Description: Blanka and Naearooose do battle for lunch in southtown to see who will have to pay. Of couarossse Naeaarroose would never pay because she's cheap and broke like that and Blanka is paid in melons and not monies. ( Winner: Blanka )
It was the middle of china town and the fight to END ALL FIGHTS. Well probably not that epic, but at the very least there was a sizeable crowd because today there would be two relatively freakish people going at it.. One a certain witch and the other a certain beast man. Both had their 'fame'. Suffice to say it would prove to be interestinig, or should prove to be interesting. The witch, to do her part show up early. Early as in only five minutes late and begins the night by defacing the sign with the name 'Naeo' in front of league. Yes she just adds an 'a' in red crayon, but that was quickly becoming a token petty vandalism of hers.
"So who is it that is buying me lunch today?" Asks the witch. Apparently someone named 'Blanka' wheover that was. She was sure to find out and soon.
What does it take to bring a beastman out?! It takes.. well, the promise of tasty lunch. Blanka's found himself called out to a Neo-League battle, which he was expecting. The concept of paying for lunch for the opponent afterwards, well - maybe that was too much to ask! Blanka is not a very rich person, after all - his SNF contract dictates being paid in melons, not monies - and while that's good enough for him, it does little for his financial stability or his 401(k). Still, how can paying for /one/ lunch for a witch-girl hurt?
"Awh-roo! Winner buys lunch!" Blanka says, bounding over a few people to stand in the small area set aside for fightings. He strikes a strong pose, and beats his chest once or twice, to better try to intimidate, as seemed to be expected of him. He's secretly hoping that Naerose doesn't scream for ten minutes upon seeing him - but it's always a risk. "Blanka pretty ... hungry too." he admits, showing a large amount of fang!
COMBATSYS: Blanka has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Blanka 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Blanka
"Winner does who the what?" Exclaims Naerose, who was apparently under the impression that Blanka bought lunch. Regardless it seems, of who the winner was. The witch for that belief stares dumbfounded at the man who just declared it would be the winner who bought the lunch, suddenly making her very much wondering if she wants to win at all.
"Hey hold on here, who said anything about the winner buying lunch?" The witch stares at Blanka and holds her broom in the way that says uncertainty. Yes, nothing says uncertainty like chewing on the end of a broom stick. But just as she realizes what she is doing, the witch quickly stops.
"Lets negotiate here, you know? Not be too hasty?!" Really looking worried, Naerose tries to appeal to Blanka's better sense.
Aha! Blanka psychology is /working/! He'd done a little bit of homework under the guise of 'asking Himeko about fighters' - and Naerose' interesting lunch habits had given him this ploy. The uncertainty seems to be throwing her off her game slightly. He looks amused, and then pokes at the broom she carries, leaning in and nibbling a bit on it as well after she pulls it back out of her mouth!
"Blanka not.. negotiate. Blanka says.. winner buys! Naerose .. scared to win now?" Giant face hangs into a wide grin, gold eyes looking terribly amused at the discomfort of the little witch girl. With that, he hops back and beckons her forwards. "Come! Fight Blanka! Win..! Blanka /hungry/!"
Someone did her homework because though Naerose doesn't say it, she's clearly not liking this deal at all. She bites her bottom lip. . Maybe it will taste better than her broom and give her insight into what she should do - and no Blanka, you may not taste her bottom lip as well. Besides the lipstick probably tastes a lop like crayon. . hold on a moment. . !
"No deal," replies Naerose with a shake of her head, "I can't abide by a umm thing that is thing and not the thing I want thing!" Yes it made sense. To someone. In Red. "How about this counter deal, you surrender now and then that way I can spend my time thinking on a new better deal."
"Blanka not going to surr-end-er. Blanka here to fight!" With that, the green giant stretches to his full height, and pounds a fist against his chest. There's a howl again, an awh-roo picked up by a few of the people in the crowd that knows him. He bounds forwards and pokes at Naerose, right near the chest.
"Blanka say, loser buys then. Naerose fight hard, beat Blanka - ok? Then she not have to buy lunch. Better hurry, though - limited time offer. Blanka hungrier now." With that, he lets his mouth loll open, jaw almost unhinging to show a /large/ amount of teeth. Awm nom nom.
"Woah, what totally big teeth you have!" exclaims Naerose and really puts her shoulder into it. That is to say, she tries to shove Blanka back, because he really does have totally big teeth. Now for a reference of little Red Riding hood, usually she doesn't try to ram the wolf with all of her weight, for one, she's puny! And compared to Blanka, so is Naerose, so it isn't likely to go so well, but who knows, maybe he doesn't take so well to that variety of abuse, who knows. She certainly doesn't because oh boy, if she had a better plan in mind.
"And you need a breath mint, I mean.. If you had them, you could give me one and while they're not food, exactly, they're pretty good and all. Very tasty!" The witch babbles on.
Editor's note: Naerose would be more than happy to be paid in melons.
COMBATSYS: Blanka fails to interrupt Quick Throw from Naerose with Electric Thunder.
-**- LUNATIC HIT!! -**-
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Blanka
Blanka is pushed! Shoved, even! He's not ready for it, and as Naerose reaches out for him, he tries to counter her move! Her hands get to his chest, and she might feel a tiny little tickle as electricity starts to surge through his body - but her power is far too great for Blanka to withstand! Pushed off-balance, Blanka falls into a puddle /just/ as he's engulfed in electricity, the beast-man suddenly flash-frying himself as well as hitting the pavement raher hard.
Dizzy, groggy, he gets back to his feet, swaying to and fro with surprise and shock. Ow, oh ow. "Owh-roo...!" he says, then slaps his cheeks a few times to try and get feeling back in them. "Blanka.. have to try harder!!"
"No way I'm going to let you try harder!" exclaims Naerose, trying to follow up her attack with. . . Another attack! She charges after Blanka, where he lands, extends her hand and exclaims, " En Criento!"
She lets go a blast out of her palm of power, trying to apply addition pressure to the downed giant for the moment. Hoping, that each blast will be on blast closer to the blast for lunch. *The quantum leap music plays in her head*
She even starts to hum it out loud while making this totally awesome (in her mind) looking attack. She even compliments herself.
"Man this is totally awesome!"
The crowd meanwhile, they're getting their fight, but as usual with the witch, it's confusing to watch - at best.
COMBATSYS: Blanka blocks Naerose's End Creation.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0 Blanka
Aug! Ack! Attacked and blasted at with bursts of energy! Blanka is not really prepared for this, hunkering down and covering his head with his arms. Bursts of power slash and splash against his frame, battering him - but he manages to recover quickly enough, gathering his wits and his strength..!
"Blanka ... awesome.. too!" Darnit, Naerose does not have the market cornered on awesome - and he's quite sure to step up as soon as he can - in this case skittering forwards between blasts, trying to get through her defenses and slip behind the witch. If he can, he'll wrap her up in his arms, and give her a rather severe awm-nomming about the head and shoulders, though he'll keep the teeth out of play and simply attempt to slobber her into submission!
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Naerose with Wild Fang.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Blanka
Naerose is bit and slobbered and only then realizes, she might of bitten off a little more than she could chew. Hah, get it? "This isn't what I had in ind when I was talking about lunch you know." The witch protests and fights to get free of Blanka's bad biting ness. Probably isn't going to be like.. permenantly soggy, but her hat certainly doesn't look like it's in a good way right now. It's alll wet and gross from having been eaten by the big howling beast!
"Eeek get back!" cries Naerose, as she realizes her clothes are totally going to need to be washed. Grown up stuff, ew.
"Sagitta Minor!" she cries
COMBATSYS: Blanka blocks Naerose's Sagitta Minor.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Blanka
Blanka will not stop so easily! Not until Naerose's hat is all floppy from slobber shall he let go - and only then because she's shaken him off her back. He tumbles to a stop and faces the witch-girl again, only to see a projectile of energy coming /right/ at him! Again, he hunkers down and covers up, letting the explosion of power wash over him like a messy flood. When he gets back up, he's singed and lightly burned, but still standing. "Awh-roo!"
he bounds forwards on all fours, bringing his shoulder in as he tries to barrel over Naerose with a strong smush - almost rolling into her as he attempts to take her to the ground and just trample over and past her! This should get his hunger going!
COMBATSYS: Naerose dodges Blanka's Strong Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Blanka
"WOAH!" Cries Naerose as she runs and jumps out of the way. Only just managing to get out of the way, but only just is good enough for her, after all Blanka seems to have it out for her. She tries the go between the legs tactic to get away from him, but he doesn't stand up right, so instead she aims a kick for his shin.
"Hey, what did I ever do to you!?" she exclaims, obviously havinng forgotten, perhaps selectively so, about the entire fight thing. The organizers of course are used to this and if Blanka really did his homework, so is he. After the aimed kick for the shin, she tries to just evade evade evade.
COMBATSYS: Blanka endures Naerose's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Blanka
Blanka has done his homework, yes indeed! The green giant has been very careful in learning what he's supposed to do in these sorts of fights, and most of them involve 'ignore what the witch says, as she will try to confuse you, jungle buddy!' So when Naerose tries to play dumb about the fact that the neoloeague fight was arranged, Blanka simply points to the sign. See, that sign means everything is all good, and she was supposed to be here, and he was supposed to be here, and now, there is supposed to be some battling going on!
"Blanka know all about fight. Now Naerose fight, or lose!" With another hoot and holler, Blanka stands tall in the path of the shin-kick - taking the pain he's given for the opportunity of being brough in close to Naerose. As soon as she hits him, he hunkers down and then rolls forwards, his body exploding into an electric surge as he tries to bowl the girl over with power and lightning both. Rawr!!
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Blanka's Direct Lightning.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/-----==/=======|=------\-------\0 Blanka
Given the options of fighting or losing, Naerose will just have to.. Fight. "Okay.. Fine then.." The witch begins and then uses her broom to try and keep Blanka at bay, holding it as a barrier between them but even despite that the lightening jumps from him to her and she is shocked, sent for a jolt and not the cool energy drink kind. So the witch is granted a bonus, distance, in that she's shocked back, not the kind of distance you get from, you know, actually evadinng, but in the bonus comes a penalty. Yes. It hurt.
The witch charges like hell.. holding out both arms and building chi in either hand.
"Man this is intense! En Criento EN!"
Then clapping them together unleashes a torrent of energy at Blanka.
" I never get that serious so early."
COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Blanka with End Creation End.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Blanka
Augh! So much power! Blanka's looking pretty pleased at singeing the witch-girl, but his look of amusement only lasts a second or two. Right after, the look is one of pain as he's blasted back by Naerose' powerful explosion of energy! He is knocked down, skidding along the street and coming to rest near the edge of the makeshift ring - far too far away to easily attack the girl again. Instead, he ponders.. and then acts!
"Awh-roo! Naerose winning - Blanka thinkBlanka gonna have to pull out /all/ stops." With that, he hunkers down and starts to crackle, skin charged with electricity, his body tensed up as if to leap to the attacak. He watches her carefully, and gets prepared - this should be his best moment to launch at her..!
COMBATSYS: Blanka focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Blanka
And for her part, Naerose sure is getting parched. Coming at Blanka with such intensity wears a woman out, a witch woman especially. So she takes the distance she has and break out a can of red bull. Cause it's red and she could use some caffeine and wings for that matter. Unfortunately she has learned that the product does not work as advertised! At least it makes her more energized. She empties the can, smashes it (on her forehead) then chucks it at Blanka.
"Here!" she exclaims while throwing the can.
"There might be like something left in there, I dunno."
COMBATSYS: Blanka interrupts Thrown Object from Naerose with Vertical Rolling.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Blanka
Blanka is actually kinda tired, too - he's been using some of his best techniques on Naerose, only to get thumped up pretty hard by her energy blasts! He's panting for breath, sucking in great deep lungfuls of the stuff - and when he sees her drain the possible source of refreshment, then taunt him with a crushed can..
Well, that just isn't fair!
Howling out, he barges forwards, letting the can slap him in the face, tucking into a ball and /bounding/ upwards, straight into Naerose and up in the air. He'll land a few feet away, still breathing heavily, but looking less the worse for wear than his opponent, that much is for sure! Rawr!!
"Ouch!" Exclaimms Naerose and is thrown back in the meantime, hitting something with the impact of Blanka rolling.
"I have got to learn that move.." She comments, but it looks familiar, maybe Dan trained it with Blanka! Well no time to dwell, the person who dwells probably doesn't get a chance to have a free lunch. Or gets pummeled or somthing.
"Okay, fine.. That hurt, I admit, I wish you hadn't done that. Now hear this.. Sagitta Major!" This one the bigger version of an earlier attack, Naerose slings a LARGE javelin of ice at Blanka, instead of small darts, come to think of it, did she even use the smaller version of this move? She's totally forgotten.
COMBATSYS: Blanka dodges Naerose's Sagitta Major.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0 Blanka
It's very similar to Dan's taunt, though his actually hurts people. Blanka hasn't ever quite understood how Dan can goof off so much in fights, though Blanka quite enjoys 'playing', per se. He bounds out of the way of the javelin, landing with his feet on it as it sticks into the ground. Brr, chilly! He hops off and then reaches behind him - picking it up.
"Awh-rooo.. Sagitta Maj-arooo!" he proclaims, and then hurls Naerose' own ice projectile back at her, blunt end first. He's trying to knock off her aim with it - and if he can slow her down all the more, so be it!!
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Naerose with Thrown Object.
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0 Blanka
Naerose really needed to perform a little better there, things change quickly, though her attempts to get out of the way are nearly successful, the ice catches her and causes the witch to wince considerably. Since she's already hit though, well no sense in not pressing the disadvantage. Wait that's not how it goes. Somehow this makes sense to Naerose.
"Take this, En Criento!" exclaims Naerose and holds her hand out to try again to blast Blanka. It could work, right?
COMBATSYS: Blanka blocks Naerose's End Creation.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\0 Blanka
And again, she's right in his face! Yike! Blanka's got to get something going on quick, or he's going to be in a world of hurt! He takes a breath as if to say something, only to see a blast of chi coming /right/ at him. He does the only thing any sane Blanka would do - he opens his mouth wide, and /eats/ the blast of energy. With an audible *AWM* noise, he swallows it down, letting the digestive tract of a warrior batten down to defend himself, leaving him only slightly spewing smoke from his mouth. Oof!
"Name not En Criento.. Name /Blanka/!" With that, he tries to hurl Naerose down to the ground - following up with an elbow drop. If he can push her reserves, make her more tired - perhaps he can stay standing at the end and claim a win. He's winded though, and his attack is far slower than it should be...
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Blanka's Wild Shoot.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Blanka
"Wha? I didn't say your name was - Bamf." Naerose gets hurled down because Blanka does a hurlin, but when she notices he intends to follow up with a totally not cool elbow drop she's like all not wanting a part of that and manages to roll out of the way, well mostly roll out of the way, She sort of finds herself in a position of getting hit less hard than she thought she would of gotten hit, but still getting hit. Hit vs unhit. Which is better? Unhit. She decides next time she'll politely request blanka not do that to her, or even try. But she rolls free and soon forgets all about the randomness going on in her own head.
"This is tiring!" She exclaims, then mounts her baroooom and decides to take thiis fight to the air! Well not really, she just dive bombs at Blanka once and crashes anyway.
COMBATSYS: Blanka blocks Naerose's Delphine Charge EX.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-----==|=======\=------\1 Blanka
Tiring? Blanka knows not the meaning of the word!! Actually, he does - he knows that he's pushed past his normal limits in trying to keep up with the witch-girl, and that he's very close to just falling down, tired and tuckered out as he is. However, it's not going to stop him from giving his all, determination quite strong.
As she comes in, he braces his arms before him and takes the hit on his shoulders. He's knocked to the ground, flat on his back - but rolls with it. In a ball, he spins in place, gathering speed like Sonic the Hedgehog in green and orange - and then he zooms /straight/ at Naerose, his body a blistering blur of Blanka Bouncing Badness! Awh-roo!
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Naerose with Ground Shave Rolling.
[ < > ////// ]
Naerose 1/-------/=======|=------\-------\0 Blanka
Well there wasn't a lot Naerose could do to escape that, she tried , but her only hope was to outrun sonic and lets face it. no one can outrun sonic and who puts a racing game with Sonic and Mario? As if Mario could beat Sonic in a foot race. So oshe loses the race and gets hammerd by Blanka, but that doesn't mean she can't a last ditch effort to try nd hit the green monster machine! Because she totally can. It's more of an explosion of energy that occurs sort of like someone losing their control before going totally unconscious though, then you know, actual carefully thought out action. Really it was just a chance loss of Chi. Not so well directed, but who knows.. It could work.
COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ <
Blanka 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Blanka blocks Naerose's End Creation.
[ \\\\ <
Blanka 0/-------/-----==|
So much energy!! Blanka isn't quite prepared to deal with the last blast of power from Naerose. Knocked back by it, he lands in a heap on the ground, and has to take a few minutes to un-woozy himself enough to stand. Carefully, he pulls himself to his feet, and walks over to poke and prod at the Naerose, to see if she's still fighting-stable, or not. With unconcious witch, he hmns, and then just sits down to wait for the girl to wake up. After all, she did agree to loser buys lunch, right? Right?
Blanka's /really/ hungry after that fight!!
COMBATSYS: Blanka has ended the fight here.
Log created on 21:05:45 10/09/2008 by Naerose, and last modified on 14:58:58 10/10/2008.