Description: Training in the jungle. Who knew it was so popular? Ryu crosses paths with a man possessed: by PURE JUSTICE.

Damn, it feels good to be back in the jungle.

Quite an unusual thought to be going through the mind of someone who spilled so much blood and sweat, who killed so many and lost so many friends in this country fighting communist invasion, but still.. there's something about the heat, the humidity, the memories of the sheer savageness of it all that gives Charlie a rush of adrenaline just being back in South Vietnam. It certainly helps that, at the moment, he's running through the deep jungle, dodging claymores, C4 charges, wiretraps and sniper shots put in place by his team of Vigilantes. An average observer might think that the war is happening again, as they see the muscular soldier dressed in fatigues charging full-bore through the jungle, jumping and rolling to avoid rifle shots and explosive blasts. Someone slightly more in the know might think that he's training for this week's Saturday Night Fight match against Nagare and Saint, which coincidentally is taking place in the jungle not too far from this very point.

But someone who knows the Lieutenant even -better- would know that this is, quite simply, part of his weekly routine - an endurance/death run through some extreme conditions, rotating weekly throughout the world. Last week, it was the jungles of Saudi Arabia.. this week it just so happens to be the country where he has spent so much time fighting a seemingly endless battle - Vietnam.

Leaping out a massive husk laid across the ground, the corpse of what was once a mighty tree, Charlie is clad in his usual attire - cargo pants and a camoflague vest with no shirt underneath. A good choice of attire for such a hot, humid environment, the soldier practically dripping sweat as he ducks behind a tree just in time to dodge a sniper bullet from one of his underlings, under -strict- orders to shoot to kill. Anything less, and it wouldn't be a full test of the man's abilities... it wouldn't be enough to keep him -sharp-.

And he -needs- to be as sharp as possible, hunting the sort of prey that he is. The man called Vega doesn't -give- second chances... and Nash knows that all too well.

The fact that not too many days ago he was in the coastal jungles of Vietnam might actually make Ryu's arrival in Southtown make MORE sense than the sinking fishing boat did on its own. Charlie's not the only one who takes his training to the world's most isolated and hostile locales. The original worldjumper might be a rather coincidental encounter in the remote jungle, until one remembers there are no coincidences. The sound of the ocean distant, carried across the vibrant wilderness by the steady, warm breeze, the scars of war have been long forgotten in the glade where Ryu trains. A smallish, sand-and-grass covered clearing surrounded by swaying trees plays host to the gi-clad Ansatsuken master.
His eyes closed, the nomad launches fluidly through perfectly executed katas, every motion on attack and defense flowing together with honed precision. Fists and feet produce the sort of pronounced, audible rush through the air one might expect of a massive weapon, exerting impressive leverage indeed. His legs slice the air, carry him upwards into aerial attacks, into a tumbling landing and a ferocious rising uppercut. He isn't here to jog - he ran to get here, cut through miles of undergrowth. He's nearly to the bay, nearly to his destination... or more accurately, the marker for the next leg of his journey. Of course, a former US Martial Arts champ is the last person he expects to be sharing the jungle, much less racing his way through the wilderness like he's being chased by asianses already.

batman says, "SWEAR TO ME!!!!"

Even before Charlie's trained eyes spot the other man sharing his jungle path, his vigilantes - set up in various sniping spots in the jungle - notice the man running ahead, and radio the information to their Lieutenant. Taking the information in without slowing his pace, Nash ducks and rolls under a neck-height exploisive tripwire, the thin string barely visible amongst the jungle canopy... but not nearly invisible enough to escape the soldier. Coming out of the roll without so muc as slowing down, the Vigilante leader speaks over the radio to his soldiers stationed throughout his jungle course.

"Stay hidden, no one fire. I'll get his attention.." he grunts, before changing his course to move towards the white-gi clad fighter. Crashing through the underbrush and thick canopy without so much as a break in his step, Charlie soon bursts out into something of a clearing, and within visual distance of the man that he immediately recognizes as Ryu.

While he has never personally introduced himself to the well-known world warrior, Charlie is well aware of him from the Vigilantes world-class intel, knowing that he is a man who has opposed Shadaloo time and time again. A fellow warrior of justice... but one who remains relatively anti-social and mysterious all the same, shunning most cooperation and companionship.

"Ryu.." he says, just loud enough to be picked up by the other fighter. He's just watching for a reaction from the world renowned fighter.. he really doesn't know what to expect.

batman says, "DO I LOOK LIKE A COP?!?!?"

The fact that he's being shadowed doesn't go unnoticed by the nonetheless introverted nomad. Ryu isn't a telepath, but he also doesn't feel particularly threatened by military scouts. He goes on about his business, which as it frequently does, involves training. The special forces types attached to Charlie's unit are one step shy of ghosts, but they make noise, they shift the wind, they prepare firearms.... they touch on the warrior's sixth... or maybe even SEVENTH sense. None so much as Charlie himself, however, as Lieutenant Nash approaches as the unit's 'diversion'. More like main frickin' tank.
The katas cease, and the King of Fighters rises to a slightly wide, relaxed stance. His sparring glove covered hands (FOR YOUR PROTECTION) rise, tightening the knot in his long red headband, and he drops them to his side, dark eyes considering the military man as he bursts from the jungle, little surprise showing at the sudden arrival of one of the USA's finest. He studies Charlie a moment after he's identified verbally, and then the Ansatsuken master places the notable fighter, "Charlie." He offers back simply, nodding once, respectfully, "There are armed men around us. ... yours?" The question is an obvious afterthought, after the polite, unflinchingly calm notification.

"Of course," he says in response to Ryu's question, "But you already knew that, I'm sure." Charlie knows who he's dealing with here - one doesn't have to be as plugged into the international intelligence community as he is to know that the Ansatsuken warrior is a mighty foe indeed. If he noticed the soldiers, and thought them hostile, he has little doubt that even soldiers as talented as his men would have little hope of defense. Himself? Well, that would be another story entirely.

Taking a couple more measured steps into the clearing, Lieutenant Nash whispers out into his radio once more - "Spread out, circle around us. Keep an eye out. Anything comes this way, I want to know the second you spot it." After all, it would be all too sweet a chance for someone like Vega to strike now, eliminating two of his major rivals at the same time. And that's just not the sort of risk that Charlie is willing to take.. no, the world -needs- men like him and Ryu, to stand against evil, to protect the innocent. Sure, they have different ways of going about it, but the same goal in the end.

"I'm interested to know what you're doing in a place like this, warrior. The local dojo filled up?"

"There are times that a dojo is too limiting. To know one's self, one must know the world." Ryu answers smoothly, barely taking any sort of time to think about the response, "Travel too far inward, or lose the path in the journey outward, and a warrior can find his intuition replaced with self-importance." It seems to make perfect sense to the Ansatsuken master, and serve as ample explanation. He turns to glance around as Charlie orders his soldiers to move, however... tracking the movement when he knows, for certain, that they're moving. One key essential of wilderness survival: innate awareness of and alertness to proximity, "It is important to change one's perspective, to breathe the air. To train the mind and spirit, not just the body. Why are you here?" The nomad's head cants to the side slightly, a quizzical, sincerely curious look on his sternly chiseled features.
It's a simple frankness that's rare to find - assuming it's not faked. He has little compunction sharing the information with Charlie, nor does he seem the least threatened by the legendary unit, which he's obviously at least heard of. Vega? No, Ryu doesn't seem to fear ambush either. On at LEAST one of these counts, it's probably because Gouken kept dropping him on his head as a baby, to test his natural resilience.

"A man in my position benefits greatly from staying sharp, Ryu," explains the Vigilante leader, crossing his arms as he tracks the rearrangement of his soldiers in the forest - looking out of the corner of his eye, not doing anything to give away their movement.. although he's fairly certain a man as in tune with his surroundings as Ryu would be able to notice regardless. "I am, after all, a wanted man. I can't be going and letting myself get soft... not until I do what's necessary to bring evil to justice.."

His voice possesses a strong sense of righteousness, his tone steely and calm as he rails against the criminals that corrupt the heart of this world. Men like Vega, Geese Howard, Rugal Bernstein... it is these men that Charlie hunts, longing to bring them to justice, to make them answer for their crimes against humanity.

"You know, you're something of a legend these days.." he says, not sounding the least bit impressed - but respectful, nonetheless. "I've fought against your friend, Ken Masters... a talented practitioner of your style.. but I must say, I'm interested in how I'd fare against the great Ryu Failure."

Batman says, "You would fail."

Death does not wait for you to be ready. Death is not considerate OR fair. Ryu simply nods quiet agreement with Charlie's words. It does indeed pay to be attentive, always prepared. Ryu has never really considered himself a 'hero', never set out to put a stop to the world's tragedies, though he's ended more than his share. Never tried to end the suffering of people everywhere, though he's never failed to act when he's seen it. It's a strange paradox, and it causes plenty of trouble with Charlie's list of friends. None of them seem to understand why a man of Ryu's power does what he does, and perhaps it's that more than anything that makes the nomad in the white gi such a focal point for trouble.
That aura of strength is undeniable, however. Where other warriors of his calibre might veritably overflow with energy, Ryu's is collected, centered, a fully-charged capacitor flowing with an impressive inner control and emotional calm, the power flowing through him, focusing within, coursing through the nomad with the rush of the wind itself. His headband flutters out to the side as Charlie speaks of Ken, and his curiousities. His fear of failure. It seems this Lieutenant Nash makes his living on making sure no one can get the drop on him. Ryu's brows narrow for a few passing moments, thoughtful. Then he smiles slightly, and shifts one foot forward, widening his stance ever so slightly, "I try never to listen to media hype." The King of Fighters answers simply, extending one gloved hand forward, the other coiling back on a powerfully corded arm, "But I would be glad to spar with you, if you would like. Come at me when you're ready." Just that simple. The man DOES love to fight. His deep brown eyes are already several shiny shades brighter.

COMBATSYS: Ryu has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ryu              0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Charlie has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Charlie

Batman says, "I will go back to Got Ham and I will fight men like this but I will not become an executioner."

Sakura bed :U

COMBATSYS: Ryu has left the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Charlie          0/-------/-------|

A small smirk passes across Charlie's lips as the mysterious fighter in front of him offers a chance to spar. Little entertains him more than the chance to test his abilities on a relative unknown... while Ryu's numerous matches have been broadcast throughout the world, Lieutenant Nash still revels in the opportunity to go toe-to-toe with a living legend. He knows what to expect as far as style and stances go, given his experience with Ken's version of Ansatsuken karate, but he cannot speak for Ryu's skill level. Who knows what sorts of surprises the man in the white gi might hold for him?

"Excellent.." states Charlie simply, straightening his stance and clicking his booted heels together as he prepares himself for battle. "Don't worry about my men," he says gruffly, trying to put Ryu's mind at ease, "They're not under orders to gun you down... simply protection against any outside aggressors. I'm sure you understand.."

And even if he doesn't - even if Ryu has no idea what it's like to be -truly- hunted, to have the most dangerous and most corrupt men on the earth wanting you dead - it doesn't matter. It'll take a goddamn nuclear bomb to displace those soldiers, their trained eyes staring through binoculars, some of them watching the fight, the others watching the outside perimeter, looking for any sign of movement.

Launching into a straight run towards his foe, Charlie almost immediately throws out a right hook - but he's not aiming the fist at his opponent.. no, he's still a couple dozen feet away from the man. It's the blueish-orange crescent of chi energy that is the primary threat, the projectile spinning through the air as it rapidly closes the distance to Ryu...

A small smirk passes across Charlie's lips as the mysterious fighter in front of him offers a chance to spar. Little entertains him more than the chance to test his abilities on a relative unknown... while Ryu's numerous matches have been broadcast throughout the world, Lieutenant Nash still revels in the opportunity to go toe-to-toe with a living legend. He knows what to expect as far as style and stances go, given his experience with Ken's version of Ansatsuken karate, but he cannot speak for Ryu's skill level. Who knows what sorts of surprises the man in the white gi might hold for him?

"Excellent.." states Charlie simply, straightening his stance and clicking his booted heels together as he prepares himself for battle. "Don't worry about my men," he says gruffly, trying to put Ryu's mind at ease, "They're not under orders to gun you down... simply protection against any outside aggressors. I'm sure you understand.."

And even if he doesn't - even if Ryu has no idea what it's like to be -truly- hunted, to have the most dangerous and most corrupt men on the earth wanting you dead - it doesn't matter. It'll take a goddamn nuclear bomb to displace those soldiers, their trained eyes staring through binoculars, some of them watching the fight, the others watching the outside perimeter, looking for any sign of movement.

So what does Charlie do? Rush forward to take Ryu on in close-quarters? Hang back and throw sonic booms to try and weaken the legendary fighter from a distance? He's got to use his head in this match, that much is clear... the list of martial artists and warriors that have gone up against the Ansatsuken master and lost is a long one indeed, and Lieutenant Nash would hate to give the karate expert anything less than a full workout. So, with that in mind, Charlie spots a C4 charge planted on a tree not too many feet away from Ryu - knowing instantly the explosive power of that particular type of charge, the Vigilante leader calculates on-the-fly that, if he can set that thing off, it has a damn good chance of tearing his opponent's back to shreds before he can hit the ground. It's obvious that Ryu hasn't noticed the charge, as only a fool would place themselves that close to a live C4 pack unless they weren't aware of it's presence... heavy explosives are nature's deterrant, after all.

Not knowing what to expect as far as reaction time, Charlie decides that detonating the pack remotely is his best opening move... throw the Ansatsuken master off balance, let him know that he's dealing with an opponent who will make -full- use of his surroundings. But, his men have the detonator, and it simply wouldn't be sporting to involve them.. no, this match is one-on-one.. with that in mind, Lieutenant Nash digs into the pockets of his camo vest, pulling out a torch - which he smashes on the branch of a nearby tree, lighting it and tossing the flaming torch at the C4 charge just behind Ryu.


COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Charlie's Strong Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Charlie

A fool... or a man totally confident in his abilities against the tools of war. Which isn't to say the charge wasn't entirely under Ryu's radar, until Charlie makes his opening gambit by hurling an incindiary at that aforementioned explosive. Ryu shifts, turning one side towards the source of the explosion, crouching down and flexing one arm as he covers his features and body with that bent arm and leg as best he can, the explosion roaring through the jungle, a superheated blast all around the nomad. It singes the edges of his gi, rips a few more tatters in the already-weathered white fabric, but the jungle reaving explosive does little to stun or distract the King of Fighters, in the end. A crimson gloved hand whips through the last vestiges of the explosion, winding back, and then Ryu's legs flex, forcing him out of his crouch, as his right hand swings back around, all the weight of his frame behind it.
It's a motion that closes the distance between himself and Charlie in the blink of an eye, throwing himself forward, just off the ground, as he commits fully to the tightly wound-up uppercut, his clenched fist crashing straight for the Vigilante's jaw, his own attempt at opening the fight with a boom.
"Haaaaaaah!!!" sounds the focused kiai, synchronized with the fulfillment of that all-out strike. Charlie's already shown how he wants to play it! But the nomad has all the weapons he desires right at his fingertips, and toes.

COMBATSYS: Charlie blocks Ryu's Fierce Punch.

[  \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Ryu              0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0          Charlie

The two men are barely seconds into their fight, and Ryu has already shown himself to be above the level of most fighters alive - the sort of trick that Charlie just pulled would've been enough to put most anyone at a serious disadvantage. But he hadn't factored in the Ansatsuken master's peak reflexes and agility, one of the few people alive who are fast enough to react to the surprise explosion of C4, actually able to crouch down and weather the blast before it engulfs him.

'Mentally taking note of just how quick Ryu's reaction time -really- is, Lieutenant Nash isn't looking to give him time to recover... and indeed, it doesn't appear as though the Japanese man -needs- any. With his opponent launching upwards in what looks to be a jaw-crackingly powerful uppercut, the Vigilante leader has little choice but to go back on the defensive, not wanting to attempt interrupting such a powerful blow with a strike of his own.

One mighty forearm rises up into the path of Ryu's fist, the powerful appendage absorbing the force behind the punch with little visible effort. The man in the white gi isn't so much as rewarded with a single grunt from the military man, his defense of the powerful uppercut seemingly effortless.

Moving swiftly, Charlie seeks to grip onto his opponent's wrist before the legendary fighter is able to draw his arm away...

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Ryu with Flying Buster Drop.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////   ]
Ryu              0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0          Charlie

The two men are barely seconds into their fight, and Ryu has already shown himself to be above the level of most fighters alive - the sort of trick that Charlie just pulled would've been enough to put most anyone at a serious disadvantage. But he hadn't factored in the Ansatsuken master's peak reflexes and agility, one of the few people alive who are fast enough to react to the surprise explosion of C4, actually able to crouch down and weather the blast before it engulfs him.

'Mentally taking note of just how quick Ryu's reaction time -really- is, Lieutenant Nash isn't looking to give him time to recover... and indeed, it doesn't appear as though the Japanese man -needs- any. With his opponent launching upwards in what looks to be a jaw-crackingly powerful uppercut, the Vigilante leader has little choice but to go back on the defensive, not wanting to attempt interrupting such a powerful blow with a strike of his own.

One mighty forearm rises up into the path of Ryu's fist, the powerful appendage absorbing the force behind the punch with little visible effort. The man in the white gi isn't so much as rewarded with a single grunt from the military man, his defense of the powerful uppercut seemingly effortless.

Moving swiftly, Charlie seeks to grip onto his opponent's wrist before the legendary fighter is able to draw his arm away...

Grabbing firm hold of Ryu's wrist, the leader of the Vigilantes thrusts his other arm forward, gripping the back of the man's white karate gi in his second hand. He knows he's got to act fast while he's got a solid grip on his opponent - he can't take anything for granted against such an obviously skilled opponent, he's got to make every chance count. So, with that in mind, he crouches low and flexes the muscles in his legs and arms, preparing for the sheer exertion necessary to perform the next technique..

Hefting Ryu up, the man's stomach resting painfully on his sharp, solid shoulders, Charlie leaps up high into the air - almost clearing the jungle canopy, despite the massive load he is carrying on his shoulders. Falling back down to the ground with dangerous velocity, the Lieutenant lands in a crouch, the force of the landing -slamming- Ryu's poorly protected midsection onto the man's shoulders.

Letting his opponent roll off to the side, Charlie himself goes into a roll in the opposite direction - looking to create some distance between him and the Ansatsuken master, who is expecting to be more unharmed by the attack than the average foe.

Throwing all his weight into the attack, Ryu is poorly positioned to retract his offensive when Charlie's defenses prove strong indeed. It's not to say he doesn't try - even as his uppercut is deflected, he twists away, kicking out to reverse his momentum, and landing steady on the sandy ground. He slides slightly, turns... prepares to leap away, and then his wrist is grabbed, twisted painfully, and he's dragged up, and then LAUNCHED up. He can do little in the disorienting ascent and subsequent fall to avoid the inevitable impact of that reunion with the ground. It's not the rib-breaking crack that Charlie might expect, however. Ryu's still entirely alert, despite being effectively held inert for the moment... his muscles taught, his abdomen not as vulnerable as one might expect. He's just relaxed enough not to tear apart with the drop, and tense enough that the air is still in his lungs as he's dropped free, landing in a roll of his own.
It's a recovery that's only a hair's breadth shy of Charlie's own tumble, as Ryu comes up in a crouch, hands cupped at his side, a smile on his face. Yes, that stung... he can feel the pain all up one side of his chest and stomach. But it's something he's more than used to, and it barely slows him down.
Both hands shoot forward, and almost instantly, nigh effortlessly, an impressive surge of the nomad's inner, fiery strength roars to the fore in a swirling, shimmering blue fireball that erupts from both palms and threatens to impact with searing intensity right across the recovering Vigilante's own torso, its crackling fire lighting up the jungle as the Ansatsuken wanderer intones fiercely, "HADOOOUKEN!!"

COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Charlie with Hadouken.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Ryu              0/-------/---====|=====--\-------\0          Charlie

There's not much one can do against a projectile thrown from only a few feet away - especially one that comes out like a cannon shot, such as Ryu's trademark Hadouken. Charlie has barely come out of his roll and back to a standing position, before he is struck in the chest by the burning ball of chi, the energy running over his body and singing the front of his vest before dissipating. But the chi blast isn't enough to stun the hardy soldier, as he is already throwing out a right hook before the energy that struck him has disappeared.

But the fist itself isn't meant to strike Ryu, as they are still several feet away.. no, it's the crescent of chi energy that follows that is the real threat. The bluish-orange projectile spins through the air at supersonic speeds, although the velocity is somewhat slowed due to Charlie not having fully prepared for the attack..

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Ryu with Sonic Boom.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Ryu              0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0          Charlie


The yell from Charlie pierces the jungle sounds surrounding them, as his crescent of chi energy strikes his target - exploding outwards in a concussive blast not unlike that of a grenade.

The Hadouken comes out fast, it's true. The conjuring of the necessary chi is something Ryu has practiced - and rather soundly mastered. Still, there's something to be said for the follow-up that Charlie offers. It's fast, powerful, and before he can fully regain his footing, the answering blast is upon him. As the golden chi explodes, staggering the nomad backwards, it's all he can do to make sure his feet keep pace with his momentum. Nearly toppling, but finally finding his footing, he shoves back through the dissipating blast and rushes straight at Charlie. Unhesitating, the gi-clad fighter seeks to take the fight right back to the Vigilante, lunging in and seeking to plant a shoulder into his chest - not in a rushing tackle as one might expect, but instead Ryu twists as he charges, grabbing for Charlie's wrist and seeking to use his shoulder as a fulcrum by which to flip the powerful soldier up, around, and /slam/ him firmly into the ground on the other side, rather abruptly indeed, before, ideally, stepping clear of his opponent.

COMBATSYS: Charlie endures Ryu's Seoi Nage.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Ryu              0/-------/=======|=======\=------\1          Charlie

Charlie, despite his years of training and experience, is simply not quick enough to get out of the path of Ryu's charging shoulder - but that isn't to say that he's not smart enough to make the best of a bad situation. When his wrist is gripped by the Ansatsuken master, he bends his captured hand to grab hold onto his foe's wrist as well.. he's definitely going for a ride, but the karate expert is going to find that, when he attempts to move away, he cannot - as Charlie's grip remains constant, keeping the man in close quarters.

"You're not going anywhere.." says Lieutenant Nash, his voice low and gruff as he prepares himself in a crouching position.. before suddenly releasing Ryu's wrist. But the Ansatsuken master has barely a split-second to move away before the soldier follows up with a devastating attack. Rising up in a leaping backflip, Charlie aims to plant one of his chi-infused legs underside Ryu's chin. If he strikes with this initial blow, the sheer force is enough to juggle the karate gi-clad man up into the air - Charlie himself following with two more similar backflip kicks, before falling back down to the earth in a crouch.

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Ryu with Somersault Justice.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Ryu              0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0          Charlie

Charlie takes the trip to the surprisingly hard ground (Ryu has found it to be fairly harsh, at least) with impressive resilience. Not that the nomad expected any less from the deadly soldier. Indeed, as soon as Charlie is flipped free, he steps back, his motions quick, precise... every step as sure as Charlie's own, but the US champion takes the Ansatsuken master by surprise with the sheer speed of the impressive assault, and he's cut higher, and higher into the canopy, launched free through the trees and out of the woods, crashing in a sand-spraying tumble down towards the water's edge. That... that one hurt. He spits a bit of blood and saliva onto the sand, and shoves himself upwards with one hand, rising in one fluid motion despite his injuries. The nomad cracks his neck to the side, and grunts lightly, pushing past the pain.
Or perhaps dwelling within the ferocity of that technique, the intense turns of this battle. Indeed, the surge of chi within him is more than tangible, a wisping, light blue fire burning off his frame visibly in an ever-intensifying aura. The sand at his feet blows outwards, the ground itself rumbles mildly, Ryu closes his eyes, draws a deep breath.
When he opens them again, they are focused fully on Charlie, with a renewed respect... and a deeper focus, "I wouldn't think of running away." The Wanderer answers coolly, "We are not nearly finished."

COMBATSYS: Ryu focuses on his next action.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Ryu              0/-------/--=====|=------\-------\0          Charlie

One hand rising to his face, Charlie takes a moment to push his glasses a bit further up his nose, grinning slightly as he watches his legendary opponent spit some blood onto the jungle floor. Calmly coming to a standing position, the Vigilante leader doesn't move to press his advantage at this time - were this less of a friendly spar and more of a fight to the end, he wouldn't allow Ryu the chance to get his sesnses back.

No, he doesn't want to push to end the fight - he's not satisfied with what he's seen of the wandering warrior's abilities. Not yet... after all, he's doing surprisingly well, and he can spare the stamina and the strength to stretch this fight out a bit. See what Ryu is -really- capable of.

"Glad we agree on that," he says confidently, falling back into a defensive position as he tenses his muscles, gathering his strength for the second leg of the fight. "Let's see what you're really capable of!" he shouts, goading the Ansatsuken master to attack him.

COMBATSYS: Charlie gathers his will.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Ryu              0/-------/--=====|=====--\-------\0          Charlie

Ryu doesn't need to be goaded much - as he gathers his wits, refreshes his senses, and prepares himself to fight on, Charlie does much the same. He can feel the soldier's own strength gathering, impressive indeed - he can see why this warrior was a match for Ken Masters. The nomad's dark eyes narrow, he releases a deep breath, and his stance slides wide as a particularly fervent wave washes up the shore, splashing over his feet. His hands drop to his sides, and his attention remains focused on Charlie. Only his opponent, only the fight, the rhythm of everything else sounds in time with the movements of both fighters. He draws in another deep breath, his muscles tense, and the instants flow at normal speed once more - so fast, in fact, that one has to replay the subtleties to see precisely what occurs.
In an instant, the Ansatsuken master's flexing arms shove forward, and a roiling blast of rampant crimson energy erupts, surging over and around itself in a hurtling, meteoric blast of molten-hot energy, the literal fireball scorching the sand itself, burning the edges of the flora where Charlie stands as it hurtles in on the Vigilante. While like the first only in a familial sense, this blast is also echoed by the trademark, focused cry, "HADOOOOUKEN!!!"

COMBATSYS: Charlie blocks Ryu's Shakunetsu Hadouken.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Ryu              0/-------/-======|======-\-------\0          Charlie

Ah, that's more like it - even as Ryu gathers the energy necessary for the hadouken, he can tell it is a more powerful blast of chi than the previous employed against him. But with the increased distance between the two this time around, the Vigilante is able to prepare himself for the projectile as it burns through the air towards him. Falling into a crouch and raising his shoulder and arm into the path of the hadouken, Charlie's appendage absorbs the majority of the chi energy, the heat singing his arm and causing the soldier to grit his teeth for but a moment.

"Alright... my turn!" he yells, rushing forward over the jungle ground towards his legendary opponent. As he approaches striking distance of the karate expert, Charlie leaps forward and upwards, heading towards Ryu with a vicious knee that aims to send him flying backwards.

COMBATSYS: Charlie successfully hits Ryu with Knee Bazooka.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Ryu              1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0          Charlie

Once again, Charlie's offense proves faster than Ryu's defense. His feet shift in the sand, but the Vigilante's high velocity launch catches him before the versatile warrior can commit to his course - the knee crashes hard into his chest, and Ryu spins one full rotation, coming about in a three-point crouch, jaw clenched as he takes the bruising impact like a MAN, and throws himself right back into the fray! Lurching back upwards, Ryu all but launches himself with his right foot, which shoots around and up in a ferocious, blurring axe-kick on a collision course with the landing Charlie's jaw. The blow holds little back - the force is still not the rending, lethal intensity of the style's 'ultimate' form, but it would still easily kill most men. Break the neck, more than likely.
By this point, the King of Fighters knows Charlie's strength, however. He knows what he'll need if he is to triumph here, and what kind of effort it will take to really give the Vigilante a workout. It's rare that his wanderings yield a warrior of this calibre... and he means to make the most of it. A fierce kiai sounds as Ryu throws his weight behind the kick, intending to shift and drop his heel harshly into Charlie's face should he be staggered by the initial blow. So far, the Vigilante has rained powerful strikes down on the mysterious nomad relentlessly... his technique is difficult to quantify, and that makes it all the more challenging. Somehow, Ryu just keeps coming back stronger, more determined.

COMBATSYS: Charlie fails to interrupt Strong Kick from Ryu with Somersault Shell.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Ryu              1/------=/=======|=======\-------\0          Charlie

Ryu's charge forward gives Charlie enough time to plan a defense - even going so far as to start crouching down, aiming to interrupt the man's assault with a savage somersault kick. But the world warrior surprises Lieutenant Nash once again with his speed, closing the distance between them faster than expected, catching the soldier underside the chin with his brutal axe-kick.

His head snapping back savagely, a small spout of blood erupts from Charlie's mouth, the arc travelling upwards and behind him as his glasses fly off his face - following the same path through the air. It's not often that he gets hit with a kick like -that-, but he's not as dazed as one might expect - having the concentration to throw himself into a backflip, reaching into the air with one-hand in mid-flip to grab his flying spectacles before they strike the ground.

Coming out of the flip and landing on his feet, Nash quickly places his eyeglasses back on his face, rolling his shoulders and wiping away a trail of blood from the side of his lip. He's obvioulsy stunned, taking a few moments to breathe heavily and regain his composure.. a rare occurence for the ever-enduring soldier.

"Impressive strength.." he offers as a compliment, "I'm glad to see the rumors of your power aren't misplaced."

There's no mistaking the stance that Charlie was moving into - so similar to the earlier application of military boot and cleaving energy. By delivering the fierce kick moments earlier, Ryu is well aware he saved himself a notable measure of further hurt. The Vigilante's potent offense is impressive indeed, and so Ryu steps up his game in an attempt to match it. His leg snaps back underneath him as quickly as the kick was thrown, the nomad shifting his weight lightly from foot to foot, weaving forward on Charlie even as the soldier flips away. He pauses long enough to nod in thanks for the compliment, and once more he lowers his hands to his side, eyes locked on the skilled Vigilante, "It's being thoroughly tested, today." The words are confident, respectful, steady, and punctuated by a crisp flash of energy between his braced, opposing palms. The brilliant gleam seems to steal light from their surroundings, rather than illuminate, a brilliant point of energy that suddenly erupts into a coruscating vortex of rampant chi, "SHIIIIINKUUUUUUUUUU...." the Wanderer incants, corded arms tenseing, sweat running down his face in the jungle heat. The swirling vortex doubles, and redoubles, an immense black hole of cerulen energy, flaring wildly as Ryu forces the blast forward, the rampaging burst swirling about itself, a trench erupting in the sand as it blows all that is in its path not away.... but simply /consumes/ it it in an unrelenting flight for the elite soldier, "HADOOOOOOUKEEEEN!!!!" comes the punctuating cry, the culmination of the Ansatsuken master's focused spirit bearing down on his skilled adversary.

COMBATSYS: Charlie dodges Ryu's Shinkuu Hadouken.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0          Charlie

Damn, this kid sure loves his projectiles...

Of course, Charlie can tell instantly that this gathering of energy isn't necessary for his opponent to launch his usual type of Hadouken... rather, Ryu appears to be summoning his power for a much deadlier blast of chi than he has previously employed against the expert soldier. Lieutenant Nash knows -instantly- that this isn't something he wants to be caught in the way of, and indeed, his readiness when the attack is finally loosed plays to his advantage.

As the almost frighteningly large blast of chi comes searing it's way through the jungle air towards him, Charlie prepares himself, biding his time until it seems too late for him to avoid the deadly projectile hurtling forward. But, at the last possible second, he drops into a crouch - leaping up into the air, his path carrying him safely over the chi blast, which continues to travel through the air until it strikes a tree several yards back, the impact absolutely splintering the massive thing.

Shooting a quick glance behind him to survey the damage, Charlie can't help but let out a little chuckle. "Good thing I wasn't standing in the way of that.." he says with a smirk, turning his eyes back to Ryu and sizing up his opponent. Although he may not show it, Charlie knows that the man is significantly the worse for wear from their little encounter.. his strength, his reflexes.. are not the same that he came into the fight with. Of course, the same is true for Lieutenant Nash, but he tries to fight past the fatigue, the injuries..

His trained gaze spotting a claymore out of the corner of his eye, Charlie rushes in towards Ryu - attempting to grab hold of the man and hip-throw him into the front of the claymore, planted there for his obstacle run and now surving a more useful purpose.. that is, assuming Ryu doesn't find some way of avoiding the throw.

COMBATSYS: Ryu dodges Charlie's Strong Throw.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Ryu              0/-------/-------|=======\-------\0          Charlie

Now -that- is some impressive footwork! It seems Ryu underestimated Charlie's defensive speed, after spending so much of his focus on getting around the soldier's impeccable attack tact. He can't help but smile slightly as the Vigilante hurls himself away from the Shinkuu Hadouken, the attack that the nomad expected to finish their little spar. This fighter is full of surprises. Despite he fatigue he also feels, the ache in his limbs from bruises from fist and energy, Ryu also remains focused on the fight, intent on seeing their conflict through to the very end, "Your reputation is understated, in comparison. I take it you don't spend much of your time on the tournament circuit." All hail the clever Dragon, master of the absolutely obvious.
Charlie's charge is met with footwork of his own, the Ansatsuken master's gaze tracking the Vigilante's movement until the ex-Lieutenant is right on top of him, a sudden twist leaving Ryu stepping clear as Nash reaches for the empty air, lunging into the space where his opponent just stood.
Stepping back forward, the Wanderer seeks a grip of his own, grappling for Charlie's wrist and seeking to wrench backwards with a rather harsh twist, and a subtle, sudden step-kick for his ankle, a two-step motion that is intended to take Charlie violently off his feet, preferably while still overbalanced from his own attack... and then slam him into the ground, led by the back of his head and a sudden application of accelerated leverage.

COMBATSYS: Charlie interrupts Strong Throw from Ryu with Somersault Shell.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  //////                        ]
Ryu              0/-------/---====|=======\=------\1          Charlie

A couple of years ago, Ryu's statement would be false - back then, Charlie Nash was a regular in North American fighting tournaments, when he wasn't knee-dep in jungle mud dodging bullets and grenades, of course. But these days? These days it doesn't -pay- to be as public, not know that he's a wanted man. Every single public exhibition match he places himself in, is a perfect chance for someone from Shadaloo, or one of their US Military puppets to attempt an assassination on him. It's happened before, and Lieutenant Nash is intent on not placing any innocent people or fighters in the path of a Shadaloo rocket meant for him.

"Let's just say I've been busy.. hunting the deadliest prey this world can offer," he states flatly, pausing to run a hand through his ridiculously improbable hair, adjusting his glasses as he gathers his concentration. The fight is getting closer to the end with every blow, each man running out of strength and stamina to keep the battle going at this speed.

As the Vigilante leader rushes in, his grab is dodged deftly by his opponent - followed up by a counter-grip from the Ansatsuken master. He finds his target, but when the attack comes in the form of a sweep kick leveled at the man's legs, the soldier is more prepared than Ryu may have expected.

While he does find his footing robbed from him, Charlie manages to right himself in mid-falling, landing in a crouch with a grunt as he legs absorb the impact. Following up immediately, Lieutenant Nash throws himself upwards in another brutal backflip kick - his right leg, flaming with chi energy, coming to crack Ryu square under the chin. He only has the energy to let loose with one of these somersault kicks though, as opposed to his previous barrage of three. Still, Ryu as injured as he is, it should be enough to cause some serious hurt.

A couple of years ago, Ryu's statement would be false - back then, Charlie Nash was a regular in North American fighting tournaments, when he wasn't knee-dep in jungle mud dodging bullets and grenades, of course. But these days? These days it doesn't -pay- to be as public, not know that he's a wanted man. Every single public exhibition match he places himself in, is a perfect chance for someone from Shadaloo, or one of their US Military puppets to attempt an assassination on him. It's happened before, and Lieutenant Nash is intent on not placing any innocent people or fighters in the path of a Shadaloo rocket meant for him.

"Let's just say I've been busy.. hunting the deadliest prey this world can offer," he states flatly, pausing to run a hand through his ridiculously improbable hair, adjusting his glasses as he gathers his concentration. The fight is getting closer to the end with every blow, each man running out of strength and stamina to keep the battle going at this speed.

As the Vigilante leader rushes in, his grab is dodged deftly by his opponent - followed up by a counter-grip from the Ansatsuken master. He finds his target, but when the attack comes in the form of a sweep kick leveled at the man's legs, the soldier is more prepared than Ryu may have expected.

While he does find his footing robbed from him, Charlie manages to right himself in mid-falling, landing in a crouch with a grunt as he legs absorb the impact. Following up immediately, Lieutenant Nash throws himself upwards in another brutal backflip kick - his right leg, flaming with chi energy, coming to crack Ryu square under the chin. He only has the energy to let loose with one of these somersault kicks though, as opposed to his previous barrage of three. Still, Ryu as injured as he is, it should be enough to cause some serious hurt.
The air parts, and the arc of energized sound reaves through Ryu as surely as Charlie's ascending, potently booted kick. His assault suitably aborted, the nomad's gi-top rips along an angular gash that rises red on his chest as he's sent hurtling off into the jungle canopy. A branch is snapped, leaves come flushing downward, and Ryu actually crashes /through/ the trunk of the last in his path, dropping like a rock to the ground. He lands heavily on one knee, and one elbow, sprawled over himself and breathing heavily in a new indentation in the soft ground. His dark eyes rise to Charlie, probably envying the Vigilante his landing.
There's a nod of respect as Ryu rises - but he does not hesitate long enough for more congratulations. This is an all-out fight, against a worthy adversary indeed - he can see what Ken saw in this spirited warrior, and despite the lengthy battle, the Ansatsuken Master rushes back into it with all-out fervor, seeking to overwhelm Charlie before he can fully prepare a followup. The offensive is as sudden as it is dangerous: Ryu leaps the last span of distance in a blurring forward jump, snapping his right foot out and around, his momentum redoubling in the rotorblade spin as he whirls forward levelling kick after brutal kick at his opponent's skull and collarbone, the wind itself seeming to rush /inward/ and up around Ryu as he hammers forward, intoning the fervent, trademarked, "TATSUMAKI SENPUUUUU KYAKU!!!"

COMBATSYS: Ryu successfully hits Charlie with Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku.
- Power hit! -

Charlie watches Ryu carefully - noticing each sign of injury or pain, no matter how slight, his analytical mind and sheer experience calculating just how close the mysterious warrior is to giving in, just how much -more- punishment the Japanese man can take. And despite Ryu's best efforts to present a solid front, Lieutenent Nash knows that he's hurting, knows that he's close to falling - not that he doubts the man's willpower or ability, but one can only take -so much- of a beating. Even the best of us have our breaking points, and the leader of the Vigilantes senses that his opponent is reaching his...

But it would appear as though Ryu has more than one trick left up his sleeve, as he launches into one of the trademark techniques of his style - the hurricane kick, or as it's known in Japanese, random mumbo-jumbo because all asian languages are bullshit and if you're not a godless communist you use the fucking American name, you worthless pieces of shit. Exhausted as he is from pulling off the somersault kick in the midst of an attack, Charlie has neither the energy nor the time to dodge out of the way of the swift series of kicks that come flying his way - getting nailed by each and every one, his glasses flying off in the onslaught as blood flows freely from his mouth and now-busted nose. There's little doubt that this fight is -over- for Lieutenant Nash, and many of the men watching his fight let out a barely audible groan as they watch their leader take such brutal kicks to the face.

When the onslaught is over, Ra's Al Ghul simply collapses to one knee, having just weathered a storm of blows that would knock most men straight into unconsciousness - but he's suffered more than this foolish young upstart can dish out. He musn't fail in his goal... Gotham MUST be destroyed, no matter the cost - even if his own life is a part of it. Wait, what the fuck just happened there?

CHARLIE NASH is on one knee, and he dribbles blood out of his mouth as he lets out a gruff chuckle, wiping the side of his mouth with his right hand as he pulls himself back to his feet, staring across the clearing at his foe - suitably worse for wear, but not quite as bloodied. "You're not bad, kid..." he grumbles as he pulls out a cigarette from his blood-stained vest, lighting it with an american flag-adorned Zippo lighter before sucking deeply on the flaming stick of manliness, exhaling a giant cloud of smoke that disappears into the jungle canopy above. "But I just -gotta- see what you do... against -THIS-!" he says, the cigarette still clenched in his mouth as he throws himself forward, leading with a series of punches and kicks - which aren't actually meant to strike anything but air... no, it's the bursts of chi that follow - four crescents of concussive energy - that pose the real threat, as they hurtle through the air towards Ryu's position.

COMBATSYS: Charlie can no longer fight.
COMBATSYS: Ryu blocks Charlie's Sonic Break.

Ryu is breathing even heavier as he drops out of the spinning sequence of brutal, roundhousing blows. His feet land heavily on the jungle floor, and his hand touches the ground before he's fully stopped descending. Exhausted as he is, however, it's nothing compared to the landing Charlie gets to endure - knocked delusional and crashing into the grass, Ryu's gaze merely tracks the landing of his bloodied, and undeniably equally capable adversary. He doesn't have a lot of fight left in him, either, but the warrior in the tattered white gi is known for one thing about all: fighting with more than his all, right to the end - and sometimes way past where that end rightfully should be. The nomad coils in on himself, stablizing his crouch, centering his chi, as the blasting crescents of energy reave the air all around him, shockwaves ripping explosively through his ears, crashing energy washing over his battered frame, the jungle erupting all around him as if being bombarded by militants.r The Ansatsuken Master's limbs sting, his body aches, and against the odds he grits his teeth, and... falls forward.
Gasping for breath, one palm presses to the (relatively) cool grass, and he spits blood off to the side. Then the nomad does that thing he does, and puts one foot underneath himself, then the other, staggering upwards to his feet to face the spent Nash, "Well... fought." he murmurs, a somewhat distant light in his eyes as he observes Charlie, more intently than even before, "You cleave a clear purpose through everything you do.... unflinching, certain." It isn't flattery - if anything it's more neutral, even worrisome to Ryu. He cants his head to the right, "I wonder if you have fully realized the consequences of your crusade. Is it worth it?"
An important question, but is it ever? The complexities of the universe weave ever deeper before the nomad, but it is still within him to hope that some of the time, perhaps it is. Even necessary - regardless of the inevitable.
Taking a few deep puffs on his cigarette as Ryu speaks, Charlie's eyes narrow as he listens to Ryu speak - it's not the first time that someone has called into question his quest for justice... and a point could be made that Lieutenant Nash threw away his career and his life to hunt Shadaloo, to make evil men account for their crimes. But he has little doubt that what he does is for the good of all mankind, and any sacrifices that he and his men make - all the blood and sweat they have poured, all the fallen comrades, who have come as a result of their grand crusade. They are wanted men - not only by those they hunt, but by their own corrupt government, and various agencies that view them as dangerous vigilantes... men who act outside of the law, because the law has become a system that thrives on graft and corruption. It cannot be trusted.

"You see all the angles, don't you?" says Charlie with a derisive chuckle, eyes scanning the treeline as he watches over his men - ensuring that they are maintining a defensive perimeter. "You know what's best for everyone, but you're too busy fighting in tournaments, proving what a -talented- warrior you are, to do something that -matters-. To do what is -necessary- to fight injustice. Any price I've paid has been more than worth it, to keep men like Vega and Rugal from thinking they have free reign over this earth. To show them that there are those among us who will stand up for what is right... -no matter- the consequences."

"So go ahead, carry on with your wanderings, brave warrior. Go fight in Geese Howard's little Saturday night stage-show. Leave -us- to do the -real- work, the work that -needs- to be done.." Flicking his half-smoken cigarette into the ground at his feet, the wounded and barely-standing Charlie stomps out the smoking butt with his boot.

"There will always be demons to hunt, Charlie Nash." The Wanderer answers smoothly, seemingly unphased by the insinuations. His tone remains even, as calm and at-ease as it had been, his attention still on the unusual Vigilante, "Just as there will always be hunters every bit as bad. It is a difficult line to see, after awhile." His stance rights, and he takes a step off to the side, drawing a deep, smoother breath, "When one becomes too focused on one goal, they can become ignorant to the hardships of others - or even the state of their own spirit. I fight to prove nothing.... to do so out of pride serves only to distort one's path. Do not seek to similarly distort the lack of singularity in my purpose as irresponsibility or indifference - you are sorely misinformed if that is what you believe." The nomad's dark eyes do narrow, then, a deeply serious focus to his thoughts... a powerful memory, "I have faced evil you should thank your god you do not know - pursue your crusade, Charlie Nash. You are a noble warrior, and a skilled combatant..." two different things, in Ryu's book, "I pray it does not consume you, and you will not allow it to alienate you from those who could save you."
No, Ryu can't see Charlie's arguably doomed future - he knows this man pursues a great darkness, and also that his cause is guarded, the Vigilante himself already hardened by it. He knows what it takes to pull out of that spiral, to see purpose beyond purpose, and reason beyond reason - something beyond that which seems to dominate every waking moment, and most beyond.
The next breath is more of a sigh, and Ryu turns to walk back towards the jungle, stooping to pick up his duffel, "I will go back to wandering, yes. To paying attention to the small things, and the people the rest of you forget."

The allegation has been made by not just Ryu, but Vega himself, and many others... that Charlie Nash and his crusade to impose his will on an evil world - even if it is for the good of humanity - is the exact same as Vega seeking to impose -his- will upon the earth. Two opposite sides of the same coin... and although there is some merit to the argument - Nash certainly isn't deluded enough to ignore it entirely - it does not warrant him stopping his crusade. It simply ensures an added... caution in the Lieutenant's actions. He does not kill unless he absolutely -has- to - the only individual who he would even consider offing is the leader of Shadaloo himself, if only because he barely qualifies as a human being. He does his best to not let his rage consume him, to remain calm and controlled in -any- situation, no matter how dangerous or stressful.

"You do what you must..." he states coolly as Ryu turns to walk away, giving his men the signal to let the gi-clad individual pass unharmed, "And I will do what -I- must..."

Log created on 22:03:29 08/09/2008 by Ryu, and last modified on 00:58:18 10/23/2008.