Description: Lai vs Choi. Of course, no one ever saw Lai before. But there's something about that woman that is different. Unfortunately for Choi, it becomes apparent rather quickly. There is alot to say, in the end. From both parties. A surprising turn of events cause .. a surprising ending! Watch for Choi! The reveal of Candy .. and man vs machine!
Athens. Greece. The home of Western civilization. The home of some of the greatest minds in the history of mankind called this place home. Or at least at one point, they called this place home before fleeing in exile. Outside the classic city of culture was an ancient olive grove. Inside the opening, where there were ruins, there was wisdom and memories of Socratic thought: The Academy. Plato and his followers set up their school here, promoting the earliest and most organized of liberal thought. With this backdrop, the Neo League would hold it's most academic fight:
Robot vs Midget.
The midget toyed with a olive branch freshly cut from the tree. He didn't know much about Greekland. He also didn't know much about his opponent. However, he did know that Greece had nude beaches, and that this was a girl. Hopefully, the little man thought as he tilted up his hat, the two things would combine together here in the symbolic home of knowledge:
This was Philosophy.
But the robot was illusive. Hiding within the humans that it lived with, the same, but completely different.
A 'native' to Greece, the 'woman' is .. rather normal sized. Nothing stands too far out. Her hair is full enough, yet only goes down so far, and is black, jet black. Her clothing is jeans and a shirt, although the shirt is ripped along the arms, a mark of a 'fighter'.
She aims to be more crude. They say she's called Lai.
And she doesn't take things .. just Laiing around!
But poor jokes aside, she 'spits'. There is no mark on the ground left. Robots cannot truly spit. What is expelled is a 'hologram' of something that is there a moment and gone again. Choi might not notice. It seems she likes using an odd pole, split in half in the middle.
"So you're Choi, ay?" The machine rattles on, speaking in tongues. A mimicry of words and emotions.. while lacking in both.
Meanwhile she is not nude. Clearly, however, there is no bra.
"You're a small one, ain'tcha. Wherever they gotya from.. shoulda let you ripen on the vine a little longer!" She jokes, "But you prolly got one heck of .. somethin'." She notes.
Candy is certain. The warrior is higher up on the charts. NESTs have told her of his exploits.
But since she's a robot.. there is little to really feel up.
Choi's reputation with NESTs... probably is minor footnote. Sort of like a nasty rash you got in college. All he did was mess around with Igniz, and stopped him from invading Taiyo. By physically assaulting him. He then hung around Jiro for a while until Igniz framed Jiro. The most important thing of the entire affair was that he personally insulted Igniz.
Which of course, should be the topic priority of Candy to deal with.
The midget doesn't notice all the illusions that Candy projects. Or the unusual vocal patterns, sounding much like a cut scene from the CD-I Zelda games. There is only one thing that Choi notices.
The midget's tongue hangs loose for about a moment as the woman arrives. "Hoooooooooo yeaaaaaaah ssuuuuuuugar pieeeeeee" The midget slithers, dancing his claws rapidly. He even ignored the short comments. "Hey, baby, maybe after this match, we could check out your pita to see what dressings we can fill it up with!" The midget giggles quickly as he winks from behind his shades. Ever since Chae Lim prevented him from fighting that French girl, he had been dying for a floozy-like female to fight with... and with this Lai, well... lets just say that...
Choi is hoping to get Lai'd.
It is a priority enough. And as Choi looks onto her, Candy does not realize so much of his focus. What he says, obvious response. What he does. A bit less obvious. All in all, Candy is completely neutral to his response. She is a thing. A doll. His responses are meaningless, in a way, and even as his tongue hangs loose, Candy walks forwards..
And since Choi is just hanging there, giggling, cat calling her on, Candy responds.
"I'm not really hungry, y'know? I always eat before a fight." She doesn't seem incredibly offended... something is clearly off. "But I do have somethin' for you." She notes, as she walks towards Choi, with him simply catcalling, eyeing, and tongue-hanging..
All in all, Candy realizes two missions.
To harm.
To acquire.
The first, against Choi, the second, with Choi.. she shall attempt to acquire more information about him. The Neo League .. just happens to begin.
"No use just hanging around though, so let's get this started!" She seems generally pumped for it. And she moves, swinging the dual 'staff' around, aiming to strike at Choi's midsection. Candy carefully calculates the angle, to begin with.
It may make quite the .. impression.
COMBATSYS: Candy has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Candy 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Choi has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Choi 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Candy
COMBATSYS: Choi dodges Candy's Medium Strike.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Choi 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Candy
Choi's pickup line is rebounded. Not countered, fortunately, but parried. The remark is just shoved aside, leaving the midget a bit put off. He had not a single suspicion about her robotic nature, however, as many females have ignored him before. Acacia. Hotaru. Zaki. Mizuki. The little man suspected that in many Street Safety courses, they dedicate at least one class on how to handle him. However, her steady approach raised alarm the back of Choi's mind.
"Whoooa. Frigid, aintcha, toots?!" The Korean squawks as he jumps over the attack. He has quite a bit of spring, launching backwards towards a nearby olive tree. Flipping once through the air, he lands deftly on the trunk of the plant, recoiling his entire body as he levels out towards Candy. Sticking his claws forward, he lets loose another snark. "Come on dollface, can't you straighten that thing out and do a little dance instead?"
With that, he shoves off the trunk with a double kick. One leg is slower than the other, however, and the midget gives himself spin. Claws still out, he whirls through the air, pointing and arcing upwards for Lai's head. A risky shot, yes, but the midget was looking for a good way to test his opponent. Besides, he might psyche her out. A girl like her couldn't be that tough.
Could she?
COMBATSYS: Candy dodges Choi's Houkou Tenkan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Choi 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Candy
As Choi asks about being 'frigid', Candy .. no.. Lai shakes her head as she comes in, the Korean jumping over her assault. Now that was troubling! "One of us has to be, or you'd melt the stag from under us!" She notes, the battlefield a bit wet, perhaps, from the drooling he initially did. At least.. a bit of drooling.
But he's quite fast, isn't he? Flipping about and landing on the trunk, candy.. Lai sits and watches as he recoils, sticking the claws forwards before shoving off the trunk, aiming to whirl through the air.
What happens next is a basis of many variables, all coming together in the very end. It is, very much, a beautiful thing.. yet one that is hidden away from the world. It turns out that Candy is capable of seeing through Choi's assault. He can modify it.
Modify it he does.
It gives just enough time for Candy to find a weakpoint.. and Lai reacts, rolling forwards, underneath the spinning, sliding right under the feet and spinning claws, the staff pushing her out of range..
And then she flips upwards, to her feet, a bit mechanical, but nothing telling. Her eyes focus on Choi .. and the woman pushes the 'staff' into the ground, grasping against it, and hanging off it. "You know, you ask the weirdest things.."
Meanwhile, the eyes focus on Choi. Data is pulled up, collected by Igniz and those who have dealt with the pint-sized wonder. Every small bit of data is pulled up to be used against him. Nothing is left. He is a speed fighter, she can tell. Capable of aversion that is generally incapable of others. He also is unpredictable. She takes note of it all. ... Mainly Physical.. capable of chi manipulation, but limited. She will be ready.
COMBATSYS: Candy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Choi 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Candy
Melt the stag? Choi was very confused. Was this some sort of Greek phrase? Maybe an idiom? Maybe she was trying to say deer. Melt the deer? Mount the deer? Mount the stag-
The little man blushes as he whips past Candy's head, arcing hard up into the air. He breaks from the drill into a more wild flip, spinning in the air. Mount the stag? Was she hitting on him? She had to be hitting on him. The unusual speech. The strange, blank look. That constant staring. It was all so obvious now.
She was lusting after Choi.
Landing delicately on the ground, the midget adjusts his hat, the blushing only slowly dying down. "Baby, you ask the weirdest things. But don't worry, toots." The little man says, taking brisk but casual steps towards her. "I know how cold you ladies get... how you need a stag, a nice sturdy stag right where it counts."
The Korean grins, looking straight up at Candy's eyes. His teeth glints in a way that could only imply GREAT JUSTICE. Or hormones. Choi had never been able to tell the difference between the two. He continues to speak, a light delicate tone bouncing in his throat. "And baby, let me tell you, right after this fight, I can promise you... you can just MELT that STAG."
He suddenly stops, and stumbles a bit, looking very surprised. From behind his lens, he winks, and suddenly flips over in a stage trip. Or perhaps, something more. His leg whips around from behind him in the flip, attempt to drive the foot right into Lai's chest in some sort of Phantom kick.
Was it an accident, was it a flirt, or was it a sneaky attempt to play with her emotions?
Only Choi cares to know.
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Candy with Light Kick.
- CRAZY Hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0 Candy
As she attempts to prevent the assault, the foot slams into Candy. The 'phantom kick' is capable of sending her crashing backwards. The unpredictable essence being the one that Candy falls pray to.
Already, her systems are under duress. But the eyes continue to talk up everything that Choi says and does, especially as Choi continues to .. exist.
Truly this is a problem in itself.
A nice sturdy stag where it counts? The woman is unsure exactly what he means. Candy even less so, and pulling herself upwards, she bends slightly. "I will leave that to ya..." She notes, faking injury, as she pulls herself upwards slowly. Her body limps as she rises, but she does all the same.
And then she moves... pushing the staff forwards to hold herself up, and separating it, Candy makes it two, smaller bits of a central piece. Her body lurching over.. and of course, if she had anything to show, it would be, as the shirt isn't that tight.
Let's just call it darkness. Like how it's filled in in other areas.
Towards the tree, she bends, and pulls .. away from Choi, body twisting in a way that is capable, of not quite natural. Her movement showing off her flexibility.. before she dashes, leaning forwards, towards the tree.
Her body bounds, flipping in the air, shirt ruffling with the wind, as she spins, weaponry.. legs outwards, towards the midgit.
"You certainly choose.. the places to assault pretty well.." Right through her perfectly calculated guard, it had slipped.
COMBATSYS: Choi blocks Candy's Lay Spin.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0 Candy
Candy, despite her artificial status and lack of true emotions, manages to reach the exactly same conclusion every single female in the world has reached.
Choi's existence is a problem.
Choi's sneak attack manages to break through Lai's defenses, just as the Korean expected. The female body is a strange one. Despite modesty, the hormones that rage through its body made them... vulnerable. Especially to men of Choi's build.
Yes, nothing made a lady hot to trot more than a jockey.
That is what affected this woman, in Choi's mind. With his comely nature and forward seduction, she could not help but want him to touch her, stroke her, abuse her. Even as she recovers, her true intentions could not be hidden from the Korean. Let him give her that stag. It was not more obvious to Choi. The pose... the shirt... it was all too obvious.
Even when she imitates Choi's flipping attack, he is still making his moves. "Well, baby. You know how it is. You let them make the fi-" The midget pauses, bringing up his arms to push and shield the frontal assault. They take the full brunt, but this early in the fight... bruises were an acceptable gambit. He falls back slightly, shuffling to the rear. And then, he continues. "You let them make the first move. And then, you look for the one weak point... and go right for it!"
With another concealed wink, the midget takes a single step forward. Immediately, he begins whirling with every step, claws out flat as he spun. Wind began to coarse throughout his body, lifting him up slightly as the mini tornado propelled him along. But not too high up. With a rush of air, Choi charges right towards Lai. But not blindly. No, she made it very clear what she wanted Choi to do. And as such, the claws would be aiming the place she wanted him to assault well.
Her Shirt.
COMBATSYS: Candy reflects Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan from Choi with Counter Shot.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0 Candy
A steady stag. A Sturdy stag. A stag that towers over them all.
And Choi has the staggiest stag she's ever dun saw.
Even if she hasn't saw it. A very good things. It was something NESTs really was not interested in. And thus. She was not interested either. Yet. There was something else. Lai watches as Choi comes in.
His actions, how he goes, are not obvious to Candy. Compared to her motions, necessary to prepare, to test join strength .. Candy was not certain of Choi's own ways. How he believed things. How he saw them. Candy never understood, has not learned, what a predator is. Has not needed to know what is in the mind of a pervert.
Oddly, while inquisitive, she doesn't want to know more. Programmed into her is a limit of knowledge necessary, and on such .. delicate subjects, it was generally a locked subject. It would never come up.
Yet Choi seems wise. "Yes.. Make the first move." She notes, as her foot slams into Choi's guard.. but her motion set her up. It allowed her to prepare, the spinning sight.. an easy position, calculated, to leap into anything.
And with Choi's wink .. also recorded.. the stag owner steps forth, whirling. Wind lifting him with energy.
And what he aims for is the holographic shirt.
The chi eats at her integrity, errors being sprout, her programming decaying under the duress of the earthly energy that she so lacks.. but it allows the machine to see more than 1's and 0's. She can, for a moment, truly understand Choi. Lai, meanwhile, smiles, bringing both halves of the weapon up, placing them in front of Choi, holding him there..
As light manifests around her, from her .. chest?
It is a holographic disguise. The solid holograms move, but are different. And these weave through the air, the wind stopped, and the tendrils of light lashing out, stabbing towards Choi as he pulls close... almost a wall of solid light like spikes to deflect him for a moment.. before they vanish in the midst of air.
"You're very wise in this. Can't believe you aren't a sage." Choi's 'strategy' to the computer mind is .. actually rather perplex.
Choi's sexually harassing hands are halted in the least expected manner: protecting her dignity.
The midget is literally shocked out of his attack. When the chi is jammed, he knows something is wrong. The counter attack snaps out at the little man, and he gets raked something fierce. But something is much worse. Much more wrong.
Up close, he could see... minor imperfections. A man like Choi knew breasts. On a pure technical and experience level, he could very well get a Ph.D in Women Studies. However, most people do not observe his status as a 'Doctor of Love." It is the curse of owning doctorate; you never get people respecting your title.
But the chest... Choi saw through the disguise. Stumbling back from the strike, a look of horror overcame his face. Why didn't he see it before? The references to stag, her unusual, almost artificial nature, and her overly forward nature. The Korean howled in rage, slamming his claws down in a frenzied overhead strike as he roared. "WHAT? WHAT? YOU ARE NO WOMAN!" He screamed as the blow was unleashed. He knew very well what he was up against when he saw those breasts as fake.
A she-male!
COMBATSYS: Candy interrupts Power Strike from Choi with Crow Bite.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Candy
As Choi looks towards the breasts, Choi finds out that Lai is .. NO MERE WOMAN. She is beyond the level of women! She is ... A ROBOT WOMAN!
In reality, Candy is certainly not. Her eyes focus on Choi, staring towards him as he decides to check her out .. but Choi sees through, and with Choi seeing through ..
The Charade is o-Shemale? "Acknowledged." She speaks, without Lai's tone, a moment ago. "You are correct." Candy is forced to admit. No. Not forced. She readily admits such a simple fact.. and when Choi screams, striking a blow towards Candy, the robot decides.. it doesn't matter. Not any more.
As the claws are slammed down in a frenzied overhead strike.. Candy does not sit backwards.
She runs forwards to meet the strike.. legs against the ground, hitting hard, as she comes in .. The staff fades away, replaced with tonfa. The clothing fades, replaced with gunmetal, purple and white steel, Candy .. truly not a woman.
More like a chobit.. or a robot. He was the first one to see through her disguise.
Even if .. it wasn't true what he thought.
Kicking off the ground, Candy spins, the claws slashing against the metal frame, but being knocked away as she rises, tonfa knocking Choi into the air as the mechanical woman follows up, strike after strike, and finally launches him away, the spiralling motion sending him groundwards. Landing, with scratches, Candy's eyes focus on Choi, lifeless, never moving to something else.
"Choi. Member of Team Korea. I have all of your data. Except that which you still can provide me with."
She does not move, body still, almost lifeless if not for the whirr of life. "Continue."
Choi was wrong twice in a row now. And for reasons well beyond his comprehension.
First she was a normal girl. Then she was a girl that had a crush on him. Then she was a transvestite. NOW she was a gynoid! The midget is taken aback when she confirms his answer and just piles on through his overhead strike. And Choi... well, he is VERY confused.
The little man staggers back with each blow, reeling in a panicked manner. Finally, in the end, he brings in his arms tight. A robot. He was up against a robot. No body had robots. He was fighting science. Unless... the Japanese? They were always talking about having sex with robots, but fighting them? That was just too weird.
The little man looks frightened at the prospect, but swallows it to get back his gall. "Provide you... what? Who sent you? Where are you from? Who made you?!" The little man charged forward with every word, and suddenly gave a short violent bolt. He leaps through the air, curled up into a tight ball. Spinning as he went, he attempted to bowl over the femmebot. The little man was entering a greater and great state of panic.
He had never fought a toy before.
COMBATSYS: Candy blocks Choi's Hien Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Candy
As Choi gets back up.. which is no .. SMALL feet, Candy looks on, eyeing Choi carefully. There was much to this man that did not immediately come to the eye. Much that made him .. different than a few others. But Candy had never fought a warrior based on speed. Not solely based, rather.
The data would be beneficial.
As he rattles through the questions, Candy responds.. arms raising upwards, metal being struck by Choi, his body bowling into her, but not causing her to fall .. that far back. Choi glances against her, smooth metal allowing the impact to lessen, and to move a heavy machine.. the effort it takes is rather large.
"Data. Confidential. Confidential. Confidential." She states, to each of Choi's inquiries, in time, simple one word answers that a machine would find sufficient. Choi may find them lacking.
But as Choi bounds off of her, Candy doesn't immediately move. He may see movement, of text and images, of Choi on her irii.. the display being read by the machine, read and processed, both what has occurred during the battle.. and other battles.
Candy once again floods her system with this mans information.
It would only assist her, due to his speed.
The machine knows it has a low chance, otherwise.
COMBATSYS: Candy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Candy
Choi hits the femmedroid... much like if he had hit a wall. Fortunately, the roll isn't stopped, and he is sent up into the air quite easily. Candy doesn't follow the man in offense, but simply watches. Choi lands back on the ground. and just glares. "Confidential my BUTT." The little man roared, rattling his claws. "You're not with Interpol! Why are you studying me?" The man hissed, making another rush. He then stops, and backflips. He suddenly side steps rapidly around, circling the girl. He didn't have an approach. He disliked watchers. They tended to crush him like a bug. But his mind was still caught up on the fact that the robot found Choi relevant. That was the most troublesome thing.
Interpol was out. They didn't use robots. And nobody hunted him down. Nobody...
Something flashbacked in his mind. Jiro was approached before. That girl. The girl with the talking buttocks. Who tried to rape Choi. She knew him... and she hunted him down. Him and Jiro. But why? Why? The little man danced his mind. Who was that person?
He snarled, winding his arms back. Choi began to spin like a top, lifting off the ground slightly as the wind-laced energy lifted him up in the air. The midget shot forward towards Candy. And then, the name hit him. He remembered. The little man drops directly at the ground, stopping his attack short. Stumbling, he suddenly spits out the name. "Kula! Do you know Kula?"
Still stumbling, he just pushes forward, and front flips again. Another phantom kick, yes, but this was different. Much faster... and with something behind it. Something pushing it forward. Choi was senses something.
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Candy with Toorima Geri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Candy
It all seems to fall into place for Choi.
Yet as he circles, Candy pays attention to Choi, eyes trying to keep up with him. Yet the motion of Choi, spinning like a top, shooting forwards and then lashing out a foot.. was far faster. Candy did not have a chance as the foot slams into her. And yet, Candy does not seemingly need the chance.
The assault, striking it's target, does little to bother Candy.. and the dent that impacts into her causes her to stagger backwards, as well.. but it's a slight stagger. Clearly she is not completely bothered by the assault. She does not react.. except for how physics forces her to.
Choi would not get a good idea of just how well Candy was doing .. by her actions. She seems to always follow the same. But Choi's words do seem to grasp Candy's attention, however that is easy .. or difficult to do. "Kula... Affirmative." Candy responds, "I know Kula." But she does not expand on that knowledge.
Perhaps if she was in her hologram of 'Candy Diamond', he would get a closer look. If anything, Candy values herself as a doll, to Kula.. perhaps more, perhaps less. Kula feels something towards her. Candy cannot truly describe it, or explain it. Or do much more than acknowledge it.
But now.. it is time to kick Choi.
Candy moves forwards, the tonfa swinging as Candy attempts to slam it into Choi's side, swinging as hard as she can with both weapons, to thrust them into his midsection.
It would be a long shot, but Candy has deemed it necessary.
COMBATSYS: Choi dodges Candy's Fierce Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Candy
Choi's kicks land, but it doesn't do much to harm Candy. The little man was getting more and more panicked. He was up against an unstoppable killing machine. Literally. Worse yet, he was connecting more and more pieces together, getting a picture that was more than just frightening.
The robot said she knew Kula. The little man was remembered more and more about the fight. Kula took one of his claws. It was a form of revenge. A form of revenge. For a man... that Jiro mentioned. A bad man, who Choi had wronged.
The little man snaps back in the real world, throwing himself back into a tight roll. The tonfa sails over him as Choi withdraws. He springs back up.. and just takes several deep breaths. "... You are with Igniz, aren't you." The little man said coldly. He glared at the soulless abomination, adjusting his hat. "Kula already took debt from me and Jiro. What. Does he want to study me more so I don't kick his butt again?" Choi hooks that snark caustic at the end, keeping his focus right on the girl as he took long, slow breaths.
COMBATSYS: Choi gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1 Candy
As Choi throws himself away in that roll, the tonfa failing to strike it's target.. Candy is wordless, emotionless.. and Choi guesses correctly. "Correct. I am owned by NESTs." She notes, perhaps making it purely obvious now. But as Choi glares at her, Candy is silent when Choi speaks up. As Choi takes the time to feel .. better..
Candy takes the time to move in. She would not stop, would not let up, if it was at all possible.
"Negative. This is necessary for another reason." The machine rattles off, walking slowly towards Choi. Her body is damaged, this is true. But she eventually will make contact with Choi. It is just a question of when.
"Resisting will only make it longer." Candy continues to rattle off, as she moves towards Choi, and suddenly bursts forwards, lashing a leg out towards the midget, aiming to simply knock the breathes he's just regained right out of him!
"The mission does not require simple study. If so, I would have just watched you."
Nests? Not nests, we mean IGNIZ
COMBATSYS: Candy successfully hits Choi with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Choi 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1 Candy
Choi did not know about NESTs. All he knew was Igniz. But now... he saw something. Igniz was part of NESTs. Kula was part of NESTs. NESTs... NESTs was the one after Jiro. And NESTs was after Choi. They were strange, collecting objects. And this robot...
A thought occurs to Choi. Robot. His claw. Gathering information. And something more... something so much more... Choi suddenly exclaims as all the parts come together.
"You mean you are going to-"
The midget draws his arms up to catch the kick... to no avail. The strike smashes right through his guard and into his chest. The breath leaves him, knocking the fresh life out of him again. The midget wheezes as he hits the ground on his back. He flails, then squirms, and finally bounces back up.
Tighting his hat, the little man eyes the gynoid. He grumbles, and continues his exclamation in a much more sober tone. "I get it now. You are going to replace me. You will study me, and copy me with a robot clone. Because I am so fast, huh? I get it now, doll, I SO get it now." Snapping his claws quickly around, he scampers in little steps towards the robot. Then bigger steps. And then, he lunges down into a roll, barreling right for Candy's feet.
But as he approaches, he breaks out of the roll. And with his arms out, just attempts a high-speed takedown of the femmebot, trying to send her and her mass right down into the ground. He would need to keep her pinned to pick up the pressure. It was just something he HAD to do.
COMBATSYS: Candy interrupts Quick Throw from Choi with Random Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Choi 1/----===/=======|=======\=------\1 Candy
A slip. A minute vanishing of information that should not have been there.
Clearly, the programming had been damaged in past encounters. It is now that Candy pays for it with this mis-information. The robot woman stays there as Choi ends up struck through the guard.. and as he wheezes, hitting the ground before bouncing back upwards, Candy looks on towards the smaller one.
My, Candy thinks. Would you look at that.
The weakness to a physical assault is categorized with others she has dealt with. "You understand?" Candy asks, curious of this. ".... Negative." She finally states. "Information is best used other ways."
Choi is.. one of the for-front of speed based combat. It is possible his information may be used to make a clone, like Kula.. or K9999 with his build of speed. Or perhaps something based on his statue, and his actions.. but without the eyes for naked flesh, bossoms, and butts.
But then Choi approaches, barreling towards her feet. As he breaks out, attempting a high-speed take-down .. the mass of Candy is too much for Choi. She falls towards the ground, however.. but it does not continue as planned. She kicks off the ground, feet pistoning Choi into the air after, body twisting, and pushing herself off the ground with her hands.. flips around to take both tonfa's and slam Choi into the earth.
Landing, the machine still focuses upon Choi. Waiting.
"Mechanical re-placement is not cost efficient."
Hell, Zero could just clone up some celebrities and it'd be easier. .. He already does that too!
Choi's attempt at a takedown backfires by sheer mass. He may have been the top tier in terms of speed, but physical power was not up there. So when Candy counters, the midget is left to eat Mediterranean dust. He struggles in the ashes of dead philosophers, moaning. He struggles up, his entire body feeling the constant battery. Candy was a machine, and Choi was not. He was just a little man with big dreams. And a lust for the fairer sex. Well, fairer in the sense that the sex should be redistributed to those lacking in a great deal of it.
Like Choi.
However, he was not out, not yet. The Korean turns to face the doll, eyes burning from the depths of the shades. A breeze rustles through the branches of the olive groove, but doesn't die down. The man rattles his claws quickly, and spits out a glob of blood. "Then what? You want to learn a few moves? How about this one? I hope can keep your feet on the ground, gearbox, because once I pop... the fun don't stop!"
The breeze picks up, causing the entire orchard to crackle from the gusts. The little man stands there, his gi rustling in the wind. The hat blows off, but the Korean catches it. He delicately plucks out something from the depths of the hat. Caught between two claws was a pair of bright green panties. He grins as he eyes it, and tosses it up in the air. It dances in the high winds, and begins to spin. The midget suddenly spins around, letting the contents of the hat spill out and around.
Pictures of countless females dance around in various stages of undress. The midget himself just spins around faster and faster. Olives are plucked from the tree as a tornado begins to form around Choi, consuming him in a whirling storm of wind energy, twigs, leaves, and softcore pornography. From the depth of the blue maelstorm, there is a high pitch cackling as the storm picks up speed... and attempts to consume Candy.
COMBATSYS: Candy fails to reflect Shin! Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan from Choi with Access Violation.
-* WILD HIT! *-
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //// ]
Choi 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Candy
COMBATSYS: Candy has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1 Candy
The korean is clearly not down yet. As his eyes burn, Candy suffers the glare.. and what's worse is how Choi begins to spin, the breeze beginning..
Candy has been ready for this. The solid light snakes out, around her, waiting. As Choi begins to spin, spin, spin .. the pictures of females is what, oddly enough, ruins Candy's assault. She is incapable of doing much at all to prevent it. The solid light lances out, but the massive amount of objects around Choi produce errors that only surmount the chi's incoming embrace. Needless to say, as Candy attempts to lance into Choi with this solid wall..
Candy fails spectacularly, instead.. picking off Choi's most favorite picture, perhaps, in the process.
The wind energy tears into Candy. Ripping, clawing at her. Her body is torn this way and that, twisting in the force, the storm swirling with the machine, programming being aten in flux by the pure assault.
She collapses to the ground as it ends, eyes flickering. It is clear she is defeated.
But there begins a whirr. From the smoking husk of the machine, repair systems begin. They whirr. The damage preventing, perhaps, the resurrection of the mechanical doll.
It does not.
Rising once again, Candy pulls herself to her feet, slow, staggering. Her systems begin to flow once more. The energy that Choi infused about her being used, fed off of in the systems. The reserves burn to life, being overused to allow her to stand once more.
"You ... will .. give us everything .. you have." She states, slowly coming to speed. "And then you will not be a threat any longer."
The whirling cyclone is only one of Choi's tricks. But a good one. While his talents in speed was very well known, there was another token most people don't notice about Choi. He actually has a decent grasp on the concept of Chi. Naturally, he follows the wind, and the wind follows him. That was part of the secret why it seemed that the midget could fly about so rapidly. The energy he focused on was most internal, with the wind around him to guide him along.
The pictures, on the other hand, just made things better off for him.
And as such, the pornography disrupted Candy's assault. Each of his girls... were his favorites. But all were acceptable sacrifices when it came to battle. After all, he could always get more!
Candy's ordeal in the storm was well worth the price. Like the doll she is, the robot was tossed aboot. The midget stops his whirling, steadying himself out as the storm raged around him still. But without the force of dwarf power, the tornado's energy begins to disapate. Bands of chi drift harmless into the surrounding clearing, leaving only the little man and the collapsed droid in the dust.
Choi grinned. "Tell NESTs... to get off my back." The Korean stated bluntly, turning around to leave his foe in the Academy. He had won this. He was convinced of that.
The whirring runs a cold chill up the little man's spine. He doesn't want to turn around. His mind told him one thing: back up. He looked over his shoulder, eyes quivering in fear. It was back again. She was like a serial killer, a maniac, unstoppable!
Unfortunately, that was one of the few things Choi was VERY experienced with.
He faces the desperate gynoid, palming his arms. His skin was turning a deeper shade of purple, black, and red. Looks like those internal injuries had stacked up. But he just massaged them, getting the blood flowing. "Baby, how about you send Kula back. I wouldn't mind giving HER everything I had... if you know what I mean."
COMBATSYS: Choi gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Candy
"Negative." Candy responds, as Choi begins to ready himself for a longer fight. Yet he does so at a sacrifice. Candy will attempt to take him down.
Her machinery rides an internal high, but as Choi's actions, to ready himself.. are flawed, Candy believes. He may indeed be able to continue his assault. But Candy is certain that it will be a mis-assault. He has given her the victory. She need only cement it, she believes.
"You will not lay a hand on my sister, creep." Machines don't say these kind of things. The damage done to the programming caused errors. They flow through the machine, filtering into the darkest, deepest cracks of her programming. They begin to spread through her. To swallow her programming for a brief, enjoyable moment.
"I won't let anything happen to her." She states, for a moment, without the mechanical interface. "She's the only one who even cares about m-" The brief jolt is over.
Candy's eyes lose that glow, back to the lifeless eyes of a doll. Her words, of all difference, stop. Her existence, of something more than a machine, erased as soon as it had come.
Back to the mission parameters.
"Calibrating systems. Error margin too wide." She notes, as the machine locks onto the battlefield, Choi, his current states, his weakpoints. All of it. Falling backwards, Candy readies herself, the brief energy flow beginning to ebb.
Silent, once more. Lifeless, once more. And violent, perhaps less so, however. "You have gotten in the way." Candy continues. "You must be removed."
COMBATSYS: Candy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Candy
Choi catches that personality shift. As he works out the stiffness, he picks up the more human than human expression. Sister? Kula was her sister? The midget began to work through his mind. Did NESTs... use a human mind to craft her? Was she some kind of Cyborg? The concept spun around in his mind. Candy was very strange. And Choi... Choi was more focused on getting his arms working again.
Body feeling less like a mangled piece of meat, the midget refocused on the robot. "Oh, stick it in your craw. You sound like Igniz and Kula all over again. Can't you say 'I'm going to smash you' or something? Jeeeeeze." The midget shuffled back towards Candy, picking up speed. And more speed. And... more speed. He wasn't even bothering with a feint this time. He was dead set on bringing Candy right into the ground. With a front flip, his foot whips around over him, attempting to making a 3-point landing right on top of Candy's shiny metal ass.
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Candy with Toorima Geri.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|=======\=------\1 Candy
As Choi assaults Candy once again, bringing her towards the ground, a three point landing right into her.. Candy crashes to the ground, the machine unable to take the assault as it is given.
And yet, the damage done is not enough. As Candy raises to her feet once more, the machine refuses to stay down once again. And as Choi, already landing upon her .. she believes the obvious answer lies in a strike.
She's under him..
She begins to spin, legs spiralling in a motion that he might remember as she forces herself to her feet, the feet kicking out and striking at Choi, attempting to knock him away, his assault as painful as it was before.
"Negative. Candy is not capable of emotion like the others." She notes..
As she spirals up.. Up Up.
COMBATSYS: Candy successfully hits Choi with Lay Spin.
[ \\\\\\ < > //// ]
Choi 0/-------/----===|=======\===----\1 Candy
Unfortunately for Choi, the attack didn't manage to take the gynoid out. And being on top of the girlbot... she just begins to spin. And spin. And spin. The little man simply attempts to tuck into a ball to absorb most of the brunt, but the whirling breaks him out of the defensive tuck, leaving his sores to reopen under the skin.
As she spins him up, Choi feels the fight slip from him. His internal injuries begin to take their toll, and he slowly blacks out...
A sudden burst of energy overcomes him. Lunging down at his robot monster, he attempts to impale the spinning mecha right in her torso with his claws. No need for twisting, as she would provide the rest. He hovers between consciousness and unconsciousness, fighting with all he could to stay awake. He begins to feel himself losing, and from behind his shades he closes his eyes...
COMBATSYS: Choi can no longer fight.
[ \\\\ <
Candy 1/----===/=======|
And blacks out.
COMBATSYS: Candy blocks Choi's Geketsu Tsuki.
[ \\ <
Candy 1/---====/=======|
Choi's movement, as Choi tries to absorb the blow, is prevented. The spinning of Candy causing her to continue on. The spiral of the little machine continuing on. Some force.. to keep Choi from touching Kula .. a very distant thought. It was gone now. Classified as an error. Yet she fights on.
With Choi lunging towards Candy, the blades attempt to impale into Candy .. yet her motion, too fast, the blades deflecting off the machine's moving steel body. In the end, as Choi falls backwards, blacking out.. Candy, yet standing, looks down. It was only a Neo League fight. She .. might have been capable of more, if it was not. Yet she is pulled away from Choi.. mostly by the NESTs officials.
They need to correct that one error that allowed her to slip up.
Yet it is still declared a victory, towards Candy, her eyes watching, focusing on Choi as she's carried away. Something inside of her has associated him with .. something. She cannot pinpoint the occurrence, or the error.
Neither will the technicians be able to.
Candy goes limp, out of sight, as she is shut down. Repair is began. Extraction of data as well. It is like sleeping.
Yet unlike Choi, when she awakes, she will not be in a comfy bed. Surrounded, perhaps, by a hot nurse.
It will be some geek.
COMBATSYS: Candy has ended the fight here.
Log created on 21:39:59 10/08/2008 by Candy, and last modified on 14:56:57 10/10/2008.