Description: After a remarkably long delay and sore let-down in Korea, the World Tour diverts over to the proud nation of Japan. In Chihahaya-akasaka Village before the great castle, Domino faces Japan's chosen representation: Hotaru Futaba. The audience is captivated with a combination of aerial maneuvers, martial strikes, and technical grappling holds until both warriors are completely drained. Japan's tenacity and spirit could not have been better exhibited.
Chihaya-akasaka Village. Not a terribly populated location, nor incredibly popular, despite it being on Osaka. It doesn't have much going for it, really. It's not all that beautiful, even though it is on the coast. It's not big, nor boasting great technology. What it -does- have going for it, however, is a castle. An ancient castle, kept in good condition, spanning several stories up in pagoda-style - and remodeled into a museum. On a clear day like this, the castle is positively shining, the high noon sun cascading its radiance.
It's the perfect spot to showcase Japan. That's why this is where Domino has chosen to have his Tour match. And of course, this has drawn a fairly sizable audience to spectate, right in the courtyard of the castle. The cameras are arranged in various angles, and the audience itself? Well, the Tour hasn't picked up much momentum due to its delays, so unfortunately, only Domino's die-hard fans, his opponent's, and the residents of Chihaya-akasaka are in attendence.
Nevertheless, Domino is decidedly going to make a great showing of it. He begins to wade through the audience, bare feet rustling the grassy courtyard and the spectators parting to let him through. No typical wrestling or streetfighting gear for him today. No, in respect for Japan, he's wearing his personal, uniquely designed gi. No reason he can't use it for fighting, and it pays homage to the locale.
The young supermodel pauses in the center of the clearing and lifts hsi right fist into the air, beaming a positively radiant smile to the audience while turning a slow circle. Following this, he begins to throw some warm-up punches and kicks at the air, then some deep leg stretches. It's time for the representative to show up...
Making appearances as a professional fighter is pretty standard faire for young Hotaru Futaba. Weekly Saturday Night Fight bouts, occasional Neo League matches, and other exhibitions and circuits fill a lot of the teenaged fighter's waking hours. But it isn't often that a match frames her as an actual /representative/ of her home nation of Japan. This one does and that makes it a special moment outside of her normal routines.
The castle is an impressive sight - surrounded by a deep moat and elevated up above water level by three terraces, the landmark site can be seen from miles around. In an era of horses and swords, it must have been a formidable fortress. It is reminiscent of a time when Japan was an isolated nation, warring within rather than defending itself from invaders across the sea. The architecture is every bit 'picturesque Japan.'
Hotaru is easy to pick out once she begins to make her way toward the open space within the courtyard. Under the bright, noon sun, the white portions of her attire stand out brightly - pants and sleeves, accompanied by a decorative, traditionally styled vest over her torso. Rich blue in color, it is gold embroidered and the custom print fabric appears to have flowers decorating it when viewed from certain angles.
Most recognize the pig-tailed Kenpo artist. She's made a name for herself over the last year and a half. Utilizing a blend of very traditional Kenpo and Tai Chi, with influences from the hard hitting Kyokugen style she studied under for a year, she's known for possessing a fluid, flexible attacks in matches. Only once she's entered the courtyard itself does the girl turn and pause to offer a quick wave and warm smile to those gathered, before shifting to face Domino himself.
For the famous wrestler, a traditional Japanese bow is offered, the girl pressing her arms against her sides and bending forward at the waist, her pig-tails flopping down against her shoulders, as she rises back up to standing straight, "Thank you for the invitation to join you here today, Domino." the polite mannered fighter states audibly, turning her attention just briefly toward the castle providing the majestic backdrop this afternoon. A student of Asian history herself, the girl can't help but be awestruck at the sight, reflecting on her own knowledge of the location's stories.
She shifts her focus back toward Domino himself, crossing her arms in front of her, exhaling slowly as she unfolds them into raised, defensive positions, palms open, parallel to each other rather than facing outward. Stretching and warmup has been handled ahead of time, "I'm ready," she finishes with a friendly grin.
Domino continues stretching as Hotaru makes her little entrance and acts all benign with the crowd. He then raises to his full height and returns the bow, crisp and smooth, indicative of training beyond typical grappling. "Pleased to have you," he replies. He raises to his full height again and inclines his head, obsidian bangs drifting out just enough to frame beside his right amethyst eye. "I don't guess I have to tell you to give it your all, eh?"
One of the staff members for the museum/castle, equipped with microphone, calls, "FIGHT!"
Domino wastes no time once the call is made, surging forth. Despite his attire, he intends to lead off with something simple, but effective, he hopes. The moment their range is closed, Domino attempts to hook Hotaru's left leg with his right arm behind her knee, while his left arm hooks over her right shoulder. Once grasped, his momentum reverses, aiming to yank her off her feet and fall with her to the ground. Only she'll be slammed to the ground back-first, followed by Domino's body crashing across hers in a powerslam.
COMBATSYS: Drake has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Drake 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Hotaru has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Hotaru 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Drake
COMBATSYS: Hotaru interrupts Solar Eclipse from Drake with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Drake
"You know I will," the azure-eyed fighter replies to Domino's comment about doing her best, giving him a slight nod as she maintains her ready position. Her feet slide apart a little, the girl getting ready to retaliate as he charges. She isn't entirely reading his initial charge correctly, however, and as the model fighter draws in close, Hotaru snaps her left leg up, intending to kick him preemptively in the stomach...
Unfortunately for her, this just makes his job easier as Hotaru finds herself hooked and grabbed, the feather weight hefted clean off her feet before Drake seeks to drop her to the grass and slam himself across her in the process. She flails a little, arms failing to pry herself free at all in the face of such speedy actions on his part. "Erk."
Split second timing and last second flexibility afford the girl the chance to put a stop to the power slam at the end as she brings her knee up the moment her upper back hits the grass and slams it into the young man's abdomen with enough force to mitigate the rest of the fall.
Her own hands push up at that point, intending to quickly roll to the side in an attempt to scramble back to her feet. Unlike Drake, the young fighter, while flexible, isn't terribly adept at dealing with having to fight low to the ground.
The inserted knee was a bit more than Domino was expecting, and he winds up hurting himself evidently more than he hurt Hotaru. It gets a severe 'NNF!' from him, and he recoils back a bit. Given a second, and he pushes himself back up to his feet, pushing the pain into the back of his mind. His dark side has taken over, after all. All business. No time for wallowing - just time to apply himself fully and completely.
Domino moves in again, though not as swiftly this time. Not a full-on charge. Much rather, he weaves around to her side and suddenly dips low. His body twists in a circle, right leg extending as it he draws back to his original position in a sweep kick aimed at her legs.
COMBATSYS: Drake successfully hits Hotaru with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Drake
Given a brief reprieve, Hotaru manages to scramble back up to her feet, spinning around to face Drake just as he commits himself to attacking her a second time. Having just managed to get upright again, the girl is too slow to defend herself from the actual attack and as Drake dips low, Hotaru takes a half-step back when she should've taken two, only to have her foot swept right out from under her again.
Landing on her back with a soft grunt, she's quicker to move this time around, hands pressing down, heels digging into the grass to push herself into a backward roll away from the model wrestler before any potential follow ups can get dished out. Coming up into a crouch, one hand still touching the grass lightly, she's in prime position to put her aerial acrobatics to use.
And thus she does, leaping up into a forward flip... and at the apex of her trajectory, the girl dives right back down for Drake, aiming to plant her right knee into his shoulder to give herself a landing point for only a split second - long enough to follow up with a secondary kick from her left foot before pushing off into a backward flip to give herself a bit of potential distance from which to plan her actions.
COMBATSYS: Drake blocks Hotaru's Rengeki Shuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Drake
Smooth as the execution of the maneuver, Domino's rise back to his full height is equally graceful. Hotaru, however, is in the air by this time. Rather than take evasive action, Domino holds his ground and lifts his forearms. The initial knee strike bends his arm back against his shoulder, and the kick strikes the opposite arm. The force is enough to push him back a half-step, earning her a grunt. It aches, but he can certainly cope with it.
The merit of the defensive option is that it keeps the two in close quarters, with Domino ready to launch another assault. It comes with a more martial slant than wrestling, possibly influenced a little by his choice of clothing. A quick reverse punch is aimed to nail Hotaru's cheek, followed immediately with an in-step and elbowsmash from the opposite arm, aimed more towards the ribs.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru blocks Drake's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Drake
The instant her feet touch the ground, the pig-tailed combatant is ready to defend herself. She stays in close as Drake swings, opting to deal with his strikes directly rather than try to dart out of the way just now. The backward punch is caught by her right hand, her left arm raising up to intersect the elbow, turning it into a glancing blow across her forearm.
With how close the two are, she acts fast, trying not to give him any quarter to ready his own defenses. Her right hand that caught his punch attempts to slip further down his arm to get a tight hold of his wrist.
If successful, she'll use it to pull Drake forward, into herself, at the same time she crouches down slightly, pushing her shoulder into him to provide leverage needed to literally slide him up over her shoulder and slam him down onto the grass on his back. "HAA!"
COMBATSYS: Drake counters Medium Throw from Hotaru with Star Breaker.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Drake
Domino's arm is captured just as Hotaru intended, wrist held securely. She yanks and draws him in close to her... and she should immediately realize that it is far too easy to be manipulating him. It makes more sense when the seasoned professional wrestler tumbles cleanly over her back and lands square on his feet in a display of technical prowess. With the unended momentum, Domino's hand grips her wrist as well and gives a firm yank to draw her in tight to him. He drops to a knelt position and hooks his other arm under her chin to suddenly yank her down, finally bringing the motion to an end - with her back smashing against his upturned knee.
Once that hit is delivered, Domino sets one hand under her chin, the other on her leg, both pushing down severely to arch her spine and fold her body backwards in a chained submission hold.
Up and over Domino goes, but Hotaru can tell he wasn't letting himself be slammed to the grass. No, he's got other plans, and in spite her efforts to step away and spin around to defend herself, his speed proves too formidable for her to do so. Yanked back by the arm, Hotaru stumbles, making her easily yanked down, her back arched over his knee painfully. A sharp gasp of surprise escapes her lips as she struggles against his hold, only to have him shift his hand beneath her chin and force her back to bend even further.
Cheeks flushing red at the pain of the submission lock, Hotaru grips his wrist at her chin for a moment, trying to pry herself free that way. It doesn't work and only serves to prolong the painful circumstances she finds herself in. Tightening her arm up against her chest, the girl slams her elbow out, aiming for his chest with what she hopes is enough force to pry herself free. A second hit is attempted, just in case the first one isn't enough!
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Drake with Medium Punch.
Glancing Blow
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Drake
Domino maintains the pressure with a stoic, determined look on his face. It's not that he likes hurting people or anything - especially not the friendly sorts. But it's what he does, this fighting thing. It's what he's done since elementary school, for a variety of reasons. Martial arts training was an outlet... professional wrestling was an outlet... and now this? This is an outlet, but with a purpose: improvement, to improve society at large.
Oh no, Domino's not forgotten his original purpose in pushing himself. His purpose for forming the Shooting Stars.
That's why the dark side comes over him. It's the urge to succeed, to excell. To triumph.
The elbow thrusts out at Domino's torso just as he's starting to release her. It banks into his chest, and the second shot just bumps into him harmlessly. Again, it aches... but he'll survive. Besides, this hopefully leaves Hotaru lying on the grass. Domino attempts to capitalize on the opportunity by mounting atop her lower back. If successful, he reaches for her arms to restrain behind his knees, then goes to lock his hands underneath her chin. If the hold is secured, Domino rears back with her, stretching her back and torso towards her feet in a tight camel clutch submission hold.
COMBATSYS: Drake successfully hits Hotaru with Medium Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Hotaru 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Drake
Her elbow connects with enough force to rebuff him a little before the girl is rolled off his knee and summarially dropped in the grass with a soft grunt. Slipping her elbows beneath her, the girl starts to get up to her knees, intending to tumble out of the way to give herself time to collect her wits. But just as she starts to get up, Domino plops himself down on her lower back with enough force to drive the small fighter back down with a grunt, her knees slipping out from under her, leaving green grass stains on her white pants.
She's hardly immobile as he settles in, arms reaching forward, attempting to pull herself to freedom in time to free herself. While not an expert in the kinds of throws and grappling techniques the model wrestler is, she knows more than enough to not want to get caught up /in/ them. But he gets hold of her arms first, drawing them back up over his knees, and the martial artist is stuck. "Grck," she squeaks, trying to kick her way free just before his hands settle in under her chin.
Given her flexibility, he's able to pull the young fighter quite a ways back even as she fights him the entire time. Torso drawn tight, neck pulled back, forearms flailing a little, she's forced to think fast, quietly wishing she had spent more time learning /how/ to deal with techniques like this. Experienced, technical wrestlers were a scarcity in the leagues she'd fought in.
All she can manage is to pull one leg up a little, bending at the knee, turning herself on her side just slightly, trying to get what free space she can just long enough to bump Domino up slightly while trying to free one of her arms. If she manages, the flexible girl flips over onto her back, bringing her leg up into a quick kick toward the back of his head in an attempt to knock him off of her!
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Drake with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Hotaru 1/------=/=======|=======\=====--\1 Drake
Domino simply maintains the hold as she struggles, content to sustain it until she taps out... only she does something a bit different. Something -he's- not used to in counter-measures. Leave it to the untrained to do something that will surprise you.
Domino is jostled forward, a little off balance. The foot then SLAMS into the back of his head, drawing Domino's amethyst eyes open wide from the sudden shock of pain, the subsequent blurred vision. He topples forward onto one hand and his knees, the other hand setting to the back of his hand. The foot struck right where the spine meets the skull, and were Domino anything less than a well-trained warrior, this likely would have been sufficient in knocking him out.
Domino's head shakes once. Then twice.
Picking himself back up to his feet, Domino makes a sudden grab for the Kenpo girl to attempt yanking her up to her feet as well. Though if his hands get a solid grip on her, he attempts to yank her body forward, bent over to suddenly lock her neck between his legs...
COMBATSYS: Hotaru blocks Drake's Total Eclipse.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Hotaru 1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0 Drake
...And with Hotaru in position, Domino hooks his arms around the girl's stomach to hoist her into the air upside-down. To any wrestling enthusiast (and many non-fan outsiders, at that!), this position can easily be identified as the set-up for the dreaded PILEDRIVER (insert omg). But the piledriver isn't delivered right off the bat. No, Domino always puts his victim through a bout of torture before the horrendous impact takes place. That way they're more... amenable, one might say, to falling unconscious. So it begins with the first phase of the Total Eclipse - an inverted bearhug. Domino's arms begin grinding inwards along Hotaru's midsection, crushing her midriff in towards her spine to the best of his ability, applying as much pain as he possibly can...
Free at last! Trying to deal with being grappled to the ground is a new experience for the fighter far more accostumed to strikes, kicks, and, on occasion, gigantic explosions of energy. Drake's techniques are forcing her to think fast and improvise, and it's definitely an added challenge to the fight for Hotaru. Having pried herself out and knocked him hard with the kick, the girl rolls up to her knees, one hand in the grass, as she gets ready to rise up to her feet.
But as she's about to do so, he's already back upon her, moving extremely fast in an effort to keep her put. Pulled the rest of the way up to her feet by his hold on the sides of her head, she brings her hands up to his, intending to try and pry herself free again. She really wants to get some distance here to get a break, but so far no luck! With his sold hold, he gets her to stumble forward, locking her neck with his thighs. "Ergh," the girl grimaces, once again forced to think fast to try and save herself from a whole ton of pain.
His arms slip around her stomach and in the next instance she's upside down in a rather difficult position to escape from. There's a reason the technique is so effective - once in it, once held upside down, and forced to endure that crushing pressure against one's stomach, it's hard to even think straight about how to escape it.
It's the girl's flexibility that pays off in the end here as Hotaru grips his arms with her hands, wincing as she starts to find it harder to breath. Her legs flail a little but she gathers her senses finally and drops both feet down toward the top of Drake's head before he can get into the next phase of his world renown technique. Striking with all the force her legs can muster, it seems like a good chance to save herself the worst of it!
COMBATSYS: Drake dodges Hotaru's Medium Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Hotaru 1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0 Drake
Domino tries to obliterate the girl's midsection... but she's struggling pretty commendably. Commendably enough that he simply can't finish her off just yet. More importantly, he spots Hotaru's feet blaring towards his head. In a sudden reaction spurred by the previous kick to the head he received, Domino promptly... drops her. Right there. No power behind it to make it a piledriver, but probably not very pleasant.
Regardless, Domino immediately attempts to make a grab for the girl at the shoulders, trying to haul her up to her feet again. Immediately, Domino attempts to drive three knee-strikes into her midsection to soften her up. Following this, he tries to lock her head under his left arm and sling her left arm behind his neck. His right hand grabs for the hip of her pants to hoist her body upside-down into the air beside him in a vertical suplex...
...And promptly, Domino hops into the air and twists around, aiming to drive her down onto her back with his body landing crossways atop hers in a suplex powerslam.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru interrupts Flashbang from Drake with Ten-ren-ge.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Drake
And down she goes again, this time landing on her upper back and shoulders before lying down flat with a soft groan. He's really giving her a rough time this match, and she isn't getting much chances to catch her breath or gain any distance at all. Rolling onto her side, the groggy girl starts to push herself up, intending to scramble away and gain that distance she's been fighting for.
But it seems there's to be no break as Domino gets a hold of her poofy sleeve-clad shoulders, pulling the featherweight back up to her feet before her vision even has a chance to clear. She's wide open for the three knee strikes, the third crunch provoking a pained cough as she starts to curl forward, maybe ready to fall back to her knees if he were to simply let go then. Chiding herself, she tells herself to pull her act together. She needs to quit trying to run away and simply fight him right back in close quarters. She's cognizant of him pulling her down and forward, locking his arm around her neck and draping her arm up over his neck, lining her up for another trip into the air and subsequently painful impact at the end.
She must have a sense of what she's in store for, because the girl suddenly snaps to it and reacts quickly as he reaches for her hip in order to heft her up. Her right hand slams forward, palm first, against his chest in order to wrench her head free and draw her arm back from around his neck. For a split second it may seem she intends to use that moment of freedom to back off, but she's simply coiling up...
Before lunging right back forward into Domino with a short hop and a series of rapid, windmilling strikes. She lands after the second set, crunches up a little, like a spring ready to be sprung, before rising into his chest shoulder first, "Tenrenge!" Aerial, she spins with one final kick to force him back, having created space for herself at last - in theory, as she comes back down to land with a soft grunt.
The palm strike gets a pained grunt from Domino, falling back a step and gritting his teeth. He was fairly certain he had her, with the knee-strikes to stun her! But it was to no avail. Further, as he attempts to reclaim lost ground, she's in the air and striking him soundly. It's enough to knock Domino off his feet and against the grass with a soft yelp.
Notably more sluggish in his recovery this time, body aflare in pain, Domino draws himself slowly up to his feet. He sets himself into a deep T-stance, right foot drawn back and amethyst gaze evened on Hotaru.
Domino then unleashes a technique rarely implemented, but a true showcasing of his skill outside of professional wrestling.
The acrobatic wrestler is in the air in a flash, body twisting over to strike the girl's cheek with his right knee, then thrust his foot under her chin with the left leg in a modified butterfly twist to launch her high into the air. The force of his jump brings him up along with her, if struck. At the pinnacle of their ascension, Domino's body twists over a second time to strike her chin with the right knee, and drive his bare left foot into her stomach to launch her back from him in a second butterfly twist.
Once finished, Domino simply drops back down to the grass in a low crouch, back turned to his opponent and left hand bracing himself on the ground.
COMBATSYS: Drake successfully hits Hotaru with Lunar Eclipse.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/---====|-------\-------\0 Drake
Rising up from her landing, Hotaru brings her arms back into a defensive position, getting ready to defend herself from what she anticipates to be another painful, tricky grapple. Breathing hard, it's clear that she's been pushed to her limits throughout the match but she isn't relaxing her guard now even after dishing out such a solid hit.
But rather than come in and seize hold of her again, he takes to the air similar to the way she had earlier. His knee collides with her cheek, slipping through her guard, causing the girl to stagger, her defenses fractured. The blow to her chin takes her off her feet, arms flailing as she struggles to fend off the rest of the attack. She spins around to face him, bracing for the hit, but she isn't in time as his right knee collides with her chin with a hard blow, dazing her and leaving her easy to hit with the final kick to her stomach that sends the young martial artist flying back to land in the grass a few yards away.
She lands sprawled, her arms out at her sides, her legs not moving for a moment as she stares skyward, gasping for breath. The combination of strikes were dazing and she's not really seeing clearly for the moment. At last she moves, however, arms drawn in, pressing down as Hotaru does a situp, then shifts from that into a kneeling crouch, lifting her bruised chin to gaze back at Drake.
The match is down to its final moments, it seems. She knows she can't weather too much more of his techniques. But she'll give it her best shot. Springing up, Hotaru sprints toward Drake, taking to the air again with another combination of wind-milling strikes, aiming to batter him rapidly before he can retaliate or slip away if she can help it. Landing out of the attack would be a stumble at best, but she's still hanging in there!
COMBATSYS: Drake blocks Hotaru's Enryuu Banda.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0 Drake
Domino doesn't move just yet, back visibly heaving with each labored breath. The young supermodel's head turns to peer over his shoulder at Hotaru, content in seeing her down flat. Any moment now, and someone will call the match a close, and he'll have to celebrate in some way. Possibly including icecream to Hotaru, as a display of no hard feelings. Last he remembers, he -was- giving her a really hard time, and she didn't really deserve that...
...But his expectations can screw off. Hotaru's getting back up, and Domino looks downright surprised. He knows he wasn't going gentle with those strikes, and while his submissions and slams may be lethal, his strikes aren't exactly Care Bear Stares. With an eyebrow lifted, Domino nods once, mostly to himself. And then? He raises to his full height and turns to face her again.
Domino adjusts his footing to a shoulders' width apart, settling into a shallow backstance on the right leg. His left arm lowers in a slanted low guard, hand tapered flat. His right hand chambers at his chest, fingers splayed as if ready to catch or strike. And there he remains for the time being in stolid determination, the wind playing with the hem of his gi and the ends of his belt.
Hotaru makes her move on him with another aerial assault, and Domino's stance deepens. His arms lift to take the brunt of the blows along the forearms, causing Domino to grit his teeth a little more. Even as this happens though, a sudden aura flares to life around Domino - a bright, sparkling white. The moment Hotaru lands on the grass, the teen wrestler attempts to maneuver swiftly around behind her back, the aura displacing in a second's lag. Once behind her back, Domino attempts to hook his arms around the girl's poor battered stomach to cinch down and arch his back, driving her head and shoulders against the grass in a firm German suplex. Though after the impact, Domino rolls overtop her and drags her to her feet only to drive her down again in a second German suplex... followed by a third! In the meantime, the white shadow follows the movements, right up until it hits that final impact against the earth. At that point, the incorporeal white Domino melds to the ground and gathers rapidly under Hotaru's trapped body before suddenly erupting into a massive geyser of brilliant white concussive energy - which Domino is content to hold her through, unless she breaks free.
COMBATSYS: Drake successfully hits Hotaru with Whiteout.
[ \\\\\ < > ///// ]
Hotaru 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Drake
Her feet touch down and Hotaru takes a step backward... right into the arms of Drake; the model wrestler having managed to slip in behind her faster than she realized. His arms hook in quickly, denying the girl any chance to slip out of his grasp. The wind escapes her lips as he squeezes tightly again and drops her backward, smashing her upper back into the grass. She goes fairly limp in his arms, as if the fight has been taken completely out of her at that point.
But as he hefts her up into a second slam, there is a soft grunt as she continues to struggle, hanging in there just a little longer. Up she goes again before being slammed down for the third impact, which produces a yelp. If she's aware of the energy building beneath her, she gives no indication of such, as she remains still once again, fighting against encroaching unconsciousness.
The explosion of concussive force gets a reaction from her though, another sound escaping her lips, her back arching. Held as she is, there's a question as to whether she can even reach him for any further attacks... but she tries all the same, drawing her right leg up then slamming it down toward him. At this angle, she can't possibly even connect with him... but that swath of azure chi that billows out from the sweeping foot just might have a chance to collide with the model's exposed chest!
For her own part, the girl begins to move, trying to pry herself free, not... quite finished.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru successfully hits Drake with Kobi Kyaku.
[ \\\\\ < > ]
Hotaru 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Drake
Domino had every expectation of her being out for the fight. That that final gout of concussive energy would be enough to finish her off. But it doesn't seem to be the case. Domino attempts to let her go and wriggle out of the way, but... there's no chance of that. Really, her feet move quite fast, and in normal situations, maybe it would've gone different - only not here. Not when he has to more or less get out from -under- her to evade it.
The chi slams into his body and actually gets a sharp, pained cry from the young model. His body hits the grass hard, and his eyes squeeze shut. This is really what he gets for thinking she'd be out and not taking precaution.
Nevertheless, Domino rolls onto his side, pain very, very evident on his face. He slowly pushes himself up to his feet - wobbles - and promptly hops into the air. He turns himself lateral, and aims to simply drop his six-packed abdominals across her stomach, hoping the impact on her softened abdomen will be enough to subdue her, as well. Either way, this is it for him. He's spent. He's given this fight his all, has made some mistakes he'll avoid in the future, but he's given it his very best.
COMBATSYS: Drake can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\ <
Hotaru 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Hotaru dodges Drake's Fast Throw.
[ \\\\\ <
Hotaru 0/-------/=======|
He releases her and she collapses into a Hotaru heap. Drake rolls onto his side and Hotaru is lying prone in the grass. It seems to be over for the both of them. Exhausted, pushed to their limits. Hotaru is conscious, as evidenced by her eyes forcing their way open slowly, but the way she's breathing as she rolls onto her back, her hand resting against her stomach, after so much pressure having been put there throughout the fight, it seems like she's not going anywhere either.
Perspiration gathers at her hairline and drips down her temples as she gasps for breath. The match was hard fought and she was forced to think a lot faster on her feet (or /off/ them as the case seemed to be for much of the exhibition) than she has had to against many opponents. The girl grunts, pressing her elbows down, trying to sit up, only to wince as she strains bruised abdominal muscles that just want to be left alone.
The attempt gives her just enough awareness to notice Domino is on the move again, however. In fact, he's back up on his feet, his shadow falling over her as he forces himself into one last leap to try and keep the girl down. She barely makes it out of the way in time, rolling onto her side with a pained gasp rather than trying to get up - as the latter seemed highly unlikely at the moment.
Domino lands and Hotaru looks toward him, lying in the grass alongside him, wondering what she'll be able to do if he's still in the match. But as the moments pass by, it becomes increasingly clear that the match has run its photo-finish course and she focuses more on rolling up to her knees, sitting in a kneeling position, hands on her thighs, head bowed, breath slowly. There is no cheerful hop to her feet, no warm smile for the audience. The girl is tapped out, managing to stay upright by sheer force of will and stubbornness. She opens her mouth to utter a word of thanks for the challenging match, but she's beyond being able to speak clearly and gives up after a moment, content to simply stay kneeling, allowing her mind to wander over the history of the castle that bore witness to this match. What battles of old must have been fought in the courtyard; what duals, what epic bouts no one ever wrote about. A quiet smile manages its way into her expression as she slowly lifts her chin and leans her head back, bathing her face in the sun.
COMBATSYS: Hotaru has ended the fight here.
The moment Hotaru rolls out of the way, Domino's heart just sinks. He tried his best. Gave it his all. And it just wasn't good enough this time. He lands flat against the grass with an 'ouf', and doesn't bother moving from there. He's done. All spent, nothing left. At the most, he could maybe sit up. But continue fighting? Not a chance. He's worn himself out in this fight.
Though after several seconds, filled with anxious cheering from the audience, Domino lifts himself onto his elbows and gathers up strength enough to raise his head. There, his eyes set upon Hotaru, knelt as she is. There, he simply cracks a smile up at her. It's soft, weak, but ultimately pleasant and good-natured. "Did good, Hotaru..," he says, voice strained. "As usual. Did Japan proud."
Finally, the announcer calls the match closed! Which.. was remarkably close in its completion! Considering the state of the two, they're a little uncertain as to whether Hotaru - who's managed to raise herself higher than Domino at the moment - is the victor, of if she's likewise unable to continue fighting.. or if it's just plain mutually finished and a concluded fight. In the end, the audience seems to accept it more as the latter - the fight is just plain concluded, Japan's talent excellently shown off and Domino's skills put to the test in an extreme way.
Given several more seconds to gather his strength, Domino crawls onto his knees to rest, slouched. "If you're gonna stick around the village for a day or two, lemme take you out for icecream or somethin'. You earned that," the model invites.
Log created on 18:58:18 11/08/2008 by Drake, and last modified on 14:06:55 11/09/2008.