Description: Isamu was just walking to the shops nearby while his wife and child went for girl's night out. A huge thug picked on one of one of the citizens and destroyed a shopkeeper's shop. Infuriated by the rudeness, Isamu tried to get the man to apologize, and then set to pound the respect into the man. Unfortunately, both beat each other up quite badly.
It's the afternoon. The streets are busy with cars passing by and people wandering along the sidewalk. THere are a few nice shops here and there, but other than that, it is just an ordinary day in Southtown.
It has been a while since Isamu got a chance to really walk around the streets. Sure, he could had taken the car, but it felt nice to walk around again. It was about time that he left the shop and let his wife take his daughter out somewhere for a ladies night out. Women are such strange creatures sometime. Nevertheless, this gave Isamu a chance to do some wandering along the business district, deciding to dress up urbanly compared to his usual black suit, minus shirt.
Aka: Player is too lazy to edit current desc.
Surveying the streets, the man takes a good glimpse around to see the shops filled with people shopping for the latest wears. Part of him wishes he could afford such luxery. Nevertheless, he smiles and shakes his head, deciding to press on.
From the other side, Birdie is just busy tooling on. He's got nothing to do today, at least for now anyways. He's just making the best of living large, even if it means having to step on a whole bunch of other people to get up there. That's only a natural occurence anyways! And believe me that since Birdie has huge feet, he steps on a lot of people.
Like a bunch of punks who got in his way. Even as Isamu walks by, Birdie comes into view, and a shouting match is had. Birdie versus helpless civilian. "HEY! What the hell you bloody think you doin' runnin into me! I'll teach ya for doing that!" Birdie cries, picking up said man by the front of his shirt, twisting as he lifts him so easily you'd have thought he weights nothing, before hurling him into a nearby stand, a great amount of wares, such as fruit and trinkets clattering about as the shopkeeper dives for safety.
"Hahahaha! That'll teach ya. Better stick to the streets." Birdie snorts, turning about and being to head off towards Isamu. Obviously, Birdie's a real crowd winner.
...What the?
It was something that drew a gape stare from the young shopkeeper to see a citizen just thrown against a stand. The eyes could barely remove itself from the trainwreck. Finally, when he does, Isamu furrows his eyebrows and shifts his gaze towards Birdie. "And what did you do that for? You could had easily told him to just be careful!" Isamu keeps his eyes trained on the man, now able to recognize him.
...It's one of those punks.
...What the?
It was something that drew a gape stare from the young shopkeeper to see a citizen just thrown against a stand. The eyes could barely remove itself from the trainwreck. Finally, when he does, Isamu furrows his eyebrows and shifts his gaze towards Birdie. "And what did you do that for? You could had easily told him to just be careful!" Isamu keeps his eyes trained on the man, now able to recognize him.
...It's one of those punks.
Birdie was really just going to walk right over, and past Isamu. He's just that kinda guy. Get up, get cracking, and get going. But even as he takes his heavy strided self forward, making his way a bee line past the smaller man, which may be anyone due to Birdie large demeanor, and heads directly past.
But Isamu speaks up, causing Birdie to rapidly change direction, his ragged clothes following the large man, his eyes darting directly towards him with a snort. "The hell did you just say? He wasn't gonna bloody learn like that. Now? He won't forget it." Birdie announces with a loud part of laughter.
"What you gonna do bout it anyways? Hahahha. Pipsqueak."
Grunt. There are a few things that Isamu cannot tolerate. Bullies are one of them. Call it the little kid in him, but he hates the idea of the bigger people picking on the little guys. That is actually why Isamu actually decides to do something that he hasn't done in a long time.
Isamu actually closes the distance between himself and Birdie, then he sprints over towards his stomach, attempting to climb up along the chest as a leverage.
Should he successfully maneuver his way towards the taller man, Isamu will immediately push off with both legs launching outward to strike the ball of both feet against Birdie's chin before aiming to land smoothly on the ground.
COMBATSYS: Isamu has started a fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ <
Isamu 0/-------/-------|
COMBATSYS: Birdie has joined the fight here.
[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Birdie 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Isamu
COMBATSYS: Birdie blocks Isamu's Light Kick.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////////////////]
Birdie 0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0 Isamu
Part of that actually works. Birdie is easily leapt upon, ran up like a flag pole, even if the giant man isn't expecting it, he sure can deal with it. In more ways than one actually. Birdie might not be some one Isamu can tolerate, but Birdie can't tollerate almost anyone at all. Unless they give him beer or money, and even then sometimes it doesn't always work out.
The distance that Isamu closes so quickly is impressive, but Birdie? He don't give no damns. As Isamu begins to move up, Birdie's arms come up, forcing the man back and off, red marks on his arms where he struck. And now? Birdie's none to happy.
"Ah, you bloody bastard." Birdie snorts, "You're really thinking that's gonna work on me? Haha. Well bloke, I got to tell ya! You're gonna learn that it's a bad idea to deal with me one reason or another." Birdie snorts, moving over slowly towards another shop, grasping it and slowly lifting, ripping it from the wall. And once he's done there? He swings it towards Isamu, trinkets and all!
COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Isamu with Random Weapon.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > //////////////////// ]
Birdie 0/-------/------=|======-\-------\0 Isamu
The impact on the strike was not as Isamu had hoped. The man was faster on reacting against a surprise. Nevertheless, Isamu lands gracefully on the ground, skidding a few inches before he halts his step. His eyes narrow and his stance shifts. When he witnesses the man grab the next shop and swing it at his direction, Isamu is actually sprinting forward in order to leap over the shop.
However, just as he takes off of the ground, he is smacked thoroughly with the shop. The impact is quite nasty, as the shop breaks apart all over Isamu's body. The wood splinters and the cinder blocks break apart against his body. All other wares fling and cut against his body. Sacked like a ton of bricks, Isamu is flying across the air, landing against the ground with a thud. Egghhh...
Looking worse for wear, Isamu staggers up to his feet, then he shifts his stance. He immediately takes two steps forward in a fluid motion like a dance, then he swings his right hand out.
As the right hand moves from underneath. The chi wells underneath his hand and it sprawls upward from the ground. The chi manifests in the form of a gust of wind that shapes itself into a blade.
That blade pierces up along the air to strike against Birdie and perhaps blow him back a bit.
COMBATSYS: Birdie fails to interrupt Nagiha from Isamu with Murderer Chain.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Birdie 0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0 Isamu
And now Birdie's left with a rather hurt Isamu. And Birdie's just getting started. If Isamu doesn't move fast enough, he's going to have his way. Even as the man gets up, staggering towards Birdie, the chi welling towards him, a gust like blast of energy plows towards Birdie. And Birdie, likewise, attempts something.
It doesn't really work, because when you wrap a chain around energy? It simply isn't one of those happy feeling sort of bids. Birdie's driven backwards towards the ground, the chi striking into his figure. Grunting, Birdie slowly gets up. "Hah... hahah..." Birdie announces, using the wall as a sort of a hold. "Better make this worth my while."
After the powerful gyser of wind pierces against the large behemoth of a man, Isamu quickly recovers from his dance and he shifts to a more relaxed posture, keeping his hand towards his hip. There is a small nightstick to his side as he watches Birdie.
"So, you want something of a bit more oomph? Fine by me." Isamu immediately sprints towards Birdie, but he immediately reaches over for the stick, sliding it out from his side. Twisting it, the mechanics work its motion of extending both ends to be large staff. Then, he starts twirling the weapon around. A funnel of wind forms as Isamu keeps twirling the staff. Chi manifests as a whirlwind surrounding him as he steps toward Birdie, aiming to trap him within the rapid waves.
COMBATSYS: Isamu successfully hits Birdie with Sakufuu.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Birdie 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Isamu
Birdie gets up. Birdie watches forwards as Isamu decides that smashing forward into Birdie is the greatest idea ever. So much, that even as Isamu strikes directly into Birdie with the twisting it enough to send a funnel of chi, Birdie charges directly in, head first, attempting to blow himself right through it.
However, unfortunately for Birdie, this doesn't really work well. But there isn't a problem at all! Birdie's got plenty of UMPH still, and believe him, that even as the wind chi sears at Birdie's figure, he's not done.
Getting back up, Birdie snorts. "Haha. Alright. So that's what you got? I'll take that." Birdie snorts, making a break for Isamu with chain in hand, aiming to bumrush the man, and with that, take the chain right over his neck, pull over, squeeze and strangle. It's a little love from a big man.
COMBATSYS: Isamu just-defends Birdie's Bad Scrap!
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Birdie 0/-------/-======|-------\-------\0 Isamu
The twirling staff is immediately launched out along the motions to have the wind sear against the massive thug. When Birdie receives the force of wind, Isamu immediately shifts his stance with a spring back; Isamu places the staff on the ground and bounces himsel to a distance.
Now, as Birdie attempts to rush towards Isamu, the young man immediately channels the chi into the staff. Drawing upon the Shinto influences, his chi radiates with a bright blue glow. And when he draws forth to rush against the man, Isamu steps right in front of Birdie, allowing his body to become as stalwart as a brick wall. Considering that Birdie is behemoth, it says something about Isamu's iron defenses.
As the chain moves towards his neck, Isamu actually springs himself up from the ground with the staff, launching himself about ten feet into the air. Then, when he comes down towards the Big Bird, Isamu slams the staff down towards the large man's cranium.
COMBATSYS: Birdie fails to interrupt Fierce Strike from Isamu with Bull Revenger.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > ///////////////////// ]
Birdie 1/-======/=======|-------\-------\0 Isamu
Birdie is smitten. There is no reason. There is no doubt. He is smitten, and he cannot get back up. Isamu comes at him, striuking out towards the behemoth with a powerful strike of the staff, and Birdie? Birdie bites it big time. Getting struck powerfully in the gut even as he aims to beat Isamu WITH HIS HEAD. It just slams him powerfully. For good reason too.
His shoes were MOST DEFINITELY UNTIED. And Birdie, well, he just trips and falls into the staff that comes towards him! Kerbam!
Birdie topples over, laying there, in no real giant hurry to get up after you could imagine. That just really stinks to be in the position of, but Birdie, oh Birdie's not done. He's still going to kick some ones butt for this.
After the staff slams against Birdie's head, Isamu lands on the ground as he lets go of the staff. The impact against the man's head sends the staff flying into the air. Utilizing the time, Isamu actually springs back and performs a back flip, planting both of his hands to the ground before he springs back up.
Creating better distance between himself and Birdie, Isamu catches the staff and twirls it around, twisting it back into the size of a nightstick and pocketing it.
Next, Isamu channels the chi in his hands and then he launches the left hand forward. As he shoots the hand forth, a gust of wind funnels straight towards Birdie's path, aiming to blow him away.
"Senpuu Ha!"
COMBATSYS: Isamu successfully hits Birdie with Senpuu Ha.
[ \\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Birdie 0/-------/=======|==-----\-------\0 Isamu
If there was something that Birdie just couldn't deal with, in all his years? That would be big bolts of energy ripping through the air towards him. And this is exactly that actually. A big ball of chi, wind chi, coming directly towards him in a very unsettling manner. Such that Birdie, even with his arms up, is blown right back. Birdie just tumbles backwards while looking like a gigantic fool. Somethign that he might actually be as it looks.
But he doesn't get up right away, instead, he just lays there at first, taking a time out to get some sort of rhythm going.
That, and maybe to sharpen his hair. He just looks right towards Isamu with a sneer. He's not done yet!
Even if it looks he is. He's going to take his time.
COMBATSYS: Birdie gains composure.
[ \\\\\\\\\\\\ < > /////////////////// ]
Birdie 0/-------/--=====|==-----\-------\0 Isamu
As the gust runs its course, Isamu finally halts from his attack and he stares towards Birdie, "You're not talking so big, now! Do you give up?!" Isamu growls, "I will make you apologize to these people for wrecking their shop!" His eyes shift towards the big man, then he frowns sympathetically towards the fellow shopkeepers. He may be in the wrong for starting the fight, but he isn't going to let the guy go until he apologizes. "I'll even have the police take you in until you do so!"
Isamu tightens his fist once, then he sprints towards Birdie once more. Finally, Isamu is reaching out for the taller man, aiming to grab the taller man by the collar, aiming to maneuver to the side.
The leg is about to be positioned in front of Birdie's legs. Should Isamu be successful, he will sweep the leg back while using his hands to shove Birdie towards the ground.
COMBATSYS: Birdie Toughs Out Isamu's Ashigari!
[ \\\\\\\\\\ < > ////////////////// ]
Birdie 0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0 Isamu
Birdie snorts. Oh, he might not be talking so big, but the smaller guy is now, and that really cheeses Birdie off. Slowly getting up and moving towards Isamu, Birdie makes himself known the easy way. He aims to grab him through the strike. Even as Isamu is sent to aim to grab the man and leg sweep him towards the ground.
Birdie allows to be taken down, moving with it, and fighting against it. And there, well, Birdie's done screwing around. Throwing himself through the strike, Birdie grunts. "The hell do you think I am?!" Birdie cries, "I'm not no stupid pansy! I'm gonna kick your ass!"
And Birdie, being birdie, does the first thing he can think of. Grasp a hold of Isamu powerfully, and with that, launch the man into another shop. This one being fine china.
COMBATSYS: Isamu interrupts Medium Throw from Birdie with Fuujinken.
- Power hit! -
- Power hit! -
[ \\\\\\ < > ///////////// ]
Birdie 1/-----==/=======|======-\-------\0 Isamu
There is something that one should not count on. That is actually striking against Isamu. Although the young man may not look like much, he is actually a tactician in battle. He is able to recognize the big advantage that Birdie would have. However, Isamu had actually positioned himself for a reason.
Despite Birdie rolling himself back up, Isamu has already positioned his feet to a locked position. As Birdie launches himself towards Isamu, the young man takes the time to dive right into the burly man's direction.
The first strike is the chi-imbued right hand. Driving itself into the chest of the tall man, Isamu shifts his stance by shooting the left foot out. His fist comes up towards the solar plex of the behemoth-man. As soon as the fist strikes, the gust of wind builds up and then releases a powerful burst to send Birdie back.
Tactician? Hah. Strategize? Screw that. Birdie, if anything, refuses to go down. No matter how hard Isamu hits him. And no matter how many times. He will not go down, no matter what, no matter how.
And now that Isamu is coming after Birdie through the strike? It surely hits him, the chi imbued strike drives into the man's fist, and then it even sends Birdie back with the strength. But all this name yelling gets him nowhere, as Birdie still stands. "What the hell you think you're doing. Screamin' like a little baby." Birdie snorts, bleeding and all messed up, but continuing to go. "I'll give you something to scream about!" Birdie cries, moving towards Isamu with a single thought. Peck. Using his head in a terrible bout of headbutts, Birdie attempts to cream Isamu with a serious case of the headbutts. A SERIOUS ONE.
COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Isamu with The Birdie.
[ \\\\\\ < > //// ]
Birdie 0/-------/------=|=======\====---\1 Isamu
Once the wind fist hits the massive man to send him back, Isamu immediately switches out to withdraw his staff once more. While first a small stick, Isamu immediately forms it up into a large staff. Twirling it in his grasp, Isamu grunts to see the man charge at him.
Now, this is where Isamu uses the staff to plant against the ground so that he can propell himself up. Unfortunately, Isamu is taken by surprise as the man rushes his head against his stomach. Caught by the first one, he is soon caught and launched into the series of headbutts. Isamu has the wind taken out of him and he is bloodified. COugh up the blood, Isamu grunts once and then he starts to fall towards the ground.
Then, Isamu utilizes his staff to push himself back up, springing himself towards Birdie. He winds the staff back, channeling his chi towards the very tip. Then, he comes down with the blunt object to slam against the ground.
As the staff slams to the ground near Birdie, a funnel of wind pushes up to ensnare Brdie in its grasp.
COMBATSYS: Isamu can no longer fight.
[ \\\\\\ <
Birdie 0/-------/------=|
COMBATSYS: Isamu successfully hits Birdie with Tenpa Kassatsu.
[ <
Birdie 0/-------/--=====|
As the cyclone carries Birdie into the air, Isamu immediately utilizes what energy that he has left to launch himself into the air. "Teeeeennnpaaaa....."
Winding the staff back, Isamu then immediately slams the staff towards Birdie's head with a fierce motion, aiming to swat him back towards the ground. "Kassatsu!"
...Afterwards, Isamu lands on the ground, and then he falls on his knees, slowly trying to pull himself up. Unfortunately, lacking the tenacity, he collapses.
Mignon has disconnected.
Birdie, managing to peck the hell of Isamu, is immediately happy again. They don't call it The Birdie for nothing! I mean, if you're all in Birdie's grill, and he's doing terrible, he'll flick you the BIRDIE. Yes, the BIRDIE. That mythical bird. With his hair.
Still, he's not the only one still standing after the assault. Isamu gets back up, even as Birdie is chuckling about it. Just enough the strike Birdie with the grasping whirlwind?! And he's grasped, picked up into the air before hurling him backwards, tumbling through the air before coming down in a terrible head striking strike where he lands. Now, Birdie is obviously in no good position for this. He just lands like a fish and flops like a whale.
But Birdie, being Birdie, just makes his way out slowly, be it crawling it rolling away. Birdie's out of here.
Then again, Birdie could just as easily sleep anywhere he wants.
Where does a three hundred pound Birdie sleep?
Anywhere he wants.
COMBATSYS: Birdie takes no action.
COMBATSYS: Birdie can no longer fight.
Log created on 16:22:28 09/14/2008 by Isamu, and last modified on 22:10:26 09/16/2008.