Description: Hurricane Hime accuses Tran of bein' yellow for giving up the belt to Zach! She is ragin' at first, and somehow someway Tran inspires her to chase after it herself. She will! Eventually.. Maybe.. Uh right? Sources Say: THE EDGE!!!!!!!
[OOC] Dr. Tran says, "Hokay, so."
[OOC] Himeko will go ahead and open. ~_~ d She's got an ideas.
[OOC] Dr. Tran says, "oh god ideas"
[OOC] Flora says, "You're doomed"
It's gettin' hotter in Southtown it seems! So it's not a bad idea to head on down to the beach, right? Well, lots and lots of people seem to think that so the beach is the 'hang out' spot for the day. It's a scorcher folks! But there's more going on than board surfing, sun tanning, and sandcastle building; indeed what's slightly more important is the super awesome amazing spectacular BOOK FAIR that's going on at the boardwalk. And it's a biggun, along either side of the walkway are shelves and tables upon shelves and tables of books, and plenty of vendors for snacks, drinks, and of course.. Sno cones.
Now when there's an event like this, it's only natural that a bookworm superhero would be showing up, in fact she's more than a shopper, she's one of the main attractions; sitting at a table that's primarily of children's books (which is kind of a drag really), sitting under a way too large, and way too pink umbrella. 'Get your books signed by Hurricane Hime!' the sign on her table says, and it actually isn't doing too poorly; its just most of her fanbase seems to prefer running around on the beach instead of hanging around books. "Oh man, this is terrible.." The black and pink clad Heroine grumbles, her face planting on the table in her slouched position. "I should have brought a video game or something, kids love video games.. Ah well, it's too late now." It's so hot. It's so hot even -she- doesn't really feel like reading.
It sure is getting hotter. Hot as heck. Too hot for plenty of normal folks to handle. But some people like it hot. Some like it red hot. Some like Dr. Tran, international surfing superstar! Rumor has it that he'll surf anything, even an erupting volcano!
well, if it was possible, it would. But it's mostly not, so Dr. Tran is clearly left with no choice but to play it cool on the hot sand with a well-deserved day full of 'chillaxing'. In fact, that is exactly what he's been doing, except as it turns out it really is really hot, so to keep cool he's been forced to go on a journey, an epic adventure across the land for one thing and one thing only: cool, icy refreshment. His focus is absolute, nothing can stop him on his noble quest! But then he gets distracted.
The source of the distraction should be obvious. It's not the piles of books, because Tran is a man of action who just doesn't have time to read, but rather someone who does. His greeting is casual, yet epic - his coat (he's wearing it on a day like this?) flows behind him, contrasting with the explosive floral print of his swim shorts. "Heya, Hime."
"Hi." The young heroine mumbles back, eyes sort of just glazed over and half-lidded. You know how you shouldn't fall asleep in the middle of a blizzard? It's kind of like that, only the direct opposite of weather. Yes, in just moments she's going to wilt away into nothingn-
Hurricane's eyes suddenly snap open, and she abruptly sits up, stands up, and SLAMS her hands down on the table, "TRAN!!" she cries, the tiny fighter making a complete 180! Now of course, she certainly does notice the jacket.. And sure, it's not very conventional, but darn if it isn't styling! It's cool, very very cool, and she squeals, her hands balled into fists then as she hops from foot to foot, "Woooow I'm so -lucky-, Tran you are looking soooooooooooooooooooo cool today! A jacket with shorts! I wish I thought of that!"
And then she slumps her shoulders slightly. A pause. And then she SLAMS her hands on the table again. "Tran! I am -so- mad at you right now!"
Clearly, a bullet is dodged! Once again, Dr. Tran saves the day /just by existing/. It's almost inhuman how amazing he is. Really.
Cool as he is, he's still caught a little off-guard by Himeko. You'd think he'd be more used to her...uh...exuberence by now, but she gets so super-pumped. And shouty. At all times. "Whoa there, whoa there! Keep it down, if anyone recognizes me I'll be swamped with fans." Says the man who already sticks out like a sore thumb.
He's about to go on, make some idle chit-chat for a while maybe, but then Himeko pulls her second 180 (making it a 360?). Tran actually takes a step back now, and if he wasn't wearing shades, for once a fashion choice that's actually weather appropriate, anyone could see him rapidly blinking in surprise. "What? Seriously? What'd I do?" He pauses, thinking carefully for a moment, before opening his mouth to hazard a guess. "Did I, I've got nothing. Seriously, what?"
The little Hurricane huffs, crossing her arms and just stands there staring at Tran. Sure, perhaps her excitement may have attracted too much attention, and then she wouldn't have any time to hang with him, but luckily that doesn't seem to be the case so only one conclusion can be made: A majority of readers are not Tran fans. That technically makes her even -more- special. Sweeet.
But that kind of math is quickly pushed to the back of her mind, and she makes a rather dramatic, Phoenix Wright style pointing to the cool-shaded doctor, "Of course you wouldn't remember! And it's my fault for not recognizing it earlier! Let's take a look at Exhibit A, shall we?"
Hime picks up a small stack of papers that she, for some reason, had brought with her today. She slaps the papers lightly with the back of her opposite hand. "I have here some evidence of greatness, quickly followed by evidence of complete and utter tragedy. According to these records, you were the Saturday Night Fight champion, correct?" Not like she gives him time to answer. "You defeated Zach.. But you GAVE HIM THE BELT ANYWAY! You have got some 'splainin' to do, Doctor Tran! This better be good!" 'D:<'-face.
Clearly, Dr. Tran and fans of reading the world over are going to have to have a little 'chat' one of these days. A potentially violent chat. Dr. Tran versus More Dudes Than He Can Count! An endurance battle for the ages! ROund one, fight!
Well, maybe not. It's kind of a jerk move, and he'd probably have to fight Hime as the last boss anyway and after all those people she could probably take him and then where would he be? Moving on. Tran looks at Hime's paper stack, and wonders aloud, "Do those even have anything to do with this?"
Regardless of this, he pushes onward with a daring response in this high-stakes game of verbal fencing! "Well, yeah. I was the champ and it was pretty great, I guess, but...I didn't really want it." He shrugs. "Why are you so bent out of shape about it now? It happened months ago. Did you want it or something?"
Hurricane Hime continues to pat at the papers a few times, even as Tran questions their importance. And then a couple fwaps after that she sets them on the table again, "... No, they don't."
"But that's not the important thing!" Hime then insists, "No -duh- I want that belt! Well.. I.. Hmn.. I don't think I really understand, how can you not want it? Well.. Hmmn." The heroine turns her back to the doctor for a moment, seeming to count on her fingers now and again. "WAIT I GET IT." She turns around again.
"The belt didn't help your popularity because you're already super popular, that makes sense! Anyway I thought you were still the champ so I was going to challenge you for it. But then some guy I never heard of had it and I was like 'what??' and they were like 'yep' and I was really slow on the news, but I've been having it pretty rough with the seething hatred I've been harboring, you can't talk down to me!" pause. "But I'm better now!" pause. "Well no, not really. But that's not what's important!"
"Good to know." It's nice to be sure of where you stand with papers. You never know when they're something terrible like a restraining order or a stack of bills or a challenge to a multi-tier dance-off.
"Hm." Tran folds his arms, a clear sign that he's about to get serious, or possibly Serious. "Close, but not quite. The belt was good for a quick shot of fame, and that was the nice part about it, but. Being the champ isn't an easy thing. It's kind of hard to explain it." Tran's brow furrows. "I still think you're getting kind of bent out of shape over it, but I suppose that's normal." Despite Hime's many virtues, she is still a crazy schoolgirl, after all. "Why don't you go for it anyway? I mean, I know a no-holds-barred fight to the finish for the belt would be more dynamic than one with anyone else, but still. See if you can get it, and see if you like it or not." He pauses. "Does that work for you, or is there anything else you're harboring a grudge over?"
Ah, this is the important part, Hime's going to need to pay close attention here but really, as if she'd do anything else? Elbow propped into the opposite arms hand and stroking her chin thoughtfully, the saikyo fighter puts the pieces togeather and nods her head slowly. "I see.. Well, of course you wouldn't understand, you don't seem like someone who's been a fan of anyone before. When someone you really admire just does something so... Questionable, of course their fans are gonna get mad! But I guess I didn't really see things from your point of view either, it does sort of make sense, kind of.. But ok!"
Hime grins again, eyes open with firey, fierce determination! "That's good advice, I definatly will then! I'll do it and it'll be really cool! But.. Traaaa~aan.." her hands clasped togeather, the little fighter raising them to one of her suddenly reddened cheeks, "What are you talking about I don't have a grudge with you, no way, where did you even get an idea like that? You made me mad but you can make it up to me with a sno cone, that's totally different." <3
"Well, that is true..." Tran? A fan? Perish the thought. He's far too busy doing ACTION THINGS to ever moon over someone who's way more badass than he could ever be. It's kind of depressing.
But to be honest, he still doesn't entirely get it. He's pretty sure Hime doesn't quite get where he's coming from, either, in part because he hasn't really told her the whole of why he did what he did. Like Tran already mentioned, it's kinda hard to explain. The whole thing is enough to give him a headache, so clearly the only solution is to move on as swiftly as possible. "I'll be rooting for you, anyway. Consider the sno cone a good luck gift." What sno cone? Why, the one Dr. Tran is presently going to buy. One of a pair, because he hasn't forgotten what he originally set out to do! Or, well, he did, but now he's been reminded. And he's going to do it!
Hime .. Doesn't get it. but Tran is just so gosh darn convincing that she figures she'll get it in due time, she's pretty lenient about that sort of thing today. And besides, it is -way- too hot to be trying to think so hard. Also, free sno-cone. As one might expect the heroines eyes light up and she hops, throwing her hands in the air, "Yeaah!! Thanks, Tran, I won't disappoint you! So," she zips around the table, and turns her sign around so it reads 'Back At' and twirls the little clock dial for ten minutes. The table will be fiiiine. "Let's go!"
And so really, that's just about that. She won't be picking a fight with him today. As thus he'll live a day longer.
Log created on 14:54:58 06/14/2008 by Himeko, and last modified on 18:59:02 08/06/2008.