Birdie - The Letter B

Description: Birdie hears of a chain fighter in Seijyun. He has no idea what her name is, or if she really is there, and he goes there. Why? Why not. There isn't any reason or rhyme to it other than to test his own strength against other chain fighters in the world! There were no chain gangs hurt in the making of this SNF just a school girl who had it coming.

Well isn't today a nice day! A school for girls, only girls and lots of girls! Hard to get in but not impossible, many people have decided that it's a nice little place where a lot of girls such as Sakura and kin go. Rumors are there's a women who uses chains there.

Birdie, chain user extrodinaire, heard about some girl there that uses them. Using chains is his kinda thing! But you can't actually throw the book at someone else who uses the same weapon. Hell, Birdie might even find her hot. So, for all that it's worth, Birdie goes to Seijyun high. Not in outfit or anythig, but on foot, trudging in and bending the metal fence a ways to get in.

It's okay, it's one of those passages boys from other schools use to get in, ones behind large bushes. Yeah, those.

So now, large, giant, and about seven foot huge, Birdie just trudges into the place, wearing his vest and jeans combo. And he's got some huge chains and shiny hair, one that even supports its own hole in in. "HEY! WHERE ARE YA CHAIN GIRL." Birdie yells, looking at all the huge buildings about.

This is the first time he's been to school!

Well, an all girls school.

He broke into some lockers in other places.

It's one thing when the boys break into Seijyun-- it's a common thing, a fact of life that the staff has come to accept even though they tout their safety and security to the parents during the approrpiate visiting weekends. The seurity tends to stay back so long as there's no incident, since... well, really? The people that break in tend to be able to hospitalize the security staff.

Then again, so can a small percentage of the students.

The first people to see Birdie are two students, between classes and carrying books while chatting. Of course, when they see him, they both point, gawk, and scream everything at the book all at once, from "loser freak" to "gang thug" to "pervert," as well as a jab here or there about his bathing habits.

Hey, they're high schoolers.

After they run toward the dormitories at top speed, the doors burst open as though someone put a boot to them-- but rather than the girl that he wants, a good amount of students looking out to stare and gawk.

With the chain ringing around her neck like an early warning system, the redhead in armored ankle boots walks out to the middle of the campus and folds her arms under her chest, the masked student rolling her head back a little bit.

"You got a problem?"

It's okay. Birdie is a thug, a loser freak, but he isn't no freakin' pervert! Why? Well god damn he's a giant man. He's not coming to a bunch of high schoolers to break into the locker rooms or anything. That'd be something for Choi to do. He's just here to fight. Machismo makes him want to find this chain girl, and beat her up.

Because beating up girls proves you're strong and right. It's just how it works.

And now, as security appears... somewhat, and girls run away, Birdie just holds his position. Obviously if she's here she's gonna be here soon. And sure enough, a redhead with chains and armor comes out. Birdie just smirks, a shit eating grin taking over his gargantuan features. "Yeah, I got a problem." Birdie snorts, "You're usin chain chick-a-dee. An' so am I." The thug states cracking his neck and slumping forward, getting ready for whatever.

"And I think the only way to solve this problem is to beatcha up. Nothing personal, you know? Just heard a rumor and it's true. Can't get any more forward than that."

The arms shift as she listens to Birdie, calling her a 'chick-a-dee' and all. Her left hand dips into the cuff of her right sleeve, her hand affixing to something just inside and pulling. Surprise of surprises-- a chain begins to reel out. "You heard right, though I don't know what any business this is of yours. Or do you need to reinforce your self-esteem by getting your ass handed to you by a girl?"

The chain continues to spill out of her sleeve, until it reaches a point she can't stretch her arms further. Letting it fall to the ground, she lowers that right hand to her side, letting the rest fall slack-- and catching the end before it gets away from her. Wrapping it around her hand to reaffirm her grip, Aoi slowly walks forward and whips her arm out to the side, letting the near-seven feet of metallic links spiral out and crack almost like a whip before bringing her arm up over her shoulder.

"I'll give you until the count of five to leave before I kick your ass," she says, holding her hand up with five fingers spread.

"Five... four..."

The fingers count down as she does.

"Three... two..."

Finally, her thumb coils in.

"... One."

And then she charges.

COMBATSYS: Zaki has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Zaki             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Birdie has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Zaki             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0           Birdie

Birdie watches. So the girl isn't backing down. Good, this will be more fun that way. When is it ever fun when someone backs down from a challenge anyways? Birdie sure as hell never backed down from a challenge! And that's why he actually hunted down Zaki. For a challenge with something he uses. As she pulls out a chain, he himself sort of grips his in his other hand.

And then he licks it, tongue hanging out a little as he recoils a bit, looking towards her. "Heheheh. You think you can kick my ass? Well that's pretty cute of ya. We'll have to see if you can bloody do it." Birdie continues on, watching her play with her chain. She's got a mighty long link of it. But is it as heavy as his? He sure as hell has some mighty huge links.

She counts down, he stands still, waiting to see what she does. Five, four, three, two, he simply just grins, and as she charges at one, well, Birdie even chuckles.

"Hah! Chick-a-dee that wasn't smart!" Birdie calls boisterously as he begins to throw himself powerfully in a charge as well, lowering his head down to try and catch Zaki mid charge with his sharp head of hair. If she doesn't use the chance to do something smart, she might find out why charging a bull ain't very smart. "Gyyaaahhhh!"

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Zaki with Bull Head.

[       \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////////  ]
Zaki             0/-------/----===|=------\-------\0           Birdie

She expected him to charge in at her. She expected him to move faster than his build suggested, and knew tat once he got moving, there's no way a body like his would be able to stop anytime soon. It does surprise her, however, that he still manages to plow right into her as she starts to move aside, caught on his head and both weight and speed sending her into his shoulder. When he stops moving-- if he stops moving-- she tumbles backwards head over heels, but doesn't stay down too horribly long.

Twisting away for a moment, she rolls up to one knee and rises slowly, a certain sort of calm to her even after being hit so hard. A hand at her shoulder, she rolls her neck left and right while the bones pop and snap appropriately, her eyes fixing hard on the giant of a man. "Shitty adults. You dress worse than the guy from the other day. Why don't you put some clothes on? Your mother is crying, you stupid shithead!!"

She suddenly turns away from Birdie and takes a shuffled side-step toward the hulking man her arm rolling forward. The chain cracks like a whip as it comes back down, the metallic links slamming against the ground and screaming toward Birdie like some sort of godforsaken snake. Sparks of energy and light start to burst up from the metal as she drives a little more effort, a little more of herself into the chain, trying to crack the weapon repeatedly against the fellow chainslinger's legs and trip him up!

"My name is Zaki!!"

COMBATSYS: Zaki successfully hits Birdie with Dokuhebi no Tessa.
- Power hit! -

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Zaki             0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

Well, Birdie obviously finds that out the hard way! Her name is obviously worth more than he expects, simply allowing her to get bashed out of the side, and with it, Birdie turns about. Haha. He knows what he's going to do! Well, obviously. He got the first hit in! That's good right? At least, Birdie imagines it as he looks towards the woman sprawled on the ground.

"Hehehehe. Is that the best you got?" Birdie states in a mocking manner, even as she slowly gets back up. "Hey, the hell you sayin'? My clothes are damn fine, you bloody git. You got no idea what you're talking about." Birdie answers even as he begins to walk back towards her. But, he didn't plan on it so well. Instead, he simply finds out as the chain hits him that he's lifting off the ground! Excellent, he made it. Wait, that's hurting. Okay... so he didn't make it.

Birdie simply flips about, the whip slamming into him and throwing him back, and right after that, the whip comes and breaks on his legs. Oof! Birdie's not too sure about it at the moment as he lays on the ground, obviously pained still, pushed back for now.

"Hehe... Birdie." He responds, "That's the last thing you're gonna here till ya wake up." Birdie announces, slowly getting up, his legs pained from the punishment. But he's doing a little scoping around first.

COMBATSYS: Birdie focuses on his next action.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Zaki             0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0           Birdie

Once the chain has dispensed punishment upon Birdie for his actions, Zaki reels her weapon back and allows it to pool into a mass of metal links at her side, shifting every so often with the subtle movements and nuances of Aoi Himezaki's body; the slight twists and movements of her fingers, her hand clenching tighter and slackening up. All of it translates to a light ting-ting-ting of the links rubbing and touching, one that she's far too used to to pay attention to.

"Your clothing is a joke. You should be wearing a proper shirt and put a style to your hair that doesn't make you look like you walked out of an '80s movie." And as Zaki continues to list, her finger jabs at him in the air as if each solid pointing-at will actually jab him in the chest. It's just her presence, that nature she has to her. Even after a hit like that, and even as he's bouncing back up to his feet and introducing himself properly, she's keeping her relative cool and giving the man a proper lecture.

Once again the chain springs to life, screaming a song of pain that has yet to be delivered. Cracking one more time, the lengths of metal try to wrap around Birdie's ankle and hold fast-- long enough for Zaki to turn halfway again and -yank- with everything she's got, and then some. Both hands grasp the chain and she even starts to pull away with a few steps, as if to drag him along for the ride.

"Piss off, scumbag!!"

COMBATSYS: Birdie Toughs Out Zaki's Chain Flip!!

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Zaki             0/-------/--=====|=======\-------\0           Birdie

Did she just tell him to piss off? Cause Birdie just heard some one tell him to piss off. Birdie's attention is quickly turned towards Zaki even as she speaks the words. All the shit about his clothing being a joke, him looking like mister T and all the other sorts, still, it's nothing compared to being told to piss off.

A proper lecture he does not want. Even as she takes her time, bundling stuff up and getting ready to throb him again, Birdie's unmoving yet. He's just keeping his eyes on her. And then she lifts the chain. Birdie had been waiting for that. Even as she's hefting it up, he's looking at it. She's attempting to get a hold of Birdie. Which, surprisingly is what Birdie wants.

He steps into it, letting the links wrap around his leg as he begins to surf forward as she pulls him. All the pain in the world as the big brute moves is reduced to a small, miniture boost that sends him screaming forward. Even as she stops, he's still coming. He's bleeding, breaking through the ground as he's pulled, and now breaking forward once more like a bull. But his own chain is in hand.

"Hehehehe! You think you can keep me at bay?! Let me teach you what I think about that you bloody git! You're gunna wish you were dead." Birdie sneers, tossing his own chain forward with a massive grunt, aiming to have it wrap around her entirely, and if it gets a good grasp, constrict her. Upon that, he'll simply whip her right over him, aiming for her to connect with benches, chairs, other students. He doesn't give a damn.

He's just getting her back for telling him to piss off.

COMBATSYS: Zaki blocks Birdie's Bandit Chain.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Zaki             0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1           Birdie

When Birdie comes sailing toward her, Zaki sees it as a sign that things didn't go exactly as she planned-- she stops pulling so intently and hard, she goes out of her way to consider just how much it would hurt to have a guy like this slamming into her all over again. So as his own chain whips out and around her, her eyebrows shift a little before-- she's up and up!

But she doesn't go flying as he would like. Whipped around the first time, the heels of her boots connect with the ground and she hangs onto the man's weapon with everything she's got-- skidding along the ground with the steel plates on her boots streaming with sparks and metal on concrete. Gritting her teeth as she goes, she does end up slamming into a student that dared stray too close, but instead of causing too much damage to Zaki, the other girl is instead sent tumbling backwards in a mess of schoolgirl. Looking back over her shoulder for a split second, a short "Tch!" escapes her lips as she glares back at Birdie.

Knowing how to handle chain all too well, she shifts just so and pulls on Birdie's weapon until she squirms out free and twists her wrist before pulling sharply on her own weapon-- constricting Birdie's ankle for a moment before falling loose and streaming across the ground back toward it's owner. Zaki hooks her wrist up as she steps in closer-- closer than before, well within the maximum range of his and her own weapon, letting the chain come up to be grasped doubled-over, letting the links settle against each other and holding a weapon half the length, but with twice the weapon.

Striking out left and right like she were wielding nunchaku instead, Zaki lets the chain do all the talking-- striking wildly and trying to bring the hurt all over his body.

COMBATSYS: Birdie interrupts Random Strike from Zaki with Murderer Chain.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Zaki             1/------=/=======|=======\==-----\1           Birdie

A grunt and a snort later, the thug is grinning, watching Zaki get whipped around like a rag doll. He always likes to see stuff like that happen. "Heheh. You're not talkin' no more are ya, chick-a-dee?" Birdie asks with a grin, watching the girl flip right into another student. She does earn some respect from Birdie, since she didn't turn aroun and say sorry. But she's up and fighting again.

Birdie's not about to back down yet. He finally got his chain up against Zaki, and now that it's there, it's going to stay there. He's holding his place powerfully, his thick and massive tree trunk like legs pushing up against the ground even as she proceeds to take a different route for her own chain.

The thug is just getting started though, watching for any moment he could possibly make his way in and break into her defences. And this is one of those moments.

Her chain strikes out like nunchaku, making Birdie slowly power his way in, slowly but surely pushing himself as the links crash into his body. Over and over again. But he doesn't stop, he continues on.

Where, finally, he brings his own chain up, the heavy links finding themselves about Zaki's own arms. He pulls, constricting the right while the left simply escapes it. "Here's where my chain comes in handy. Gyaaaaaah!" Birdie cries as he simply tightens it, and with a quick pull, hurls Zaki up into the air, leaving her almost weightless for moments before tugging harshly back down, sending the Seiyjun High student tumbling back to the ground in a hurry.

Upon landing, the chain lets go, unconstricting from the sudden jerks. Sides hurting and running a lil' on empty, Birdie breathes hard. "Haha.. I could go for something to eat right now."

Striking, striking, and striking, it becomes apparent to Aoi pretty quickly just how close-- and closer-- Birdie is, her arm pulling in a little closer to herself and her footing shifting her back, trying to keep the man at distance and keeping herself safe to continue to hammer away. Suddenly constricted, the red-haired girl's head tilts back while she gasps for precious air-- not that her mask is helping-- and she struggles for escape.

It doesn't come soon for her, sadly. Flung into the air and then snapped right back down to the ground, she hits the concrete hard and bounces once, rolling to the side only a short distance.


Pushing up to her hands and knees, shuffling her feet back underneath herself and standing up, Zaki straightens her back and sets her shoulders back, squaring herself off to the larger thug and squinting a little. "What do you want me to say that I haven't already said? First, get the -fuck- out. Put some clothes on, get a haircut, and join society like a respectable person. Stupid adult! Maybe you should be the one in school again, huh?"

Turning to face Birdie a bit better, Zaki hooks her arm out to the side, putting a spin on her chain and allowing the mighty lengths to wrap up and around her fist, wrist, and forearm. "So if you want to go eat, then add all of that to your to-do list and get the fuck off the grounds, dumbass."

COMBATSYS: Zaki gains composure.

[                \\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Zaki             1/-------/=======|=======\==-----\1           Birdie

Birdie, at first, just watches Zaki bounces across the ground as he pulls back his chain, wrapping it around his arm as he does. That was a lot of strength he had to put into those, leaving him a little weakened. Not so much that he can't put up a decent fight, but enough so that Birdie needs to slow down a little, look at what he has an make a decision on it. Yeah.

NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. Birdie snorts, laughing as she simply slowly gets up. Oh that was a picture for the picture books if he had one. Most definitely. He just lets her get back up as he wraps the chain around his hand. It seems both fighters have the same thing planned. "Hehehehe. So then, where were we." Birdie asks himself as he turns towards Zaki, "Oh right. Dealing with you. Alright, lets see here. What do I want? I dunno. Tell me I'm the better chain user." Birdie snorts, "Hehehe. Yeah, that. That's all I ask, y'know?" That's not entirely bad to ask, right?

Actually that's asking a lot, but Birdie doesn't care. He pretty much doesn't care about a lot of that mumbo jumbo. Even as she begins to spin her chain, wrapping it about her, Birdie slowly makes steps forward, aiming simply to get over to her, and step on her like a bug. Well, not squash her, but more of rolling her across the cement.

"I ain't leavin' till I'm done, chick-a-dee. I can hold over, heh. But I ain't changing the clothes, the hair, or joinin society. That sucks." Birdie snorts. It sure does, too.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Zaki with Light Kick.
- Power hit! -

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Zaki             1/----===/=======|=======\==-----\1           Birdie

Tell him that he's the better? Inflate his ego? Give him the satisfaction?

Is he out of his mind?

No, Zaki's not going to do anything like that. Her eyes narrow, the chain spools off her wrist, and she looks about ready to go deliver a whole new can of whupass to the wall of a man. Taking a step forward as Birdie rears up his leg, he's suddenly stomping down on the Seijyun girl and putting her to the ground-- squashed like a bug, yes. She hits the concrete harder than either of them likely planned, stunned for a moment while the air returns to her lungs and her head finally unclouds. Hand tightening up, Zaki gets herself up to a squat and whips her arm back, striking forward with her chain with a surprising amount of force-- a surprising amount that seeks to send the chain straight into his chest like some sort of spear, the excess length coiling into his chest and -shoving- at him as hard as possible, an unnatural strength behind it trying to launch him up into the air and send him flying off away-- give her some breathing room.


COMBATSYS: Birdie endures Zaki's Kuuha no Tessa.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Zaki             1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1           Birdie

Nah. That's just birdie. He's a jerk. And as a jerk, Birdie's entirely expecting you to do what he wants. Even if it means saying things like that. Even if it isn't true.

Because that's the plan, isn't it. Birdie sure thinks it is.

Even as Zaki decides that hurling her chain at him a third time is going to work, Birdie does his best to make sure that it isn't. Throwing his body against the chain, into his chest and even send him flying await. But he doesn't go flying away. Through his own ground and her chain, he's simply driven back a few feet. "Heheheh. You ain't getting a break, chick-a-dee!" Birdie calls, actually moving to grab a hold of her chain as it strikes him.

Of course, this might not work at all, but it is a gamble. From there, he pulls, moving towards Zaki as he goes, oustretching his hand towards the Seijyun High student, moving to get a hold of her, and simply if that, toss her aside like she was a piece of trash. Hey, maybe even into the trash can.

"The hell you think you got. You think you're strong as me?! Hahahaha! Get lost!"

COMBATSYS: Zaki blocks Birdie's Quick Throw.

[                       \\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Zaki             1/----===/=======|=======\====---\1           Birdie

No, she isn't getting a break-- and in a way, she hasn't been getting a break from the moment that this stranger arrived on campus and started harassing her, and her personally... and over their weapons of choice, at that? No, Zaki thinks to herself... he's gotta have another reason than that, nobody could ever want to tangle with her over something so stupid. This goes beyond the normal prospects of 'pride,' into some delusional end that she can't really describe.


Birdie's huge hand gets ahold of the girl's collar, dress and jacket, with an angry rattle of her chains as it goes. But rather than a full throw that he's trying for, Zaki gets control of her flight and breaks into a handspring from her left hand, landing in a tripod stance and skidding backward on the concrete walk once more.

"I think..." she says through clenched teeth, her voice muffled somewhat through the leathery mask, "... you should get the -fuck- out of my school-!"

And to prompt this statement, she lunges forward. Her chain snaps in the air and tries to get a good hold of Birdie around the neck and pull him in close-- pull him in close so she can follow it up with a powerful kick to the groin, then a higher stomp to the gut. Stomp, stomp, stomp and again, even throwing in extra harsh punches to the face. Finally, if all of it goes to plan, she'll pull him in closer one last time before driving a fierce heel into his gut to kick him back and away.


COMBATSYS: Birdie blocks Zaki's Hissatsu Denkou Tessa EX.

[                        \\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Zaki             0/-------/----===|=======\======-\1           Birdie

Maybe. Birdie might have a different reason for doing this. As well, he could just simply be going around to schools and checking out the student bodies that are there, maybe even letting Vega know a few things. For all anyone knows, Birdie could be doing that. Hell he might even be seeing if the security there was any good.

But one thing is certain. Birdie is here to see if all the girls here are as strong as Hotaru. See, they both have a sort of grudge agaisnt each other. And if Hotaru doesn't, Birdie certainly has more than enough for both of them. Even as the attack goes through, he's uncertain of what to do. Zaki's strike comes too quickly, at least, looks like it does. She manages to not get thrown as far as he wants, a feat in itself.

"Hey, what're you doing?!" Birdie asks with a loud huff, looking towards Zaki's movement with awe. She's really athletic for some one that wears so much armor. "Chick-a-dee. You can realy move with all that shit on." But that doesn't simply just end there. Zaki gives him a prompt. And guess what, Birdie doesn't take it. He just stands, a glint in his hair, his white eyes shimmering on his teeth. Wait. That's all mixed up.

The only thing for certain is that Birdie is ready when it comes. A chain wraps around Birdie's neck, pulling him in for the shot to the groin which he catches with one of his large fists, the shot to the gut, and even more and more shots asn she goes. He can only weather it out as he simply cannot over power it. As he's kicked out it's a sweet release with Birdie all beat up and battered, breathing heavily.

"You know, for a bloody girl like you, you damn know how to fight." Birdie wheezes, "But now it's my turn!" He cries, lugging himself forward, each step impossibly hard.

And for his turn, he fires a powerful right punch, aiming right for Zaki's midsection.

COMBATSYS: Birdie successfully hits Zaki with Jab Punch.

[                            \\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Zaki             0/-------/--=====|=======\======-\1           Birdie

Armor? No, not unless her boots count as so much, not unless her unusual choice in neckties likewise factor into it. After the series of punches and kicks, after her gloved hands draw back and her chain slackens off, gritting her teeth as he still manages to defend himself during the entire mess. She has no intent to back down, she has no intent to give up, just continue to pound relentlessly on the son of a bitch until the final kick to send him back-- and it isn't as far as she'd like. "Tch!"

And it -is- his turn, indeed. His fist comes reeling in, and despite her best efforts, digs right into her gut. Zaki even bends over the strike and her knees go weak. If he keeps following through, he could righly send her flying off the concrete path and well into the grass. She lets out a short gag, a gasp of air rushing out, but she doesn't cry out or scream: Pride is what keeps her from going off that ledge.

No, one last time, she reels back her chain--

And lunges at him, leaping high into the air and hooking her right leg up, up, and almost vertical-- before dropping her heel down for an impossibly hard axe kick to the head, her heel laced with the unmistakable glow of energy.


Nevermind once that happens, if she can land right, Aoi will stumble backwards with the clear posture and stance of someone that won't be able to keep going any longer... not that Zaki, the famous leader of the 5,000-strong Ladies' Team, is new to the concept. She knows how to face it, sure-- by staring it right in the face and not flinching.

COMBATSYS: Zaki can no longer fight.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Birdie           1/=======/=======|

COMBATSYS: Birdie endures Zaki's Gankou Geri EX.

[                       \\\\\\\  <
Birdie           2/<<<<<<</<<<<<<<|

Zaki most certainly is a challenger. And Birdie is a giant dodo that hasn't yet gone extinct yet. At least, yet. He'll get into some trouble sooner or later he can't handle, but for now, he's alright. Even as Zaki's throwing backwards and seemingly out and over, Birdie's all ready to turn around and walk out, until Zaki gets back up and begins to walk out and towards him.

Turning to see her, he just looks surprised. And then she charges. Throwing herself right at him, it takes a little oomf to get himself to do it, but Birdie runs right towards her, throwing his body into the assault even as she kicks him right in the head, energy searing as she barely misses his hair, sending Birdie backpeddling terribly, his head on fire with a slight glow of chi.

After it, Birdie just breathes pretty heavily, looking down towards her. "Damn, that was a nice hit. Hehehe. I didn't think you were weak, guess I wasn't disappointed. Haha. Maybe next time you'll get to kick my ass out of here yourself, but for now, I'll see ya chick-a-dee." Birdie states, slowly making his way towards the bent bars where he got in.

Of course, Birdie is still entirely and impossible tired and beat, but that's important sometime else. First he needs to find a way out of there before he can pass out or get drunk or pass out drunk. That's really important.

COMBATSYS: Birdie has ended the fight here.

Log created on 16:28:57 07/07/2008 by Birdie, and last modified on 15:13:38 07/09/2008.