Roberto - Don't Call Me Kirishima

Description: Yurika decides to push Roberto's buttons and Roberto decides to push a few buttons of his own. This extremely unsocial conversation culminates in an exchange of threats and ultimatums.

The Pao-Pao cafe, doesn't King run this place or some such? As history moves on and more fighters come into the scene, the question of the actual owner of the resturaunt comes into question to.. Well, those that really care. All that's really important in the end is that the service and the food is great, right?
This kind of busy-ish atmosphere isn't actually the kind of place Yurika enjoys hanging around in, but the tea is actually quite good and she had promised herself that she would spend more time outside of Seijyun to observe things. Why? Because she felt she needed to familiarize herself with various things in life outside of school if she's going to get where she truly wants to be.
But she's not inside just yet, she's actually just coming back from shopping at one of her favorite stores famous for the gothic lolita apparel 'Baby, the Stars Shine Bright'. And she's dressed as extravegantly as always as well, clad in a light blue and exceptionally frilled and laced dress with a matching bonnet atop her head, and of course white gloves on her arms and stockings on her feet- Not to be confused with her usual outfit that is a uniform; this one is clearly a lolita-style dress and the Seijyun symbol is nowhere to be seen. What she hopes to find at the Pao-Pao is difficult to say.. She actually conteplates -not- going.

And Roberto for his par is already inside for two reasons. One: His dorm roomates are having a party and while the Pao Pao has a busy-ish atmosphere, it's quiet enough to suit his purposes which is to study. Two: He's hungry, his roomies don't cook worth a damn and he didn't want to cook around them while they were preparing for said party.

Roberto manages to kill two birds with one stone by going to the Pao Pao, where he has a text book wide open while he's taking notes on what he has read. The current subject, History.

Truth be told though he doesn't looked particularly enthused about the subject matter but he's pushing himself to get through it while he idly rolls a soccer ball under his foot.

Naturally that -would- be the thing to get Yurika's interest, wouldn't it? It wasn't that she'd forgotten about Roberto or Taiyo, but she'd been quite busy in Seijyun since she's yet to have graduated herself. One could assume safely, then, that this is her final year. With two bags in hand, she pauses at the window upon recognizing said familiar figure. Goodness, it's been so long!
One moment she's outside, and the next.. "Mister Miura? Your company is here." the blushing waiter says with a confused smile, and when he steps to the side, there's the white haired council president, with the same mysterious little smile she always has.
"Thank you very much for helping me, sir.." Yurika says as she takes her seat, "One green tea, please.."
"Y- Yes ma'am, right away ma'am, it wasn't any trouble!" and just like that he's off, leaving the musician and the soccer pro seated.. Togeather.. Alone. That sort of makes it a date! With a slight tilt of her head, she greets,
"Good day, Roberto.. It's been quite some time, hasn't it?"

Roberto doesn't even look up from his notes when the waiter comes and announces that he has company. Company? Wait... Roberto wasn't planning on company. If it wasn't for the sky blue visor that's almost constantly upon his head, he probably would've raised a quite visible eyebrow.

The soccer star isn't given much time to think about it because upon hearing that familiar voice, there's a slight, agitated twitch. It's a cross between tick one sees when the object of their annoyance comes up right behind them, trying desperately to resist the urge to just back hand them without so much as looking at them and the weird tick of a science experiment going horribly awry.

The soccer goalie doesn't even look up from his work when he hears the sounds of the chair sliding in front of him. "How nice of you to invite yourself. But, yes. It /has/ been sometime. I think it's for a good reason." The soccer player flips the page and there's a bit of a pause before his voice takes on gruff tone. "What do you want, Kirishima?"

The greeting isn't an unexpected one.. Were it anyone else, Yurika would surely be scolding them and laying down a long lesson on proper table ettiquette. No, in this case, the musician seems quite pleased, finding it quite adorable, if not endearing in it's own unique way. Resting her arms lightly on the table, she murmurs, ".. I'm hurt, Roberto, I never considered you to hold such a petty grudge for such a long time.. If you put as much effort in that as you do in sports, you'd probably be at the World Series right now."
She.. Doesn't sound all that hurt actually, if Roberto were to look up she'd be all smiles. Still! That expression does shift to a bit of neutrality after that, ".. Just 'Yurika' is fine, Roberto. For obvious reason's I don't with to associate myself with that last name."

"In reference to the World Series it's one, the wrong sport and two, the wrong country. World Series is for the Baseball league in the United States. I play soccer or football. Pick one. And not American Football." Roberto probably wouldn't have even known that if it wasn't for the fact that his best friend is as nuts about baseball as he is about soccer.

Roberto seems to refuse to look up at Yurika. Pencil hits paper as he writes more and more on a sheet of paper. After a few moments of writing and page turning he reaches for his burger and keeps writing. "And you think I didn't get offers for professional soccer? I chose to go to the University instead of going professional." He pauses in his alternating between eating, page turning and writing. "As for the name, I only use first names with people I like and respect. I think you'd like me using your last name more than the alternative. But you never did answer my question. What do you want? And I'm not paying for your tea." Roberto has learned from his interactions with Yurika, that she never approaches him without some objective in mind. Most of the time it's pissing him off.

"Oooh, I see! I didn't realize you were familiar with other sports, that's quite admirable.." Yurika replies, seeming a bit astonished. Due to quick work, a cup and kettle is brought to the table and set in front of the musician. "Thank you."
The waiter bows deeply and rushes off again. She pours her cup calmly, "Well, actually no I don't believe you did get such offers. You're talented, Roberto, but you can't fool me.." Of course he got offers. But she won't concede to that! "Now then, the issue of my name.. I greatly prefer that you call me by any other way. If you do not, it'll be troublesome for you."
The girl takes a light sip from her teacup, and with a pleased sigh adds, "Do I .. Make myself clear, Roberto? If anything, I'd love to be addressed as 'Lady' or 'Miss' Yurika. Or if you'd like a cute pet name, I've never been called 'Rika' before." So why is she here? She doesn't say just yet. It doesn't seem her aims have changed very much, even if it is presented in an indirect way. "What do you mean you won't pay for my tea?"

Roberto raises his finger to stop the waiter but by then the waiter is long gone. Such is the result of Roberto actively not looking at the musician. The soccer star reaches for his soda and drinks from the straw with a loud almost bordering on obnoxious slurp. Normally he would be much more quiet but he's dancing the dance of annoyances with Yurika. "You don't believe me? Really, /Kirishima/. Why would I care about what you think enough that I'd actually lie to impress you? You haven't given me a reason to like you enough to want to get in your good graces let alone give you a bit of respect."

Roberto's lips curl up into a smile when the realization of the fact that she said 'any other way.' Those three words are about to haunt her. "Any other way?" Repeated to make sure she realized what she was saying and how she allowed herself to get set up. "You should've heard what my team mates wanted me to call you after that fight with Zach Glen. I mean they suggested, 'Fighter Groupie' and 'Ball Bitch.' I thought that was a bit much but after you saying that you would rather be called by any other way, I'd be more than happy to oblige."

And then the question gets posed and he looks down at his homework and gets back to work. "Exactly what I said. I'm not paying for your tea. One, you came here unwanted and uninvited and two, I only brought enough money for my food. College student has to budget and times are tough."

Let's ignore the fact that Roberto is going to college on scholarship. And gets supplemental pay from occasional NLs and SNFs.

"Hmnn.. Actually, you do raise a good question, why would you lie to me to impress me? Well, I'm certain I could think of a few reasons, but you would never admit to them." Yurika replies, setting her teacup down onto its saucer, she sets her hands on her lap and seems to go quite quiet for a moment. The slurp may have annoyed her, it'd be difficult to say without looking at her very closely. % ".. Who's Zach Glen?" she then asks, seeming mildly confused. She certainly doesn't remember fighting anyone by that name, despite that being the match she had given Roberto that 'special' ball in. Still she gives a curt nod of her head. "If that is what you'd prefer, that's fine by me, /Bert/. And while I didn't ask for you to pay for my tea, that's simply common curtousy. We haven't seen each other in months, a real man would take the bill for a lady they hadn't seen in that amount of time, don't you think?"
"Just know that whatever you choose to do, will have it's own consequences. You appear to be all riled up, ready for trouble. Allow me to note that I am nowhere near the maximum amount of trouble I could cause for you."

Roberto smiles for a moment as he packs his backpack. After all he's done eating and the History work is almost done anyway so he gets ready to leave. He rises from the table and for the first time since what has passed for a conversation he actually looks her straight in the face, not that she can see his eyes because of his visor."Oh as long as we're playing the common courtesy card, you don't take your own gifts, you don't booby trap other people's lockers, you don't invite yourself to sit with someone who you're obviously incapable of treating with respect and you don't expect those same people to foot the bill for you when you don't even know if they brought enough money to cover your order."

The soccer goalie swings his backpack over his shoulder. "But while I may not have your..." He pauses before letting his voice take on a faux aristocratic air, "...culture, or your breeding..." Then his voice drops low as he finishes his statement, "... I can say with certainty that you neither give a crap about 'common courtesy' or know a dang thing about it."

It's at this point Roberto chooses to be cruel and go after the things that seemed to get to Yurika, in an attempt to hurt her as much as he can in as little time possible and telling her what she needs to hear. Or atleast what he believes that she needs to hear. "Let's face facts. You... are... an... entitlement... bitch." He takes a deep breath and smiles. "You, much like your brother who you are obviously trying to disassociate yourself from just due to the problem you seem to have with me calling you /Kirishima/, much like those Shadaloo bastards that you threw in your lot with during the war who seem more than happy to attack schools just for shits and giggles, seem to think that just because you have money that you can pretty much get away with doing whatever the hell you want and have every fuckin' body bend knee to you and respect you. You think you can treat people who may not have had any of the same experiences as you like the dirt beneath your feet and that threats will allow you to get your way? I will not be cowed by the likes of them and if you make good on those threats I swear to god that I will lash back. Trust and believe that, Kirishima."

Yurika raises her gloved hands and a bit uncharacteristicly props her elbows on them while lacing her fingers in front of her mouth. Her already dark eyes seem to darken a touch as Roberto lays it all out in front of her and gets pretty much all he wants to say off his chest. She knows exactly what kind of reaction he's expecting, and it would appear he hasn't caught on that she's changed a bit.. Just a tiny bit.
Not that she really provided many clues, of course. "It's simple, really, Bert. There is the way that I act.. And there is the way a Kirishima acts. I'm quite the angel compared to my brother. I allow you to lash back.." her eyes then narrow a touch, and yet her smile continues to remain pleasent. ".. A Kirishima does not. What I would like for you to do before you leave is take a calm breath, and to relax.. You may even have some tea if you wish. And then carefully consider how you'd like your game to continue.. I will ask you one more time, and one more time only to no longer refer to me as Kirishima.. And then you may leave, if you so wish. Or you may buy me lunch to compensate for how your words have hurt me. I like you, Bert. You wouldn't want me to not like you."

Roberto rubs his chin for a moment as he considers her words. As he looks at her his own features seem to darken as he tilts the visor lower as his lips tighten into a stern expression. He shoulders the other strap of his bag and then folds his arms as he looks down upon the gothic loli. "Unless you've forgotten, this goes both ways. If you want me to stop using Kirishima, you have to gain my respect. Imposing yourself upon me is not how you get it. If you want me to want you around, you have to change how you treat me. If you can do that, I will be glad to call you Yurika and quite possibly even a friend. These are my terms. If you accept them, you know where to find me. If you don't accept them, don't bother coming to me because I will use /that/ name."

And with that, he slips tip money under his plate, and then dribbles the soccer ball to the register. Once there, he informs the cashier that his order is separate from hers, pays for it and walks out the door.

Log created on 21:01:18 10/20/2008 by Roberto, and last modified on 20:41:39 10/21/2008.