Description: A Neo League battle taking place in the red arena of Masters Stadium. A bit of a lopsided battle from Rick who ends up more confused as to what the hell he just beat up instead of who when all is said and done. (Winner: Rick)
Neo League! Well who would be surprised that such a thing would be occurring in Master's Stadium? Afterall it is the home away from home of the league's creator. It would only make sense that a few fights happen here now and again. It is just a bit less populated than most times since the two fighters involved in tonight's little matchup aren't that big of names. This is only Rick's second match ever in the league while his opponent isn't exactly big enough to draw a major crowd as well at this point and time. Keep fighting, kids. You'll put more butts in those seats one day.
Rick has been back in the States for a few days now after running about Southtown causing trouble here and there. Afterall he has to return home to let his wife know he is still alive so she won't kill him. Oh what a faithful husband he is. Too bad she wouldn't come along to the stadium to watch him fight. She never did really approve of his nomadic ways or his urge to punch people in the face, but she knew what she was getting into when she married the crazy Native American. "Yeeeaaaah, lets do this." he calls out as the smattering of fans that line the seats of the red arena clap and cheer when Rick steps out with fists raised in the air.
Again entered, the unit, Candy, does her best to function as they wish her to. It seems a bit soon, perhaps, for the machine to once again re-emerge onto the fighting after Naerose. It was brutal. It was long. It was quite painful. But Candy knew nothing of those words. They were ones that had described things. Ones that are put to a scene only after the fitting description was acquired.
It was her job to put these words to it, if she was even capable afterwards. She does not understand pain, and what it drives others to fight back so fiercely. She does not know what brutal is. Required force is required, and the chance they get up less if you apply more, is a belief that a machine holds high.
And finally, short.. for Candy, the fight had been quite long. Not tiring.. but the processes had went on forever in the last.
They were sure to continue, this time. Already present in the Red Arena, Candy is in her section. But Candy isn't really there.
Long flowing locks, blond, and a rather covering dress mark the fighter before Rick, who stares out at the stands. The hair is synthetic. The face is as well, and the dress is a simple teal one. She gives a wave once to the others. She is said to use 'light' for weaponry. Flashing light, they say.
A newcomer, they say.
Candy is anything but new. But her words.. her being must change in each situation. In that way, they are new.
"Well.. good to meet you." The female voice speaks up, as she leans back a bit onto her heels. "I'm sure this will be quite interesting." No motion is made to the fans. Candy does not require such attention.
There is a few moments where Rick is quiet and he regards the other fighter wondering if this truely is the person he is supposed to be facing this evening. He glancing around and then rolls his broad shoulders in a shrug when it looks like this is the case. "Hey good to meet you too it seems." he replies and he reaches into the back pockets of his white jeans to pull free a pair of fingerless gloves that he starts tugging on. Not like they offer any sort of protection, but more they are good luck to him in his own mind. Every boxer has their favorite pair of gloves. His just happen to be of a non traditional sort. He doesn't need those bulky things slowing down his fists of fury afterall.
The officials seem to deem everything in order and they declare for the pair that they may begin. Rick only gives a thumbs up to them in response and he grins as he raises his hands and he begins to hop from foot to foot as he starts bouncing to and fro as he does a bit of a ropey dope in a half circle around the teal dressed fighter and seems to be sizing her up and wondering what tricks this lady might have up her sleeves.
COMBATSYS: Rick has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rick 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Rick focuses on his next action.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rick 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Candy has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Candy 0/-------/-------|=------\-------\0 Rick
As Rick replies, the woman is unsure exactly of what Rick may be seeming off to. Did she not pick a correct identity? Did she mess up somewhere? Many things flow through Candy's mind. None of them truly are of questions. They flow more like points of data, stopping at what could be the errors that were made. None.
But Rick falls backwards, readying himself, as Candy looks towards this man.. and seems to only use his hands. Very well.
Yet when he starts, there is an interesting sight that Candy does not seem to be used to. There is energy there. Waiting. It is put into her files. This man is capable from the very beginning. And as he begins to bounce about .. Candy realizes.. she will be walking into a trap.
The woman .. figures it will be best to deal with it instead of simply waiting.
And suddenly bolts forwards.
The long haired, puce dressed woman seems to float down.. but the piston legs in Candy simply send her leap to a rather high degree, and aim to come down straight towards Rick. Towards his body.. and to catch his neck with her arm, aiming to drag him down towards the ground at the end of it all.
Candy hopes to land on her feet.
She can see the man will try to stop that.
COMBATSYS: Candy successfully hits Rick with Candy Drop.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/-------|===----\-------\0 Rick
He has no idea what he is up against, but it seems like he is soon to find out when Candy decides to come charging in to start things off. The boxer bobs and weaves when she approaches and then he starts to raise his arms to knock away her grasping arms, but she ends up being quicker than he expected in this case and the bigger finds himself tumbling to the ground and bouncing back up quickly so not to leave himself open for too long. "Hey not bad. Yer a quick little thing." he says and he chuckles lightly.
He doesn't talk much more after that. He takes a step back while rearing back that left fist of his and he takes a deep breath. With a loud yell he pushes off to dash forward a few steps then he throws his fist forward to let his momentum to carry him the rest of the way as the left hand seeks to slam into the chest of Candy with quite a bit of force behind it. "Hraaaaaaaaaahhhhhh HAH!"
COMBATSYS: Rick successfully hits Candy with Divine Blast.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Rick
As Rick gets up, Candy does as well. She should have no trouble preventing the next assault, she believes. The error level is under 40%.
The numbers are not entirely correct. The android pulls back, nodding, a little laughter. "Oh yes.. I do try.." But in response, the dash of his assault, a fist being thrown at such a speed that Candy is carried forwards, the hand slamming into the chest of the Woman, Yarda. She isn't American you see.
And 'Yarda' is struck, the woman launched backwards, the fist impacting with more strength than it has any right to.
Yet really. This is all important data.
The machine crashes backwards, rolling to the end of the arena with a bit of noise. None from Candy, beyond the normal 'bone' striking the ground. There are many uses for for synthetic materials. Half.. so there are no noise from her machinery, when it's torn a bit.
"How strong..."
But the woman gets right up. She does linger. Not need breath. The woman underneath suffers a dent, rather large. And yet her goal is to simply stare at him, eyes focusing on his own movements.
But they are far more invasive than his own.
COMBATSYS: Candy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0 Rick
There is a proud look on Rick's face when his strength is complimented. "Trying to get stronger. Got a long way to go, kiddo." he tells the other fighter while falling back into his fighting stance wondering why that impact felt so different than when he normally punches someone. It isn't something he can put his finger on, but something felt off. He dismisses it as being his mind playing tricks on him and he instead keeps his attention on Candy instead.
His movements are a bit less quick this time. While still moving about with his quick footwork he approaches in a manner that isn't a straight up dash as he moves to the left then the right, his gaze narrowing some as he tries to look for a good opening. He finally seems to see something there and he thrusts a hand forward to strike towards the face again, but it ends up being a feint as he actually uses his right hand to throw a punch right into the gut of Candy.
COMBATSYS: Candy fails to interrupt Medium Punch from Rick with Diamond Cutter.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////////////// ]
Candy 1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0 Rick
As Rick moves forwards, a straight dash, Candy moves to intercept. Her timing is off. The first shot has turned her about. There is little she can do to make up for it.
Unfortunately, there is such thing as a defining blow. Candy's arms come up, aiming to invert the assault, pulling backwards on Rick as he moves in, a strike towards the face... and the feint is not caught. She has already prepared for the other assault.
And pays for it. Crashing backwards once again, Candy this time hits the edge, falling off it. The damage done is terrible, at least, it begins to easily scale upwards. Nothing is working.
It is all noted for later to be reviewed.
To her feet, once more, the woman goes, launching herself upwards, more ragged, as she lands on the edge of the area again.
"It's an acceptable level, at least."
There is something beginning to stain the dress. It's dark in color.
Once again the blow that lands feels a bit odd. She must be wearing some sort of protection under her dress, yeah. That makes sense. That might be a bit uncomfortable he thinks given what she is wearing over it if that is the case. Once again he is letting himself think too much on it and that almost cost him since it looks like Candy may have had plans when he was moving in to strike. Looks like he dodged a bullet with that one. "Well, thanks. Don't let it intimidate ya, though. Give it your all!"
With that declaration he steps back a few feet then takes a deep breath and clenches his fists as if preparing for something. He then takes a step forward and he throws a straight right punch despite being several feet away. The punch is so powerful it creates a concussive force that aims to plow right into Candy which he follows up with a powerful left uppercut that creates another blast of air meant to knock Candy skyward. "Huuuuup, hraaaaaaaaaaah!"
COMBATSYS: Rick successfully hits Candy with Gaia Breath.
Glancing Blow
Glancing Blow
[ \\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////////////// ]
Candy 1/--=====/=======|-------\-------\0 Rick
As Rick assaults her.. Candy lacks a good defense. To sit back would be effective, but the woman aims to get out of the way at all. It does not truly work.
Yet as he clenches his fists.. stepping forwards, a powerful left uppercut through the air that slams forwards.. she only catches the disturbance with seconds to go. The sight is interesting. She cannot truly react in time. But she tries. Leaping away, the concussive force, once detected, blows into her. It's not like a normal human is struck.
Her body is pulled in, and much to her chargrin, for a moment, the system goes blank. Just a fraction of this cloud of air shortcircuits Candy, the woman dropping into the rest of the assault.. yet still functional.
Just not very.
It takes a few seconds for re-initialization. "I am." Is the first answer. "You are just too strong." There is no intimidation to be had. It is a fact. And Candy has little remorse in her next trial. She cannot even it.
She can try, however, to show him her own.
That light, comes forth from her .. oddly singed body, the colors are not normal singe. As if you took a magnet to a computer. There are colors that should not belong. Vague remnants, but clearly just a trick to the eyes.
Yarda, and the 'light', go on the offensive. Pulling backwards, Candy prepares her pools of reserve.. and a moment later, they return towards Rick, thrust forwards, her hands pushing .. nothing.
Following after, thin, calculated blades of light shoot forwards, weaved into the air, growing larger over time, before a single one is sent towards Rick, a single large woven blade of light. All for him.
COMBATSYS: Rick blocks Candy's Blue Screen Of Death.
[ \\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Rick
Now this chick is really strange from the looks of it. Rick has a bit of a perplexed look when Candy gets up and he tilts his head a bit and taps at his chin with a thumb. "I uh, got it, then." he says in response and despite his quick feet he is a bit sluggish in movement due to the light blinding him for the most part and he doesn't know which way to go. Instead he raises his arms quickly instead and hopes for the best when that blade of energy sails forward and slams into him. It elicits a grunt from the boxer that staggers back a few steps and he shakes his arms out some afterwards and tries to clear his vision.
Okay, that could have been real bad he thinks. The fact she is still standing after using up so much energy is rather surprising too. "Christ you got some bite to your attacks." he finally says and he then tries to move in to strike Candy again once his vision clears up enough. Once again the Southpaw brings arond a left, a quick hook aimed for the jaw of Candy.
COMBATSYS: Candy interrupts Hook Punch from Rick with Crow Bite.
[ \\ < > //////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Rick
COMBATSYS: Candy has reached second wind!
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0 Rick
As Rick pulls backwards, Candy still tries to be on the offensive. Yet there's little chance with that. The woman, Yarda, is on the defensive it seems.
It may only seem that way. Candy makes use of the opponents actions more than her own. She can see the movement, and the strike of the assault.. at least hers.. buys her some time.
"I would hope not to disappoint." She states, especially with the way she is already in. Currently, the frame is not holding together well. And he's attacking her, the strike coming once again, a slow punch heading towards the face of Candy. The woman moves into the punch.
Something is wrong. The punch makes no jaw move. The 'jaw area' which should be easy to move at all, when struck, doesn't cause Candy to budge. Worse yet, Candy slams a palm into Rick's stomach, and then following it up, pistons a fist towards Rick's upper chest, aiming to knock him back, as well as knock the wind from him.
But the damage is severe.
Candy staggers after the completion of the assault. The programs beginning to flood the system with garbage data, different parts beginning to malfunction. The second generator whirrs to life, and a brief 'jolt' of electricity might be seen.
The eyes of Candy open up once more, gathering herself, the generators kicking to life as she stumbles, and does not fall, catching herself.. and standing back on her side. 'Yarda'.. is obviously.. different in some way.
But what may Rick notice? "We are not yet done, it seems..."
Now that is not normal. Even Hayato flinched when taking a blow to the jaw from the boxer. Just what the hell is this woman anyways? He doesn't get to think too long on that since Candy responds with two powerful strikes of her own that sends Rick staggering back several steps while letting out a sharp exhale when the air is knocked out of him. He goes down to one knee momentarily and he sucks in a few deep breathes as he gets back to his feet. "I guess not." he agrees while looking a bit uncertain about what to do about the situation.
Well if she is getting up he will just have to knock her down once again. That is all he can do. That is one of the beautiful thing about fighting. When you get down to it it is only over if someone calls it quits or if someone drops and can no longer strike. Candy still stands and she doesn't look to be saying 'I Quit' at this point. That is why Rick just resorts to doing what he does best and he just puts a bit more pep in his punch and strike Candy right in the jaw again with another punch.
COMBATSYS: Candy dodges Rick's Fierce Punch.
[ \\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0 Rick
When you don't feel pain. It is hard to flinch. Candy does not even go that far when she 'plays' human. There's no way she will understand just what the movement entails.
She lacks the knowledge of how to feel it. Much like she lacks the rest humanity feels. Sadness. Happiness. All sorts of things. Yet she understands a few. Something she has had countless, endless hours to realize.
For, especially now, she is alone.
She fights a man she has never met, among people she will see again, yet never speak to, in a place that is meant to schedule such things.. for people who merely want the end product of the fight from her.
And not a person cares for her.
Yet this does not stop her. This does not cause the woman to falter, Yarda moving just enough, sliding her head away, inches from the fist. her calculations were correct.. and from the sudden power boost. her movements are sharp, quick, and far too fast.
"Close." She notes. Before stepping backwards, allowing the reserve pool to regenerate. For she has burned far too much. Far.. far too much to simply keep fighting. What an opening she would create, if she were to. There is a slight whirring, the power fully coursing through her, to make up for what she has lost.
COMBATSYS: Candy gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Candy 0/-------/-======|=====--\-------\0 Rick
Swing and a miss as the boxer shows that air what for. "Not close enough." he surmises afterwards and he continues to press his attack. The fact that there seems to be more than meets the eye about this woman he is fighting has him fighting that much harder. Can he take her down? She seems to take his hits pretty well despite the amount of power he is putting into each punch. With jaw set firm he decides he may as well use a trump card of his at this point.
Another step is taken forward and he throws a right cross at about stomach level as his fist ignites with yellow chi that streaks behind the thrown punch before the Southpaw throws another vicious uppercut that emits the same energy as his right hand. That blow is aimed at the chin with enough force to knock Candy skyward if it connects as he cries out loudly one word. "HELLION!"
COMBATSYS: Rick successfully hits Candy with Hellion.
[ < > //////////////////// ]
Candy 1/--=====/=======|====---\-------\0 Rick
"Hmm?" The Machine asks a bit, as he tries his trumpcard. And simply .. the fist is too much. Igniting with yellow chi, it streaks towards her, the vicious uppercut that slams at stomach level. Candy is caught.
And then rocketed away, the burning air filled with energy tossing her far, far away, clattering against the ground. Her eyes become dim, as she looks to the floor. Her focus on the battle.. far less.
But the woman .. slowly but surely, stands. She does not seem to have taken it well, yet she forces herself to stand. Dim as they may be, the eyes focus upon Rick.
Scanning him once more, looking towards every bit of him..
But the whirring begins to flicker... cutting out at times.
The rebooting begins again .. but as taxed as she is... could she possibly stay up?
COMBATSYS: Candy focuses on her next action.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rick 0/-------/--=====|
COMBATSYS: Candy can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Rick 0/-------/--=====|
And she collapses, lifeless, not breathing. Not moving ..
As if a doll, once filled with life, suddenly was returned to it's original state.
It looks like his decision pays off and Rick nails Candy hard with that attack before staggering back a step and raising his arms in case somehow she gets up after that and attempts to attack him again. He breathes heavily and then lets out a big sigh of relief when the girl finally seems to stay down. Though he notices she doesn't seem to be breathing, but before he can say too much an official grabs his arm and raises it while moving him away. "Hey, but she doesn't...shit did I kill her?" he asks while being escorted off away from Candy before he can ask too many more questions while being told the woman will be just fine.
The Native American grimaces as he is led away and he glances over his shoulder before nodding some and thrusting a fist in the air for those gathered who give an applause for a match well fought for both fighters. Of course now he is just left wondering what the hell is going on here. This certainly might have been one of his oddest opponents to date despite coming across several odd and eccentric sorts in his travels across the globe.
COMBATSYS: Rick has ended the fight here.
Log created on 20:11:42 09/30/2008 by Rick, and last modified on 11:23:08 10/01/2008.