Vince - Big Trouble in Little China.. Town

Description: Vince is off to get fresh material for his rosettes, whereas Spider is off exacerbating a terrible racial stereotype. The shenanigans are noticed, and true to his creed, Vince attempts to stop it. When things aren't going well for the swordsman, something different triggers in him. Vince is left with self confusion, and Spider is left with a little rose blade to turn in to Rugal.

In a seedy warehouse in Chinatown, something illegal is happening. The Spider stands before several small time gangbangers, with a large suitcase. "Good evening, gentlemen." He opens the suitcase and reveals the portions of a sniper rifle. "The latest in long distance warfare. Equipped with hollow point rounds for maximum lethality. Now...The money?"

Seedy warehouses of Chinatown are usually where illegal things happen. And Vince doesn't necessarily go out of his way to find these things... they just usually pop out at him. Like tonight, for instance, Vince is just out to discreetly purchase his steel supply to manufacture more rosettes, when he sees his dealer take a look inside a warehouse, turn frightened, and scurry off down an alleyway. Ever nosy, Vince emerges silently from his own shroud of darkness to take a look at what's spooked his supplier.

Thug-types inside the warehouse. Guns. Trouble finds the young rogue everywhere he goes, it seems. But true to his roots, he can't just turn a blind eye to it when it presents itself. But at least he's dressed the part. Black clothing, cape, and even eyemask - he could be Zorro, had he only a hat.

So Vince edges into the warehouse and maneuver along the perimeter, attempting to keep unnoticed along the wall until he has a good view of what all is going down, everyone's placement, the items in question - the lot of it. As he observes, he begins to draw one of the rosettes from near the right hip, holding it by two petals in index and middle fingers.

One of the Syndicate thugs gets out a briefcase full of money, opening it for the Spider. The Spider nods, as he closes up the sniper rifle case and passes it to another thug. "That'll do." He accepts the case full of money, adding, "We'll be talking if it isn't all here." He offers an empty smile. "I'm sure you wouldn't try to mess with R, though."

Vince's progress slows to a halt and he turns his head slightly, eyeing the scenario. 'R'? Is that a person? Well, whatever the case may be, it looks like the deal is about to complete. He can't very well allow a clean getaway, now can he? Even if he's intending on keeping in good form for the tournament, doing the right thing must take precedence. It must!

There's a sharp, but brief whistle through the air as a remarkably rose-like stiletto zips from the shadows, aimed to stab into the side of the briefcase.

Hit or miss, Vince's elbow nudges a nearby lightswitch. Conveniently for dramatics, a suspended light hanging over him suddenly turns on, creating a cascading spot over him amidst the rest of the dense shadows. The young rogue rests casually back against the wall of the warehouse, arms folded over his chest and cape settled over the majority of his body. A sly, confident smirk plays on his face, icy blues displayed through the eyemask positively glinting.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen," says Vince, silky smooth voice elevated to be heard in what he intends to be an authoritative level. "But I cannot allow this transaction to continue. Leave the arms and money, and you may walk away to rethink your lives. If you choose to stay... on behalf of the good people of Southtown, my hand will be forced."

The Spider blinks as the stiletto rose hits his case, and looks over to the light as Vince appears. The two thugs draw guns from their jackets, but the Spider looks over at them and shakes his head. "Go." He drops his briefcase as the two thugs flee with the sniper rifle, raising his fighting guard. "You made a big mistake."

COMBATSYS: Spider has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Spider           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Vince has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Spider           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Vince

The icy blues zip off towards the fleeing thugs, drawing a frown upon Vince's face. "Tch. I'll get them later." Maybe. Hopefully!

But there's still one here, and looking more than willing to fight and defend the money. "Well, in that case..." Vince's right hand dips down towards his hip, behind the flowing cape. When his hand re-emerges, it's delicately holding another of the stilettos. The heavily polished steel shard is raised to just beneath his nose, barely touching his lips. "..Suppose I'd better make due and enjoy myself while I can!"

With a sudden, single movement, the arm is suddenly outstretched. The rosette is also gone. Said blade is, in fact, searing through the air en route towards Spider's torso.

COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Vince's Medium Fling.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Spider           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0            Vince

The Spider swings his arm around, knocking the blade aside but leaving a cut on his wrist. "A knife fighter, eh?" He advances forward with a quick double juke, closing the space between them. "I'm a bit of a blade man myself," he comments, as he reaches under Vince's arm and attempts to give him a hip toss.

COMBATSYS: Spider successfully hits Vince with Hymn of Solomon.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Spider           0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0            Vince

Vince leans off the wall and looks to be in preparation to do something - only he's caught a bit by surprise. Arm is grabbed, and Vince is thrown over to the ground, landing with a firm thud. Teeth grit briefly, but he quickly pivots into a knelt position. "Au contraire," he remarks, peering up at his foe.

The right hand dips into the folds of cape on the left side again, but this time as it's drawn back out, something much more noteworthy comes with it.

A full-length, glinting steel rapier. A rapier suddenly wreathed in swirling smoky gray energy.

The blade, in the same movement as it's drawn, is thrust towards Spider's torso. As this happens, the energy funnels along the edge of the blade to swirl into a tip leading the steel itself - intended in stabbing into, and straight through Spider before the actual blade follows suit.

COMBATSYS: Spider counters Venteuse from Vince with Star of Zion.
- Power hit! -

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Spider           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Vince

The Spider raises an eyebrow as the sword is drawn. "Ahhh, a fencer." As the blade comes towards him, the Spider's arm swings out, striking it and knocking it aside with his forearm. His left hand flies in and strikes Vince directly in the diaphram with a crushing knuckle buster, the Spider taking a step backwards after the attack is unleashed. "Too bad I'm faster than you."

Sword deflected, bringing a sharp surprise to the fencer. And this surprise is really all Spider needs to land his blow, tumbling Vince over once, who ends in a crouch with a gasp.

The words, however, draw another smirk.

"Twitchy. Uncontrolled. Not faster," he remarks. "I'll prove it to you."

Vince suddenly springs high into the air backwards, cape billowing like a shroud half before him. From the rippling folds of material suddenly shoots another rosette, ripping through the air on another crash-course with Spider's torso. As the blade passes, it whisks the cape back to reveal the extended left arm that threw the weapon.

COMBATSYS: Vince successfully hits Spider with Sudden Fling.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Spider           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Vince

The Spider gets struck by the rosette in the face, the steel rose leaving a thin cut along his cheek. "Uncontrolled? I beg to differ," the Spider says. He takes a step forward, before turning to the side fluidly and unleashing a deadly kick at Vince's throat. "I'm the epitome of /control/."

COMBATSYS: Vince dodges Spider's Light Kick.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Spider           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Vince

As Vince lands neatly on his boots again, he's met with a boot aimed for the throat. This time, however, the young swordsman demonstrates a bit of finesse in mobility by twisting his body to the side, then back a bit to allow the kick no purchase. In the process of tilting back with Spider's foot in the air, he attempts to take advantage of the seemingly unprotected flank by whisking the rapier around behind his back - and jabbing the tip directly towards the man's ribs.

COMBATSYS: Spider counters Quick Strike from Vince with Star of Zion.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Spider           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Vince

In a blur, the Spider spins about as his foot comes down. His hand smacks the sword aside, his other hand sinking into Vince's chest, aiming at his lowermost rib with enough force to break it or send it floating into his abdomen. "Is that the best you have?" the Mossad killer asks, smirking above Vince.

And that particularly cruel attack gets a sharp cry of pain from the would-be hero, who then hisses with each breath through his teeth. The icy eyes narrow on Spider, and he manages a grin, despite. "N-no.. of course not.."

Vince decides quickly that trying to rip free of the grasp would be.. just a bad idea, really. Could lead to a serious injury, if he hasn't already sustained one. So instead, he attempts to break the contact instead by forcing Spider to let go. A rosette is suddenly retrieved into his left hand and whisked out at Spider's wrist to create a draw cut, while his other arm swings down to smash the pommel of his rapier against his skull.

COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Vince's Medium Strike.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Spider           1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0            Vince

The Spider's wrist is cut open, although the cut is shallow. The Spider's other hand comes up and stops the rapier from striking his head. "No more clever banter, hero?" His hand on the pommel aims to twist around Vince's hand, aiming to grip his wrist, his other hand flying in at the top of his elbow, attempting to snap it.

COMBATSYS: Vince blocks Spider's Barak Zev.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Spider           0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1            Vince

This, however, leaves Vince's other arm rather free. He takes the defensive immediately and twists around to allow his shoulder to be struck instead. Painful, absolutely, and it even gets a yelp - but he's certainly not broken. That would be a fine mess for Strolheim.

But instead, Vince's head turns to look at Spider, up close and personal now. Those icy blues are somehow... eerie. The pupils and whites have disappeared, encompassed by the icy blue color -glowing-. Along with this, a wind begins to pick up in the warehouse, strangely enough. A rather strong wind.

"No need for words...," Vince seethes, the nigh jovial attitude clearly gone at this point.

Vince spins back away from him, yanking free of the grasp. His left hand thrusts into the air, rosette still gripped in an underhanded position. Suddenly, the floor beneath Spider comes to life with a shrieking tornado of visible, gray winds, meant to trap the Israeli and throw him into the air... while the winds shear and shred him.

COMBATSYS: Vince successfully hits Spider with LaRose Storm.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Spider           0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0            Vince

With the raging tornado in full bloom, Vince leaps into the violent winds as well! He, however, is neither ripped, nor torn - instead, he appears to be carried with it, or perhaps even ride it. He ascends to the ceiling of the warehouse with Spider, cape whipping about behind him, eyes ablaze with icy blue as he turns aside...

And all Hell breaks loose.

Vince's swordarm immediately blurs out of vision but for a glint of steel in the darkness, placing heavy stab after heavy stab, innumerable in amount, and increasing in severity, ranging from the legs to head. After a few seconds of this horrific technique with the potential to utterly mutilate a target, Vince concludes the combination with a final, driving thrust of the rapier to strike Spider's midsection and drive him both out of the shredding winds and against the floor.

Vince follows after him a moment later, landing on his boots, then faultering a little. The glow in his eyes ceases, leaving just a somewhat dazed youth in its wake again. "Gh-..," he manages. Which.. isn't all that much.

The tornado, with a final roar, dies down until it's fully dissipated.

The Spider shouts out incoherently as the winds take him, and Vince begins to dice him. He tries his best to protect his head and torso as his limbs are sliced up. He falls to the ground after the deadly rapier combination, on one knee. His blood pools on the floor as he seethes with anger, a particularly evil look in his brown eye. "You...Are done." He charges forward, attempting to grasp Vince around the neck in a reverse headlock, before bringing his hand to Vince's spine in a blade chop between the vertebrae.

COMBATSYS: Spider successfully hits Vince with Masechet.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Spider           0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0            Vince

Dazed as he is, Vince isn't at all ready to make any sort of defense against a rush. He has only enough time to give Spider a startled look, the eyemask seeming to widen... and he's caught. The chop lands in the spine, getting a choked, pained cry from Vince before he drops to his knees. That.. felt severely painful. To the point of needing to see a doctor now painful. But of course, this is just one thing he'll need to look into after tonight.

There's a pause from Vince as he does nothing... then suddenly rolls over onto his back, left hand lashing out once more to sling a final blade into Spider's torso with a callous, "For you..."

COMBATSYS: Vince can no longer fight.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Spider           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Vince's Sudden Fling.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Spider           0/-------/------=|

The Spider catches the blade in his hand, blood dripping down. He grabs the suitcase full of money as he hears sirens, and limps away, leaving a trail of blood to his black Saab that's parked out in the alley. He's a total mess.

Log created on 18:51:45 10/24/2008 by Vince, and last modified on 20:56:12 10/29/2008.