Description: The spider shows that the Israelis are very serious about there antisocial and murderous tendencies, while Skullomania gets a little bent out of shape as a result. ( Winner: Spider )
A ring of cheering fans have gathered at Sound Beach, waiting for the latest Neo League bout to take place. The Spider stands in the center of the circle, wearing a pair of mirrored aviator shades and smoking an Israeli cigarette. Heavy tar. He exhales from his lungs as he waits, a dour look on his grizzled face.
COMBATSYS: Spider has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Spider 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Skullomania has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Skullomania 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Spider
There is a shocked gasp, appreciable awe and also "Ooooh!"s from the crowd as a trio of bright green, pink and orange fireworks explode from the other corner! No one appears however, there is just a twinkling of brightly coloured confetti dawdling down from the explosions.
Another gasp then as Skullomania steps out from behind Spider, in the WRONG Corner! He taps the man on the shoulder and shakes his head with exaggerated movements, offering a packet of gum to the man. "Those are terrible for your health, don't you know??!"
The Spider turns about, glaring at Skullomania as he looks at the man. "Is this a f***ing joke? They sent a circus clown to fight me?" He blows high tar smoke in Skullomania's face, before reaching out to grab the costumed crusader by his shoulder, right below it. "Take a spin," he hisses, as he attempts to flip Skullomania to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Skullomania endures Spider's Hymn of Solomon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/-----==|-------\-------\0 Spider
Skullo "All Man" Mania laughs like a lunatic in a skull mask. "You Spin Me Right 'Round Baby!" He agrees, throwing his own momentum into the throw and performing an impressively fast triple front flip into the mix before landing heavily on his back with a hyperbolic "OOOOOF!"
The Crowd goes wild, Spider presumably mugs for the crowd in the appreciable momentary boos as the crowd favourite goes down first. But all the Spider has to do is look away for one second, and Skullomania is just...
...As if from a great height!
The Costumed Crusader grabs Spider's shoulders then, pulling back and away, trying to toss the man over Skullo's shoulders from behind. "You got the Powah! But do you gots tha Touch!?" comes the high-pitched challenge!
COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Skullomania's Skullo Space.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0 Spider
The Spider is thrown by Skullomania, and sails through the air, before landing on his feet with a hand to the ground. He takes a final drag off his cigarette, before discarding it to the side. He jukes towards Skullomania with his hands up in a guard position, before unleashing a kick at Skullomania's windpipe.
COMBATSYS: Skullomania endures Spider's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0 Spider
Skullo "All Man" Mania leaps into the kick, a motion which gets his windpipe out of the way and he takes the foot in the sternum! There is an explosion of light from around the costumed man and the red scarf, tightly wrapped around his neck as it is, unfurls suddenly and makes a sharp snapping CRACK! as if it was wet when it reaches tension.
Skullomania's gaptoothed face just leers impassively as his insane cackling continues. He pushes his chest off the foot falling backwards, his shoulders tense up as he hits the ground and his whole body flips up as he takes the rolls up onto his head, his body twists and jerks suddenly and he lands in a neat crouch, springboarding up immediately into a lunging punch!
COMBATSYS: Spider counters Skullo Punch from Skullomania with Star of Zion.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Skullomania 1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0 Spider
The Spider glares at Skullomania as light explodes in all directions. Good thing he's still wearing his sunglasses! As Skullomania leaps towards him with a lunging punch, the Spider's fist flashes past, striking the caped crusader at the base of his sternum with a powerful punch that crushes his diaphram with hard knuckles.
Skullo "All Man" Mania explodes into thousands of pieces of skeleton confetti. They twirls and glint with a metallic sheen, swirling about the arena. The arean lights dim, and spooky halloween sounds, played off a casette it sounds like, echo through the PA.
A spotlight comes onto a small wooden table behind the Spider where Skullomania sits crosslegged on the floor sipping a cup of tea. "Oooow! You should be more careful!" He chastises with comic irritability. "THAT REALLY HURT!!"
COMBATSYS: Skullomania gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Skullomania 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Spider
The Spider draws his fist back, as confetti explodes around him. He spins around to face Skullomania, and kicks his table over. "Just die already," he hisses darkly, swinging his fist around and attempting to clamp onto the side of Skullomania's head, so he can jam his thumb into his eye.
COMBATSYS: Skullomania blocks Spider's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Skullomania 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Spider
Skullo "All Man" Mania moves his arms with a rapidity that is concealed by his scard weaving lightning fast acute angles in Z like patterns across the tabletop as he pours himself another pot of tea. Then there is the sound of shattering ceramics as he drinks the tea holding a shattered teapot in the other hand! The pieces rain down on the table and Skullomania inspects his fingernails. "I'm not sure I can work it into my schedule. Could you do next tuesday?"
COMBATSYS: Skullomania gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Skullomania 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Spider
The Spider sneers at Skullomania, as he moves in close to grapple with him, grabbing his shoulders. "Shut the f*** up, you cheap bluff," he growls, as he snaps his head forward. He attempts to ram his forehead into the wrestler's nose, smashing it.
COMBATSYS: Skullomania endures Spider's Mark of the Anointed.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Skullomania 1/---====/=======|======-\-------\0 Spider
Skullo "All Man" Mania smashes his own forehead into the Spider's, a defeaning hollow THOKK sounds and a rush of air is expelled into the crowd, no doubt some sort of strange manifestation of chi! Skullomania just laughs and laughs, "Nice trick. But do you know this one?"
Skullo reaches out to grab the Spider's hand, ready to deliver a devastating trio of crushing physical blows, a solid punch to the neck, before he twists around to sweep the man's legs out from under him. Then Skullo imagines himself running off one side of the screen only to reappear on the other side dropping into a slide kick which knocks the Spider back into the air, they hold hands and spin a few times before Skullomania sends him crashing into the arena floor like the brightly orange-flaming meteors which explode all around them suddenly!
...Skullo then wakes up, to remember all the brutal agonizing physical pain he's in, just barely in time to actually /execute/ the move, if he's so lucky.
COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Skullomania's Skullo Dream.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\1 Spider
The Spider's arms knock the blows aside as he backpedals rapidly, responding to each of the attacks with precise blocks. He leaps above the sweep, and is knocked upwards, but then blocks the next shot and lands back on the ground. "You're not bad," the Spider comments, as he swings out with a quake causing roundhouse. "But I'm better."
COMBATSYS: Skullomania interrupts Desert Sun from Spider with Skullo Dream.
-**- LUNATIC HIT!! -**-
[ \\\ < > /////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/----===|======-\-------\0 Spider
Skullo "All Man" Mania cackles as the Spider weathers the indomitable profoundness of the SKULLO DREAM! The Spider tries another move, and Skullomania just reaches out and takes his hand. Again. The sky changes colour to orange, the crowd is replace with nebulous black shapes. Fireworks and pinwheels explode violently in the sky.
Skullomania bows respectfully to the Spider as they both have tea at the table, which has just reappeared in the center of the arena. Then Skullomania is suddenly up on the table spinning the Spider by his heel, until he throws him into a respectably sized fridge on the other end of the arena.
The next moment of montage shows Skullo helping spider out of the fridge, and Spider is eating Skullo's cheese strings! Yellow Exclamation marks appear around Skullo's head as his mask becomes an :O face. Skullo slaps him in the face twice before flying straight up into the air, curling up like a cannonball and smashing into his opponent as they re-enter reality.
Skullo staggers woozily from the effort stumbles back a step or two and then drops into a relaxed and ready stance, scarf whipping in the wind.
As whatever happpens happens, the Spider is swung about chaotically. He stands back up after the long series of attacks, and reaches into his bomber jacket. He pulls out a red and white cigarette pack with Hebrew lettering, slipping a cigarette into his mouth and lighting it.
COMBATSYS: Spider gains composure.
[ \\\ < > ////////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Spider
Skullo "All Man" Mania strolls on up and pops a piece of trident into his mouth. He then offers the pack to Spider. "I'm serious man, these make your teeth whiter, and really help your self esteem. Go ahead, Take two!"
COMBATSYS: Skullomania gains composure.
[ \\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/------=|=====--\-------\0 Spider
The Spider slaps the pack aside as he grabs for Skullomania's wrist. If he gets a grip, he spins about and attempts to wrench Skullomania's arm about, before he's brought to the ground. Smoke exhales through the Spider's nose.
COMBATSYS: Spider successfully hits Skullomania with Quick Throw.
[ \\ < > ////////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Spider
Skullo "All Man" Mania gasps as he's grapsed unexpectedly and thrown to the floor. "You know, there's a reason why everyone in the crowd is booing for you." He offers agreeably, in reference to the booing members of the crowd, who are very loud and unruly. Skullo rubs his thigh in pain, "You've allready destroyed my teapot, and I'm okay with that. Skullo understands you're not comfortable apologising for things, because your mother dresses you funny and on account of that hairlip."
COMBATSYS: Skullomania gains composure.
[ \\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Spider
The Spider's eyes open a bit wider, his shades long gone. "What!?" He growls as his face contorts in anger as he shouts, "Don't you say anything about my mother!" His hand jerks out, aimed at Skullomania's throat.
COMBATSYS: Spider successfully hits Skullomania with Hand of Samael.
[ \ < > ///////////// ]
Skullomania 0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0 Spider
Skullo "All Man" Mania takes the chop to the neck. He gasps and holds at his throat with exaggerated difficulty breathing. "You know this is a televised match for TV right? You don't need to be all with the killing blows to the neck all the time? Oh look there's that elephantine greek you call a Mother right out there in the crowd!" Skullo chuckles pointing off in the distance before slamming a spiteful fist to his zionist opponent's temple with the last of his strength before collapsing.
He wheezes a few times, "You really bring out the bad in people. You're bad people. Just sayin'." He offers with a helpless shrug and then the lights goes out.
COMBATSYS: Skullomania can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Spider 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Spider dodges Skullomania's Skullo Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Spider 0/-------/=======|
The Spider's hand snaps up, grabbing the punch. The Spider's iron grip squeezes Skullomania's fingers as the Spider hisses, "Next time, I take your heart," in Skullomania's ear, before releasing him. He sucks on his cigarette, stalking off towards his motorcycle.
COMBATSYS: Spider has ended the fight here.
Log created on 09:33:21 10/08/2008 by Skullomania, and last modified on 20:26:51 10/08/2008.