Shihong - Serendipity

Description: After her first and encounter with the man known as the 'Mad Puppeteer,' Shihong Mao never thought she would see that strange man again. But mere months after that odd brush she finds he hasn't forgotten about the Syndicate Enforcer and, perhaps most odd, they share more in common than she'd imagined...

Shihong Mao is a very busy woman.

Recently, her life has taken a series of unexpected but truly 'interesting' twists and turns. She was approached by the leader of the mysterious 'Kagero' organization despite her ties to the Syndicate and summarily taken in its employ. Then there was balancing that work with the work of the Syndicate in perfect harmony. And wouldn't you know, another unexpected surprise arouse when she'd come across the weapons prodigy Ayame once again. One interesting turn after another.

But being kept busy means she's never bored and her pockets are thoroughly lined with green. For once in a long while, however, she's found herself with a bit of free and personal time to call her own and enjoy. So where does a woman who regularly immerses herself in the seedy goings-on in the city's underworld go when she wants to unwind?

Why, the Shanghai Sports Bar, of course.

And so a good portion of Shihong's evening was spent in the company of drunks and sports fanatics, loud men and women just out enjoying a good time away from home. Several beers later the woman emerges from the rowdy bar with the slightest of stagger in her heeled steps and a large smirk on her lips. Almost immediately a hand fishes into the inner pocket of her black blazer, her hand procuring a flashy-looking cellular.

Almost immediately she begins laughing to the other end of the line, carrying conversation as she saunters along the sidewalks. Seemingly oblivious to the world at large, Shihong Mao has not a care in the world tonight, and why should she?

Life is pretty good right now.

Life is pretty good right now.
A long time has passed for Shihong Mao, since she came to this city. Many things have happened, some which might simply be a side note in the adventure that is the Life of Shihong. Events come and go, some hardly worth noticing -- or at least, remembering.
Time continues on. Morning drags into afternoon, drags into evening, and the Syndicate transporter finds herself at a bar, communing with the best and brightest of Southtown's drunkards and fools. The smell of cigarettes and booze clings to the place as she drinks to her heart's content. Background noises carry on, unimportant and unnecessary. Men lift their arms into the air and bellow out random obscenities, people come and go -- and a single form sits at a table in the furthest corner of the room, staying completely immobile.
Likely just another drunk passed out at his bar of choice.
Eventually, Shihong departs. Exactly two minutes after she leaves, another form exits the bar, cloaked and unassuming save for their completely odd appearance -- but after all, this is Southtown. 'Weird' is the new 'normal.' Head twisting from side to side with a series of odd, almost wooden klacking sounds, the person turns stiffly, beginning a slow, staggering trek down the sidewalk.
Shihong Mao has not a care in the world right now. Oblivious to everything save for her own cellphone...
...which might mean she'll notice when a thin wire wraps around the phone in question.
One yank. One yank and, if Shihong's not careful, that wire retracts along with the cellphone, right into a single, waiting hand. Long, slender fingers grip the phone awkwardly as it is lifted up to a cloaked and overshadowed face. A long pause, and the cellphone is clicked off.
"Oh dear," a voice laments, but seemingly not from the cloaked figure. Wherever its coming from, it carries on conversationally with a soft 'tsk tsk tsk.'
"Don't you know cellphones are bad for your health?"

However weird the figure pursuing the Syndicate woman may or may not be, she seems oblivious to the fact he's on her trail. Instead, Shihong leaves the bar without a care one in the world. Her world becomes the cellular phone in her hand, her interests settled on the conversation she carries with the mysterious receiver on the other end of the line.

So it all comes as somewhat of a surprise when unexpectedly her phone is ripped free of her grip with frightening precision and speed. For a brief moment the woman's eyes go wide, her mind sobering swiftly as she's brought back into harsh reality. Someone clearly does not appreciate her public phone etiquette.

That just irritates her.

Her reaction is not one that comes rapidly; instead, the woman slowly exhales, heels clicking lightly beneath her as she turns around. Her eyes lay upon the odd cloaked figure before her, rouge-red lips pulling slowly into a thin line across her pale face. Why does this seem strangely familiar to her..?

When a voice breaks the silent darkness the woman remembers precisely why this scenario seems familiar. That voice is one she hadn't heard in some time, one that brings a playful smile slowly over her porcelain-white features. How could she forget that arrogant-sounding tone of voice?

Her eyes do not fix on the shrouded figure; instead, the woman's black eyes flicker about, surveying the shadows with muted scrutiny. He's here somewhere, obviously. It's just a matter of where, at this point. And does he pose a threat to her? Certainly she hopes not...

"I think that's an urban myth," the woman replies conversationally, smiling all the while.

"How disappointing. You never even called me back after our first date. Have you come to make up?"

"So you remember," muses the voice with a thoughtful lilt.
"And here I was afraid you might have forgotten."
The voice is familiar, but the source of it seems no where to be found. Shihong's guest seems to prefer to remain in hiding now, if only for some sick sense of amusement. There's not much way of knowing what goes through the man's mind. His 'messenger' remains motionless in an almost lifeless fashion; the cellphone has been held in the same position, unmoving, for the last minute.
"But I've just been waiting for the right moment," the voice continues on at a languid pace, tone light and amused. "Impressions are so very important after all. I'd like each of our meetings to be an impression that'll last for a lifetime." The cloaked figure finally turns with a strange clicking sound, the cellphone in its grasp being deftly maneuvered between its fingertips. "Like a searing-hot brand."
The movements stop. The figure instead moves to balance the cellphone rather wobbily against the tip of its index finger, the small device ever threatening to fall off its precarious perch. "But I felt now would be an appropriate time for us to meet again. After all, I need to give you a proper welcome to the fold." The figure reaches back, pulling something out of its cloak before tossing it forward -- the cellphone wobbles from the movements, threatening even more to fall from the tip of the figure's finger. The thrown object falls right at Shihong's feet. A card.
With Kagero's symbol artfully etched upon it.
"We seem to be drawn together by the strings of fate, hm? It's a funny world."

"Why or how could I forget?" is Shihong's swift reply, her head tilting gently to one side as she continues to observe the darkness around. It's likely a futile effort to find the Puppeteer hidden somewhere, but it certainly is better than letting her guard down completely. Who knows what his intentions are? She can't even begin to guess. But amuses her regardless.

Eventually black eyes settle upon the still figure, peering at the cloak draped over it's less-than human frame. Her last encounter with his inhuman devices was a memory etched well onto her mind, one she cannot forget if she tried. She knows how deadly those 'beings' at his command are, and how foolish it would be to not take it--or its master--lightly.

But she smiles regardless, returning her eyes to the shadows that shroud the mysterious Puppeteer. "Really?" she asks, sounding amused. "Oh, you must be a hopeless romantic. If you keep talking like that, I just might fall in love." A wistful sigh follows, as if she were truly mulling over the possibility. For now, her cellular is the last thing on her mind. It isn't as if she couldn't just buy a new one, after all.

His words take a turn for the curious, and the woman's response is to offer a pensive glance to the encompassing darkness. There's something about his words that earns him a truly thoughtful look, as those black depths flicker red as her gaze sweeps around the streets. Appropriate time? Proper welcome to the fold? He must mean...

She'd heard the rumors in passing, of a Mad Puppeteer in the ranks of Kagero, but...

A moment later her thoughts are disrupted by the appearance of a card, as the scrap flutters to her feet, ornately decorated. Curiosity gets the best of her and she bends, picking it up and giving it a swift looking-over. Her thoughts are confirmed: he IS in the employ of that Ryouhara man.

How so very interesting her weeks have been.

With the card in hand she turns on her heels, to properly face the general direction of the mysterious man's voice. "Ahh~, so it would seem, so it would seem. And to think, I thought I'd never have the chance to see you again." The card lifts between her slender digits, absently tapping against her chin as she smiles.

"But alas, I guess this means we have to keep things professional between us."

"Romantic?" questions the Puppeteer.
"I suppose that's one way of putting it."
The cellphone continues to balance precariously upon the cloaked figure's finger, as if it is somehow amused by this idle passtime. "I wouldn't say such things, though. You know what they say about falling in love with strangers. You wouldn't want to fall head over heels for a complete psychopath, hm?" The voice pauses, as if considering these words.
"Hypothetically speaking, of course."
The evidence of that would-be 'connection' is presented as plain as day in the form of a single card, with a single symbol, that would singularly mean nothing if it were delivered to any other person. But to Shihong, it should mean everything. That is the only communication on the subject. After all. Mum's the word.
"Oh, of course not. Fascinating individuals like you and me just don't exchange passing glances. That would just be boring!" As the voice speaks, the cellphone is suddenly launched upwards into the air, perhaps to just chuck it away like trash...
... except for the fact that a single, gloved hand intercepts it at the top of its apex.
"Besides, I won't tell if you don't."
The voice now has a source; above, at the rooftop of the smaller buildings, is perched the be-spectacled form of Yuu, one hand holding onto the cellphone, the other resting against the edge of the building. He looks down on Shihong with an amused smirk, head tilting to the side in a curious manner; something shimmers from his fingertips as the figure below shifts, the cloth enshrouding it rippling from the movement.
"I was surprised to see he found you, though. I guess great minds think alike, hmmm? I wonder... what made you so interested in joining our little club?"

His response earns him the tiniest of grins, a hand absently rising from her side to rest gently against the side of her cheek. Clearly, Shihong Mao's sense of humor isn't completely lost by the Mad Puppeteer--and that's just how she wants it to be. It wouldn't be any fun if he didn't, after all.

A fleeting glance is directed at the shrouded 'figure,' black eyes vaguely bemused as she eyes the phone at its mercy. Truthfully, her phone's fate is of little concern to the Syndicate enforcer. Instead her interests are invested in what it ultimately winds up doing with it. Rather, its master, the Puppeteer at the figure's command. Slowly the grin on her lips edges into a fine smirk.

"I'm careful," she promises the unseen man behind the voice. "Besides, I've met people far, far more psychopathic than you--hypothetically speaking. You clearly have yet to meet my colleague, Cherise Bouchard." Behind her words is the faintest bit of amusement, as if she were expecting him to 'use' the information. "She's a very, very interesting young woman."

As he speaks the woman continues to absently eye the card in her fingers, mulling carefully over his words. She's a 'fascinating individual' like the Puppeteer? An interesting observation, if not flattering. The smirk on her red lips grows, eyes lifting from the card to regard the puppet in its Master's place. That moment, her phone flies upwards--

And caught by gloved hands. So that's where he was.

With newfound humor the woman's grin broadens, eyes drawing to a close as she lifts the card to her lips. Resting it upon her bottom lip, she chuckles softly, offering a single nod in response. "It can be our dirty little secret, I suppose," she gives as her reply.

But he pries, digging deeper than perhaps the woman would like. Opening her eyes, the smile falters just a fraction as she fixes her gaze on the rooftop-bound Puppeteer. What made her interested..?

"Well, of course he found me. Why wouldn't he want to search for a person such as myself? I am skilled, after all, and my web of information and contacts is a finely-woven one, at that. I'm as valuable as anyone else in his employ." Self-confident--perhaps arrogant--in her worth, the woman smiles.

"As for why I joined...why not? It doesn't hurt to pursue other lucrative business endeavors on the side." Her real reasons and motives are hers and hers alone. "Besides, I'm sure it will keep me entertained. I mean, if not for him, would we have crossed paths again?"

The Mad Puppeteer looks nothing but casually amused and confident in both expression and voice as his fingers twitch in casual motions, keeping his puppet erect and immobile at ground level. Its purpose is finished -- for now, at least.
"I hope you don't mind me keeping this, it'll be a quaint little memento." Yuu waves the cellphone haphazardly through the air, before setting it down on the edge of the building next to him. His yellow eyes drift lazily down to Shihong, his head inclining towards her in an idle gesture.
One that grows a little more curious as Shihong's words reach his ears. "... oh? You don't think so? I'm flattered. You're quite the charmer." A hand drifts dismissively through the air, wafting in a languid sort of wave. "Your faith in me is tremendous. But what's this, hmmm? A friend? An interesting friend?" Yuu pauses, considerate, as a thin smile spreads across his lips.
"I'll have to play a little game with her, then."
A hand lifts, his index finger pressing against the bridge of his glasses, pushing them upward as his hand conceals the majority of his face. "Hmmmmmm," comes his long, ponderous muse, leaning his head back as his eyes close. "So that's your reason, is it...?" His yellow eyes crack open, staring upward at the dark sky.
"That almost seems too boring to be true. How sad."
But, shoulders lift in the roll of a shrug as Yuu seems to dismiss such thoughts. "Oh, don't be so sure! I wouldn't really rely on fate to keep track of someone like you, you know. I have more pride in my passions than -that-. Really, now. Tsk, tsk, tsk."
Slowly, Yuu slips off the roof, going into a free-fall towards the ground. He barely even twists before he lands in a silent crouch, almost invisible threads of power shimmering with the jostle of his right hand leading towards his precious puppet. "But this does make things more interesting, doesn't it? I wonder what will happen next...
"... or if we'll get another opportunity to dance again."

"Keep it?" the woman asks, offering a light frown. "And why would you want to do that? If you wanted my number that badly, all you had to do is ask, you know." The frown uplifts, easing into a casual grin as she regards the Puppeteer. "What need have you for a phone, anyway?" At this point it's likely general curiosity--he surely does not seem the sort to use a cellular, if any phone.

Rolling her shoulders shortly after, the woman maintains a casual air about her, eyes drawing to a thoughtful close as she holds her ground. "Naturally. This world is full of strange people, but you're not the strangest I've seen." Really, she thought he'd take it as an offense. A surprising turn of events; she shrugs regardless, still grinning--more so as he takes the 'bait,' as it were.

"You'll like her," the Enforcer promises.

His ponderous gesture draws Shihong's eyes open once more, her expression mildly puzzled as she observes. His response earns him a light laugh, her head shaking absently in response. "You expect my reasons to be convoluted or grandiose? Not everyone needs to be utterly complex. I am a very simple woman." And a liar, but that's her dirty little secret, isn't it?

More curiosity draws upon her pale face as the Puppeteer elaborates, thin sculpted brows knitting faintly on her pale brow. "Oh you," she offers, gesturing dismissively with a slender hand. "It's like you're trying to flatter me." Those black eyes remain affixed on the man, even as he hops off the rooftop perch. His words earn her interest.

Shifting her weight, the woman turns a half-step to the side as she lifts her arms, folding one over her chest and the other pressing gently against her chin. "Well, 'interesting' is an understatement." She never expected to see the man again--especially not as an 'ally' of sorts.' "And it's difficult to say. I suppose that's all up to mister Ryouhara, isn't it?"

But the latter, that earns him a devilish yet coy grin from the pale-faced Syndicate enforcer. "What, you think I'd turn down such an opportunity? Ho ho; clearly you don't know me very well…"

He's not all that strange. Not the strangest she's seen. It makes Yuu smile a smile all to himself. It's good that she thinks that.
It'd be bothersome if she knew too much about his secret work, anyway.
"You can find a use out of any quaint or seemingly useless thing, I've found," comes Yuu's simple reply over the cellphone, yellow eyes drifting to it. "Who knows what use I'll have for this? Maybe it'll just serve as an overglorified paperweight." A pause.
"At the least it'll make for a nice souveneir."
Information of Cherise is tucked away for later. The best method for learning is the hands-on method, after all. "Hmmmm. Sounds delightful."
It's fun for the future, but right now, Yuu focuses himself on the present. In particular, Shihong's explanations of her previous explanations. A thin brow lifts in a contemplative arch; the Mad Puppeteer taps a finger against his chin, a thoughtful hum escaping his lips. "Is that so? I suppose I'll just have to believe you."
He doesn't.
"'Interesting' itself is a bit underrated, don't you think? It's used for too many things that don't warrant it. But people really don't know much more than what's just in front of their face, do they? It really is too bad. The word has lost its sincerity." These words might be ironic, coming from Yuu, but he doesn't seem to pay it much mind; instead, his eyes drift considering her words.
"Aah, yes. All up to Mr. Ryouhara."
His fingers twitch. The puppets cloak rustles in a subtle movement, clicking softly as it shifts positions. "You're right, I don't know you very well."
The puppet moves. Still enshrouded by its cloak, it twists, spinning to strike an oddly graceful spinning kick to the side of Shihong's head; most notably, the puppet seems to be wearing stiletto heels, the tip of which aims for Shihong's temple.
"But I really do love learning experiences."

COMBATSYS: Yuu has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Yuu              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Shihong has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shihong          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Yuu

COMBATSYS: Shihong blocks Yuu's Light Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Shihong          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0              Yuu

"I'm thinking it'll serve you best as a paperweight," the woman assures, nodding her head lightly before she sports a tiny grin. "But feel free to pick it apart. That model is soon to be outdated anyway, and I'd otherwise have no more use for it." A light shrug follows, the woman's features lacking care or concern for the fate of her device.

"Though, if you want it to remember me by, by all means! I would not object. It's cute, really!"

Whether the man believes the Enforcer or not is of little worry or concern; there's no way for him to pry into her mind as far as she's aware, and were he to it'd likely be of little interest. Whatever the situation may be, the woman's grin doesn't leave her lips. A woman needs her secrets, after all.

"Well, it would definitely pale in its sincerity when you use it to speak of most people on the various circuits these days, I suppose." She pauses, delivering the Puppeteer a gentle shrug and a lopsided smile. "It's just a word, though. Sincere or not, in the end it really doesn't matter, does it?" Somehow she's almost certain he could care less. But then again, he's surprised the woman before.

Her thoughts become distracted as the cloaked puppet shifts, black eyes flickering red as she observes. Is he..? Really? Here..?

Just as the thoughts grace Shihong's mind the puppet lurches forward, spinning and driving a kick aimed for her head. Instantly a hand shoots upwards, intercepting that stiletto heel of the man-machine, her eyes darting aside to gauge what damage COULD have been done. And when she notes the heel, her smile broadens.

"And I love a man who knows how to show a woman a good time. You never seem to disappoint me!"

Shoving her forearm against the puppet's leg, Shihong pivots on her steel stiletto heels, her body whipping around as a leg draws up and summarily snaps out, a roundhouse kick aimed for the cloaked puppet's temple. A split-second after she switches up, the offending leg dropping as the opposite shoots upwards, her body leaning to the side to give her leverage as she delivers a swift side kick to its jaw.

COMBATSYS: Shihong successfully hits Yuu with Change-Up Kick.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Shihong          0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0              Yuu

"You think so?" Yuu questions before lifting his shoulders in a grand shrug.
"Hmm. You never know."
But there are other things to concern himself with; largely, the game he sees fit to play with Shihong today. That stiletto heel cracks into the waiting guard of the enforcer, the damage relatively miniscule that Yuu can see with his watcful eyes. A small smile slithers across his lips. Just one encounter is never enough, whether it be to sate Yuu's vast curiosity, or appease some other agenda, or both. There is still so very much to learn about Shihong and how she operates, after all. And the Mad Puppeteer is a man who loves knowledge.
And there's no real boundaries and divisions when Yuu wants to learn.
The puppet snaps backwards, resuming its paused position as Shihong once more launches an assault. Yuu's fingers twitch, to guide the puppet -- but it's too little, too late. The roundhouse kick drives into the puppet's head with a wince -- but not from the doll. Yuu grimaces, clutching his head slightly with his free hand. It's always a painful experience, the feedback. But -- not nearly enough to break his concentration.
That second side kick comes, and it's delivered with enough force to almost knock the hood off the puppet -- almost, but not quite. The thing is launched to the side, twisting through the air before it recovers, landing in a crouch. Yuu shakes his head, a thin smile once more decorating his features.
"And you're as talented as ever. Let's see..."
The puppetmaster's fingers twitch, and the puppet springs forward, landing just in front of Shihong. Leaning to -it's- side, it suddenly launches off a side kick of it's own, aimed at plowing into Shihong's jaw in an almost frighteningly efficient aping of the woman's own movements. Mechanical, not quite as fluid... but with enough similarities in it to be strikingly familiar.
"Hmmm, yes. Quite talented."

COMBATSYS: Shihong blocks Yuu's Random Strike.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Shihong          0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0              Yuu

From their previous encounter, there was one specific detail Shihong learned of the Puppeteer and his creations: whatever happens to them HURTS him. Whereas before she may have had vested interest in going after the Puppeteer, now she knows better. If she can hit the man directly, well, all the better; for now, however, her target remains the cloaked figure that reels after her twofold kick strikes its intended target.

Setting her leg down as the puppet and master recover, the Chinese woman seems as calm and composed as ever, dark eyes peppered by the slightest flecks of red. With her eyes fixed on the man in control of his creation, she offers him a slight, almost coy grin at his words. Talented?

"Of course. Did you expect any less?" If anything, she's gotten better, she'd say.

Conversation is cut short as he beckons his puppet into action once more, its heavy body closing in on the woman and throwing a side kick. Immediately the woman twists on her heels, half-facing the cloaked figure and intercepts the strike with her palm before it snaps into her awaiting jaw. A light, burdened sigh escapes her lips, eyes hooding discreetly as she studies the thing. How DID he make something like this, anyway?

Giving a shove, she pushes the creature away and steps back, giving herself a considerable gap between her body and its. And when the spacing is just precise does she suddenly leap and throw her legs forward, her body spiraling through the air as her heels erupt with vermillion-hued flames. Flames which roar to life, burning down her long legs as she seeks to strike the cloaked figure with her stilettos, the resulting contact--if any--a powerful burst of red that's meant to send the creature flying.

COMBATSYS: Yuu blocks Shihong's Strutting Crow.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Shihong          0/-------/------=|===----\-------\0              Yuu

This is something that's not exactly easy for Yuu -- even for him, with his mind and his memory. But that just means it's an important exercise. It's good to train.
Another successful guard, and Yuu starts to re-evaluate his situation. Yellow eyes quickly consider that defense, and the best ways to maneuver around it, the twitch of his fingers moving almost parallel to his thoughts. The puppet twists as its leg snaps back, lowering down into a defensive position. The puppeteers eyes narrow, and his left hand lifts, pushing up his glasses.
"Oh, dear. I didn't mean to offend--"
Shihong flings forward, and, in a rather familiar manner, the puppet shifts itself; tattered cloak flows about it haphazardly as its palms jut out, smashing against the heels of Shihong's feet with the crack of impact. Inhuman, almost wooden material splinters off the puppets palms, cracklines forming across them both; the subsequent explosion of vermillion knocks the puppet backwards... but -not- off its feet.
"Just making idle observations."
The puppet is quick to recover. Falling -forward- in an almost inhuman action, the thing falls onto its damaged palms in a handstand, long legs seeking to ensnare Shihong by the throat. If it can, with inhuman strength it will -hurl- Shihong forward with a sudden thrust, to rip her off her feet and into the air.
"Though it is fairly hard to remember everything."

COMBATSYS: Shihong interrupts Medium Throw from Yuu with Savage Tiger EX.

[      \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shihong          0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0              Yuu

"Oh, I am not offended. Just amused, that's all," the Chinese woman swiftly replies. It's true, evident by even the most fleeting of glances. There's a sincere grin haunting her pale face, black eyes alight like weak embers. Though he may be strange and by some standards crazy, she can't help but find herself thoroughly intrigued and undoubtedly fascinated. What IS it about this man and his puppets..?

Those ember-like eyes dart from the puppet to the Puppeteer in command, a ghostly smile still lingering about her rouge-red lips. A moment later she takes off, spiraling through the air with legs ablaze. Though her heels connect and psionic flames erupt, the creation holds its weight against the blow, knocked backwards, but not down completely. Slowly, the woman in black rises from the ground.

Still smiling, of course.

His words briefly grace her ears, black eyes hooding faintly as she watches the man. Swiftly her eyes avert to the puppet, as it suddenly whips into action, falling head over heels into a peculiar stance. This is certainly new, which means she'll have to improvise and play things by ear. So when those long, spindly legs reach for her throat a hand whips out. One leg makes hard contact against her neck, briefly jarring the Chinese woman, impact drawing a whispery grunt from her lips.

But that other hand, it makes purchase on the creation's leg. He has difficulty remembering?

"Surely this is familiar," she muses quietly.

The words just barely slip past her lips when she suddenly wrenches the thing's leg, locking it painfully before lunging forwards. Those steel stiletto heels plant into the thing's front, digging in as she cruelly ascends while maintaining her grip on that wooden leg. And when she can climb no further she whips her legs upwards, coiling them tightly against her body. Another lance of red erupts from her heels, and a split-second after she DRIVES her heels into the creation with a vicious burst of energy, driving it into the ground. A subsequent burst erupts, giving Shihong the momentum necessary to leap off, flip backwards and land a few feet away.

"So tell me, then. What brought you to Kagero? What was your siren's call?" the Enforcer wonders aloud, thin lips pulling into a tiny grin across her face. A free hand gingerly rubs her aching neck. "I'm curious to know." It's just a matter of whether or not the odd Puppeteer chooses to truthfully divulge of any poignant information. She doubts he will, but there's no sense in not trying to carry conversation...

Even if it's in the middle of a 'fight.'

It certainly stings of familiarity.
The pain that the puppet cannot feel is echoed in the white hot barb of agony that lances through Yuu's brain. Letting out a strangled gurgle, the puppeteer's knees almost give out as stiletto heels crush into the puppet's torso. The automaton is flung lifelessly upwards, shimmers of semi-transparant 'threads' coming in and out of existance as it whips through the air. It seems like an eternity, all brought to an abrupt and brutal end.
One thrust, and Shihong's feet lance into the doll; with the crack of steel against material unknown, the hooded and cloaked thing propels through the air, wind buffers whipping around cloth erratically as it goes. Gravity takes hold, and eventually, the puppet crashes into the ground, inert.
"... oh... this and that."
Yuu's response comes slow; almost casually, he wipes away a thick trail of blood from his right nostril, looking down at the bright scarlet smearing his gloved hand with a frown. He looks a little pale; such damage is always more than a little disorienting for him to deal with. Which is why, for a long time, that puppet remains lifeless on the ground, unmoving; not even the slightest twitch escapes it.
"But I guess that's not a very fun response, is it? Hmmm," Yuu muses in a casual tone, his fingers beginning to twitch once more. "Seishirou Ryouhara... is a very interesting man. And I guess you could say--" The puppet is suddenly up off its feet in a sudden jolt, unnaturally twisting through the air to make a charge towards Shihong. Twisting around, it swings -low- to the ground, launching out its right foot to lodge its stiletto heel into Shihong's throat before sweeping up to slam the foot -down- into her shoulder.
"--curiosity got the better of me."

COMBATSYS: Yuu successfully hits Shihong with Medium Strike.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Shihong          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0              Yuu

The puppet becomes forgotten, as Shihong's heels do what she feels is an acceptable job of putting it out of commission. Instead she steps back and away altogether, heels clicking softly against concrete as her eyes drift elsewhere. Searching the shadows, black depths find the odd Puppeteer on his rooftop perch, his presence earning him a tiny, almost coy, grin.

He doesn't look so good, she surmises.

But her thoughts are easily dismissed with an empty shrug, thin shoulder rolling beneath the material of her black blazer. When the Puppeteer speaks again, however, she hoods her eyes slightly, a grin still very much present on her red lips. He speaks of Seishirou, their mutual 'employer,' as it were. What ARE a man like Yuu's reasons, anyway?

She'll have to wait for the full answer.

The puppet jerks to life, startling the woman as it suddenly rises and flies toward her. Feebly she lifts her arms in attempt to draw up a defensive stance, but her actions are far too late. Struck in the neck, she offers a choked gasp, black eyes widening in pain. But it doesn't end there; the puppet's other foot comes up and slams hard into her shoulder, and almost instantly the woman collapses to the ground, her pale face hitting cracked concrete.

For a moment, the woman doesn't move. Only after she has a moment does she push herself to stand once more, her breath ragged as she struggles. Slowly she lifts her gaze, her pale, albeit scuffed, face sporting a broad smirk. "Curiosity, huh?" she mulls aloud, grunting softly thereafter as she stands upright once more.

"That's the sort of answer I'd expect of someone such as yourself, mister Puppeteer. What IS your name, anyway?"

The sound of stiletto heels on concrete herald the woman's sudden movement, as Shihong darts forward toward the strange puppet. Closing in, she twists her body around, a long slender leg aiming to hook itself harshly around the being's neck and draw it forward, into the ground, before that leg whips back up and high. It swiftly falls thereafter, a nasty drop of the woman's heel send right into the lower 'spine' of the Puppeteer's creation.

COMBATSYS: Yuu blocks Shihong's Medium Kick.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Shihong          0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\1              Yuu

Of course, the answer is simple, and in the end doesn't provide any information on Yuu's motives. It's an easy answer to translate:
His reasons are his own. It'd spoil the fun if he told, wouldn't it?
The puppet breaks through Shihong's defenses in an instant, and Yuu looks all the more pleased for it. It grows a little easier for him to control the puppet more exactly as the fight goes on; jerking, awkward movements slowly transform into sometihng more graceful and elegant, and familiar. He watches on from his would-be 'sidelines,' yellow eyes absolutely fascinated as the fight unfolds. Watching, absorbing -- learning. Because there's so very much to learn.
"I have to say, your fighting methods are quite complex. Where did you learn them, exactly...?" Yuu's question comes as Shihong drags herself up once more. It's then that her own question is posed. What IS his name? He blinks once, pausing in consideration. It would seem, for all intents and purposes, that he's taken aback. But really... he's just busy.
The dance of his fingers is evidence enough of that.
Shihong's foot hooks in clean, drawing the automaton towards her with a fierce backwards jerk. The puppet strikes the ground, but there is a problem in Shihong's tactics: she's not dealing with a human opponent. The blow that should be practically indefensible is suddenly intercepted as, with a series of clicks and clacks, the puppet's lower body suddenly jerks -backwards- in a way no human's should until it is completely perpendicular to its back, forming a straight ninety degree angle. Two shins are there to intercept and block the painful heel drop with a crack of stiletto against bizarre materials. The puppet's hands press firmly against the ground only a second before it launches itself -backwards-, straight for Shihong, it's body straightening itself out as it is launched like a terrible lawn dart, seeking to impale a single heel straight into Shihong's gut in a rising kick.
"I could tell you, but just telling you my name would take the -fun- out of everything. How about this: beat my toy, and I'll tell you my name. Does it sound like a good game to you?"

COMBATSYS: Shihong dodges Yuu's Fierce Strike.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Shihong          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0              Yuu

However fascinated with the fight Yuu may be, Shihong is anything but. She's focused on the fight, her mind moving a mile a minute at each and every slight reaction and movement. Though the fight may be 'friendly' by most standards, she knows well the mysterious Puppetmaster won't pull any punches. Likely, he'd try to kill her if he had the chance.

But that makes it all the more fun and exciting.

Although her attack is successful for the most part, there's something odd about the resistance her leg meets. The puppet doesn't yield precisely as she'd intended; as such her black eyes flicker red, darting immediately toward the strange mechanical figure as it jerks beneath her. What on earth..?

She doesn't have time to dwell; the thing cracks and jerks, gears grinding as it forms its body in an odd fashion. Her heel is caught briefly, wedged between the thing's two knees. Her leg jerks almost immediately, wrenching her heel free of its grasp--and good thing. The puppet throws itself bodily at her, a deadly stiletto aimed for her stomach.

But the Chinese woman twists sharply, her body gracefully twisting before she bends backwards, the dangerous heel and puppet just barely sailing past her form, sparing her the entire brunt of its master's commanded wrath. Only after it passes does she lean further backwards, drawing her body into a handstand briefly before lowering her heels, coming to stand upright properly once more.

"My style, it was given to me," she explains, revealing little as she offers a sly grin.

Shifting her weight, the woman dusts her hands lightly, black eyes drawing to a close as she considers his prospect. Beat his toy, and he'll divulge his name to her? That seems like a sweet deal, she decides. Thus do eyes open, shifting absently from the creation at his beck and call to the Puppeteer himself. Her smile broadens just slightly. "Sure, why not? I like games."

Lowering her body just slightly by bending her knees, the woman lets one leg stretch out a few inches behind her, the front crooked as her arms lower to her sides.

"I just hope you can keep up with me~" she coos.

Not a second passes after she speaks; the woman moves swiftly, dashing forward a few quick steps before she springs into the air, driving her body toward the puppet feet first. Her body ignites with red psychic flames, the energy lancing down her legs, toward her heels as her form spirals through the air. And should her heels connect that energy swells and erupts, a nasty, bone-jarring burst of Psycho Power to send the thing flying backwards.

COMBATSYS: Yuu dodges Shihong's Strutting Crow.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Shihong          0/-------/--=====|======-\-------\0              Yuu

"Oh? Am I going to have to find out for myself?" the Mad Puppeteer remarks at Shihong's vague answer, a thin smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Wonderful. I enjoy quaint pastimes."
The puppet's mark is missed through the deft maneuvering of Shihong Mao; soaring through the air, it quickly rights itself in a bizarre and inhuman series of aerodynamics, twisting and jerking through the air until it lands, solidly, on its feet, the click of heels striking concrete earth following its deft impact as the cloak flutters all around it. With a snap, it pivots on its right heel, about-facing to turn towards Shihong fully. Its body drops, adopting a stance; fluid and smooth once again, it would seem the automaton is an entirely different person from the unnatural, awkward thing it was before.
There are, after all, some things that must be sacrificed in the name of practicality.
"A woman after my own heart," Yuu remarks absently as his fingers begin twitching, guiding the puppet in its lifeless dance. It's all done almost as an afterthought; the puppeteer's head is propped in a lull against his left hand as he observes, yellow eyes hooding as he gives a swift jerk on the invisible strings that connect him to his precious toy. "Keep up with you?
"I think that's the whole idea, isn't it?"
The puppet moves swift. Shihong springs, and it springs -higher-, ascending -above- her and past her Psycho Power-encrusted legs. The automaton twists deftly in the air as it ascends straight above her, its intent made manifest as it sweeps downward with a single leg, intent to drive it into Shihong's scalp in an overhead kick to drive her straight into the earth once more.
"But I think I can handle myself."

COMBATSYS: Yuu successfully hits Shihong with Random Strike.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Shihong          0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0              Yuu

"Maybe," the woman replies, offering the Puppeteer a coy shrug.

"A woman needs her secrets, you know?"

Her eyes drift from the man to the creature at his command, a brief look spared as she just watches the thing. Did he honestly put this thing together himself? And why? For what reasons did he decide to choose this method of combat? It's almost disappointing, evident by the slightest frown on her lips. A light shake of her head follows, dismissing the thoughts.

"Oh, you," Shihong replies, giving a light wave of her hand as the Puppeteer holds his ground for the moment. "It's like you're trying to steal my womanly heart or something. Such a flatterer, you are~" But, really. Can he keep up with the woman? It would almost seem that she has a lead--at least that's how it feels. It gives her reason to bolster her confidence.

And that seems to be a mistake.

As she throws herself the puppet outright avoids the strike, gaining height on the Chinese woman. With her body airborne she's prone, her defensive options as the thing begins to attack few. As a result the woman is struck, the being's kick driving her harshly into the street, her body hitting with a harsh thud, a heavy gasp escaping her bloodied lips.

God damn it.

Shakily the woman pulls her body from the earth, arms shivering as she recovers as best she can from the strike. Shaking her head lightly, a hand comes to rise and set upon her wounded skull as she stands on her feet, black eyes peering toward the puppet. Her gaze is blurry and hazy, her breaths short and labored. But one deep breath and a pinch of her eyes later...she seems all right.

"G-good to see you started taking me a bit seriously," she playfully comments as her arms shake out a bit. Soon after she slides into a casual stance, her mind weighing her options. Does she pursue, or should she bide her time carefully..? Pursing her lips, she mulls for a moment.

Her answer is obvious, as she dashes in again. Her body twists a foot from the automaton, a leg whipping out and giving her body the needed momentum to twist as she rises at an angle--right toward its chest. A side kick will fire, and should it contact, she'll withdraw her leg sharply as her body continues to twist, a second, back kick strike aimed a bit higher, for the center of the puppet's face as her lips part and deliver a sharp kiai.

COMBATSYS: Yuu dodges Shihong's Strong Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Shihong          0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0              Yuu

There's a saying about being too confident. Yuu never really bothered to learn it.
The reasons for the use of this particular puppet are known entirely to Yuu alone. Certainly, the automaton isn't anything special at a surface glance -- at least, in terms of the features used compared to the puppeteer's other, more recognizable toys. But it serves a purpose. He has always been something of a 'hands-on' learner.
The puppet lands roughly three seconds after Shihong greets the hard concrete. Hitting earth with a crouch, the puppet is quick to twist towards its opponent, watching Shihong from beneath the shade of its hood. Soon enough, the Southtown enforcer recovers herself, her words met with a delightful smile on Yuu's part.
"Oh? You wound me!" Yuu laments, shaking his head solemnly as his puppet lowers its body into a defensive position. "Of course I'm taking this seriously," as seriously as he permits himself, anyway.
"You're too delightful a game not to."
Shihong lashes out again, building momentum behind her legs as her feet seek out the puppet's chest. The automaton's response is simple; it gives a sudden, fluid twist to the side, completely side-stepping the woman's assault. Its right arm launches forward then, intent to stop Shihong dead in her tracks before she can complete the technique. It pushes -down- to disjar Shihong, followed with a sudden sweep of its right leg, intent to take Shihong's feet out right from under her to slam her hard into the ground below.
"But you'll have to forgive me for playing around just a little."

COMBATSYS: Shihong interrupts Medium Throw from Yuu with Raiding Falcon.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Shihong          1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0              Yuu

Giving her head a ginger shaking of, the Chinese woman recovers swiftly enough from the blow, a hand gently rubbing against her scuffed up face. Really, couldn't he have gone for something OTHER than that? The thought draws a sigh from the woman's blood-flecked lips, her hand dropping to rest absently on her hip.

When he speaks her attentions draw back onto the Puppetmaster. The remark earns him another smile from the woman, a hand reaching up and softly drawing over her lips, removing the blood and idly rubbing it between her fingertips. "Really now? Well, my apologies," she explains. "I prefer the wounds to be literal, not figurative. But it's good to know you care so much about this."

A little wink follows. Then she's off.

Again, though, the Puppeteer proves himself a wily bastard. The machine moves itself out of the way, completely avoiding her attack altogether. Rather than follow through, Shihong instead attempts to drop her body as quickly as possible--to no luck. The puppet moves fast, the automaton dropping her toward the ground, where she swiftly lands. A leg comes at her in an attempt to sweep her legs, but she instead braces herself, the blow of its inhuman leg sending a sting of pain up her long legs.

But she weathers it admirably. Why?

In an impressive display, Shihong jumps high, her body flipping forwards before she drops both heels downward to clip the puppet nastily. She doesn't stop with one, however; landing, she immediately lands and flips again, her legs descending in a staggered manner onto the automaton's 'skull,' one foot after the other to drop it to the ground.

Shihong, on the other hand, steps away, giving herself a foot's distance to catch her breath. She's pushing herself maybe a bit too much...

Of course Yuu cares. He cares so very, very much. Though perhaps for different reasons. An amused smile crawls across his features as he continues his lax stance from his watching point, a single finger tapping against his temple. "Hmmm," he mutters to himself. "Timing and execution is a bit off. The movements need to be recalculated... it's really too bad it'll never be quite perfect. But," his smile widens, eyes flashing with a certain, sick sense of delight.
"-- it'll still make for a fun toy."
But Yuu's reverie is broken the moment that Shihong pierces straight through his puppet's attack. With one flip, Shihong drives both heels ferociously into the puppet, its shoulders crushed into with great strength and force enough to send the autmaton straight to its knees. It leaves it completely open to the second strike, those heels cracking into the back of its skull with an unusual snapping sound with each strike. Yuu winces in the background, his headache growing exponentially greater as each blow resounds in the back of his own skull, the backlash unpleasant as his puppet drives into the ground face-first with a sickening crack.
"... heh..." Yuu lets out after a long, silent moment. "This has... been very exciting..." His voice is slow, staggering to catch his breath as he slowly lifts his puppet from the dirt and grime. A few clicks, and the thing's head jerks from beneath the shadows, as if twisting itself back into proper place. It moves in a slightly wobbled fashion, if only from the limited attention that Yuu can afford to give now; yet, despite it, the creation is soon pushing off one foot, twisting through the air on a straight path for Shihong. Spinning a full three-hundred sixty degrees through the air, its right foot snaps around, intent on driving itself into the side of Shihong's neck; it'll continue spinning like this, becoming a veritable hurricane of kicking fury, launching out five in all in one over-extended spiral of power before gravity finally brings it towards the ground in a deft crouch.

COMBATSYS: Yuu successfully hits Shihong with Deep Strike.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Shihong          1/----===/=======|=======\-------\1              Yuu

His observations fall upon deaf ears; as far as the woman is concerned, it means nothing to her. They're bits of useless data and information for him alone to process and do with however he so pleases. For now, her primary concern remains keeping herself ahead of him. She has to, if she wants to win. And of course she wants to win, not only out of pride, but also because he'll tell her his name.

There's a certain bit of competitive spirit burning in the woman now.

So when the creation moves, so too does Shihong, executing a swift counterattack in the midst of its assault. It sends the thing to its knees, harming its master in the process and making her attack felt by the Puppeteer. Her black eyes flicker red, shifting from the felled automaton to the man perched nearby, thin red lips pulling thinly across her pale, albeit scraped and bruised, face.

His comment earns him a light smirk. "Aww," the woman remarks, a hand rising up and pressing gently against her cheek. "What's wrong? You're not spent just yet, are you? But we've only just begun..." At least he's enjoying himself..? Not that he wouldn't--he's a strange duck.

And that's why he's so damned entertaining.

He's not out YET, though. Her gaze darts to the side as the machine begins to click and move, suddenly lashing out at the woman. Try as she man to step aside and outright avoid the twisting assault she times her step a half-second off; struck fiercely, she's battered by the automaton's kicks, each strike sending a lancing, burning shot of pain through her body before she's sent flying. She lands harshly again, hitting her shoulder hard before she rolls to one side.

She's quiet at first, her body still...before her shoulders shiver, her face seized in a clearly pained expression. Heavy breaths slip past her lips as she gives her body a rolling push, forcing it to come to stand, however painful the action may be. She's still got some fight left in her yet--she can't let him win this. Her pride refuses to let her lose.

"Well, I'm glad you're having fun. I hate to disappoint," she explains, giving her blazer and slacks a cautious and careful dusting off. Once content with her appearance her arms drop to her sides, black eyes humored as she gazes toward the puppet. "It's just such a shame you rely on those puppets. It could be a lot MORE fun, but..." She shrugs. "Anyway, where we were? Ah, right. I was going to beat you."

With a furious click of steel heels on pavement the woman dashes forward, black eyes now red as a flicker of flames ignites beneath her feet. They grow, licking upwards along her legs as she speeds forward and suddenly leaps feet first at the puppet...

COMBATSYS: Yuu blocks Shihong's Bird of Paradise.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Shihong          0/-------/------=|=======\==-----\1              Yuu

"Hm?" Yuu questions, lifting a brow. "Really? You have to ask that?" A small trail of blood runs down his right nostril.
"I'm just /invigorated./"
The puppet lands, its tattered cloak spilling across the ground as it falls into a crouch. The recovery time is still impressive despite the amount of effort expended in the last attack; but then, in the end, the puppet is just a tool. It can hardly be held against human standards. It remains in that crouch, bits of strange material falling from its overshadowed face -- crumbled remains scattering across the concrete ground. Its head lulls upwards as Shihong recovers itself... and it waits.
An amused, light chuckle escapes Yuu's lips as Shihong laments the misfortune of having to fight a puppet. "Oh? Do you feel the same when someone uses a sword, then? Or any other form of weapon? It's practicality. But..." Yuu leans forward, looking down with mild interest as his fingers begin to twitch once more.
"Maybe I'll show you something interesting eventually."
But conversation is set towards the sideline as Shihong suddenly attacks with -vicious- speed. Psycho Power-infused feet lance through the air as Shihong leaps, aiming for the puppet... and the machine, in record-time, responds: two arms lance out, intercepting the blow with the crack of feet and energy; forearms guard against Shihong's furious attack, but even with the defense successfully raised... it's all too much. Splitting pain aches across Yuu's own arms as the blow overrides the automaton, sending it knocked backwards from the fury of the assault. An explosion of kinetic force rocks the area with such fury that the creation's left arm is ripped straight from its socket, flinging through the air to land, clattering, against the hard ground some fifteen feet away.
"... hhh... hah... I knew I should have made it with sturdier parts."
He doesn't even hesitate; a twitch of fingers and the damaged, brutalized automaton is spiraling forward again with no concern for the damages received to it. Lifelessly it jolts through the air, one leg outstretched as it attempts a single, flying kick aimed straight for Shihong's chest.

COMBATSYS: Yuu successfully hits Shihong with Medium Strike.

[                         \\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Shihong          0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1              Yuu

"It's quite all right to swallow your pride and admit defeat, you know," the woman swiftly retorts, grinning like a Cheshire cat. "I won't hold it against you at all." Tilting her head gently to the side, she lets her hands lower, resting comfortably on her hips. "Do you give up yet~?"

Of course he wouldn't give up. She knows well he'll see this through till he can fight no more. Even a cursory glance to his automaton reveals that he, much like her own self, is on the verge of breaking down and becoming useless to the Puppeteer. She has to tread carefully; he may very well surprise her.

When the man speaks up once more her eyes drift, peering back toward the eccentric engineer with a ghost of a smirk, eyes distantly amused as she mulls over the question. How does she feel? "I despise swords. Practical, maybe. But," she explains, her head lulling to one side and eyes drifting away as she speaks. " takes far more talent and skill to kill someone with one's bare fists and feet than it does with a sword or any weapon. I have much more respect for those who can do precisely that: not rely on a weapon. Granted, there is nothing unimpressive about these armed talents."

"But my real qualm with weapons," She glances back up, eyeing the man with a demure smile as black eyes half-lid in muted amusement. "Is the lack of intimacy. We've gone over this before, though." Pausing, Shihong offers an airy sigh, shoulders sagging deeply. "Oh well."

But his words are laced with a promise. "Is that so..? Well, I hope you live long enough."

Dashing forwards, the woman takes to the air, legs colliding with the creation, a large eruption of psychic energy crashing into the thing. It's sent flying back to the woman's chagrin, her body flipping and correcting itself midair--she can't properly follow through, what with it so far away. So instead she lands, a light crouch in her legs before she assumes a stance. Her eyes lift, settling on the puppet--

And suddenly it's right there, right in her face.

The kick connects, jarring the woman and sending her stumbling backwards, a loud gasp of air escaping her lungs as she recoils. How..? Lifting a hand, she clutches it to her chest, fingertips digging into the material of her blazer and the corset beneath, eyes narrowed slightly. Has she truly underestimated the man after their previous encounter? Maybe, but...

Forcing her body to move, Shihong rushes in once more, seeking to again close the gap between herself and the automaton before she swings a leg upwards, a vertical kick driving toward the thing's jaw with the heel of her stiletto. "HYAA!"

COMBATSYS: Yuu dodges Shihong's Short Kick.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Shihong          0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1              Yuu

"Oh?" Yuu wonders aloud, tapping a finger thoughtfully against his chin.
"I guess the same can be said of you, can't it?"
Every good fighter has a trick up their sleeve, an ace in the hole to use when the fight grows more desperate. Yuu -- elects not to use his this fight. It is, after all, for a purpose. His ace in the hole would ruin the entire reason he even started this little confrontation. The puppet clicks into place, overshadowed face twisting to the side as it turns to look at Shihong. This one alone will have to do.
He doesn't want to spoil anything, after all.
The kick strikes cleanly, even as Yuu props his chin on both hands, his right still twitching. His head stings furiously, his body aching where the puppet should, but he still manages on -- he's endured enough in his life to keep up his concentration, even on the ropes as he is. "We'll just have to agree to disagree," he responds finally, his affect as pleasant as his expression as he tilts his head forward all the further. "What a pity."
The puppet lands, but already is Yuu twisting and tugging on its strings. Before Shihong can even rush into the automaton's defenses, its legs are already pushing off the ground, leaping high into the air in a backwards momentum. The vertical kick strikes air, even as the puppet's left leg pulls upward, bending at the knee.
"I believe this is called 'checkmate.'"
The foot lances out, the toes of one stiletto heel seeking to snap into Shihong's -own- jaw, followed swiftly after with a second kick from the right leg -- intent to knock Shihong straight into the air as the puppet leaps backward.

COMBATSYS: Shihong dodges Yuu's Fierce Strike.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Shihong          0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1              Yuu

In what seems like no time flat, Yuu has more or less leveled the proverbial playing field.

Her breaths are ragged, black eyes half-lidded as she all but pants for a nice, deep breath that just does not seem to come to her. It makes this fight difficult now, as she struggles to focus on the fight and just end this with a clean victory. After all, he said if he could be bested, he would tell her his name. Sure, she could easily find out from Kagero associates, but...

Where's the game in that?

" disagree..? Fine, w-works for me," the woman replies, a weak smirk slowly drawing over her pale, scuffed-up face. Her eyes never once leave the man at the puppet's command, her attentions focused entirely on the Puppeteer. The puppet itself, the deadly automaton, does not seem to worry her. Not when she can try to discern when it will attack through the man behind it.

Checkmate, he says.

"Not yet," the woman replies, smirking broadly.

Twisting aside, Shihong narrowly avoids the strike altogether, a hand lashing out to gently redirect the puppet's kick. The second strike avoided as well, it gives her a brief opening--the opening she needs, and the opening she hopes will end this.

Dropping to the ground, Shihong plants her hands flat as both legs suddenly shoot out, a furious burst of red energy lancing down her legs and to those heels of hers. Swinging her fiery legs upwards, she brings her body to rise in a handstand, each legs moving upwards in a staggered fashion that seeks to clip the puppet fiercely, each strike marked by a jarring burst of vermillion psychic flames.


COMBATSYS: Yuu dodges Shihong's Coiled Serpent EX.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Shihong          0/-------/----===|=======\==-----\1              Yuu

That -- that is a bit of a disruption in Yuu's plans. One twist, and Shihong so expertly defies Yuu's bold proclamation; one touch, and the thrust of the puppet is redirected, the second altogether avoided. For a second, Yuu frowns. His voice is soft when he speaks next, to be audible only to him as his head lulls to one side. "Hmmm. How irritating. I guess there's still something I have yet to learn."
Checkmate, she says.
"Hm? 'Checkmate'?"
The word is echoed with almost bland disbelief on Yuu's part, but soon enough those yellow eyes widen, noting the sudden swell and explosion of vermillion Psycho Power. "Oh, dear. What was it you just said?" Shihong shoots both legs out, swinging upwards to strike the automaton with two furious, power-laden blows. Fingers suddenly twitch and -tug- and the puppet gives a sudden, unnatural jerk, suddenly bending -straight- back and -just- beyond the strike of Shihong's feet. "Oh, yes."
The puppet's hands stamp into the ground and only a moment later, it is suddenly snapping into a handstand of its own, righting its body in a bizarre series of clicks as its feet snap out, to lance straight into Shihong's midsection in a series of two stabbing kicks.
"'Not yet.' I still have a little more data I'd like to collect..."

COMBATSYS: Yuu successfully hits Shihong with Medium Strike.

[                           \\\  < >  ////////                      ]
Shihong          0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1              Yuu


Despite her efforts, despite the sudden push she'd given her body to go beyond and above her normal limits, the man just...outright avoided her strike? With a deft jerk and twitch of his hands the puppet whips away from Shihong's fiery legs, landing a short distance from the woman as she comes to stand properly once more. Her eyes narrow, a less-than pleasant expression actually seizing her features before black eyes flicker toward the man behind the automaton.

"Don't be so silly," she replies, exercising surprising calm. Her smile widens just a little.

At least until she's kicked with two sharp heels.

Buckling under the strike, the woman folds forward, her stance widening as she struggles to stay on her feet. Folding an arm across her chest, the Chinese woman gasps, wide-eyed and stunned at the strike. She thought she had him...

Teeth clench behind red lips, Shihong's eyes narrowed dangerously as she eyes the source of her troubles, the man behind the puppet. He's gotten lucky this far--can he maintain that luck? Her lips cut into a deep smirk.

"I don't like to give away all my secrets," she coos through her teeth before she moves. Staggering slightly, she aims for the puppet at his beck and call with narrowed eyes. Closing in, she plants a foot firmly as her arm jerks forward, the other arm folding across her brow at the wrist. The forward-moving arm drives its palm at the puppet, and while contact is light, the sudden wild burst of vermillion that erupts between.

...that, afterwards, sends the woman to her knees. She can't push herself any further.

COMBATSYS: Shihong can no longer fight.

[                      \\\\\\\\  <
Yuu              1/----===/=======|

COMBATSYS: Shihong successfully hits Yuu with Swallow's Wings.

[                          \\\\  <
Yuu              1/--=====/=======|

COMBATSYS: Yuu takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Yuu can no longer fight.

Lucky, maybe. Yuu would like to think of himself as 'well-informed.'
All in all, though, this trip has been very educational -- and this game has been very worth it, indeed. He doesn't need his little puppet anymore -- at least, this one. It's expendable.
Which is good, considering that Shihong seems intent to continue pressing on. The data he's received today is good, but it doesn't prepare him for that persistance that Shihong carries herself with. Dull yellow eyes rotate down, observing as Shihong moves once again. A brow lifts. He frowns.
"And what do you think -you're- doing--"
One blast of brilliant red energy is all it takes to stop the puppet in its tracks. Churning mass of burning energy rips into the automaton, burning through cloth and strange material as the puppet is lifted into the air. The brutal attack explodes with that brutal contact, sending the puppet flying lifelessly through the air until it crashes, messily, into a nearby wall. Slowly, it slumps back down. It does not move again.
"... my name is Yuu."
The voice comes a bit more distant than before and, should Shihong look up, she'll find that the puppet master is gone from his perch. The puppet? Still there, its hood burned away to reveal a face with no eyes or mouth or any noticeable facial features, cracked through the middle and with a long mane of black hair -- hair that looks styled much like Shihong's own.
"I'll remember this. I look forward to seeing what secrets I can find out next time we meet... Shihong Mao."
And like that... Yuu is gone.

Log created on 22:44:25 09/07/2008 by Shihong, and last modified on 01:27:25 09/20/2008.