Description: [OOC] Choi Aniki says, "God, ohgod, ohgod, ohgod" ... [OOC] Choi Aniki says, "This is going to involve fluids, isn't it" (Winner:Blanka)
Invitations to the Neo League are usually sent via courier, messangers sent out to ferret up the fighters that have been challenged and to draw them to the appointed time and appointed places. Most of them are cookie-cutter, documented well, date and time and the match opponent.
Most aren't written in crayon.
Choi's invitation from Blanka is in green crayon, the waxy substance dug hard into the paper. It's simple enough, with a picture of a bright green man pointing at a Choi stick-figure. The time and date have been 'translated' by the NL officials, which should give Choi at least a fair approximation of when and where to be.
Blanka will be there, waiting. He stands in the forest, rubbing at his chest. He's in his 'normal' outfit, a pair of denim shorts, green skin and orange hair easily visible, high contrast to most everything around. A lazy yawn opens a giant mouth wide, fangs hanging out in an impressive display. He's pleased about the prospect of a fight - and even more pleased to be meeting a new fighter.
The Red arena. The top tier fighting arena. This was the big stage, one that Choi had not been to in years. Sure, he made it to the White Area, that was fun. He got a heart attack from that assassin chick, but even that wasn't bad. Sure, he nearly died. But he at least had fun nearly dying. It was a great chance for face time and this... this was going to be his big shot. But this wasn't all about Choi. No. It was his opponent.
Blanka. Choi knew him all so well. He was the freaky green monster. Kinda like him. But green. And with massive teeth. The crayon message Choi got didn't really make things worse. The midget had met plenty of jerks. Jerks don't use Crayons. Children used crayons. And looking at a few YouTubes, Blanka wasn't THAT cruel. Just feral.
Just like Choi was feral. He approached through the entrance, still holding the message with a clawed hand. He walked through carefully, looking around in case the beast would jump him. Or some sort of pragmatic attack. The Korean expected some sort of attack that a tiger would pull. Instead, he was there. Grinning. The midget stood there, looking at the sheet, then at Blanka. Sheet. Blanka.
"So. You are... Blanka?" Choi says aloud as the entrance closes behind him. He looked around at the light forest. Typical. "Uh... Yeah. Hello?" The Korean looked obviously nervous, tossing the paper aside. Yes, Choi was littering. Littering the environment.
Littering?! That's a no-no! The environment is sacred, and must be protected - otherwise, someone will look to the camera and a single tear will fall down their cheek. It is a sad time! Blanka bounds forward in a leap - almost looking like he's charging, for certain. He skids to a stop just in front of Choi, bending down and plucking the invitation up off the ground. He stufs it in his mouth - and a second it's gone, swallowed up by the bestial Blanka. Gold eyes stare at Choi from close up.. and then the grin spreads wide, and a giant paw comes out to try and shake Choi's 'clawed' hand.
"Awh-ROO! Blanka glad to fight someone new! Promise to give all - you promise too, ok?" Happily, Blanka's relateively easy-going, no matter the image he may portray - and afterwards, he backs off a foot or two, and hauls himself to his full height, beating his chest twice for the League officials, before stage-whispering down... "When ready - Blanka ready."
COMBATSYS: Blanka has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Blanka 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Choi has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Choi 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Blanka
Choi's chance at getting presence in his first seriously professional match was then deflated. Possibly for the rest of the match. The Korean was expecting him to take him down. He immediately leaps back, covering a good ten feet, sticking his back right into the trunk of the tree. Claws spread wide, he attempts his best war face... and loses it.
Blanka just ate paper. The midget's face just goes limp. "You just ate paper, buddy boy." The Korean says dully, dropping his arms as limp as his face. He couldn't believe he just ate paper. The little man snaps out of it when Blanka beats his chest. "Seriously, buddy boy, what is WRONG with you?" He recoils, bringing his arms up to guard against the attack... that doesn't happen. Instead, he lets him make the first move.
Choi unwinds a bit, his nerve gradually returning. "Ready? Kya heee heeeee.... Alright, buddy boy, lets get this going. Choi suddenly backflipped, shoving off the body of the tree with his feet. Using it as a launching point, he dives at Blanka, tucking into a tight ball as he attempts to bowl over Blanka... with his own attack!?!
COMBATSYS: Blanka fails to interrupt Hien Zan from Choi with Vertical Rolling.
?!? Weird Hit! ?!?
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Blanka
Blanka's willing to do his best, and this fight is just a small sample of it, as far as he's aware. Stepping back into the light after having hidden away for a bit, baby steps into a full campaign to prove his worth. Thus, he allows Choi the first step, the first attack - but how can he prepare for this..!?
What... what?! What is this? This is Choi trying to /use/ his best moves against him?! Blanka cannot deal with this, and must step into it to show Choi who the /real/ master of bounding about in a ball is! As Choi bounces backwards and then back forwards, Blanka does the /exact/ same thing, the larger bulk of his body tucked into a tight ball. He barrels forwards into Choi, intent on running him over. As they hit, something goes /wrong/, Blanka's bulk and Choi's smaller frame getting tangled in an awkward scramble. When the rolling sops, Blanka is under Choi, dizzied, with the lighter man flopped out atop him to. Gold eyes stare up, and dazedly, Blanka has to admit. ". Not a bad move.. Blanka.. pretty impressed.." He won't, however, let it go more than once!
Choi rolling strike met Blanka's rolling attack. Rolling and rolling, leaving only their hides raw. However, something goes wrong. Horribly wrong. Choi's body meets Blanka's and he is absorbed in the spinning. The midget finds himself hit the body, but he was now trapped in thick cheese-scented hair... and was that the smell of Ozone? By the time both hit the ground on top of Blanka, the Korean had only one thought on his mind:
Why couldn't he tried this move on a girl?
Choi shook his head. "Seriously, I think we just swapped fluids, ugh!" The midget cringes, looking like he just caught the fail from Jiro. And then, he drew back his claws. "And now it looks like we'll swap some MORE!" He shouts, ignoring the ramifications of it. And thus, as he tightened his legs on Blanka, he attempted to drive his claws into Blanka's face and chest multiple times, attempting to pin him down with his vicious face attack.
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Blanka with Zujou Sashi.
- CRAZY Hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-----==|==-----\-------\0 Blanka
Blanka looks up a bit, eyes opening wide at Choi's sudden showing of claws. Blanka's been in this situation before, back in the jungle. Trapped under a wily clawed opponent is /not/ the place to be. He starts to move out of the way, to try and eel back - but he's too slow for the nimble Choi. Claws bite into flesh, and Blanka howls out as he's grabbed and stabbed, over and over. His own hands tremble a bit, the beastman fighting back the feral urge to launch upwards - but eventually, he's going to lose his cool.
Eventually, Choi's got to tire of stabbing Blanka, blood spatters the ground, and Blanka's breahing is raggged, worn out /already/. He winces but continues to move, even with Choi still atop him. He takes a breath, and then speaks in broken, gutteral words. "Blanka... /hungry/." With that, he opens his mouth wide, his jaw literally unhinging as he tries to chomp on Choi - if Choi wants to play close-in, Blanka's more than willing to give and take at that angle. Normally he holds back, trying to just gum a person into submission. But Blanka's a little ticked off right now - and this means his teeth are in play.
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Choi with Wild Fang.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-======|===----\-------\0 Blanka
Choi manages to keep Blanka down, if only through the tight grip of his legs. Struggling to keep on, he just keeps the pressure on Blanka. Soon, he builds into a feral state, howling madly as he just keeps pounding his claws home. But then, they become less violent, more steady, and then staggered and halting. The little man can't do it forever, so he holds back slightly. And then, as he pulls back for his next strike, the wild man speaks. Hungry?
And then, Choi finds himself in Blanka's warm, moist mouth.
From the depths of the Brazilian man's maw, the midget screams with every chew. The Headbite attack. Choi had seen it before, but thought he could avoid it. But the wild stabbing got him caught up in the madness. And now, he was stuck in his mouth. Choi struggled at every bite, but his head was just too small, too far in. Choi attempts to flail his claws, but no avail.
And then, the midget twists. And twists. The little man attempted to dig his claws back into man's maw, and still twisting at every opening of the jaw, tries to push through. Spinning like a drill at the last opening, he attempts to DIVE down Blanka's throat, attempting to force his claws down into Blanka's mouth and just drill, baby, drill! Gruesome, yes. Desperate, yes. But perhaps it would put more pressure of Blanka... than he could handle.
COMBATSYS: Blanka fails to interrupt Houkou Tenkan from Choi with Electric Thunder.
- CRAZY Hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Choi 1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Blanka
Blanka's gotten a pretty good chewing in on Choi, and he's feeling pretty good about it. There's nothing better than giving as good as he's got, and Blanka is more than willing to push the fight up to that next level of chewy goodness. He's trying to wear down Choi with muscles honed from years of chewing tough melon rinds, and hopefully it'll..
Those are Choi's claws in the back of his throat, hands stuffed inside Blanka's mouth as well. The man tries to drill /into/ Blanka, and the green warrior can't like that at /all/! His eyes flicker weakly white as he tries to get the concentration to light Choi up with electricity - but he can't as the pain gets worse. He hauls in a big breath and then /spits/, shooting Choi out of his mouth, grabbing at his throat and rolling away, coughing painfully. Ugh!!
Choi has been banking on a few key things. All things considered, Choi was scared out of his wits by Blanka. He was bigger than the midget, tougher than the midget, and much angrier than the midget. Blanka could probably tear Choi in twain if he wasn't such a cute and lovable bundle of cuddles, mark his words.
However, such snuggliness becomes moot when Choi causes Blanka to choke on his own precious life fluids. Only when he is spit out does the horrible pain. That was Choi's coin. Forcing Blanka to be unable to concentrate by being more aggressive than him. So far, hitting the bigger and bolder beast over and over again was working, and throwing him off-guard. But now, Choi was losing the momentum. Blanka hawked him out, sending him to the ground a good distance. But Choi wasn't easily knocked away like that.
Breaking into a roll, the little man easily perks right up. Sticking his arms flat out to keep his balance, he kicks out his foot, knocking his direction of travel back towards Blanka. Keeping low, the midget dashes rapidly across the grassy ground, claws kept broad and angled. Attempting to exploit the stunned Blanka, he charges by the beast, attempting a run-by slash of his left claw to further aggravate the monster.
COMBATSYS: Blanka blocks Choi's Quick Strike.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////// ]
Choi 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Blanka
Oh no you don't, Choi! Blanka's ready for you now!! As he recovers, Blanka's body goes into overdrive to set him back up. He gets to his feet quickly, and his wounds are already sealing up, the jungle toughness of the green giant very much helping him in this fashion. He beats his chest once more, then edges to the side as Choi rushes in, letting the claws catch him on the forearm, glancing off thick fur.
"Not fast enough..!" Blanka rushes in as well, and attempts to catch Choi up in his grasping paws. If he can get a hold of Choi, he's going to stuff the guy face-first into the sand and water, to try and choke out some of that fight in him! RAWR!!
COMBATSYS: Choi dodges Blanka's Medium Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////// ]
Choi 1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Blanka
Not fast enough? Choi is all about the speed! Even though his claw only catches fur and forearm, that wasn't a total loss. Blanka had to keep up the pace, and Choi was already trying to pressure the beast into burning himself out. He had a great start, and now, he just had to hold it. Unfortunately, Blanka was fast. Fortunately, he wasn't as nimble as Choi.
Just as the hand reached down to scoop the little man up, the midget sprung high up in the air, snatching a high branch of a gingko tree. Whipping himself around the branch, the midget scrambled across it. With another leap, he crossed branches.
Fighting like a monkey probably wasn't something alien to Blanka, though it certainly might help that he was more like a sloth hopped up on meth. Indeed, like the poor hillbilly sloth, the midget dives right back down at Blanka, attempting to use his head as a kick-off point back into the trunk of the tree. Bouncing all of the place... was this a match of the bouncy shticks?
COMBATSYS: Blanka fails to interrupt Light Kick from Choi with Direct Lightning.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////// ]
Choi 1/-------/=======|=======\===----\1 Blanka
Now he's fightin' like a monkey?!
Blanka looks a bit frustrated as Choi slips his grip - the green beastman swiping air instead of Choi. He's grumbling, growling through clenched teeth as the smaller man darts to and fro. Hard to get a hold of, that one! As Choi leaps up into the air, and tries to drop a kick on Blanka's noggin, Blanka thinks he's got a good chance!
Blanka's body /explodes/ into electricity, his body surrounded by blue and white arcs of energy - however, he seems to have not been /quite/ ready for an attack from above, and Choi's foot hits home, knocking the bestial bounding Blanka on his butt, into the sand.
Choi launches off the beast's head right back over to the trunk. Wow. Who would have thought that claws would make great weapons against electrical attacks? Or in this case, Tae Kwon Do. Still, Choi wasn't having an easy time. His only defense right now was his speed and unpredictability. Any amatuar could get mopped up by Choi once he got his groove going. Even if they could predict his moves, it would be a matter of catching up with speed.
But Blanka... he was fast. Once he figured out any pattern with Choi, the midget would be mincemeat. Whipping around the opposite side of the trunk, he clung tight with his claws. The Wild Fang strike was extremely painful. His neck, jaw, and even his shoulders were covered with bruises and blood blisters. It was fortunate he got out of there before that lightning burst... or this one.
The midget whips around again, this time much faster than before. Using the truck as a base, he shoot forward, spinning like top. But then, he spins faster. And faster. And faster. The arena begins to howl as a whirlwind began to form around the midget. Sand from around Blanka's buttocks were being sucked into the massive maelstorm, along with water, leaves, and anything else loose around here. The midget was soon obscured by the tornado, leaving the massive storm there to suck Blanka in... and throw him about like a big green ragdoll.
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Blanka with Shin! Tatsumaki Shinkuu Zan.
- CRAZY Hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Blanka
Blanka /has/ figured out Choi's plan! He knows what Choi will be doing, and knows how to counter it. It's not /his/ fault Choi is fast enough that Blanka figures out the plan .. um, after Choi has already implemented it!! Blanka was still reacting to Choi's bounce, digging his hand into the sand as he tries to get back to his feet, before Choi starts to whirl and spin. As he scrabbles for balance, Blanka realizes that the next thing to do is to rush in and attack - but he's off balance, and holding into sand to try and prevent the vaccuum effect is /not/ a winning possibility. He's hauled in, and Choi gets to see him quite closely as he spins about and around, bounced and bounded this way and that. At the end, Blanka falls out in a heap at the edge of beach and sand, dizzied and bloodied - but still upright.
Puhing to his feet, Blanka gathers himself, focusing his gold eyes on Choi. Narrowed now, his feet dig into the sand, hunkering down into a tight crouch, as small as Choi might be able to do himself. He takes a breath, and then another - each time, he starts to speed back up - and this time, he's bristly, ready for Choi's movements. /this/ time, Choi's going to regret stepping in to attack..
COMBATSYS: Blanka focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Blanka
Choi Choinado Chois Blanka right in his Chois. The whirlwind tosses the beast around and around, leaving him in the dust. And Choi... well, he let the storm take it's course. As it begins to dissipate, the midget already prepares himself for the most important part of this entire assault:
The spank.
Choi spanks his buttocks lightly as he points his two glutes right at the mean green machine. And then, to his concern, Blanka doesn't advance. No, he does the most dangerous thing to the midget right now: hunker down. The midget growls, staring at the beast. He need to figure out a plan... and he comes up with one.
"Hey, you're pretty smart, buddy boy." Choi begins, repositioning his taunting stance to a normal one. "I mean, shoot. When I saw you on the TV, I thought you were a dumb animal. But your pretty cunning. And polite." He adjusts his shades. "Well, more polite than some fighters. Tell me, have I've been the cut of the shank, eh, buddy boy?" He eyes his opponent carefully, watching his every move with careful diligence.
COMBATSYS: Choi focuses on his next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0 Blanka
So.. /taunting/ is Choi's plan?! Would Blanka be taken over by sheer animal rage, or would he be better off being plannish and prepared?! When proffered the bottom of your opponent, would he strike or be able to keep his rage under control to handle things /properly/? It's a close thing, but Blanka avoids simply chucking himself forwards and trying to bite Choi on the behind.
Besides, that's not sanitary!!
"Awh-ROO! Blanka not dumb - know Choi's weakness..!" With that, Blanka digs his hands into the ground, and starts hurling sand at Choi's area. Not at Choi, no, but everywhere /around/ Choi. He hasn't been able to hit the fighter straight up - but if he can fill the area /around/ Choi with fish, rocks and sand, eventually /something/ has to hit Choi and slow him down! Right now, slowing him down is the best chance Blanka's got!
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Choi with Thrown Object.
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Choi 0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0 Blanka
Choi wasn't being sarcastic. He actually did find Blanka smart. In a Chang sort of way. It was tactical, to say the least. So when Blanka begins saturating the field with debris, the midget simply attempts to dance away, avoiding each and every rock, sand, and fish. However, something manages to slip by his evasion. Unfortunately, the result is a mistake of Happy Tree Friends proportions.
The Candiru was a cute joke by the arena's caretakers. Since Blanka was from Brazil, they decided to bring some of the fish in. So as Blanka dug into the water, the tiny fish flew through the air... right into Choi's eye.
The midget howls in the pain as the tiny fish burrows in his eyes. "MY EYE OH CRIPES EYE-EYE-EYE!" The little man panics, throwing himself to the ground as he attempts to rub his eyes. Which is swiftly followed by another stream of even more howling as Choi makes a complete idiot of himself on television.
The screaming dies down, and the midget just lies there, taking long, hard deep breaths. The thing was in his eyes. Blood was soaking across his face. He was now blind. But not completely blind. He just stood up, and flexed. Breath in. Breath out. He tried hard to choke back the pain, just drown it. Refocus himself for the next attack.
COMBATSYS: Choi gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Choi 0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0 Blanka
For a moment, Blanka's a bit worried. He knows what those things can do, and he bounces a few feet forward as Choi reacts ... poorly. There's concern on his face, and he rushes in to perch near Choi. Attacking him while he's down and just trying to recover feels so /wrong/... but he's still a little frustrated from the stabby early on.
"If not quitting, keep fighting!" Blanka bounds up into the air, and hangs from a branch above Choi as he recovers - allowing him perhaps a greater amount of time than he should - but in the end, he doesn't feel bad for it. And then, he lets go, trying to fall /just/ on Choi, arms and legs akimbo to create the largest area possible. After all, squooshing Choi is not an easy thing to do! "Banzaaaaaaro!"
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Choi with Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////// ]
Choi 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Blanka
Choi finally gets his balance. He feels relaxed. Balanced. In control of his body. The pain in his eye is no longer as horrible. Even though he feels it squirming. He opens his claws wide. "Okay. I'm think I am cool."
And then he is smooshed by Blanka.
The midget squirms under the girth of the beast, feeling his arm wrapped around behind him. Squirm squirm squirm. Finally, the little man gives up. And by gives up, I mean completely loses it. He screams, struggling with all his might to throw the beast off. If successful in pushing him off, the jolly green giant will find the midget pirouetting up into the air, claws out. And trying to bring the massive man right up in the air with him.
COMBATSYS: Choi successfully hits Blanka with Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Choi 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Blanka
Smoosh! Blanka is good at this sort of attack. And on the plus side, the sand is nice and warm, what he can feel of it. There's a Choi-shaped space against his chest that is less warm, and slightly squirmy. He takes a moment to chuckle and enjoy the fact that he'd managed to land on the guy, but then it goes too far, apparently. Blanka wasn't expecting Choi to be able to chuck him upwards - the man seemed too small to do it. There's a toss upwards, spinning and stabbing that makes Blanka /almost/ pass out, but after it all, he's still standing up. Barely, of course, but still standing. If by 'standing' we mean 'landed in a dazed heap on the ground, knees wobbly'. It's close enough for goverment work.
Blanka picks himself up as Choi starts to come down - and swings his hands up and around. He picks out a piece of driftwood, and swings it as a bat at the speedy man in the air. He tries to catch Choi on his way down, aiming for the bleachers.. or at the least, the forest area nearby. So much for 'subtlety' - he's offering Choi the chance to step into him - but with Choi as weak as he is now, can he risk it?!
COMBATSYS: Choi dodges Blanka's Random Weapon.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Choi 1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0 Blanka
Choi may be tiny, but when he gets all uppity, he carries quite a bit of push. Whirling upwards in a cloud of sand, he drops down with elegance. Yes, he was getting quite the beatdown. But he still had control of the fight. As he unwound, the brute was after him with a bat. Well, we couldn't have that, could we?
The little man dips and weaves, carefully letting the board swing over his body. Slipping under the attack, he finds himself dangerously close to Blanka. The memories of the electrical field return to him. He acts quickly.
The midget charges the short distance with claws a flurry. He swings multiple times with his claws before breaking into classic Tae Kwon Do kicks that would make Kim... no, Jhun proud! He finally changes into a spin before unleashing the final blow... a backflipping kick. But would it be enough to break through to Blanka?
COMBATSYS: Blanka dodges Choi's Hou'ou Kyaku.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Choi 0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0 Blanka
Swing and a miss, Strike one! Blanka's whiff means he loses the makeshift bat, a bunch of his strength put into the effort. He pulls himself back and around, realizing just how close Choi is to him, and that is a scary thing indeed. He's seen what Choi can do up close - but Blanka can do much the same things from up close. The beastman's had to deal with speed and skill - but now is time to show some of his own. The flurry of attacks are met with Blanka backflipping out of the way, over and over. Claws slice through his hair, cutting the giant mound of orange fluff atop his head. As he comes to a stop just outside Choi's final attack, he takes a deep breath - and then pauses. Everything is so much lighter! He reaches up - and realizes that he now has a mohawk, instead of his normal mane! Orange hair litters the landscape, and he looks on, gaping surprise on his face!!
"Awh-roo! So fast! Choi /really/ good fighter...! Blanka do his best!" With that, Blanka bounds forwards, bringing his hands out in a quick series of punches, one two and three, over and over, trying to catch the little man, and to knock him back to the ground. It's not easy - but he'll get Choi yet!!
COMBATSYS: Choi blocks Blanka's Jab Punch.
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Blanka
Choi's manic slashing only leaves Blanka with a punkish haircut. But that is the least of Choi's worries. The midget is far more concerned about how the ghost is beginning to leave him. However, Blanka lets loose one of his quick punches. Choi doesn't have time to dodge in the wake of his overwhelming assault so...
He just hides behind his arms.
The midget blocks the assault, grinning broadly. "Right back atcha, you big ape!" He snarks, releasing his fantastically sore arms from their protective stance. In fact, the midget just seems the roll right over himself, falling facefirst. He drops forward... the corrects himself into a front flip. But in that correction, a sneaky attack emerges: His heel comes up around, attempting to drive it right in Blanka's fresh new Mohawk!
What would Dan have to say of such hairy disrespect?
COMBATSYS: Blanka Toughs Out Choi's Toorima Geri!
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > ///// ]
Choi 0/-------/------=|=======\-------\1 Blanka
He's tired. He's sore. Beaten and bloodied, Blanka is not fast enough to escape Choi's attacks while he's tired and worn down. Blanka, however, is not yet ready to throw in the towel. He's gotten this far, and he plans on pushing himself /all/ the further. He plans on knocking this little man out of the park, and when he gets himself to that mode of thought, he can't let it out of his system. As Choi's compliment gets through, Blanka half-smiles - only to see it turn into an attack! Instead of hurling himself out of the way, he lets the foot through, letting it slam into his temple. Knocked to the side, Blanka wobbles, staggers - and goes to his knees. He's weakened, tired - and this last hit puts him /so/ close to unconciousness.
But Blanka is made of sterner stuff. He digs his hands into the ground, and hauls out a scream of intent strength. He flips backwards, then slides /right/ towards Choi, trying to knock the little man off his feet too. If Blanka can get back up after, Choi's going to have his hands full. If not, Choi gets to declare himself the winner of a hard-fought battle..
But don't count the beast down yet!!
COMBATSYS: Blanka successfully hits Choi with Amazon River Run.
[ \\\\ < > //// ]
Choi 0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1 Blanka
Choi managed to get his sneaky attack in. Or rather, Blanka just lets him take the shot. It confuses Choi a bit, until he gets flashbacks of Birdie. Immediately, he begins to fret, and prepares to throw himself back. Far back. He needed to get away. But then, Blanka seems to lose it. He drifts to the side. Choi's guard drops, pulling forward for the victory dance...
Then Blanka BOWLS over him.
Choi panics even more, flailing through the air. He does the only thing that makes sense when someone large and hairy is spinning over and into you: Spin right round. Like a record baby. Right round, Choi whirls like a bladed top, right round. He attempts the same trick as before when Blanka was on him, and attempts to bring him into the air. His arms lacked strength, and he began to black out as the sweat of Blanka's body began to choke his senses...
COMBATSYS: Choi can no longer fight.
[ \\\\ <
Blanka 1/----===/=======|
COMBATSYS: Blanka dodges Choi's Tatsumaki Shippuu Zan.
[ \\\\ <
Blanka 1/----===/=======|
Oh no. Not again.
Blanka's ready this time. As Choi begins to spin under him, Blanka puts his hands on Choi's shoulders and /pushes/. He launches himself into the air before Choi can, catching a tree branch by his feet, hanging upside down in mid air. As Choi spins and circles up, Blanka reaches out, trying to time things /just/ right. His giant green paws lash out at the last second, just before the upward spin ends, and he catches Choi in his grip. Beaten, tired and just /done/ with the fight, Blanka hangs on to his opponent - he won't let Choi fall and hit the ground hard. Not after this fight. Not after the effort the little man put in. He watches, waits - and he'll hang onto the branch with his feet till Choi comes to. At that point - he'll set the man down, and congratulate him for an amazing fight. For now, Blanka just takes breath after breath, trying to recover from the exertion of one of his toughest fights ever.
COMBATSYS: Blanka takes no action.
[ \\\\ <
Blanka 1/----===/=======|
COMBATSYS: Blanka has ended the fight here.
Log created on 21:37:15 10/02/2008 by Blanka, and last modified on 11:19:34 10/03/2008.