Neo League 726 - #743: Mary vs Naerose

Description: Nae-league! ?~??!?!?!?! ( Winner: Naerose )

Naerose Chibi Theatre:

Neoleague organizer: Things have been quiet lately.

Other organizer: We need some filler stuff, there isn't any point in competing with the Olympics anyway.

First Organizer again: Yeah, you're right, lets toss out a candy bar and see if anyone will fight that crazy witch girl.

Failo-the clown: Someone will fight her if we just believe.

Organizer 2: Who the hell are you?

Failo-the clown: Ah filler.

Meanwhile... elsewhere.

:Naerose: Mmm mm mmm, that flight from london was tough. Oh hey, mail. *checks her cardboard mailbox* Ohh candy <3.

And thus for the price of one snickers bar, Naerose is convinced to head to the northern outskirts of town where some low budget equipment is set up for some Neo League filler during the Olympics. It doesn't take her long to change all the neoleague signs (thanks to some crayon) to Naeoleague signs. Then its' just a wait to see who they can convince to do this low budget battle.

So you may not get your name in lights. But you might get a few lights that'll help you make your name.

Or perhaps the lights will just be there to watch you, judging every motion while also supporting you with sight .. but whether it's the sight you wish to see, or the sight the light wishes you to see, isn't certain. There's a single obvious point about it, however.

Mary enjoys these little scuffles. And Mary certainly would be happy to work with it as well .. as the Naeoleague seems to be set up, a white dressed woman slowly walks in, a black parasol in comparison to the white lights ( perhaps of the camera ) and her clothing .. and herself.

But with Naerose munching on the bar, Mary 'curtsies', before speaking up, parasol still over her head. "Ya'll here for that fight, aren'tcha? Well Darlin' .. I don't wanna rush you with what you're enjoyin' .. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun very soon."

Naerose is .. an odd one. But odd is good.

Sometimes you need a break from the normal .. and the abnormal keeps you on your toes. Amoung other amusement values.

It was a grudging respect if any at all that Naerose seems to have of earned amongst certain circles. Some who would be quick to point out that no matter how good the witch seems to do, dumb luck and all things. Naerose for her part had no interest in name in lights, she was here for the candy bar, the promise of free stuff, particularly food. Free food was an excellent thing to have.

"Oh hi," the 'witch' says and eyes Mary for a moment.

"So.. I'm Naerose, and I'm a witch." says the witch, introducing herself. Come to think of it, as she ever called herself the red witch? No matter, right now she had candy, what else mattered? Right? She is dressed in red though.

Food is a lovely thing! Allowing one to live far longer than they could without for better or worse.

But as Naerose eyes her, Mary smiles, sliding the parasol over her shoulder, and closing it, as she walks a bit closer in the Outskirts. With Naerose calling herself a witch, Mary introduces herself as well. "Do call me Mary.. it's nice to meet you witch!" She had never really met a witch before. Interesting to finally meet one.

"Ya'll here for a reason, or are you just interested in the candy? Don't matter to me." She adds, just walking about the witch as she merely eyes her and chomps on the candy.

"Another lovely day.. why not? If there's anythin' lovely about it that is, darlin'. Beyond the candy. What else d'ya come here for?" She stops, pressing the parasol against the ground. "I just like these skirmishes. Always able to see how people really are in 'em."

"Just the candy, but they told me if I agreed to their game here I'd get more, so I want to get more and .. well there you have it right? Pretty straight forward... really," Naerose marvels before shoving the candy bar in her mouth, so the end with the wrapper still partially attached sticks out comically. At least, well use your imagination ,it's comical darnit!

"Weewts gwo!" says the witch, standing up and taking a better grip on her broom. She was all about to break out a can of peaches and eat them too, if she had one. Anyway, she wasn' one for cans of whoop tail. In a lot of ways you could argue she's quite the pacifist.

COMBATSYS: Mary has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Mary             0/-------/-------|

As Naerose admits it's the candy, Mary laughs a bit, twisting the parasol in her hands and pointing it towards Naerose. "I get it my darlin' witch, I understand it completely y'know .. everythin' has somethin' we want, but it ain't always so easy to reach." She jokes, mostly to herself, before Naerose's candy bar filled mouth gets another laugh out of her.

"Ya'll probably should .. ah, who am I to argue about the way to eat somethin'. Just don't choke! It'd ruin everything." She notes, and with a better grip on the broom, Naerose seems like a perfect target now! A WITCH target. One bright and red.

Also ready, but that's always how it goes.

"Oh goody.. I really wouldn't have wanted to wait any longer!" And swinging the parasol around, the J part's released.. a line of chain following it, aiming to grasp Naerose's leg and then yank her to the side, along the ground, and release!

Not very nice for witches though.

COMBATSYS: Naerose has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Naerose          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Mary

COMBATSYS: Naerose parries Mary's Snare Whip!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Naerose          0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Mary

That's.. An ATTACK! Naerose is thunderstuck, this person who had just made friends with her was attacking her! Who would do such a thing? Only one person.. Someone mean! IS Mary mean? Naenae can't decide, she looks so nice, but that was unmistakable an attack she just sent. Only one thing to do right? The J part of the parisol is headed low, toward her legs, she needs to get into the air. Easy feat for Naerose even if it is a rare talent. She'll jump hope on her broom and her broom will support her weight.

"Woah!" she exclaims as the J ends up skipping off the bottom of her broom, she decides to use it and help propel her in a shot like a missile across toward Mary. Really fast the witch jets over and gets close enough to say,

"Are you nice or not nice?!" Except she can't control her broom fight like she'd want to and instead over shoots and ends up plowing toward Mary as though well, she might run right into her!

"Oh snap, I over did it!" she admits, trying to stop from crashing into something.

COMBATSYS: Mary blocks Naerose's Delphine Charge EX.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Naerose          0/-------/-----==|=------\-------\0             Mary

As Naerose is assaulted.. she also stops it through by flying into the air. Now, that's quite interesting. "My my.. who would have known?" She chides, the parasol returning to her, before Naerose turns about and propels herself like a missile straight towards Mary .. and the broom crashes towards her as well! She must admit, it's an interesting assault.. Mary not having much time in dealing with such attacks..

But the parasol opens, and Mary pushes it forwards, being struck by Naerose, sliding back as the ground gives underneath her feet.. more as she slides a bit, before being launched away.

Maybe Mary even slows down Naerose.

"Darlin', they gave you the candy to fight .. and I thought you said you were ready!" She notes. "Nice .. Mean .. it depends who ya'll are, or how you intend on seein' me .. why waste time with that? .. After all.. aren't witches generally .. bad." She adds as she walks backwards..

And then speeds towards Naerose, the opened weapon now being used as a blunt club .. but there's something more. THe skies open up, and the clouds there begin to rain down .. something Mary uses to skid towards Naerose with an intent to bludgeon! She even spins once, attempting to launch Naerose into the air!

And well, stop her UNSTOPPABLE CHARGE!

COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Mary's Higgledy-piggledy.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Naerose          0/-------/----===|-------\-------\0             Mary

Amazing, it was an unstopable charge. Naerose just can't do anything to resist the attack except.. Well, do her best not to take the ground too hard when she hits it, cause she is gonna hit it. Oh and put her broom between herself and Mary, go one sacrificial broom, take impact, protect your mistress! Actually, she should consider using Sylvester as a bunny shield. She'll have to make a mental note to whip him out and see what an attacker does.

"Oh right candy, okay, I guess you're not mean," she finally manages after righting herself.
"Well in that case, here, En Criento!"

The witch exclaims it, extends her palm and lets a blast of white destructive energy explode outward toward her opponent: Mary.

All of this was for a twix bar.

COMBATSYS: Naerose successfully hits Mary with End Creation.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Naerose          0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0             Mary

As Naerose can do naught to resist the assault .. it's far too much to take in, clearly! But once Sylvester is used as a bunny shield .. such an interesting maneuver! Using live animals as shields. Clearly she will have to worry about this later. "Do worry about that bunny, I'm sure he's late for an important meeting .. and not with my, m'darlin'!" She chides, grinning as the blast of energy explodes towards Mary.

Oh my!

Mary's suddenly trying to move into the assault, and yet it does no good.. as Mary ends up crashing back anyways. She's quite a warrior, it seems.. that Naerose has something beyond her odd fighting style. "Ya'll .. good to see that! Maybe more could iffin' they got off their little beliefs.. ain't so bad to take a look back!" She cries .. and then goes for Naerose, leaping towards her with the parasol!

And then trying to slap on the J shape, and simply swing Naerose up up UP.

Into the acid chi lined stormclouds.

And then back down into the ground.

Perhaps it'll be like a red Rainbow! A red witch rainbow.

COMBATSYS: Naerose endures Mary's Feed the Birds.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////         ]
Naerose          1/------=/=======|====---\-------\0             Mary

The witch isn't done with her candy bar yet - or Mary. Being flung up into the storm clouds is bad, but coming down probably even worse. One has to wonder about those sorts of attacks though, it really looked painful, the chi and then the landing and she doesn't even break her fall in any which way, or witch way. Yes it was not the way to start a day. But picking herself off, dusting herself off, Naerose is by Mary and decides, what the heck, pull a trick out of her hat she rarely uses, let Sylvester hop off, he wsn't going to be much help today.

Naerose reaches with her free hand for Mary's neck, a really mean attack compared to her usual, then if she succeeds she'll lift Mary into the air, hold on and .. if she's gotten this far.. well even close really,

"I'll show you the pain of the universe, The Darkness Nova!"

And with the rather unusually cruel sounding words, her hand goes dark, no the air around, no .. it seems as if she opens a blackhole right on Mary, then she'd fling her aside, if she manages to get so far.

COMBATSYS: Mary blocks Naerose's Darkness Nova EX.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Naerose          1/------=/=======|=====--\-------\0             Mary

As Naerose is flung into the stormclouds .. Mary wonders just why she did such a thing. Sending Naerose sky-high was a mistake Mary notices.. after as Naerose dusts herself off... is that there's a hand going for her neck.

But the line was set in place when she got a grip of Naerose.. and as the hand closes about her neck, the chain is slid upwards, being grasped instead, Mary holding it there, her white iris' looking back to Naerose.. and the woman herself smiling a bit.

"Ya'll do all that for lil' ol me?" She notes, before the blackhole opens up .. and Mary's chains nearly bend open, her parasol weathers it, and her body and dress is whipped around by the assault, even as she holds her ground. But as it begins to end.. Mary uses some of the little gravity fluxes of such a hole to get a bit of a jump. Air has to return to normal, and the parasol opens to allow just that!

The rain keeps coming down .. and this time?

So does Mary, the parasol coated in the acidic chi .. and the front a bit .. sharp.

"You showed me such a nice pain! So It's only right that I return the favor, darlin'!"

COMBATSYS: Mary successfully hits Naerose with No Explanations.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Naerose          1/--=====/=======|======-\-------\0             Mary

The witch decides to try and protect herself with her broom but the attack is rather uardy because wht do you do against chi rain and a parisol at the same time? The best she can do is try to swing her broom around and.. It fails, she can't seem to figure out how to defend against these crazy attacks. Naerose is rebuked but the rain isn't going to stop, not likely anyway.

"So.. You like rain..?" Asks the witch. Sniffing a little as she might be catching cold.

Naerose sweeps her broom in a circle, some signs drawn with the pokey end (as compared to the sweepy end) and begin to glow, the glyphs simple but magickal looking in appearance.

"I don't pull this one out often.." Naerose begins, clears her throat and recites, with a grin,

"Soshite Tsuki ten Suisei ten Kinsei ten Taiyou ten Kasei ten Mokusei ten Dosei ten Kousei ten Gendou ten ... Star Fall!"

And with every fresh word and sweeping gesture of Naerose' arm, a fresh wave of falling star like wisps of energy, the size of a basketball, fall pleasantly around the witch. They seem to be more inclined to fall toward Mary, but other people in the area are quickly deciding to try and get some serious distance from the crazy attack - Only Naerose appears immune.

COMBATSYS: Mary interrupts Star Fall from Naerose with Singing in the Rain.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Naerose          0/-------/--=====|=======\==-----\1             Mary

As The witch sniffs, sweeping her broom in a circle, and signs in the air begin a glowin', Mary lands afterwards.. and now that's the problem alright. There's too much randomness in the Naerose variety of assaults to truly make a definite plan!

And it's really just what she had wanted. It was a different way of fighting! One that keeps her on the edge, and makes what she already enjoys that much more enjoyable. Clearly, a sandwich maker does not always make the sandwich the same way. Sometimes you just slather on a LOAD of chocolate.

"No? Well.. let me see darlin'!" Mary responds, the water in full force now.. the droplets mostly harmless unless actually used by her. But then .. there's much words she doth not understand, and not much to make out! But 'stars falling' certainly sounds painful.

And Mary dashes straight towards Naerose, into the sweeping gesture of Nae's arm, and hooks the J shaped hook to it ..

Because Mary is launched away, crashing against the ground.

But the chain tightens as she crashes, allowing her to get back up.. and grasp the chain, beginning to spin around Naerose. Faster and faster and faster, before just ending the little trip with a splish splash in a puddle.

Acid rain and all.

"Now that was somethin', red riding witch. And yes .. I just love the rain. Brings life y'know! And sustains it." She nods, parasol propping herself up now. Boy. That stung a bit.

Crazy. Naerose figured her opponent might be a little off her rocker, but who was she to judge? The red witch often thought to be much worse herself. Desperation was going to set in at this rate, actually perhaps it already had, but she wasn't down and out yet, she had a lot to throw and even though getting knocked out of that move.. Tripped into the water, sucked, she could get up on one leg and start to breath slowly, trying to regain herself. She holds one finger in the air, pointing upward and a mist forms over her hand, crystalizes and begins a long javelin of ice. Usually she accompanies this with a saying, the move, but this time, still catching her breath, she just chucks the javelin at Mary. The rain continues to come down, all around her, Naerose is getting seriously soaked, but looking at the bright side. .. It might be over soon?

She fixes her shades, having not touched the icy attack at all. One might wonder though, how does she manage chi of such a vast array? Simple. It's sort of a cosmic deal. Star fire, or the absence of it to make ice, black holes.. all that lovely stuff.. But if you asked her could she be so articulate? Probably not.

The witch slowly gets to her feet.

COMBATSYS: Mary dodges Naerose's Sagitta Major.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Naerose          0/-------/---====|=======\==-----\1             Mary

Perhaps crazy is a good way of putting it, at least. But as the Red witch trips in the water, Mary is simply watching this odd spectacle. "My, dear, you're not looking well .. maybe I'll have to give you some candy myself. You're just showing me a splendid good time!" She notes, smiling a bit .. as Naerose begins to form a rather massive javelin of ice.

The javelin soars through the air, but Mary simply opens the parasol and kicks off the ground.. being carried upwards.. and barely over the javelin of ice, Mary landing on the ground nearby Naerose as she fixes her shades.. it might be a bit too late to respond though, when Mary closes the parasol, and brings it back. "And you're especially versatile you'self, my darlin'! Now that's somethin' I really like in a person!"

Of course, what's pulled back, must be swung, and this is no different.

Mary begins to swing at Naerose, attempting first to slam her upwards, a heavy golf swing, before leaping up after her and continuing the assault.. one or two more strikes with the closed parasol, the length of the thing more of a lead pipe than not, before a final, heavy strike to the middle..

Intending to have her crash into the ground as well as remove the last of her fighting strength.

Strike or not, after she's up, she goes down, and floats a bit slower down than usual, opening the parasol to get a bit of distance. If possible!

COMBATSYS: Naerose blocks Mary's Practically Perfect.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Naerose          0/-------/-======|==-----\-------\0             Mary

The richt choice when someone tries to crash into you is to try and block it with your broom stick, if you don't have a broom stick though. . . you're probably screwed. Luckily for Naerose, when she checked, she discovered, that yes, she has a broomstick and that Mary, could be stopped from knocking her into next week if the broom stick got in the way. It does get in the way. Perfectly perfect. Naerose does the wise thing then and blocks the incoming strike and then decides to move a little out of the way. Does it hurt? Well yes, more than she'd like, but what can you do when faced with pain or more pain. Take the route of less pain. She does just that. And while you're at it, fight back.

Naerose extends her palm, presses her lips together and shouts out, "En Criento", unleashing a familiar torrent of energy, just an explosion, at Mary, hopefully enough to hit her, because hitting is always more fun than missing.

COMBATSYS: Mary blocks Naerose's End Creation.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Naerose          0/-------/=======|===----\-------\0             Mary

As Naerose prevents blocks the strikes with the broom, the clang against steel, more like a dull thud actually, sounds as it keeps working. Mary does, indeed, keep assaulting Naerose.

But then, of course, Naerose is able to push her back .. because there's this burst of energy, an EN CRIENTO coming her way! And this time, the NESTs newest recruit is able to bring the parasol up, and open, to prevent it from hurting her anymore! A good idea, truly.

But as Naerose may have some time to get ready .. Mary doesn't wait! Instead, she crashes towards Naerose, the parasol that was used to buffer the explosion, but not stop, as energy licks against her body as well as her weaponry ..

There's nothing like charging right at the problem, and then tossing it up into the air!

And then just bouncing it away.

"It's been fun darlin'!" Mary's certainly enjoying it .. but is it really over!?

COMBATSYS: Mary successfully hits Naerose with Beg Your Pardon.
Glancing Blow

[                         \\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Naerose          1/-------/=======|===----\-------\0             Mary

"Yeah..*PANT* Real.. *pant* .. . Fun.. *pant*" Naerose manages while using her broom to keep herself up. This was after that the Mary and parasol crashing her way, she only just manages to get out of the way of it, but hardly all the way as she is sent spinning, not quite out of the way entirely and drops to one knee, holding her shoulder with a wince.

Gasp.. Breath.. "Lemem just.." Gasp.. "Breath a moment."

The moment is up and time for something desperate. Naerose rises with a collosal effort. She grips her broom which becomes lively again in her hand. If one could sense it, they would likely feel a chi spike from the red witch, but for everyone else, it would be like she were just suddenly that much more there and giving a burst, like a candle flaring up. Something was happening. The witch gets on the broom, and shoots off at Mary with alarming speeds, putting her hand out in an attempt to grab the parasol carrying woman as she speeds past.. If she can succeed she'll drag Mary into the air and drop her from height before crashing down herself, exhausted.

COMBATSYS: Mary fails to interrupt Aquila Charge EX from Naerose with Beg Your Pardon.

[                           \\\  <
Naerose          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Mary can no longer fight.

[                           \\\  <
Naerose          0/-------/-------|

As Naerose rises with her effort, Mary isn't able to stop her assault, and suddenly, the woman is dragged off, and then dropped from a rather high altitude. Unable to really stop anything, Mary crashes to the ground.. and there's a little dust cloud as she hits it.

"Ah. Marvelous. A perfect ending to a rather interesting fight." She notes, moments before the fall, however, and had tried to crash against the speeding witch!

It doesn't plan out well, though, as the earlier had pointed out.

Out of the Neo League, Mary pulls herself up, her blood stained dress now needing some wash.

"If you can't enjoy it for what it is, after all, then why do you do such a thing? I'm sure there's easier ways to get candy, Darlin'." That's all Mary can add, reasonably, as she tries to pull herself up.

"Caanndy." Naerose manages then reaches out.. a shaky hand.. reaching.. reaching, just about there.. Candy bar in sight.. she keeps reachign and then and then..

"You should join team Strongest!" Though it sounds like she is energtic she isn't, she just barely manages to get the new candy bar to her mouth before the witch falls fast asleep. Spent. This was it, she passed out and the crew, they're like.

Chibi Crew member: Right, lets get out of here before she wakes.

Chibi Crew 2: You said it.

And like that the crew shove their equipment into a van, without bothering to put it into cases or anything, it takes under five minutes to put it all up before they speed off, leaving Naenae there all alone in the world... Even Sylvester is totally like 'I'm outta here'.

COMBATSYS: Naerose has ended the fight here.

As Naerose falls asleep, and is just left there, Mary blinks. "An interestin' idea but darl-oh you ain't gonna hear a single word." She notes, what with Naerose on the ground and sleeping already.

A team? She'll have to think of this. After all, a team sounds like a lot of commitment. Was she really ready for such a thing? Perhaps, perhaps not ..

Bit it's not like she doesn't have time to find out, what with Naerose falling asleep!

Log created on 13:19:58 08/22/2008 by Mary, and last modified on 14:31:33 08/23/2008.