Sergio - Party Crasher

Description: A small radio station concert is crashed by a disruptive Sergio, and the stand-in guitarist takes offense to her gig being ruined. Something like that.

[OOC] Sergio /is/ logging, so there!

Throughout the year, Sound Beach hosts numerous events. Fights of the televised or not variety, charity events, autumn fairs, and of course, parties and events during the summer. There's almost always someone there to have a good time or take their mind off things, which at this point in the summer is probably a good thing; kids getting out of school, some colleges on break.

At this point on the warm evening, well after the sun has set, torches and lights are assembled for the small beachfront concert being sponsored by a local radio station with chances to win event tickets somewhere along the evening's timeline, alcohol for those of age and of course, a couple of paid security officers milling about to make sure everything is going just right.

Upon the assembled stage is a group of five, four of which are regulars-- the fifth is someone that rotates in and out, fills in with bands at local clubs and events like this alike. She's the one with the nice guitar, the girl with the silver hair and the gold bracelets dangling around her wrists, dressed in the tank top and the short skirt and the thigh-high boots. Her voice has a French accent to it when she sings, but the girl's purpose largely seems to be wailing on her guitar with the skill of a professional, occasionally stepping to and fro on the stage in the midst of the affair.

The music's largely of the metal variety, and those wacky kids just seem to be eating the event up.

Cherise Bouchard certainly is, one riff at a time.

A radio event. An event for the youth, for those who would spurn the peppy pop music who's very whose very name means that it's popular. But it's not only those who are young that attend these events, but those who are young at heart. Sergio falls into this latter category, a man very nearly into his forties who still feels the electric energy of those half his age.

Some people, however, just don't understand. When those people look at Sergio they don't see someone young at heart as he would claim, but a geezer who refuses to accept his age and insists on making a fool of himself- nevermind he is merely rocking out as they are.

The security men don't particularly care about the scowls of the youngsters towards him, at least for a time. What they do mind is when one of the organizers pull them aside and say that he's driving off the people /they/ care about, and that he's drank about twice as much as anyone else there- not good when there's a limited supply.

And so as the guitar screams out it's call the man slamming his head back and forth near the stage is approached, and tapped on the shoulder. "YEEAAAAAA- huh?"

"I'm sorry sir, but we're going to have to ask you to leave."

"What the crap? I haven't done shit to get kicked out."

"Sir I'm here to inform you that if you don't intend to leave peaca-"

"Fuck off you rent-a-cop piece of shit."

Suddenly, Sergio's acceptance among the youth crowd has just risen, though the guard doesn't seem to appreciate this fact.

The band continues to play, singing-- the crowd cheers, the people here and there occasionally getting pointed at or waved to by the singer or one of the guitarists as they take breaks. The girl, though, she continues to play like some sort of possessed machine, her hand sliding on the neck of the guitar. Careful plucks of the strings, nimble workings of her fingers on the fret, almost as though the rare and expensive guitar was a gift from God above like one of those cathedral ceiling paintings.

It's one of the few things in Cherise Bouchard's life that she could say she truly loves and appreciates and -mean it-.

And now it looks as though there's an outbreak of security harassing someone's grandpa near the stage, the guitarist's watchful eye missing nothing. Though Cherise continues to play, the gears start to spin at full speed: 'The guy may've done something and piss someone off. There's a chance this is going to start an altercation in the audience, or someone is going to try to trigger a mosh pit.'

And thinks mosh pits are lame.

For the moment? She just keeps playing. There's no reason -not- to.

"Alright, that's it. Sir, you are ordered to leave the premises -now-."

"Listen bub, I happen to know this beach is private property. Even if you have a fuckin' permit you have no goddamn right to make me leave." A shit eating grin spreads on his face, "And even if you did, I wouldn't care. Better go cry to your bosses now!"

That's it, the man's had enough. He pulls out a pair of zip tie handcuffs and slaps one piece around Sergio's wrist. He then makes the stupidest decision of his career and slaps the second cuff on his own. Sergio looks down, grins, and laughs. "What, you're going to drag me off? Good luck, asshole."

A sharp tug as the guard tries to walk off proves that Sergio is /not/ going to be dragged along. This guard, however, has had enough, and twists the large man's arm behind his back and gives a sharp yank, eliciting a growling yelp, and begins to march him off.

And that, right there, is where the party officially goes to shit. "Nice try!" bellows Sergio, who in a surge of strength impossible to a common undesirable /whips/ his arm around, zip-tie cuff still attached, sending the man flying around in front of him. The cuffs weren't created to handle that kind of stress- the mechanism keeping them from coming undone lets loose and the guard goes flying forward.

Goes flying onstage, directly into the probably expensive drum set and creating a hellish percussion that was never meant to be in any song, rock or otherwise. And then comes the shout, "Got what you deserve shitstain!"

Sergio's popularity with the youth crowd just hit an all time low, and /everyone/ cares.

The rent-a-cop goes flying. Cherise steps to the side, but still playing. The drummer's eyes come into focus just as the security company's badge comes into view in full painful color, and ... smash. The music comes to an abrupt halt, the bass player stops and the singer cuts off, leaving only an echo from that end of things.

Strangely, Cherise is still playing.

Almost as though she doesn't -care- that the concert's been ruined, she continues on for another five or ten seconds before coming to an abrupt halt, the silver-haired girl straightens a little and allows her guitar to hang by the strap on her shoulder.

Then, she very slowly and deliberately takes it off, setting it on a small rack off to the side while the chaos breaks out on the stage, the bass player and singer pulling drums and people apart.

Stopping near the back of the stage, after she's set her instrument down, Cherise breaks into a hard-paced run to the edge of the stage and -leaps-. More than that, she clears the short gap of the barricade between the stage proper and the audience, coming right down toward the man she saw, the man that threw that rental officer.

Pay attention, old man, for now there's a sturdy boot aiming to drive into your face with a jump-kick. More than that, if it connects, he might just feel an extraordinary pain -rip- into him from the strange energy she wields, like an intangible spike trying to ruin him from the inside-out.

COMBATSYS: Cherise has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Cherise          0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Sergio has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Sergio           0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0          Cherise

COMBATSYS: Cherise successfully hits Sergio with Argent Raid.

[     \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Sergio           0/-------/----===|=====--\-------\0          Cherise

[OOC] Cherise has to go AFK for a few for dinarz aggro. Won't be long!

Sergio is annoyed when the music stops. It didn't occur to him that his actions might result in the destruction of one of the essential instruments. Hell, it didn't occur to him that the guy might end up onstage- he didn't really anticipate the cuffs giving out as they did. "Well, live and learn, I guess," he states to the air.

He rolls his shoulder, "Funny, though, that guy's probably going to get what he wanted. No sense staying here if there's nothin' playing." The man begins to turn, turn away from the stage and away from Cherise. And that's when he sees movement out of the corner of his eye. "What the-"

A kick to the face- he recognizes the motion. Instinct kicks in, and his arm raises up... but not in time.

The kick mashes into his face, but that isn't what hurts. What hurts is the godawful stabbing pain that feels like nothing he's ever felt before, an energy that cuts through his own power driven defense in a much different way than he usually faces.

The result is, naturally, Sergio getting ground into the sand as he's blown off of his feet. "Augh!" Were he a lesser man he'd be done there, either out cold or trying frantically to get the hell out of the way. Instead he gets to his feet, angry. "What the -hell-! You don't just go flyin' out of the sky kickin' people you rancid bitch! Wha-" Pause... "Hey, you're kinda cute."

His head shakes, "But I'm still pissed. And sorry to say, I ain't got any problems with hitting chicks!" The large man pulls his fist back and then slams it forward with ferocity. But as it goes something happens- his own energy bursts forward, a long trail of water suddenly streaming out as he tries to mash his fist into Cherise's face with what is clearly a brute force attack, "Ragh!"

COMBATSYS: Cherise interrupts Fierce Punch from Sergio with Argent Striker.

[         \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Sergio           0/-------/-======|=======\-------\1          Cherise

[OOC] Sergio says, "Cherise you hurt me :|"

Once she lands, Cherise looks as though she's all business, her expression becoming a little cold-- amazingly enough, considering the way that she acts normally. Her eyes are wide, the bright blue gaze looking down on Sergio bordering on unsettling for the people that start backing off, away from the man and the guitarist. A few of them do whisper and point at her, some mentioning her and her appearances on TV. Yes, she -is- that girl, that weirdo with the silver hair.

Bringing her hand up toward her mouth, she bites at her bracelet while Sergio speaks, her arm pulling back at a swift clip. There's a hiss of air, and the faintest glints of something going between her mouth and her bracelet...

Her mouth opens, and her hands come up as the older man drives his fist into her face. Cherise doesn't back down an inch, but he might notice the sudden resistance, the pressure being put back on his hand.

And now she's smiling.

Taking a step back, wire tightly wraps down hard on the extended, water-laced fist and his wrist. Cherise's strength is surprising for her frame, pulling -hard- to take the man off his balance and toward her while she too approaches. Her hand extends, a fist driving into his ribs-- and then another potent explosion of that energy fires off, a burst of silver with enough strength to send even larger men flying head over heels.

With a sharp snap of her arm, the wire slackens on his arm, almost as if it animates to her whims.

"I have no problems hitting a geriatric," she retorts with a heavy French accent.

Sergio can only grin on as his fist goes into Cherise's face, only to realize something is very wrong only at the moment his body is suddenly twisted out of it's now forward stance. The fist goes to the ribs and a rough cough escapes his lungs, flecks of blood emerging with the breath- just in time to be blown back into his face by an eruption of psychic energy.

He's sent backwards, tumbling over and over before finally stopping, his back smashing into the lifeguard tower and causing him to slump forward, face down in the sand. But he's only down a moment. "S-shit! You -are- a lot tougher than you look, lady. Probably my kind of lady if you weren't such a goddamn bitch about all this." Geriatric? Now that's just a low blow that he doesn't appreciate.

Now the man stretches out, rolling his shoulders and setting himself as he decides to continue this 'altercation'. His reasoning, however, might not be what's expected. "Ahhh! I guess I'm going to be able to have a bit of fun here, after all." He gives her a brief grin, and then suddenly reaches into his shirt, ripping a six foot length of rope out of nowhere and throwing it at her, "Haha!" It whirls in the air as it goes, but more importantly a vortex of water forms about it, becoming almost like a miniature tornado of water that tears across the sand towards Cherise, rope rapidly spinning at the top, which is oh so lovingly neck height.

COMBATSYS: Sergio successfully hits Cherise with Whirlpool.
Glancing Blow

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////          ]
Sergio           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Cherise

[OOC] Cherise gah, sorry! Got pulled away.

[OOC] Sergio D:

[OOC] Sergio says, "Sokay, I understand ;)"

[OOC] Sergio says, "I've got about 45 mins, then I'll need to zoom home, though I'll be free when I'm back. Hour+ drive tho :("

When the rope begins to whirl about, Cherise finds herself in quite the predicament-- how often does she get to see someone use something like that, like this? It begs the necessity for some careful analysis, studying the rotation and the clear-as-day infusion of energy.

With the watery vortex coming toward her, blasting back, Cherise's footing takes over-- though with the uneven grounding of the sand and the nature of the attack, her ankle rolls a little in the beach's sands and it strikes. Not perhaps how he wanted to-- not full on, not a direct and hard blow, but giving her enough room to throw her weight off to the side and roll herself into a crouch.

Snapping her head forward and then back, her wet bangs fly back out of her face while her eyes remain wide, her smile remaining a twisted leer. "Ahn, I see, you must be popular at a child's birthday party. Or do you work as a pool boy?"

Her fingertips drag on the sand a little bit as her weight shifts, her left leg thrusting forward and right leg drawing back a bit. Her right arm whips upward with great force, and blades of silver bleed away from the tips of her fingers.

The paper-thin energy screams across the sands of Sound Beach towards Sergio, kicking up a good deal of dirt and sand in their wake as they try to rip into the man. All four of the blades have the same invasive energy that she put forth before, and they're certainly no mere, commonplace 'energy balls' that some throw around: These try to slice and tear through clothing and skin, enough force behind them to draw blood. And Cherise's take on this?

"Ha ha ha ha ha~!"

COMBATSYS: Sergio slows Argent Claw from Cherise with Whitewater.
Glancing Hit

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Sergio           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Cherise

[OOC] Sergio says, "e_e"

The rope gets near and strikes, but not near enough to wrap around the womans throat and choke the life out of her. Even if it grazes her, Sergio counts it as a failure. "Damn," He mutters to himself. He approaches cautiously as she taunts him, which soon proves to be a really good thing as before he can do much of anything she's retaliating, sending blades of that messed up energy of hers screaming towards him.

This gets him thinking. He often gets up in someone's face and mashes them when they try and punch him, kick him, or wrestle him to the ground... but not so often does he fling his own powerful energy into that of someone else- at least not like this. So what the hell, he figures, time to obliterate those cute little blades with a /real/ burst of energy!

He drops down into a power stance directly from a step forward and then draws his right hand back. He grins a great, menacing grin at Cherise, "Pool boy, huh? I like that one! Here, why don't you TAKE A SWIM!" His arm slams forward, "HAAH!" And nothing happens... for a moment. Then, suddenly, an insane torrent of water tears up from underneath the sand in front of him, rushing towards Cherise and bringing a crapload of abrasive sand along with it.

One moment he's grinning as the sharp blades of power crash into his water, and then the next he the most shock look on his face. "What, the FUCK!"

This exclamation comes as he finds a single blade of energy sticking into his chest, blood leaking out of him as sits there, and than dissipates. His huge hoard of water? Blasted straight through and split into several separate parts which, separate, have none of the power of the single entity. Two of them divert around Cherise, and then the whole lot of it evaporates into nothingness. "Ok," Sergio states, "I may have underestimated you a /little/."

A little, he says? To Cherise, that's probably one of the funniest things she's heard today, if not the last week-- but that's just the sort of person that she is. Rising to a full stand after the throw of her attack, after the water's scattered to either side of her, the French girl bats down the hem of her skirt with one hand and brushes back the hair from the back of her neck with the other. "Too many men have said that," she remarks with a matter-of-fact tone.

And then she grips the air, lifting with a pinch of her index finger and thumb, starting to snap her wrist about in the air. The sand leading along toward Sergio pops up from the sands, a thin wire leaving grains falling from the air while they shake free and coil back towards their origin-- that girl-- and she begins to make deft gestures, subtle movements of her fingers or a slight tilt to her wrist here and there.

The results are obvious to see, the wire swishing through the air in different manners, almost as though she were some sort of expert with a lasso or rope 'play.' "Ahn, but do not dare tell me that is all that you have for me, sir. I will be horribly disappointed if you do!"

Beckoning, her inviting hand reaches out to the man from the gap that still exsists between them, her fingers curling in. "Please, do something else! I need the laugh."

COMBATSYS: Cherise focuses on her next action.

[             \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Sergio           1/-------/=======|=======\-------\1          Cherise

[OOC] Sergio says, "Time to pause!"

[OOC] Cherise oukeii!

[OOC] Cherise says, "I... don't need pastes. D:"

[OOC] Sergio does x_x;

[OOC] Cherise can just scroll up and @paste it to you. D:

[OOC] Sergio says, "Thanks XD; your last one'd work"

"Hmph," is the noise that comes from Cherise as she plays up her advantage over him. It's... really not often that people have an energy advantage over Sergio, and he doesn't enjoy it in the least. However...well, there was just something /off/ about that. There's no way his special little toy of an attack could be brushed away so easily... Whatever, he decides, finally. He's not going to let it get to him. A guy like him runs on two things: Ego and Confidence. If he lets himself get down he is a goner, plain and simple.

"Oh, don't worry babycakes, I'm not done with you yet. And a gentleman like me wouldn't dare let down a lady like yourself, eh?" More steps are taken towards her as she twirls that wire around. "That's a nice trick," He comments, "But it's not going to be enough to stop me!" And then, suddenly, he's moving, rushing straight towards her.

Once the gap has been closed a fair amount a second burst of speed is given, but this time it's on the attack. He slumps down low twisting his left side towards her and accelerates. Once close his elbow slams out for her stomach to knock the wind out of her, and then his entire body twists around, his right arm swinging upward in a powerful motion as his entire body rises, a stream of water following after the limb, "RAAAH!"

[OOC] Sergio likes his Baseline Upgrade attack <3

COMBATSYS: Sergio successfully hits Cherise with Storm Surge.
- Power hit! -

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Sergio           1/-----==/=======|=======\====---\1          Cherise

"But a true gentleman would not call someone 'babycakes,' eh, grandpa?"

Words that she finds herself eating, as suddenly he's charging toward her. Her body shifts, legs changing position and spreading a bit, her arms taking a more steady stance-- wire swinging back to stay clear of her 'fighting area' so to speak. Cherise prepares to counter, even, but finds herself stuck with misjudgment: Her hand is too high, and his elbow is too low. With the powerful strike to her stomach, she's put off-balance, letting out a distinct "Grrph!" Next is his water-soaked uppercut that sends her, almost literally, flying.

The Frenchwoman's body goes limp mid-air, her arms going out to the sides and her body dropping at a near-perfect horizontal angle. The impact happens all at once-- slamming down onto the sand and every inch of her body reeling in pain.

But ... she's ...

"... heh h... heheh... heh heh heh... ha ha ha..."

Tongue lashing across her lips, a little fleck of blood is taken back into her mouth. She rises, steadily, her head lulled back while she seems to be regaining her posture and her head bobs forward. "You made me bite my tongue."

Suddenly, her whole body rotates. Her right arm careens backward, the wire bursting up from the sand one more time in a manner that looks more like she's cracking a whip in every sense of the word. Her arm points forward, next, her index finger literally pointing straight at Sergio. The wire sweeps around in a broad arc with the intent to snap around his neck and go taut, what with the silver-haired girl on the other end adding to the tension with a sharp -yank-... should it snag him at all.

[OOC] Cherise says, "more if!"

COMBATSYS: Sergio blocks Cherise's Argent Sniper.

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Sergio           1/---====/=======|====---\-------\0          Cherise

[OOC] Cherise says, "curse you, italian bum"

[OOC] Sergio laughs.

[OOC] Sergio wanted to try to endure your MAX :(

[OOC] Cherise breakin' hearts everywhere!!

[OOC] Sergio says, "<{ {3"

[OOC] Sergio breaks Cherise's heart back.

After the uppercut is finished in it's motion Sergio twists back into a fighting stance, one arm high and the other low, facing at a slight angle towards Cherise. "Heh. Damn straight. I'm not a /true/ gentleman. Just a gentlemen- sorry to disappoint you." Her reaction to the attack, especially when it strikes true as it did, it's clearly not what he was expecting. "Eh?" Laughter...odd.

He makes a half smirk, "Don't tell me you're one of those battlelust chicks? Guess it'd make sense with how quick to kick my head in you were, though." There's no time for a response to her tongue comment, as she is quickly launching into an attack- those wires whipped towards him. This time, however, Sergio is ready for them. His arm lifts up, and rather than his neck the wire impacts and wraps around it. The hard yank is given, and lines of blood form as the wires dig hard into his skin.

The result, however, is likely under whelming. The yank is enough to show that it was with good reason the guard wasn't able to drag him off, Sergio sliding about a foot towards Cherise in the sand, and then returning to a complete halt.

"Heh. Now I think you're the one who underestimated me. Care to try it again? I think it's -your- turn to impress -me-." He stands there, solid and resolute, taunting in his lack of motion, that wire still firmly dug into his arm.

COMBATSYS: Sergio gains composure.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////                    ]
Sergio           1/-----==/=======|====---\-------\0          Cherise

The moment that his arm comes up, Cherise realizes what's going to happen. She's seen it before, as much as she doesn't like to admit it, and the might of the Argent Sniper largely finds itself buried in the man's arm before she can release the full brunt of it's fury. And-- now he's going to stand there and act like a smartass about it.

After his proud declaration, Cherise's expression refuses to change. She's still smiling, still leering at him like some kind of stone cold freak. Her wrist flicks, and the tension on the wire immediately slackens-- though she takes it back with a soft tug, the right snaps and pulls here and there sending it flying off his arm and into the air, still laced with his blood.

Dropping into a low stance, Cherise's laughter ceases... and then to completely counter it, she straightens up-- she just seems to stand a little taller, like she's just got that much more spring in her step.

"I can see through you, old man."

And then her head tilts forward just the slightest of bits, looking at Sergio with eyes full of nothing short of batshit insanity.

"Hurt me more, before I wanna kill you~."

COMBATSYS: Cherise gains composure.

[              \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Sergio           1/-----==/=======|===----\-------\0          Cherise

The wire releases and Sergio is so undisciplined as to reach up and rub the wounds. "That's better, I was hopin' that wouldn't stick around forever." The man grins a little as Cherise stands up and seems to not be so much enjoying the fight when there's nothing involved but standing and waiting. Truth be told? He normally gets bored by that sort of thing himself!

"Yeah, all this doin' nothing is total shit, isn't it? But sometimes that's what you gotta do when some poor sod is setting you up to take you down hard." Or to piss them off after shrugging off one of their most powerful attacks, but he's not going to -say- that. "I guess I can accept your request this time, though."

And with that he's in motion, moving towards her again with his not-so-impressive speed. The attack that comes is seemingly simple, he gets in close and shoves a hard palmstrike at her chest. The trick comes in when the strike fails to ever make contact, and in its stead is a point blank blast of potent chi energy, in the form of water as always. "Hah!"

COMBATSYS: Sergio successfully hits Cherise with Alpha Release.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////                         ]
Sergio           1/---====/=======|=======\-------\0          Cherise

Somewhere around the point that he says that he can accept her request, something strange happens-- her eyes, just for a moment, seem to lose focus. Her pupils jerk erratically, and the ambient energy in the air starts to skyrocket-- that strange power she has, for all it is. And in that moment, Cherise winces-- but it's as though she knows what's going to happen moments before it -does- happen.

Her body still doesn't have it in there to avoid it.

Starting to twist and push back, her footing is again questionable and his speeed and strength are a bit more than she expected. His palm drives in, and the explosive burst of watery chi blasts her flat backwards, tumbling head over heels until she smacks into the barricade that leads back to the stage with a harsh collision of steel and sinew. Sputtering, gasping for air, Cherise spits out a bit of water and again stands, her hands carefully pulling the hair back out of her face.

Still, she's got a leering smile.

Breaking into a hard run toward Sergio, the soaking wet guitarist charges across the beach and retaliates, leading off with a stiff punch, low, to the belly. If it strikes, she follows with a sharp, short kick to the front of his knee, a few swift body blows in the style of a boxer, a palm strike to the heart, and most importantly, a slight hop leading into a powerful, brutal roundhouse kick to the side of the head.

What makes this additionally worse is the energy transmitted through each strike-- each successive hit driving home a powerful bursting spike of silver energy, invasive and cruel.

COMBATSYS: Sergio fails to interrupt Vital Striker from Cherise with Unrealized Potential.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Sergio           0/-------/---====|=======\-------\0          Cherise

[OOC] Sergio says, "Nooo"

[OOC] Sergio says, "My glorious pain for you :("

[OOC] Sergio says, "Dm/luck, you fail me for the first time!"

[OOC] Cherise has magic hands

Sergio just stands there as Cherise is blasted back by the force of the attack, admiring his handywork. She stands up, and to him the look in her eye is... murderous? No, not quite. That's not the word he's looking for. Sadistic is perhaps more on target, but still not quite right. The guy isn't a scholar by any means, so he just gives up there.

It occurs to him, as she rushes at him, that he's pretty much got this one in the bag. Or so he thinks. He could, right now, hunker down like he had before, take the blow with an iron defense, and then plow her into the sand with his most powerful technique.

But that, as they say, is boring. Why take the safe way when taking the hard way would be so much better, and so much more fun? And so he makes a decision. As Cherise runs at him the man reaches deep within himself, reaching for his power and begins drawing it out. It's a slow process, but it can be. The first blows impact, and his body whips around as psychic power explodes over him. The second one doubles him over, and the third one drips him to a knee. This is where he intends to strike.

Behind both of them, massive waves of water form rushing together powerfully in what would be a magnificent maelstrom of energetic destruction. Sad, then, that the blows don't stop, but keep coming, disrupting his control over the energy. More and more of the water evaporates as the heinous beating continues, until the man seems to fight through the pain and pull both fists back before trying to slam them into Cherise's stomach, anticipating the water to envelop them both in order to give him the advantage he needs.

A few drops splash the back of his head, "Aw, fuck." The roundhouse comes and he's smashed sideways by the force of it and the explosion created by it, and he's driven into the sand. The man looks truly crestfallen now. It's not that now it's possible for him to lose, it's that he's now made a chump out of himself. ...ah well, he can just try to punch her extra hard after he gets back up.

More water, more flapping wildly at the air-- and there's Cherise, landing on the balls of her feet, the thigh-high boots somehow keeping steady while she does this. But, more importantly-- perhaps to him, and especially to her-- is the way she's standing now. Her posture isn't as good, her shoulders slouhed and her breathing heavy and deep. In such a short time, to take such a vicious beating -and- return the favor, it's clearly taken a toll on her.

Point in fact, she hasn't felt this whipped in a good while.

"Heh ... haha... heheheh ... heh hah hah!"

Trying her hardest to straighten herself up, Cherise is still one to attempt to maintain her appearances... even if soaking from a few chi-blasted gouts of water. The wire assassin flicks her wrist, her weapon reeling through the air with a hiss until her left hand snakes out to catch a metallic end, a small gold weight held between her middle and forefinger.

"I do not lust for battle itself, Monsieur. No, there are other things that I want. That I like. That I love. But are you clever enough to see through it? Do you know what it is? Hmm? Heh heh... hahaha..."

Slowly, her head lulls forward, wet bangs falling down over her face while she looks back at him again-- through matted hair and that smile that seems to form more into a crescent than a real person's face, like her eyes were even larger and more intense than before. Moments like this are when Cherise are pushed to her absolute limit.

Moments like this are her favorites.

COMBATSYS: Cherise gains composure.

[                    \\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////                       ]
Sergio           0/-------/---====|======-\-------\0          Cherise

It seems like Sergio has been given the time he needs to raise back to his feet all the way, which he takes advantage of. He isn't beat up to the point of having to slump... but it would take quite a damn lot to actually do that to the man. Still, his posture isn't near what it was before, though his fists are still up in front of himself when he's back on his feet. "Heh. Well, at least you seem to be enjoying yourself. Hope you appreciate how close you came to getting the floor wiped with ya' there." It could easily sound like an insult, but really it's just a statement. He took a risk and he screwed it up- that's the nature of this sort of thing. Anyone a strong as Cherise should know as much.

As she speaks to him and tells her a little about herself, he lifts a hand to his head, scratches it, and shrugs. "Not really. Maybe you like getting' hurt, maybe you like hurtin' other people. Probably more than that, but I'm not sure what it is." He's not a psychologist. He doesn't even really /care/.

So while she's standing there enjoying being pushed to her limits, he stands there wondering how to blast her with energy. In the end he decides upon something very simple. Rather than going for the all-consuming river of water he tried to stop her energy blades with, he simply thrusts his hand forward in a single fast motion, towards Cherise. At his feet a geyser of water sprays up from the sandy ground, tilted down at a low angle to blast her. It's a technique that he mainly uses to blast people out of the air with when they try to jumpkick him. It's also failed miserably at that in recent memory. Maybe it will redeem itself here?

COMBATSYS: Cherise blocks Sergio's Old Faithful.

[                     \\\\\\\\\  < >  ////                          ]
Sergio           0/-------/----===|=======\-------\0          Cherise

"How astute!"

And by now, even if she's been getting her behind handed to her for a majority of the battle, the girl's started to become wise to the methods he uses. When his hand thrusts forward, she hesitates for the slightest of moments-- and it pays off, in a sense. Rather than completely blasting her off her feet, her arms cross in a classic defensive pose, her feet digging in and allowing the powerful gout of waves to power against her. Weathering the blast, she sweeps her arms out to break the end of the spray, slinging her arm back-- and then ahead. Her wrist twists as she steps in closer, lashing the wire up and around in a smooth circle to wrap it around the man's forearm one more time. He stopped it last time, but maybe this time she'll get a little more lucky? Maybe this time, she'll be able to put him down for good?!

If that wire snags, she pulls it taut-- as if to drag him closer, as if to draw him in while she lunges ahead and drives her fist into his ribs, looking to blast him back and finally introduce him to the world of pain she's been advertising!


[OOC] Sergio says, "Stop putting priority on everything it makes my crazy interrupts hard."

COMBATSYS: Sergio interrupts Argent Striker from Cherise with Whitewater.

[                        \\\\\\  < >                                ]
Sergio           0/-------/-======|=======\==-----\1          Cherise

[OOC] Sergio mwehehe

[OOC] Cherise says, "I can't, it has it by default."

[OOC] Sergio laughs.

[OOC] Sergio has to /try/ to put it on his! >_<

[OOC] Sergio says, "Whitewater finally regains it's status of 'lolwut'"

[OOC] Sergio is so happy. Sheds a tear.

[OOC] Cherise also had like 6% health and 27% reserve!


[OOC] Sergio is down to 32 now :(

[OOC] Sergio says, "Damn, my odds were pretty terrible for all that. D:"

[OOC] Sergio says, "Well, for interrupts x_x;"

[OOC] Cherise also had projectile penalty last turn and this one.

[OOC] Cherise says, "So now ... I've got exhausted, projectile penalty, and KO penalty."

[OOC] Sergio says, "D:"

[OOC] Sergio says, "Yeah, poking with projs is nasty stuff"

[OOC] Sergio is going to be power hit, just watch

Cherise is able to stave off the majority of the blast, but from the looks of it the repeated blows are starting to really wear the woman down. Not that it seems to keep her from trying, something Sergio can no doubt appreciate. Unfortuantely for her, he's definitely set her up. Fortunately for her she seems to have figured that out and gone at him in a way that's going to make smacking her pretty damn hard. It's hard to do much of anything when you're being whipped around by wires, after all.

Like before he's yanked towards her, but this time he goes along for the ride. Rushing in quicker and quicker, but what's unseen is the power he's building up as he goes. She might even expect the result of it all- he wouldn't be surprised if she did. He of all people knows you have to try the powerful assault, even when expecting to get cut down midway. A moment before her fist connects his feet slam down and he comes to a near screeching halt, and in front of him the sand explodes into a massive torrent of water. With no energy to get in it's way this time the water crashes into Cherise and throws her backwards. Humorous, perhaps, that Sergio gets dragged along for the ride, tumbling along in a chaotic mess of wires and limbs as the two are washed away in a hell of chi and sand.

Fortuantely for Sergio he's all but immune to his power, when it's in this form. The water does eventually evaporate, and quickly when it begins, leaving Sergio laying in a heap somewhere near Cherise. "Well shit, so that's what it's like." He lets out a hearty laugh, "Bet you're gonna sock it to me for that one, aren't you?" A grin crosses his face, "Gimmie your best shot! I won't even stop you."

[OOC] Sergio says, "You there? I'm very close to flopping XD"

[OOC] Cherise GAH

[OOC] Cherise says, "i dozed mid-writing @_<;;"

[OOC] Cherise says, "sorry, LOL. i never intended to let it drag on for this long @_@"

[OOC] Sergio grins.

[OOC] Sergio says, "Want to finish up tomorrow or? XD"

[OOC] Sergio did the doze out on SNF two weeks ago x_x;

It all seems ot go to plan-- this time he gets the man's arm and gets to dragging him along for the ride-- or so she thinks. Before her fist can land, he manages to steel himself. Then, the sand right in front of her explodes into a gout of water, and as much as she'd hope that he'd be caught up or hurt in his own technique, it wouldn't be all that likely-- otherwise, what's the point of using such risky, powerful techniques?

Coughing and choking on both sand and water, the next thing Cherise gets to see is the evening sky, the warm lights of the stage nearby and the noise of the crowd surrounding them reminding her of just where she is and who she's engaged with. But ... it's still, apparently, all too funny to the girl, from what the smile on her face seems to indicate.

"... But you also did not say you would not avoid it."

Standing up, she visibly staggers, taking a moment to analyze the distance between herself and the man that one more time. "Oh, well~! No harm in trying, non?"

And then with a sudden resurgance of strength, enough power that it comes out of nowhere, her arm reels back and her left arm extends. With a swift step, her arm thrusts forward to point straight at Sergio. "GO!!" And the wire responds almost autonomously, shooting ahead in an impossibly straight manner, whipping from back to forth and shooting towards the man's neck like some sort of insane projectile. One that insists on wrapping around his neck, one that insists on immediately cutting off his air supply.

Snowball's chance in Hell, but the chance also is -not- "zero."

[OOC] Cherise says, "more if, etc., etc."

COMBATSYS: Cherise can no longer fight.

[                        \\\\\\  <
Sergio           0/-------/---====|

COMBATSYS: Sergio endures Cherise's Argent Sniper.

[                                <
Sergio           1/-------/=======|

[OOC] Sergio B)

[OOC] Cherise poses the more, then!!

When the wire wraps around his neck, she grins.

"You should not have let me do that."

And then she pulls, -violently- on the wire, dragging the man a step closer while her arm draws back, pulling the wire across her chest. Grabbing it with her left hand, her hand poses under it almost as though she were about to pluck the string-- and she does. Once, twice, three times, in a continuing chain, combining strangulation and bursts of silver energy screaming along the length of the wire to repeatedly slam the man in the face and throat, constant blows that seem to have no apparent end.

Finally, Cherise drops to her vinyl-clad knees and uses the motion to drag Sergei along for the ride-- and gives the wire one last violent pluck to send a final, exacting burst to him.

If she had the strength to stand, she would. Cherise instead gives another sharp gesture, a roll of the wrist and a snap to the side, and the length loosens up from the man's neck and begins to reel back toward her, returning to the bracelet whence it came.

"Heh ... heheh... ha ha ha..."

And then she falls backwards with a deep breath, arms thrown out either way and a disturbingly peaceful expression, eyes half-lidded from a state between consciousness and unconsciousness.

Sergio readied himself for the attack that came, and then simply bore it as best he could. Maybe he shouldn't have let her get the hold on him- that's probably true. But at this point? He's got nothing to lose. Why resist when there's no point in resisting? Maybe he could be a to total show of and try and punch her in the middle of it... but once again, he has nothing to gain from such an action.

So the wires wrap around his neck and he's ripped towards her painfully, wires digging hard into his neck and cutting off his breathing and circulation. The wires are plucked, and blast after blast of energy shoots down them and tears into the man, wracking his body, a growling yell coming with each. And then, finally, the final blow comes, blasting him backwards and onto his back, and the wires unravel.

"Heh... yeah, pretty goddamn strong." The man rolls forward into a sitting position, and then his hands press into the sand. He's up to his knees, he places one foot on the ground. He begins to stand... and that's when his legs give out, causing him to pitch forward and fall face first once more. Once down for good it's all he can do to flip himself onto his back. "Best fight I've had in months! ...gonna be pissed if I get arrested after all that shit."

COMBATSYS: Sergio takes no action.

COMBATSYS: Sergio can no longer fight.

[OOC] Sergio says, "Faito most excelante :D"

[OOC] Cherise >O< d

[OOC] Cherise says, "like i said, sorry it dragged on so long :("

[OOC] Sergio says, "Haha, no prob!"

[OOC] Sergio says, "And for future note"

[OOC] Sergio says, "Randomly challenging people on a whim: GOOD IDEA"

Log created on 16:49:34 06/16/2008 by Sergio, and last modified on 04:13:38 06/17/2008.