Nataya - Nataya: The Wandering Monk Girl #6

Description: Episode 6: Divine Intervention Extraneous OR White Knight Triumphant? When Tyler goes on a temper tantrum in the streets of Southtown, Nataya's there to quell the disturbance with her usual brand of well thought out violence. What neither of them counted on was the appearance of Alma Towazu. Nataya senses an even greater disturbance in him, Tyler just gets more rabies, and it's a fight to the finish as Alma asks the question of the ages: "Who are you?" The answer may surprise you!

Another nice evening in Southtown Village -- at least for most but the german american student at Gedo, Tyler. While standing in line at the post office,"What do you mean it isn't here? It was supposed to be here already! I want my merchandise damn you!" The young man starts to get riled up, creating a bit of a scene in the post office for the moment, he clutches the mail clerk by the shirt, fist clenched threateningly, snarling menacingly.

Tyler just starts at the clerk for a moment, then sighs and flings him away as he releases them, he then turns and heads out of the post office, slamming the door behind him -- cracking the glass door. He turns and starts walking down the street, as he walks by a mail drop box, he slams his fist into it angrily, putting a dent into it and keeps on walking. He knocks over some trash cans, etc as well. Leaving a path of debris in his wake.

Hark! A disturbance in the force! It's as if one mailbox was dented and was sudden;y silenced!

Well, not really. Nataya was in the line at the post office to drop off some letters that someone on her delivery route had asked to to deliver. The small package was of some import: a care package from a mom to her son who was studying abroad.

The young monk-trained girl arrived not long after Tyler's tirade, in fact just fast enough to see him leave, punching things. That in an of itself doesn't really warrant her interest. What does, however, is the murmurs of unrust and thoroughly rattled mail clerk inside.

The woman takes her packahe, and drops it into the delivery slot. Mission accomplished! The serenely smiling face then carries around the building to attend to the mess within. Her hand lingers by the cracked glass for a second before talking to the clerk. An upset young man looking for merchandise? This looks like a job for... well, frankly anyone else /but/ Nataya is well suited for this job. But there you have it.

And so the woman' dressed in sweatpants, sneakers, and a gray USMC sweatshirt with the arms cut off for some reason or other, trots off after the retreating form of Tyler, who seems to think that assaulting municipal property is the answer to life's problems. The fact that he's taller and made from far stockier German build doesn't seem to bother her as her rapid foot speed brings her around in front of him, keeping pace easily. She brings up a hand to brush back an errant strand of hair that she can't seem to blow out of her face, showing off the prayer beads wrapped loosely around her wrists and forearms.

She looks weird because of them, but around here, doesn't everyone? Nataya's face seems stuck naturally in that enigmatic smile as she looks up at the boy, craning her head as she tilts it slightly. "So," she says brightly, "are you the kind that actually likes the cute conversation, or do we skip right to the punching of your face in?"

Tyler comes to an abrupt hault as the petite female cuts him off. His head hangs forward just slightly; his eyes burning with intensity, locked on Nataya intently.

Any number of thoughts could be running through his head right about now, but considering his mood, there's one thought that crosses his mind that he doesn't hesistate on, and that is: Taking the first swing.

Tyler has become accustomed to this type of fighting, he's always the one to try and get the first punch in -- because if he should let the fight go on, then chances are, he's going to lose, so he'd rather take his chances with trying to knock his opponent out first, and occassionally, although not so much anymore, the young man is capable of such a feat just not against well-trained opponents.

He doesn't even response verbally except for a roaring sound as he suddenly lunges at Nataya with a single, solid fist -- aimed straight for her head. 'GRAWRGH!' Certainly not the most intelligent of sounds to make, but at least he's trying to communicate! More so physically than verbally however at this point.

COMBATSYS: Tyler has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tyler            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Nataya has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Tyler            0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Nataya

COMBATSYS: Nataya blocks Tyler's One-Hit Wonder.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Tyler            0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0           Nataya

Quite the whallop! The punch collides solidly with a raised forearm, but the smile never leaves Nataya's face. "That answers that question," she says in a conversational tone. She's much, much shorter than her opponent, which means that he has reach and likely power at his disposal.

Most likely, being the key word.

The slivery mists seep out of the cracks in the ground, swirling around the woman's feet in an almost protective fashion as she doesn't wate any time. Her free hand raises up, three pinpricks of light emerging from the chain of beads around her arm. "Alrighty then! I know I got the mettle to meddle," she says as she steps back to give herself room. "But have /you/ got the bottle?"

And with that, she lets loose with the three dots of light that shoot forth, clouds of silver swirling after them like contrails as the small lights grow in size. Expanding to the size of softballs, she seeks to guide the silver spheres into Tyler's gut, letting off a significant amount of force and energy in the process.

"Thank you so much!"
Southtown Village is sometimes considered to have little of interest to non-residents outside of its mall, but those who are familiar with the city know it's little charms. Not so far away from the lively encounter is a small roadside flower stand, sheltered from the elements -- and the chaos that so frequently visits upon this fair city -- by a vibrantly colored shade. Within, a woman, the proprietor, gazes with shining eyes upon a young man, her customer.
For there are small charms to this city--
"My daughter will appreciate this so much!"
And there are big ones, too.
Alma Towazu smiles warmly, his expression mild to the point of good-natured bashfulness, as he reaches up to run a bronzed hand through his carefully tousled blond locks.
"I'm happy to help," he murmurs. "It's the least I can do in exchange for these lovely flowers." His lips purse thoughtfully, smooth brow furrowing ever so slightly as the beautiful model regards the flower lady with a surreally elegant look of contemplation. "Are you certain you will not let me pay?"
"Please!" scolds the lady, waving him off dismissively even as her eyes sparkle. "It's the least I can do. My son loves the YFCC, but that silly boy refuses to ask for your autograph. Kaoru will be thrilled when she sees this!"
They part laughing, the tall youth ducking to leave the flower stand, emerging with buoquet in tow. 'I won't tell her that you're buying flowers, though, that would break her heart', the woman had teased, and Alma had of course just laughed it off, but these were just to spruce up the Center. Given how much his volunteers had endured, the least he could do is add some color to their lives, even as he struggles to make good on the repairs.
It's just the way he works.
But Alma, psychic prettyboy and community center VP extraordinaire, is startled out of whatever philosophical reverie he might have entered just now, musing upon his own motivations, by the brawl that is now occuring, well, basically right in front of his face.
A skilled fighter reacts quickly with whatever strengths or tools at their disposal that fit the circumstances; no weapon is left undrawn, for the sake of dignity if not victory. Alma has trained hard, risen to be worthy of captaining his own team, and the key component of his style is spontaneity.
He is also wearing a tailored suit, having come from work.
There is one simple, natural option.
With stunning swiftness, Alma plucks a rose from his bouquet and launches it out with preternatural force, causing it to slam into the road between the two fighters-- and crack the pavement, sending slight but startling shockwaves of force out at both of them to push the two away, if they aren't nimble enough to leap aside or steady themselves in time.
And when they turn to see who has done it, Alma will be standing there, smiling with an unassuming mellow air, not looking nearly as serious as he sounded when he shouted.
"I appreciate your desire to duel," he continues softly, sounding amiable enough, "but this might not be an appropriate location."
He steps forward, nodding to both of them.
"When one takes a stand in battle, one must choose a venue worthy of the integrity one is seeking to represent."
Slipping one hand into his fitted slacks, the young man tilts his head slightly, allowing one bang to slip over an eye and abruptly giving an enigmatic cast to his innocent expression. Was that intentional?
"Otherwise... your reason to fight will collapse in on itself."
Wait, what?

COMBATSYS: Alma has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Tyler
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/------=|

COMBATSYS: Nataya successfully hits Tyler with Three Gems.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|====---\-------\0            Tyler
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Tyler with Thrown Object.
- Power hit! -

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0            Tyler
[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/----===|

The best way to describe Tyler at the moment? Fiery rage! The young german american just stands there -- letting Nataya's tricky chi-attack strike him as it were supposed to, he just grits his teeth angrily and prepares for the incoming attack.

He moves in a bit closer to Nataya but then suddenly there's a flash of something flying between him and his opponent -- and then a small explosion of force. Was that a flower that just blew up in his face? Tyler seems a little caught off by the fact that flowers are being thrown in the middle of his fight, and thus when both attacks occur, he ends up taking both of them pretty severely, but the young man doesn't fall or buckle no, he doesn't do that. He actually stands his ground, trying to show that he's tougher than he really is at least. Tyler's eyes almost seem to turn red from the rage after that, as does the aura around him -- but barely just barely apparant.

Having grown up on the streets, Tyler finds this as good a place as any to put a beat down on somebody... and well, now it appears he has another opponent -- perhaps a teammate too? He looks over at Nataya for a moment and then shakes his head, he doesn't really want to fight the small girl no, now his attention is focusing on that prettyboy that just intervined!

"Mother..." Tyler spouts off something in german (some bad words) in Alma's direction as he suddenly turns and darts right at them with both fists clenched -- he tries to throw Alma off by shifting to the left and then quickly back to the right as he brings an uppercut down and around toward the man's chin with as much force as he can muster, he's totally forgotten about Nataya now, well, not completely but he seems like he'd rather take his aggression out on the new arrival.

As he takes this swing, his fist begins to brighten, a fiery red, like a meteor as it comes flying in -- let's just say Nataya was lucky not to experience this type of punch first with as much force as the young man is putting behind it now. This could certainly be a fatal impact if it should happen to land!

Tyler spouts off,"Enough talk! FIGHT!"

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Nataya with Thrown Object.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|======-\-------\0            Tyler
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/---====|

Nataya takes a moment to consider the new arrival's strange words. She turns them about in her head, every which way, left and right, up and down, and when it comes down to it, none of them make any sense. The hand claps once. Now, now is the time, the instant when everything starts. Everything flows from now, and continues onward.

Anything more complex is just an outgrowth of the natural human desire to be. Nothing really good ever comes out of desire, and so Nataya's left with a decision.

Tyler may be a boiling pot of anger and hate, it's true. but that's a very base emotion. This other one? Well, that's another story. He's a disturbance to a disturbance, and that alone may mean he's more of a problem than Tyler is.

THen, she gets hit in the face with a flower.

She flinches, the rose cutting her face with the thorns. The smile on her face only flickers out of surprise and the pain, rather than any anger or irritation. The red marks on her face slowly ooze blood, and she tilts her head again.

She sniffs. Her eyes follow Tyler as he charges forward to attack, and she shrugs. "One thing after another," she says cheerfully, and then arms the weaponry. The beads explode from her body, forming concentric rings in front of her, funneling power through them.

Then she bolts forward into a dead run as the accumulating silver clouds belch out a powerful bolt of energy. As she approaches, Nataya dissolves into a cloud of mist, only to reappear behind Alma if she connects, and goes into a vicious six hit elbow and knee combo before smashing him into her energy bolt.

COMBATSYS: Alma endures Tyler's One-Hit Wonder.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Alma             0/-------/----===|=======\-------\1            Tyler
[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Alma interrupts Six Seals EX from Nataya with Divine Intervention EX.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Alma             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1            Tyler
[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           1/-----==/=======|

Alma glances sidelong as Tyler rushes in furiously-- and then looks away, seemingly more interested in the unusual technique that Nataya is preparing now. This may very well only stoke the flames of Tyler's rage. Nevertheless, Alma does not appear to be paying attention as he draws his right hand back, still smiling softly as the girl charges forth-- and vanishes in a plume of mist. It's a bewildering two-way ambush as--
Alma catches the punch.
Lightly, gently, Alma catches Tyler's all-out strike. The pavement cracks beneath him; it's clear the raw force behind it has been felt. Yet Alma's expression does not flicker, and he turns that calm, slightly smiling face towards the young man that has just struck him.
"You remind me," he murmurs, "of someone."
And he does not look away, even as Nataya walks into his hand.
That's an unfair way of putting it-- but that's how it looks at first to a casual observer. Nataya blossoms shockingly back into existence, and then Alma's right hand, the one that is not clasping Tyler's fist, is already there, slamming into her torso and emitting a white-hot blast of psyche-searing Soul Power, a beam that appears to pierce through the monk's body-- and though the flame is illusory, the force that launches her back is not.
"That's quite a move," he murmurs, not unkindly. His gaze finally strays from Tyler to Nataya, and he releases the other boy's fist, shoving him back slightly as he does so. "I could tell you put a lot of effort into that."
He's /still/ smiling-- but his eyes are intent in a way they were not before, and if one looks closely, one can see he is swaying slightly.
"I am Alma," he says softly, again slipping a hand into his pocket. "And who are you two...?"

Tyler grins as he thinks he nails the prettyboy with the punch, but then he frowns again -- getting angrier as he notices that he had caught his hand and is shrugging it off like it's nothing to him. Hey! That's Tyler's tactic! No fair! But it certainly works -- if Alma's intention was to piss off the raging testosterone-filled teenager even more! And his anger, as mentioned before, is displayed in a vibrant, fiery colored aura, the angrier he gets, the brighter it becomes! At least to those that are aware of these things. For a moment however, the boy's aura seems to die down a little as he relaxes for just a second -- panting a bit heavily, showing some fatigue but he doesn't rest very long, he quickly takes another quick punch at Alma with his left hand; and it's painfully obvious that he might not have reach against this opponent, and his temporary comrade certainly is at the disadvantage in that category. Even though Tyler is on a rampage, like a good fighter, he still has enough awareness to realize that if they want to come out on top, then some sort of strategy is necessary!

So what Tyler does at this point, after having some distance created between him and his foe is his intention is to at least throw out some good attacks, perhaps to distract Alma to an extent so Nataya can try to land a fatal blow, or if he gets lucky -- land a big hit himself, that's about the only chance either of them seem to have against this guy.

Tyler then lunges in at Alma, throwing everything he can at the prettyboy! It's like the apocalypse as fiery meteors come flying in at Alma in every direction, trying not to give them much room to manuever around. "I'm the guy that's going to knock your ass out! ARRRRRGH!" He's pretty burning up his full head of steam on one attack now, after thinking he might have Alma in a position that best benefits him and the monk, he calls out,"NOW! ATTACK NOW!"

The explosion to the stomach is certainly a shock. The blast of energy nearly causes the woman to crumple to the ground after being flung backward. But that doesn't stop her for very long. She tumbles end over end, the damage already starting to wear her down. Nevertheless, Nataya gets to her feet entirely too quickly for her own good, and her smile only grows wider.

The clouds around her feet boil, swirling about in a dance as the beads from her body start to raise up, orbiting their master like tiny stars.

This'll be a tough opponent, and that's all that Nataya knows right now.

Then Tyler is screaming at him. Attack? She needs no prompting to do that. Muay Boran is a mercliess art, built entirely on relentless, destructive and crippling blows. Her only response is, "Conserve your energy. He's... going to take some doing."

And with that, Nataya raises her hands and ten of the weaponized beads raise up through the air, glowing white hot as she projects them forward. The streaks of light shoot forth, swirling ar Alma and firing energy bolts at the man before slamming into him like so much buckshot.

COMBATSYS: Alma blocks Tyler's Storm of Fists EX.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|-------\-------\0            Tyler
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           1/------=/=======|

COMBATSYS: Nataya successfully hits Alma with Ten Perfections.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Alma             1/-----==/=======|-------\-------\0            Tyler
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           1/----===/=======|

"Are you sure about this?"
It's an odd thing to say, considering.
Alma successfully parried Tyler's series of strikes quite neatly, but the strategy, such as it was, succeeded. He was prepared for an assault from Nataya, but not one of that magnitude-- the cluster of beams strikes true as he attempts to evade, and the colliding beads strike true, giving Alma only enough time to toss his flowers to safely. He rolls to his feet, shaking his head wearily; as the ancient Greeks said, even Hercules cannot defeat two men. Nevertheless, Alma's comment is not that of a man who has just been knocked to the ground.
He does not sound particularly confident. There's certainly no bravado, no threat implied. But despite how much his body must ache from the hits he has absorbed, his eyes are clear as he glances from young man to young woman, and his tone is even.
Is he smiling slightly again?
"I meant what I said," he continues, straightening. "The fights you choose reflect upon you as an individual. Whether you win or lose, whatever your other motivations, self-respect is at stake. This behavior..."
He steps towards Nataya, looking deep into the monk-girl's eyes, as though he sees something within-- or behind. There is the odd sense that he is looking /through/ her-- and there's nothing mystical about it. His gaze literally seems focused on something right behind her, as though she is simply in the way. In the way... of her own aura, which he is surveying with restrained curiosity.
" it a suitable testament to that from which you have arisen?"
His gaze shifts to Tyler, and his smile softens, becoming almost affectionate.
"Does it follow the path traced by your individual, your human conditions?"
He thrusts out a palm in a graceful motion, less of an attack and more of an offering up-- yet the result is the same, a plume of white flame cast out toward Tyler, a spiralling gout of Soul Power.
"Are you proud of what you're doing...?"
But he's grinning now, of all things.
"You remind me," he continues, looking at Tyler regardless of the outcome of his attack, "of Jiro Kasagi."

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Tyler with Sacred Wave.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Alma             1/--=====/=======|======-\-------\0            Tyler
[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           1/----===/=======|

Tyler is right up in Alma's face, at least until Alma decides to blast him with whatever kind of attack that was! Something that Tyler hasn't faced before, that's for sure. The young man buckles over, holding his stomach now, coughing and spitting out a wad of crimson goo at the ground, at Alma's feet. He then rises up, a big grin on his face, teeth dyed red from the obvious blood stains now,"Is that all you got, pretty boy? All talk, all smoke and mirrors. Show me what you're really made of, would ya? That's right, give me your best shot."

Tyler tilts his head to the side, and then takes a quick punch at Alma, trying to throw him off guard for the moment as he tries to catch his breath, continuing to speak,"And please, shut your mouth if you aren't going to make any sense of what comes out of it. Yes, I have tons of self-respect, I grew up on the streets, are you saying that this isn't as good of a place to fight as any? Because I do, it's how you carry yourself in the battle that merits any respect, and I like to think that I carry alot of passion when I fight anyone."

"Jiro?" Tyler snarls a little at that name,"I know that guy. We've thrown down a couple times, can't wait to get my hands on him again so I can lay his out and prove to him that I am the greatest fighter that ever lived! But, I guess I'll just settle for laying his buddy out right here and right now!" Tyler's first punch was nothing, it just sliced through the air, missing completely, but then he lunges forward and tries to deliver a faster punch to Alma.

"You do realize," Nataya asks of Tyler, "That he's more interested in hearing himself talk than listening to your answers? All he cares about is convincing you that he's right and you're not. All I wanted to do was to end a problem."

Which is what Nataya seeks to do right this moment, in fact.

The monk girl doesn't seem to notice or care about Alma's gaze. Being scruitinized by holy men for several years, criticizing and analyzing your every move makes you pretty much impervious to all such things, and there's also something that's significant about Nataya's 'aura'.

It's empty.

It's like there's absolutely nothing there. No gift of presience would find a thing, and absolutely nothing emotional eminates from her. She's like an absolute null void, with a central calm. It brings no peace, and radiates no light. She just is.

And that 'is' is currently building up a sphere the size of a beach ball. The silver glow grows in her hands as she gatehrs up her prayer beads into a single solitary mass of considerable proportions. The weaponized beads swirl like a glob of quicksilver in her hands before she releases them with little effort.

The rolling ball of energy streaks towards Alma without pause. Shoudl it connect the attack will explode outwards, blasting into the man like a metric ton fo dynamite, sending beads everywhere. However, those beads will stop as they scatter, firing bolts of pure force at him, circling and tracking his every move before clattering to the ground like a raining storm of hail.

COMBATSYS: Tyler successfully hits Alma with Quick Punch.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Alma             1/-======/=======|=======\-------\0            Tyler
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Nataya successfully hits Alma with 37 Factors of Enlightenment.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Alma             2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\-------\0            Tyler
[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/-------|

"Ha ha ha."
Alma's laughter sounds genuine. In fact, he reaches up to scratch the back of his head again, an oddly modest gesture as he weaves out of the way of the first feinting punch-- and is struck soundly by the second, taking him a step back but not felling him. "Well said," he murmurs, now rubbing his jaw where he's been hit. "I'm glad you're as spirited as you seem."
But his gaze is already shifting to Nataya again. Something about her keeps piquing his interest. Something invisible to Tyler. But though Alma's slight smile rarely fades save in the midst of combat, there is something intent about his gaze every time he looks upon her. It is precisely that absent of aura that he is noticing. It is partly this that has drawn him in the first place. Partly this-- and partly Tyler.
"Now, that's not fair," he replies mildly to Nataya's comment, even as she appears to gather her energies. "I asked because he seems quite proud. But, young man..." Seeing as neither of them have introduced themselves. He turns his gaze back to Tyler, though with a hint of reluctance, as though he does not want to look away from the young woman. "This self-respect you speak of. Is it satisfied by venting your frustrations on the world around you? Moreso then the damage you are doing to the peace of innocents... are you doing yourself justice?" Maybe talking about 'testaments to that from which you have arisen' is a little too obscure, Alma. Not everyone is awed by your presence. Try to remember Jiro when he was younger. Since that's exactly what...
"What would your family think?"
He looks away from Tyler, not bothering to avenge the punch laid upon him as a rolling ball of energy begins to surge towards him. "I wouldn't have said anything at all... if I didn't think you'd care."
Nataya's attack comes.
"And as for you... I cannot help but wonder..."
And Alma is engulfed.
The storm of energy rains around him, obscuring the fighting model from view for several moments-- and when it has passed, Alma is kneeling upon the ground, by all appearances on the verge of collapse. Yet though his bangs hang over his eyes, though his expression is at first hidden, when he looks up, one eye squinted shut from the effort of enduring the strike, he looks nothing but...
"I still can't tell what /you/ stand for."
~ Are you a force of nature... ~
"Miss, whomever you are."
~ ...or a monster, you who radiate nothing? ~
"Please allow me to share myself more eloquently."
He rises steadily, his gaze unfaltering despite his fatigue. No longer does he look beyond her. There is nothing to be seen. He looks straight into her eyes, his own hazel orbs brightening steadily with a eerie light, a rawer form of the passion that fuels him, a channel opened to a sea of flame. Power begins to crackle around his right fist.
"I respect your lack of interest in my words, so..."
Fist clenching, power ripples around him.
"Accept this in their stead!"
And force born purely of conviction surges forth as he thrusts out his hand, a streak of light darting across the ground to then erupt beneath her feet-- and if she does not react of time, a geyser of scintillating light will emerge, a sword of faith to pierce her through and sweep her away.
It's the least flowery thing he's said yet.

But upon unleashing the strike, he sways...

...yet does not fall.
"Heh heh..."
Grinning, the determined young man, somehow still standing, looks around him with an odd look of pleasure.
"You're both quite tough."

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Nataya with Full Confession.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0            Tyler
[                         \\\\\  <
Nataya           1/-------/=======|

Now it's Nataya's turn to weather a destructive blast of energy. And yet, though thrown and damaged, is not periced. Something inside of her keeps the impressions of others out absolutely. In the end, when the dust settles and she's landed hard on her side, she pushes up from the ground. Her face the same, calm, serene look, blood running from her nose to match the cuts on her face.

"Maybe you're not meant to know," she says conversationally. A hand reaches up to wipe the blood from her lips. "There's things in life that you'll never understand. I won't either. Just facts that I've come to grips with. People do things every day that have no bearing in what I think is sense."

A deep breath is drawn into her lungs as she stands on unsteady legs. "As for who I am? I am. Remember that. I am."

And with that, Nataya summons up the last of her flagging strength. The beads around her studdenly stop, and weave into intricate patterns as she motions throught he swirling mists. "Hey guy. You might want to step back a little. I don't want you getting caught in any of this." And whens he's done, there's a wide screened net there, held togetehr by silver lines and beads that she projects outward. If Alma's hit, he'll be wrapped up in the attack, which constricts and sends shockwaves through her opponent, leaving Alma open for Tyler's attack.

Tyler watches Alma for a moment, narrowing his eyes on the man -- he hasn't fallen yet? Damn it all to hell. Tyler grits his teeth, lunging in to take another swing at the man, this time putting a little more power behind his punch as he takes a heavy swing, now he's just trying to end the fight.

Tyler splits his attention between Alma and Nataya equally as they trade a few choice words, he hears them but he's probably not really listening all that closely to what either of them have to say. He's got adrenaline pumping, testosterone levels rising, he's certainly in the heat of the moment more or less.

After the monk girl stops talking, Tyler decides to get a few more words out with a bit of a cocky tone laced to them. "You're pretty tough yourself, but did you really think that you could take both of us on?" He smirks at Alma, shaking his head,"That's not something I discuss in these situations, pal." He glances over at Nataya, then back at Alma,"Well, I'd have to kind of go with what she said, but if you really must know, before we finish this, the name is Tyler, or you can simply call me TJ. Doesn't matter, just as long as you remember the name well." He boasts rather pridefully.

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Tyler's Strong Punch.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0            Tyler
[                          \\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Nataya's Noble Eightfold Path.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Alma             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0            Tyler
[                          \\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/-------|

"Ha ha ha!"
Alma, what the hell is so funny? But whatever this eccentric angel is laughing about, it can't be anything cruel; he sounds nothing like your typical mocking douchebag, and that, if nothing else, should be to his credit. He's grinning, though, and this time it's at Tyler. That look of affection has returned to his eyes, and it's obvious to anyone that there's something about the brawler that Alma very much likes. Enjoys, too, and perhaps even is entertained by-- but likes, at heart. Something... Jiro-esque, clearly.
"Unlikely, I know," he says, with a certain subdued cheerfully, once again seemingly unfazed by the intricate attack that Nataya is launching and calm enough to pay attention to his other opponent in the meantime. "But, TJ--" Even as the punch comes in, this guy is still talking. Maybe he practices his speeches in front of the mirror. Wouldn't you, if you were he? "I wasn't thinking about whether or not I'd win. I just had to be true to myself."
He looks now again out of the corner of his eye at Nataya, and his expression slowly grows more serious even as he continues to speak to Tyler, tone unchanging.
"You don't have to say anything to me. But don't forget... that's what's important about the fight. Being true to yourself. Evincing that self-respect I know you have. Are you doing that, right now? Because..."
The punch thrusts in; the web tightens close.
"just being... is not enough."
And Alma flickers-- and is gone.
The punch sails through air. The beaded net closes in on nothing. It is only a moment in which Alma phases out, and it is only hairsbreadth away that he is now standing, such that the split-second of invisibility might be attributed to both fighters blinking. But surely they were not. Surely for that brief moment...
"A meaningless statement."
Alma is staring solemnly at Nataya, and for once, for once, his all-too expressive eyes, those that share the multitude of emotions his subdued facial expressions fail to, are unreadable. Is that just scrunity?
"I demand the substance of your self."
Or is that-- pity?
"The fight demands it. That is the point."

Abruptly, his gaze jerks back to Tyler, and a grin slowly spreads as he sets his stance, gathering those potent flames about his fists once more. "I won't forget your name, TJ," he murmurs. "That's because I have a sense of who you are."
His individuality-- his humanity.
And in the brief moment before he launches himself at Tyler, unloading a fearsome barrage of fire-imbued punches and kicks toward the young man's body and head, a passionate display of righteous fury, unleashing a cry to the heavens that carries with every stroke, he will cast his gaze one last time at Nataya, and utter to her some final words:
"I'm still waiting for yours."

Yeah, who the heck are you, anyway?

COMBATSYS: Alma successfully hits Tyler with Trial by Fire.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //                            ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|=======\=------\1            Tyler
[                          \\\\  <
Nataya           0/-------/-------|

Tyler grits his teeth as Alma comes charging at him -- that's it, enough talk, more action! This is what he's been looking for. "That's right, give me your best shot!"

As the punches and kicks strike him in various places all over his body, the young man's eyes burn with an intense fiery passion unlike seen before, oh no, he's not done yet, despite being pummelled with Alma's attack he's not going to be taken down that easily! At least not without some sort of fight! That's what he's all about after all. Never stop fighting, never back down!

Tyler's stance lowers, his knees bend just slightly as he tries to regain his stance and he lowers his shoulder and starts to push back with every little bit of strength he has left in him! Trying to at least prove that he has what it takes to match up against someone of Alma's stature. As he leans in closer to Alma he whispers,"It's all about respect. And I hope that I've earned just a little from you." He smirks at Alma cheesily, and then he let's out a loud grunt and warrior-like howl, letting it be known his true self very clearly,"NEVER BACK DOWN!"

After a moment or two of conflict, the young man collapses face first into the pavement, completely out.

COMBATSYS: Tyler can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Nataya

Never back down? Never back down. It's a statement that doesn't mean anything to Nataya. There's never a sttate of retreat, certainly, but the idea that there's an ebb and flow to will? Nataya's never felt that. She progresses and keeps going forward, never looking behind her. Whatever she leaves in her wake, she leaves, and it's up to everyone else to determine the effects afterward.

The boy she sought to beat a moment ago falls, and she looks at him for a moment or two. She tilts her head, an dlooks to alma, her face still serene and blank as ever. It's not a face that lends itself to reactions. "Demand?" She asks. "Meaningless?"

She steps forward, closing her eyes and muttering mantras to keep herself going just a little longer. "You're convinced you're always right. If you've ever felt doubt or reservation, it's because you can't fit it in your world view, huh? Conflict resolution to you is just to salve your own personal needs. I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do for you."

She centers herself, and then is off like a shot. Her feet carry her as fast as humanly possible, and she calls up a screen in front of her, the swirling mists moving and folding into a broad sheet in front of her that she seeks to slam into Alma.

"I can't be forced into your world. The sky is blue, not green. The round peg never fits into the square hole. You might beat me, but you'll never understand me. Not with that attitude," she says, her tone just as cheerful and unmoved as when they started.

"But then again, maybe you don't want to. Or maybe you shouldn't."

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Tyler's Raging Rush.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Nataya

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Nataya's Four Noble Truths.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ///                           ]
Alma             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Nataya

"You might be right."
There's nothing magical about what Alma does now, yet perhaps it is all the more worthy for that; his movements are liquid, graceful like those of a rippling stream, a hunting cat. Tyler's onward rush is impressive, and it is only narrowly that the nimble model weaves his way out of the coming strikes; yet somehow he maneuvers just so that as he is evading, his collapsing opponent gets in the way of Nataya's own rushing attack, giving Alma enough time to sway out of this one as well. His reflexes are impressive, yet it is clearly his awareness of his surroundings that gives him the edge he needs.
For his gaze has not left Nataya, and his expression remains soft and calm.
"I've made my share of mistakes," he says simply. What should he say, of mastering light and denying the darkness only to his own detriment? Should he tell of what he learned that day not so long ago, from Ryu and from Hotaru? No, it is not important here, though he would gladly say. "But, Miss-- I don't need to force you into my world. You're right here."
He is grinning slightly, and his eyes are still soft, as he flows in.
"If our worlds collide, as here, perhaps I /will/ understand you. Perhaps you and I will be able to let each other in. Or perhaps not... yet still... I must try."
He closes, his fists a rippling blur to pierce her defenses.
"I cannot shrug in the face of an opportunity to bring forth my heart. Even if it is invasive. Even if it is unintelligible. Even if understanding will never be achieved. I trust in my own humanity. I trust in those who have made me who I am. I trust that this dignity, championed through combat, is its own end... so..."
This is the last of his resolve.
"So... I ask you, with my words and with my power--"
Who will endure?
"Who are you?"

COMBATSYS: Nataya endures Alma's Spring Shower.

[                        \\\\\\  < >                                ]
Alma             0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0           Nataya

The attack hits Neata square. She's too tired to move, and even less motivated to even fall out of the way. The only thing left to do is to just take the hit, as the monks taught her. The fists strike her clean, and she crashes down to one knee.

"Who am I?"

She laughs once, her head bowed for a moment, her eyes practically filled with amusement. "I can't even beleive you gave me that setup." The power around her boils up as her conciousness fades. Something about it seems idfferent now. It's usually rapid, jumping, rabid to attack again when she's defeated. but this time? It's far different.

This time, it's calmer. Something in Nataya's eyes say that she's only a moment or two from reaching an ephiphany. She laughs again. it's not a mocking laugh, or even one of smug self assuredness. No, something about that laugh sounds like she's been waiting for someone to ask her that question forever.

"Who... am I?"

Her eyes spark, but they betray nothing. Still, there's nothing. She shudders. Her leg fails, as well as her arms. Collpasing on the ground, her hand flings out a smattering of beads, still sparkling in a halfhearted attempt to tag Alma before she passes out.

Then her answer, strained and half whispered.

"I'm /Batman/."

COMBATSYS: Nataya can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Alma             0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Alma dodges Nataya's Three Gems.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Alma             0/-------/-----==|

Wh, what setup!?
Alma's composure flickers briefly, a look of bemusement touching on his features for the first time since he tossed that explosive flower. What is she talking about? Thus far, even her vacant aura did not perturb him sufficiently to shake that serene guise, but something about her response catches him totally unaware. Psychic or no-- he doesn't see what he's coming from.
Has he fallen into some sort of trap?
But as he carefully awaits her follow-up, and then swiftly side-steps the final blast, catching his breath as he evades the startlingly quick final assault, he hears her final words.
Alma stares quietly through the one eye unobscured by hair.
And then he clutches his own sides from laughter.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"
Wiping a tear from his eye, the model regards the monk with, for the first time since the beginning of the fight, a look of respect. Not understanding, to be sure. But respect-- for the individual that she clearly is, even if her nature remains obscure.
"You both are quite something."
He's grinning as he retrieves his flowers.
"TJ... Batman... I salute you."
Leaving the brawlers collapsed where they are, Alma, his own body just as exhausted, is carried forth by resolve alone-- but it seems sufficient, at least, to get him down the street.
"Someday... I'd like to hear your answers."
A hope that may well be in vain, but--
Without it, he wouldn't be Alma.
~ But... ~
Not a demand upon the future-- but a proof of the present.
~ ...I'm satisfied. ~
So too is the post office-- and a little girl with an autograph.

COMBATSYS: Alma has ended the fight here.

Log created on 00:50:08 09/23/2008 by Nataya, and last modified on 13:13:12 09/23/2008.