Description: Shurui faces off against Mai in a match well-suited to the locale: a sports bar. Mai livens it up with ninja style and spunk, while Shurui is left wondering why her powers are being referred to as 'crazy'. Surprisingly, this battle goes by without a single comparison between certain parts of the anatomy between the two fighters! ( Winner: Shurui )
Neo League!
Mai's last showing, getting the hell beaten out of her by Ryu, wasn't super amazing, but this one will hopefully go better, because she's back in her traditional crazy ninja slut attire, in similarly classic red and white. She's standing around in the sports bar, where space has been cleared not only for the fight, but for the camerapeople as well, and Mai dutifully signs autographs for sweating fighting fans as she waits for Shurui. "...I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name?" she says to a particularly vibrating young man who is about eye level with her chest.
"B-B-B-Boobs," the kid says.
"Wow, weird name. No, I'm sorry, that was mean of me. Still, you don't see it very often." Mai signs, 'TO BOOBS -- YOUR FAVORITE NINJA, MAI.' "There you go, Boobs! Okay, no more autographs -- sorry, but my opponent will be here any second!"
Sure, Shurui just might have a new job. *might*. With a crazy old Chinese man with a powerful aura as her boss. A crazy old Chinese man who just might fire her if it turns out she's nowhere near the level of help he was hoping for. MIGHT. But that's not good enough for *now*. She needs solid cash, and now. With Whip missing and K' on the prowl to look for her, Shurui can't stand idle and waste precious money as she mooches off them.
So, what would be better than to have a Neoleague fight?!
.... Well, a Neoleague fight where her aur-o-vision isn't saving her from the sight that is Mai's....... ninja-ness. Yes. Hidden in the mundaneness of the crowd with her hoodie on, attempting to survey her new opponent before crashing in, Shurui can't help but stare like the qibbling boy. But the look behind those dark eyes isn't admiration, or..... uh. Coveting? No.
... She's just trying to figure out if this woman has back problems. And really, how can this girl *fight* without major supportage? It's a completely foreign world to the petite Shurui. ....... blame NESTS- puberty's not quite settled on the shorter girl.
Ah well. Flipping the hood down to expose a head full of messy grey hair, Shurui enters the space preserved for the both of them, directing her eyes to Mai's face. ".... You're.... Mai, right? Mai Shiranui?" Why does that name sound familiar? ".... I'm your opponent."
For the record, Mai sleeps face-down with five pounds of ice packs on her lower back.
But that's neither here nore there! Mai whirls around to face Shirui, the hard balls at the end of her tails clacking together with the sudden motion. "That's right! Mai Shiranui -- mistress of the legendary Shiranui Ninjitsu!" She strikes a pose, and half the crowd reflexively claps. "You kids dye your hair some really funky colors these days," she says, pose turning into a lean forward and a scratch of her brow that only serves to emphasize that Mai's hair is auburn but her eybrows are black. "Is this one of those... what's the word, emo things? Because it looks pretty crazy. But crazy is good!"
Mai pulls a fan out of /somewhere/ and clicks it open, fanning herself. "I /like/ fighters with style."
Curious enough for a less..... aural view, Shurui fishes in the pockets of her hoodie, taking out a pair of rose-tinted glasses. As casually as she can muster, she slips them on, effectively 'masking' that strong glowing overlay and leaving her with what her puny vision can behold. It's really just convincing her brain to shut off that part instead of Shurui filtering her view with special lenses, but that's a fact over there with Mai's ice packs.
..... So yeah. Mai's wearing something..... red. With white striping? Oh god, she's barely wearinga anything at all! .... That is, unless Mai just happens to favor clothing that's a similiar color to her skin. ... It's happened. Shurui's sight can't always distinguish similiar colors until she gets close enough. Which, depending on the taller woman's style, may happen.
She'll.... take those glasses off for now, using Mai's comment as a perfect excuse to rip those glasses off as if throughly annoyed. "...... This *is* my actual hair." A pause, and Shurui adds on, mumbling, "..... Rare condition. Too lazy to dye." Have to keep up appearances! With.... uh. Style. .... this woman's commenting on her style?
Shurui's face falls. ".... Uh... Yeah. So. Uh. Shall we start?" .... Shiranui Ninjitsu. Ninja. SOMETHING IN THERE IS FAMILIAR.
"A condition? Oh no!" Mai leans forward again, putting her hands over her face in an exaggerated display of sympathy. In most cases, this would be sarcastic; in Mai's, it is not. "Well, before we fight I just want to say that's really brave of you to be part of the Neo League despite having a condition! I think a lot of people could learn from that kind of can-do spirit -- not just people with conditions, I mean, but just normal people too!"
Mai twirls into a fighting pose, body swaying to some inaudible rhythm, opening and closing her fan. "Since you have... a condition and all, I think I should let you take the first shot. So c'mon, kiddo! Gimme your best move!" Mai grins encouragingly. She's not trying to be patronizing. Really. Honest.
COMBATSYS: Mai has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mai 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Shurui has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Shurui 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Mai
Oh boy. Shurui just *walked* into that one, now leaving Mai with the impression of her as.... uh. Well. A DISABLED PERSON. ..... because of her hair's lack of pigment. Shurui just stares at Mai, then, body sagging, she lets out a sigh. This woman has *got* to be pulling her leg, right? ....right? "..... uh... um...."
It's just not worth it, arguing with this woman. Either she's a good enough actor that this is just an act, or.... this Mai Shiranui.... has a very big heart. Maybe it's a ninja secret. Yes. Shurui'll stop there. Shurui wants a good fight, some money, and to get home in time to cook something decent for dinner. Maybe call K' and demand where the hell he is. .... or not.
Time to test the waters. She moves forward, cautiously. A hand raises up. "Okay, if you say so-" DOWN does that hand suddenly, a burst of grey power fizzing to life from the downward-turned palm, slamming against the tight weaves of the carpet. A small shockwave erupts from that sudden point zero, psycho power leeching out the set edges. Outside of that initial zone, nothing is harmed, save for the jingle of a few nearby glasses and bottles at the second of impact.
COMBATSYS: Shurui successfully hits Mai with Little Earthquake.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Mai
Mai is too busy trying to use her tails behind her back to wipe the poison off the tips of her fans to really see the attack coming. She falls prey to underestimating her opponent, considering that yeah, she thinks she's fighting a special-needs warrior. "Oof!" comes the cry as she's vaulted into the air -- she manages to make being caught unawares seem graceful, as she does a perfect somersault by complete accident and then lands on her back as the psycho-ripple fades. "Ungh, wow."
Mai gets up and dusts herself off. "Pretty good, kid! I can see whoever's been training you has done a really good job -- I hope you get to go to a great pizza party after this! But pizza's kind of fattening, that's really not good for a fighter, so don't eat too much! Besides, you might get a tummyache! OK -- my turn!" Mai suddenly leaps forward, twirling in mid-air to attempt to deposit a flying kick to Shurui's chest.
COMBATSYS: Mai successfully hits Shurui with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0 Mai
Whether or not Mai's justified in her writing off Shurui is yet to be seen- now that Shurui's established herself on the counsel as 'crazy girl who doesn't mind fighting people beyond her level' since her fight with Oswald, Shurui's never quite sure what she's ever up against. Rather ironic, considering her cautious and avoiding behavior outside of matches and spars. Sure, her luck's proven itself nicely in previous fights since then, but this?
This will either end spectacularly, or leave Shurui wishing she had just walked out of the club and never looked back. Does that prize money *really* matter? .... Wait, tummyache? Pizza party?! "...." Okay, again, does the money *really* matter that much? "Oh for fuck' s-!"
Shurui is sent flying backwards against the carpet, hoodie protecting her from any minor rug burn she might gain from this first round. "Heh." Throwing herself to her feet, Shurui's lips fold in a frown. Well. She *could* take the bait again like a nice idiot, or, she could shut her trap and show the ninja what she's made of. But first?
.... So. Just how fast is this woman? Her aura can't lie; there's more to this woman that just what people can physically see. Time to test it, and, if Shurui can last that long, hone her attacks to slip in where the ninja's weaknesses lie. Quietly, she circles, body bent in a cautious stance. Seeing some sort of sign that she somehow takes as an opening, Shurui rushes forward in a quick strike, jutting out her open hand like a blunt knife towards the women's abdomen.
COMBATSYS: Mai fails to interrupt Quick Punch from Shurui with Weapon Jab.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Mai
"Whoa! Language, little one!" Mai wags a fan in a 'naughty naughty' type gesture.
Shurui charges forward, and Mai is busy lecturing. "There are some words that are sometimes okay to /think/, but not okay to /say/. Whoa!" Mai attempts to whap Shurui on the head with her closed fan like it was a rolled-up newspaper, but the open-palm attack connects.
Connects, that is, with her left breast. Mai winces and whirls, putting some space between herself and Shurui. "No! Bad! /Bad/ touch!" She frowns, and takes on a slumped posture for a moment. "I'm sorry to talk at you like a puppy or something, but you really need to learn these things. Sometimes it's just not okay to touch someone like that -- nearly all the time, in fact. You should really save that kind of contact for someone you really care about, but it's not my place to give you /that/ lecture."
If Mai chooses to lecture her like an idiot with no sign of an 'ay' or 'nay' in regards to stopping, Shurui'll gladly take whatever bone she can get in this fight to get ahead. Money'll come whether she wins or loses, even if the winner would get a significant amount more, but Shurui can't just let this fight become just a regrettable chapter in her short neoleague career. Even if she loses, she won't lose without giving it her all. And it's an attitude like that that makes the coordinators not mind her occasional appearance. Everyone loves underdogs, right? Well, everyone likes sex appeal too, and Shurui's is a little low compared to her opponents, unless you ask those certain creepy few who, uh, *prefer*-
.... Let's not go there.
Fist hits breast, retracts, and Shurui doesn't even seem to notice until Mai mentions it in that annoying fake voice. God, it *has* to be fake. Shurui's shoulders slump, almost unintentionally miming Mai's own posture. ".... Do you do this to *everyone*? God, you're annoying." At least Shurui's heeding Mai's playful not-plea to mind her language. She sighs, pacing backwards.
.... And then attempts to jab a sudden knee in Mai's midsection. "How 'bout this, then?"
COMBATSYS: Shurui successfully hits Mai with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Mai
When Shurui sasses Mai, the ninjette is too shocked to even mount a defense, her fan dropping to the floor with a clatter. "Wh--"
And then Mai gets the wind kicked out of her. She staggers back, reeling, clutching her stomach. "Uhgh... I... I see what this is," she says, eyes burning with /ninja fury/. "You don't have a /condition/ at all -- you're /faking/ it so fighters will go /easy/ on you!" Mai snaps open another fan, pulled from some other mysterious point on her ill-fitting costume. "That's /disgusting/ -- I never knew fighters could sink so /low/!"
Mai, in fact, pretended to be retarded all throughout a karate tournament in junior high, and won because of it.
"You're one of those snot-nosed kids with no reverence for anything, just like the ones I teach at the dojo who act like they're too cool to listen to my lectures on proper use of guile and trickery! Well, I can't unload on them, little girl, but I sure can on you! The gloves are /off/!" Mai suddenly /leaps/ forward -- and attempts to flip /over/ Shurui, to grab her by the skull and /flip/ her!
COMBATSYS: Mai successfully hits Shurui with Shiranui Gourin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Mai
It's not that Shurui's eye sight is really this horrible condition. Sure, everything's blurry. Beyond those special handheld lens for various specific uses, she's dependent on contrasts between objects' color, shape, light, and shadow. The further things are, the more colors and shapes merge And don't get her started on night vision. Without that third eye and its survey of the people around her, she'd be, well, blind as a bat. Most of the time, that's enough to keep her from standing out. When she does get accused of getting special treatment or something because of it, it's awkward.
..... So now she's being accused of just that. Because of her hair. Sure, it's probably Mai attempting to psyche her, but Shurui can't take it. The irony is *really* too much.
Shurui begins to laugh, in spite of herself. Laugh so much that when her eye alerts her to that surge of energy, she can't dodge in time. Feet clasp her head and wheel her around, throwing her just outside the circle and against the carpet as people surge backwards out of danger just in time. "OOF!" World spins. Shurui gets up, body loose. It hurts, but the fun's now begun, perhaps. And that just makes up for it. Her head looks upwards towards the blurry Mai.
"Then do it. Come at me. Show me why those kids'd better take your advice seriously." In reality, Shurui's looking at that aura that lies beyond, within Mai. Studying it. K' was right; she needs to be more forceful. She'll come at Mai and make this fight end on a good note, whether she wins or loses.
COMBATSYS: Shurui focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Mai
Mai replies with a curt "You're not the boss of me!"
Then she pauses, to reflect on that. "I mean, wait, I /will/ do that! You're trying to mess me up, as if pretending to be a retarded wasn't bad enough!" Hanzo Shiranui taught his granddaughter via example that it is perfectly okay to say 'the retardeds' as if this were a technical term.
Mai charges, suddenly leaping /over/ Shurui -- at the wall, in fact, which she then kicks off of, does a somersault in mid-air... and suddenly, she zooms downward at a perfect if implausible diagonal angle, ready to deliver a killer flying headbutt!
COMBATSYS: Shurui counters Musasabi no Mai from Mai with Plum Blossom Shower.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Mai
Okay, now Shurui's just amused. Annoyed still, yes, but amused. She's gone beyond the initial shock of being called on for something cvompletely random, and now, she can't think of those words as insults anymore. Let Mai refer to her as 'a retarded'. After all, she's.... referring to her as a 'retarded'. Best enjoy the skill behind those words, rather than get anxious about whatever ego Mai might manage to bruise.
"So...." Shurui says, head following the general direction of Mai's grand leap, "I'm the one pretending?" She might not be able to dodge what Mai's attack might turn out to be, so, rushing in and leaping into the air...
"So where does that leave you?" Shurui meets her in the air instead, just before that somersault. Locking her right leg against Mai's, Shurui maintains a grip on Mai's shoulders, tilting her downwards in order to make her be the first thing that hits the ground, rather than Shurui.
"Agh!" Mai eats floor, and rolls away when Shurui's legs release. She takes a moment to clutch her head before she stands, as if pantomiming the reaction to a head injury somehow helps with the actual coping thereof. "You're full of spunk, kid, I'll give you that much," she says grudgingly. "And your banter's not bad, either. If I didn't know any better I'd almost say you came from one of my programs at the Shiranui Dojo -- home of Shiranui Ninjitsu."
Mai is, of course, very aware of the camera crew.
Mai reaches behind herself and pulls out a fan. She is just full of these things, apparently. She points the fan dramatically: "You've got fighting spirit, little girl, even if you seem to have a chip on your shoulder and you resort to really weird tactics to try and garner sympathy. But I think with time, you KACHOU SEN!" The 'KACHOU SEN' is where, mid-sentence, Mai spins and /hurls/ the closed steel fan at Shurui's head.
COMBATSYS: Shurui blocks Mai's Kachou Sen.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Mai
"... If I didn't have the means to know better I would've underestimated you at the beginning," Shurui admits in return, albiet while her secret gaze surveys the situation to prepare for another attack. Or, react to one.
The lecture is continuing. Shurui's guard nearly drops, but not because Mai's switching tactics. No, the act isn't just for her, perhaps, but for the cameras. The crowds. It really is clever- make people underestimate you, and then overwhelm them with your skill. It *has* to be that, or else Mai is just got some *insane* luck.
Ah, Shurui caught that. Her body's already reacting before the first syllable of that attack is sounded, but there's not enough time to properly evade. Instead, steel fan meets Shurui's upper arms, clanging up against cloth and skin. *CLANG* It still hurts like hell though. God, she get hit a funny bone or something on top of it?
Better that than her head, though. Where tricks may fail, Mai's skill has the potential complete the gap made by Shurui's abilities. "Ngh!" Her mind now set in battle mode, Shurui charges to attempt a retaliation, determined to take advantage of whatever scant seconds she has before Mai's prepared her defense.... or offense. Leaping into the air, legs bent, Shurui's foot rockets forward towards Mai's abdomen, momentum adding to the potential weight behind her attack.
COMBATSYS: Mai dodges Shurui's Heavy Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Mai
COMBATSYS: Shurui has left the fight here.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Mai 1/-----==/=======|
COMBATSYS: Mai has ended the fight here.
Mai springs into the air, managing a tremendous vert -- legs like hers have to be good for something other than looking pretty, right? (Right?) She leaps over the kick and swings her body backward, landing on a handspring that she then uses to kick herself sideways, cartwheeling to her feet. It is a tremendous and unnecessary display of flexibility and athleticism.
Of course, Mai's not done leaping around like a jumping bean yet. For the first time in the fight, she makes a move without her trademark irrelevant banter, instead focusing her will into another leap -- a lunge, in fact, hurtling her body toward Shurui. And when she gets close enough, she /spins/, her tails swinging like heavy lashes -- and chi-flame manifesting around them, threatening a nasty burn. "RYUUUUUUUU ENBU!"
COMBATSYS: Shurui fails to interrupt Ryuu Enbu from Mai with Quartz Shard.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Shurui 1/---====/=======|=======\===----\1 Mai
Shurui lands after her kick only finds air instead of Mai's abdomen, and, temporarily, she's off-balance. Perfect timing for Mai, whose acrobatics and speed pay off. Though Shurui attempts to batter the Shiranui heir with a quick whip of grey Psycho power, those tails slap her first, causing her to let out a high-pitched grunt of pain underneath the ninja's own vocal flourish in Japanese.
One thing's for sure, despite whatever disadvantages Mai's figure might have given her, the ninja is quick. Of course, who's ever heard of a slow ninja?
Mai Shiranui has, through countless lectures from her grandfather mostly consisting of "A SLOW NINJA IS A /DEAD NINJA/" repeated over and over while he threw wrenches at her head.
She touches down with another spin, the flame's chi-powered nature resulting in her costume's tails fading to an unburnt, pleasantly warm state, like putting on pants fresh out of the dryer. Perhaps this gives her the push she needs to press the advantage, should she manage it -- it's the little things that dictate fights, sometimes. "I know Psycho Power when I see it, kid -- and that's dangerous stuff! You should stop by my dojo -- get your chi in check the natural way! Here -- let me show you a quick, fun meditation exercise!"
Mai assumes a stationary pose, standing stock-still and bringing her folded hands to her face, eyes closed -- and then chi flame explodes outward from her in a huge bubble, slamming her surroundings with force and heat!
COMBATSYS: Shurui parries Mai's Kagero no Mai!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Shurui 1/----===/=======|=======\===----\1 Mai
Mystical chi flame spreads from Mai, but Shurui's already wisely keeping her distance, leaping backwards until her body hits the edge of the crowd. ".... Man." Mai's saying her power's crazy?
.... Funnily enough, in all the short time Shurui's known her powers *weren't* chi, no one's ever audibly described it as 'psycho', but by the other more vague moniker, 'psychic'. It wasn't that anyone was *sheltering* her, but the concept of another power besides chi existing isn't exactly.... commonplace. "*C'mon*. Now you're critizing that?"
Running forward to place herself right in front of Mai, Shurui shoots her fist out, pinning the force of her body behind it. Of course, this isn't any ordinary one-inch punch... "How can you judge it if you haven't felt it yet!" If it lands, the aforementioned Psycho power flies out from the edges, lancing through Mai's body and out her back. It's only when Shurui punches her with her free left hand that Mai is released to fall or escape away.
COMBATSYS: Shurui successfully hits Mai with Subtle Knife EX.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/----===|=======\======-\1 Mai
Mai shifts her wait, anticipating an attack -- and though she might be experienced and worldly enough to know the brilliant glow of Psycho power being used when she sees it, that doesn't mean she's much of an expert in, y'know, dodging it. The power courses through her body, causing her to seize and spasm as the lance is wrenched out, and sending her tumbling to the floor in a heap, a few spare fans clattering out of her suit at unlikely angles.
Mai is still for a moment, then coughs. "Okay," she finally murmurs, weakly, "I can see how that's a handy thing to have. You've got power, kid..." Mai suddenly /leaps/ to her feet, despite starting to look a bit worse for wear.
"...but /I've/ got Shiranui Style!"
Mai backflips, landing against the wall behind her and springing off of it. The look on her face is determined, every muscle tense, aching for violent release. Sweat even dares bead, as she hurtles toward the ground like she was shot from a cannon, only throwing a hand out at the last second -- which only boosts her velocity when she springs off of it into a front flip.
Mai moves so fast that even her shadowy afterimages leave shadowy afterimages. What is abundantly clear, though, is that she is letting her elbow lead the charge toward Shurui's head.
COMBATSYS: Shurui blocks Mai's Chou Hissatsu Shinobi Bachi EX.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Mai
Shurui's eye catches the movement of many blurry objects somehow slipping from the temporarily downed Mai. It takes a moment for her to identify them, but, as one scitters next to her foot, Shurui realizes *exactly* what they are: fans. .... Where..... where do they *come* from? Doesn't Mai have problems with *chafing*?!
It's this confusing query that makes Shurui lose that precious second needed to properly dodge Mai's attack. Or, that's the way Shurui'd *like* to phrase it. Truth is, Mai's fast, and, while Shurui is *also* fast, she's not as fast as Mai. Especially when the ninja is moving fast enough to leave after-images visually.
Shurui can, however, block. But that doesn't avoid the *pain* of having an elbow coming at you at god-who-knows-how-fast miles per hour. The short girl staggers back panting as Mai backs off, her momentum spent; it's clear she's getting worn down as well. Reserving whatever strength she still has for later, Shurui moves forward with a quick roundhouse kick, wanting to keep Mai at bay while she still recovers enough for more exhausting attack.
COMBATSYS: Shurui successfully hits Mai with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Shurui 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Mai
Mai put so much of her all into that supersonic elbow that there's a moment where her guard lapses -- and in that moment, she's kicked directly in the face, so hard that she physically spins in the air before landing on her back. She reaches out swiftly -- for one of her spilled fans. And she lays there for a moment, fanning herself. "Whoo," she says, slowly standing, cracking her shoulders, "kid, how old /are/ you? Most /adults/ I've fought can't kick like that."
COMBATSYS: Mai gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Mai
When the kick connects, it surprises even Shurui. Maybe K''s advice clicked in subconsciously? Nnh. She's probably just pissed or something. When Mai takes a moment to rest, Shurui does the same, struggling to gain her breath. When her breathing returns to normal, the short gedo school finally answers Mai's question.
"Sixteen," Shurui answers, straightening to awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. "... More or less." It's *always* awkward to reveal your age, especially when you look like a street-hardened twelve year old. Though, it's not like Shurui knows for *sure*. For all she knows, she could be, in reality, a few years old instead thirteen, fourteen, or fifteen, thanks to the element of NESTS now included in her unfinished puzzle piece of a past.
..... God, she *hates* NESTS.
Slipping back into that ready posture, Shurui's hand moves outward, twisting around before settling with an open palm, thumb folded inwards. "Hookay. Let's finish this. Don't care if I win or lose- you challenged me, so I got what I came for."
COMBATSYS: Shurui gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > /////// ]
Shurui 0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0 Mai
Mai raises her hands, fingers straight and pressed together, and assumes an attacking position, before letting out a slow breath. "Let's get to it, then!" She suddenly snaps her posture straight, as if her whole body had been galvanized. Kicking up two of the fans, Mai snatches them from the air and clicks them open.
In the same smooth motion, Mai swings her leg back behind herself, striking the two weighted balls at the end of her tails. While maintaining her grip on the fans, Mai strikes her tails like a pool hustler taking a trick shot, causing them to split and wrap around her, so that one tail-end flies into each hand.
Mai then moves. She's fast -- damned fast -- and with the swooping and slashing of her fans and the whipping of each stroke pulling her tails taut, it's hard to pin down her figure.
Except for when she spins, anyway -- there's no mistaking the red thong.
Granted, the swinging fans are probably more the danger here.
COMBATSYS: Shurui counters Hakuro no Mai from Mai with Plum Blossom Shower.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > /// ]
Shurui 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Mai
Thongs? Boxers? Bras? This is where aural vision shines (no pun intended). ...... well, okay, more like Shurui can't *tell* most of the time unless she took the time to put her glasses back on. Then again, Shurui's not the type to readily pay attention, unlike the many men (and a few women) enjoying the show.
Quickly intercepting Mai's figure, Shurui closes in, a single fan whapping against her body but not impeding her from getting up close and personal. ..... Well, not personal; the way she sticks her knee into the back of Mai's leg and the way she interlocks the ninja's arms, tilting her to the side until the woman's balance is unable to keep her from being throw to the ground is nuetral at most. It's just the body of her opponent.
...... A few people in the ground would dare to disagree, however.
Mai's tails entangle; this is the fatal design flaw that keeps her from throwing her hands up, causing her to take most of the throw on her head and shoulders. "UNGH!" Mai attempts to feebly stand, but her knees knock and her legs wobble; she topples over like a jiggly sack of bricks.
A few moments and the application of smelling salts later, Mai awakens, and quickly puts two and two together re: losing the fight. "Wow, kid," she says, walking over to the victor and offering a hand in congratulation, "you're tougher than I thought, and even though we got off on the wrong foot, I can respect that. I never did get your name!"
COMBATSYS: Mai takes no action.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Shurui 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Mai can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Shurui 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Shurui has ended the fight here.
... So the fight is over. It takes Shurui a few moments to realize this, standing by Mai's fallen body as if the ninja was certain to suddenly attack her with some trick move. Eventually, her hands lower and she stands back, allowing the medics standing to the side to whip out some smelling salts in order to revive the fallen ninja.
Eventually, Mai *does* awaken, and Shurui's body slumps down into a sitting position as people begin to disperse. "... Shurui Chiang," she offers as an answer. "I usually don't do very many neoleague fights." She shrugs. "But yeah. Didn't know who you were at first- it's not easy watching fights on the TV. Not like watching them in person." She stands, her gaze tired. "That was a tough fight. Thank you."
Mai, who has now convinced herself that Shurui is perfectly normal, remains ignorant of Shurui's /actual/ condition. "Oh, I know, seeing them in person is the only way, TV is just so flat and boring and they break up the fights with commercials and /ugh/! But listen -- any time you want, you swing by the Shiranui Dojo -- it's kind of a trek but I mean at least it's scenic, you know? Can't beat the gorgeous views, it's like seeing the handiwork of God himself, crystal clear in front of your eyes, right there in living 20/20 color. But yeah, no, seriously, you're welcome anytime. We do classes, we've got space for sparring, and if you're lucky you'll get to see Grandfather cane the hell out of one of the smartmouth kids from my classes!" Mai bounces. "We're in the phone book, look us up, the ad's so big you can't miss it -- plain as day in front of your face, you know? I gotta get going because I think I have a pretty serious concussion. Bye!"
Log created on 23:23:31 10/11/2008 by Shurui, and last modified on 00:45:22 10/14/2008.