Naerose - Skullo to the rescue

Description: When free food is offered and the scent of the free food goodness gets into the air it sends Naerose Delphine on a feeding frenzy. Staff and bystanders alike are not safe from this menace and only Skullomania can save them!

It was student move in for the schools of southtown, this meant the businesses had a chance to spar for rights to their parents cold hard cash, sent for books, school supplies and living expenses, not for expensive lunches. These businesses knew something that the parents wanted to deny though, that students would spend all of their parents monies. The Pao Pao was no exception. They had free samples today, first come first serve. It was intended for students, but if there is one sure way to get a witch's attention, at least one witch in particular - it was free followed by food. The whole thing about first come first serve only meant she would go faster and mis-interpet the sign to indicate she could be served as many times as she was first.

"I'm gonna be first!" exclaims the red clad woman, knocking over a couple shopers in her haste to get into the Pao Pao Cafe. She needed to get past the line.. She needed to trick them, already causing a scene with the way she pushes herself through the doors though - yeah she was getting attention already, and groans. Being one of the more nitoriously obnoxious people in THE WORLD>

Having arrived just barest of moments behind Naerose, is a young-ish man in a slightly rumpled singlebreasted suit, and an appropriately mis-ironed shirt with a frazzled red power-tie. He fidgets with his hands uncomfortably as he waits in 'line' behind the demaning woman, not speaking up his mind as she declares her intentions of primary first-ness, observing with a decided lack of patience.

He brightens slightly, hope softening his worried features as she begins to helplessly succumb to 'making a scene'. He leans out and waves a hand in the general direction of people near the front. A 10-spot miraculously appearing in it by the third shake. "I seem to be in a bit of hurry, I don't suppose anybody might be willing to cut a deal... Ease my predicament?" He grins, deliberately avoiding the declarative and loud woman and turning his side to her.

Should this suceed Naerose will not be first and thus may not be served at all. Such actions call for drastic measures, especially since the ten spot seems to be getting attention. There was only one thing to do. Reaching into her witches hat, Naerose pulls out a twenty spot, a fifty spot and waves them around.
"I have here totaly seventy spots, all for the spot in front of the line, who is interested?" Asks Naerose, as if anyone could offer her the front of the line.

One of the students perks up, but closer examination reveals Naerose' money to be only good on park avenue, or boardwalk or other popular monopoly stops.. In other words, useless in the real world.

Skullomania is quick to half step out of line as he sees the confusion over Naerose's ploy. "Whereas, right here, with a quick and completely legitimate offer, you could be out just ten minutes of your time for..." He blinks in feigned astonishment at the thirty 'spots' in his hand suddenly. "Wow, how did that happen. Thirty spots. " He grins at the student and advances. "For your spot!"

Suddenly the salesman blinks and darts back, retaking his place in line just in time to slam into the person behind him who is busily attempting to 'move it on up'. "Heh heh. Just a second there sir, the deal's not final." He turns hopefully back to the person standing with Naerose.

A thought occurs to Naerose, he's only one place in front of her, right, the witch is totally sold.

"DEAL, one thirty spot for my place in line." Amazing how quickly her stance has totally changed in this stance.

"Gimme gimme gimme," the witch cries and makes a total grab for the monies. She's got that $ $'s in her shade lenses, which in this case will be like her eyes, because her eyes are not really that visible behind them. This is all not important as the fact that there is the possibility of free monies and free foods and oh by the way, she could totally just use that thirty dollars to buy more food.

Naerose literally grabs for the monies, really forgetting about the whole dealing process.
"For your thirty I'll give you my seventy and my place in line!"

Skullomania adopts a scowling and negatory expression, and he examines the 4 people holding the spaces between himself and Naerose, suddenly forgetting his opportunity to jump ahead just as quickly as that Student sees their turn coming up and darts back for it, picking up the slack as the two 'combatants' get heated. "I really don't think that's a good deal. I'll take your park avenue dollars and trade you places. That's a good deal." He smiles.

She's shocked and apalled,
"No, wait, that's not a good deal, that's a bad deal, I'll take your monies and you can keep your spot, see that's totally a buy one get one free deal," exclaims the con-witch. Maybe not a very good con because no one is looking that convinced, maybe taking a few steps away from her to keep a distance between the insanity spouted from her lips to their ears. Some of the students fail their SAN checks and lose three points. One has a critical failure and has their SAN stat reversed, leaving them with the unfortunate realization that Naerose is real. Said student promptly loses their mind entirely and is devoured by Chuthulu - which takes the shape of the student just leaving. One down. Skullomania to go.

Skullomania looks a little tired, his chest deflates a bit. "Look, uh.. Miss. I'm a salesman. I know a good deal when I hear one. And basically, I'm just really hungry and am going to be late for work. So..." He sighs and doesn't think about what comes out of his mouth next, probably not the best idea. "You're making me tired with your bad deals." He pauses as if adding emphasis to this criticism but then carries on tiredly like he didn't notice. " I don't even want a free sample, just soup and a sandwich to go. "

"Whatever." Exclaims Naerose and with that decides to leave the social norms and gets into rabid Naerose mode. That is to say if you leave blood in an ocean with sharks you can expect a feeding frenzy. Similarly if you have smells of food in the air, the word free and Naerose, you have a feeding frenzy then too. It's like, pointless to even try to get her to be nice or fair or friendly now. The witch leaves the line, forgets why she was there in the first place. Goes to the front of the line and tries to get served first and foremost. The staff of course are not buying this, but there was beyond simple telling her to wait in line like everyone else.

"I .. don't like the way she's looking at us..." one waitress says nervously.

"Why is she holding that broom funny...?" Asks the other.

"Is.. she brandishing that at us?" asks the first.

"She's weird," shuddres the second.

Skullomania becomes slightly flustered as Naerose skips line, he moves up in position dutifully with the rest of the line, but does call out to the Witch. "Are you threatening that girl?" He asks incredulously, hands going to his hips as his expression becomes somewhat stern.

Naerose was in a different place now, not exactly a better place, but a different one. Where as before she was coherent.. sort of, now she wasn't, now she was over taken by her urge, like a vamperic craving, seh could not resist her drive, her desire for .. foood! The spot in line maybe lost, but it doesn't look like anything will stop her from taking what she wants from the poor wait staff, afterall, they're not paid enough to deal with a broom wielding cosplayer in a red witch costume.

"What does she want?" asks one waitress.

"I think she's trying to rob us!" exclaims the other and they both look terrified.

Skullomania puffs up, suddenly overwhelmed by a sense of duty and carried off in the rising emotional tides as the perceptions of the staff here at the Pao Pao Cafe become increasingly alarmed. "Miss!" The salesman bellows quietly, but with all the authority he can muster. "You can't rob these people. If you want to eat you should get to the back of the line!"

Words have no effect. The urge has over taken all of Naerose' reason and logic. Whatever reason or logic she ever possessed, likely something in the negative. No, the fact was that reason, logic and Naerose were all polar opposite to one another. It didn't matter that you can't rob people, besides which the food being offered was 'free' it didn't stipulate that there would be aline and further more cutting in line wasn't actually illegal was it? Though it is unlikely that Naerose even reasoned that far.. Likely in her head the hunger just over took her and she realized that the front of the line was only a few steps away, regardless of the number of people that stood in her way. Oh no she wouldn't be going to the back of the line. Not now.

"How can we make her go away?" asks one waitress.

"Lets just give ehr the sample." The other reasons.

Dr.Tran once gave a warning. Never feed Naerose, not after midnight, not before midnight. Never.

Skullomania calls out angrily! "Now you're just aiding and abetting this robbery! Don't let her fleece you! She's obviously some sort of witch!"

Obviously. Or some sort of fake witch. But Skullomania's encouragement to do the right thing is easier said than done.

"I don't like the way she's looking," the first waitress says again. They're desparetly wanting Naerose to go away but what are they going to do, shout help? The students in line don't look too keen on helping - and while many are complaining, some might even be saying , "Hey wait your turn." the fact remained..
Only the two waitresses had a Naerose staring at them. It was a creepy feeling. Almost like a predator on prey. Really really creepy.

"Look mister, we're just going to give her a free sample so she'll go away." The second waitress reasons.

There was no reasoning with Naerose hoewver. Coherency, or the limited coherencey she might of possessed - gone.

Skullomania points suddenly with impressive emphasis towards the sign indicating the washrooms. "THEN WHY NOT GIVE HER SOME OF THE FREE SAMPLES FROM OVER THERE!"

The crowd gasps, mostly from the unexpected nature of the simple ploy, but when anyone's attention turns back to the salesman and their attention might very well not turn back to him, Skullomania is standing there instead! Chest puffed out dramatically he balls his fists up at his waist and his red scarf unfurls itself in a non existant breeze where it begins to flutter beautifully.

"We can never give in! Never surrender! I will not stand for this crime against hungry and also law-abiding and well meaning innocents who deserve not to suffer at the hands of such avarice!"

The gasps catch the witch's attention, but only briefly, for she is not easy to catch, once she is caught, well her attention only goes for a moment on the would be justice doer. He does not have food, he is not stopping her from getting food, at least not yet. The shark does not attack the boat unless it gets in the way of biting the diver. Naerose-Jaws bares down on the waitresses but for the moment they are distraced.

"Help!" one shrieks, terrified that Naerose might eat the sample, her hand and her arm!

COMBATSYS: Skullomania has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Skullomania      0/-------/-------|

Skullomania shakes his head and strides confidently towards Naerose! "Stop eating that girls' hand! RIGHT NOW!" He insists reaching out for Naerose's broom and then diving for her wrists at the last second, flipping into a gymnastics move with practiced and flexible ease throwing himself up into the air with a rapid spin while trying to throw the witch away from the counter and the poor frightened waitresses. "You may not be doing anything illegal but your crimes against decent society are reprehensible Lady!"

COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Naerose          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0      Skullomania

COMBATSYS: Skullomania successfully hits Naerose with Skullo T'katchev.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0      Skullomania

Honestly Naerose wasn't even paying attention to Skullomania, so when he tries to get her to not eat a waitress whole like a snake that unlocks it's jaw to eat a mouse, only this is a person and another person. It's like a wide mouthed toad (if you've never heard of one, imagine a creature that will eat anything.. ANYTHING.)

Getting hit , rather thrown snaps the witch back into action. She realizes she is under attack, but doesn't comprehend anythign else. Only that she is not getting the free food and Skullo is in the way.

"Grraa!" she cries and tries to hit Skullo with a student.

COMBATSYS: Skullomania dodges Naerose's Deep Strike.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0      Skullomania

Skullomania reverses his stance suddenly, twisting his body just enough to the side to let the student bowl past, but he catches their wrist gently. "That was a naughty trick!" He chastises Naerose as he spins and gently redirects the near-sprawling student back to their place in line.

"I can't believe you did that. Someone needs to teach you some manners!" His scarf, which has wrapped tightly around his neck in his spinning takes that moment to unfurl and begin flapping dramatically again as his fists go to his sides and his chest puffs out. "Someone Like ME!"

COMBATSYS: Skullomania gathers his will.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|=====--\-------\0      Skullomania

The student is so relieved and rather confused, but mostly relieved, Naerose on the other hand is just plain feral and she doesn't appaer to be stopping yet. She launches herself straight for Skullomania and opens her gaping maw, then tries to get her hands around his midsection and hold onto him. Yes she might bite him, but first she needs to hold onto him - oh no wait.. She's definatly going to be biting..

"Rarr!" exclaims the witch!

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Skullomania with Glomp.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Naerose          0/-------/---====|=======\-------\1      Skullomania

Skullomania's eyes go wide with shock as Naerose impossibly stretches her face out and tries to swallow his arm. He braces, falling back with his weight and putting his forearms out tightly together. Impossibly is costume's black sockets expand with his eyes at the sight of her devouring his hands.

"Maybe you should have given her the free sample!?" He demands desperately of the service staff, but can't wait for help so absolutely off-putting is this arrangement that is occurring to his arms! He grunts and squints his eyes closed as he steps up onto the Witch's knees, his hands suddenly flaring up with the bright white glow of cosmic energies, or chi if you're a realist, and he attempts to punch her off of his fists. A logical thought process.

COMBATSYS: Naerose endures Skullomania's Stepping Upper.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Naerose          0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1      Skullomania

The witch doesn't even flinch, not to the cool mystic powers or the special effects that must of cost the animating company oh so much in production value or even the punching part. It probably did hurt, but she's far to gone into her feeding frenzy mode to notice anything so simple as mere pain.

Food at any cost, including to herself, but oh is Skullomania causing her trouble. The witch is looking like she wishes he would stop, but.. he just wont! She tries to grab him again and this time swallow him by the head first. Granted it's too big for her maw so instead she sort of ends up with her lips around his forehead, if she can manage to get a grip on him at all.

COMBATSYS: Skullomania endures Naerose's Medium Throw.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Naerose          0/-------/=======|=======\====---\1      Skullomania

Skullomania grimaces as Naerose begins actioning his forehead in a way that might be recieved with quite the opposite reaction than it is getting, under different circumstances. As it is Skullo quivers and frets audibly as his melon gets macked, and the students suddenly give the fighting pair a wider birth. After a while he manages to get used to the parastalsis and reasserts himself thrusting at the Witch's chest with both arms hard enough to knock her away. "NO MEANS NO!"

COMBATSYS: Naerose endures Skullomania's Skullo Crusher!

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Naerose          0/-------/----===|=======\======-\1      Skullomania

Consider it not an act of wisdom on her part or knowing what she needs to do, but that she wants to get her hands around the wrists that is sending her away, for.. what ever reason? Perhaps it's just a latch on tactic you might see a small animal do, but Naerose tries to grab Skullomania's hands and holds on for deeeeear life. Flailing will do no good, unless she can't get a hold, or perhaps the man can manage to shake her off.

Her expression is inhuman. Not angry, not ferocious, just, try to describe the expression of a fish when it's trying to eaet something. That's Naerose's look sort of. She was more fish monster than human!

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Skullomania with Quick Throw.
- CRAZY Hit! -

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Naerose          0/-------/---====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2      Skullomania

Skullomania gasps as Naerose glomps onto his arm, he desperately tries to pull away but is completely unable to do so. He begins to panic, stretching and pulling as frantically as he can, his free arm flopping around in the waitresses' faces and across the trays of free samples. "Stop EATING ME! YUCK! STOP IT! I MEAN IT!" He grbas a handful of warm hot something in his hand!

And blinks when he looks at the delicious 'free' goodies he just swiped. He shrugs and quickly pops most of them in his mouth before he tosses the rest to Naerose hoping to appease her and send her packing. "Okay! You're hungry! But that doesn't make your behaviour OK. Here's some food. You need to... Uh... Learn from this!"

COMBATSYS: Skullomania gathers his will.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Naerose          0/-------/---====|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2      Skullomania

WOAH Food! Naerose being a beast of total feeding frenzy goes straight for the food, abandoning Skullomania in order to try to get her hands on the free goodies, which she does, hunching over them like a rodent she totally starts to eat them, just like a rat. A red Rat. a Red Rat with a witches hat. And somehow.. making far less sense.

There is a downside to this, among many. The food seems to revitalize Naerose, she seems to be getting some energy back from the sugar and maybe even drive to continue.. but worse yet. . Somehow feeding her seems to have made the Red Witch even hungrier.. For.. more food.

COMBATSYS: Naerose gains composure.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2      Skullomania

Skullomania studies the tidbits in his hand with surprise. "Wow these are really good!?" He grabs a bunch more and stuffs them in his face. "No wonder you got so crazy. Here, stay away from me!" He grabs a few more and throws them to Naerose. He goes to wipe his greasy fingers on his scarf, or suit, and then sighs, halting just shy. "Oh now I've gone and done it." He then scrabbles for some napkins.

COMBATSYS: Skullomania gathers his will.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2      Skullomania

The witch scrambles for the food that is being tossed around, but doesn't care for getting grease on her fingers! Oh so gross, however the food starts to have a calming effect on her. She starts to regain some .. ability to communicate (we'll stray from calling it sanity or coherence really.) The witch looks up at Skullomania and asks,
"Can I have some more please?"

She holds out two hands and looks up at him hopefully.

COMBATSYS: Naerose takes no action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2      Skullomania

Skullomania is about to reach into the hotel pan and pull out some more free stuff, but hesitates. He looks over and sees the tray is allready empty and furthermore questions the legitimacy of such a move to benefit himself in this 'dispute' when he can see hungry people still waiting in line, further detained by their chicanery!

"Not only is there not any more! But now all these people are going hungry because of... YOU!" He states overlooking, obviously, his own involvement in the purloined samples. He raises his fists in an Irish boxing stance. "Unless you want some more of this!? " He coughs, "Although I don't mean to be rude, but your tonguemanship could use a little work."

COMBATSYS: Skullomania focuses on his next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2      Skullomania

There wer people who wanted free food and surely the resturant would oblidge right? They did get a free show though, not that it seems to occur to Naerose, or the students who migth be a little annoyed by now. She looks blissfully ignorant.

"Umm.. Huh?" she finally asks, scrataches her had, adjusting her hat and coming to absolutely no conclusion about what was actually said,

"No see, I asked if you had any more food I could have." The wtich replies, without even bothering to acknowledge what she was just told.

COMBATSYS: Naerose focuses on her next action.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2      Skullomania

Skullomania looks lost for a few moments. "Well..." He looks at his fists. "Um..." And then he peels his arms to the side and takes in a mighty breath. "You Could Suck On This!" He shouts and surges forewards, his scarf fluttering without moving behind him until he is so close to Naerose, fist outstretched to smack her unholy and snakelike maw, and the slack snaps, pulling it's flapping lengths along behind him.

COMBATSYS: Skullomania successfully hits Naerose with Skullo Punch.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Naerose          0/-------/-======|>>>>>>>\>>>>>>>\2      Skullomania

Naerose is still on a food high, but she's also weighted down with having eaten a lot of food and can't get out of the way nearly fast enough, getting hit dead on. Ouch. The witch rubs her mouth, where she wishes she was eating some food and then with a surge of energy totally goes after Skullomania again.

"That was mean!" she exclaims, reaches out with greasy hands to grip her broom, but it sliiiides as she holds onto it and causes her aim to be way off trying to actually hit Skullomania

COMBATSYS: Skullomania interrupts Random Strike from Naerose with Skullo Dream EX.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Naerose          1/---====/=======|===----\-------\0      Skullomania

Skullomania winks at Naerose, a long and lazy gesture as she thrusts at him with her broom. His hands reach out with slow precision to grip the wooden handle pulling it under his armpit and towards his body as she approaches. Then the lights in the room dim and flicker unexplainedly!

Skull chuckles from ontop of Naerose's back suddenly, his heels dug into her shoulders, pressing her face into the ground as he pulls her ankles up to his face and falls back. "It was mean to butt in line!"

"And also to eat all their food!" He chastises in his most friendly tone, both of them on their feet, he spins her rapidly and sends her running towards the wall! Just before she hits he shrugs, now sitting crosslegged on the carpet, the area cleared of students, a small wooden table between them, lunch is served: dainty sandwiches and hot tea. "I'm sorry I hurt you, but you need to be more respectful of people." He sighs and bobs his head with reservation, suddenly standing atop Naerose as she lays on the floor, mashing his foot thoughtlessly into the back of her head. He clenches his fists together and waggles them triumphantly.

Meteors and comets flair through the suddenly dark sky through the windows, and then everything reverts to normal and he is offering her his hand to shake. "I really am sorry miss. I'm really late for work now, and these people are all so very hungry. Which isn't very nice. Maybe you should let me buy you something."

Naerose is taught a lesson, she's forced to accept the teachings of SKULLOMANIA.. That is by literal force. She buckles under the force and says, with the droopy head thing you'd expect to see from a puppy dog,

"I'm sorry." She dips her head, looks down then tries to show how she's coming around.. That is to say, the now angry, more bold staff can see she's beaten and suddenly remember that they have a mess made, largely her fault.

"You have to clean up miss," A waitress says.

"Umm alright," whines Naerose and puts her broom to use, you know, sweeping stuff.

In the end this IS a resturant and food is plentiful and thus the free stuff is still given away, more simply need be cooked. But the cost? Well whatever Skullomania will give them is nice, but mostly they just make the witch was dishes.

COMBATSYS: Naerose takes no action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Skullomania      0/-------/----===|

COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Skullomania      0/-------/----===|

Skullomania shrugs, looking around uncomfortably as the situation begins to resolve. "Um, well, maybe a raincheque. Miss. " He turns to the waitress and whispers as he folds a ten-spot across the counter to pay for his 'free samples'. "~I really hope she doesn't cash it, I bet she could eat TWO horses!" He shakes his head and then his whole body rapidly and turns back to Naerose. "It was nice meeting you miss! And now I have to get to work!" He leaps into the air curling his body up tight and spinning many times rapidly, landing in a slide kick that goes straight out the door and between the legs of a man who is just coming in.

Log created on 10:08:43 09/09/2008 by Naerose, and last modified on 15:00:58 09/09/2008.