Neo League 701 - #711: Jiro vs Seishirou

Description: It's an epic battle. In a rare appearance from the shinobi terrorist, the stray dog faces off against a wolf of the night. Jiro knows who Seishirou is now. With all of their prior history mattering as nothing, Kasagi and Ryouhara face off. (Winner: Seishirou)

Summer can't account for the stifling heat in the park today.

He is here according to the agreed upon time, but not anywhere in the main park--he is set off to the side, in the forest proper, turned away from the carefree hustle and bustle of the modern workaday world, silent. As much as he abhored the traditional circuits, it was occaisionally necessary for him to make /use/ of them. For Seishirou, there were no tools that weren't worth using.

His eyes contrasting the eerily strong summer heat, he is dark and chill as he waits.

It is time for a Neo League. While the stiffling heat echoes against the park, there is another person slowly entering the Neo League fight. Despite of his fight against Adelheid not working in his favor, Jiro wanted to deal with Seishirou, or 'Curious'.
Jiro decided to name him 'Curious George'. Nevertheless, the Interpol officer is tucking his hands into his pocket, walking along the side walk until he can make it towards the forest proper.
When the young man enters the battle field, the officer approaches the ninja.
"...It's been a long time, hasn't it?"


Dwelling on the past gives Seishirou a headache. He'd had enough of that with Uzaruto in the old days. "Now, I'm a little more focused on the future." He turns slowly, the white haori he's come to wear with time shifting with the agonizingly calculated motion. The dark rills of his bangs hang over his eyes, shrouding them in shadow from the noonday sun. It's bright out here.. "So you're with Interpol, now."

He doesn't need to say any more. That means Jiro and Seishirou are officially enemies. Not by any rancor of desire or rivalry. Seishirou has hardly cared. But by simple means of birth. Seishirou was born to be who he is. A terrorist, wanted in many countries--Southtown being only one of them. And Jiro was born to be who he is. A dog of the law now, facing a wolf of the night.

"The past is nothing in the face of the future. There is nothing for you amongst my mercies. Get ready. This will happen faster than you know."

Ryouhara makes no outward move to signify his readiness. There is no more calculated stance. No unzipping of the satchel at his back as there was before. The reasoning for that is that Seishirou no longer needs to get ready.

He always is.

There is some truth to the meaning. Dwelling on the past is a headache. Especially when it is getting in the way of Jiro making his life anew. The Interpol Officer merely looks at Seishirou when he finally states who Jiro is aligned with.
"You know, I know what you are now." His eyes narrow for a moment, "I will have to bring your ass in for it eventually." He muses, then he tightens hi fists. "For now, however..." The young man draws his flames into view, the illuminating scarlet flames burst with life once before he snuffs it out and gets into his stance; his right foot leading him while the left hand guards.
"Quick my ass." The young man immediately sprints towards Seishirou, growling as he quickens the pace and finally takes a leap off of the ground, coming down towards Seishirou with his right foot towards the side of the temple as the young man shifts his stance in mid-air; the left leg being underneath and pressed against the knee.

COMBATSYS: Jiro has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Jiro             0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Seishirou has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Jiro             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0        Seishirou

COMBATSYS: Seishirou dodges Jiro's Medium Kick.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Jiro             0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0        Seishirou

"You can try."

The flaming hound kites through the air towards Seishirou as a missile of flesh and bone, a torpedo given life. And for a moment, Seishirou raises an eyebrow, motionless. It's the only favor of compliment he offers Jiro. Because in the next instant, Jiro's picture perfect kick connecting with nothing but air.

"I mean exactly what I say," Seishirou states, above Jiro.

This close to the Ryouhara shinobi, Jiro might be able to tell--it is Seishirou that is the source of the stifling heat. He moves like a ghost, but where he passes, his heat chi warps the vapor in the air. He drops down on Jiro from above. Ambient and without offense, it seems he only looks to touch Jiro with his hand.

COMBATSYS: Jiro counters Shunshin Ghost from Seishirou with Helldrive.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////////////     ]
Jiro             0/-------/------=|=------\-------\0        Seishirou

Now, this comes to a surprise. When Jiro's foot hits nothing but air, the young man's eyes widen before he lands onto the ground. When both feet plant firmly on the ground, Jiro looks around in confusion, "Shit!" He grimaces, "Where the hell did he go?!"
Then, Seishirou makes his point clear as he enters. When Sei comes down with the heat chi wrapping along him, the young man aims to step back, then launch himself up towards Sei in time to grab him by the legs. The young man aims to hook his arms along the legs while tucking his head away from the hand.
"Arrrgghh!" The flames engulf Jiro once as the manifestation of the scarlet chi comes out. Then, Jiro forces the body down, slamming Seishirou onto the ground with a devastating power bomb.
After the Power Bomb comes forth the explosion of chi that was channeled from Jiro and then transferred towards Seishirou.


The earth moves as Ryouhara impacts into the ground hard. As some might have realized when he faced Geese, his body wasn't trained to deal with much punishment, but beyond the expectations of some, he was a little tougher than he looked. The ninja rolls with the impact, breaking away from the flames of the pack, and skidding some ways back with a groan, his frame still trailing lines of smoke. He frowns.

Still hits hard. As expected.


He rolls through the seals for his ninjutsu. The technique he's known since his youth, something he's been perfecting since that time until he could use it without thinking. Katon -- Goukakyuu.

To contrast the bark of the hound, he scarcely breathes a word. The only sound is a vague hiss as he purses his lips and breathes an inferno at Jiro. As if a dragon, the rolling conflagration boils and bakes the ground beneath the ninja, swells out to face the boy.. and begins breaking up into staggered segments of fire. A grand fireball that gives birth to rolling blasts that converge on the agent.

An odd evolution of the jutsu. Jiro had better move quickly.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou successfully hits Jiro with Katon - Goukakyuu.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Jiro             0/-------/-======|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

After slamming Seishirou onto is back, Jiro had actually opt to had utilize his body to take a different stance, using the moment to deal with Seishirou as he walks a few steps back. Knowing that he won't be able to deal with the ninja by being the rampaging beast, Jiro will have to use his head.
When the man utilizes the powerful ninjitsu seal, Jiro's es widen as he sees the flaming breath coming from the lips. The officer attempts to roll out of the way, but he is caught within the flash of flames, releasing a scream of pain. Then, Jiro opts to roll away anyway, rubbing his eyes as he attempts to get back to restoring his vision and put himself back into the fight.
"Shit..." He hisses.

COMBATSYS: Jiro focuses on his next action.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Jiro             0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

He is silent. He doesn't taunt Jiro, nor does he even crack a smile of satisfaction however grim. He is, in fact, far too busy. The oscillations of the hunting fireballs remain, taking longer than usual to burn down inside this field of heat that the shinobi has built up around himself, but they have died down and spread out, no longer actively seeking blood as they were before, unbeknownst to the Kasagi, but the seals Seishirou makes assure the chi is strong.

He stands up, breathing out slowly as he strides forward. Damn..already, this much. Embers float by as the ninja moves amongst the fire, his white haori drifting in an intense thermal. He doesn't waste a single moment and doesn't give Jiro a chance to breathe. One large sleeve sweeps forward, and there is a muted explosion within it.

An instant later, a small cannonball marked with a single kanji careens for Jiro's skull.

Jiro might catch a glimpse of it before it threatens to cave in his head: the kanji painted across the steel ball in white is 'kitsu.'

Good luck, joy and fortune to you.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou successfully hits Jiro with Sudden Fling.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////////////      ]
Jiro             0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

Panting, Jiro is gritting his teeth while his eyes shut. He is trying to focus his mind on the whole fight. Seishirou has him at a disadvantage. Now the young man remembers why he hates ninjas. It is quite a feat when Jiro slowly hears the sound of an explosion. That explosion catches Jiro on cue, sending the young man startled up to see the steel ball.
The ball smashes against the skull, denting it and knocking his head back against the tree with a grunt. His eyes widen as he grits his teeth, his fists tighten while the body spasms. "Fuck, my head!" Jiro rubs his head, then he holds his hand out to catch the ball, then he reads it.
Jiro is turning to face Seishirou for one moment, extending his right hand to throw the ball right towards the man's head. Or rather, does he?
No, it hits the tree, which bounces towards his direction.
...Or past it.
Jiro is hoping it would serve a distraction for him to dash forward and come forth with his right hand manifesting the scarlet chi as he drives the fist towards the ground. Searing and grinding, the flames burn against the gloves as Jiro soon thrusts his hand forward to capture Seishirou with a devastating uppercut.

COMBATSYS: Jiro successfully hits Seishirou with Burning Hell.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////            ]
Jiro             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0        Seishirou

Good luck indeed. Seishirou stills as Jiro wings the iron sphere past him, the thing ricocheting off a tree and careening within inches of his own skull. Motionless, the ninja .. glances at it for one moment, his hand twitching. An instant later he is rocked off of his feet by the devastating uppercut of Kasagi and to truth--it takes most of his effort to twist and land on his feet some ways away from the burning hound.

He lands hard.

Drawing a thumb across his jaw and studying with a measured dispassion the blood that tries its way down that finger, Seishirou stands up slowly, his sleeves limp at his sides. The sphere coming to a roll somewhere behind him, the ninja shakes his head slowly. Even with his body at this level.. "I can see it's pointless to hold back."

He raises a hand, and makes one seal. "Katon. Shinrou Kiritsu."

It is as if the ground is crushed immediately by Seishirou's intent and will. The heat in the area, which had been mildly uncomfortable before, seems as Ryouhara's own private oven now. But unlike previous uses of that ninjutsu, it is not suffocating yet, nor is the bulk of that chi particularly focused on Jiro. It suffuses the area in a bald, scalding heat, making even the relaxing park seem like a desert at high noon. Seishirou.. seems not to mind.

He is controlling the ambient heat chi. And focusing it inward.

The air tastes like ash..

Ryouhara breathes it in, and seems all the better for it.

His eye tracing Jiro's every move.. he beckons once with that hand. Silent.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou focuses on his next action.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Jiro             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0        Seishirou

It felt good socking the crap out of Seishirou with that right uppercut. After drawing his hand back, Jiro loses his balance for a few moments to the point of nearly stumbling. Hissing, Jiro grunts and then he shifts his stance when Seishirou raises his hand. "Damn!"
Jiro's eyes widen when he feels the heat becoming hotter than before. A sneer crosses Jiro's face before he shifts his stance once more. As the area before him becomes a furnace, Jiro is taking a few steps back, taking the defensive stance before he draws his right hand out.
While along the tree, Jiro sprints towards Seishirou, looking likethat he is about to come forth with yet another punch to launch towards the man's face.
...Until Jiro actually rolls to the side of the ninja. Why? Well, Jiro is rolling towards the iron sphere that ricochetted earlier. This time, Jiro twists and reaches for the ball and he chucks it back towards the head of Seishirou. "Taste of your own medicine."

COMBATSYS: Seishirou dodges Jiro's Thrown Object.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Jiro             1/-------/=======|=======\-------\0        Seishirou

Ryouhara's eyes trace Jiro's movements quickly as he rolls past. Kasagi is forgetting one thing. As a ninkougakusha, Seishirou is used to dealing with weapons in battle. His own weapons have been forged by he himself, to realize the future that he himself has visualized. An engineer does not allow his tools to betray him so readily. The future that Seishirou sees before him isn't one he desires.

Sighing, he shuts his eyes, "Stop."

Seishirou's own medicine explodes in midair, long before it ever gets to Ryouhara himself, the cannonball in actuality a shell for an explosive Seishirou devised. More accurately, it is a cluster bomb, breaking apart in small sub shells that pop and flash into a multicolored display. It's almost close enough to Jiro to harm /him/ more than Seishirou, but in the end, it is only a display. When his eyes slide open again, it is as if Jiro never thought to attack him at all, only impress him with this work of art.

In an instant, a weighted knife splits the smoking cloud and flash in half. It's aimed with deadly accuracy. It will land dead in Jiro's chest to sever the connective tissues just below his armpit, if the youth isn't fast. And when it does, one more jutsu will seal the matter. The kunai he throws are just like the cannonball. A simplistic gunpowder bomb ninkou in the shape of something else. Only this time, instead of exploding in the air harmlessly, this one will detonate a shaped charge inside Jiro's critical point.

A weaker person would lose an arm instantly to that much alone.

COMBATSYS: Jiro dodges Seishirou's Kunai Critical.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////           ]
Jiro             1/-------/=======|=====--\-------\0        Seishirou

Okay. That is something that Jiro did NOT expect and would have to keep in mind the next time he decides to deal with Seishirou: His weapons are under his control.. While Jiro finds this prospect rather annoying, he is keeping this in mind.
As the explosion occurs, Jiro watches the light show. A bit impressed, but he quickly turns his attention back towards Seishirou as he finally flicks out the knife towards his direction.
Instead, Jiro runs forward and rolls away from the kunai heading at his critical nerve. Instead, it drops down towards the tree, exploding against it and sending the debris flying everywhere. As the splinters and the other fragments of the tree land on the ground, Jiro lifts his head up to glare at Seishirou once more.
Sprinting at the man, Jiro lunges forward with the classical maneuver, the clothesline. Jiro's right arm extends out as he thrusts it out to capture the shinobi within it's hold.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou fails to interrupt Fierce Punch from Jiro with Fierce Strike.
- Power fail! -

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Jiro             1/------=/=======|=======\-------\1        Seishirou

What the--

A glimpse, a flash of light in the Ryouhara's eyes. Is he trying--he /is/. The clothesline is not something to be underestimated. But, with his body in the conditions as it is maintaining the heat of his fires in the area, flames that still crackle and burn as pyres even now, using more jutsu would be troublesome. Seishirou steps forward to meet Jiro. It is an instant that passes, his palm opens--

But then the shinobi is knocked down by Jiro's open arm, being carried for a moment and then smashed, painfully, into the ground from the sheer impact of the move.

Even a pristine white haori seems less becoming when it is stained with blood.

It is said that Jiro is to not be underestimated. Although Jiro was weaker than befor when Seishirou last met him, Jiro has gotten a bit better since then. That is why the young man runs past Seishirou as the arm meets and then moves past the shinobi, who met a painful descension towards the ground.
Jiro is quickly turning around, drawing forth the scarlet chi once more while he gazes at Seishirou. The young man grunts once more, then he reaches over towards Seishirou before he finally launches for the ninja to help him off of his ground...

COMBATSYS: Seishirou counters Dead End from Jiro with Kawarimi'.

[            \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Jiro             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0        Seishirou

There is the fact that Jiro does get Seishirou up, lifting him off of the ground enough for the young man to help him up...
...In time to get a nice boot to the stomach. After the foot twists within the stomach, Jiro steps forward and aims to lock the right arm against the man's neck, wrapping it over and uses his left hand to support it. Then, Jiro drops his weight own, landing on the ground to have Seishirou's neck snap against the shoulder.
Stone Cold Stunner!

Ryouhara is impotent as he's drug off the ground like an elaborately dressed rag doll in the young man's strength. True, it seems like he had no other option but to be picked up and folded in half by Jiro's boot, stunned and groaning as Jiro twists the knife, as it were. The shinobi is hefted up, and then ruined with the heavy whiplash against the man's shoulder. There is an audible snap, Ryouhara's bones popping like dry wood, his thin frame breaking like glass.

His head falls off. Then his arms. Then his legs.

By the time the Ryouhara Copy chi image flickers out of existence, Jiro is surrounded by wooden sticks, and more 'good luck' Kitsu Cannonballs.

Ryouhara stands aways away from Jiro, studying him impassively as his subterfuge breaks down. "Don't get cocky," he minds coldly.

Something felt odd. As the bones drop off and the rest of the limbs fall apart, Jiro stares and he says, "Wait a second, I know he is stronger than that!" Jiro sees the copy chi fade away. ".." He glares at the Kitsu Cannonballs. "Why... you...."
Jiro stands up once more, sprinting towards Ryouhara with a sprint as he darts the man's way. He leaps off of the ground, then he lands onto the ground as he thrusts his right fist towards Seishirou's face, then a quick right wheel-kick to Seishirou's side.
But Jiro switches up with a quick roundhouse kick from the left leg to strike out at Sei before he switches and thrusts the leg out for a powerful side kick to the gut.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou dodges Jiro's Medium Kick.

[           \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////                ]
Jiro             0/-------/-------|==-----\-------\0        Seishirou

Seishirou raises an eyebrow.

With the sound of each limb pistoning out to cut the air like the hissing of a bird's wing, Seishirou whips left to evade his fist, slowly moving back with each thunderous stroke. He weaves right, the wheel kick knifing out past his side in the next instant, but before his clothes have a chance to settle, Jiro switches to a full on roundhouse, and the shinobi is forced to bridge his back, bending back to put distance between the two--just enough to catch the glimpse of the side kick, in the last moment kicking off to the left to outdistance the entire affair.

The shinobi takes one step back into Jiro's sphere of influence. Rotating on his landing foot, his left boot snaps out in full intent to break Jiro's instep as he recovers from his series of kicks.

And then Seishirou will target him once, with a hard punch to the solar plexus.

"Stop that."

COMBATSYS: Jiro endures Seishirou's Medium Strike.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////               ]
Jiro             0/-------/----===|===----\-------\0        Seishirou

Not good. Not good. Jiro is in a pickle.
The fist is evaded for the first time, then the wheel kick sails past his head. As Seishirou catches the young man off guard as the young man misses that final kick, Jiro grunts and he uses that leg to boot him right towards Seishirou's trajectory blow. This will have to put him into the point of being in the leverage against the man.
It is then that the punch strikes Jiro against the solar plex, forcing Jiro to cough, but he quickly gasps and presses on.
Growling in pain, Jiro opt to thrust his elbow to snap across Seishirou's face to send him sprawling back.
"After you, Seishirou!"

COMBATSYS: Seishirou blocks Jiro's Medium Punch.

[               \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Jiro             0/-------/----===|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

The elbow flies up towards Seishirou's eye. The ninja looks up. Then--THOCK. the entire cross section of the agent's arm is blocked by the raising and curling of the shinobi's free arm, breaking the force apart across both his wrist and bicep. A grand sweep, and a kick back puts some space between the two, ending the brutal exchange of skill and force.

Twisting in the air, the ninja lands, flipping his free arm back. Along with, a array of grey flickers can be seen to be let loose in the air. That is literally the only indication Jiro will get.

Before he is sliced by a series of very historical blades. The wooden thock of steel hitting bark will be heard an instant later, as one of the ninja's throws goes wide and the four pointed star sinks itself deeply into a tree.

Shuriken? Since when did Seishirou use those...

COMBATSYS: Seishirou successfully hits Jiro with Medium Fling.
Glancing Blow

[                 \\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Jiro             0/-------/---====|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

With the elbow meeting against the rising arm, Jiro grunts once more before the two break apart the force from each other. As Seishirou sweeps back, so does Jiro. That is why Jiro is opting to utilize his next maneuver.
Jiro is sprinting towards Seishirou, but he finds himself in a bad position when the man releases the series of historical blades. His eyes widen and Jiro is opting to sway his head to the side.
But as his head sweeps over, the blade actually slices against the cheek, drawing blood that flies from the clean open cut.
"Mrrggg!" Then, Jiro aims to drive himself forward and launch his right foot out towards Seishirou. As he lifts the foot up, the eroison of the scarlet flames burst to life as a net of mist surrounds the path as Jiro sends the wave across the man's face.

With the elbow meeting against the rising arm, Jiro grunts once more before the two break apart the force from each other. As Seishirou sweeps back, so does Jiro. That is why Jiro is opting to utilize his next maneuver.
Jiro is sprinting towards Seishirou, but he finds himself in a bad position when the man releases the series of historical blades. His eyes widen and Jiro is opting to sway his head to the side.
But as his head sweeps over, the blade actually slices against the cheek, drawing blood that flies from the clean open cut.
"Mrrggg!" Then, Jiro aims to drive himself forward and launch his right foot out towards Seishirou. As he lifts the foot up, the eroison of the scarlet flames burst to life as a net of mist surrounds the path as Jiro sends the wave across the man's face.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou dodges Jiro's Heaven's Diminisher.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Jiro             0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

Not weapons Seishirou uses often, but they served their purpose. The hound barks and barks, but the wolf only watches and waits. For all of the scarlet flame that he drives towards him, all of the fierce emotion he drives towards him, Seishirou only flickers briefly, sliding back in an instant away from Jiro as the Stray Dog roars and lands only feet from where he once was. Moving and sliding back, he is now quite aways away from Jiro, and the site of their original conflicts. However. The heat in the park is only reaching a head.

He has to be careful. Every move counts. But this one..

"You're getting slower," he notes, lifting a hand.

He snaps his fingers.

A pulse moves through Shinrou Kiritsu's heat field, resonating in the cannonballs his kawarimi scatters. The properties of them are the same as the one prior. One, or two explode at first, scattering the others. Then more explode. Like a wave of bombs, Jiro will find his back lit up by the festive explosions as they approach him in a wave of smoke.

It's about to get very colorful for the elder Kasagi.

COMBATSYS: Jiro dodges Seishirou's Power Fling.

[                  \\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////                 ]
Jiro             0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

After the flames roar and soar about, Jiro is finding that Seishirou is not where Jiro thought he was. The young man is already sweating and growing quite tired. Whe Seishirou mentions that Jiro is getting slower, the eyes widen when he sees the bombs resonate and start scattering.
Jiro is immediately sprinting forward, as tired as he is, to actually get -away- from the erosion of flames. "Shit!" The y oung man leaps off of the ground and dives away.
Then, rolling back up, Jiro is reaching out to grab Seishirou and tackle him towards the ground.
Shoulder check.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou counters Quick Throw from Jiro with Kawarimi Suicide.

[                      \\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////                  ]
Jiro             0/-------/--=====|====---\-------\0        Seishirou

Seishirou isn't that weak. When the bombs drive Jiro towards him, he doesn't retreat, he doesn't move, he doesn't dodge as he always has. He meets Jiro thunderously, blocking his shoulder check with bracing and momentum of his own, gripping him with a single hand. "Still barking after all this, eh..." he murmurs, struggling. For a moment, it seems Seishirou falters. After all, Kasagi is truthfully stronger than he is physically. And he has about 33 pounds on him.

There is a whistle, and the sound of steel plunging into flesh.

Seishirou's eyes widen in genuine shock. An instant passes, before blood trails from his lip. "Gh..."

An instant later, the chi image flickers, and melts away. Seishirou's blade--a long, straight, double-edged thing--is plunged through his own copy. Through him, and to Jiro. Ryouhara will casually impale him, standing straight, the hilt of that weapon held loose in a practiced, outstretched hand. It is likely the only thing supporting the young man in the absence of the Ryouhara Copy.

"It's a poor idea to lose your sense in this kind of situation," Ryouhara explains coldly, from the other side of that blade. Unlike the copy he just sacrificed, any new blood staining his haori is not his own.

As the young man dives out to tackle the shinobi, Jiro releases a roar of defiance and determination when Seishirou is tackled. But that chi spirit is actually caught in something else.
This is not good.
There is a bit of blood pouring from the blade. As Jiro looks down, he can see the wound made from his own blood. He coughs up a bit of blood, gritting his teeth while he leans forward. As if thrusting the blade further into himself, he is lunging forward to grab Seishirou by the waist and pull him in for a suplex.
Jiro has the intentions of slamming the man on his head.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou counters Medium Throw from Jiro with Ryuuouin.

[                            \\  < >  ///////////                   ]
Jiro             1/------=/=======|======-\-------\0        Seishirou


It's expected. Somewhere in Seishirou's mind, he realizes Jiro's strategy is perfectly practical. Throwing himself further upon his blade is literally his only option. He doesn't have the strength to approach Seishirou again without running himself ragged. It's not something he'll make the mistake of underestimating.

Seishirou will try to catch Jiro by the face, holding him back the moment he rushes onto his blade. He has to hold him at range, else Jiro will break him easily. The white glow around his hand is telltale to Seishirou's intent to no longer let this comedy last. "You're tough," Seishirou murmurs. "This will decide things."

He leaps back and away from the dog, instead of attacking. The reason for this was that his attack was already made. If Jiro allowed his fingertips to touch his head even for a moment, he will be aware of a white burning sensation. That of being marked by the Ryouhara clan symbol. It is an assassination seal. Marked into his /face/. It collects the ambient chi in the air from Shinrou Kiritsu--at this point Ryouhara doesn't even need to charge it manually.

"Katon. Ryuuouin."

Seishirou doesn't resort to uppercuts, or elbows to the face, as the fresh bruises forming across his face will easily tell. No. As the cannonball proved, Seishirou's technique is a little more evolved than that.

At his will, a chi explosion focused on that assassination seal will occur in point blank proximity to Jiro's face.

Unfortunately, Jiro is held against the face, caught in Sei's grasp as he is halted from getting to Seishirou. As the blood pours along his mouth, Jiro releases a growl and he attempts to drive himself forward.
..At least, until Seishrou leaps back from the young man. Jiro is taking a deep breath, falling onto the ground. THen, Jiro is slowly reaching his right hand over to touch the head. He feels that burning sensation on his head. THe eyes widen, and then the sudden explosion occurs right into the face. Smoke, debris, everything.
...As the smoke is cleared...
Jiro is still standing, if ragged. His breath is deep and hoarse, but he is making his way towards Seishirou. His head is busted open, revealing the blood pouring along his face as he gazes towards Seishirou.
The chi manifests along Jiro in the form of fury. That essence of fury draws forth in Jiro as he gathers that raw power. His eyes narrow at Seishirou as he gets closer, his vision being blurred by the blood and the tiredness that he is pushing his body through.
Jiro then releases his last cry of defiance.
Jiro thrusts his right fist upward, launching forth a powerful uppercut that is soon enlaced with the scarlet chi as Jiro is driving himself to utilize his full force.

COMBATSYS: Seishirou counters Scarlet Slaughter from Jiro with Calculated Tactics.

[                                < >  ///////////                   ]
Jiro             0/-------/----===|==-----\-------\0        Seishirou

How is he still standing.

Seishirou is mildly shocked when Jiro's face is blown off yet the boy still remains here to defy him. Despite all of his measures, Seishirou's body was beginning to finally feel the effects of the artificial means of boosting his own output. Shinrou Kiritsu's chi is waning. And the fact that a faceless dog is now charging him down from the bowels of the smoke and fires from Seishirou's own hell should rightfully be concerning him.

Fortunately, there was one last preparation that Seishirou made.

Ryouhara isn't holding the sword he plunged into Jiro anymore. Obviously. That is because it is still /in/ Kasagi. There was no way to remove it. Nor did Seishirou want to. He lifts a hand, and activates the seal in the blade.

Leeching every last bit of the remaining heat from the air, all of Seishirou's standing chi--even the fires from the Katon Goukakyuu--all attract inward towards the focusing antenna that Seishirou makes use of in that sword. It boils the grass beneath Jiro's feet to juice. Targetting the young man in explicit, Seishirou triggers the jutsu in an instant, aiming to wipe him out with the exploding blade and the fireblasts before the stray dog breaks enough distance to reach him.

And it is then.... That Jiro meets his end.
When Seishirou uses the chi along the sword, the flames are boiling the grass along the feet beneath the man. As the blade explodes and completely explodes against him, the smoke is spreading all over the place.
....Destruction is made.
...Yet. Jiro still stands. There is already a growth of a beam drawn forth and Jiro is channeling forth the energy to start glowing. His right hand extends out and the left hand supports it. A whine is echoing from his hand before Jiro erupts a roar. "...Not... without a fight..."
His vision blackens. His eyes become tired. The energy continues to grow until...
..The energy releases a powerful explosion, and then Jiro falls on his back to the state of unconsciousness.

COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Seishirou        0/-------/-----==|

COMBATSYS: Seishirou dodges Jiro's Meteor Buster.

[                   \\\\\\\\\\\  <
Seishirou        0/-------/-----==|


Even in the face of that much, Jiro is still standing, still attacking the Ryouhara nin. Standing before him, the ninja is not known for particularly expressive behavior. True, he has looked over the annihilated and burning shores of Mueyang Rayong--an entire bay shore boiled and set ablaze--with only his sharp glare to tell he even felt at all. For all of Jiro's indestructability, Seishirou remains resolute and cold.

...But as the destruction blooms, as the energy grows.. even the genius of gears and seals steps back pensively.

"...Not bad," is his final grudging admission.

Then Seishirou turns and bolts, his sleeves trailing behind him.

When the flash and thundercrack of that meteor finally drains from the ears of all nearby, it's only Jiro in the field, colelcted on the ground of burnt grasses and shards of low grade irons. Jiro Kasagi of Interpol is the only one left.

Even the shuriken are gone, leaving no evidence of Seishirou's passing, except fragments of metal, and lingering heat haze that still dances in the air hours after his departure.

Log created on 20:10:32 06/15/2008 by Seishirou, and last modified on 22:21:09 06/17/2008.