATSYS: Bred successfully hits Daniel with Ragin' Cajun.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Bred             0/-------/------=|=======\====---\1           Daniel

Daniel's less-than-lethal choking seemed to have some effect in subduing the maniac, and that was exactly what the detective wanted to see. Already, a new surge of energy was shooting right back into him, giving even more of a drive to fight. But at the same time, the pin seemed to just enrage the thug. For example, that elbow jab.

Striking hard on the ribs, Daniel just recoils, letting the man get his trio of rapid-fire strikes. The first knocks his glasses flying, the second sends his hat flying, and the final one just smashes Danny hard into the wall of the rail pit. Daniel Jack was left with a califlower face, swollen and oozing blood as the detective shoved himself from against the wall right back to his enemy.

"Droogie, I hope you are ready to eat some real shit," The detective begins, stomping towards the thug, reaching behind him to some crook hidden in the back of his suit coat. "Because you can't get this down here in the bayou, Charlie." Reaching another hand in the front of his coat, he whips out both hand, putting together a M-3 Grease Gun and the respective clip for it. Leveling it out steady at the speed-laced psychopath, the gumshoe doesn't even bother aiming. The man just squeezes the trigger, letting loose a steady stream of rubber-tipped bullets at the man, hoping to choke him down on the storm of bullets.

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Bred with Jacked Thompson.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Bred             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0           Daniel

Bred screams as he's blown away by the storm of rubber bullets, falling onto his back with red pock marks all over his exposed skin, mostly his face. His left side sagging due to his broken collar bone, he forces himself back up, before running at Daniel. "BANZAI!" he screams, and sends his foot flying for Daniel's man meat.

COMBATSYS: Daniel fails to counter Light Kick from Bred with Zoot Suit Riot.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Bred             0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel glares at the oncoming man, in visible shock that he managed to still be standing. As the gun clicks empty, Daniel quickly responds to the charging chest kick by bringing his gun up, attempting to shove it aside. Except it wasn't a chest kick. It was a groin shot, the detective realizes as his gun passes over the leg.

The impact barrels Daniel over, his body tangling awkwardly with Bred as his writhed aside, using his machine gun to at least keep him somewhat upright. All he knew right now was pain... and how Master Todoh would probably be ashamed of his right now.

Bred laughs as he nails Daniel in the groin, and watches the black man go down. Seeing that he's not getting back up, Bred renews the offensive. He aims to gouge Daniel in the eye with his thumb, clapping his hand to the side of his head. "Yew...Are gonna die..." There's a screeching, as the subway train begins to approach around the corner.

COMBATSYS: Daniel dodges Bred's Low Blow.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Bred             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel thought about his sensai. What would Master Todoh do in a situation like this. The low rumble of the subway train reached his ears. Master Todoh would have already be scraping this thug's entrails out from the base of his boots by now. But what would he have done different. Daniel ran through the Master's actions in his mind. Daniel blocked the first attack, then returned fire. He then tried to counter as Kasumi taught him. That failed. Then, when caught in the man's grip, he... yes. That was the answer.

Daniel brought his arm up, catching Bred's oncoming thumb. With a smooth motion, he pushed the man aside, letting the attack harmlessly avoid his eyeballs. Rising back up from the ground, he struggled into his best impression of his wise teacher. "No. No one will kick it, Charlie. There will only two things. Justice... And..." Daniel raised both of his hands up, winding back with a pronounced effort. With a roar, he finished his sentence as he brought his hands down, unleashing a bright-orange wave of energy to the ground, erupting across towards Bred.


COMBATSYS: Bred blocks Daniel's Kasane Ate.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Bred             0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0           Daniel

Bred ducks and puts his arm out, blocking the stream of energy but tearing up his black priest's uniform. "That ain't bad, but I got somethin' better!" As the train screeches towards him, he takes a step back, and lights up a joint. "Heh-heh," he snickers, taking a deep hit of it. "Yew want some?" he asks, just trying to be friendly.

COMBATSYS: Bred gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Bred             0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel Jack has no time for spliffs. As his Kasane Ate rips across the ground, he charges after the wake of it. Yes, the train was coming. Yes, this scumbag was asking for trouble. But there was something else. He couldn't let him just DIE. At the same time, he couldn't just let him leave. So Daniel did the only thing he could do.

Be a hero.

The detective leaps through the air, arms spread out wide. He was intending to tackle Bred, knock him back at away from the rails. He didn't want to risk either of them getting hit, since that would just be horrible. If he managed to catch Bred, naturally he would insure to fall on him HARD. Otherwise, it would just be a very loud dodge to the sidelines for Daniel. Win-Win.

COMBATSYS: Bred endures Daniel's Skiffle Drop.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Bred             0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0           Daniel

Bred stumbles backwards as Daniel tackles him, falling to one of his knees beneath him. His nostrils flare as he puffs his joint, attempting to lift Daniel over his head. "YEEEEHAAAAW!" he cries, as he attempts to fall backwards and slam Daniel into the third rail, electrocuting him. Of course, that means Bred gets zapped too.

COMBATSYS: Daniel counters Gutwrencher Suplex from Bred with You Got Jacked!.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Bred             0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0           Daniel

Daniel manages to catch Bred, knocking him over slightly. He had the momentum, but he didn't have the victory. Beads of sweat boiled over him as he felt himself growing weaker. He couldn't go on much longer like this. As he feels himself being lifted over, he struggles, going back to Kasumi's teachings.

Twisting himself around, he grips Bred by the shoulders. With a grunt, he throws his weight further than Bred was hoping for. No one needed to die, the detective kept telling himself. With the student of Todoh in control, the detective narrowly avoids the third rail as he chucks Bred over HIS head, letting him fall to the ground as he saw fit.

Bred hits the ground and rolls. He climbs back to his feet, his left side sagging worse than before as his jagged bone continues to stick out of his chest. He lurches towards Daniel like a dead man, swinging out a fast jab at his jaw. "I'm gonna take yew down a notch, boy!" he spits, blood oozing out of his mouth.

COMBATSYS: Daniel dodges Bred's Quick Punch.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Bred             0/-------/-======|=------\-------\0           Daniel


That was the reply as Daniel shoved all his weight into a single crooked arm, continuing his unstoppable advance. As the dead-man's punch came flying, Daniel Jack shoved it aside, opening himself to the man again. Daniel was very weak now, very exhausted. He had experienced this only when Todoh trained him, beat wisdom and vigor into him through repetition and discipline. But that was what Daniel had to do. Fight the weakness. Destroy it from within.

"No way, scuzzy." The detective continues, bringing both arms together in a claw motion. "This match... ends here." With that, he hooked his hands and spread them out, attempting to rip apart Bred's guard, if he had any up. Winding back his right hand as he led with the left, Daniel bellowed as loud as he could, ignoring the aches and fatigue that ran through him. "FANTASTIC..... TODOH...." And then, with a explosion of energy, he brought his fist forward in a single, nerve-wracking strike.


COMBATSYS: Bred interrupts Fantastic Todoh Punch from Daniel with The Big Easy.

[                          \\\\  < >                                ]
Bred             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Daniel

Bred charges forward as Daniel rears his fist back. As the Fantastic Todoh Punch is unleashed, Bred is on Daniel, jabbing three times as he pounds him in the face, taking a shot to the jaw, but ending up on his feet. He exhales sharply, coughing up some blood. "Boy...Yew jes don't have it."

Fantastic Todoh Punch, which by it's very nature can never miss, does not miss. However, many wise men, who understand it's infinitely inescapable nature, instead exploit a loophole: It can be hit back. Upon impact of the punch, the detective was shocked out the attack, the last string of strikes knocking him further and further back. Biting back... his exposed cheek flaps, the powers of Todoh still flowed in him. Raising both arms high above his head, Daniel Jack shouts the eternal shout, palms glowing bright orange. "KASAN-"

Daniel's knees were giving out. Struggling to keep his balance, he felt everything spin. No. He was a vessel of the Way of Todoh. He could not fall. Especially not to a bum like this. "KASANA- KAAAAAASANE.. AAAAAAA.... Aaaaa. aaaa...."

Daniel fell forward, a feeble wave of energy splashing forward as he collapsed. Daniel Jack was down.

COMBATSYS: Daniel can no longer fight.

[                          \\\\  <
Bred             0/-------/=======|

COMBATSYS: Daniel successfully hits Bred with Mikansei Kasane Ate.

[                             \  <
Bred             1/------=/=======|

The wave of energy strikes Bred, causing him to stumble. He shakes as he puffs his joint, before falling over onto his back. "Ugh..."

COMBATSYS: Bred can no longer fight.

Log created on 17:33:02 11/18/2008 by Daniel, and last modified on 22:23:41 11/19/2008.