M.Bison - Shadaloowned?!?

Description: A gangland meeting. Hints of Shadaloo. Can Chun-Li resist? Does Shadaloo even -want- her to? These questions and more answered, inside!

Time: 9:42 pm

Place: Secluded Warehouse, Chinatown

Chinatown. It is a beautiful place, bustling and busy--busy with events and business both legitimate and not. The business that might be the focus of this evening's 'fun' is decidedly -not- legitimate... reports of gunrunning and possible drugrunning as well, a big supplier's meet for the various gangs that have staked their lives on the turf of Southtown and Chinatown in particular.

The tipoff seemed perfectly ordinary--good intel, not suspicious in the least. It came from a worried sister of one of the gangbangers supposed to be at the meet--whispers of both incredible new weapons and incredible new drugs, ripe for whoever could bid the highest.

And there may have been hints of Shadaloo involvement, as well. So, really, if Chun-Li is interested in stopping Shadaloo, she might go check out the scene--a nearly-abandoned warehouse at the edge of Chinatown, in a section where the street lights don't shine so bright. And there certainly are several men there, dressed the way gangers dressed, being somewhat loud and boisterous under sharp, sodium lighting, which spills a sulfurous yellow out the windows of the warehouse...

Southtown's Chinatown has become a home away from home for Chun-Li. Here, she feels a little closer to the country she's more or less left behind, but is by no means homesick; the people are friendly, and the neighborhood children always happy to see the World's Strongest Woman for a bit of after school Tai Chi practice. It holds a special place in her heart, even if there is illegitimate business bubbling just beneath its surface.

So when she can, Chun-Li tries to help the honest folks out. So when it came to her attention that there could be trouble and the extent of what the girl's brother was getting himself into, she had already resolved to try and put a stop to it. And if Shadaloo was involved, it was definitely well-worth looking into. All she needs is a single lead...

As night fell she made her way to the edge of Chinatown, to the designated warehouse that was mentioned by her informant. Keeping to the shadows as much as she can, she watches from afar, the suspicious-looking men outside of the dimly-lit warehouse, studying their every move. As far as she can tell they're lookouts--and it wouldn't be of any real benefit to rush in. Sure, she could take them out, but the element of surprise is much greater.

Moving through the shadows, the woman quietly slips through an alley adjacent to the warehouse, cautious in her every step. Peeking around, she looks for the best way to climb atop the warehouse, and finds it a rusted-up roof access ladder smack daub on the building's side. Quiet as possible, Chun-Li ascends and gets to the rooftops, to find the nearest window possible to use as a means of spying on the goings-on inside for a much broader assessment of her current situation...

It looks just as it was told--a meeting of evil minds. Well... evil is a strong word. They are amoral, certainly, at best--self-centered and callous, as well. Some of them may truly be evil, but most are probably lost causes. Perhaps that is what she might be thinking, the paragon of Interpol and Chinatown. Still, nothing looks out of the ordinary--drugs are certainly in evidence, plastic-wrapped bricks of -something- that looks rather like cocaine. And weapons, as well--though nothing out of science fiction, or so it seems.

In fact, it may look completely ordinary, one hundred percent like 'regular crime', but as if it were a setup... a tall, thin man walks into the light, from the back of the warehouse. He's bearing a suitcase, a large, metallic thing in dull stainless steel... and embossed on both sides of the case is the skull-and-wings of Shadaloo. The man's mouth moves--obviously speaking--and he lifts the case up onto a rough table, really little more than a sheet of plywood atop two workhorse trestles. He's reaching for the latches on the case, popping each one, and then lifting the lid.

He is, coincidentally, positioned such that what's -in- the case isn't visible to Chun-Li at her vantage point. But perhaps the Shadaloo sigil will be enough to get her moving...

Watching and observing, the vigilant Chun-Li surveys the sight below her. It is as she was told: a criminal exchange involving drugs and likely illegal weapons--rather ordinary for this end of the city. Could Shadaloo really be involved in something such as this? The minutes tick by, and doubt begins to haunt the Chinese woman. Maybe her informant was misled?

She chooses to stay and watch--and clearly it would seem her efforts pay off. A man appears, carrying with him a sleek case. The light catches it briefly and brown eyes narrow, gazing intently through the light. When the case shifts again, the emblem on the surface of the steel suitcase is more than recognizable. Shadaloo IS here.

Clenching a hand tightly, the woman tries to bite back her impulses. Should she hold out and wait to see..? Or should she just crash the proverbial party? What if Vega is present? Could she really take him out, especially after her rather unpleasant SNF a few days prior..?

Shaking her head, Chun-Li grits her teeth and glares past the window. Her body still aches from former wounds, but damn it all...she can do this. If Shadaloo is here, she has to run them out of town. They have no business being here--none at all. She's going to regret this later.

A sudden crash breaks the warehouse from above, a shower of glass and dust raining down. A blur of motion moves in the rain of glass, hitting the mock table with a sudden THUD, the wood snapping in half. When the proverbial dust settles, Chun-Li stands at the center, rising from a deep crouch with a nasty-looking glare on her otherwise gentle features. She's looking for someone, as almond-brown eyes survey the gathered figures...

... and all those figures... -freeze-. Well, not literally. They just stop moving. It's probably pretty eerie, the way they stop, like they were mannequins, like they just had their switches cut off. Even the man with the suitcase. He's frozen, too. Weird, eerie, and odd. The hairs might be rising on the back of her neck--something is clearly Wrong(tm) here. But, before she can properly deduce -what's- wrong... well, another presence makes itself known. That's something of an understatement--clomping, heavy footfalls sound on the concrete flooring, and then one large stamp...

And Bison, roaring, seemingly coming out of nowhere to try and punch Chun-Li's head clean off. This, then, would be the -real- reason Chun-Li is here. It was a rather easy setup, all in all.

But what of the 'gangers'? Bison plows through one on the way to Chun-Li--and the body bursts apart. Into metal, wires, and the like. They were mannequins in perhaps the truest sense of the word... robots. A lure. A trap.

Now to see if Bison can in fact bag his baited opponent...

COMBATSYS: M.Bison has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
M.Bison          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          M.Bison

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li blocks M.Bison's Dash Straight.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          M.Bison

This was not the response she had expected...

Soft brown eyes survey the area with a mild look of disbelief on her face. Every man present has otherwise stopped moving, were they simply automatons of some nature. Her eyes fix specifically on the suitcase-carrying man, a foot sliding forward as she cautiously gazes at his face. If they're not real, then what are they? And what are they doing here..? Could it be--

A sudden stomping catches the woman's ears, her head snapping to one side. Staring over her shoulder, she spies a large figure racing forward through the warehouse, plowing through everything in its path--including one of the 'men,' whose explosion results not in gore, but wires. She fell into a trap, clearly. And whoever it is that's coming right for her is crazy, like some wild...


Startled, she lifts her arms up, shielding her head from the incoming blow. The fighter's fist slams painfully into her arms, sending a jarring ache through to her bones and drawing a wince from the Chinese woman. She doesn't waste time, however; giving her arms a shove, she seeks to force the man back briefly before she recoils and tenses her legs. A split-second later Chun-Li leaps up high, her body flipping midair and OVER the boxer...before both heels snap out with sudden ferocity, to drive her feet painfully into the back of the man's skull.

Damn it, she curses to herself. She fell for their trap. How could she let her emotions get to her like that??

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits M.Bison with Tenshin Shuu Kyaku.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0          M.Bison

*THWACK* Bison's head is suddenly forced forward, and down, the man stumbling in his recovery from the dashing punch. Grrr. GRRR. Bison turns, spitting, and grinning. "Yeah. S'me. I gotta message from mah boss. He ain't gonna deal with you Vigilante pukes no more. So I been sent to teach ya what it means to cross us." Okay, all good... except he's the one that just got smacked. He doesn't seem to mind that, though, as he slams his fists together.

"Easy setup... ya fell for the trap. Dumb chickie."

And with that he's charging forward again, of course--feinting a left body blow, aimed for the softest part of Chun-Li's side. But this is just a feint; the punch retracts almost as fast as it's fired, and then Bison's shifting his weight onto his right leg, posting it, turning to put more of his strength into a whipping hook punch meant to crush Chun-Li's temple.

And, amazingly, he hasn't run out of words yet. "Boss didn't want t' dirty his hands witn you..." Don't worry. He'll shut up soon. Or be reduced to inarticulate roars and the like. It's--it's just the way he is. He didn't graduate.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li dodges M.Bison's Hook Punch.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0          M.Bison

Coiling her legs inward after they smack into the back of Bison's cranium, Chun-Li tucks and rolls, hopping up onto her feet a split-second later with a nasty look on her face. Though it may not be Vega himself, the men in Shadaloo's employ are just as deadly. One false move and she could very well pay for it--and she can't afford that. Not at all.

"Well, tell your 'boss' too bad," the woman replies, brown eyes half-lidded as she glares. "I'm not going to stop until I have my revenge. Until then, he can throw whomever he likes at me." One leg crooks slightly, arms bent as she assumes stance. "I will just cleave through them until I find Vega. He can't hide forever!"

Bison wastes no time, however. He charges and the woman takes the defensive as he comes in, delivering the first blow--a feint. Her body twists, that frightening fist narrowly missing her prone side before she drops low, arms stretched out to her sides for balance before they come forward. Leaning on the balls of her feet, Chun-Li tumbles, rolling past the enforcer before she springs back onto her feet.

"So then Vega is a coward?" she asks, glaring at the boxer. "That's fine. I have no problems with tracking him down to the ends of the earth, if that's what it takes." Drawing a sharp breath into her lungs, the woman skips forward, closing the distance between her body and Bison's with a fist aimed for the larger man's sternum. "YAA!"

COMBATSYS: M.Bison interrupts Medium Punch from Chun-Li with Turn Punch.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Chun-Li          1/-----==/=======|=====--\-------\0          M.Bison

"He ain't hidin', bitch! He done wit' you. You're mine now!" And Bison intends to make that statement truth. Even with the miss, he's still moving, turning--knowing she's close, feeling it in subtle ways he could never explain, the rush of air across his legs, the way his local gravity changes just the slightest... when she rises up, Bison's right there, and even as she's reaching for his chest with a strike...

He's reaching out too. And her strike is true--but the twist of Bison's body, as he slams his fist right into Chun-Li's chest, deflects the strike. Not too much, though--the impact is definitely there--but Bison feels that he gave at least as good as he got, with that. It's... satisfying, to say the least.

"I tol' you. He done wit' you." See? Already he's repeating himself; his internal memory buffer holds only so much, and most of it is taken up with the primal needs... but he's got enough in there to fight. Bison sneers, as he comes to a stop, boucning on the balls of his feet. "Better make it worth my while!!"

The woman doesn't bother with a reply--not immediately, at least. Instead, Chun-Li rolls and stands on her two feet again, coming in for another assault. She's sure she has him this time, as her fist drives a hard but sure path for the large boxer's sternum. But the moment her fist makes impact, she's suddenly seeing a flash of white. Why?

Bison's fist piston hammers into Chun-Li, sending the woman sprawling back, her form crashing nastily into a stack of wooden shipping pallets. Gasping loudly, she struggles for a moment to get a good, deep breath into her lungs before she plants a hand against the pallets and pushes her body off. Giving her head a gentle shake, the woman regains her balance and assumes stance.

"I'm sorry, but you're quite wrong," she replies, her eyes narrowing. "You're just in my way..!"

Dashing forward once more, Chun-Li gains speed before she leaps upwards with impressive height. Her body twists, inverting itself midair as long wisps of pale violet energy begin to course over and around her body. She continues to gain height, corkscrewing upwards through the air before a sudden flash of chi surrounds her body. Crooking one leg suddenly, she kicks her body around, that energy lancing down and outwards like a scythe around her leg as she intends to drop her chi-laced heel atop Bison with considerable force, straight for the ground.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li successfully hits M.Bison with Tensei Ranka.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1          M.Bison

Flattened. Bison is, quite simply, flattened; the impact is tremendous, and the man hits the flooring with enough force to, quite simply, crack it. An amazing, tremendous impact. Bison levers himself out of the floor and... well, he earned his name. Both the name Bison, and his sobriquet the Raging Bull. Because, in truth, that's exactly what he looks like, his breathing heavy, his nostrils flaring, his eyes wide. Steam is pretty issuing from his nostrils, at the moment.

"I'm gonna... I'm gonna... I'm gonna goddamn KILL YOU!!!" he yells, at the top of his lungs. His muscles tense, tremble, and flex, bunching up--the man almost seeming to have more muscles now, as if he were drawn by Rob Liefeld, a truly terrifying sight to most. "You hear me?!? I'm gonna KILL YOU!!!" Once again, he repeats himself--surely Vega didn't hire him for his stellar and eloquent speaking abilities, to be sure...

COMBATSYS: M.Bison gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/------=|=======\======-\1          M.Bison

Hitting the floor with Bison's bulky frame guided by her heel, the woman's brute force makes the floor come alive with a burst of energy. The pale violet chi shoots upwards from impact, only adding insult to injury as Bison is driven partially into the ground, splitting concrete and making a mess. But that's the furthest thing from Chun-Li's mind; instead, she simply draws her leg back and rolls, giving herself some distance before she hops to her feet.

Down, but Bison certainly isn't out. Almond-brown eyes watch as the boxer pulls himself off the floor, his features alive and livid with ferocity. The yelling causes the Chinese vigilante to flinch slightly, lips pursing before she offers a light smirk in response. "No, you won't," she replies coolly. "No one will--not even your 'boss' Vega." Giving pause, she offers a sheepish shrug and adds, playfully, "Sorry!"

But he's all about being serious business now, and underestimating the bull-like Shadaloo operative would be a big mistake. Not about to get in--not when he's bulging muscles like mad--the woman holds her ground, her feet parting shoulder's width as her arms stretch out before her. Focusing, she breathes slowly, focusing on sparks of blue that form between her fingertips, growing rapidly with every passing second. "Haaa--"

With one sudden jerk of movement, Chun-Li draws her arms in as her body rears up, wisps of blue chi racing furiously as they swirl about and gather. A swift moment after she thrusts her palms forward, hips thrusting back as the fiery energies are forced into movement, a sphere of pure blue energy racing for the Raging Bull..!


COMBATSYS: M.Bison endures Chun-Li's Kikouken.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Chun-Li          0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2          M.Bison

Bison sneers. It's ugly. Hell, he's ugly all over now. That chi building up.... he hates it. Hates that fighters can use it, and he can't. That it hurts so goddamn much. But he doesn't back down. No, even as Chun-Li is throwing her Kikouken... Bison is charging forward. Screaming, belike. Yelling. -Roaring-. The blue energy splashes into him, and he does lose a step--but only a step, as he lowers his shoulder to blast through the energy...

And then he's plowing forward, steam or smoke coming off his body, his big, gnarled right fist drawn back, Bison reaching... reaching... -reeeeaching-... and then he's on her, and that right fist is loosed, like a thunderbolt from Zeus, and if it hits... oh, if it hits. If it hits then Chun-Li may experience the kind of pain she's rarely experienced, ever before; Bison is, after all, one of the hardest-hitting men in the world, up there with some true greats... in his ability to punch. Then again, his whole life has been centered on this ability to punch... to crush.. to smash.

He bets his life on it.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li blocks M.Bison's Gigaton Blow+.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Chun-Li          1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0          M.Bison

Even the sphere of energy doesn't seem enough to stop the ferociously angry Bison. Chun-Li's eyes widen in disbelief, her mouth slightly agape as she watches the bellowing boxer plow forwards, despite being slightly thrown off his step. He's coming right for her with a technique that's just as notorious as the man behind it. She's seen it on his televised exploits, but never experienced it. Frankly, she doesn't WANT to.

So just as that fist flies forward and dares to smack brutally into her body. ..Chun-Li moves; whipping her arms upwards, she shields her body again, letting that abused fist crash with unspeakable force into her forearms. Unlike before the impact this time sends a loud, resounding crack through the warehouse, her arms instantly numbing. Air rushes out from beneath his fist, causing her bangs to rustle slightly from the sheer, unrestraint power he throws.

It could have been worse, she reminds herself. A lot worse. Focus..!

Giving her arms a shake, the Chinese vigilante lets her soft features go stern, eyes determined as she fixes her gaze on the boxer. Drawing a leg up, she doesn't want him to escape; instead, she snaps her leg OUT, delivering not one, not two but seemingly hundreds of kicks into the man's body, hammering him relentlessly and just TRYING to get him to back off. "YAAAAA!!"

COMBATSYS: M.Bison fails to interrupt Hyakuretsu Kyaku from Chun-Li with Gigaton Blow+.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Chun-Li          1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0          M.Bison

COMBATSYS: M.Bison can no longer fight.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Chun-Li          1/------=/=======|

The first impact is incredible, indeed--a testament to his power. But it's blocked. It happens; he puts everything into the attack, but it happens. Even as he's rebounding, though, Chun-Li is bringing those famous legs to bear. Well, just one leg. But Bison is suddenly confronted with a storm of legs. Normally... well, a normal person might try to cover up, might try to defend. Bison might, if he were in his right mind. But Chun-Li's hit him too hard, too fast, and he's already reaching deep, intent on--on crushing her face with a single punch, on--

He's so intent he doesn't realize--he's -already being hit-. Suddenly, the signals go, from brain to body, and after taking several hits, Bison's body reacts. But the punch is already loaded, the force chambered... and as a final kick strikes him, he realizes he's reaching -past- Chun-Li... and that's sending him into the wall of the warehouse, which he crashes through, bringing down shelving holding up canisters of chemicals, which may or may not be toxic...

Outside, Bison comes stumbling to a halt. He failed. He's faced a superior foe and... he's been found wanting. Better not let Vega find out about this, is his first thought. Then his second is, no, better tell him up front, if you try to lie he'll just wring it out of your brain.

The op was a bust. Bison starts trudging off in some random direction, so he can call for his shadaloo pickup. But she won't be so lucky the next time...

Mercilessly Chun-Li delivers strike after strike, encouraged to pummel the Raging Bull all the MORE as he tries to lift a fist and stop her. Her features go cold, her lips pulling discreetly over her teeth as her leg just snaps out repeatedly, kicking furiously into the boxer's broad chest. She won't LET him get her--she cannot risk it. There's no telling what would happen if she lost now...

But her efforts prove a success. The kicks send Bison flying, his body busting through a wall and boxes sent scattering, chemicals spilling. The woman recoils her leg and sets it down immediately, her breathing heavy and labored from the effort. She can't let her guard down now. She has to keep an eye out. Will he stumble back through, or..?

After a moment of silence the woman exhales a sigh of relief, shoulders sagging deeply. But she immediately hoods her eyes, almond-brown depths glaring at the gaping hole in the wall. Lifting her chin, she calls, "Tell Vega he's on borrowed time!"

Whether the subordinate will actually TELL him is another matter altogether. But for now?

Chun-Li needs a nice, warm bath and a good night's rest. One day she'll have her revenge.

COMBATSYS: Chun-Li has ended the fight here.

Log created on 21:01:25 09/22/2008 by M.Bison, and last modified on 18:58:26 09/24/2008.