Neo League 726 - #727: Domino vs Ingrid

Description: Domino faces Ingrid in the Amazon Jungle for another edition of Neo League. The fight itself isn't terribly long, and in the end, Ingrid's psychic attacks gain the upperhand this time. The real highlight is conversation before the two start fighting! ..Well, that and some fanservicey submission holds. (Winner: Ingrid)

The Amazon Rainforest is the largest in the world with an amazing diversity of life. It's been said of the forest that if you shake the insects off of a tree branch into your hand over half of them will be new species previously undiscovered, so large is it in scope. It can be incredibly dangerous to venture deep into the jungle when you don't know what you're up against.

Fighters are quite a bit more robust than the average person, and what might be a large threat to your average tourist might result as a minor annoyance to a powerful combatant. Lucky, then, for those who are sent to the exotic location to battle it out. Currently and thankfully the dry season, the jungle is in full bloom, critters to be found nearly everywhere in both the trees up above and the dense underbrush down below.

This isn't the sort of place Ingrid would think of to go on vacation. It's not really the insects, the possibility of being eaten by a snake, or the long walk to the location, but rather the remoteness itself. With only a few tour guides, her League opponent and some cameramen along for the hike, there's really not much conversation to be had, especially when most of the people seem more focused on keeping their breath and trying not to get bit by something poisonous.

Though she keeps it hidden from her features, cool and calm as normal, she's found herself somewhat bored. The endless rows of trees and chattering of monkeys overhead just don't give her the sense of wonder it might to many, and she begins to realize just how much more interesting things are to her when other people are involved. Maybe if there some ruins of an ancient civilization scattered about she'd be intensely curious, but with just the animal and plant life around her empathic senses have very little to concentrate on.

Domino, however, is not with her little contingent. He has been led to the designated spot by a different crew, consisting of a single guide. Opting to not even bother with the robe in this heat, Domino's already dressed in fighting gear - so he's sort've like a mini-Zangief, only without the massive stride and the 'what, ain't ever seen a guy in trunks before?' demeanor. Still, it's not like he isn't used to wearing the outfit around people. It's come up more often than not.

Domino's much more full of wonderment than his soon-to-be opponent, absolutely loving the sounds and sights. As for the fight? Well, the last one he had with Ingrid certainly went in his favor, but that's been about a year now. She might've gotten better since. All he knows for right now is that she's not had a single Neo League fight this season yet.

Once arriving at the locale, Domino decidedly moves to a tree to lean back against it. Either Ingrid's here already and he hasn't noticed her, or she's on the way. Whichever the case may be, he's not going to sweat it. He's doing quite enough of that just from the humidity.

The sound of a machete slicing through leaves and shrub-limbs can be heard as Domino rests against his tree. It's hard to hear over the clamor of the jungle, but before long it intensifies. Soon enough Ingrid's procession slices it's way into the small clearing that will be their fighting 'arena'. A smile plays on the young womans lips as the cameramen get to work setting up their equipment. She walks over to the American star and gives a nod of her head, "It's lovely to see you again, Drake. It has been quite a while since we met, hasn't it?"

A brief wave of her left hand is made, motioning at the jungle in general, "It sure is something else, isn't it? I don't think I've been so far from 'civilization' in nearly ten years. A rather lonely feeling."

That's certainly a sound he heard plenty on his own approach, so it can only mean Ingrid's near. And sure enough, there she is. "Hey, hey," Domino greets easily. "Nice seeing you, too. Hope there weren't any hard feelings 'bout last time." At least he made sure she didn't go plummeting off the balloons, right? That would've been a mess, and he would've felt uber guilty. It's like the SNF people deliberately put up situations like those.

Which.. well.. is likely the case.

"Oh, the jungle?," Domino asks. His head lulls to the side, examining the flora. "It sort'a reminds me of Thailand. But this time, it's a lot nicer. Less... bloody."

"Hard feelings? No, I'm glad to say I won't hold your skill and ability against you." Ingrid says with a smile. One might have to send very cross letters to the SNF officials about how dangerous the fighters locations can get, if only that was ever the reason for injury. Even falls from amazing heights don't seem to be as harmful as each other's fists.

The blonde tilts her head to the side and then nods, "Yes, it is rather like Thailand, isn't it? I was thinking the same thing." She doesn't make much mention on the comment of blood- no reason to put that hideous thing to the forefront of discussion, is there?

A quick look around tells her the cameramen are incredibly skilled, being nearly ready after only a short time to prepare. "Shall we go see how much we've progressed?"

Domino looks back to the girl and quirks a grin. "And I won't with you, either." He leans off the tree finally and sets his hands to his hips. A look is shot towards the camera crew, and he rolls his shoulders in a languid shrug. "They seem okay to me. I like to keep out of the way when people are setting up. Usually goes by quicker that way, and I kind'a doubt they're enjoying their stay too much."

Amethyst eyes then give Ingrid a once-over.

A grin is quirked.

"Nice jungle outfit," he muses.

"I'm glad to hear it. It's so nice when people have a sense of humor, don't you think?" Not extrapolating on what that question might mean, Ingrid gives a quick nod as he decides to hang around his tree a bit longer. His comment on her choice of clothes brings a smile, "Why thank you. I hope I didn't come underdressed." If she can brave the Japanese summertime in such clothing, a tropical rainforest should be doable, Ingrid thinks. "I wonder what the animals will think of our little show. I imagine they'll either be rather entertained or won't care in the slightest... but which?"

Her response actually gets a light bout of laughter from Domino. "Ohh, no. I don't think you're underdressed at all," he concurs. "As for the animals? As long as they don't go into an ape-like rage, I'm fine with whichever." His arms lift to fold behind his neck casually. "So, outta curiosity, why is it you fight, anyway?," he asks. Blunt question, but they have a little time to kill.

"Good. I would hate it if I ruined my image and people began to think of me as immodest." Which is likely not what she was thinking at all, considering what she wore in her League fight against Alma in the previous season. A small laugh comes to her when he replies to her question about the animals, "Yes, I suppose that's about right. I suppose we probably don't mean much to them unless we're somehow bothering their day."

Drake then goes and asks a very interesting, and perhaps very loaded question. Such a question could easily bring about an hour long dissertation from the Norwegian, but she decides to go light on the man and answer with the short and equally truthful answer. "I fight because I wish to go stronger, and wish to be able to better control my power. Meeting such interesting people as you is a lucky side benefit."

"Oh, you're a -charmer-!," Domino notes with a lighthearted grin. From the expression and tone of voice, he isn't teasing her when he says this - he's authentically pleased by her response. "Sweet of you to say! Fan of mine?" If she were, Domino assumes it would be for his modeling career, not so much for fighting.

Given a few moments, however, Domino presses on a little more. "But why get stronger? What's the benefit? Personal glory?," he asks. "I mean, embettering yourself to your full potential is great, don't get me wrong. I totally believe in that. But is that all?"

"Why, thank you. It's so nice to hear such a kind compliment, from time to time. Now I simply need to make sure I don't let it get to my head." Being told such things about your looks and personality could become quite addictive, after all. She then adopts an amused look and comments, "Now, Mr. Drake, one doesn't need to be a fan to find someone interesting, do they?" Her tone of voice suggests this is more teasing than chiding.

Not let off the hook by accepting such a simple answer, Ingrid takes a moment to consider just how much she should this young man before her. "There are several benefits. First of all is that the nature of my power isn't as something that is only with me when I want it. You might here this from many people like myself, but when I was a child I found myself completely overwhelmed with it, at times. If I don't control it I become a danger to those around me." Or at least that's how it was when she was little.

"As for the rest... you might be surprised to hear that I can be a rather vindictive person. Suffice to say, I have been wronged in a way no one ought ever be, and I intend to get my revenge on the one who wronged me." Is it odd that even these words are spoken in that same soft voice?

Domino gives her a playfully hurt look and exhales a sigh. "Fiiine. No autographs for you, then," he teases back at her.

"I remember a bit of that stuff you do, yeah. So, basically, you're using this as an.. outlet? Or control training?" his expression scrunches. "Lucky me." The latter bit of the explanation gets a more sober look from him, though. As for the tone of voice? Coming from someone else, perhaps it would be considered odd. Coming from this girl? It somehow seems to fit. "..Okay. I can understand that, and I wish you luck. Just try not to get totally consumed with it, okay? You seem like a pretty sweet girl - don't go losing that." A few moments later, and Domino decides to try and lighten the air again. "So, hey, know any good places to eat around here?," he jokes. "You're pretty interesting, yourself. So why don't we chat s'more later?"

"Hmm. I suppose that is a good way to put it. I believe my level of control is now sufficient that an outlet isn't required, but I'm sure it must in some way help." Ingrid takes in his second comment and smiles, "I do my best not to let it affect my day to day life. I log ago realized that my little quest isn't something that is going to complete itself over night. I may never be powerful enough to carry out my revenge, but even if that's the case I won't stop." A teasing little look crosses her face, "And besides, it does give you that extra little bit of motivation when you'd rather sleep in."

Her hand raises to her chin and gives it a light tap, the young woman looking skyward before answering, "I believe the second tree on the left has a lovely selection," her voice drops conspiratorially, "though I hear the service is simply awful." As for speaking later? "An excellent idea, I'm sure."

Domino nods stoutly. "Okay. I'm not one of those types that doesn't believe in vengeance. I'm totally the opposite. It'd just suck to see a pleasant little thing like you go crazy over it." But since it doesn't seem like it's going to, Domino gives her a small, warm smile. "..Anyway, still. I wish you luck on that, and I hope you get whatever punk did you wrong, sug'." Pronounced "shug", as shorthand for "sugar".

The young model then turns to peer up into the indicated tree. "Hey, I can deal with lousy service." His eyes shift sidelong to her, a wry touch taking to his expression. "But do you think I'll pass the dress code? I'm not in my tux, y'know," he murmurs. After a beat, "Let's have dinner or something afterwards. Exotic food, exotic spot - who knows? Maybe we can hit a village and they can assume you're a goddess." A playful grin tugs on his lips.

"Thankfully I don't think I'm in any danger of becoming a violence prone maniac, or finding the weight of what happened to me so crushing that I can't go on." That, Ingrid thinks, is entirely enough of the gloomy conversation of revenge, even if it didn't manage to go down an entirely negative path.

"That sounds like a plan, though I imagine it'll be quite some time before we geg anywhere that actually serves dinner." A smile forms on her lips at his final comment and she says in a falsely confused tone, "Now why would they ever assume such a thing as that?" A teasingly dismissive wave of her hand is given, and then she makes a motion towards the cameramen. "I do believe we've gone from being politely patient to fashionably late." A sudden turn has her walking away from Drake and his leaning-tree, more towards the center of the clearing, a place where the cameras can get a nice starting view.

"I don't mind the walk if you don't. A little adventure never killed anyone," muses Domino. He then glances to the camera crew as indicated, snickering, and follows her to the sort'a-clearing in the jungle. "'Course, you'll have to not -kill- me or anything, if you wanna hang out afterwards," adds the model jokingly. "Deal?"

A quirked brow is what the young model gets for his first comment, "Adventure? Oh, I fully intend to follow my tour guide back. I'm afraid to say getting lost in a jungle is not my idea of the fun type of adventure." Ingrid then turns to face him once more and gives a simply nod, "I'd never dream of killing you, Drake, and I think I'd have a rather hard time of it, even if I did."

"Oh, fine. Be that way," chides Domino. He then begins to enter his fighting stance, the basic starter being a shallow backstance. One hand angles forward and low, hand tapered flat as if ready to deflect, while the other hand chambers at chest level, fingers splayed. "Awwh, that's awful thoughtful of you," he coos with a grin.

COMBATSYS: Drake has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Drake            0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Ingrid has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Drake

Ingrid lets out an easy laugh as he teases her back. She slides into her own fighting stance, this seemingly more relaxed and easygoing than how she normally holds herself. Arms at her side as she sways gently from side to side, she seems to be more intent on carrying on the conversation, though a careful look would easily show she's looking over Drake's stance, trying to dredge up the memory of how he fights. Well, other than 'throws you into the ground a lot'. She remembers that part just fine. "Don't tell me you'd actually enjoy wandering off on your own in a jungle? I suppose you might have a suicidal streak I never knew of." A teasing smile forms on her face, and she says in a singsong voice, "Age before beauty~"

COMBATSYS: Ingrid focuses on her next action.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0            Drake

"Oh, that's not fair. Some of the best training you can get is just by surviving! Like in-" Thailand, he means to say, but she goes and suggests the 'age before beauty' thing. Domino cuts himself off, opens his mouth to speak, then squints at her. "I'll only let that slide on account of beauty sounding feminine."

A tiny grin quirks on his lips.

But then Domino's smile fades, and he puts on what most would call 'game face'. For those who follow Domino, the transition's been made from the light side to dark. The fight is, indeed, underway. It doesn't become official until he suddenly surges towards her, closing the distance with rapid pumps from his legs. The moment he's within range, he attempts to hook his right arm under her left leg, while his left arm hooks over her right shoulder. Grappling her in this way, Domino torques his body over to yank her off her feet, arcing above him, only to be powerslammed to the ground on her back with him landing across her stomach with his own.

COMBATSYS: Drake successfully hits Ingrid with Solar Eclipse.

[    \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Ingrid           0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0            Drake

"Now, now. Male models are far more pretty than they are beautiful." Which when you get right down to it could very well mean exactly what he said. Drake goes from being humorous to looking very set and serious. A very interesting aspect of him, Ingrid decides. But is the seeming transformation more than skin deep? Only time will tell.

It's easy to forget, sometimes, just how fast someone can be. Ingrid considers herself quick on her feet, but when someone like Drake suddenly barrels at you at full speed, it can make you wonder. Though her stance is open to allow for ease of movement, and she's watching him carefully to give herself an advantage he's still too quick for her.

Attempts to back away and avoid the grab bypassed, she's lifted from the ground and then slammed back down to it, a breath of air quickly escaping her lungs from the impact. Lucky for her there's more of it all around them. Still, she's never considered herself a ground fighter, so this is a rather interesting predicament for her.

A good thing, then, that she's become so very capable of tossing her energy about in the oddest of situations. With the model holding her down she can't get as acrobatic as she would normally wish, but it does give a bit of an advantage to her, even so. A bit of struggling allows her right hand to free, and for a moment it almost looks as if she's going to give him a one armed hug, the limb curling about his form. Her intent is made obvious, however, when with a flick of her arm a large stream of energy pours forth, glittering brightly under the shadowed canopy of the forest.

COMBATSYS: Drake blocks Ingrid's Sunburn.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-----==|===----\-------\0            Drake

Landing crossways atop the Norwegian, Domino is already deciding on what next to do with her. He can flow just as easily from a standing position to the more traditional wrestling on the ground. And it's the latter he opts to do.

First, however, is her arm. It comes about to set on his back, drawing a confused look from him at first. He quickly snatches the arm in hand to try and pin her down, but the energy erupts at that time. "Gaahh!," comes the startled yelp. Though it doesn't connect fully as it would have, it still burns into him, and apparently painfully.

Expression darkening a little more, Domino uses that position to attempt flipping her over onto her stomach. From there, he attempts to mount her lower back and restrain her arms behind his upturned knees. If successful, he reaches down to lock his hands under her chin to suddenly pull upwards, stretching her stomach and wrenching her spine in a camel clutch submission hold.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid fails to counter Medium Throw from Drake with Sun Upper.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ingrid           0/-------/---====|===----\-------\0            Drake

Time for Ingrid to attempt something interesting. Her energy didn't connect as fully as she would have liked, but it's obvious that for Drake it wasn't exactly a pleasant experience despite that. As he flips her over she goes for the dramatic thing, quickly pulling her arm up and tapping at the air, trying to use the moment he's changing his grip to regain control. The idea is to form that neat little disk of energy of hers and make him grab /it/ instead, but in this case it's just not feasible.

And because of that she's left wide open for him to flip her, pinned with her arms against her back and her chin lifted she can only, for the moment, squirm a bit and endure the pain. Still, she's surprisingly quiet for what's certainly a painful submission hold.

It's the silence that makes Domino want to switch out the hold for something else. So after a few more seconds of wrenching her body for the cameras (enjoy, fanboys at home!), Domino attempts to suddenly yank her back and dismount at the same time. He plops onto his rear, her on hers, while his legs quickly attempt to scissor around her waist and lock down tight across her stomach. His left arm grabs for her left arm at the elbow, right arm instantly going to hook around her neck in a reverse headlock. From there, he just leans back and tightens the arm and legs, steadily trying to crush her.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid blocks Drake's Fast Throw.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ingrid           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Drake

The large change of positioning ends up being Ingrid's savior, in this case. She's flipped over easily enough this time, but when Drake moves to get the hold on her waist she manages to slip an arm under his leg. The headlock almost manages to clinch, but she thrusts her arm upwards and shoves her legs down before tucking them. Her neck lowers and slides out of the nearly made headlock and her entire body rolls backwards, escaping from the grapple completely.

Rolling twice rather than once her feet come down underneath her, lifting her back up with fluidity and grace. Her right hand cartwheels backwards in dual purpose, at the same time allowing her to balance herself as well as attack.

More glittering energy flows out from the limb, and a large ball of energy lifts from her palm, raising up into the air while flowing forward before dropping quickly down towards drake from above. Range, it seems, is going to be her friend for the moment.

COMBATSYS: Drake dodges Ingrid's Sun Shot.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////    ]
Ingrid           0/-------/--=====|===----\-------\0            Drake

Domino scowls a little as Ingrid works her way out of the submission hold before it can really do any kind of damage. At most, it's probably just winded her a little. No matter! Domino rolls onto his shoulders and kips up to his boots. The young wrestler whirls around to face the girl, stance entered once more.

Her attack comes a little strangely, though. The glittering ball lifts, then dives for Domino. Domino employs a similar tactic to avoid a successful collision, pulling into a diveroll and ending in a crouch, one hand bracing him on the ground. Amethyst eyes affix to Ingrid, and he shoots off from that position with the intent to grapple with her once more. His left arm this time attempts to sweep under her legs, right arm behind her shoulders to suddenly pull her up into a cradled position. Once achieved, he immediately drops to smash the girl's back over an upturned knee. Following this, his left hand sets to one of her legs, right hand under her chin, both pushing down hard to arch her body across the knee in a linked submission hold.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid blocks Drake's Star Breaker.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0            Drake

It's no surprise to Ingrid that Drake is able to evade her ball of psychic energy, knowing him to be a very quick opponent. Not that she doesn't wish he might have slipped or had some other type of accident, but she isn't going to let her plans be wrecked by the happenstance. Wary of him she is, observing the roll bringing him much closer to her than he was only moments before.

Of course he capitalizes on this by reaching out and grabbing for her again. Grab her he does, and all seems to be going smoothly until he attempts to crash her back over his knee, a fast twist finding her once again rather flexible as she manages to turn in his hold.

Of course getting kneed in the stomach doesn't feel very pleasant at all, but it's nowhere near as painful as getting your back hammered on in much the same manner. The arch, if he even attempts it, isn't very effective in this position either, giving her plenty of range of motion, enough for her to once again squirm from his grasp.

She seems to have regained her defensive footing lost in the first few moves, but at the same time she's failed to inflict any harm on Domino himself. Time to go for something 'sure fire' then, she thinks. Keeping close this time her arms lift above her head and then push forward and down, a stream of energy flowing from her hands in an attempt to simply engulf him the shining energy.

COMBATSYS: Drake blocks Ingrid's Sunbeam.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Ingrid           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Drake

A stomach hammered upon his knee isn't too terrible for Domino - those tend to be softer and sometimes more crippling if worked over effectively. He wasn't -intending- on smashing her midriff, however, and it thus isn't optimized. He does try to keep a tight grip on her, though, to attempt working in another submission hold. But yae, she wriggles free.

Domino picks himself back up to his feet and prepares for her inevitable oncoming assault. Of course, it comes in the strangest way possible, as yet more glittering energy. Teeth gritting, Domino thrusts his arms defensively in the way and braces himself against the maneuver. It gets an irritated hiss from him, however, all the same until he eventually just rushes forward to force his way through the energy until he's outside of its threshold. Once there, he whirls into a quick spin and launches his right boot out for a quick roundhouse kick aimed for her stomach.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Drake's Light Kick.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Ingrid           0/-------/=======|======-\-------\0            Drake

Glittering energy is the very name of Ingrid's game, the Norwegian preferring to rely on it almost exclusively if she can help it. Against opponents like Drake, however, who can manage to slip away from or easily absorb the energy this is not an easy thing to do. Almost everyone will wear themselves out after prolonged exertion, even people like Ingrid who make a point of extensive exhaustion training.

Unladylike sweat forms on her foreahead as she hops away from Drake's attack, the kick meeting only air as she decides attempting to absorb /everything/ he throws at her will result in her eventual defeat if things keep up this way.

It's time for her to take a tiny bit of a break, however, finally doing something other than trying to pelt him with energy. The method may come as a surprise, though, as she steps forward and strikes out with a right palm, apparently attempting to slap Domino on the cheek with one of her white-gloved hands.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid successfully hits Drake with Quick Punch.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ingrid           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0            Drake

Domino wouldn't exactly consider the force behind that slap light, small, or any variant thereof. It gets a small grunt from him, and something a dirty look now that his cheek is reddened a little. In return for this, he launches a quick combination back at her, beginning with a sudden right hand punch aimed for her right shoulder, immediately followed by a step-in elbow smash aimed for her chest.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid dodges Drake's Quick Punch.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ingrid           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0            Drake

Quick as a whip Ingrid strikes Domino's cheek and then recoils, pulling back just fast enough to avoid the jab aimed for her shoulder. The attack aimed at her chest is seen well enough, and she skillfully circles Drake, managing to keep him at an even distance while still slipping past the blow.

It's time, Ingrid thinks, to set a trap for brave Domino. Often the one's she lays out for others aren't terribly intricate, which as she thinks about it is perhaps a bit odd. She does tend to be a level headed and intelligent type, so why not come up with elaborate schemes meant to lead someone into your waiting arms?

Besides, she'd meant to take this battle to the trees from the very beginning, so why not now? A brief smile is given to the young man and she bends down, eyes flicking upward quickly. She pushes off, leaping high into the air while performing a quick back flip, landing on a thick tree limb above. "I wonder, Domino, if you're hungry?" An eternally amused look forms on her face as she picks a wild fruit from the tree, requiring a hefty tug. "I found you a treat- aren't I just the sweetest little thing?" Anyone can see what's coming next, as the fruit that only a few biologists in the world probably know what is sails at his head from above.

COMBATSYS: Drake dodges Ingrid's Thrown Object.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Ingrid           0/-------/=======|=======\-------\0            Drake

Domino's fist and elbow whiffs, but he's quick enough to turn around and spot her before she makes her ascent. And out plucks the fruit. She's joking, right? Throwing food at the opponent? His expression breaks briefly into one of incredulous confusion, and he shakes his head slowly at her.

Down comes the fruit.

Domino simply turns aside, letting it whiz by him. He then crouches and springs into the air, grabbing onto a mid-level branch. Just a moment of suspension, and his body curls up to plant his boots atop the limb and wind up crouching atop it. Without a moment's more delay, he lunges from his branch towards Ingrid's, hands chambering at his sides. When he draws close enough, both hands launch out in a double palmheel strike aimed for her stomach - a strike which immediately ignites in a bright white explosion of his own chi in concussive form.

COMBATSYS: Ingrid counters Whiteout from Drake with Sun Delta.

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-------|=======\=====--\1            Drake

But all that motion to get up to Ingrid's level took time, giving the blonde Norwegian as much as she needs to watch his form and realize the direction he's going to be attacking from. She had thought the young man would be leaping straight up at her, but he chooses a different route. Interesting. She wonders why, but at the moment won't question it.

Won't question it because she's too busy preparing herself. A smile forms on her lips when he opts to jump into a branch across from hers. Visibly there's no change other than that smile, but internally she's shifting into high gear, pulling her vast reserves of energy to just under the surface, moving from defense to pure offense.

He leaps towards her from his branch and almost immediately a brilliant flash of gold surrounds her as the energy releases. She leans forward towards him as he comes flying in at her and points into the air. In front of her hand is a triangle of energy, used as an amplifier for the rest- which appears exactly midway between the two branches.

This time, Drake is unable to escape the reversal technique, flying through the air, hitting that disk and coming to a screeching halt upon reaching the center, sticking inside as if it were made of some kind of powerful glue.

But rather than glue it's psionic power, holding him fast and searing his body. Ingrid leans backwards and gives a teasing salute and the young man is dragged up into the air, ascending higher into the branches before being dropped roughly back to the ground. And as he falls Ingrid lifts her hands above her head and calls one last burst of energy, extending her arms towards him as he falls past the level of her branch. A huge symbol of the Eternal Goddess forms around him, searing him one last time before he falls. ...all the way back down to ground level.

Eyes widen before he hits the energy field, and that's about all he can do.


To say it hurts is an understatement.

Domino can do nothing but suffer and endure the psionic rampage occuring here now, a twinge of anger pulling at him when he sees that mock salute. How flippant of her! But mostly? There's pain. Lots and lots of searing pain.

When his body finally hits the ground, hard enough to bank a little on impact, Domino groans and rolls over onto his side. A dark look is shot up to Ingrid over his shoulder, and suddenly, he's on his feet. No sooner than that, and he's in the air, aiming to grab her clean from her perch to bring her down to ground level with him again...

COMBATSYS: Ingrid counters Total Eclipse from Drake with Sun Upper.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Ingrid           0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\0            Drake

Sometimes it's hard to overstate the advantage height can bring. Perhaps this time, though, it isn't so much the height itself that gives Ingrid her advantage as the distance that's gathered because of it. The distance gives the Norwegian time to react as he leaps up after her once more. Her reaction is instinctual, and nearly instantaneous.

A half step backwards is taken on her branch, bringing her to the very back of it. This forces Drake to come up and over it in order to grab her, and that single fact is all she needs to exploit her distance advantage to it's fullest.

She leans forward once more and taps at the air in front of her, a disk of swirling energy forming. His hands, regrettably, strike it before being able to grab her, and the energy instantly disappears, invisibly binding him so that she can flick her arm upward, causing the energy to instantly accelerate skyward, once more sending Drake into the air, only this time in a much less controlled manner.

Domino would likely call it a stroke of luck for Ingrid, if he believed in any such thing. As it is, though? He simply needs to push himself harder next time. He did beat her last time, after all, so he knows he's capable of overcoming that blasted energy of hers. But for now?

For now, Domino just suffers.

There's a sharp yelp when he's simply caught in the energy, then silence as he's launched through the air. When he finally hits the ground again, it's hard enough to shudder the earth, and the young model simply doesn't move any more. He lies, facedown, in the grass, incapacitated.

COMBATSYS: Drake takes no action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Drake can no longer fight.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Ingrid           0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Ingrid has ended the fight here.

Log created on 13:56:11 07/07/2008 by Drake, and last modified on 21:30:21 07/07/2008.