Neo League 701 - Exhibition: Adelheid vs Jiro

Description: Jiro and Adelheid fought plenty of times. Well, these two fighters get their chance to fight again. Unfortunately, Jiro had fallen under the hands of Adelheid's might. (Winner: Adelheid)

It is another televised event that is not Saturday Night Fight. While the SNF has had quite a bit of popularity as of late, ther has been a need for more performances through the Neo League. As the produces were finding who should battle, they chose the figures that looked quite alike in some aspects.
Adelheid was contacted. He was requested to show up for a fight to appease the fans. Jiro was then contacted. The officer figured 'hell, why not?'.
Jiro doesn't quite know who his opponent is, but it doesn't matter too much. With the usual attire that consists of his sleeveless blue vest, black undershirt, and the white pants, Jiro is making his way through the crowd of people gathered outside.
Cracking his knuckles, Jiro's desire for a fight overtakes anything else at the moment. The Interpol officer wants to know: Who is the opponent that he is fighting?

Adelheid had been expecting another challenge from the not-so-stray dog ever since their last meeting, really. That it comes via scheduler wiles before the other blonde manages to track him down just sweets the proposition, really. The fact that Jiro shows up no-questions-asked is just like him... Adelheid is not nearly so trusting, but he is punctual, racing up to the outskirts of the old-fashioned brawl in the mall on his black and silver-chromed performance BMW motorcycle, skidding to a stop near the crowd and dismounting smoothly, the prodigal Bernstein clad in black leather, a riding suit of perfectly fitted blacks and silvers in one stylish piece accentuated by the heavy black leather boots he wears on his feet. Black half-gloves are pulled taut and the Prince of War too pushes through the crowd, into the area marked off for their fight. As soon as he comes into view, the crimson-eyed youth smirks towards Jiro slightly, "I saw you and your mother on the cover of Star last week, Kasagi. I think they were postulating that she slept with a crimelord, or some such. You know, Rugal?" The smirk remains steady.
Jiro always makes a stupid twin joke. This time, the joke's on him, "But I think they ran the same story last year, saying your father was Kain. .... apparently there are a lot of options."
.... as always, it's most entertaining if Jiro is running a bit hot. Adel has no compunction about pushing the officer above and beyond the call of duty.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid has started a fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Jiro has joined the fight here.

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////////////]
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Jiro

Of course, Jiro gets his wish of the arrival when there is the BMW motorcycle pulling up to reveal the rider. At least, after the man finishes getting out of the vehicle. When he pulls out of the bike in his black leather, Jiro grunts for a few moments, observing the motorcycle. He mumbles a bit, recalling that Hotaru is a bit against him getting a new motorcycle. Damn Dante. Damn the fact that he totalled his motorcycle for good.
Jiro grunts once, then he quirks an eyebrow at Adelheid. "Oh? ...Tsch!" His eyes narrow once at the comment of him and his mother, "So, did they postulate of who your mom is too?" He has a feral grin once more. But then, when he makes mention on the situation with Kain, Jiro -grunts-.
The young man tightens his fists and he is already starting off towards Adelheid. "Son of a..." As the young man rushes into the fray, Jiro leaps off of the ground and he twists his hip, thrusting the left foot to swing out towards the right cheek of Adelheid.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid just-defends Jiro's Light Kick!

[\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////////// ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|-------\-------\0             Jiro

There's nothing worse for a fighter than being unable to replace your vehicle on a whim. If not for all of Jiro's paternity payments....
Sadly, Jiro's retort falls on deaf ears, "Oh, I already know the answer to that question. Don't project your confusion, Kasagi." His left foot sweeps in, a perfectly executed flying kick, but it cleaves only air. Adelheid weaves underneath, and just as quickly, rotates an arm to deflect the kicking leg wide, adding momentum to Jiro's twist as he's sent beyond, rather than into the platinum blonde Bernstein.
"Pft." Adelheid breathes, dismissively, spitting once on the asphalt, "You're going to have to do a lot better than that." His words come in synch with a sudden, blurring charge forward, launching an elbow strike full bore at neck level, unconcerned with whether Jiro turns in time to defend himself. This would be followed, ideally, by a brutal, rib-jarring uppercut to his guts or lower back, and a sudden, snapping shin kick that erupts with silver-grey energy, a shearing edge of rampant wind-chi that threatens to rip the not-so-Stray Dog's feet right out from under him, and send him to the unforgiving ground.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Jiro with Grosse Stob.
- Power hit! -

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  //////////////////////        ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0             Jiro

A loudspeaker sends out the most annoying feedback. This.. Can't.. Be.. Good..

"Heya Fight fans! Sorry I'm late, here's another installment of the Naeleague! Today we have fighting, Mystery fighter number one and Ultra Police Man Jiro. Sounds like the title to one of those japanese cartoons ah-knee-ma? Right? Or was that Ah-knee-mee, I think it was the later, hah. Sso lets recap, it looks like, ouch yes, the mystery man is so far winning, and if you know the way this goes down, probably what'll we'll hear nexxt is something cryptic about Jiro's upbringing followed by invitations going out for the next King of Fighters! I tell you what, these people are pretty predictable, am I right or what? Now, here's Nae-nae's keys for Jiro winning this match. On to you, Sylvester."

Perhaps charging intot he fight was not a good idea. See, when Adelheid had weaved underneath the kick and rotated the foot out to go another direction, Jiro is sent beyond Adelheid's form. There is a bit of a swear underneath his breath as he is continuing forward.
This is bad. Why? Well, Adelheid is moving against Jiro in order to strike the man at the back of the neck. His eyes widen as his head tilts back. "...Shit....!" He could feel it nearly breaking. Then, Jiro is given an uppercut along the back, knocked off of the ground. Before he can recover, he is getting that shin kick with the chi that tears right into his form.
Jiro is torn and blown at a few feet from Adelheid, groaning in pain. He is a bit out of it and the annoying feedback is not helping. He can hear the voice of the annoyance, Naerose. "Mmrrgggg...." Jiro is trying to work his way on focusing on the fight again.

COMBATSYS: Jiro focuses on his next action.

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ///////////////////////       ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-----==|====---\-------\0             Jiro

Hah. Naerose. Adelheid has recently familiarized himself with the 'witch'-turned-fight announcer. Today is definitely an interesting day. Jiro is sent hurtling forward, and as he struggles to regain his bearings, the Prince of War's attention is fully on Kasagi, still. He doesn't exactly expect Naerose to be difficult to track down, and besides, it's rather amusing.
The burst of power subsides, its wake a gentle breeze, and the Bernstein heir studies Jiro for a moment as he begins to rise, "This isn't exactly what I meant by better, Kasagi. Step it up! You look like an amateur out here." He knows Jiro has plenty of fight left in him... but he's not about to cut the brawler any breaks, after the show the riled officer put on on the Metro rooftops.
... one of many more reasons for the taunts, and for Adelheid suddenly leaping upwards, leaving a second eruption of silvery chi behind him, the lancing blade cleaving a ragged wave across the lot towards Jiro, the Prince of War seeking to blast the other blonde before he can fully recover, and give him a little more to worry about.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Jiro with Reppukyaku.

[   \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////////////             ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1             Jiro

.....~Sweet~..... ......~Merciful~....... ........~Silence~.......

Naenae has yet failed to teach any incarnation of Sylvester to talk. Therefore when she holds the megaphone to the white bunny, it just tries to chew on it and then looks like a deer in head lights, then tries to run away, were it not tied with a rope to Nae's ankle.

"That's right Sylvester, Jiro will have to use Mystery man's weaknesses. His main weakness appears to be... The witch looks through her SNF cards, then just makes something up.

"Respect? Weird, okay."

"Jiiiro! Quick, he'll respect you as a fighter if you.. umm.. try hard! Then all you gotta do is I dunno.. what a lame weakness."

She tosses the card over her shoulder, it turns out to be an index card.

This is not Jiro's day. Not at all.
Adelheid, for the most part, is having a nice bit of time beating the hell out of Jiro. That first attack nearly did Jiro in, knocking the crap out of him. When Adelheid leaps upward and then he shoots a lance of silver chi the young man's way, the Kasagi aims to leap away from the volting blade.
Unfortunately, Jiro is struck dead center as the blade pierces the young man's stomach. His eyes widen and he nearly cries out in pain. Nevertheless, Jiro grips into the air and then he immediately launches his right hand out to manifest a blade of scarlet chi.
With the energy resonating at the chest, Jiro tears towards Adelheid, ignoring the urge to burn Naerose along the way. As soon as the energy disappears from piercing his chest, Jiro leaps off of the ground, aiming to meet with Adelheid. Then, he aims to zoom by his side to swing the blade across Adelheid's chest.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid just-defends Jiro's Firebrand!

[ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  ////////////////              ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-----==|=======\-------\1             Jiro

That's right Sylvester. Don't play her games. Don't give an inch to the crazy dictator playing warden in your own personal hades. For her part, Naerose seems prophetic. No respect for Jiro yet, though, it seems.
The talented Kasagi charges all-out once more, launching a strike with that impressive, flaming edge of energy. The fires crush in on target, but a flanking twist brings crossed arms out in front of Adel, bracing them and slaming them as if to intercept the 'sword' itself. The storm within the young Bernstein rages ever higher, and his brow creases as his focus redoubles. The flaming edge arcs in, and it is torn asunder before it can even make contact, its force blasting outwards in a heated wave, a deep breath the only exertion shown from the Prince of War as he steps back from the deflected maelstrom and arches one platinum brow towards Jiro, "You're not going to give up yet, are you? That one was actually pretty good. But your mastery over your chi is incomplete. You have no discipline."
Adelheid launches himself into the air, flipping forward and diving with impressive, high velocity force down on Jiro, seeking to quite directly clothesline him to the pavement. Stealing one of Kasagi's favorite tricks for himself.... and seeking to improve upon it to boot.

COMBATSYS: Jiro interrupts Quick Throw from Adelheid with Scarlet Slaughter.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >  /////////                     ]
Adelheid         0/-------/=======|====---\-------\0             Jiro

"Woah, did Jiro just take my advice..?" The witch states, into the megaphone before coming up with an alternative explanation,

"Nah, he probably is far to proud to take advice from anyone's advice."

But.. she does seem to think that Jiro might of garnered some respect from Adelheid. Also, she has a job to do.

"Check it out fight fans! Jiro Kasagi might not be displaying a mastery of chi or discipline, but he is showing a mastery of tht never give up attitude! This is sure to earn him points somewhere as he manages to hammer Adelheid with a brutal.. brutal.. " Her shades have fogged up from the exclaiming of non-sense and once again a merciful silence comes as she is forced to put the megaphone in front of Sylvester, close her eyes, then remove the shades to clean them.. Which is hard to do blind.

Not. Good. Can we say that Jiro's luck is doing very poorly this fight? Well, it is said that Jiro will get a chance to eventually recover. Not something that is the most fun for the Kasagi to deal with. When Adelheid and Jiro collide together, Jiro is forcing that blade down his form until the flame is torn asunder. Both eyes widen when the Prince of War steps back. Gritting his teeth, Jiro is tightening his fists before he takes a step back himself.
"...I'll never give up. Not until I can't get up!" The young man grunts at the mention of no discipline. But he is right, isn't he? There is still room for improvement on Jiro's chi. He has to master that. But discipline? Sigh. Perhaps. But it is Jiro's raw self-discipline that got him this far. But of course, there is that lacking that he still has.
With no time to dwell on that, Jiro is watching Adelheid come his way towards the pavement. "ARRGGHHH!!! This is my bang!" As Adelheid catches Jiro with the arm towards his neck, Jiro is releasing a powerful uppercut to catch the young prince off of his momentum. Reeling back , Jiro takes a step back with the right leg, gaining his stance once more to a hard horse stance as the fist gathers forth the powerful scarlet chi. The flaming energy resonates, then he extends his arm right towards the man's stomach, releasing a powerful explosion to have Adelheid flying. At the same time, the power sends Jiro reeling back, having him fall on his back. "Eghhnnn!" Jiro looks a tad tired and worse for wear, but he is slowly getting back onto his feet.

There's an audible crack, a tangible shockwave as the descending clothesline and forceful uppercut meet, and it's Jiro's strength that wins out this time. Blasted backwards, the searing energy gives the Bernstein heir his first notable pain of the fight. Hurled away from Jiro, he crashes hard to the lot, scuffing the shoulder of his bodysuit rather badly before he rolls back up in a three point crouch, a low, mirthful chuckle sounding from him mouth, as he catches his breath momentarily, "What? What the hell did you say?" Adelheid pushes to his feet, and shakes his head, "You're hyping up /that/?" The chuckle sounds again, though there is indeed analytical focus, respect in the crimson eyes as they focus in on Jiro.
Nonetheless. Both arms stretch out to his sides, and his fingers splay open, "Fucking. Clown. Shoes." A tremendous charge of reverberating blue-white chi thrums to life in each of his hands, muscles flexing as he focuses more and more power into the dual, wildly fluctuating orbs. In an instant, a tremendous charge of chi is gathered, and he swings his arms forward, the energy roiling over itself, redoubling in resonating fury as it projects forward in a massive, roughly half-spherical crescent larger than Jiro himself, a tidal wave of focused chi energy intent on ripping him asunder... perhaps literally.

COMBATSYS: Adelheid successfully hits Jiro with Crown Prince.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  < >                                ]
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|=======\===----\1             Jiro

Naerose is awestruck to further silence because she gets her shades back on, opens her eyes, only after hearing Adelheid exclaim some things then sees power headed toward Jiro, but more than see it.. She felt it. Her eyes calculate from Jiro back to Adelheid, mainly Adelheid. Her attention fixes more on him with the look of someone dreaming a little scheme.

"Well fight fans.. That will probably jsust about do it, I'mgonnagetouttahere." Naerose says into the megaphone, tucks it into her hat, grabs Sylvester and darts off for her scooter. Under her breath she murmurs,
"But I'll be back."

Jiro has gotten up since the Scarlet Slaughter attack. He's weary. He is worn. Oh man, is he hurting. Jiro coughs up a bit, clutching his chest when he looks towards Adelheid, growling under his breath. There is a blink given as Jiro asks, "...Fucking clown shoes?" H looks a -tad confused over the statement, but then...
... The blue-white chi manifests and form into the orbs. As the chi gathers, the energy becomes a half-spherical crescent of destruction. Jiro's eyes widen when he can see the tidal wave flowing over him. Shifting his stance, Jiro is opting to avoid the strike.
...But instead, it hits home, engulfing him in the light. His eyes widen as he screams in pain. He can feel the energy tearing into him, leaving him an entire mess.
..As the energy clears, Jiro is clutching onto his chest, bleeding profusely while the clothes look worn. From his body is a resonation of scarlet chi in the form of mist. That misty energy swirls along his body, then Jiro falls onto one knee.
Fireflies flutter along him, made of that scarlet chi before he grits his teeth and looks towards Adelheid.
Bloodspit. "Heh... One. Last. Show."
His hand plants to the ground. Then, an orb is bursting from his hand, releasing itself in an explosion as the dome of energy encompasses his body. It tears through the surroundings, aiming to consume Adelheid as well.
...Pass or fail... Jiro collapses on his face.

COMBATSYS: Jiro can no longer fight.

[        \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         0/-------/-------|

COMBATSYS: Adelheid reflects Indignation from Jiro with Dark Barrier.
- Power hit! -

[          \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  <
Adelheid         0/-------/------=|

Clown shoes. A crimson JOKE!! ... alright, so maybe not. It did sting, after all. But not quite like the ravaging (haha) wave that washes over Jiro. As the agent manages to regain his bearings, Adelheid resets his stance, simply studying Jiro, nnot bothering to retreat as Jiro closes the distance, and consumes the area in energy.
Normally, Jiro is supposed to pass unscathed through the maelstrom of this attack. Normally, it's supposed to sear and launch the other person away. Rather inefficient, but hell. The problem, in this case, is Adel's outstretched palm, which conjurse a coalescant disc of silvery energy, the swirling barrier meeting the expanding wall of fire forcefully, a rippling shockwave shaking the dome, shaking the Dark Barrier, and then the oppositional chi polarizes.... and Jiro's fires explode back inward, erupting away and through the not-so-Stray Dog and helping to relieve him of whatever fight might be left in him.
"The curtain already fell." Adelheid intones simply, as he tenses behind the wall of chi, as the last bits of shrapnel dissipate. The audience seems to have backed up a full ten feet on all sides during that little display.

Log created on 11:17:05 06/14/2008 by Jiro, and last modified on 14:39:22 06/17/2008.