Description: Spider invites Naerose to yet another NL and despite her misgivings from the last, her short memory plus this being the month of october makes the witch decide to accept anyway. Little does she know he has something more nefarious in mind this time. (Winner:Tie)
It's yet another Neo League fight, this time inside a tower in Hong Kong. The Spider stands there, smoking a cigarette in flagrant violation of building policy. He's waiting for his opponent, the annoying witch, Naerose. He wears a pair of mirrored aviator shades over his eyes, hiding his cool gaze that observes the cheering ring of people around the fight mat.
For her part.. the witch had no idea why she was called here, Again, by Spider. She was getting to be pretty sure of one thing though. No candy was involved. Still as it was the most important month of the year, approaching the most important holiday of the year: Halloween, she was certain that everything couldn't go badly. All the people who for one day would finally acccept Naerose for what she is. . A witch. And there would be other witches too. Oh it was like having a birthday and as luck would have it, Naerose was born in october too. What could possibly go wrong?
And with that carefree attitude the witch comes to the place specified to meet Spider. She's dressed in red with a broom, shades, witchse hat and basically the exact same thing she always wears. She figures eventually it will get into style and with the way trends change who knows. Even a stopped watch is right twice a day.
"Umm Hi!" exclaims the witch.
The Spider's gaze turns to observe Naerose stepping into the arena. He steps out to meet her, tossing his cigarette away. "Hello," he says, pushing his shades up his nose. "I'm here to make you an offer. How'd you like a steady paycheck?"
This was clearly an october miracle! Afterall, Naerose is used to october being totally awesome, the day after halloween for instance all the candy in all the stores goes on sale like 50% off or more! This is one of those miracles. ( No one apparently bothered to mention to her that the day all the candy goes on sale is actually November 1st).
"So umm.. You mean you want to pay me.. For like coming to these places that you call me too like tht sports bar and all I gotta do is show up? I'm totally liking this deal." Exclaims a Naerose who'se level of excitment clearly indicates a complete disconnect from the conversation that is actually taking place. What else gives it away? The fact that her eyes look like these $$'s.
COMBATSYS: Spider has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Spider 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Spider
The Spider frowns. "No, I'm not going to pay you for Neo League. I'm inviting you to work for Rugal Bernstein." The Spider moves into a fighting pose, not underestimating this opponent. He stares at her through his sunglasses, as he says, "You obviously know your way around a fighting mat."
COMBATSYS: Spider focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Naerose 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Spider
"Rugal who?" Asks Naerose and then scratches her head. She's certain she heard that name before and thus digs in her hat a little while before producing some SNF trading cards.
"Oh Right.. right right, hey I didn't know he hired people." Even though she'd been contracted out to work for R' before, such as during the Jinchuu tournement, the witch herself was among those whom helped do a great deal of damage. This is thanks to.. Yes Being a member of the nitorious BlackJack.
"I don't get it." She finally says.
The Spider frowns again, this time deeper. "Are you an idiot? I'm asking you to do mercenary contract work." He jukes forward sideways at Naerose, his hands moving as his foot stomps the ground to distract Naerose. He aims to grab her at the arm pit, and flip her to the ground.
COMBATSYS: Spider successfully hits Naerose with Hymn of Solomon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0 Spider
"Urhg," complains Naerose as she is grabbed and then brought down and stomped? But wait a minute,
"Weren't we having a conversation just now?" Naerose is flabergasted. "I totally didn't expect you to hit me in the middle of a chat!"
Total derail though from the whole mention of work which just would have caused the witch to be like.. Ugh. Luckily she wasn't paying enough attention just then.
"Er.. Take this!" exclaims Naerose and just sort of tries to shove Spider back with her shoulder.
"you shouldn't hit people while you're trying to talk to them, that really hurt!"
And if he isn't reminded of why he hated her in the first place. . .
COMBATSYS: Spider counters Quick Throw from Naerose with Heart of a Maccabee.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0 Spider
The Spider's hand swings out, clapping onto Naerose's shoulder as she pushes. He is pushed back by it, keeping a safe distance, before he brings his knee up at her elbow. He crushes it with a hard strike, then releases her. "You'll need to show a lot more guts than that if you want to work for R, Naerose."
"Er.." The witch says after getting her shoulder clasped and then distance is gained.
"You're the one who approached me right? I'm just er.. Well I admit I do fill out a lot of those surveys for free stuff, I guess one or two could of been a job appliaction.." The witch adjusts her hat and then takes better note of the distance before apparently deciding that yes, this works for her well.
"Sagitta Minor!" She exclaims then says,
"just er.. Stay over there and you can shout to me. Talking face to face isn't really doin me any big favors right now."
COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Naerose's Sagitta Minor.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Spider
The Spider gets struck with the chi flow, bringing his arm up to block most of it. He flicks his arm down, the smoke wafting off of it. He jukes forward sidelong again, before his hand flashes out, attempting to sink a finger into Naerose's eyes. "Listen. We can give you everything you want, you just have to agree to kill who we say to kill."
COMBATSYS: Naerose dodges Spider's Quick Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0 Spider
"Kill?!" Exclaims Naerose while trying to maintain a respectable distance from Spider of : Away. She sort of skips and hops back and then he keeps coming and she's totally like wide eyed. You can see her brown eyes bulging aroudn the rims of her shades,
"Why do you want to kill people?! That is totally not nice."
Now Naerose the Ace Fighter Pilot shows off the number of kills she has on the side of her plane : 0.
The witch decides distance is workign and never imagines her broom could be grabbed, winds up and swings it at Spider full on trying to maintain range with her superior reach.
"Taaak e this!" exclaims Naerose.
COMBATSYS: Spider counters Medium Strike from Naerose with Star of Zion.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Spider
The Spider's left hand flies up, catching the broom. "If you won't work for us, I'll have to kill you. Say goodbye, Naerose." His right hand blurs as it flies out at Naerose's chest, smashing into her sternum and knocking her backwards with a hard attack.
"Whaaa?!" Exclaims the witch before looking around frantically. She has so much to live for, one thing for instance, she has to live for is the sign. There is a white sign with black lettering which totally states 'Neo League'. and she hasn't crossed it out with red crayn and added an 'a' yet. Surely she can't die before she at least does that? And then there is food, so many meals she hasn't had yet, So much food to taste, did the person next to her have a cheeseburger too? Was it cooked the same way? What if his cheese burger was better than her cheese burger?!? She will just have to eat TWO cheeseburgers.. And then what about the fries , with or without pickle? Ketchup? So many questions unansersed.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" exclaims the witch in a wild cry of dissent from the insistance that she will have to die. There are even tears flowing , no flinging from her eyes, infecting everyone who gets hit by the acidic emo with FAIL (Disclaimer: that last part is added in purely for dramatic effect. It is not actually true.)
Meanwhile she just starts flinging blasts EVERWHERE. Not so much flying everywhere as just blowing stuff up around her. There is.. well frankly, not a lot of aiming goig on here.
COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Naerose's End Creation.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Spider
The Spider throws his arms up over his face, blocking the energy from his head and upper body and leaving his jacket sizzling. He lowers his arms and shakes his head, as he stalks towards Naerose. His hand snaps out at her throat, as he attempts to give it a hard, iron squeeze.
COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Spider's Quick Throw.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////// ]
Naerose 1/-------/=======|======-\-------\0 Spider
He'll get her wrist instead cause Naerose is on a roll and throws up a protective well arm to try and stop Spider from grabbing anything more sensative. She isn't one who likes to be choked, but when asked if this was defense or jsut her being in a panic over the threat, well she probably would ask to use a life line. Or cutely say she'll get back to you later on that one. Meanwhile being grabbed while wailing,
"I don't wanna diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!" is accompanied with a whine that she is being held, at all and a kick, aimed at Spider's shin. Afterall, he can't possibly hole to maintain that hold if he is hopping on one foot can he? (Note: previous lessons seem to be difficult for the witch to learn.)
COMBATSYS: Spider fails to counter Light Kick from Naerose with Star of Zion.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Naerose 1/------=/=======|=======\=------\1 Spider
The Spider finds his foot stomped, particularly hard. He grunts as he staggers backwards, jerking about as he struggles to balance on his good foot as he lifts the hurt one. "You've got quite a bit of kick there," he comments, smirking at Naerose's blind panic.
Indeed, Naerose is getting herself into such a dry panic that she needs a moment to get a drink of something. So she reaches into her hat, pulls out a can of Red bull and while gasping for breath, downs it.
"Wew, I really needed that," Naerose comments to herself, then turns her attention to Spider. He's still coming?? Well of course he is. She'll just have to try and keep him at bay.
"Sorry, I gota little carried away there, but you shouldn't tell people you'll kill them, oh and umm could you like er.. just sort of stand over there please? Thanks." The wtich emphises this point by waving her broom at ~spider.
COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Naerose's Random Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Spider
The Spider gets smacked by the broom, staggering to the side. He reaches into his jacket, and pulls out a pack of Marlboro Reds. He slides one into his lips and lights it with a zippo. "You show promise, but you'll need to stop being a total idiot."
COMBATSYS: Spider gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1 Spider
The witch is shocku'd. She isn't being attacked? Naerose adjusts her hat, then her shades, then plays with her broom a moment, specifically the sweeping end. She tugs on it and then pulls and messes around then finally as if pulling a hair off someone's head manages to get something thin and likely impossible to see, save for the glimmer off the end of the broom. She then plays with it a moment and while holding one end, blows a little to send the other in the air. Seemingly harmless except it's a loop that seems designed to snare around Spider. If she can manage she'll send a chi shock like solar lightening through it. What does solar lightening look like? Well it's a lot like normal lightening only solar? Look it up.
She also says,
"huh? What ? did you say smoething?"
The worst part of this tactic being that should her opponent think to grab the line, then they have her just as she has them, they could pull or somethign right? She sure would hate that, besides which she coughs a little at the smoke. That at least shut her up.
COMBATSYS: Spider endures Naerose's Threads of Fate.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Naerose 1/------=/=======|=======\====---\1 Spider
The Spider gets grabbed by the loops of thread and shocked. As it closes around him, he rushes forward into the attack. As his skeleton is briefly visible during the shock, he grabs at Naerose, attempting to clamp down on her with a reverse headlock. If he can get a grip, there is an immediate thrust by his fingertips into her spine.
COMBATSYS: Spider successfully hits Naerose with Masechet.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////// ]
Naerose 2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=------\-------\0 Spider
This might be the first time that Naerose has fully experienced the power that Spider could deliver in a blow. Generally speaking his attempts to land critical locations well.. frankly.. Miss. This one hits and the witch is wide eyed in shock. The attack itself didn't hurt that much, not right away anyway. It was strange, she felt the grab and the moment of the hit - heard it - rather than felt it, but instead she felt suddenly very numb and being let go to flop suddenly notices that her body isn't doing what she expects it to. Her legs are acting funny and her arms arn't working the way she expected them to either.
"I.. totally don't feel my feet!" she exclaims, sort of sitting sprawled on the ground, then gapes at Spider for a moment. Fear starts to close in as for once his threats become VERY real.
"I have to finish this off now.. With one strike..!" cries Naerose and holds her hands out to either side.
"Power overwhelming EN CRIENTO EN!" cries Naerose. Both hands out with the palms opened, gathering power into them, a white energy that swirls and forms two seperate blasts until she puts them together into one whirling torrent of pure destruction and lets it launch off at Spider, her red dress and hat flapping in the kick back of the chi, like a shockwave of wind blowing.
COMBATSYS: Spider blocks Naerose's End Creation End.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Naerose 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Spider
The Spider's cigarette blazes as he blocks the flying energy shots with steady turns of his arms. He stops as Naerose does, striking a martial arts stance. His cigarette smokes beside his head, as he says, "Not bad. Now watch this!" He thrusts forward with a single punch, aiming at Naerose's jaw."
COMBATSYS: Spider successfully hits Naerose with Quick Punch.
[ < > ///////// ]
Naerose 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Spider
The witch widens her eyes as Spider seemingly wades through her power and goes right up to her and hits her squarly - Mind you, this despite the fact that she does her very best to crawl away, but whatcha gonna do? He numbed her legs up pretty good. She really did bite off more than she could chew. There was a lesson to be said here, when you take life this carefree someday harsh reality might give you a check, and bite. Hard like. THIS WAS THAT REALITY.
Still she wasn't done, the blast was STILL coming through her hands and while Spider might of waded through the worst of it, he can still enjoy the last bit of power as it makes it's way out toward the Witch before the punch, well it floors her.
COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\ <
Spider 0/-------/---====|
COMBATSYS: Spider fails to interrupt End Creation from Naerose with Star of Zion.
[ \\\ <
Spider 0/-------/=======|
COMBATSYS: Spider can no longer fight.
The Spider raises his fist and surges at Naerose, jumping into her assault. There's a great flash of light, before Spider is seen on his back, out cold, his cigarette still smoking in his mouth.
The residual attack worked, but really it wasn't Naerose purposefully hitting Spider so much as a hose that someone forgot to shut off after punching out the person who was watering the garden with it. That is almost literally what Spider did. for once the sign 'NL' remains 'Neo League'. but no one is dead. At least not right now.
Log created on 12:22:53 10/06/2008 by Naerose, and last modified on 02:28:07 10/07/2008.