Aranha - Rude Awakening Training Session

Description: Aranha has realized that the only member of the team past and present that he hasn't tested was Tiffany Lords. After arranging a fight with the Bombshell, he finds himself learning a lot more from the experience than he counted on.

It was after school and Aranha chose just after the after school activities should be done to make not only make a call to let Tiffany know to expect him for a training session. After all, Tiffany was the only one of the group he hadn't faced off with personally, past or present and he wanted to know what he'd be dealing with in a team fight with her.

Aranha was waiting by the field sitting on the bleachers as he waited and none of the Pacific Student body or Administration batted an eyelash at his appearance. He had been seen around teachers and some of the staff and had been a familiar sight in general. The only odd thing was he was never around the cheerleaders before.

Tiffany has really been setting herself apart from the other cheerleaders lately, even more-so than usual. Some would attribute it to her exuberant attitude, stunning charisma, and... other well-rounded attributes, but lately, it's because she's hit upon the idea of attaching her pom-poms /over/ her boxing gloves. The other cheerleaders give her a lot of room.

That's why she's bounding across the feild now, decked out in the standard Pacific High uniform... but it looks like her hands are made of big balls of fire... or tassels. She does a few flips, twists, and handsprings as she approaches the bleachers, working in a few pep-springs and boxing-style punch-punch-Puuunch to her warm-up. The dancing poms make it look almost... pyrotechnic-kung-fu-anime-esque, if you ignore the tassely rustling,

"Koneycheewa, Aranha!" she chirps cheerfully!

The boxing gloves under the pom poms? Yeah. Aranha would give her wide berth as well. Well at least the capoeirista won't have to worry about the cheerleader being warmed up before the fight him on the other hand, that may be a different matter altogether.

The Dancing Spider slowly rises to his feet as she arrives trying to figure out whether he should be embarrassed for her or highly amused. He settles for highly amused.

With an almost way too relaxed smile, he replies in turn. "Hey, Tiff. Wasup? You look... uh..." a short pause as he looks at the pom poms. And oddly enough, not the ones on her chest though that's a good thing because he's not a fan of statutory.

Tiffany comes to an abrupt halt, stabbing one of her arms into the air, striking a victory cheer pose. She beams brightly, and suggests, "Invigorating"

"This is rapidly followed by, "Inspirational?" and "Galvanizing?" as well as, "Spirited?"

A bit of explanation follows, as she drops into a boxer's crouch, doing a sort of rolling double-fisted punching manaeuver, ala Popeye or a conga-line, "I'm trying to think of ways to use my boxing techniques to excite the team to battle onward on!"

"Heh. I was looking for, ready." He hops off the bleachers and goes into a tumbling pass of his own putting him about 10' away from her. He then rolls his neck a bit and looks at the other Pacific Student.

"You remember we were supposed to spar, right? I did send message letting you know I was coming." He lets his body sway to unheard music as his body shifts left and right. "After all, seeing you in action isn't the same as getting the experience of stepping in the ring with the Champion Proletariat."

His lips curl into a playful grin as he watches her and beckons her in to attack him.

COMBATSYS: Aranha has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Aranha           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Tiffany has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aranha           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Tiffany

Tiffany huhs, shaking out her arms and tossing her hair with a smirk, "You do know it's not gonna be the same experience." she claps her mitts together, with a rustley whump, "Not without a sinking ocean-liner, and hordes of creepy little girl robot clones." Rolling her shoulders slowly, she starts her own dance... one that starts somewhere around her hips and travels the curvy road down to her feet. It's a boxer's shuffle that sets her to swaying and weaving across the grass.

Tiffany shuffles and bobs, weaves and bounds, and suddenly, in complete side-step of her boxing stance, moves to lunge her calf forward in a low kick. It's just a feint, though, to draw Aranha's eyes to her legs while she brings her opposite fist toward his chin in a quick jab.

COMBATSYS: Aranha blocks Tiffany's Quick Punch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Aranha           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Tiffany

If there's anything Aranha is familiar with as a capoeirista, it is the use of footwork to draw attention away from the intended target. The idea of deception being used is something he knows plenty about and so he draws his leg back as she comes in low but when that jab comes in Aranha's arm is up as he rocks away from the boxer deflecting the punch as he pulls himself out of harm's way.

That same rocking motion pushes him back towards her again but this time as he moves forward he spins around as he pushes out a side kick to her stomach as a way to test Tiffany's own defenses.

COMBATSYS: Tiffany blocks Aranha's Medium Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Aranha           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Tiffany

Tiffany gives ground slightly, absorbing the blow by suddenly hooking her arm up and catching her foe's foot with the fore of her arm. There's a moment where Aranha probably has to disengage his ankle from her elbow. Not a big moment, but it does allow Tiffany time to wind up, wheeling her opposite arm back bafore sweeping it around in a potent haymaker.

It's probably worth mentioning she hasn't removed the cheerleader pom-poms from her boxing gloves, which probably makes her punches look like oncoming cherry-red fireballs... and tickle a little bit after they're done throbbing.

COMBATSYS: Aranha dodges Tiffany's Strong Punch.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Aranha           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Tiffany

As those cherry red fireballs come bearing down him, it looks like the capoeirista's recoil from his own attack was too quick and he's already prepared for her response. As the fist comes in for his head, he immediately twists himself low to the ground with two hands instantly planting as he pivots on his front foot.

What of that rear foot? Aranha's using the momentum of that initial twist and pivot of his front foot in addition to the stability gained from planting both of his hands on the ground to swing his heel hard into the side of the boxer's head.

COMBATSYS: Tiffany dodges Aranha's Strong Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Aranha           0/-------/------=|-------\-------\0          Tiffany

Tiffany purses her lips in a startled O, as her team-mate not only dodges her blow, but uses the momentum to do a hand-stand. Presented suddenly with feet aimed for face, Tiffany bobs her entire upper-body back, and bats the foot away with a glove,

"Woah. You know Break-Dance-fu." she emits, impressed.

Tiffy's glad she didn't try to absorb this blow like the last one. Aranha's lighter kicks sting, this one would... sting even more. She takes a moment, smiles, and chirps, "Let me Try!"

With that, she jumps backwards in an impressive display of... well... physics... and does a handstand. Balanced thusly, she tries to slam her feet at Aranha's thigh, or butt, or whatever upside-down anatomy presents itself.

Fear the cheerleader's topsy turvy mule kick!

COMBATSYS: Aranha interrupts Heavy Kick from Tiffany with Medium Kick.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Aranha           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0          Tiffany

Aranha with batted foot aside still maintains that tripod of both hands and that single foot on the ground as Tiffany makes that attempt to mule kick him from that handstand of hers. "Oh but the dance hasn't yet begun yet."

That's when Aranha shoots out a heel for her abdomen just as the kick connects with his butt. And while Aranha took some oomph out of it with his own kick, he's gonna have some trouble sitting for awhile. Also the fact that he's sent rolling forward a few times is good for a bit of embarassment factor. In fact, the remnants of the cheerleading squad break out in laughter at the hapless capoeirista's plight.

Tiffany lets out a squeak, losing her footing (handing?) and tumbling to the ground in a flouncy heap. This draws a few laughs from the cheer-squad too... some of them have had some near misses with Miss Lord's new punchy-pep technique.

Springing rapidly to a crouch, she rubs her side, grinning a bit, "I don't think we'll win any dance competitions, with the way we're stepping all over each other out there. You better let me Lead!"

With that, she lunges forward, fist first!

But it's not aimed at Aranha's face... it's out to the side, as if she was about to grab his hand for a waltz. The real attack is from that part of Tiffy's anatomy that naturally leads.

COMBATSYS: Tiffany successfully hits Aranha with Chest Thrusting.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0          Tiffany

The capoeirista barely even has time to stand up and turn before his hand is suddenly grabbed. He then notices in the way that her forearm tenses just before he's grabbed and the way the calf muscles flex before she charges front first. He knows that it's going to hurt... a lot. Plus remember that whole not a fan of being statutory rapist thing mentioned at the beginning of the fight? That part of him comes into play too.

That's why he tries to avoid it with every fiber of his being. Aranha tries to step back out of its range but he just isn't quite fast enough. Aranha only has this to say while trapped there "Mmmmmph!!!"

There's a bit of wild flailing for a moment before he manages to stumble out almost comically before getting enough range to whip himself around in a spin before flinging a blue spider web of chi at the cheer leader.

COMBATSYS: Tiffany dodges Aranha's Web Shot.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Aranha           1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0          Tiffany

Tiffany grins brightly, bouncing up and down on her toes, as Aranha goes flailing back. To her credit, she was probably thinking more of the bludgeoning damage than the creep-out factor. He's a team-mate after all!

But she barely has time to celebrate this turn of fate before a chi-web blast comes flying at her face!

She ducks suddenly, exclaiming, "Holy crap, you really are Spider-Man!"

So low to the ground at the moment, she takes this opportunity to close in and dow for a crouching body-blow with a lot of momentum behind it! Whomp~! She hopes.

COMBATSYS: Aranha fails to interrupt Strong Punch from Tiffany with Malicia.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Aranha           1/--=====/=======|=====--\-------\0          Tiffany

"Something like... OOMPH!!" Is all Aranha has time to get out before his eyes bulge wide open from the force of Tiffany's fist impacting loudly with his bread basket. The boxer may or may not have noticed that little bit of chi gathering on his finger tips. However whatever purpose it would have served in that fight is lost to the ages.

His footing is completely lost as he finds himself flying into the bleachers. A moment passes and then the capoeirista peels himself off the bleachers and back on to his feet before he pulls out his Oakley Thumps and turns them on.

Tiffany straightens up and does a quick fist pump to the handful of cheer squaders, showing off with a bicep curl. The girl's more solid than people think. Don't ask her weight.

When Aranha turns on the Thumps, she gives him a serious look that can't quite hide the almost feral glee the girl feels in the midst of a brawl. She beats feet forward, and aims a series of rapid jabs at Aranha's head and upper body, a grin sneaking unbidden, onto her lips. Most of the strikes are mere feints and tests of his guard, but she hopes to sneak one good pop or two in there.

COMBATSYS: Aranha blocks Tiffany's Quick Punch.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Aranha           1/---====/=======|=====--\-------\0          Tiffany

Aranha brings up his hands connecting them at the wrists as he sways from side to side to the beat pumped through his ears through his sunglasses. While he's swaying he knocks aside the rapid fire punches with his forearms with a bit of a grin.

He then begins to twist around as he whips a spinning kick around. Maybe it'll slap her guard around just enough to slip in his own attacks.

He begins whirling around. Kick after kick spinning around like a whirling dervish. He slams side kicks into her, spinning back heels, roundhouses and various other blue chi enhanced kicks before suddenly changing directions to do it again. For awhile it seems nearly endless, but eventually there's a bit of respite because he tilts over into a handstand and proceeds to slap her around with a tornado of glowing handstand kicks.

COMBATSYS: Tiffany endures Aranha's Royal Flush.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Aranha           0/-------/-------|=======\==-----\1          Tiffany

Tiffany feels the storm brewing. It's a tornado. The twister called Aranha's chi is battering at her defenses. She grits her eyes as he gathers the blue energy-force around him, watching as the capoeirista blurs and nearly dissapears into the whirlwind. At the that crucial moment of respite... she takes her chance. Lunging forward ith a sudden, forward-flip, the blonde dives forward into the funnel... giving herself over to be battered, pummelled, and tossed about by the Spider-Fighter's chi.

When the storm clears, though... Aranha might be the one finding himself in for turmoil... because the whole purpose of throwing herself forward like that was to get a leg-lock around his feet, trying to crush his ankles with her thighs and entangle his calves with hers.

If that succeeds... the two of them end up looking rather like a face-card... albiet an odd one, with a different face either end. In that case, she waves down, bruised, but cheerful, "Hii!" then gives a powerful twist of her broad hips, and a powerful wrench with her legs, trying to -yank- Aranha off his hands and Spinning-Drill his face into the sod!

COMBATSYS: Tiffany successfully hits Aranha with Groovy Screw.
- Power hit! -

[                                < >  /////////////////             ]
Aranha           1/------=/=======|===----\-------\0          Tiffany

After delivering that series of kicks, the capoeirista simply put, had a snow ball's chance in hell of getting away from the cheerleader and put in a situation that most capoeiristas absolutely detest. He hates getting tangled up. Matters aren't really helped when he's drilled into the ground so hard that a cloud of dirt billows out from his impact location.

When he rises back to his feet. His shades are shattered. These are the same shades he has worn for a number of fights and while he knows that Tiffany is his team mate he's not exactly happy about the condition of his Thumps which are busted beyond repair.

His bruised and battered body practically limps over to the boxer, rolls his neck with an audible popping noise. And then he comes in with another kick. A powerful roundhouse to the side of the head before hecomes back around with a spinning back heel which he uses to pull Tiffany face first to the ground. Regardless of whether he can land it or not, he'll fall flat on his ass as he stares at the remnants of his shades.

COMBATSYS: Aranha can no longer fight.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tiffany          0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Tiffany blocks Aranha's Colossal Kick.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Tiffany          0/-------/--=====|

Tiffany, after face-planting Aranha into the ground, disengages from him, leaping back to land in a crouch... She holds that position... despite being riddled with aches and pain from absorbing a dozen kicks and several of their chi-powered big brothers during Aranha's Whirlwind of Doom. (tm?) Any acrobat knows you need to stick the landing.

As she starts to rise, Tiffy looks up suddenly, as Aranha tries to stick the landing with his boot to her face. Both mitts come up, and he finds bright red pom-poms catching his foot before impact. The shock sends a jolt through Tiffany's arms and into her shoulders, despite her best attempts at cushioning the blow with recoil. Add another ache to the pile.

When Aranha stumbles back at last, and lands at his butt, Tiff blinks through a bright blue-purple shiner and follows his gaze down to... her hands come up suddenly, comically hiding her face in pom-streamers, "Oh, Jeez! Your glasses! I'm so sorry! I'll get you new ones! Rilly!"

The capoeirista slowly rises to his feet, though after the beating he's been through, he doesn't manage much more than two steps before collapsing onto his kiester once more. "Don't worry about it. It wasn't like you were actively targetting them like some of the assholes I've fought."

He takes a deep breath and sighs this time averting his eyes from his shades. "Besides I knew what I was getting into when I decided to put them on."

While he'll admit to being unhappy about the loss of the shades there was an emotional attachment to that pair as opposed to the others he had at his apartment. That attachment wasn't something he was about to openly admit to anyone, not even his team mates. And this was the same person who admitted to killing his own parents. Of course this issue comes from his refusal to show weakness to those who have the potential to look to him for guidance if not in the fighting arena then in life in general.

Tiffany pauses, and gently removes her boxing gloves, setting them to hang at her hips, "I guess it is sometimes the accidents that hit where you don't expect them to." Her hands protected by the gloves, are probably the least battered part of the gear, though they still do pop noisily when she wriggles her fingers.

Slowly, she moves to crouch and carefully scoop up the pieces of shades into her palms, "Maybe you can have them fixed?" she offers, with a hopeful smile.

The capoeirista slowly rises to his feet. This time, Aranha is actually able to get his feet under himself enough that he can reasonably walk and he waves off the offer to have them fixed. "Nah. Don't bother. I have more at home. Anyway, take it easy."

But as he walks from that field he can't help but think to himself. 'But they aren't the same, really.' They aren't the shades that have so many memories attached to them. But perhaps it's time to attach new memories to a new pair of shades.

Tiffany ums and pouts slightly as Aranha rises and makes his way off the field. She already got off on the wrong foot with Rylee, and she's a little afraid she might have ended up alienating another ally. At this rate, the only team-mate she hasn't upset is Naerose... and that girl's kinda crazy.

She stands up,holding the remnants of the shades, and calls out, waving, "Okay... well, it was good training with you! You have a cool fighting style! It was fun trying to read through the rhythm!

Log created on 20:34:59 09/11/2008 by Aranha, and last modified on 11:19:44 10/07/2008.