Ingrid - A meeting in the mountains

Description: A Pacific field trip to a National Treasure of Japan leads to a chance meeting between Vince and Ingrid, sparking an almost immediate friendship.

Mount Haguro. Mount Gassan. Mount Yudono.

The Three Mountains of Dewa. Considered holy by the practitioners of Shinto, as well as the Shugendo. Popular site of pilgrims, tourists, and apparently schoolkids.

With a bus parked a ways back still, a couple classes from Pacific High has come out to this location for a fieldtrip. Locations like these are rather important for the Pacific High curriculum, as it's culturally significant to the Japanese! This might normally seem a bit redundant, except a large amount of Pacific High's populace is actually not Japanese.

Insofar, the gaggle of similarly-dressed students have shuffled to the foothills of the mountain cluster, now standing assembled before the five-tiered pagoda, listening to a lecturing teacher at the head. Vince, however, is a bit off to the side of the usual group, attempting to get his own good look at the pagoda and the mountains framing it just -so- nicely in the background. Though he's dressed in his school uniform manner (variety notwithstanding), there's precious little way he can fit in, considering the equipment he carries. And though he's paying a bit of attention to the words of his teacher, he's mostly affixed on the scenery and drifting blissfully into his own thoughts of what all must have gone on in the past ages.

Who says schoolchildren can't go on pilgrimages? Sure many of them don't have an even near complete understanding of their own religion, or any idea why this place is considered sacred other than what the history books tell them, but nothing makes it impossible for them to have a religious experience while on a Field Trip.

There is a student of school other than Pacific among them all as well, though not dressed immediately as such. No, Ingrid Holmann is here not as a student of Seijyun High but as a simple tourist, trying to soak in the rich history and view the national treasure of the country that she's made her home for the last year and a half. Though the scenery is interesting, it's much more interesting when she can hear the teacher speaking about it and handing out information. And so she strays closer to the group, though not quite close enough to blend in. This puts her close to Vince.

Once close she takes notice of him, seeing his rapier and rather interesting looking daggers, quickring an eyebrow. Her first comment to the fellow European is not, however, on the subject of his weaponry. "Interesting, isn't it? Europe is so full of culture and history, and yet the things found hear can predate them by thousands of years. It's very humbling."

"Almost magical," Vince replies off-hand without bothering to spare a glance to the side. The voice of the swordsman is likely the most betraying of his heritage and upbringing, being softly spoken and smooth, eloquent and laced with just a hint of a French accent. "It's very different from European artifacts and legacy, as stark a difference as black is to white. The way the land looks here, untouched and majestic. It's really quite-"

Vince finally casts a look aside to Ingrid, and his sentences catches a little. "--enchanting."

After a beat, he looks back ahead to the pagoda and the mountains.

%A little smile forms on the young woman's face as Vince looks over to her, "I quite agree. There always seems to be hints of mysticism and hidden wonder at sites like these. I find it terribly interesting that the land itself can be considered so sacred, where in Europe we've only recently begun to realize how precious it can be."

After a moment of silence she looks towards him and offers a polite curtsy, "My name is Ingrid Holmann, by the way; it's a pleasure to meet you..?"

Vince turns to his new acquaintance again, this time with a soft, pleasant smile. "LaRose. Vince LaRose. And I believe the pleasure is mine, m'lady."

Icy blues slowly pull away from Ingrid to look back to the pagoda and the mountain cluster. "I've always been fascinated with history. It enraptures me thoroughly. The mystique, the intrigue...," he reflects somberly. "Both in Europe and in Asia. The more I learn of it, the more I find it interesting."

Vince pauses a moment and glances askance to the white-haired girl nearby. "At times I wish I were born then instead of the present."

"Why thank you, Mr. LaRose," Ingrid responds to his compliment. At his comments on being born so long in the past she tilts her head. "That's a curious idea. I think, however, that I prefer myself where I am. True, you might be able to see history in the making, but I'm not sure it would have the significance then as it does today. Or, at least, I don't know that those creating history are in a position to enjoy it, as much."

A little smile forms on her features once more, "After all, future generations may look into the past and glorify in what we think the simplest of things or ideas. It's fun to try and figure out what your generation will be known for, don't you think?"

"I suppose I just relate to the past more than the present," Vince muses to himself.

As Ingrid talks, Vince attempts to split his attention between her, the speaker, and the surrounding scenery - though she takes a bit of preference. A hand idly lifts to shift through his bangs along the right side, simply to ruffle them a little, then glances back over to her. "You're right," he concludes with an entertained grin. "What we consider the rough of today could potentially be the diamonds of tomorrow. Still, you don't ever wonder what you might have been like in an older time?"

Ingrid lets out a soft laugh and shakes her head, "To be honest with you, I don't. Now that you have me thinking that, I imagine I'd be much the same as I am now. Perhaps the experiences that have formed my life would have been different, but I prefer to believe that I am the person I am despite them, not because of them."

Still she listens to the teacher give the speech about the wonderful building before them, and still her eyes pass along the levels of the pagoda, but her other senses are surely focused upon the young man next to her. "I also imagine I'd have trouble living in such a time. Would I be a peasant or nobility, each with their own issues..?"

"Good answer," Vince notes to her, smile turning more bemused. "You are who you are despite circumstances, not because of them," he reiterates, acrediting it to memory.

His eyes return to the pagoda, looking it over curiously. The design of the building is definitely foreign to him, and rather strange. Why someone would decide to build in that manner eludes him. But then, Vince is no architect. "Oh, the stipulations of social caste would be a little difficult, yes. But..."

Vince pulls his attention from the scenery to affix his gaze fully on the girl. "..I'm not sure you would stay that way. Your light hair and eyes would set you apart easily. And I think that would be in a positive way over negative. If you weren't born into nobility, I'm sure you would marry into it."

Ingrid lets out a soft laugh, "Well now I hadn't thought of that. I suppose you're right. Were I not born into nobility I'm sure I would make a choice offering to the local nobility. I'm not so sure they'd find me very pleasant in that case, however." No, that's probably not what Vince meant, but it's closer to what she imagines would be the case than prince charming coming and sweeping her off her feet and bringing her into his palace.

"That is, of course, if I didn't decide to string some poor noble boy along and use my looks to my advantage." A little smile is on her face as she turns to face him fully, "But I would never go and do a thing like that, now would I?"

Vince can't help but grin a little more at her first response. Not -exactly- what he was thinking, but close enough, and she's so very candid about it all! She's a real peach to talk to, Vince has decided.

Her additional commentary actually gets a laugh from Vince. It's soft, politely restrained, and has an airy quality about it - hardly intrusive to the other students listening to the lecture. Once he's quieted his merriment, he gives his head a shake. "I think you would be extremely effective," he notes with a hint of a teasing lilt. "So... I wonder if you truly would..." His right hand lifts to tap his index finger to his chin and lower lip.

Ingrid looks to be just holding in laughter herself as Vince allows himself to do so, though in a polite manner rather than an outburst. The young woman gently lifts a gloved hand to twirl a stray lock of hair around it, "Now why would I go and do a thing like that? Oh, I suppose if it was necessary in order to protect myself I may... but I hardly think that's ever going to be the case. Lucky for me I was nor born in an early era, or I might have needed to make a tease of myself."

The blonde quirks an eyebrow and turns the situation around with a smile, "I wonder, however, what you might resort to in order to save yourself from the clutches of an overbearing noblewoman?"

Vince still seems to only barely be withholding more laughter as the conversation goes on. His smile is bright, shoulders a little hunched indicatively, and he shakes his head minutely. "I don't think I would have that trouble. LaRoses, after officially becoming nobility, only married other capable fencers. So try as the overbearing noblewomen may, unless they were handy with a sword and willing to learn Rose Dansant, they had no chance of marrying."

Vince takes a moment to compose himself, a few seconds of errant snickering escaping him. "Ah.. anyway... I'm extremely picky as it is!"

The young woman gains an extremely mirthful look upon her face as Vince speaks of his heritage, "Ah, but think for a moment what might be were you not born a LaRose? How then could you demand her to become as skilled as you?" Ingrid gives him a humorously questioning look, and then makes an elegant dismissive gesture with her hand. "But luck for you there's no need to worry about such a thing in this day in age, is there?" Finally she stops playing with her hair and brushes it over her shoulder simply.

"Oh, that's just unfair!," protests Vince. He doesn't seem disheartened or upset at all, though - he's completely enterained by this conversation. "You would still get to be you! Why must -I- be someone else?" And he fails to withhold laughter, letting it bubble forth with great restraint to keep from disturbing those around them.

"But at any rate, I like to think I would follow the footsteps of the first LaRose. The one who wasn't -born- nobility, but earned it through chivalry and honor."

Aaand finally Vince lets it go, judging by her gesture that she's tired of the topic. "I don't believe I've seen you around the campus," he starts, tone mild, but perked with curiosity. As for the lecture.. he's still paying attention to it, to a degree.

"My, now that is a fine history. Born of a lower class but accepted into the nobility because their traits warrant it? I can see how you would become enamored with your past, from such a thing." Ingrid smiles happily as she speaks, "And I suppose you're right, it is a little unfair... but then I do believe I would remain the same, even if I were born in a different situation."

The blonde acknowledges his comment and gives a little shake of her head, "I don't suppose you would- I don't go to Pacific High. I'm just doing a little sightseeing of my own. I actually take a Japanese Language class at Seijyun- but then I suppose your class might not be from the Southtown campus." Pacific, after all, is an international school, where Seijyun has only a single school to call it's own.

"I wish I had long enough to tell you the whole story," Vince adds. "But I -am- from Southtown's campus." He shifts his shoulders in a slow roll, loosening up a little as he considers what she tells him. "So you're not here with a class, yourself? Sightseeing? Fancy running into you, then. I have to admit, m'lady.. it's been nice talking to you."

Ingrid lets out a soft laugh, not quite loud enough to get a frown from the teacher, and gives a nod of her head. "It truly is an interesting thing, to meet someone from the same city that's so far away. And it's been a pleasure to meet you as well, Mister Vince LaRose. I'm sure we'll run into each other again," A playful smile forms on her lips, "Though perhaps not in such an exotic local."

Vince looks to the white-haired girl through the corners of his eyes, donning a grin at her laugh. "I do hope so. On both accounts. I love travelling and seeing the world."

The lecture seems to be winding down, and from the sounds of things, the class means to hike a little ways further past the pagoda. Vince looks to the teacher, then over to Ingrid with a quirked sandy blond eyebrow. "Going to continue with the group, or were you headed off on your own? Not to intrude or anything.."

Ingrid smiles humorously, "Oh, I think I could be persuaded to tag along- your teacher is quite well informed and I'm rather impressed. However I was under the impression that you'd grown tired of me and decided to send me along." A hand lifts to her chin, and she taps at it twice with her forefinger, eyebrows arching upwards, "But perhaps I've misjudged you?"

"I'd hope he would be. He's a teacher, after all," muses Vince.

He then disregards the lecture and scenery entirely, turning to face Ingrid full-on to give her a wide-eyed look, head inclining. "Really? Then either I have presented myself all wrong, or you've utterly failed to read me, m'lady. On the contrary, I've enjoyed your company very much," he insists, soft smile playing over his lips again.

"Well then, I'm glad to hear it," the white haired young woman says with a pleasant look set upon her face. "I was worried I might be keeping you from paying attention in class, or that perhaps this was simply a short stay in a much longer trip." Meaning that she thought he had to go. Even Ingrid makes mistakes, from time to time. "If that's not the case then I think a nice little walk is just what's needed." A hike sounds like a lovely idea to her, or so it would seem.

"Excellent," Vince says, smile turning more chipper and lighthearted.

And coincidentally, that's when the teacher says they'll now begin heading up Mount Haguro. The students are instructed to stay together and to not deviate from the stone steps as they proceed along. And when the teacher begins to lead past the pagoda to the stone steps, the students begin filing after him.

Vince dallies a bit behind, figuring that being more towards the back of the group means less intrusive chatting along the way. "I'm not sure we'll be going to the summit of the mountain," Vince starts as he begins to move, expecting the young lady to remain nearby. "But it's certain to be beautiful along the way. We have to go through a forest, it looks like." And this seems to lift his spirits, for some reason or another.

And so Ingrid begins following along, dallying behind with Vince, since if she weren't speaking with him she wouldn't be intrusive enough to stay near the head of the class to listen to the teacher anyway. That would, perhaps, raise some eyebrows.

"I wonder if it's supposed to feel odd to walk on the sacred ground of another nation. It doesn't give me any feelings like that, but I can certainly see why they hold a place such as this so close to their hearts. Amazing that such a crowded country can keep such perfectly preserved places. It makes me ask what could have been if all the world had been so thoughtful."

"I feel more connected with the ones who first made these steps. So little is altered from then to now..," Vince admits, speaking in hushed tones now. Icy blues dart here and there, taking in as much of the remarkably serene wilderness as he can while walking.

"So tell me...," Vince starts, stealing a glance over to Ingrid. "Do you favor the expansive wilds, or urbania?" Though his eyes are alight with curiosity and interest, the question itself is put innocently enough.

More connected than what, is the question, but it's not one Ingrid is going to voice aloud. If he wanted to tell her he would, and she'll leave it at that. As much as she likes learning about people, she does know how to respect someone's privacy. "Mmm... That's an interesting question. Though I do enjoy the outdoors and the untouched loveliness of the wild, I'm afraid I'm far too much of a people person to prefer it over city life. The pure variety of people that can be found in cities is something I find extremely fascinating."

"Oh, but that's touch and go," Vince notes as the group walks along. "Not every city has a widespread number of demographics. But cities like Southtown... I could certainly understand."

The group pauses to take a look at something Vince can't quite make out, but from what he can hear from the teacher, it's... an animal skittering through the underbrush. Not exactly critical, and soon enough, the group is moving along again.

A laugh escapes from Ingrid as Vince speaks up, "Perhaps, but even when everyone is of the same ethnicity it isn't very often that they're all share the same values and wish for the same experiences. People can at times be so very similar, and at others so completely different." Not that she has anything against the variety found in Southtown- she certainly enjoys the city. Ingrid's head turns as the animal makes a bit of noise and looks towards it curiously, "I wonder what it was..?"

Vince, distracted with following the group, jokes, "I hear some odd things about the southern portion of North America." Then he pauses on the steps, letting the group get a little ahead of himself. He peers out into the forest, looking between the tall, slender trees and scanning the underbrush. "I'm not sure. It sounded like it was something rare, or at least noteworthy. So it has to have been something bigger than a squirrel. A bear, maybe? A fox?" He turns his gaze over to his female companion for input.

Ingrid tilts her head a little, "Really? I don't think I've ever been there save for a single time. I must say I was rather taken by the splendor- but then it was at the home of one of their modern day nobles. Not a very good example of the rest of the country, I imagine." The blonde lets out a laugh when he mentions bears, "Really? I suppose I always have something large and powerful when I think of bears, but they do have some smaller kinds in Asia, don't they?"

"Ahh... well..." Vince's brow furrows a little before he shoots the girl a sheepish look. "I don't really know. I'm still not entirely used to the fauna. I've not lived here that long." His gaze then turns up the steps to the cluster of students and chaperones, now a smidge ahead of them.

Vince turns to begin trundling up the steps again at a relaxed pace. "I mean no offense, by the way.. but you don't look the sort to enjoy hikes and the outdoors too much." He glances over to her with a playful, teasing smile. "Not in that outfit, at least."

Ingrid laughs a little, "Well then it's a good thing you're on this trip. I'm sure you'll learn all about the animals of the region. If you pay enough attention to your teacher, that is." A mirthful little look is given to the young man, and she shakes her head, "Oh, I may not look it but I am, in fact, in rather good shape. And these clothes are very much more durable than they appear to be, at least at first."

"We're here to learn about Japanese culture," notes Vince in a deliberately poindextrous manner, nose slightly upturning and index finger lifting. The look breaks away suddenly as the swordsman dons a mirthful grin. "..Besides, I think our illustrious teacher is afraid of most animals."

Vince then pauses in his walk, finally giving the girl a full, albeit polite once-over. Icy blue eyes begin with her face, then trek down to her feet, and finally come back up to rest on her eyes. "My lady, I never questioned your fitness. I think you're a striking girl. It's only that the dress is deceptive." His mirthful smile returns, having said that, and his head cocks to the side slightly. "Very.. durable?," he querries.

Ingrid smiles, "Oh good, I'm glad you're not here to study Korean culture, or I'm afraid you'd be in for quite the let down." Despite her teasing little joke her eyebrow quirks up at the comment about the teacher, wondering if perhaps it's true. "Lucky for him it decided to stay in the bushes, then."

Noticing his look, Ingrid gives a mirthful glance and is kind enough to stop where she is and actually turn for him in a playful little spin. Upon his compliment she smiles graciously, "Why thank you, Mister LaRose, I'm glad to hear you think so." She brushes her hands over the jacket at her stomach and nods, "Oh yes, I wouldn't want my clothes to get all ripped and torn now would I?"

A soft snickering escapes Vince at her mannerisms, smiling a little more. "I don't imagine you would, no. But at the same time, I can't think of many situations where that would be a risk."

Vince pauses to take on a briefly stumped, then amused look.

"Except for now, apparently," he concludes. "At any rate, it suits you well. Very elegant." His smile turns less mirthful and more softly sincere.

"I suppose it isn't every day that having strong clothing could come in handy, but you can imagine that when such things do come up I rather appreciate that I have them." Ingrid lets out a soft laugh as he mentions that now is a good time to have them, "Yes, I'm glad they are right now as otherwise any little thorn might make a mess of them." The blonde brushes her hair, which had flipped in front of her as she spun, back over her shoulder. "It also comes in handy other times. You aren't the only one around with a talent, after all."

Vince remains as is for a few seconds longer before glancing ahead, noting the distance the group has gotten from them. "Oh, we're being left.." And he resumes trekking after the group. Given a couple seconds more, however, and he's looking over to Ingrid again curiously. "It comes in handy at other times?," he repeats back to her. "What do you mean? What else calls for it?" A pretty simple, straightforward question - but now he's feeling a mite bit awkward, having paid a fairly blunt compliment.

Ingrid looks towards the rest of the group, "Oh, dear. I do apologize, I wouldn't want to get you into trouble." And she does mean it, even if her tone carry's the slightly teasing tone she's had for the last part of the conversation they've been having. "Oh yes," comes her reply to the first question, "It certainly does." And then he out and out asks her the question on his mind, no longer allowing her the opportunity to dance the possibilities in his mind. "Why, fighting, of course. Though I suppose you might consider fencing more of an art than something as brutish as that." Not that her style is brutish in any way.

Her admission brings Vince to a halt again, turning round to face her. The look on his face is a little conflicted - not sure whether he should be laughing at a joke, or if she's serious. So rather than make what could be a potentially horrendous foux pas, he decides to come right out and ask. "You.. fight? Really?"

That's all he says for the time being, hoping she'll return with an equally direct answer.

Ingrid merely smiles on as Vince tries to figure out whether or not she's being honest with him. No visual hints are given as he tries to make up his mind- she rather enjoys his indecision. When the question comes out her tone is teasing, but in a friendly way, "What, poor little me might get into a fight?" She drops the sarcastic tone and smiles in an open, genuine manner. "Yes, I truthfully do. That was the original reason for moving to Southtown, in fact. I had reached the a plateau that could only be overcome by fighting people who were as skilled as I was, and as I'm sure you know Southtown has no lack of talented fighters."

"I.. suppose," Vince says to her final comment. "I've run into some real parodies of fighters, but.. well.. I suppose I've run into a few talented individuals. But.. you?" The young noble hesitates, trying to gather his thoughts. "I suppose there's no reason you -shouldn't- be. But.. and please don't take this as an insult, but you don't look typical of a fighter. You're too..."

Vince is clearly floundering here, unable to catch what it is he really wants to say. Until finally, Vince just settles on something. "You're too beautiful. I never would have figured you one for fighting."

Ingrid doesn't interrupt him in the middle this time, but rather allows him to talk straight up into the end. "Why thank you, Vince. I appreciate the compliment, truly." After a moment of quiet she speaks again, "I will admit, I do take advantage of people underestimating my ability because of how I look."

She gives another smile, "I also like to think that the way that I fight is beautiful as well, as I'm sure your fencing is simply from looking at you. I would normally offer you a demonstration, but your teacher would surely become very cross at me, and I wouldn't wish to be a detriment to your grades."

"I.. suspect your form would be," Vince says finally. He draws in a deep breath, then exhales softly. "To be honest with you, I wouldn't feel right wielding steel against you. I didn't bring a foil with me, and the risk of cutting you..." He shakes his head negatively, then gives a small smile. "Perhaps we could schedule something outside of classes and away. I could bring a foil so I don't cut you, and you could show me what you're capable of." There's a small pause before he adds in, "And thank you."

And by this point, the class is a fair distance up the steps from the two.

"Remember what I said about taking advantage of people underestimating me?" Ingrid gives a slight smile, "But then I would appreciate not being cut up if it wasn't necessary. I don't exactly enjoy needing to replace my clothing, after all." It is rather expensive. The young woman nods her head, "That does sound like a delightful idea, though, and I'll certainly take you up on your offer." Another moment of standing with him and she starts walking towards the class herself, "We'd better catch up- you'll be in trouble if there's a roll call."

Vince resumes walking along once she's conceded to the idea. "Good. And it's not taking advantage if I offer," Vince notes, voice taking a slightly teasing tone.

But this also means no use of the rosettes. Most definitely no use of those. Vince isn't so concerned for her outfit as he is for the girl in them, and those rosettes tend to stick through people. But still, demonstrating his ability to handle a rapier by itself should be adequate.

Vince falls silent as he walks along, gaze leveling on the group of schoolkids they're approaching. He doesn't look entirely present, distracted with some thought or another. And according to the teacher, they're nearing the summit.

"No, you're right, I suppose it isn't. Just remember that I, like my clothing, am stronger than I appear to be." But then considering he's likely rather good at fencing she shouldn't be underestimating him, should she? For all she knows the young man could be far, far above her capabilities to fight on an even level. That thought brings a little smile to her face.

She seems a little surprised when she hears the summit is close, "My, the time really does fly by when you're enjoying yourself, doesn't it? Here we've come all this way while we've been talking and I hardly noticed it all. I suppose all never be a botanist or zoologist... but then I am a people person."

"Noted. I'll refrain from cutting you if at all possible, but I'll not go easy on you. I wouldn't be able to see your abilities if I did that, anyway," Vince replies. He then glances at her through the corners of his eyes for a second before finally just turning his head to smile at her. "It seems so. I didn't think we'd been walking so long, either.. but I've definitely been enjoying myself." He looks ahead once more, grinning to himself. "People person, indeed."

"I'm glad to hear that. I must admit that I am rather interested in seeing what kind of ability you have with your rapier, though I suppose I should correct that to your foil. Nonetheless, I am sure it'll be quite impressive." The young woman gives a little stretch, the hike up the mountain certainly being good exercise, even if they are walking up a set path. "Mmm, I don't believe I've ever crested a mountaintop before. I do wonder what it'll look like." Ingrid then gives him a brief smile, "I've enjoyed myself as well. It's definitely been a pleasure to get to know you, Vince."

As the students reach the summit of the mountain, a great clearing comes into view - dominated primarily by the Sanzan Gosaiden temple. At least this is what the teacher calls the place. The students spread out and are told to have a look around for half an hour before they begin heading back down.

Vince bows his head slightly to Ingrid as he covers the last few steps. "I truly hope I present Rose Dansant well for you, then." And his shoe catches on the last step, stumbling and nearly tripping. He manages to catch himself, however, eyes widened with a rosy hue very evident on his cheeks. Vince quickly whirls around to face her, smiling brightly in embarrassment with his eyes squinted. "Ah, better than -that- anyway. Ahah..." The eyes then open more to shift aside. "..Heh. Anyway."

Eyes zip back to Ingrid.

"Most definitely a pleasure meeting you. But it might be a little to soon to say we know each other any yet." Vince's head dips slightly, forward bangs drifting towards his eyes. "We should remedy that, don't you think?"

As much of a people person as she is, Ingrid can't help but look out at the scenery as it's revealed to her. Her eyes move this way and that slowly, gazing upon the temple and it's surroundings, and then, of course, to the magnificent view accorded to being on the highest land around. "My, it is rather lovely up here, isn't it? I would have packed a picnic if I had known I was going to come here."

The young woman holds back a little laugh when he trips on the top step, "I'm sure you will, and I can't wait to see it." Her smile becomes mirthful as he speaks again, bringing a quick reply from the Norwegian, "I believe I know you much more than I did when I first came here, wouldn't you say? But yes, you are correct, of course. We certainly should get to know each other even better."

"Quite lovely!," chirps Vince, taking a quick glance about himself. He's, however, far more interested in what she has to say concerning the suggestion. And when she gets to that, she receives a light, pleased smile. "Granted, you know me more than you did earlier.. but hardly enough, I think. So after we have our demonstrations, perhaps we could.. get food somewhere?," he adds.

As he talks, Vince strides along the summit to the middle of the clearing, having a much clearer path now that the other students have scattered hither and thither.

"A mean would be wonderful after exerting myself in a spar. That's a good idea, Vince. I think that's all settled and done, then. I just hope you can wait." And her as well, of course. Ingrid follows along half a step behind, looking around despite paying attention to the young man, enjoying both the scenery and his company. "I must say, I'm glad I decided to come here. To think that I could have gone to Hokkaido instead and we never would have met. Life can seem so fickle, sometimes."

"Fortune has certainly favored us," Vince concurs with a smile.

After a few seconds of surveying the temple surroundings and the more sparse foliage, Vince exhales a soft, wispy sigh. His hands lift to link together behind his neck, finally taking on a truly casual posture. His head tips back, eyes drifting shut momentarily to let the cool breeze wash over his face and play through his hair. "The countryside of Japan truly is spectacular..."

"Yes, I believe it has. And aren't we fortunate enough to realize it rather than simply taking it for granted?" Ingrid smiles to the young man, and looks about the landscape as he does. "It reminds me of home. There are many places in Norway that are unspoiled, such as this. It's different... but much the same, as well. Somewhat like people can be, in a curious sort of way."

Vince opens his eyes again and drops into his usual poise once more, hands lowering to his sides. He turns to face Ingrid and tilts his head in a curious, youthful manner. "You're Norwegian?" A bemused, rueful smile settles over his lips, and he places his hands to his hips. "In that case, you're the first Norwegian I've met. That's one of the few places I've never been."

A nod of her head is given as he asks the question, "If you've been to Finland or Sweden I'm sure it'd be much the same, though I've never been to either myself. Norway does have some wonderful untouched land, however. I would certainly suggest you go see it, some time." A relaxed looks is on Ingrid's face, and she adds while looking over to him fully, "But then, I would also suggest enjoying the scenery we have now. It would be a waste to do anything else."

"Those... I've actually never been to, either," Vince admits, blinking his eyes once. "But you're right. It would be a waste to not take as much of this in as we can while we're here." Pause. "Oh! Are you good at climbing?," he suddenly asks, a more devilish sort of grin taking to his face.

A small laugh comes from Ingrid, who nods lightly, "I suppose I should have realized that. If you're an extensive traveler it's likely you'd pass through all three countries on a single trip, since they're so close to one another." The question catches her slightly off guard, and she considers for a moment. "I'm not sure, to be honest. That's not something I've ever tried, but I am fairly athletic, so I imagine I could try."

Vince shoots a look to the closest temple structure, then looks back to Ingrid. "Suppose we'll find out!"

And just like that, Vince is dashing off to the closest flight of steps up to the temple structure. He moves around to the edge of the building, then hops up to grip onto the edge of the rooftop with his fingertips. After a few seconds of mustering upperbody strength, he hauls himself up onto the greatly-sloped rooftop. He then leans over the edge of the rooftop and offers a hand down, assuming Ingrid is still on the floor level.

Ingrid takes a slower pace towards the temple as Vince runs on over to it, seemingly willing to move casually towards it. She ascends the stairs quickly enough, and then taps her chin as he leaps to the roof and pulls himself up. She gives him a teasing little smirk as he reaches his hand down to help her up, and then bends down. Suddenly, she launches herself into the air, and apparently easily catching the edge of the roof, allowing her to flip herself even higher into the air, flipping over once before landing on the roof lightly in a crouch.

Of course she cheated, using a bit of energy to augment her ascent and change her momentum mid-flight, but it should certainly look impressive. With that smirky smile still on her face she comments, "And here I thought you meant mountain climbing. This is the second time I've made a fool of myself by making assumptions."

Ohh, she's a little show-off. Vince just sits on the edge of the roof when she lands, peering up at her with a dry smirk of his own. "Indeed, indeed," teases Vince. Finally, he pulls himself up to his full height and ascends the roof's central slope until he reaches to apex, where he then sits again. From this vantage point, the other two, much higher mountains can be seen easily over the surrounding treetops. The summit of their current mountain is within full view, along with the temple structures. "I thought you'd prefer the view up here.."

Ingrid follows up and takes a seat in the roof. She is very much the show-off, trying to eek out every little bit of fun out of things as she can. Sometimes this comes at the expense of others, but not at large ones. "Yes, it's beautiful. I only hope I don't get in trouble for damaging a sacred national treasure." Another little joke from the blonde, it seems. "This truly has been a marvelous day."

"I won't tell if you won't," Vince muses back to the girl. He then falls a little silent, arms extending out behind his back to prop himself up, becoming somewhat languid, despite resting on a temple. "I can understand why monks tend to be so healthy. The air up here is exquisite..." And a bit stronger than the ground level, the crisp winds playing through his bangs.

Vince's head lulls to the side to look towards Ingrid, and he offers a small, quiet smile. No commentary - just watching her with a smile.

Log created on 15:26:32 06/16/2008 by Ingrid, and last modified on 02:50:48 06/17/2008.