Neo League 726 - #745: Naerose vs Birdie

Description: THIS IS ANOTHER NAE FIGHT. NOT THE SAME AS THE FIRST, NOR THE SAME AS THE LAST. This Naefight is sponsered today by the letter W, for WEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRDDDDDDDDD. And the number ><, which means that she isn't a villain! THIS IS THE TRUTH. Also Birdie is there and he's giant and monsterous as always. Also we're pretty sure he smells bad too. YESSSS. ( Winner: Birdie )

Today was a good day. Today Naerose was paid in advance. Now there was a lot of question in how she was paid. Some speculated it was cash, some speculated in pure gold, but others still speculated that it was in half of a cookie. The truth may never be known, but why would anyone speculate about Naerose? Who would want to? Furthermore what was this eccentric witch up to today? Does anyone even know? Naerose doesn't. She has a clue though, something about a show. Clearly she had to be ready for everything. She arrives in the Red Arena, not because they told her the Red Arena, but because she would never dream of going anywhere else. So here she is, in a red dress, broom, witches hat, round shades and a megaphone. You never know when they will want you for fight announcing.

"Alright fight fans." The witch begins and echos. She looks around. "Woah, tuesday is not a popular day huh. Specially during work hours. Man am I lucky I don't have a job."

She was so unemployed that it was funny. In a not funny sort of way.

Paid in advance with a cookie?! Excellence.

Stepping out, Birdie slowly makes his way out. In Neo League fights, they don't have to pay Birdie anything. He just loves doing it, that's all. Nothing more, nothing less. Just a man of great stature and black skin fighting for the sake of fighting, and maybe a little more. Either way, the british brawler Birdie is here, and in this pretty awesome arena.

Right now he's in the shallow water, missing the log stumps completely as he stands, looking up as he mucks about in the water. "Augh. I wonder if they ever dredge this shit." Birdie sneers, slowly pulling himself up upon the logs as Naerose is there. And hey it is Naerose.

"Woah, look at that. If it ain't you Naerose. You get away from that bitch, Elle? She was kinda cramping my style if you know what I mean.She was also cheap! Hehehe!" Birdie chuckles.

"Never thought I'd meet you here, though. Find with me!"

"Birdie!" Exclaims Naerose, this was someone she knew and knew pretty well. They had some good times on that boat.

"I hadn't seen you since.. Oh right, you left that thing with those people. . Huh Elle? I dunno she like vanished off the face of the earth or something, I've been doing my own thing, but you seen Kat lately? He and I had some good times in metro, tell me you've said hello.. So er.. Oh I get this, it's a Naeoleague thing huh. Well we should totally get someone to buy us drinks after wards, catch up, all that stuff people do when they have money" Which Naerose doesn't do. Still the British Thug whom many people prefer to avoid, the Red Witch seems perfectly at home hanging around.

But she's not a villain >_<

"Well, lets have fun I guess. Wow, and they're paying me for this? Neat."

"Hahaha! Yeah, I dunno where Katana went. Last time I saw the guy or heard that Adelheid fella just blew him up." Birdie states with a snort, "Well, he's fine. Dunno if anything can kill that guy." Birdie announces as he just sort of strides forward, even as Naerose keeps talking.

Damn Naerose can talk! "Haha, yeah sure why the hell not. I got nothing better to do." Birdie snorts as he makes his way forward towards the sand in the middle. "If you can get paid for this, do it. It's pretty bloody nice." The british brawler just looks around, and then right back towards Naerose.


"Haha, yeah. You can start. I don't care. Come on and hit me!" Birdie cries, just standing there FLEXING.

COMBATSYS: Birdie has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Naerose          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

Well that's a lucky break, she can delay the oncoming freight train by like a few moments. Truly Naerose wasn't looking forward to getting hit by Birdie, he could hit hard, but she knew that if she just kept up her constant assault, she could stand a chance right? Now if she was truly ruthless.. she'd start with distance and continue to run away until the fight was over, but instead she decides to play it dangerous, gets close to Birdie, extends her hand, like to shake only instead tries to blast him. Even amongst friends huh. Well he'll probably try a dirty trick too, anyway, he should recognize her shout of: En Criento.

It is her signature move afterall.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Birdie with End Creation.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Naerose          0/-------/------=|==-----\-------\0           Birdie

BAM. Birdie is just knocked backwards, send sprawling even as Naerose throws herself at it on a shout of En Criento. And Birdie. Birdie smashes himself right into it! THE WRONG WAY. BLAMMO. Birdie's sent backwards, knocked of his rocker as he recoils, stepping back before looking towards the witch.

"Hahaa. You stil lgot it I guess. Well bloody hell, let me see if I still got it!" Birdie cries, throwing himself quickly towards the witch! But not in any super method. INSTEAD. It's a horrible terrible move of Birdie aiming to grasp a hold of Naerose as he hurls his chain!

And if so, pull her feet out from under her in a terrible method od terrible ness! And then slam her on the other side. Birdie's evillll.

And a brawler!

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Naerose with Bandit Chain.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Naerose          1/-------/=======|====---\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie still has it. Because Nae is slammed.. Hard She would wince, but that would never do justice to the amount of hurt that Birdie's single move has laid down on her so fast, so unpleasant. She has only one real choice, yes, try to pick herself up. But she's stunned, it was just that awful. The witch, now looking visibly shaken from having been nailed so hard fixes her hat and manages to fix a grin. How? Who knows, she's good at grinning. But all the same she needed to focus on the here and now.. and in order to even things up, she'd need to manage a fair bit of more destruction visited on her opponent first.

"Nice one.. How's this, Sagitta Minor!"

She flings and twists away, keeping her distance and sending air darts toward Birdie before adjusting her shades to watch how he reacts.

"I'm gonna need something big for a big job like this." she comments.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Birdie with Sagitta Minor.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Naerose          1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie?! Hit by Naerose?! THE NERVE! Blammo! The strike just whales into Birdie like a white whale! WHAAAAAAALEEEE! And Birdie's toppled over, even as the SAGITA MINOR rips into his figure! Horrific! The chi burns his skins so! He'll have to do something about it!

Well, not really. He just watches Naerose ever so closely with a grip on his face, even when getting up.

"Hehehe. So you give up yet? Heheh. I'm pretty sure we'll see sooner or later. Hehehe." Birdie announces with a grin on his face, just looking as he ravels his chain back up, pushes all the way back to the water!

"C'mon over and say hi!"

COMBATSYS: Birdie focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Naerose          1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0           Birdie

Well.. The whole point was keeping her distance, but Naerose figures, what the hell and goes over to Birdie. Yes, she is getting closer.. closer. Time for an attempt at a total tech hit, this is going to be awesome, and by awesome we mean probably a really bad idea. Naerose tries to wrap a strand of silver thread around Birdie when she is close enough to grab.. or be grabbed. Yes, this is dangerous and will almost certainly result in only one thing happening, bad things that is.

"Alright, here I am." She says pleasantly and sends some currents of chi energy through the thread. A rarely used trick in Naerose's book.

Meanwhile she's looking comparibly unpleasanted from that one powerful hit she too. Birdie might not have speed, but he makes up for it in brute force.

COMBATSYS: Birdie interrupts Threads of Fate from Naerose with Bull Revenger.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Naerose          2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|=======\====---\1           Birdie

KNOCK KNOCK. Hey who's that?

It's Mr. Oppertunity knocking! Birdie opens the door. And then kicks him the hell out of there!

Because as Naerose approaches. It isn't just an oppertunity. It's a naeroppertunity. Threads are drawn, strung around the body of the massive Birdie! Sent swirling about him like you wouldn't even imagine, the silver threat almost making it so that Birdie cannot move!

And then as she starts to send currents of Chi through the threat, Birdie just has one thing to say. "Ya... gotta stop listening to everyone Naerose." Birdie grunts out, and then headbutts her, knocking her somewhat loopy!

Upon that, her own chain gets about her, even as her threat is about him! So it hurts, but Birdie's going to have to deal with a chi laces thread up his ass. Not like women don't have bathing suits that hurt less. Still, he just loops the chain about, and then hurls Naerose into the air! WHOOSH. Pulling up and aiming to bring her down against a log step, and then once more up again, hurling the poor witch across a ways and into the wall of the desert zone!

To which, Birdie just wraps his chain about his hand. "Hehe. Yeah, sorry. Had to try that out."

The only surprise to Naerose right now is that she's picking herself up at all ater that. She vaguely recalls the chain and sort of like a roller coaster except then she starts getting hurled and brought down and .. Wow it hurts, it hurts a lot. Naerose remembers standing on shaky legs. Woah, just woah. But.. The hit is so hard that she is knocked away, this gives her room and through deep deep breaths, draws back both arms and powers up a blast in each palm. The gathering power causes copy write flags from Dragon Ball Z Lawyers to go into over drive. The sandy beach part of the arena blows a little, the water ripples.. This is probably related to an unrelated phenomenon called 'weather' but Naerose is convinced it is actually related to the awesomeness of her upcoming attack.

"En Criento EN!" cries Naerose and brings both blasts together. What usually doesn't have the power to create range shoots off in a swirling mass of destruction toward Birdie.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Birdie with End Creation End EX.
?!? Weird Hit! ?!?

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Naerose          0/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie gets flattened?! It's more likely than you think! Even as Birdie throws his arms in defense, something seems weird about that projectile that Naerose cries out about! And it shoots off in a mass of destruction so quickly that when it hits Birdie!...

Well it hurts almost just like the first one! If only due to some really WEIRD activies going on there! He's simply flaberghasted that it burns as much as it does still. Well, no really. But he's wondering how the hell it even got to him. "Damn." Birdie snorts, "That's crazy." Birdie announces as he lumbers forward still after being splayed across the room. But he TRUCKS FORWARD. Large heavy steps sending the black giant over towards Naerose. And, in a really bad dancing lesson, dances out towards Naerose.

By which we mean kicking forward. HARD. HARDDDDD.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Naerose with Light Kick.

[                             \  < >  /////////////                 ]
Naerose          1/----===/=======|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

Naerose gets kicked, but you know if first things happen a certain way and then they happen again the exact same way? You should totally just go ahead and hope for the best, but maybe aim for the moon or something. Getting kicked sends Naerose skidding back but not before she can send a final blast toward Birdie, just like the one she had sent a moment ago, a double armed blast sent with a final shout of 'En Criento En!"

You know the drill, except it's more or less the last thing the witch is doing this time as she sends the swirling torrent toward her opponent with the power reflecting out her round shades before she settles and stops fighting back.

COMBATSYS: Naerose can no longer fight.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/-======|

COMBATSYS: Birdie dodges Naerose's End Creation End.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           0/-------/-======|

Birdie's kick doesn't exactly send Naerose to the moon THIS TIME. It's close but even as she's sent back, the swirling torrent of energy rocketing towards Birdie even as Naerose is sent backwards.

Birdie just looks towards the power reflecting. And for once, he knows that he cannot just TAKE IT. Standing up powerfully, the mighty Birdie leaps. Leaps like he's never lept before clean on over the move, proving once and for all, even the biggest black guys can jump like champions.

And then he completely wipes out into the sand, landing on his ass. "Dammit!" Birdie sneers, grunting afterwards, getting up slowly to look towards Naerose, as if to hulk over to her.

"Hehehe. Good fight, damn you still sting." Birdie chuckles. "You got a good right chi bomb there. Wasn't sure I'd make the jump.

COMBATSYS: Birdie has ended the fight here.

"Heh, yeah - ouch -" The witch isn't getting up but she can talk while catching her breath. It was a closer fight probably than it looked. More success or failure on either side would of made a huge difference, only slight differences because while the witch seems to have lost hard, her strikes were taking almost as large a toll on her opponent it seemed. When you mess with power tools, changes happen dramatically and might make things look bigger than they are. At least that is how The witch seems to see it. She dusts herself off a bit.

"I prolly could of stood to get out of the way a little more." The witch comments but remains still on the ground, taking this oppertunity to catch her breath some more.

"Oh, by the way, about those drinks? I totally don't have any cash."
ush proably not needed"

Birdie just looks down towards Naerose. "It's fine, you'll be fine. I dunno why every one falls down after I hit them, but I think it's a whole thing." Birdie snorts, watching the witch as she just states one obvious as she gets back up.

"Hahaha. Yeah damn. But hey even that small little guy couldn't get outta my way!" Birdie snorts proudly. Yeah he's talking about Choi. Still, there is one thing that really gets BIRDIE noticing. "What you didn't have any beer money? Damn. You'd best be knowing I'm nice by not throwing you out on your ass!" Birdie calls.


"Hey wait!" Naeroes exclaimes, "I mean I got no money, but I also have it all figured out, check this, see when we leave we totally find someone who will buy us the drinks, cause I do this all the time. It works out great. Truuuust me."

When all else fails, go for the mooching off of other people thing, right? Of course with company like Birdie.. It's likely to be a mugging rather than a mooching.

She isn't a villain >_< But she also totally isn't going to stand up to her friends. She just doesn't have nearly enough of them!

Log created on 13:18:35 08/26/2008 by Birdie, and last modified on 23:55:03 08/26/2008.